I like how some times the Bible can sound like lyrics to a metal song. This could be a Metallica lyric.
Damascus is probably one of the most conquered cities in the world. So many wars have been fought there it gives old Carthage a serious run for it’s money. Things really haven’t changed much over the last 3000 years or so.
God talks through His prophets. Things happen.
Nuff Said!
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
God talks through His prophets. Things happen.
Puddybigot is hearing voices again – are they coming from your dental fillings?
Isaiah 17:1
Damascus is doomed!
It will end up in ruins.
Yeah, but it’s going to be one hell of a party on the way down.
We’re talking sucking cocaine and caviar of the breasts of Russian hooker here, people.
The edit function’s not working so hot with my iPad, btw.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
9 – More precisely, “ignoring contradictory evidence”, is a way of life for the fiend and just about everyone of his ilk..
That’s it for me for a while folks..
I’ll be back in November 2014, 2016 for sure.
Porter Browningspews:
And would that be a bad thing?
Porter Browningspews:
“Puddybud spews:
God talks through His prophets. Things happen.
Nuff Said!”
There is no god and you talk out your ass…
So, I’m in Seattle right now taking care of a few things before I head home from my trip to the mid-west and what I want to know is: why is every new building being built in Seattle so mother-fucking ugly?
Portland has all sorts of pretty new buildings. Vancouver BC is filled with beautiful buildings. I was just in Minneapolis and they’re building all sorts of pretty stuff.
Seattle is becoming the city of the squat, gray, turd. Yuck.
@ 8,9
“Ignore contradicting evidence”
Fixed that for you.
@10- Where you going?
@10- Where you going?
Crawling back up his arschloch!
@ 8,9 “Ignore contradicting evidence”
Fixed that for you.
That’s why! An idiot all around! Just copies whatever
Jon Mathesonspews:
Really! When are the keepers of H.A. going to finally take care of the little child they let run wild like it’s his fucking website?I read H.A. less because of this shit.
Zotz sez: Pudpuller thinks goat spooge is the voice of God!spews:
LS, et al: We should all bear in mind that Pudpuller is regularly fucked by goats.
I’ll leave the mechanics of that to your imagination. But as you may remember, the wacko Enumclaw engineer managed to get a horse to fuck him to death — so, goat fucking is basically harm reduction for Puddybigot.
When the goat gets his goat thing on, Pudpuller thinks the spooge exploding in his ass is the voice of God.
Of course, the goat wants nothing to do with him afterwards and Puddybigot gets “lonely”.
So we get to deal with him here. Sorry, but there it is.
LS, et al: We should all bear in mind that Pudpuller is regularly fucked by goats.
Psych 101 Projection… Puddy guesses Zitz arschloch was worn out yesterday from his animal menagerie, so make another stoooooooooooopid comment about Puddy who gives all credit to God the Creator of the Universe!
Jon Matheson,
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaah. Puddy didn’t realize you want a web site only full of jackbooted goosesteppers left wrong libtards! Crawl back into your toilet!
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
Puddy who gives all credit to God the Creator of the Universe!
Is that one of Marvel’s superheroes?
Or the voices coming from your dental fillings?
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
I really want these insults against goats to stop.
Goats in no way deserve to be slandered by an alleged association with puddybigot. No self-respecting goat would go near him.
No, puddybigot’s best friend is his right hand – and his left when he feels like cheating.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
God the Creator of the Universe
Tell us again, puddybigot, just so there’s no confusion…how long ago, in years, did ‘God’ do this creating? How long, in days did it take?
And by years and days I mean the modern, generally accepted meanings of 24 hour days and 365.25 day years.
No self-respecting goat would go near him.
Wow SCHMUCKO, you know this from personal experience? You were left alone in the farmer’s field late that night and it was shameful huh? So Psych 101 Projection time!
No, puddybigot’s best friend is his right hand – and his left when he feels like cheating
No need with the beautiful woman Puddy married! Just ask SJ and the senile wabbit!
Rather than reciting words of Isaiah, what does YOUR religion teach should be done when 400 children are gassed,
Surely, if you claim I wrote your Bible .. or if not Me, who ever you believe God is, then what does that book tell you you must be done?
If your version of My word can not answer this question, of you take no action on its behalf, what can that book be worth to you?
If you, a believer, were now President, waht actions would you take in My name?
@26 you tell him Puffy – good answer, good answer.
Gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman, why no commentary on Matthew Shepard?
Jon Matheson,
Why is it progressive donk like you want to shut up anyone who doesn’t jackboot goosestep like you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
A couple months ago, a stupid troll calling himself Ten Years After, who has since disappeared, laughed when I said it’s not hard to make 8% a year in the stock market. (8% is used as a benchmark by many pension funds.) Well, I just counted my nickels, and I’ve made +19.74% since Jan. 1 and it’s not enough October yet. I could take all next year off and still make 8%! Man, was TYA wrong. But then, our trolls never get anything right, do they? We need better trolls.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 The last thing we want you to do is shut up. What would we do for laughs?
Ohh Puddy …
Whoever you believe I am, the question was for you.
If you believe that you are in possession of the truth, that your bible is useful, what does it tell you should be done on Syria?
Or is the collection of books you calim are the words of God, useless?
Jon Mathesonspews:
Tell you what I’ll do.If you ban that shithead for one week for that week I’ll be your “pet” psycho and I’ll insult everyone and drop turds into every conversation and I’ll try and be that peculiar mix of pitiful and arrogant.
If you ban
See Roger? Typical libtard who can’t stand the truth! The progressive mind in action… Jon Matheson!
MORON! Puddy wouldn’t call for you to be shut up!
Whoever you believe I am, the question was for you
SeattleJew… ask the question as yourself and Puddy will answer. Otherwise…
End times. Good times.
I like how some times the Bible can sound like lyrics to a metal song. This could be a Metallica lyric.
Damascus is probably one of the most conquered cities in the world. So many wars have been fought there it gives old Carthage a serious run for it’s money. Things really haven’t changed much over the last 3000 years or so.
God talks through His prophets. Things happen.
Nuff Said!
Puddybigot is hearing voices again – are they coming from your dental fillings?
Isaiah 17:1
Damascus is doomed!
It will end up in ruins.
Yeah, but it’s going to be one hell of a party on the way down.
We’re talking sucking cocaine and caviar of the breasts of Russian hooker here, people.
The edit function’s not working so hot with my iPad, btw.
This is for puddybigot.
8 – “Ignore contradicting evidence”..
Dryly stated, it’s the been the tool’s MO since he started here..
9 – More precisely, “ignoring contradictory evidence”, is a way of life for the fiend and just about everyone of his ilk..
That’s it for me for a while folks..
I’ll be back in November 2014, 2016 for sure.
And would that be a bad thing?
“Puddybud spews:
God talks through His prophets. Things happen.
Nuff Said!”
There is no god and you talk out your ass…
So, I’m in Seattle right now taking care of a few things before I head home from my trip to the mid-west and what I want to know is: why is every new building being built in Seattle so mother-fucking ugly?
Portland has all sorts of pretty new buildings. Vancouver BC is filled with beautiful buildings. I was just in Minneapolis and they’re building all sorts of pretty stuff.
Seattle is becoming the city of the squat, gray, turd. Yuck.
@ 8,9
contradictingevidence”Fixed that for you.
@10- Where you going?
Crawling back up his arschloch!
That’s why! An idiot all around! Just copies whatever
Really! When are the keepers of H.A. going to finally take care of the little child they let run wild like it’s his fucking website?I read H.A. less because of this shit.
LS, et al: We should all bear in mind that Pudpuller is regularly fucked by goats.
I’ll leave the mechanics of that to your imagination. But as you may remember, the wacko Enumclaw engineer managed to get a horse to fuck him to death — so, goat fucking is basically harm reduction for Puddybigot.
When the goat gets his goat thing on, Pudpuller thinks the spooge exploding in his ass is the voice of God.
Of course, the goat wants nothing to do with him afterwards and Puddybigot gets “lonely”.
So we get to deal with him here. Sorry, but there it is.
Psych 101 Projection… Puddy guesses Zitz arschloch was worn out yesterday from his animal menagerie, so make another stoooooooooooopid comment about Puddy who gives all credit to God the Creator of the Universe!
Jon Matheson,
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaah. Puddy didn’t realize you want a web site only full of jackbooted goosesteppers left wrong libtards! Crawl back into your toilet!
Is that one of Marvel’s superheroes?
Or the voices coming from your dental fillings?
I really want these insults against goats to stop.
Goats in no way deserve to be slandered by an alleged association with puddybigot. No self-respecting goat would go near him.
No, puddybigot’s best friend is his right hand – and his left when he feels like cheating.
Tell us again, puddybigot, just so there’s no confusion…how long ago, in years, did ‘God’ do this creating? How long, in days did it take?
And by years and days I mean the modern, generally accepted meanings of 24 hour days and 365.25 day years.
Wow SCHMUCKO, you know this from personal experience? You were left alone in the farmer’s field late that night and it was shameful huh? So Psych 101 Projection time!
No need with the beautiful woman Puddy married! Just ask SJ and the senile wabbit!
Rather than reciting words of Isaiah, what does YOUR religion teach should be done when 400 children are gassed,
Surely, if you claim I wrote your Bible .. or if not Me, who ever you believe God is, then what does that book tell you you must be done?
If your version of My word can not answer this question, of you take no action on its behalf, what can that book be worth to you?
If you, a believer, were now President, waht actions would you take in My name?
Hello SeattleJew@25,
How are you? Your daughter and the grandchild? The wife? Your son?
I never claimed SeattleJew wrote the Bible.
Since I know God is perfect waht proves this is SeattleJew. So since you are playing god and not GOD, no need to answer!
But lo, a dark horse from the east will ride up and sort of mitigate the destruction for a bit.
-The Unlikely Putin Gospels
@26 you tell him Puffy – good answer, good answer.
Gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman, why no commentary on Matthew Shepard?
Jon Matheson,
Why is it progressive donk like you want to shut up anyone who doesn’t jackboot goosestep like you?
A couple months ago, a stupid troll calling himself Ten Years After, who has since disappeared, laughed when I said it’s not hard to make 8% a year in the stock market. (8% is used as a benchmark by many pension funds.) Well, I just counted my nickels, and I’ve made +19.74% since Jan. 1 and it’s not enough October yet. I could take all next year off and still make 8%! Man, was TYA wrong. But then, our trolls never get anything right, do they? We need better trolls.
@30 The last thing we want you to do is shut up. What would we do for laughs?
Ohh Puddy …
Whoever you believe I am, the question was for you.
If you believe that you are in possession of the truth, that your bible is useful, what does it tell you should be done on Syria?
Or is the collection of books you calim are the words of God, useless?
Tell you what I’ll do.If you ban that shithead for one week for that week I’ll be your “pet” psycho and I’ll insult everyone and drop turds into every conversation and I’ll try and be that peculiar mix of pitiful and arrogant.
See Roger? Typical libtard who can’t stand the truth! The progressive mind in action… Jon Matheson!
MORON! Puddy wouldn’t call for you to be shut up!
SeattleJew… ask the question as yourself and Puddy will answer. Otherwise…