Honey badger is a badass, he doesn’t give a shit. I wouldn’t want to try to eat him.
What the fuck is a rock badger? Is it like a guinea pig? Cause they eats guinea pigs in Peru. I hear it is rather tasty. My buddy in Philadelphia would be appalled. She has guinea pigs.
I doubt this meat was really that forbidden. It always seems to be the case that when something is forbidden to the plebiscite by an authority, generally it is merely reserving that thing for the authority and guaranteeing the supply for themselves. After all, once one achieves a certain level of authority in a religious organization, nothing is really forbidden. Little boy or girl bedwarmers. Drugs. Skimming the offerings. Luxurious trappings like giant yachts and mansions or exotic car collections. It’s just a business like any other, albeit a highly lucrative one.
The right “preacher” can become a millionaire by the time he’s 25, and die a billionaire. See Pat Robertson or Joel Olsteen. Those fuckers are making bank on religion. It’s all in the name of god, whatever that is. Convince the rubes that something is evil and a sin, that just leaves the sinning to the people who are best equipped to handle it. After all, not everyone can manufacture exemptions for themselves without the support of a loving and devoted congregation.
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
Indeed. Who in their right mind would come up with a religion that banned BACON?! (Not to mention coppa or prosciutto or Iberico ham, pulled pork, or nearly every sausage…..)
It strikes me….a really effective way to control people to to tell them that their most basic, normal, natural needs and urges are sinful…sex foremost, but also masturbation, and as we see above, food, particularly and infamously delectable pork products.
You get people fearing and loathing themselves sufficiently, and you have…the puddybigot, of course, or rather a really twisted, really hateful populace looking for redemption. Just happens I got some redemption right here – It’ll only cost you a weekly donation in perpetuity and your eternal devotion. Oh, and stay guilty or you’re damned to eternal torture when you die.
We see above the example of a Jewish law, from the OT. Now of course, people will rationalize these as appropriate cautions against eating potentially bad food, useful back in the Iron Age when it was written. Perhaps the explanation for the success of Christianity, which of course sprang from Romanized Judaism, is that the Christians learned to better codify and monetize guilt – creating reliable and robust cash-flow.
@ 3
The best way to monetize guilt and fear is to make sure the object of that guilt is impossible to ignore. It’s like banning alcohol, creating a massive terror campaign around its use and then letting the black market for it run wild. The biggest public-relations campaign around preventing the repeal of prohibition run by Anslinger and W.R. Hearst was pointing out the warfare amongst the bootleggers and the Mafia. “See? This is what booze does to people!”
When it became clear that prohibition was going to be repealed, the men who financed its creation in the first place realized they were probably going to lose their jobs, so they switched the object of their fear and guilt to Marijuana, and publicized how much the black folks and Messicans and Filipinos seemed to be using it, and how it turned an ordinarily servile, humble factory worker or field hand into a raging, rabid rape machine. Hearst newspapers ran constant articles on how no white woman would be safe from defilement and permanent shame in the community if the “colored folks” were allowed to run free and smoke pot.
We now imprison more black folks than South Africa did during te height of Apartheid. I notice spittlepuddles seems to have no issue with that. After all, when black folks vote, they tend to not vote for rabid, white christian conservatives.
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
Yes, the self-loathing is strong in the puddyperv.
We now imprison more black folks than South Africa did during te height of Apartheid. I notice spittlepuddles seems to have no issue with that. After all, when black folks vote, they tend to not vote for rabid, white christian conservatives.
Oh my goodness… Puddy is so glad OWS Racist Fraggy finally admitted DUMMOCRAPTS imprison unsuspecting blacks in the libtard life reservation.
No answers for inner city gun violence – Take the guns from the law abiding citizens – Well they are only killing themselves
No answers for inner city drug violence – Well they are only killing themselves with drugs
No answers for inner city out-of-wedlock births – Wait a minute… DUMMOCRAPTS got rid of Kermit Gosnell only after a big furor.
No answers for lousy inner city schools – Throw more money but test scores continue to drop
DUMMOCRAPTS… Keep blacks on their reservation with no real answers to improving black people’s plight in sight!
“Rock Badger” was a discarded first draft of the B-52’s classic hit.
“It wasn’t a rock, it was a rock…badger!”
You can see why they changed it.
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
The best way to monetize guilt and fear is to make sure the object of that guilt is impossible to ignore.
Absolutely. It must be compelling and ever-present, nearly irresistible. Or, as we’ve seen, highly bad for you to resist, from a psychic-health point of view. That why people get so twisted over the guilt – they appear normal on the outside, but are conflicted and compromised on the inside – and then highly manipulable.
And once again spittles openly lies to delude himself into thinking he’s made a point.
You really are a stupid motherfucker SpittlePuddles.
Why are any of you concerned about the laws followed by Orthodox Jews?
The Torah never says it has My laws for anyone but the chosen few who want to follow them.
I think you are simply obsessed with the Jews,
When did any of you get harangued by an Orthodox Jew about how you live?
If you need a religion to obsess over I would suggest either Vajrayana (tantric Buddhism) or, if you need to obsess over a people with a strange religion, try Puddy’s cult o Mormonism.
This law is merely a reiteration of the Kashrut requirement that both cud-chewing and cloven hooves are of animals with “clean” meat. The Israelites were well aware that pigs (cloven, don’t chew) and camels (chew, not cloven) were forbidden,but were being reminded that those two aren’t the only one-of-two beasts out there. There was no need to tell them about horses, since they meet neither of the requirements.
Of course, the Kashrut rules don’t end with the cud/cloven requirement. The beast also had to be killed correctly — prayer, throat cutting, blood drained.
In later years, the Talmudic scholars further limited what was kosher to the forequarters of the butchered animal. This ruling originated in the interpretation of Exodus 23:19:
The best of the firstfruits of your ground you shall bring into the house of the Lord your God.
You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.
Apparently, mere proximity to the udder was enough to extend the prohibition to the entire hindquarters.
Leviticus 11:5
And the rock badger, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you.
Another critter for SATAN’S MINION to abuse?
Porter Browningspews:
Had to look the critter up…
Damn… The levites were crazy. They just made things uo to screw with people about – like the zionists are doing with Iran’s “bomb program.”
Fuckin’ Rock Badgers, they always have to go and fuck with shit.
Hm, apparently the Rock Hyrax is a reservoir vector for Leishmaniasis. Nasty disease, that. You get it from Sand fly bites.
I dunno how much basic superstition is involved in rules like this. But I do know that nearly all the Kosher laws are about preventing food-borne disease.
Observant and educated people such as the Rabbis don’t just take things on pure faith or superstition. They don’t just make up such rules out of spite or ignorance. They made sure the reasons for such rulings had some foundation in reality for the most part, unlike modern Christians.
In a part of the world with little fuel for cooking fires and no refrigeration or good food preservation methods, rules like the Kosher laws do make sense.
Good post !
There are other rules of kashrut that make some sense … prohibition against eating carrion is a good example. We also seem to b the only folks who rejected trichinosis!
While I would like to imagine that some of the rules reflect an early incarnation of Pasteur, alot are likley shamanistic in origin.
WE Jews have a unique way of seing onto its own past. Written Hebrew, was the first language to use characters for vowels and, therefore the first language that 0ordinary folks, not just scribes, could read and write.
One result of this ancient root is that it is likely that the Torah entangles itself with ideas and traditions that are much older then the supposed dates when the texts became canonized.
A similar event occurred whem the Irish acquired the Roman alphabet .. we have a lot of very old writing because the Irish, once literate, had an amazing oral tradition to record. Presumably a lot of the Torah has a similar origin.
Some rules may have been developed out of practical scientific behavior but others likely are part of this deeper root. For example, the earliest Hebrew settlements in Judea/Samaria show an absence of pork bones in their middens! These settlements are much older than the era when we first had rabbis!
One part of kashrut may be closer to the time of the Rabbis … the prohibition of milk and meat. When Jews were taken to Babylon, they encountered the Zoroastrians. Presumably the intellectuals amongst the exiles were very influenced by this new culture. … A lot of what we now see as part of Judaism, especially mentions of angels, comes from that time. The Zoroastrians do not mix meat and milk.
So, we Jews have a lot of history to look back on. My big wish is that Christians would go get their own histroy and leave us alone!
Ooo… I know somebody that got one of those bites. Nasty wound on the back of his leg where he couldn’t see it. I helped him clean it and repack it when his wife wasn’t around to do it. Can’t remember how long it took to heal, but it was quite a while.
Totally turned me off to the idea of kayaking in Latin America (where he got bit).
Very good rules, but now we know what causes things like trichinosis and can prevent/check for things like it. We only get around 20 cases a year of trichinosis in the US nowadays.
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
SJ…are all birds kosher, if prepared according to the rules?
But what about the HONEY BADGER!
Honey badger is a badass, he doesn’t give a shit. I wouldn’t want to try to eat him.
What the fuck is a rock badger? Is it like a guinea pig? Cause they eats guinea pigs in Peru. I hear it is rather tasty. My buddy in Philadelphia would be appalled. She has guinea pigs.
I doubt this meat was really that forbidden. It always seems to be the case that when something is forbidden to the plebiscite by an authority, generally it is merely reserving that thing for the authority and guaranteeing the supply for themselves. After all, once one achieves a certain level of authority in a religious organization, nothing is really forbidden. Little boy or girl bedwarmers. Drugs. Skimming the offerings. Luxurious trappings like giant yachts and mansions or exotic car collections. It’s just a business like any other, albeit a highly lucrative one.
The right “preacher” can become a millionaire by the time he’s 25, and die a billionaire. See Pat Robertson or Joel Olsteen. Those fuckers are making bank on religion. It’s all in the name of god, whatever that is. Convince the rubes that something is evil and a sin, that just leaves the sinning to the people who are best equipped to handle it. After all, not everyone can manufacture exemptions for themselves without the support of a loving and devoted congregation.
Indeed. Who in their right mind would come up with a religion that banned BACON?! (Not to mention coppa or prosciutto or Iberico ham, pulled pork, or nearly every sausage…..)
It strikes me….a really effective way to control people to to tell them that their most basic, normal, natural needs and urges are sinful…sex foremost, but also masturbation, and as we see above, food, particularly and infamously delectable pork products.
You get people fearing and loathing themselves sufficiently, and you have…the puddybigot, of course, or rather a really twisted, really hateful populace looking for redemption. Just happens I got some redemption right here – It’ll only cost you a weekly donation in perpetuity and your eternal devotion. Oh, and stay guilty or you’re damned to eternal torture when you die.
We see above the example of a Jewish law, from the OT. Now of course, people will rationalize these as appropriate cautions against eating potentially bad food, useful back in the Iron Age when it was written. Perhaps the explanation for the success of Christianity, which of course sprang from Romanized Judaism, is that the Christians learned to better codify and monetize guilt – creating reliable and robust cash-flow.
@ 3
The best way to monetize guilt and fear is to make sure the object of that guilt is impossible to ignore. It’s like banning alcohol, creating a massive terror campaign around its use and then letting the black market for it run wild. The biggest public-relations campaign around preventing the repeal of prohibition run by Anslinger and W.R. Hearst was pointing out the warfare amongst the bootleggers and the Mafia. “See? This is what booze does to people!”
When it became clear that prohibition was going to be repealed, the men who financed its creation in the first place realized they were probably going to lose their jobs, so they switched the object of their fear and guilt to Marijuana, and publicized how much the black folks and Messicans and Filipinos seemed to be using it, and how it turned an ordinarily servile, humble factory worker or field hand into a raging, rabid rape machine. Hearst newspapers ran constant articles on how no white woman would be safe from defilement and permanent shame in the community if the “colored folks” were allowed to run free and smoke pot.
We now imprison more black folks than South Africa did during te height of Apartheid. I notice spittlepuddles seems to have no issue with that. After all, when black folks vote, they tend to not vote for rabid, white christian conservatives.
Yes, the self-loathing is strong in the puddyperv.
Oh my goodness… Puddy is so glad OWS Racist Fraggy finally admitted DUMMOCRAPTS imprison unsuspecting blacks in the libtard life reservation.
No answers for inner city gun violence – Take the guns from the law abiding citizens – Well they are only killing themselves
No answers for inner city drug violence – Well they are only killing themselves with drugs
No answers for inner city out-of-wedlock births – Wait a minute… DUMMOCRAPTS got rid of Kermit Gosnell only after a big furor.
No answers for lousy inner city schools – Throw more money but test scores continue to drop
DUMMOCRAPTS… Keep blacks on their reservation with no real answers to improving black people’s plight in sight!
“Rock Badger” was a discarded first draft of the B-52’s classic hit.
“It wasn’t a rock, it was a rock…badger!”
You can see why they changed it.
Absolutely. It must be compelling and ever-present, nearly irresistible. Or, as we’ve seen, highly bad for you to resist, from a psychic-health point of view. That why people get so twisted over the guilt – they appear normal on the outside, but are conflicted and compromised on the inside – and then highly manipulable.
And once again spittles openly lies to delude himself into thinking he’s made a point.
You really are a stupid motherfucker SpittlePuddles.
Why are any of you concerned about the laws followed by Orthodox Jews?
The Torah never says it has My laws for anyone but the chosen few who want to follow them.
I think you are simply obsessed with the Jews,
When did any of you get harangued by an Orthodox Jew about how you live?
If you need a religion to obsess over I would suggest either Vajrayana (tantric Buddhism) or, if you need to obsess over a people with a strange religion, try Puddy’s cult o Mormonism.
This law is merely a reiteration of the Kashrut requirement that both cud-chewing and cloven hooves are of animals with “clean” meat. The Israelites were well aware that pigs (cloven, don’t chew) and camels (chew, not cloven) were forbidden,but were being reminded that those two aren’t the only one-of-two beasts out there. There was no need to tell them about horses, since they meet neither of the requirements.
Of course, the Kashrut rules don’t end with the cud/cloven requirement. The beast also had to be killed correctly — prayer, throat cutting, blood drained.
In later years, the Talmudic scholars further limited what was kosher to the forequarters of the butchered animal. This ruling originated in the interpretation of Exodus 23:19:
Apparently, mere proximity to the udder was enough to extend the prohibition to the entire hindquarters.
Another critter for SATAN’S MINION to abuse?
Had to look the critter up…
Damn… The levites were crazy. They just made things uo to screw with people about – like the zionists are doing with Iran’s “bomb program.”
Fuckin’ Rock Badgers, they always have to go and fuck with shit.
Hm, apparently the Rock Hyrax is a reservoir vector for Leishmaniasis. Nasty disease, that. You get it from Sand fly bites.
I dunno how much basic superstition is involved in rules like this. But I do know that nearly all the Kosher laws are about preventing food-borne disease.
Observant and educated people such as the Rabbis don’t just take things on pure faith or superstition. They don’t just make up such rules out of spite or ignorance. They made sure the reasons for such rulings had some foundation in reality for the most part, unlike modern Christians.
In a part of the world with little fuel for cooking fires and no refrigeration or good food preservation methods, rules like the Kosher laws do make sense.
Good post !
There are other rules of kashrut that make some sense … prohibition against eating carrion is a good example. We also seem to b the only folks who rejected trichinosis!
While I would like to imagine that some of the rules reflect an early incarnation of Pasteur, alot are likley shamanistic in origin.
WE Jews have a unique way of seing onto its own past. Written Hebrew, was the first language to use characters for vowels and, therefore the first language that 0ordinary folks, not just scribes, could read and write.
One result of this ancient root is that it is likely that the Torah entangles itself with ideas and traditions that are much older then the supposed dates when the texts became canonized.
A similar event occurred whem the Irish acquired the Roman alphabet .. we have a lot of very old writing because the Irish, once literate, had an amazing oral tradition to record. Presumably a lot of the Torah has a similar origin.
Some rules may have been developed out of practical scientific behavior but others likely are part of this deeper root. For example, the earliest Hebrew settlements in Judea/Samaria show an absence of pork bones in their middens! These settlements are much older than the era when we first had rabbis!
One part of kashrut may be closer to the time of the Rabbis … the prohibition of milk and meat. When Jews were taken to Babylon, they encountered the Zoroastrians. Presumably the intellectuals amongst the exiles were very influenced by this new culture. … A lot of what we now see as part of Judaism, especially mentions of angels, comes from that time. The Zoroastrians do not mix meat and milk.
So, we Jews have a lot of history to look back on. My big wish is that Christians would go get their own histroy and leave us alone!
Ooo… I know somebody that got one of those bites. Nasty wound on the back of his leg where he couldn’t see it. I helped him clean it and repack it when his wife wasn’t around to do it. Can’t remember how long it took to heal, but it was quite a while.
Totally turned me off to the idea of kayaking in Latin America (where he got bit).
Very good rules, but now we know what causes things like trichinosis and can prevent/check for things like it. We only get around 20 cases a year of trichinosis in the US nowadays.
SJ…are all birds kosher, if prepared according to the rules?