A father talking to his son who has long hair, plays an electric guitar, smokes dope, screws every woman he meets and has just signed a three-album contract with Columbia records with an open option for another three.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
I was thinking along those lines as well.
“Whore” as an epithet shouldn’t connote, or evoke images of, a woman in the sex trade (usually a situation of desperation and poverty).
Rather, “whore” should be reserved for those people, usually but not always men, who sell their souls, who sell out their bonds to their fellow humans, who debase themselves and denigrate their communities, to get MORE.
That would include, of course, most of the upper echelons of most corporations and governments and other large conglomerations of people.
This is related to the empathy deficit we’ve discussed in the past. Just as there are people who cannot perceive the inherent good in deploying community resources in a way which does not directly benefit them (though almost certainly indirectly benefits them and all of us – they can’t groc those higher-order relationships), there are people willing to exploit and deceive their fellow-humans, usually paying lip-service to an ostensible communal goal, all the while actually accreting power/money/prestige/MORE to themselves.
It’s related to greed, it’s related to fear, and an inherent feature is the perception that other people are lesser – almost non-people, in a way – and are there to be exploited and to be used for personal gain.
It’s a form of sociopathy, I think – dehumanizing, objectifying others so as to make tolerable the exploitation, the theft, that is always being perpetrated.
It’s only a matter of degree in the way that this soul-deficit is related to criminals, particularly murderers – who see their victims as non-people in order to perpetrate their crimes.
This is of course related to military training, in which the usual revulsion that seems pretty hard-wired in most people against killing is obliterated.
The reality is that the brains of human beings — unless they fall within the demographic sliver we call psychopaths — are hardwired not to kill other humans. Like rattlesnakes that fatally bite other species but fight fellow rattlers by wrestling them, humans overwhelmingly recoil from homicide.
What that reconditioning requires, and the psychological toll it ultimately takes on the killers, make up the taboo scientific inquiry sometimes known as “killology.”
Only a small percentage of soldiers are able and willing to participate. Men are willing to die; they are willing to sacrifice themselves for their nation, but they are not willing to kill. It is a phenomenal insight into human nature, but when the military became aware of that, they systematically went about the process of trying to fix this “problem.” From the military perspective, a 15 percent firing rate among riflemen is like a 15 percent literacy rate among librarians. And fix it the military did. By the Korean War, around 55 percent of the soldiers were willing to fire to kill. And by Vietnam, the rate rose to over 90 percent.
Unfortunately, I think the leadership of our society, both private and public, is overwhelmingly dominated by those who are innately prepared to kill – but they don’t kill directly, they use, they exploit, they suck the life out of fellow humans and our life-support systems – the planet – for immediate gain.
Dan Robinsonspews:
The translation named “The Voice” has an interesting take on this. They try to recreate the narrative of it. This is made more interesting by because there are two narratives about how it was that David became king. In one, Samuel anoints him, the other is more convoluted.
Saul comes across as a strict authoritarian parent. No surprises there.
But later on in that chapter, David and Jonathan make out.
Saul comes across as a strict authoritarian parent. No surprises there.
But later on in that chapter, David and Jonathan make out.
Saul was jealous Dan. Puddy realizes your Bible knowledge is zero, nil, zilch… From 1 Samuel 18
6 When the victorious Israelite army was returning home after David had killed the Philistine, women from all the towns of Israel came out to meet King Saul. They sang and danced for joy with tambourines and cymbals.[a] 7 This was their song:
“Saul has killed his thousands,
and David his ten thousands!”
8 This made Saul very angry. “What’s this?” he said. “They credit David with ten thousands and me with only thousands. Next they’ll be making him their king!” 9 So from that time on Saul kept a jealous eye on David.
What impressed Puddy was later in the chapter how David fulfilled the Saul request when he asked for 100 foreskins for Michal. David doubled it and returned with 200 foreskins. Game over marriage happened!
28 When Saul realized that the Lord was with David and how much his daughter Michal loved him, 29 Saul became even more afraid of him, and he remained David’s enemy for the rest of his life.
That’s why Saul reacted the way he did with Jonathan in 1 Samuel 20. Saul wanted to kill David. But Saul knew God was with David. Saul realized Jonathan would not become king after Saul died. So he reacted negatively. Now dealing with 1 Samuel 20 again…
“David and Jonathan kissed each other.”
So you think they kissed on the lips and not on the cheek Dan Robinson?
Whatalibtard! Moronic thinking so typical here!
And it will come to pass that a scribe, neither Eunuch, nor Man nor Woman shall tell the tale of his Kings speak one to another.I am that I am.
So you think they kissed on the lips and not on the cheek Dan Robinson?
So what if they did? Men in the Middle East to this day hold hands in public walking down the street.. Does this imply homosexuality? No more than men doing the same in asian countries like Vietnam.
Back in college a pal from Greece told me that men in Greece kiss each other almost on the lips. He said (at that time anyway) homosexuality is almost unknown there.
When will libtards admit HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron is truly an idiot…? Dan Robinson’s comment missed (as always) by HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron
But later on in that chapter, David and Jonathan make out.
What does make out infer HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron? Holding hands in public as you infer? ABSOLUTELY Nothing you refer to in that post #6! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
The prosecution rests your honor. HATE HATE HATE from this unemployed ASSHole moron!
Such and illiterate idiotic moron! More EPIC FAYLE with another goto of the crazed databaze by HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron!
Bush ran the gayest White House in decades. He had that notorious bottom, Karl Rove, as his chief strategist and even had a gay hooker ‘journalist’ with daily access to the White House.
I don’t have a problem with David and Jonathan getting in a little man-play. I’ll just mark it down to being bi-curious and too much wine.
The issue for the most part was not who was doing what with whom, but who the daddy was. This was a society which practiced patrimony, and stuff got handed down to true sons, not bastard sons.
Unemployed Moron @8
B U S T E D by incompetence!
If I make the old joke that “Go forth and procreate” is a polite way of saying “Fuck Off” will you bust out your King James and cite for me Biblical proof that satire is the Devil’s work?
Puddy uses the HuffPo to DISS idiots like HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron!
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
@6, @9
Men in the Middle East to this day hold hands in public walking down the street.. Does this imply homosexuality?
No, but what if it does? So what? Why dismiss the possibility that Jonathan and David were lovers, in the erotic sense as well as platonic?
I’ll just mark it down to being bi-curious and too much wine.
Ditto the comment above. Why explain it away like that?
I think we of the open-minded part of society need to affirm and celebrate any relationship based on love and respect and integrity among peers, be it hetero-, homo-, bi-, poly-, pan-sexual in nature.
We need to get out of the way of adventurous and brave fellow humans exploring sexuality and relationship in loving and constructive ways.
We need to shout down and shame the nay-sayers like puddybigot who would straight-jacket, even deny, love and affection and respect among anyone other than missionary-only male-female couples sanctioned by their particular preacherman. His/their thinking is small-minded, destructive, hateful…bigoted.
That this document…the Bible…might contain even the merest hint of a loving homosexual relationship after the millennia of editing and manipulating and rewriting to suit the needs of a homophobic (publicly) patriarchal theocratic authoritarian regime is nothing short of miraculous.
after the millennia of editing and manipulating and rewriting to suit the needs
But, but, but…The bible, every version of it, is the divine immaculate infallible direct word of God. Great men like Pastor Hutch tell me that and I believe.
After all, according to the Geneva Bible (ca. 1560) your waiter is probably getting a free pass to the right hand of God. “Blessed be the placemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”
As it is written, so shall it be.
And yet, there’s a response comment, unworthy though I am.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
What impressed Puddy was later in the chapter how David fulfilled the Saul request when he asked for 100 foreskins for Michal. David doubled it and returned with 200 foreskins.
So, what impressed the puddybigot most was David’s success at killing. And that this got him a wife.
the puddybigot’s bloodlust on display again.
You see, it’s all OK if you can claim that Sky-Daddy is on your side.
How fucked up is that? This is the foundational document of Western Civilization?
The whole tone @4, laughably pedantic, is utterly accepting that Saul would be homicidally jealous, like that’s an OK response to the situation he was in.
What puddybigot utterly misses is Saul’s failure as a community member – if we take for granted that the goal is to smite one’s enemies – David was just more efficient at it than Saul – Saul should be celebrating David, not trying to kill him.
What is tragic here is the acceptance and tacit celebration of the primacy of dynastic lineage over community.
Once again, the puddybigot preens in his position as the house slave, utterly, utterly deferent to authority, be it his preacherman, or the notion of Saul as king.
Little known fact. The Geneva Bible was the cause of sectarian violence in 1682 in Mantua where the Holy Roman Church of Masonry insisted that only THEY were placemakers and set about on pilgrimage to destroy the holy shrines of Our Lady of Lacemaking and in Brugges. Many a weaver of tablecloths and stonecutter alike were killed.
I speak the truth. You can look it up.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
The bible, every version of it, is the divine immaculate infallible direct word of God.
Claims to that effect, in a just world, should be ground for immediate psychiatric evaluation.
What puddybigot utterly misses is Saul’s failure as a community member – if we take for granted that the goal is to smite one’s enemies – David was just more efficient at it than Saul – Saul should be celebrating David, not trying to kill him.
Laughably stoooooooooooopid, SCHMUCKO commenting on the Bible. Saul wanted to kill David over a jealous rage. Saul tried to kill David multiple times. Of course, SCHMUCKO being a Bible illiterate would neva know this!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa HAHAHAHAHAHA! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Once again, the puddybigot preens in his position as the house slave, utterly, utterly deferent to authority, be it his preacherman, or the notion of Saul as king.
More lunatic commentary from SCHMUCKO. Ever stoooooooooooooopid, no doubt about it.
Please continue to display your leftist atheist lunacy.
So, what impressed the puddybigot most was David’s success at killing. And that this got him a wife.
David killed God’s enemies. With God with you who can be against you SCHMUCKO?
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He alos justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:28-31
Sux to be SCHMUCKO!
And yet, there’s a response comment, unworthy though I am.
Misunderstood as always by checkmate… Did Puddy comment on your comment?
Every angel I’ve heard of is male as well. So heaven is a sausage fest. Who knew?
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
Gotta love that link.
There’s this, too…
God is a male spirit. Your denigration calling God a woman is not on the PuddyTable.
Not “inaccurate”, but “denigration”.
In puddybigot mind, being called a woman is the deepest of insults.
We see it here in reference to god, and we see it in all the insults he hurls at ylb about ‘skirt-wearing’ and being the provider man.
Puddybigot really couldn’t think his way out of a wet paper bag, nor imagine a better world than the one he’s told to respect by his preacherman.
@33 I believe the Biblical name for Heaven is actually “Cock Circus.”
In the Geneva Bible, of course.
@35 I have no evidence for this, of course, and any number of known facts contraindicate it. But I choose to believe it, so it must be true.
See how easy it is to be a Republican?
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
Laughably stoooooooooooopid, SCHMUCKO commenting on the Bible.
You see, only simple-minded bloodthirsty Christianist Bibul-thumpers are allowed to comment on that tome.
Of course, my 13 years of Catholic school, four of which were with Jesuits who required philosophy and theology courses taught by PhDs, as well as more secular coursework in college-level comparative religion classes leave my opinions bereft in the face of puddybigot’s transcendent thoughts.
My observations stand, of course.
puddybigot’s interpretations depend on a number of assumptions that are very revealing about both his authoritarian tendencies and his limited ability to formulate coherent thoughts in general.
He sez…
Saul wanted to kill David over a jealous rage. Saul tried to kill David multiple times.
…as if that were any sort of retort to what I said before that.
It remains that puddybigot takes at face value that Saul’s jealousy is somehow normative. Moreover these players are mere pawns in a simple morality play – David’s success reflects “God’s favor” and therefore he must win.
You can see where the Calvinists got the notion the material success reflected divine favor, and all the bullshit damage that that has caused through the ages.
It’s a very thin veil that covers “Might makes right”.
It NEVER occurs to him that the more sophisticated moral of the story, the one that might lead people to actually reflect on their lives in a way that might be constructive and love-based and community-building, is that Saul’s sin was actually one against the community, where his anger was in diametric opposition to community success – that he raged against the general success because it was not his own.
It’s cut from the very cloth I talked about @2 – Saul is one of those narcissistic, sociopathic whores that are all too common in positions of authority.
Unfortunately, puddybigot misses this completely, and merely dismisses Saul because “god was with” someone else, and David “killed god’s enemies”.
The puddybigot mind – and that of Teahaddists in general – concrete, fearful, hateful and unable to act without received wisdom and someone telling them what to do and think.
To be a degenerate right winger is to be a misogynist.. The worst insults and denigrations that male right wing degenerate “minds” can conceive is to dress their male adversaries in women’s clothes and make them out to be as female as possible..
And they wonder why we recoil from them, their politics and their politicians with such horror..
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
puddybigot sez…
What impressed Puddy was later in the chapter how David fulfilled the Saul request when he asked for 100 foreskins for Michal. David doubled it and returned with 200 foreskins. Game over marriage happened!
David killed God’s enemies. With God with you who can be against you SCHMUCKO?
See? It’s all about Sky Daddy hating the people you hate – and it’s perfectly good to be impressed that the hero murdered twice as many people as the sociopathic king demanded.
You see, “Thou Shalt Not Kill” is completely flexible when it’s the people you hate with God’s approval.
It’s OK if you are a fucking sociopath.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
Bob’s done this too.. Without skipping a beat.
I was always a bit amazed at that…cheapshotBob jumping right in and aping puddybigot’s attacks. It was very, um, unoriginal, as well as his usual snide.
I think the basic phenomenon is that he thought he perceived weakness and vulnerability, and his instinct told him to attack.
Seems a very right-wing kind of attitude.
Now the big question is, was God a Top or a Bottom?
Rather, “whore” should be reserved for those people, usually but not always men, who sell their souls, who sell out their bonds to their fellow humans, who debase themselves and denigrate their communities, to get MORE.
So, when we look up the word “whore” in the dictionary there should be a photo of Mitt Romney!
First chance I had to look in. Seems like Puddy gas created a pubescent playpen here.
43 messages with no discussion of anything beyond gay angels and Samuel’s invectives.?
I think Goldy needs to retitle this series … I suggest “Sunday in The Men’s”
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
43 messages with no discussion of anything beyond gay angels and Samuel’s invectives.?
That’s complete bullshit.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
So, when we look up the word “whore” in the dictionary there should be a photo of Mitt Romney!
Works for me!
Of course, my 13 years of Catholic school, four of which were with Jesuits who required philosophy and theology courses taught by PhDs, as well as more secular coursework in college-level comparative religion classes leave my opinions bereft in the face of puddybigot’s transcendent thoughts.
Now we see why SCHMUCKO is so atheist and hateful. Catholic Skuul. He thinks because he was skuuled by “PhDs”, he’s so much better than the common man.
Pffffffffffffft… Yeah right! We who think right don’t dialog with you because it’s a waste of our time. With such rigid ideology encased in a thick Neanderthal cranium orifice, trinitrotoluene could not penetrate it.
David’s success reflects “God’s favor” and therefore he must win.
History proved it ya moron. David was a man after God’s own heart even after sinning! SCHMUCKO forgets that God created us and God can do what He pleases when you choose not to believe. God is Love. Jesus came as the Man of Peace. You morons misconstrue what the Peace Jesus delivered. Jesus came to make Peace between Man and God.
The peacemakers are blessed, for they will be called sons of God
You can’t be a son of God if you are against God. Apparently everyone can see SCHMUCKO and his douche user gleeeeeeeeeeeeman are against God!
You see, “Thou Shalt Not Kill” is completely flexible when it’s the people you hate with God’s approval.
Another of SCHMUCKO’s misnomers! Sad so sad and typical!
See ya. Sux to be you against God!
SJ, your “god” postings are tiresome and ludicrous. Sometimes you are so far off the mark it’s laughable!
Wait for it…
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
With such rigid ideology encased in a thick Neanderthal cranium orifice, trinitrotoluene could not penetrate it.
Your lack of self-awareness is breathtaking.
History proved it ya moron.
There you go, conflating your book of stories with history. They are not the same, however much you stomp your feet and blubber about inerrancy.
You can’t be a son of God if you are against God.
And who gets to decide who is ‘against God’?
You? Your preacherman?
I thought so….using this ‘God’ story to have a sky daddy endorse your hates and prejudices.
You are such a tiresome, hateful, childish (in the worst sense), fearful bible-thumper – that you are a representative of what a religious person is like – that reinforces why I’m an atheist – I want NOTHING to do with your kind and your petty hatreds and profoundly awful behavior toward everyone around you.
The real reason I’m an atheist is that there is no evidence for ‘god’. One doesn’t need to invoke or create ‘god’ to stand awestruck at the beauty and complexity and preciousness of the universe; one doesn’t need ‘god’ to know right from wrong and to do the right thing – this is reinforced by religious people’s behavior over and over and over; you don’t need ‘god’ to have, and to act out of, love for your fellow humans.
No, puddybigot, you can keep your ‘god’ and all his anger and murder and manipulations, and all the nasty hateful fearful behavior that those who cower behind him seem to revel in.
You’re the one who is lost. You make that clear every single day around here.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
Now we see why SCHMUCKO is so atheist and hateful. Catholic Skuul.
Oh, I forgot, you hate the Catholics, too.
At least they have a semblance of intellectual rigor and a tradition of education that is quite respectable.
The other side of my family are a bunch of tongue-speaking, literal/inerrant-bible-believing Assemblies-of-God Pentecostals who I’m sure you would feel quite at home with. You see, I’ve heard your hateful bile and your simplistic fairy tales long before I ever encountered you.
You just deliver them with a mildly amusing cartoonish buffoonery that I find occasionally diverting.
@49 I assume you truly mean “occasionally diverting”. Pudnutz repeats himself so much that I’ve come to find him a consistent bore.
And who gets to decide who is ‘against God’?
You? Your preacherman?
God does!
Puddy doesn’t hate Catholic people. Again you are so moronic. Puddy dislikes the Catholic teachings. They are biblically wrong.
At least they have a semblance of intellectual rigor and a tradition of education that is quite respectable.
And they taught you and we all see how that turned out… Blecccch!
The other side of my family are a bunch of tongue-speaking, literal/inerrant-bible-believing Assemblies-of-God Pentecostals who I’m sure you would feel quite at home with. You see, I’ve heard your hateful bile and your simplistic fairy tales long before I ever encountered you.
Speaking in tongues means someone else has to understand them. Another test the Bible tells you plainly.
No, puddy[something stupid], you can keep your ‘god’ and all his anger and murder and manipulations, and all the nasty hateful fearful behavior that those who cower behind him seem to revel in.
God is angry when His creation chooses not to worship Him and chooses to follow Satan. Good job SCHMUCKO, Puddy sees why you hate God.
Your lack of self-awareness is breathtaking.
Really? Puddy fully aware. Maybe you should look at your “self-awareness! Puddy has no problem anywhere Puddy goes. Puddy can hang with libtards (internally laughing at their antics) as with Christians. Puddy hangs with TRUE Muslims, not the morons you choose to cheer!
The real reason I’m an atheist is that there is no evidence for ‘god’. One doesn’t need to invoke or create ‘god’ to stand awestruck at the beauty and complexity and preciousness of the universe; one doesn’t need ‘god’ to know right from wrong and to do the right thing – this is reinforced by religious people’s behavior over and over and over; you don’t need ‘god’ to have, and to act out of, love for your fellow humans.
You are all talk and no action. You prove it all the time with your hateful class warfare posts. You prove it all the time with anyone who disagrees with you. All venom, all hatred, all insipid commentary, all condescending ridicule.
Nuff said sucka!
@49 I assume you truly mean “occasionally diverting”. Pudnutz repeats himself so much that I’ve come to find him a consistent bore.
Oh my such biting commentary from a real zzzzzZZZZZzzzzz!
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
You prove it all the time with your hateful class warfare posts.
Yup – decrying plutocracy is ‘hateful class warfare’
They should give you an hour on FoxNoise, you’d fit right in.
Moreover, your bringing up ‘class warfare’ tropes while talking about biblical idiocy is very telling – you’re just a rather cartoonish culture warrior, angry and afraid of people who think.
You are such a fucking idiot.
@47 ahh, Puddy doesn’t have a sense of humor. His sense of humor stops with dressing up as an Obama clown and getting people to laugh with him.
A father talking to his son who has long hair, plays an electric guitar, smokes dope, screws every woman he meets and has just signed a three-album contract with Columbia records with an open option for another three.
“Yeah pop, thats why mom divorced your sorry fat redneck ass.”
I was thinking along those lines as well.
“Whore” as an epithet shouldn’t connote, or evoke images of, a woman in the sex trade (usually a situation of desperation and poverty).
Rather, “whore” should be reserved for those people, usually but not always men, who sell their souls, who sell out their bonds to their fellow humans, who debase themselves and denigrate their communities, to get MORE.
That would include, of course, most of the upper echelons of most corporations and governments and other large conglomerations of people.
This is related to the empathy deficit we’ve discussed in the past. Just as there are people who cannot perceive the inherent good in deploying community resources in a way which does not directly benefit them (though almost certainly indirectly benefits them and all of us – they can’t groc those higher-order relationships), there are people willing to exploit and deceive their fellow-humans, usually paying lip-service to an ostensible communal goal, all the while actually accreting power/money/prestige/MORE to themselves.
It’s related to greed, it’s related to fear, and an inherent feature is the perception that other people are lesser – almost non-people, in a way – and are there to be exploited and to be used for personal gain.
It’s a form of sociopathy, I think – dehumanizing, objectifying others so as to make tolerable the exploitation, the theft, that is always being perpetrated.
It’s only a matter of degree in the way that this soul-deficit is related to criminals, particularly murderers – who see their victims as non-people in order to perpetrate their crimes.
This is of course related to military training, in which the usual revulsion that seems pretty hard-wired in most people against killing is obliterated.
and here…
Unfortunately, I think the leadership of our society, both private and public, is overwhelmingly dominated by those who are innately prepared to kill – but they don’t kill directly, they use, they exploit, they suck the life out of fellow humans and our life-support systems – the planet – for immediate gain.
The translation named “The Voice” has an interesting take on this. They try to recreate the narrative of it. This is made more interesting by because there are two narratives about how it was that David became king. In one, Samuel anoints him, the other is more convoluted.
Saul comes across as a strict authoritarian parent. No surprises there.
But later on in that chapter, David and Jonathan make out.
Saul was jealous Dan. Puddy realizes your Bible knowledge is zero, nil, zilch… From 1 Samuel 18
What impressed Puddy was later in the chapter how David fulfilled the Saul request when he asked for 100 foreskins for Michal. David doubled it and returned with 200 foreskins. Game over marriage happened!
That’s why Saul reacted the way he did with Jonathan in 1 Samuel 20. Saul wanted to kill David. But Saul knew God was with David. Saul realized Jonathan would not become king after Saul died. So he reacted negatively. Now dealing with 1 Samuel 20 again…
So you think they kissed on the lips and not on the cheek Dan Robinson?
Whatalibtard! Moronic thinking so typical here!
And it will come to pass that a scribe, neither Eunuch, nor Man nor Woman shall tell the tale of his Kings speak one to another.I am that I am.
So what if they did? Men in the Middle East to this day hold hands in public walking down the street.. Does this imply homosexuality? No more than men doing the same in asian countries like Vietnam.
Back in college a pal from Greece told me that men in Greece kiss each other almost on the lips. He said (at that time anyway) homosexuality is almost unknown there.
Such a homophobic idiot!
When will libtards admit HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron is truly an idiot…? Dan Robinson’s comment missed (as always) by HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron
What does make out infer HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron? Holding hands in public as you infer? ABSOLUTELY Nothing you refer to in that post #6! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
The prosecution rests your honor. HATE HATE HATE from this unemployed ASSHole moron!
Such and illiterate idiotic moron! More EPIC FAYLE with another goto of the crazed databaze by HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron!
Bush ran the gayest White House in decades. He had that notorious bottom, Karl Rove, as his chief strategist and even had a gay hooker ‘journalist’ with daily access to the White House.
I don’t have a problem with David and Jonathan getting in a little man-play. I’ll just mark it down to being bi-curious and too much wine.
The issue for the most part was not who was doing what with whom, but who the daddy was. This was a society which practiced patrimony, and stuff got handed down to true sons, not bastard sons.
Unemployed Moron @8
B U S T E D by incompetence!
If I make the old joke that “Go forth and procreate” is a polite way of saying “Fuck Off” will you bust out your King James and cite for me Biblical proof that satire is the Devil’s work?
checkmate, you are not worth a response comment!
See ya!
Puddy forgot this for a while…
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Puddy uses the HuffPo to DISS idiots like HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron!
@6, @9
No, but what if it does? So what? Why dismiss the possibility that Jonathan and David were lovers, in the erotic sense as well as platonic?
Ditto the comment above. Why explain it away like that?
I think we of the open-minded part of society need to affirm and celebrate any relationship based on love and respect and integrity among peers, be it hetero-, homo-, bi-, poly-, pan-sexual in nature.
We need to get out of the way of adventurous and brave fellow humans exploring sexuality and relationship in loving and constructive ways.
We need to shout down and shame the nay-sayers like puddybigot who would straight-jacket, even deny, love and affection and respect among anyone other than missionary-only male-female couples sanctioned by their particular preacherman. His/their thinking is small-minded, destructive, hateful…bigoted.
That this document…the Bible…might contain even the merest hint of a loving homosexual relationship after the millennia of editing and manipulating and rewriting to suit the needs of a homophobic (publicly) patriarchal theocratic authoritarian regime is nothing short of miraculous.
But, but, but…The bible, every version of it, is the divine immaculate infallible direct word of God. Great men like Pastor Hutch tell me that and I believe.
After all, according to the Geneva Bible (ca. 1560) your waiter is probably getting a free pass to the right hand of God. “Blessed be the placemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”
As it is written, so shall it be.
And yet, there’s a response comment, unworthy though I am.
So, what impressed the puddybigot most was David’s success at killing. And that this got him a wife.
the puddybigot’s bloodlust on display again.
You see, it’s all OK if you can claim that Sky-Daddy is on your side.
How fucked up is that? This is the foundational document of Western Civilization?
The whole tone @4, laughably pedantic, is utterly accepting that Saul would be homicidally jealous, like that’s an OK response to the situation he was in.
What puddybigot utterly misses is Saul’s failure as a community member – if we take for granted that the goal is to smite one’s enemies – David was just more efficient at it than Saul – Saul should be celebrating David, not trying to kill him.
What is tragic here is the acceptance and tacit celebration of the primacy of dynastic lineage over community.
Once again, the puddybigot preens in his position as the house slave, utterly, utterly deferent to authority, be it his preacherman, or the notion of Saul as king.
Little known fact. The Geneva Bible was the cause of sectarian violence in 1682 in Mantua where the Holy Roman Church of Masonry insisted that only THEY were placemakers and set about on pilgrimage to destroy the holy shrines of Our Lady of Lacemaking and in Brugges. Many a weaver of tablecloths and stonecutter alike were killed.
I speak the truth. You can look it up.
Claims to that effect, in a just world, should be ground for immediate psychiatric evaluation.
Laughably stoooooooooooopid, SCHMUCKO commenting on the Bible. Saul wanted to kill David over a jealous rage. Saul tried to kill David multiple times. Of course, SCHMUCKO being a Bible illiterate would neva know this!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa HAHAHAHAHAHA! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
More lunatic commentary from SCHMUCKO. Ever stoooooooooooooopid, no doubt about it.
Please continue to display your leftist atheist lunacy.
David killed God’s enemies. With God with you who can be against you SCHMUCKO?
Sux to be SCHMUCKO!
Misunderstood as always by checkmate… Did Puddy comment on your comment?
NOPE you dope!
Sux to be checkmate. See ya! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Puddydope has displayed his “debating skills” to great effect this morning..
Onan, Onan, mama’s hung you in the closet, and I’m feeling so bad.
And I am, too.
Two of them.
Seems perfectly reasonable. Killing those who don’t worship in your manner. Great.
Too bad David didn’t have access to 747s and highrises. Then Saul would have been epically jealous.
God was a homo
Obviously god was talking about Puddy.
WRONG! Butt keep DOPE alive!
Until God created Eve in the Garden of Eden, all he created was male angels. So, yeah, I think you are right. Heaven is a gay paradise.
Damn! This has legs..
According our goto dope for laughs around here:
God is a male spirit.
Every angel I’ve heard of is male as well. So heaven is a sausage fest. Who knew?
Gotta love that link.
There’s this, too…
Not “inaccurate”, but “denigration”.
In puddybigot mind, being called a woman is the deepest of insults.
We see it here in reference to god, and we see it in all the insults he hurls at ylb about ‘skirt-wearing’ and being the provider man.
Puddybigot really couldn’t think his way out of a wet paper bag, nor imagine a better world than the one he’s told to respect by his preacherman.
@33 I believe the Biblical name for Heaven is actually “Cock Circus.”
In the Geneva Bible, of course.
@35 I have no evidence for this, of course, and any number of known facts contraindicate it. But I choose to believe it, so it must be true.
See how easy it is to be a Republican?
You see, only simple-minded bloodthirsty Christianist Bibul-thumpers are allowed to comment on that tome.
Of course, my 13 years of Catholic school, four of which were with Jesuits who required philosophy and theology courses taught by PhDs, as well as more secular coursework in college-level comparative religion classes leave my opinions bereft in the face of puddybigot’s transcendent thoughts.
My observations stand, of course.
puddybigot’s interpretations depend on a number of assumptions that are very revealing about both his authoritarian tendencies and his limited ability to formulate coherent thoughts in general.
He sez…
…as if that were any sort of retort to what I said before that.
It remains that puddybigot takes at face value that Saul’s jealousy is somehow normative. Moreover these players are mere pawns in a simple morality play – David’s success reflects “God’s favor” and therefore he must win.
You can see where the Calvinists got the notion the material success reflected divine favor, and all the bullshit damage that that has caused through the ages.
It’s a very thin veil that covers “Might makes right”.
It NEVER occurs to him that the more sophisticated moral of the story, the one that might lead people to actually reflect on their lives in a way that might be constructive and love-based and community-building, is that Saul’s sin was actually one against the community, where his anger was in diametric opposition to community success – that he raged against the general success because it was not his own.
It’s cut from the very cloth I talked about @2 – Saul is one of those narcissistic, sociopathic whores that are all too common in positions of authority.
Unfortunately, puddybigot misses this completely, and merely dismisses Saul because “god was with” someone else, and David “killed god’s enemies”.
The puddybigot mind – and that of Teahaddists in general – concrete, fearful, hateful and unable to act without received wisdom and someone telling them what to do and think.
Bob’s done this too.. Without skipping a beat.
To be a degenerate right winger is to be a misogynist.. The worst insults and denigrations that male right wing degenerate “minds” can conceive is to dress their male adversaries in women’s clothes and make them out to be as female as possible..
And they wonder why we recoil from them, their politics and their politicians with such horror..
puddybigot sez…
See? It’s all about Sky Daddy hating the people you hate – and it’s perfectly good to be impressed that the hero murdered twice as many people as the sociopathic king demanded.
You see, “Thou Shalt Not Kill” is completely flexible when it’s the people you hate with God’s approval.
It’s OK if you are a fucking sociopath.
I was always a bit amazed at that…cheapshotBob jumping right in and aping puddybigot’s attacks. It was very, um, unoriginal, as well as his usual snide.
I think the basic phenomenon is that he thought he perceived weakness and vulnerability, and his instinct told him to attack.
Seems a very right-wing kind of attitude.
Now the big question is, was God a Top or a Bottom?
So, when we look up the word “whore” in the dictionary there should be a photo of Mitt Romney!
First chance I had to look in. Seems like Puddy gas created a pubescent playpen here.
43 messages with no discussion of anything beyond gay angels and Samuel’s invectives.?
I think Goldy needs to retitle this series … I suggest “Sunday in The Men’s”
That’s complete bullshit.
Works for me!
Now we see why SCHMUCKO is so atheist and hateful. Catholic Skuul. He thinks because he was skuuled by “PhDs”, he’s so much better than the common man.
Pffffffffffffft… Yeah right! We who think right don’t dialog with you because it’s a waste of our time. With such rigid ideology encased in a thick Neanderthal cranium orifice, trinitrotoluene could not penetrate it.
History proved it ya moron. David was a man after God’s own heart even after sinning! SCHMUCKO forgets that God created us and God can do what He pleases when you choose not to believe. God is Love. Jesus came as the Man of Peace. You morons misconstrue what the Peace Jesus delivered. Jesus came to make Peace between Man and God.
You can’t be a son of God if you are against God. Apparently everyone can see SCHMUCKO and his douche user gleeeeeeeeeeeeman are against God!
Another of SCHMUCKO’s misnomers! Sad so sad and typical!
See ya. Sux to be you against God!
SJ, your “god” postings are tiresome and ludicrous. Sometimes you are so far off the mark it’s laughable!
Wait for it…
Your lack of self-awareness is breathtaking.
There you go, conflating your book of stories with history. They are not the same, however much you stomp your feet and blubber about inerrancy.
And who gets to decide who is ‘against God’?
You? Your preacherman?
I thought so….using this ‘God’ story to have a sky daddy endorse your hates and prejudices.
You are such a tiresome, hateful, childish (in the worst sense), fearful bible-thumper – that you are a representative of what a religious person is like – that reinforces why I’m an atheist – I want NOTHING to do with your kind and your petty hatreds and profoundly awful behavior toward everyone around you.
The real reason I’m an atheist is that there is no evidence for ‘god’. One doesn’t need to invoke or create ‘god’ to stand awestruck at the beauty and complexity and preciousness of the universe; one doesn’t need ‘god’ to know right from wrong and to do the right thing – this is reinforced by religious people’s behavior over and over and over; you don’t need ‘god’ to have, and to act out of, love for your fellow humans.
No, puddybigot, you can keep your ‘god’ and all his anger and murder and manipulations, and all the nasty hateful fearful behavior that those who cower behind him seem to revel in.
You’re the one who is lost. You make that clear every single day around here.
Oh, I forgot, you hate the Catholics, too.
At least they have a semblance of intellectual rigor and a tradition of education that is quite respectable.
The other side of my family are a bunch of tongue-speaking, literal/inerrant-bible-believing Assemblies-of-God Pentecostals who I’m sure you would feel quite at home with. You see, I’ve heard your hateful bile and your simplistic fairy tales long before I ever encountered you.
You just deliver them with a mildly amusing cartoonish buffoonery that I find occasionally diverting.
@49 I assume you truly mean “occasionally diverting”. Pudnutz repeats himself so much that I’ve come to find him a consistent bore.
God does!
Puddy doesn’t hate Catholic people. Again you are so moronic. Puddy dislikes the Catholic teachings. They are biblically wrong.
And they taught you and we all see how that turned out… Blecccch!
Speaking in tongues means someone else has to understand them. Another test the Bible tells you plainly.
God is angry when His creation chooses not to worship Him and chooses to follow Satan. Good job SCHMUCKO, Puddy sees why you hate God.
Really? Puddy fully aware. Maybe you should look at your “self-awareness! Puddy has no problem anywhere Puddy goes. Puddy can hang with libtards (internally laughing at their antics) as with Christians. Puddy hangs with TRUE Muslims, not the morons you choose to cheer!
You are all talk and no action. You prove it all the time with your hateful class warfare posts. You prove it all the time with anyone who disagrees with you. All venom, all hatred, all insipid commentary, all condescending ridicule.
Nuff said sucka!
Oh my such biting commentary from a real zzzzzZZZZZzzzzz!
Keep on trucking FartyArt. Leave some racetracks!
i.e. priming the pump for hate fests here in the comment threads..
And of course, salt mining…
[wrong thread]
Yup – decrying plutocracy is ‘hateful class warfare’
They should give you an hour on FoxNoise, you’d fit right in.
Moreover, your bringing up ‘class warfare’ tropes while talking about biblical idiocy is very telling – you’re just a rather cartoonish culture warrior, angry and afraid of people who think.
You are such a fucking idiot.
@47 ahh, Puddy doesn’t have a sense of humor. His sense of humor stops with dressing up as an Obama clown and getting people to laugh with him.
Puffy doesn’t hate Cristians, just the gay ones.