You suffer, you frigging idiots, because you pay no frigging attention to anything He teaches.
I call divine bullshit on your comment.
Jesus was anything but an avatar of non suffering … if you want that turn to Siddartha Guatama, the Buddha.
The mythic figure “Jesus” was, if anything. amongst the most aggressive and adversarial figure of all time. He even staged his own grandiose crucifixion as an act of divine defiance (sadly in My name) against the Romans. Hardly a call to avoid suffering!
Certainly his followers worked to promote suffering .. both their own martyrdom and the murder and enslavement of millions of non believers. Even the kindly Pope Francis, just awar4ded sainthood to several hundred followers of Jesus in tribute the their personal martyrdom.
Politically Incorrectspews:
“We suffer because Jesus is our king.”
Is it just me. or does Christianity have an awful lot of fucking suffering going on? What’s with all the pain and grief? Why not have a beer and enjoy life a little?
@ 3
Because finding pleasure of any kind in any thing is a sin and will cause you to stray from the Power of the Lord. Refusal to suffer for the Lord is an abomination.
As much as everyone worships and gibbers over the memory of Mother Theresa, bear in mind that she was able to secure over $2 Billion in “donations” to the Church, all while denying all but the very basic elements of modern medical technology to the people she treated. That is, no painkillers, no anesthesia, no antibiotics for venereal diseases etc. Her clinics were in open buildings, with rats and roaches and had no sterile facilities at all, even for surgery. Pain and suffering, was part and parcel of her Order’s basic philosophy. She wasn’t about curing the sick, she was about maintaining their suffering as long as possible.
The best thing Mother Theresa did in My name was her expression of doubt that I exist.
Roguie Rabbitspews:
Won’t Work For Food
“A heated battle is brewing on Capitol Hill over cuts to the food stamp program, with lawmakers quoting Bible verses at each other and benefits for millions of people hanging in the balance. …
“During contentious debate over the Farm Bill, which funds food stamps, in the House Agriculture Committee, Rep. Juan Vargas, D-Calif., invoked the Book of Matthew as he noted his opposition to the cuts. ‘[Jesus] says how you treat the least among us, the least of our brothers, that’s how you treat him,’ Vargas, adding that Jesus specifically mentions the importance of feeding the hungry.
“Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, who supports cuts to the program, had his own Bible verse from the Book of Thessalonians to quote back to Vargas: ‘The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat,’ he said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: First of all, do you notice Republicans always quote the Old Testament because, well, so they can ignore Jesus’ teachings, that’s why. The O.T. Hebrews were assholes. That’s why God sent Jesus to straighten ’em out. Jesus wasn’t a Republican, and didn’t think or behave like them. The food stamp debate is kinda like a Pharisees vs. Jesus thing, but that surprises nobody, because we all know what Republicans are like.
But my main point is I don’t take orders from Republicans! I don’t work for them, in fact, I don’t work at all, because I’m a capitalist now. So I won’t work for food, and don’t have to. Capitalists eat all they want, and don’t work, because we live off the fat of the land. We get paid for owning stuff, so how much we’re paid, which is a lot, bears no relationship to how much work we do, which is none.
Notice how the work requirement Republicans want to impose on people as a precondition for eating only applies to workers. Capitalists are exempt. Which means they don’t have to work and can eat all they want.
Republicans don’t just hate workers, they hate well-fed workers. They want American workers to live like slaves in North Korean concentration camps, where everyone is skin and bones from living on grass and rat meat. They admire the North Korean labor system, under which slaves dig coal with their bare hands, work from 5 AM to midnight, aren’t paid, and have to work until they die. They want to institute a similar system here in the United States.
Republicans think food stamps are communism. I don’t know where they get that from. North Korea doesn’t have food stamps; it would be pointless, because they don’t have any food.
Also, Republicans aren’t totally against communism, they like certain parts of it, i.e. forced labor camps and mass starvation. They think those parts could work under capitalism, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
WTF is going on with my screen name? I know damn well I typed in “Roger Rabbit.” Is HA being hacked? This looks like the work of North Koreans, Chinese, or Republicans. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re working together.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
This looks like the work of North Koreans, Chinese, or Republicans. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re working together.
Republicans have always been willing to work with our nation’s enemies to secure power for themselves. See Reagan with the Iranians, Nixon with the North Vietnamese. Not to mention the Confederacy (back when Republicans called themselves ‘Democrats’)
@2…God, sorry to be rude, dude, but you’re old, lame and irrelevant these days. The only followers you have are the wack job Old Testament types and they are all dying off or nuts [see puddy]. Take it easy in retirement and check the beard for lice every now and then.
Since the subject of suffering came up…
Did anyone else who watched the admittedly insufferable but arguably brilliant Mel Gibson’s The Passion Of The Christ some years back come away with the impression that despite Mel’s shameless pandering to the followers of the Dominionist-Americanism heresies to put more butts in the seats, the movie itself gave the clear message that we are now the Romans? Yanno, those folks who ruled the world and meted out suffering like nobody’s business in order to do so?
Who is “we?”
Are you a Roman? Is the Pope a Roman? Why is it still called the Holy ROMAN Church?
Gibson’s Jesus .. of course .. suffered at the hands of those oh so horrid Jews, the Jews who could not see how much good this Jesus offered, how his being crucified (then resurrected) was an answer for Roman victims without such magical powers.
Are the Chinese the Romans? I would guess os if you are a Uigar or Tibetan.
Are the Saudis the Romans? Seems so if you are not a Wahhabi obedient to the Royal family.
Oh, and those Iranian Romans … they seem pretty Roman when they threaten Israel with nuclear crucifixion.
Lots Roman Russians suppressing the Chechnians, not to mention the Turkish Romans hard love for the Kurds.
Seems to Me that today’s Americans are not all that bad.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Although the climate for gays has improved in our country, there are still pockets where witch-hunting of gays is thriving.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I can understand why the 15-year-old’s parents are upset. After all, lesbianism is a behavior, right? So what does their kid’s queerness say about their parenting? But wait, what if queerness is the result of inherited genes as gay advocates, biologists, and liberals claim? Then that must mean the kid’s parents have bad genes. Oops. It must be the real shits for a gay-hating couple to find out their daughter is gay, although Dick Cheney seems to have handled it better than he handled most other things in his life.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 When is Mel going to do a movie about North Korean slave labor camps? Ceasar had nothing on that regime. They’re even nastier than Stalin, the guy who invented gulags. Christ had to spend only three hours bleeding on the cross, preceded by perhaps half a day of flogging. NK’s political prisoners spend a lifetime in the mines, working from 5 AM to midnight every day of the year, and subsisting on whatever rats and insects they can catch themselves. Sadistic guards routinely torture prisoners, and use hunger for punishment/reward. Seattle author Blaine Harden recounts a survivor’s story of a 10-year-old girl being beaten to death for being caught with 5 corn kernels in her pocket. Surely that’s the stuff of a Mel Gibson screenplay?
@10 When is Mel going to do a movie about North Korean slave labor camps? Ceasar had nothing on that regime. They’re even nastier than Stalin, the guy who invented gulags. Christ had to spend only three hours bleeding on the cross, preceded by perhaps half a day of flogging. NK’s political prisoners spend a lifetime in the mines, working from 5 AM to midnight every day of the year, and subsisting on whatever rats and insects they can catch themselves. Sadistic guards routinely torture prisoners, and use hunger for punishment/reward. Seattle author Blaine Harden recounts a survivor’s story of a 10-year-old girl being beaten to death for being caught with 5 corn kernels in her pocket. Surely that’s the stuff of a Mel Gibson screenplay?
North Korea doesn’t exactly keep the entire “known” world under its boot, except in the rather myopic view of its own…uh, “dear leader”.
Sorry Puddy, I am not wrong.
There is a huge difference between charity done for its own sake and any deeds done in the name of an evangelical religion.
I would be far more impressed if your folks collected money and gave it too groups that do not carry any religious brand. That would be selfless.
As a non Christian, I see you guys as tainted with the history of “missions” .. a term your ADRA uses for itself. Missions brought slavery to Africa, small pox to America, and cultural genocide to 3/4 of the world.
Here is a test for you … when the ADRA delivers aid to Oklahoma will it help rebuild a mosque that was destroyed? a planned parenthood clinic? a gay shelter? I suspect not.
15 ArtFart..
The world has gotten a lot bigger since Roman times. Victims in Korean concentration camps are as concerned with the massive force of their oppressors as my ancestors were frighted of the Romans.
New York – 20K LB. Of Kosher Meat Donated to Oklahoma
Yesterday 05:03 PM
New York – In the wake of yesterday’s devastating tornado in Oklahoma, a major kosher meat distributor is donating twelve pallets of meat
You suffer, you frigging idiots, because you pay no frigging attention to anything He teaches.
I call divine bullshit on your comment.
Jesus was anything but an avatar of non suffering … if you want that turn to Siddartha Guatama, the Buddha.
The mythic figure “Jesus” was, if anything. amongst the most aggressive and adversarial figure of all time. He even staged his own grandiose crucifixion as an act of divine defiance (sadly in My name) against the Romans. Hardly a call to avoid suffering!
Certainly his followers worked to promote suffering .. both their own martyrdom and the murder and enslavement of millions of non believers. Even the kindly Pope Francis, just awar4ded sainthood to several hundred followers of Jesus in tribute the their personal martyrdom.
“We suffer because Jesus is our king.”
Is it just me. or does Christianity have an awful lot of fucking suffering going on? What’s with all the pain and grief? Why not have a beer and enjoy life a little?
@ 3
Because finding pleasure of any kind in any thing is a sin and will cause you to stray from the Power of the Lord. Refusal to suffer for the Lord is an abomination.
As much as everyone worships and gibbers over the memory of Mother Theresa, bear in mind that she was able to secure over $2 Billion in “donations” to the Church, all while denying all but the very basic elements of modern medical technology to the people she treated. That is, no painkillers, no anesthesia, no antibiotics for venereal diseases etc. Her clinics were in open buildings, with rats and roaches and had no sterile facilities at all, even for surgery. Pain and suffering, was part and parcel of her Order’s basic philosophy. She wasn’t about curing the sick, she was about maintaining their suffering as long as possible.
The best thing Mother Theresa did in My name was her expression of doubt that I exist.
Won’t Work For Food
“A heated battle is brewing on Capitol Hill over cuts to the food stamp program, with lawmakers quoting Bible verses at each other and benefits for millions of people hanging in the balance. …
“During contentious debate over the Farm Bill, which funds food stamps, in the House Agriculture Committee, Rep. Juan Vargas, D-Calif., invoked the Book of Matthew as he noted his opposition to the cuts. ‘[Jesus] says how you treat the least among us, the least of our brothers, that’s how you treat him,’ Vargas, adding that Jesus specifically mentions the importance of feeding the hungry.
“Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, who supports cuts to the program, had his own Bible verse from the Book of Thessalonians to quote back to Vargas: ‘The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat,’ he said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: First of all, do you notice Republicans always quote the Old Testament because, well, so they can ignore Jesus’ teachings, that’s why. The O.T. Hebrews were assholes. That’s why God sent Jesus to straighten ’em out. Jesus wasn’t a Republican, and didn’t think or behave like them. The food stamp debate is kinda like a Pharisees vs. Jesus thing, but that surprises nobody, because we all know what Republicans are like.
But my main point is I don’t take orders from Republicans! I don’t work for them, in fact, I don’t work at all, because I’m a capitalist now. So I won’t work for food, and don’t have to. Capitalists eat all they want, and don’t work, because we live off the fat of the land. We get paid for owning stuff, so how much we’re paid, which is a lot, bears no relationship to how much work we do, which is none.
Notice how the work requirement Republicans want to impose on people as a precondition for eating only applies to workers. Capitalists are exempt. Which means they don’t have to work and can eat all they want.
Republicans don’t just hate workers, they hate well-fed workers. They want American workers to live like slaves in North Korean concentration camps, where everyone is skin and bones from living on grass and rat meat. They admire the North Korean labor system, under which slaves dig coal with their bare hands, work from 5 AM to midnight, aren’t paid, and have to work until they die. They want to institute a similar system here in the United States.
Republicans think food stamps are communism. I don’t know where they get that from. North Korea doesn’t have food stamps; it would be pointless, because they don’t have any food.
Also, Republicans aren’t totally against communism, they like certain parts of it, i.e. forced labor camps and mass starvation. They think those parts could work under capitalism, too.
WTF is going on with my screen name? I know damn well I typed in “Roger Rabbit.” Is HA being hacked? This looks like the work of North Koreans, Chinese, or Republicans. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re working together.
Republicans have always been willing to work with our nation’s enemies to secure power for themselves. See Reagan with the Iranians, Nixon with the North Vietnamese. Not to mention the Confederacy (back when Republicans called themselves ‘Democrats’)
@2…God, sorry to be rude, dude, but you’re old, lame and irrelevant these days. The only followers you have are the wack job Old Testament types and they are all dying off or nuts [see puddy]. Take it easy in retirement and check the beard for lice every now and then.
Since the subject of suffering came up…
Did anyone else who watched the admittedly insufferable but arguably brilliant Mel Gibson’s The Passion Of The Christ some years back come away with the impression that despite Mel’s shameless pandering to the followers of the Dominionist-Americanism heresies to put more butts in the seats, the movie itself gave the clear message that we are now the Romans? Yanno, those folks who ruled the world and meted out suffering like nobody’s business in order to do so?
Who is “we?”
Are you a Roman? Is the Pope a Roman? Why is it still called the Holy ROMAN Church?
Gibson’s Jesus .. of course .. suffered at the hands of those oh so horrid Jews, the Jews who could not see how much good this Jesus offered, how his being crucified (then resurrected) was an answer for Roman victims without such magical powers.
Are the Chinese the Romans? I would guess os if you are a Uigar or Tibetan.
Are the Saudis the Romans? Seems so if you are not a Wahhabi obedient to the Royal family.
Oh, and those Iranian Romans … they seem pretty Roman when they threaten Israel with nuclear crucifixion.
Lots Roman Russians suppressing the Chechnians, not to mention the Turkish Romans hard love for the Kurds.
Seems to Me that today’s Americans are not all that bad.
Although the climate for gays has improved in our country, there are still pockets where witch-hunting of gays is thriving.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I can understand why the 15-year-old’s parents are upset. After all, lesbianism is a behavior, right? So what does their kid’s queerness say about their parenting? But wait, what if queerness is the result of inherited genes as gay advocates, biologists, and liberals claim? Then that must mean the kid’s parents have bad genes. Oops. It must be the real shits for a gay-hating couple to find out their daughter is gay, although Dick Cheney seems to have handled it better than he handled most other things in his life.
@10 When is Mel going to do a movie about North Korean slave labor camps? Ceasar had nothing on that regime. They’re even nastier than Stalin, the guy who invented gulags. Christ had to spend only three hours bleeding on the cross, preceded by perhaps half a day of flogging. NK’s political prisoners spend a lifetime in the mines, working from 5 AM to midnight every day of the year, and subsisting on whatever rats and insects they can catch themselves. Sadistic guards routinely torture prisoners, and use hunger for punishment/reward. Seattle author Blaine Harden recounts a survivor’s story of a 10-year-old girl being beaten to death for being caught with 5 corn kernels in her pocket. Surely that’s the stuff of a Mel Gibson screenplay?
@10 When is Mel going to do a movie about North Korean slave labor camps? Ceasar had nothing on that regime. They’re even nastier than Stalin, the guy who invented gulags. Christ had to spend only three hours bleeding on the cross, preceded by perhaps half a day of flogging. NK’s political prisoners spend a lifetime in the mines, working from 5 AM to midnight every day of the year, and subsisting on whatever rats and insects they can catch themselves. Sadistic guards routinely torture prisoners, and use hunger for punishment/reward. Seattle author Blaine Harden recounts a survivor’s story of a 10-year-old girl being beaten to death for being caught with 5 corn kernels in her pocket. Surely that’s the stuff of a Mel Gibson screenplay?
North Korea doesn’t exactly keep the entire “known” world under its boot, except in the rather myopic view of its own…uh, “dear leader”.
Sorry Puddy, I am not wrong.
There is a huge difference between charity done for its own sake and any deeds done in the name of an evangelical religion.
I would be far more impressed if your folks collected money and gave it too groups that do not carry any religious brand. That would be selfless.
As a non Christian, I see you guys as tainted with the history of “missions” .. a term your ADRA uses for itself. Missions brought slavery to Africa, small pox to America, and cultural genocide to 3/4 of the world.
Here is a test for you … when the ADRA delivers aid to Oklahoma will it help rebuild a mosque that was destroyed? a planned parenthood clinic? a gay shelter? I suspect not.
15 ArtFart..
The world has gotten a lot bigger since Roman times. Victims in Korean concentration camps are as concerned with the massive force of their oppressors as my ancestors were frighted of the Romans.
New York – 20K LB. Of Kosher Meat Donated to Oklahoma
Yesterday 05:03 PM
New York – In the wake of yesterday’s devastating tornado in Oklahoma, a major kosher meat distributor is donating twelve pallets of meat
Jesusarians aren’t happy unless they feel like they are being persecuted for their beliefs.
Yes, indeed, SJ.