And why is it that the Jews refer to Me as both God and as the gods?
And why is it that the Jews refer to Me as both God and as the gods?
@ 1
Seems to me that maybe they’ve been hiding something. After all, the Abrahamic religions sought to replace all native faiths once they were discovered. They have butchered, raped, stolen, infected, burned and bulldozed every native belief system they’ve ever encountered. Especially the Animists and Shamanists.
Thats why calling oneself a “christian” is not a good character reference.
So there are other gods. Nuns never gave that bit of information up to the masses.
I can picture it now, the Lord God sporting his pink boa looking in disgust while ignoring the clamor of the other gods.
Dan Robinsonspews:
And the Lord God said, “Yo, bitches, I am the Lord God, and i be bringing it.”
@ 5
Don’t forget the blue wig, long yellow silk dress with the high heels and red fishnets, and enough makeup to plaster a house.
When I was living in San Francisco back in the late ’80s, the neighborhood I was living in had a Caberet that was close enough to be convenient for a quick shot-n-beer after work. One of the singers, dude named George, was the pure definition of a transvestite gay man. I liked him a lot.
He had his routine every Friday night, you wouldn’t know he was gay during the week just from seeing him around the neighborhood. But at night on the weekends, he’d do himself up as an old-school Caberet singer and had a pretty good voice.
He wasn’t God though. God would be bringing his own weed over, not sucking up your stash.
Dan Robinsonspews:
He wasn’t God though. God would be bringing his own weed over, not sucking up your stash.
Was God’s weed righteous?
@ 8
Dunno, never met the guy. I think I saw him once, but we were walking around the old bunker complex at Kirby Cove on acid, and he was sitting on the rocks, naked as a jaybird.
Can’t be sure though.
No Time for Fascistsspews:
Already done, that was in a marvel comic, one of the Thor bases series, where all the gods, of all the pantheons, were being judged by some helmet headed celestial being.
Or it could be like “Loki, you got some ‘splaining to do.” and “Don’t get me started on that imposter the KKKristians worship.”
If all the other gods owned stock, they wouldn’t have to work for the Lord God or be judged by Him. Independence is the name of the game, godlings! Be an owner, not an ower.
Porter Browningspews:
Arrogant jew bastards…
Porter Browningspews:
Hey there deathfrogg…
Where can I get some of that acid?
Roger Rabbitspews:
McDonalds’ solution to the low minimum wage: Set up a “Help” line to assist its employees in accessing public assistance.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns McDonalds stock and profits from the company’s low wages. What the hell, if Republicans are going to make people work for $8.25 an hour, why should they get all the profits. Democrats should get some of it, too. But even better would be raising the workers’ wages.)
And why is it that the Jews refer to Me as both God and as the gods?
And why is it that the Jews refer to Me as both God and as the gods?
@ 1
Seems to me that maybe they’ve been hiding something. After all, the Abrahamic religions sought to replace all native faiths once they were discovered. They have butchered, raped, stolen, infected, burned and bulldozed every native belief system they’ve ever encountered. Especially the Animists and Shamanists.
Thats why calling oneself a “christian” is not a good character reference.
The real history of Religion.
So there are other gods. Nuns never gave that bit of information up to the masses.
I can picture it now, the Lord God sporting his pink boa looking in disgust while ignoring the clamor of the other gods.
And the Lord God said, “Yo, bitches, I am the Lord God, and i be bringing it.”
@ 5
Don’t forget the blue wig, long yellow silk dress with the high heels and red fishnets, and enough makeup to plaster a house.
When I was living in San Francisco back in the late ’80s, the neighborhood I was living in had a Caberet that was close enough to be convenient for a quick shot-n-beer after work. One of the singers, dude named George, was the pure definition of a transvestite gay man. I liked him a lot.
He had his routine every Friday night, you wouldn’t know he was gay during the week just from seeing him around the neighborhood. But at night on the weekends, he’d do himself up as an old-school Caberet singer and had a pretty good voice.
He wasn’t God though. God would be bringing his own weed over, not sucking up your stash.
Was God’s weed righteous?
@ 8
Dunno, never met the guy. I think I saw him once, but we were walking around the old bunker complex at Kirby Cove on acid, and he was sitting on the rocks, naked as a jaybird.
Can’t be sure though.
Already done, that was in a marvel comic, one of the Thor bases series, where all the gods, of all the pantheons, were being judged by some helmet headed celestial being.
Or it could be like “Loki, you got some ‘splaining to do.” and “Don’t get me started on that imposter the KKKristians worship.”
@7 – sounds like a good time.
If all the other gods owned stock, they wouldn’t have to work for the Lord God or be judged by Him. Independence is the name of the game, godlings! Be an owner, not an ower.
Arrogant jew bastards…
Hey there deathfrogg…
Where can I get some of that acid?
McDonalds’ solution to the low minimum wage: Set up a “Help” line to assist its employees in accessing public assistance.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns McDonalds stock and profits from the company’s low wages. What the hell, if Republicans are going to make people work for $8.25 an hour, why should they get all the profits. Democrats should get some of it, too. But even better would be raising the workers’ wages.)
Religion is just another Big Business.
Good ol’ American Capitalism at work.