Isaiah 34:7
And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.
Fat with fatness? their land shall be soaked with blood?
Sounds like the TeaBagger/Nazi party to me. They never saw a war or a double bacon cheeseburger they didn’t want. Up in my area, the TeaShirt brigade is almost entirely consisted of a bunch of morbidly obese middle school dropouts on electric wheelchairs waving little plastic confederate battle flags, and the idiots who call themselves farmers because they bought ten acres of farmland. Farmland that they then go to the county and try to get zoning variances on to build 50 crackerbox houses. The same idiots who buy a house in the middle of a dairy farm and then file lawsuits about the smell and the noise.
Fat with fatness indeed.
No idea.
If there is a god it clearly wants me to wake up early and get out and enjoy the day.
Mike @2 …
I( am here. The day is beautiful and you will encounter no unicorns.
I you do encounter the likes of Isiah, turn the thy nether cheek toward them and walk away for they are either mad or bent on no good. But bewar4e the silent Isiahs, the ones who build bombs, steal bread from the poor, or make war in My name.
headless lucyspews:
“…made fat with fatness.”
…kind of like Andy Devine. ‘Hey, Wild Bill, wait for me!’
Perhaps Isaiah is writing about the situation in Syria?
Seems to me that the godly ones of the right are all to likely to see unicorns there and want to war war until the blood flows over Syria’s borders.
I, for one am very glad that the one true God, as revealed here on HA, does not forment war.
Dan Robinsonspews:
And faith shall triumph over reason……
Ten Years Afterspews:
Isaiah must have been into ‘shrooms.
Not really …
War and pestilence are very good at inducing psychosis.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
Curious, the Catholics don’t do the ‘unicorn’ thingy…
Wild oxen shall be struck down with fatlings,
and bullocks with bulls;
Their land shall be soaked with blood,
and their soil greasy with fat.
In both KJV and the Catholic bibles, the into all the smiting and kidney stabbing and land dripping with blood is delivered in verse 2, and is similar..
For the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter.
The LORD is angry with all the nations,
enraged against all their host;
He has placed them under the ban,
given them up to slaughter
The entire ch34 in the Catholic bible is titled “Judgement Upon Edom” and carries this discussion at the end…
[34:1–35:10] These two chapters form a small collection which looks forward to the vindication of Zion, first by defeat of its enemies (chap. 34), then by its restoration (chap. 35). They are generally judged to be later than the time of Isaiah (eighth century), perhaps during the Babylonian exile or thereafter; they are strongly influenced by Deutero-Isaiah (sixth century). In places they reflect themes from other parts of the Isaian collection.
* [34:8–17] The extreme hostility against Edom in this passage is reflected in a number of other prophetic texts from the seventh and sixth centuries B.C. (cf. e.g., 63:1–6; Jer 49:7–22; Ez 25:12–14). The animus was probably prompted by Edomite infiltration of the southern territories of Judah, especially after the Babylonian conquest of Judah.
So what we have are the rather propagandistic rantings of blood and vengeance by a people who were being conquered. Reading the whole chapter, here or here, one sees it’s a litany of all sorts of horrific death and destruction and defilement that are going to come down because the author(s)’ people were being pushed around, as it were.
Edom’s streams shall be changed into pitch,
The LORD will stretch over it the measuring line of chaos,
the plumb line of confusion.*
Its castles shall be overgrown with thorns
Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts,
…and so on.
SJ likens it to Syria, and I was reminded of John McCain when reading this chapter – the repeatedly failed Presidential contender who can’t or won’t go away and who is frothing at the mouth about military vengeance and attack and war as the ONLY option to essentially any international crisis. He is rather like a caricature Biblical doomsayer wondering the sets of the Sunday talk shows moaning doom and gloom and ‘BOMB THEM!’ to all who will listen.
I think, if we’re going to survive as a species, and not turn this eden of a planet into a burnt out cinder, if we’re not going to rush headlong into a high-tech feudal plutocracy, if we’re not going to bequeath our children and grandchildren wars and privation and hopelessness, then the sort of sentiments expressed in this ‘HOLY BOOK’ need to be actively and affirmatively rejected.
If this is a foundational document for Western Civilization, then our foundation is one of anger and fear and division and war and farmlands saturated with blood and cities raped and sacked and ablaze. Is that what we really want?
*(‘The plumb line of confusion’ …I like that turn of phrase….I think that must be what puddybigot uses!)
@ 8
Thats why the TeaShirt Brigades want so much of it. Their entire ethical structure is utterly dependent on promoting psychosis.
Imagine the good that would happen if those who read these hate filled Roman bibles instead harkened to My word here?
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
…hate filled Roman bibles…
Good one, god.
I think that might be a central problem for western ‘civilization’, as I said above.
Imagine if we had a book of songs and light, attributed to your Inspiration, a how-to to diffuse conflict and nurture love and trust and generosity. Maybe, god, we need a God-the-Mother, rather than God-the-Father?
Ten Years Afterspews:
From 9 & 11,
What does the Orthodox Bible say? Maybe the Byzantine Empire has a different take on it?
This from a guy that has never, actually ever in his LIFE, had a real job, nor had to make a living for himself on wages.
These textx ALL come from the Roman bible, written by and for the Romans. Hardly a fit issue for Me.
@12 LS
Ahhh yes … the song of songs.
Those were the days when humans wrote elegantly of sex. How badly you have declined.
I first read “bullocks” as “bollocks.” I like that version better…
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
Yea, and if thou exercise thy Second Amendment rights by keeping a firearm in thine abode, and if ye fail to lock it up, thine son may shootest thine daughter whilst thou art away, because even the Lord canst prevent boys from being boys, and boys like to play with guns.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s nothing wrong with guns per se. It’s the owners who need to be registered and supervised.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
Oh, there you go again (said in voice of Sarah Palin)….trying to use tragedy of normal life to try to pass new gun laws limiting our rights.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@14 That’s just the first step. If they can end overtime pay, the next step is ending regular pay, followed by repealing the 13th amendment. Republicans never met a worker they didn’t want to enslave.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@19 Yeah. How prickish of me. We rabbits think you humans shouldn’t have guns. As a species, you’re too irresponsible to be entrusted with instrumentalities whose only function is intentional infliction of injury and death.
Ten Years Afterspews:
From 15,
Don’t get uppity. What does the Othodox text say of Isaiah’s words? After all, you’re all-knowing, right?
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
As a species, you’re too irresponsible to be entrusted with instrumentalities whose only function is intentional infliction of injury and death.
Too true.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
Fat with fatness? their land shall be soaked with blood?
Sounds like the TeaBagger/Nazi party to me. They never saw a war or a double bacon cheeseburger they didn’t want. Up in my area, the TeaShirt brigade is almost entirely consisted of a bunch of morbidly obese middle school dropouts on electric wheelchairs waving little plastic confederate battle flags, and the idiots who call themselves farmers because they bought ten acres of farmland. Farmland that they then go to the county and try to get zoning variances on to build 50 crackerbox houses. The same idiots who buy a house in the middle of a dairy farm and then file lawsuits about the smell and the noise.
Fat with fatness indeed.
No idea.
If there is a god it clearly wants me to wake up early and get out and enjoy the day.
Mike @2 …
I( am here. The day is beautiful and you will encounter no unicorns.
I you do encounter the likes of Isiah, turn the thy nether cheek toward them and walk away for they are either mad or bent on no good. But bewar4e the silent Isiahs, the ones who build bombs, steal bread from the poor, or make war in My name.
“…made fat with fatness.”
…kind of like Andy Devine. ‘Hey, Wild Bill, wait for me!’
Perhaps Isaiah is writing about the situation in Syria?
Seems to me that the godly ones of the right are all to likely to see unicorns there and want to war war until the blood flows over Syria’s borders.
I, for one am very glad that the one true God, as revealed here on HA, does not forment war.
And faith shall triumph over reason……
Isaiah must have been into ‘shrooms.
Not really …
War and pestilence are very good at inducing psychosis.
Curious, the Catholics don’t do the ‘unicorn’ thingy…
In both KJV and the Catholic bibles, the into all the smiting and kidney stabbing and land dripping with blood is delivered in verse 2, and is similar..
The entire ch34 in the Catholic bible is titled “Judgement Upon Edom” and carries this discussion at the end…
So what we have are the rather propagandistic rantings of blood and vengeance by a people who were being conquered. Reading the whole chapter, here or here, one sees it’s a litany of all sorts of horrific death and destruction and defilement that are going to come down because the author(s)’ people were being pushed around, as it were.
…and so on.
SJ likens it to Syria, and I was reminded of John McCain when reading this chapter – the repeatedly failed Presidential contender who can’t or won’t go away and who is frothing at the mouth about military vengeance and attack and war as the ONLY option to essentially any international crisis. He is rather like a caricature Biblical doomsayer wondering the sets of the Sunday talk shows moaning doom and gloom and ‘BOMB THEM!’ to all who will listen.
I think, if we’re going to survive as a species, and not turn this eden of a planet into a burnt out cinder, if we’re not going to rush headlong into a high-tech feudal plutocracy, if we’re not going to bequeath our children and grandchildren wars and privation and hopelessness, then the sort of sentiments expressed in this ‘HOLY BOOK’ need to be actively and affirmatively rejected.
If this is a foundational document for Western Civilization, then our foundation is one of anger and fear and division and war and farmlands saturated with blood and cities raped and sacked and ablaze. Is that what we really want?
*(‘The plumb line of confusion’ …I like that turn of phrase….I think that must be what puddybigot uses!)
@ 8
Thats why the TeaShirt Brigades want so much of it. Their entire ethical structure is utterly dependent on promoting psychosis.
Imagine the good that would happen if those who read these hate filled Roman bibles instead harkened to My word here?
Good one, god.
I think that might be a central problem for western ‘civilization’, as I said above.
Imagine if we had a book of songs and light, attributed to your Inspiration, a how-to to diffuse conflict and nurture love and trust and generosity. Maybe, god, we need a God-the-Mother, rather than God-the-Father?
From 9 & 11,
What does the Orthodox Bible say? Maybe the Byzantine Empire has a different take on it?
Talking about being fat with fatness.
This from a guy that has never, actually ever in his LIFE, had a real job, nor had to make a living for himself on wages.
These textx ALL come from the Roman bible, written by and for the Romans. Hardly a fit issue for Me.
@12 LS
Ahhh yes … the song of songs.
Those were the days when humans wrote elegantly of sex. How badly you have declined.
I first read “bullocks” as “bollocks.” I like that version better…
Yea, and if thou exercise thy Second Amendment rights by keeping a firearm in thine abode, and if ye fail to lock it up, thine son may shootest thine daughter whilst thou art away, because even the Lord canst prevent boys from being boys, and boys like to play with guns.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s nothing wrong with guns per se. It’s the owners who need to be registered and supervised.
Oh, there you go again (said in voice of Sarah Palin)….trying to use tragedy of normal life to try to pass new gun laws limiting our rights.
@14 That’s just the first step. If they can end overtime pay, the next step is ending regular pay, followed by repealing the 13th amendment. Republicans never met a worker they didn’t want to enslave.
@19 Yeah. How prickish of me. We rabbits think you humans shouldn’t have guns. As a species, you’re too irresponsible to be entrusted with instrumentalities whose only function is intentional infliction of injury and death.
From 15,
Don’t get uppity. What does the Othodox text say of Isaiah’s words? After all, you’re all-knowing, right?
Too true.
@22 You tell ’em, Ten! What can “God” possibly do to you for sassing Him?
From 24,
@25 He can make your 401(k) go down …
@22 Ten
You MUST be kidding. Do you presume that God should answer whatever questions you are too lazy to research?
Try my latest tool .. Bing.
Everyone: Don’t mess with God. Or my buddies. I’m not kidding.
Could it be that Roger Rabbit and God are one and the same? It’s possible to use more than one screen name to post comments.
Religion seems to be something w’re stuck with. It will always be with us.