And the donkey said, ‘It’s okay, now that I have signed up for Obamacare, I’m covered.”
Balaam… a prophet of the goyem….
If he were alive today, imagine the words he would have for the Republicans!
There are prophets amongst the goyem today… They tell my truth.
These prophets can not be My prophets for the Jews because the defy My laws.
The goyem should ask themselves if they consider those who closed down your government to be My prophets o?
Sunday Revelations: Believers in Me are bound by My Law to tell the truth.
Republicans who vote with their party to make false statements about the ACA are breaking this Law.
Believers in Me know that vain glory, is not a good.
Believers in Me are bound to do no harm to others unless in defense of some greater good.
The Republicans who refuse to fund your government have no good in mind but vain glory.
For those who call themselves Christians, you should
Panic over where you are going if you follow these sinful people.
It’s too late for GOATBOY.
GOATBOY has lost his way and now follows the fallen one.
Boehner was saying this to Ted Cruz just the other day…
Roger Rabbitspews:
Even in Biblical times, Republicans were violent and wanted to kill every donk who talked back to them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Even in Biblical times, Republicans wanted to kill every donk who gave them backtalk. Well, it’s easy to make Republicans look like fools, isn’t it? That’s not really the donks’ fault.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Every once in a while the Republican Times does some decent journalism work, despite its absurd editorial slant. Today the Times is tackling the deplorable treatment of mentally ill people in Washington, which “ranks at the bottom of the country for psychiatric-treatment beds per capita.” Between 2009 and 2012, the Times reports, the number of people subjected to “psychiatric boarding” — i.e., confined in ERs without being treated — has quintupled. The practice is becoming “routine” and the mentally ill are now held “in chaotic hospital emergency departments and ill-equipped medical rooms … frequently parked in hallways or bound to beds, usually given medication but otherwise no psychiatric care.” In short, a full-blown scandal.
He says there aren’t enough votes to pass it. If that’s the case then he has nothing to lose.
What pisses me off is the deafening silence of religious types! Have any of Seattle’s good clerics had the gonads to speak out in outrage?
Does the son need to speak out when his father parades Nazi rhetoric? ?
Mr Cruz Sr,, may be a pastor BUT:
“In a speech at a GOP dinner in Colorado, the senior Cruz claimed that “if the winds shift” the president was likely to “side with the Muslims.”
When an excited woman in the audience yelled, “He is a Muslim,” Mr. Cruz responded with, “McCain couldn’t say that because it wasn’t politically correct. It is time we stop being politically correct!”
These words imply that despite Obama’s longtime allegiance to the Christian faith, he secretly practices Islam — an accusation Republicans have entertained for years, along with denying the president’s citizenship. Both notions have been thoroughly debunked.
The senator’s father also spouted off with a slew of derogatory, if unfounded, statements about the Affordable Care Act.
“As a matter of fact, one of the things in Obamacare is that for the elderly, every five years you must have end-of-life counseling,” he said. “Translation: suicide counseling.”
Mr. Cruz, a Cuban refugee who moved to the U.S. in his youth, also attacked “RINOs” (“Republicans in name only”) who disagree with his son’s actions to shut down the government.
“What is sad is the RINOs who went running to vote with Harry Reid,” he said. “I know I am in a Republican Party meeting. If you want to throw tomatoes at me, throw tomatoes at me, but unfortunately, you cannot say that the Republican Party is without blame. We have too many RINOs in the Republican Party.”
He continued, “They have no clue of what’s happening in the country. As a matter of fact, most of them refused to have town hall meetings because they didn’t want to face we the people. They have their minds made up, and basically their idea is this: ‘You’re too stupid and I know what I’m doing.’”
Mr. Cruz also called separation of church and state “idiotic,” and blamed the state of Congress on the fact that “three of four evangelical Christians sat home in the last election.””
Book of J.
And the donkey said, ‘It’s okay, now that I have signed up for Obamacare, I’m covered.”
Balaam… a prophet of the goyem….
If he were alive today, imagine the words he would have for the Republicans!
There are prophets amongst the goyem today… They tell my truth.
These prophets can not be My prophets for the Jews because the defy My laws.
The goyem should ask themselves if they consider those who closed down your government to be My prophets o?
Sunday Revelations: Believers in Me are bound by My Law to tell the truth.
Republicans who vote with their party to make false statements about the ACA are breaking this Law.
Believers in Me know that vain glory, is not a good.
Believers in Me are bound to do no harm to others unless in defense of some greater good.
The Republicans who refuse to fund your government have no good in mind but vain glory.
For those who call themselves Christians, you should
Panic over where you are going if you follow these sinful people.
It’s too late for GOATBOY.
GOATBOY has lost his way and now follows the fallen one.
Boehner was saying this to Ted Cruz just the other day…
Even in Biblical times, Republicans were violent and wanted to kill every donk who talked back to them.
Even in Biblical times, Republicans wanted to kill every donk who gave them backtalk. Well, it’s easy to make Republicans look like fools, isn’t it? That’s not really the donks’ fault.
Every once in a while the Republican Times does some decent journalism work, despite its absurd editorial slant. Today the Times is tackling the deplorable treatment of mentally ill people in Washington, which “ranks at the bottom of the country for psychiatric-treatment beds per capita.” Between 2009 and 2012, the Times reports, the number of people subjected to “psychiatric boarding” — i.e., confined in ERs without being treated — has quintupled. The practice is becoming “routine” and the mentally ill are now held “in chaotic hospital emergency departments and ill-equipped medical rooms … frequently parked in hallways or bound to beds, usually given medication but otherwise no psychiatric care.” In short, a full-blown scandal.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is driven by lack of resources, pure and simple, which in turn is driven by our state’s lack of a rational tax system.
Here’s the link to email the Speaker of the House. Let him know it’s time for him to put a clean CR up for a vote.
He says there aren’t enough votes to pass it. If that’s the case then he has nothing to lose.
What pisses me off is the deafening silence of religious types! Have any of Seattle’s good clerics had the gonads to speak out in outrage?
Does the son need to speak out when his father parades Nazi rhetoric? ?
Mr Cruz Sr,, may be a pastor BUT:
“In a speech at a GOP dinner in Colorado, the senior Cruz claimed that “if the winds shift” the president was likely to “side with the Muslims.”
When an excited woman in the audience yelled, “He is a Muslim,” Mr. Cruz responded with, “McCain couldn’t say that because it wasn’t politically correct. It is time we stop being politically correct!”
These words imply that despite Obama’s longtime allegiance to the Christian faith, he secretly practices Islam — an accusation Republicans have entertained for years, along with denying the president’s citizenship. Both notions have been thoroughly debunked.
The senator’s father also spouted off with a slew of derogatory, if unfounded, statements about the Affordable Care Act.
“As a matter of fact, one of the things in Obamacare is that for the elderly, every five years you must have end-of-life counseling,” he said. “Translation: suicide counseling.”
Mr. Cruz, a Cuban refugee who moved to the U.S. in his youth, also attacked “RINOs” (“Republicans in name only”) who disagree with his son’s actions to shut down the government.
“What is sad is the RINOs who went running to vote with Harry Reid,” he said. “I know I am in a Republican Party meeting. If you want to throw tomatoes at me, throw tomatoes at me, but unfortunately, you cannot say that the Republican Party is without blame. We have too many RINOs in the Republican Party.”
He continued, “They have no clue of what’s happening in the country. As a matter of fact, most of them refused to have town hall meetings because they didn’t want to face we the people. They have their minds made up, and basically their idea is this: ‘You’re too stupid and I know what I’m doing.’”
Mr. Cruz also called separation of church and state “idiotic,” and blamed the state of Congress on the fact that “three of four evangelical Christians sat home in the last election.””