Jeremiah 20:14-18
Cursed be the day I was born! May the day my mother bore me not be blessed! Cursed be the man who brought my father the news, who made him very glad, saying, “A child is born to you—a son!” May that man be like the towns the LORD overthrew without pity. May he hear wailing in the morning, a battle cry at noon. For he did not kill me in the womb, with my mother as my grave, her womb enlarged forever. Why did I ever come out of the womb to see trouble and sorrow and to end my days in shame?
Happy Mother’s Day. Discuss.
I love these quotes. Yo – mouth breathing flat earthers – try understanding
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” means that I shouldn’t have to put up with your goddam Christo-Fascism plastering ‘god’ all over the goddam place.
you get your beliefs does NOT equal you get to use the state to push them down my throat.
oh yeah, and if ANY of you stupid fucks knew any history, you’d know that all the various flavors of christianity from europe had and have spent centuries slaughtering each other and others over their goddam bible –
this is NOT a ‘christian’ nation – it is a nation filled with hate filled intolerant christo-fascists.
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
Mohandas Gandhi
My first post should be edited as follows
oh yeah, and if ANY of you stupid fucks knew any history, you’d know that MANY OF the various flavors of christianity from europe had and have spent centuries slaughtering each other, and others, over their goddam bible –
this is NOT a ‘christian’ nation – it is a with a lot of people claiming to be christians, and a hateful intolerant minority of christo-fascists making the majority of Christians look bad.”
– I grew up with typewriters & it takes me 2 or 3 printed copies to catch 90% of the gaffes AND, I’m not going to spend my time or money printing freaking blog comments.
Jeremiah needs him some Prozac.
Seabos84, check out ‘American Fascists’ by Christopher Hedges….if you want more larger caliber ammunition.
Would that be one of those famous Jeremiads? Cursed be the day that another false holiday has been forced upon us to buy gifts and expend yet more shekels upon usreless and trivial things!
And I still want that Kawasaki power tool set for father’s day. It’s at Costco. Better buy me one now before they run out.
Because insulting people right off the bat is a SURE way of influencing them. PUnk.
Hey Seabos –
It’s pretty easy picking on the Christians, they do that whole ‘turn the other cheek’ thing. Man up and go after Muslims, draw a few comics of Mohammed, see what that gets ya.
Happy Fatwa.
re 7: Christians? I thought that Jeremiah was old testament — you know — like the ten commandments.
Terrorists use defaming Mohammed as an excuse to hide behind so they can kill people — kind of like the crusades for Christians.
But, I do agree that if the peaceful Muslims cannot control their brothers, then perhaps it would be best for everybody if the Muslim religion were erased.
We could start by bombing the kaaba when they are all dancing around it.
Capt’ @8:
You’re absolutely correct. There’s no mention of Jesus in the Old Testament. But when those Christians want biblical justification to hate others right along side God Almighty, It’s the Old Testament they turn too.
That God of the Old Testament was a mean bastard and had no qualms about the slaughter of innocents.
That’s why many early Christian sects believed Jesus came to show a very different God. One who was far more benign and powerful from the miscreant one of the Old Testament.
Those sects were subsequently purged and their writings burned as heretical by the more politically viable orthodoxy we now know as the Catholic Church. They would have you believe the current biblical canon is all there ever was and that not only that was what Jesus intended, but also all his followers believed from the his purported resurrection.
Jeremiah: The Ultimate Jewish Son
Nice rant @1 and 3.
Just for the record, from an atheist to the xtrianist wingnut WATB trolls who waste their time here:
We’re equal opportunity picker onners, muslims whatever, you mouthbreathers just happen to be handy!
We despise ALL fundies but we’ll mostly tolerate cloistered delusion.
So, be deluded as ya wanna be, handle snakes, whatever, just keep it to yourselves, OK? Cuz otherwise, we get to mock you.
So …
Now perhaps some will understand why I have never endorsed the human claim to authority over my words?
The man who does not love his mother, the mother who does not love her child, the father who does not love the mother of their children, the priest or nun who claims to love Me more than their fellows, these are like the words of Jeremiah.
I am that I am.
I am that I am.
Wait, God is Popeye? Wow, i didn’t see that coming.
I thought Mr. Cynical nailed it the other day when he said something like “you can easily pick out Goldy’s mama on Mother’s Day in Philly, she is the one with the most disappointed look on her face”.
Even though I am far from being a Cynical fan, that was pretty funny.
Oh yeah, that’s a real knee slapper.
Genuflect to the spinach!
Canned spinach is yukee.
I would make it harem if I were not afraid of limiting human free will.
I am that I am.
Genuflect to the FRESH spinach!
“It’s pretty easy picking on the Christians, they do that whole ‘turn the other cheek’ thing.”
Errr…except the ones who just use it as a feint while they’re unholstering their Glocks….and the others who are more into spreading both cheeks (yanno, the ones with a “wide stance” or who need help carrying luggage, etc.)
@9 Gee…does the thought of a whole lot of people at a religious observance being incinerated help you get your rocks off, or what?
Better idea (and one Jesus would no doubt favor): everyone really needs to lighten up!
zitz and seaboss sound like athiest fundies.
akin to Lavrentiy GBS Beria – you put these types of people in charge and the blood letting will be epic…..