Genesis 9:20-25
Noah farmed the land and was the first to plant a vineyard. One day he got drunk and was lying naked in his tent. Ham entered the tent and saw him naked, then went back outside and told his brothers. Shem and Japheth put a robe over their shoulders and walked backwards into the tent. Without looking at their father, they placed it over his body.When Noah woke up and learned what his youngest son had done, he said, “I now put a curse on Canaan! He will be the lowest slave of his brothers.”
I am still amazed at the shame around nudity, or more lowbrow, being naked.
It’s pervasive and a foundation for the sex-shame and anti-happiness brutality that underlies the prudishness in this culture, the primacy of guilt- and shame-driven religiosity in the culture.
It’s one more piece of the self-loathing that is essential for religious elites to tell everyone else what to do, what is good, how to live. If you hate and are ashamed of yourself – and what is more self than you without the decoration of clothes? – and are a hopeless sinner – of course you need the preacherman and his Sky-Daddy to make you acceptable, to grant you entrance to the Big Party in the ‘next life’.
So, they were so ashamed at the idea of pop being drunk and passed out again that they entered his tent without knocking?
Ham: “Hey Pop, POP! Wake up ya fuckin lush. POP! Goddammit, someone get a blanket or something. that nasty old dick of his is bringing in every goddamn horsefly in the county. POP!(shake shakeshake….) POP! Fuckin drunk.”
Shem: “Damn, lookit the fuckin’ SIZE of that thing, no wonder Mom had that look on her face alla time.”
Japheth: “Shit, what stinks?”
Ham: “It’s Pop, he fuckin’ shit the bed again.”
Japheth: “Man, I ain’t goin’ in there. This happens every Saturday night. How the hell are we supposed to keep dealin’ with this?”
Ham: “Just go get a blanket or something, we’ll get him cleaned up later. We wake his drunk ass up now and there’s going to be hell to pay. You know what he’s like when he’s hung over.”
Shem, holding nose: “Fuck this shit. That old drunkie can clean up his own goddamn bed from now on.”
Ham: “Just don’t look at it. Cover him up with a blanket or something.”
Shem: “I really think we should wake him up.”
Ham: “No fuckin’ way. I ain’t gettin’ my ass kicked again. Japheth?”
Japheth: “Shit, we gotta do something. I can’t bear to see Pop like this.”
Ham: “Well, we gotta do something. He’s gettin worse y’know.”
Japheth: “Shem, here. Put this blanket over your head and walk backwards into the tent and lay it down over him.”
Shem: “Fuck man, this is bullshit. Why do I always have to be the one to clean him up?”
Ham: “Cause you’re his favorite.”
Japheth: “Here, Shem, I’ll do it with you. Just don’t look.”
Ham: “Fuckin drunk.”
Noah: “Whassis? Uh mutherfuggin blanket? Who did this? You fuggerz tryin’ to sweat me sober?”
Shem: “It was Ham Pop, I swear.”
Noah: “Fuggin kids. I swear alla y’all is a buncha fuggin sissyboyz. Fuck alla y’all.”
When I get like that, I just dig a new hole.
I was watching Gregory on MtP…interviewing Schumer and Coburn (balance!).
Gregory brought up concerns in a viewer poll: gerrymandering, money in politics and term limits.
His question to Coburn?
“Do we need Federal term limits?”
it’s instinctual – this reflexive adoption of right wing memes. Fuck them.
@2 a more believable and captivating account then anything ever written in the bible.
And for calling on Me to curse his Son, what happened to Noah?
You think Noah’s sons had it tough, what about these buttes?
If Noah really wanted to curse Canaan, he would send him to America for health care.
Here’s more proof of how fucked up our health care system is. According to The Economist, we spend 87% more per capita than Canada, but we’re only tied with them for quality of care.
It’s obvious our inefficient capitalist-robber system of health care wastes a lot of money, but conservatives don’t want to fix that. They like the system we had before Obamacare.
Former U.W. football coach Don James has died of pancreatic cancer at age 80. Marvin Durning, 84, a well-known local environmental attorney, also has died.
I’m not normally an Andrew Sullivan fan, but his take on the Teahaddists is spot on…