Hosea 3:1-3
Once again the Lord spoke to me. And this time he said, “Hosea, fall in love with an unfaithful woman who has a lover. Do this to show that I love the people of Israel, even though they worship idols and enjoy the offering cakes made with fruit.”So I paid fifteen pieces of silver and about ten bushels of grain for such a woman. Then I said, “Now you are mine! You will have to remain faithful to me, though it will be a long time before we sleep together.”
Hosea was such a clueless hoser.
I marvel again at the sheer inanity of the bible and those who cite it as inerrant.
How did Hosea know the woman was unfaithful?
If this was the case, why wasn’t she stoned to death according to the law?
15 pieces of silver and some grain? What’s love got to do with it?
What sort of grain? A dry bushel’s actual weight varies a fair amount.
From Wikipedia:
Thus, the actual product is left to the imagination, like so much of the rest of the buybull. The word “grain” here is completely ambiguous.
Seeing as they didn’t have corn back then, the most likely grain being mentioned here would be barley. It could be wheat, but wheat was not a common cereal resource outside of the Middle East until the Roman Empire conquered Egypt. I believe it originated in the fertile crescent, during the time of the Babylonian empire.
That being said, the idea that a few hundred pounds of cereal and a couple of bucks worth of silver was enough to purchase an experienced female back then is amazing, considering what it costs now.
Of course, that could easily mean some poor woman who had been raped was much less desirable as a wife than a little girl. Those bronze-age Middle Eastern folk had some strange proclivities.
Speaking of cheap sluts.
I wonder where this mindset comes from. It’s like a goddamn mass-poisoning combination of lead and ergot, coupled with multi-generational congenital syphilis.
OMG. Palin’s word salad never fails to amaze.
I think she’s trying to beam into the teahaddists’ minds that they were supposed to perseverate about the ‘failed government’, and the filibuster reform is aimed to distract from that. Huh? It’s obvious that they want government to fail – it’s more treason from the right.
On that note, Cornyn is whining that the nuke deal with Iran is an effort to distract from ACA/Obamacare.
They obviously realize that their base is eminently distractable – LOOK AT THAT SHINY GAY PERSON OVER THERE!! BENGHAAAAZZZZIIII!!! – saying it so openly, it’s utter contempt for their marks, and it’s obvious.
Of course, the Teahaddist leadership has nothing to fear – just watch – puddibigot will be along any minute now, confirming our worst fears about the congenital stupidity of the right’s pawns.
Palin seems to be taking on a Leona Helmsley persona, and doing it quite well.
I this your first time hearing from Me? If so, you are free to repeat My words but do not insist that YOUR words and actions are mine.
Why do Christians deify these meandering mutterings of a very disturbed guy, seeking solace in a prostitute because his world was being threatened with destruction by the Assyrians?
Is that the kind of God they think I am?
Who decided to include the scraps of writing by Hosea in a bible supposedly endorsed by Me? Who collected these scraps and who declared them sacrosanct? Not Me!
Do you give the same credibility to Raphael Cruz, Mitt Romney, or the Ayatolla Khameini? Was Hosea even a Jew or was he a Samaritan married to a local whore?
Do you honor him thusly because his descendants became the Mormons?
Narcissistic seattle jew who occasionally plays god on HA:
Nope. Hosea said god told him to do this crazy shit. Some other hebrew idiot wrote it down. A bunch of modern day fascist wack jobs claim this as scripture.
It doesn’t withstand the merest scrutiny.
I give “him” and them no credit, just mock.
Sequester of the modern acolytes in a re-education camp would be preferable, but this particular form of delusion is protected in the Constitution.
Speaking of religious people’s proclivities.
Man, there are some strange motherfuckers out there in the world. How much you wanna bet there are still thousands of people out there defending and supporting this guy?
No worries, women like that are frigid anyway.
Why are atheists always such assholes?
@ 10
We’re not assholes, we’re just beyond the point of trying to be rational or nice with people who shove their bullshit “religion” in peoples faces just to gain access to their money and their children.
“Why are atheists always such assholes?”
God made us that way.