22 This is one thing, therefore I said it, He destroyeth the perfect and the wicked.
23 If the scourge slay suddenly, he will laugh at the trial of the innocent.
My interpretation of the KJV is that when another Palestinian Work Accident occurs and a bunch of Hamassholes get themselves blown up when the missile explodes rather than flies, God laughs along with the rest of the world when Hamas blames IDF for it.
@ 3
Except your idea of a “good person” is someone who kicks down black folks doors in the middle of the night and hangs them in front of their wife and kids.
Pretty ironic that the biggest Obama support group in last year’s election is the one most severely affected by Obama policies.
Another version @6 of Job 9:23:
When Obama-loving X-Gen liberals can’t find a job because of Obama policy, Kochs sit back and laugh.
FrootLoops Cereal Conservativespews:
Sacrilegious Sunday Seminar question for Roger Rabbit: Everyone knows that you’re too old and that you’re totally inconsequential. Is it also true that you’re incontinent?
Roger Rabbit answer: Depends.
Only a conservative would place maximizing profits above all other things under the sun, facilitate that by encouraging businesses (by paying them to do so) to move out of the country to exploit the cheapest possible labor, then call everyone thrown out of work “lazy welfare bums”.
Only a conservative would call university students “unemployable”.
This is exactly the same as the fucking King of England closing all the schools in Ireland, forcing the Irish to sell all their crops below market value and then justifying the pogroms against the Catholics by calling them uneducated and uncivilized.
You fuckers all oughta be hanged for treason.
Ten Years Afterspews:
If God is laughing when a good person dies, he must be totally ecstatic when somebody like Hitler dies!
From 9,
I’m afraid some college students do set themselves up for a tough time finding employment after they graduate. After all, how many openings are there for Theater and Drama majors or Gender Studies grads?
The tough, practical stuff is tough and practical for a reason: it’s what employers want to run their enterprises. I say take all the arts and drama courses you want as free electives, but it’s the serious stuff that matters!
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@2 I realized that a long time ago — every time a Republican invoked Your Name as justification for the shit he was trying to pull.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@3 I have a couple of questions for you, Bob:
1. Do you think there are any Palestinians who don’t fire missiles at Israel?
2. Do you think there are any Palestinians who have legitimate grievances about how Israel treats Palestinians?
3. Do you think there are any assholes on the Israeli side of the conflict?
4. Do you think Palestinians are solely responsible for the conflict, or is it possible the Israelis and Palestinians deserve each other?
Just wondering.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@7 “because of Obama policy”
Which rightwing comedy site did you find this joke on? I won’t even bother to discuss all the factual errors in this absurd comment, because the etiology of our current unemployment troubles is common knowledge, well known to everyone but you and your fellow wingnut reality-deniers. And besides, when did conservatives ever care about unemployed people? When they voted against unemployment benefits at the depths of the worst recession since the 1930s?
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@8 No problem, it’s caused by Agent Orange, so it’s service-connected.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@9 “You fuckers all oughta be hanged for treason.”
I have a better idea. Let them do their own work, while the rest of us live off the stock market. It’s our turn to be the capitalists.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@10 “After all, how many openings are there for Theater and Drama majors”
I don’t know how many current openings there are, but Hollywood apparently employs over 100,000 actors, and there are dozens of acting schools training new ones.
RR, you made his @ 10 point for him. Scroll down a little further in your own link and you’ll find that of 108,000 actors, 21,000 of them actually have a job.
That’s 80+% either doing something else because acting doesn’t pay enough to justify spending to be educated in it, or joining Deathfrogg on the sidelines, watching the rest of the word go out and earn a living.
Well done. You are the master of the own-goal, RR.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@18 “That’s 80+% either doing something else because acting doesn’t pay enough to justify spending to be educated in it,”
You could say the same thing about a lot of lawyers, stockbrokers, and ex-bankers, or almost any other occupational group you care to name.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
After all, how many openings are there for Theater and Drama majors or Gender Studies grads?
We hear variations of this over and over and over from the ‘sensible’ and the ‘small government’ types and the ‘conventional wisdom’ conservatives.
Do we really want to live in a society where we only train people to do jobs that ‘the market’ (read: the narrow self-interests of the tiny minority that controls the vast amount of wealth and power that we all contribute to generating) is willing to pay for?
Do any of you want to live in a society where no one is trained in critical analysis of literature? in theater? where no one systematically analyzes and critiques the assumptions and mores of the society? where there are no scientists exploring parts of the natural world simply because it is fascinating and majestic and beautiful, but will never yield a dollar-denominated profit?
I certainly don’t.
However, the glib conservatives like cheapshotBob, and his side’s spokesmodel, Sarah Palin (remember the squawking about “Fruit fly research, I kid you not!!!1!!”) – they’re all about dismantling academia, dismantling the mechanisms we have for teaching people to think, for examining questions that are uncomfortable and unprofitable, for pushing the boundaries of what is possible and forcing us to examine our own comfortable assumptions for whether they are correct or just or adaptive, or merely traditional.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
Basically, the conservative argument, as I understand it, is that we should let employers tell us what to study in school, let employers dictate what work we’ll do, let employers decide how much we’ll earn, and let employers take everything we produce. I can’t say I like that program very much. I’d rather be their boss than the other way around. That’s what makes being a shareholder so much fun.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@20 “Sarah Palin (remember the squawking about “Fruit fly research, I kid you not!!!1!!””
Didn’t someone just extract a powerful new class of infection-fighting agents from alligator blood?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No telling what they’ll come up with next — a cancer cure from fruit flies? Never can tell …
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@20 Maybe one of the reasons there’s so much dishonesty in the business world now is because B-school grads only took business and finance courses, and weren’t required to have any humanities credits. They know how to calculate yields, profit margins, and present values; but don’t know a damn thing about ethics or social responsibility.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
because _________ doesn’t pay enough to justify spending to be educated in it
All depends on the definition of ‘justified’.
In a healthy society, one with full employment, a narrow division of wealth and political power, a progressive taxation system and a preponderance of government (read shared) spending on investments in education and infrastructure and physical and emotional health, and the broadest societal happiness as the shared, overarching goal, I would predict an abundance of resources to underwrite the studies of people devoted to literary criticism, or theater, or abstract math, or cetacean behavior, or stellar evolution, or painting or pottery technique.
All of those ‘frivolous’ pursuits enrich all of us.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
Any argument that descends into, “We can’t afford ‘X’ because we need AUSTERITY!!!” (where ‘X’ is anything cool or wonderful or necessary) is a sure sign you’re being grifted by an asshole intent on further polarizing the society into a tiny cadre of wealth- and power-holders who have a death grip on the rule making, and a boundless sea of powerless, desperate, dispirited worker drones whose daily existence is a surrender to toil and wage-slavery and the theft of their labor by the first group.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
“Palin … is apparently unaware that … research with fruit flies has led … to advances in understanding autism spectrum disorders … and … ‘revolutionize[d]’ the study of birth defects.”
“Drosophila melanogaster was among the first organisms used for genetic analysis, and … was the source of some of the most important research in the history of biology.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If we let ignoramuses like Palin and Bob lead our country, they’ll lead us straight back to the Stone Age, when human life expectancy was 20, but only for the tiny percentage who made it past age 3. Btw, htf did Bob become a doctor without working with fruit flies?
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
Do any of you want to live in a society where no one is trained in critical analysis of literature? in theater? where no one systematically analyzes and critiques the assumptions and mores of the society?
I have no problem living in this type of society.
I believe, however, that:
1. People who choose those majors or fields of study shouldn’t be permitted to do so without being fully informed of the economic challenges they will face as a result.
2. People who choose to shoulder huge debt burdens to do so should not have that debt guaranteed by the government. Let some benevolent organization be the backstop for that kind of debt. You want it, Lib Sci? You can pay for it.
$150K to obtain a PhD in Critical Dance Studies shouldn’t be on the government’s dime.
You know, it’s really too bad that RR didn’t have to compete in the real world in this day and age rather than having a spoon-fed career the way he did:
WSJ: More Than 50% of Law Graduates Aren’t Making a Living
More than 50% of law school graduates from the 2011 class aren’t earning enough to buy a house, according to a new study [Jerry Organ (St. Thomas), Reflections on the Decreasing Affordability of Legal Education, 41 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol’y ___ (2013)]. …
Mr. Organ took a formula for measuring a law school graduate’s economic viability developed by University of Louisville Law Professor Jim Chen [A Degree of Practical Wisdom: The Ratio of Educational Debt to Income as a Basic Measurement of Law School Graduates’ Economic Viability, 38 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 1185 (2012)] and applied it to employment outcome data published on a per school basis by the ABA for the class of 2011.
Graduates need to be earning an annual income that’s at least two times their annual tuition — or an income that’s at least two-thirds of their law school debt — to reach “marginal financial viability,” according to the formula. Those below the threshold can’t afford to buy a $100,000 house and struggle to retire their debt. …
It should not go unnoticed that the same liberal who says this @ 20:
Do any of you want to live in a society where no one is trained in critical analysis of literature? in theater? where no one systematically analyzes and critiques the assumptions and mores of the society?
also thinks that Monty Python @ 28 should better reflect real life.
One can only hope that Lib Sci’s children have a mother in possession of significantly greater common sense.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
It’s a very interesting story about the Palin/Fruit Fly gaffe.
People first thought that she was attacking Drosophila research – which is a mainstay of modern genetic research. For example, the Fred Hutch is full of rooms of flies in little bottles used by a significant proportion of their faculty.
She was actually talking about fruit fly research in France – work on olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae.
She screeched, “…things like fruit fly research in Paris, France. I kid you not.” she was referring to $200000 to pay for work partially done at a major center of olive agricultural research, in Montpellier, in the south.
This fly is a pest that has now been found in California, causes economically significant damage to a nascent industry that in 2011 was worth $50 million, and growing rapidly.
Wouldn’t want to spend any money on that, now siree, no way.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
It should not go unnoticed that the same liberal who says…
You should learn to read for comprehension.
Oh, and am I to take it that you’re now going to include my wife, as well as my children, as weapons in your smarmy posts? You are pathetic.
She’s no weapon, Lib Sci. She’s the only hope I think your children have.
Wow… These are the words of Job, who mistakenly talked about God from his suffering at the hands of Satan. What you Bible-hating libtards don’t get because you have no BIBLE comprehension is God’s response to Job in Chapter 38.
38 From out of a storm,
the Lord said to Job:
2 Why do you talk so much
when you know so little?
3 Now get ready to face me!
Can you answer
the questions I ask?
And from Chapter 40…
I am the Lord All-Powerful,
2 but you have argued
that I am wrong.
Now you must answer me.
3 Job said to the Lord:
4 Who am I to answer you?
5 I did speak once or twice,
but never again.
6 Then out of the storm
the Lord said to Job:
7 Face me and answer
the questions I ask!
8 Are you trying to prove
that you are innocent
by accusing me of injustice?
So once again we see the ignorant rants of the standard HA leftist morons above making clueless comments on religious things.
God asks – “Why do you talk so much when you know so little?” Puddy wonders about that from the insipid fetid comments above.
Some should just STFreakU!
Y’all are more stupid than the daily turds left by unemployed ylb in the threads; and that’s an impressive feat!
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
That post of yours merely confirms the notion that you either can’t read, or that you’re willfully, dishonestly refusing to engage the merits of an argument.
Once again, just like with piddl, and every other right-winger, one confronts the question, “Stupid or lying?”
Wow, Lib da schmucko surely loves to twist words of others into things not said or thought of. So sad! He always does that when the argument is lost. Reminds Puddy of comment #49 in the March 29th Friday Night Comic strip from da perfessa!
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
The Republican response to cruel treatment of farm animals is to criminalize documenting cruel treatment of farm animals.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@29 “a spoon-fed career”
Yawn. Another brain-dead winger who thinks a public service career is a cushy sinecure for lazy people (and rabbits) because he never worked in a government job and has no idea what public service work is like. Yawn. How many times have we heard this tired meme before?
(In case you’re wondering what the relevance of the link is, I’ve had to have police protection because of my government job. Have you ever needed a police guard to protect you from your customers, Bob?)
Well Roger@37 if the person is taping the ekim (animal) abuse, shouldn’t the person taping it be on the tape shouting to stop the ekim (animal) abuse from happening?
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@29 College administrators have been irresponsible about building law schools and encouraging students to attend them. Their motivation is monetary. A law school is an unrivaled cash cow. It produces almost as much tuition income as a medical school, with one-fifth of the costs.
Not that a legal education is ipso facto a bad thing in our litigious society. We have become a legalistic society, to the point where it’s almost impossible to function in most business and professional settings without knowledge of the legal implications of the decisions you make, so it’s not surprising that a lot of people with legal educations find their way into various nooks and crannies of the commercial world.
But I agree we are wasting resources on churning out so many lawyers. (Although we aren’t necessarily producing enough good ones.) Maybe some of those resources would be better directed toward training nurses, geriatric care specialists, and Alzheimer researchers — although the aptitudes required for these pursuits don’t necessarily overlap.
On the other hand, while everyone hates lawyers and lawyer-bashing is America’s favorite sport, the average American wastes no time at all in running to a lawyer the moment he needs one; and, in this regard, the conservative set have the fastest legs of all.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
I believe, however, that:
1. People who choose those majors or fields of study shouldn’t be permitted to do so without being fully informed of the economic challenges they will face as a result.
2. People who choose to shoulder huge debt burdens to do so should not have that debt guaranteed by the government. Let some benevolent organization be the backstop for that kind of debt. You want it, Lib Sci? You can pay for it.
Of course you do. You’re merely regurgitating the notion, dissected above, that we, as a society, should only support the education of people on the fast track to be worker drones, that educational decisions should be in the hands of potential employers, that we as a society ‘cannot afford’ to collectively support the training of people to do good and interesting things that do not directly enrich some rentier asshole.
Of course you do.
Dan Robinsonspews:
I’ve read Job (I have the Anchor volume for it). In the end, God never answers Job’s questions. He basically tells him to STFU because he is just a man.
What’s your point?
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@39 If you saw someone robbing a bank, would you tell them to stop? Or would you quietly call the police?
If anyone followed your stupid advice, the abuser would beat him up, confiscate his taping equipment, and destroy the evidence of the crime. That’s how criminals behave.
So now Republicans want to make it a crime to videotape the commission of crimes, because that’s how Republican legislators behave. You can’t vote for a Republican and have a conscience at the same time. It’s one or the other.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
Republican firebrands won’t allow any restrictions on people like this http://tinyurl.com/c3etaf4 having easy access to guns, no way, no how!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Are we going to let Republicans burn down our entire society before we finally stop them? Vote them out, and never let them back in!
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
While Republican senators bitterly oppose “government surveillance” of gun owners, a Republican attorney general wants blowjobs to be a prosecutable crime.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans aren’t against Big Brother government; they’re only against someone else running it.
I don’t want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God’s got a sick sense of humor
And when I die I expect to find Him laughing
Ten Years Afterspews:
From 7,
Accounting and business are part of it. Also included are engineering, math, physics, chemistry – all the nuts and bolts stuff that makes the world go ’round.
We’ve got enough liberal arts and humanities people to fill the quota several times over. I know one guy who got a degree in history, found out no jobs were available, then went back to get an aero engineering degree. He’s doing well at Boeing now.
It’s the hard stuff that pays the bills and builds the personal wealth. People in the liberal arts are free to study all that interesting stuff, but they should be independently wealthy before they get into it because a career in liberal studies ain’t enough to get by on!
Ten Years Afterspews:
From 20,
Anyone can study in whatever course of study they choose. However, each should understand there may not be a job waiting at the end of the process.
Make your choices, and live with the consequences. I’d also advise running-up $200,000 in student loan debt to get an English degree.
If you really are a scientist,why would you object to someone majoring in the sciences because he or she wanted a decent and even lucrative career? Critical thinking and a broad level of experience certainly aren’t limited to just liberal studies majors. Surely you can agree with that!!
Ten Years Afterspews:
From 48,
That should read “advice against running up a $2000,000 student loan debt.” My mistake!
@15 Won’t work, I’m afraid. The stock market functions essentially like a Las Vegas casino, except the odds are even worse. For the house and its owners to win big, a whole lot of other people have to go home with empty pockets. The fact that there are a few successful card counters like you is more an anomoly than anything else. If you guys start sucking enough out of the system to be noticed, you’ll get taken out back and kneecapped.
Ten Years Afterspews:
From 50,
Perhaps private equity invetments for those who wish to avoid the public markets???
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@51 Given the poor performance of private equity managers this year, why would anyone want to invest with them?
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@50 For once, I have to (partially) disagree with you. The stock market certainly has casino-like characteristics, and “the house” (Wall Street) skims as much as it can off the top, but it is not a zero-sum game as the Las Vegas casinos are. Companies produce stuff, which creates new wealth, and shareholders get some of it. It’s true you have to play in the casino to acquire shares; but once you own shares, you can sit on them as long as you like, and collect dividends potentially forever. The house gets a fee when you buy or sell, but it doesn’t get a cut of the dividends or capital gains.
Now let’s talk about the zero-sum aspect of the game — i.e., trying to beat other traders out of money, and not let them beat you out of money. It’s true not everyone can win at this; for every winner there has to be an equal loser. So let’s look at who wins and loses in this game. The market is dominated by professional traders managing other people’s money, and here’s where you have them by the balls: They’re enslaved by the cash flows in and out of the funds they manage. When money comes in, they have to invest it; and when money goes out, they have to sell stocks to raise cash to cover the withdrawals. This usually means the big institutional investors are buying high and selling low. How hard is it to take advantage of that? Not hard at all. I’ve done it successfully for 30 years, and I’ll be doing it for the next 30 years (if I live that long), no matter what the economy or market does; because some things never change, and this is one of those things that never changes, no matter how much the big boys try to rig the market in other ways.
It’s not card counter. Really, it’s not. I’ve never bought or sold a stock with anyone other than a willing seller or buyer. When I make an offer to buy, the seller wants to sell his stock to me. When I sell a stock, the buyer wants to buy it from me. If it works out better for me than him, well, that’s the way it goes!
Would millions of people doing what I do spoil the game? Yeah, I suppose it would, but that’s one of those abstractions like an asteroid hitting the earth that I don’t lose sleep over — if it does, and we all get wiped out, so what? We won’t even know it hit us. Meanwhile, I prosper because most people buy high and sell low. The professionals they hire to manage their money have no choice but to follow along. It’s lovely to do business with them! And human nature hasn’t changed a whit in a million years, so I don’t expect this behavior to change anytime soon enough for me to worry about. The asteroid probably will show up long before it does.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@48 Judging from the amount of bad grammar and misspellings I see every day, we should make everyone get an English degree.
Of course, today college is just glorified high school. Back in the 60s, you had to take Freshman English, and if you failed that course … well … you left college and got drafted and sent to Vietnam. We didn’t have grade inflation in those days; about half the students in my Frosh English class got failing marks.
The survivors were the ones who learned to use a dictionary before committing anything to paper. (We didn’t have computers then, so everything was typed or handwritten; and if the prof couldn’t read your handwriting, well … hello Southeast Asia!)
It just seems they’ve made college a lot easier now, judging from the number of people with BA, BS, MA, MS, MBA, PHD, and JD degrees who can’t write or spell.
Ten Years Afterspews:
From 52,
Artfart appears to not care for the stock market as an investment tool, so I thought private equity might be more appropriate for him. However, it appears that his fear of the market is too intense, so it might be better if he invests in certificates of deposits. FDIC-insured investment vehicles might be better for someone with such risk-averse investment attitude.
Ten Years Afterspews:
You must be an English major.
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@55 I can’t speak for ArtFart. You’ll have to ask him. But it’s clear that millions of people are afraid of the stock market; there’s scant participation by individual investors. That’s understandable, but unfortunately, emotion is your money’s worst enemy. Your creator never meant for your gut to tell your brain what to do. The gut was designed only for digesting food.
@55 Problem with that is illustrated by what happened a few scant years ago. A number of big banks were in danger of going down the shitter, and this would in and of itself resulted in an FDIC liability far exceeding that that agency had in its slush fund to fully cover eligible deposits. So…instead Uncle Fed (with the full blessing of a certain supposed “muuuuuuslim socialist from Kenya” who now happens to be our President, printed several times more dollars to pump into said “too big to fail” banks and keep them afloat. So, the little guy sorta-kinda got protected, while the schmucks in the Armani suits walked away with nearly a trillion dollars to stay on the gravy train and keep pretending they were operating in the “public interest”.
@47, my grandfather got his degree (an MFA) in painting, and went on to be in charge of a large California city’s museum of art. He kept the museum solvent throughout his decades long career while introducing retirement benefits for museum employees; that means their meager salaries do not lead to retirement years entirely funded by our tax dollars. Pretty solid societal contribution from a gentleman who majored in the “soft sciences”!
Flying on planes whose engineering staff has an appreciation of history is also preferable to flying on planes whose designs were purely physics driven. It’s reassuring to believe that your friend with degrees in history and aerospace might have learned from lessons outside the realm of wind tunnels, such as the evolution of fuel economy, noise, or pollution requirements!
# 34: May the heavens shake, lighting crash, and thunder roll. I (for once) find myself in agreement with Puddy!
Job is my favorite book in the Old Testiment. It’s actually said to be the olderest written book, pre-dating Moses’ efforts to compile the first five books.
What I like about the Book of Job is that it is timeless. It contains two conversations: the first is where Job’s “friends” try to consol him with the usual things you hear said whenever someone is down on their luck (“it’s really your own fault, etc.”. The second part is Job crying out to God in anger and frustration, noting that God seems to reward the wicked and cares not for the suffering of those who try their best to follow him.
God responds to Job in a way which isn’t particularly satisfactor to us – he asks “who are you to question me?”. But God does provide a way out.
At one point Job cries out for an “intercessor” to stand between himself and God, to plead Job’s case and to beg for mercy. That seems, to me, to be the origin of the quest for the Messiah – or Jesus, who defends his people against the charges of Satan, by pointing out that he has already paid for their sins with his blood. In short, Jesus is the intercessor between God and Man.
Don’t ask me how that fits into the triad of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – I’ve never understood that concept.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippiespews:
If you really are a scientist,why would you object to someone majoring in the sciences because he or she wanted a decent and even lucrative career?
Yes, I am a scientist, and yes, if that was someone’s passion and they were good at it, by all means we as a society should encourage and nurture their academic and professional development – we need scientists. (I would point out that you ‘science and engineering are all we should subsidize’-types, that we are eviscerating our research establishment in this country, at least in the biological sciences).
However, you and others seem to think that it would be just peachy to live in a society populated entirely by Boeing engineers, and a few doctors and lawyers.
Or, if there should be arts and literature and social sciences, they should be the playthings of the plutocracy.
What you seem to be arguing for is a society where the few are allowed amusements and diversions and the freedom to pursue their dreams, while the masses are consigned to worker drone status – engineers being high-ranking drones. If you want some modicum of security or ease, you study math and science, which is rewarded.
What you propose is both feudal and terribly gray.
However, you and others seem to think that it would be just peachy to live in a society populated entirely by Boeing engineers, and a few doctors and lawyers.
As long as your kids know which end of the shovel to hold, Lib Sci, I’m OK with that.
Ten Years Afterspews:
From 59,
I’m glad your grandfather had a good career with his MFA degree, but does his experience represent what most MFA degree-holders achieve?
We should conduct an ad hoc survey by going to Starbucks and asking all the baristas with MFA degrees how they’re managing to survive on barista wages while paying back their student loans. (Hopefully, none have made the mistake of having a child out of wedlock in such a fragile financial state!)
Look, anybody can major in any subject they choose. I’m just saying that they should not necessarily expect a financially rewarding career if they pursue liberal arts. That’s all. Major in what you want, but have clear-eyed view of what to expect once you get your liberal arts degree!
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@66 Is that a problem?
Roger Rabbit is proudly banned from (un)Sound Politics!spews:
@65 “I’m just saying that they should not necessarily expect a financially rewarding career if they pursue liberal arts. That’s all.”
And I’m just saying, after 30 years of GOP economic policies, nobody in this country should expect a financially rewarding career in anything, that’s all.
Well, you’re certainly are a true believer, Roger! You manage to tie all that’s ill in the world to those who don’t share your world view. Maybe you’ll be reincarnated as an imam in some Middle Eastern country. With your iron-clad ideological mindset, you’ll fit right in!
Ten Years Afterspews:
Don’t read Money Magazine. They’re just mouthpieces for the Fidelity organization.
@68 Roger’s observation of where we’re heading regarding careers and such seems pretty obvious. From that, one might be inspired to seek rewards that are, shall we say, other than financial. Ergo, religion (among other things).
“I never wished death upon a man, but I have read many a man’s obituary with great satisfaction.”
– Mark Twain
So according to this passage, what this alleged “god” is, is a sociopathic asshole who probably should just be taken out back and shot.
Fuck your “god”, and fuck your goddamned bullshit churches.
Not all attributed to Me is of me.
A little too much literary license on this one.
22 This is one thing, therefore I said it, He destroyeth the perfect and the wicked.
23 If the scourge slay suddenly, he will laugh at the trial of the innocent.
(King James version) http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/kjv/job009.htm
My interpretation of the KJV is that when another Palestinian Work Accident occurs and a bunch of Hamassholes get themselves blown up when the missile explodes rather than flies, God laughs along with the rest of the world when Hamas blames IDF for it.
@ 3
Except your idea of a “good person” is someone who kicks down black folks doors in the middle of the night and hangs them in front of their wife and kids.
@ 4
No idea where you got that.
I will allow that my idea of a good Samaritan is someone who would ignore every warning signal on the planet and still give you a job, tho.
Here are some other translations of that text. What the hell? These are all over the place:
New American Standard Bible
“If the scourge kills suddenly, He mocks the despair of the innocent.
King James Bible
If the scourge slay suddenly, he will laugh at the trial of the innocent.
Holman Christian Standard Bible
When disaster brings sudden death, He mocks the despair of the innocent.
International Standard Version
If a calamity causes sudden death, he’ll mock at the despair of the innocent.
American Standard Version
If the scourge slay suddenly, He will mock at the trial of the innocent.
Douay-Rheims Bible
If he scourge, let him kill at once, and not laugh at the pains of the innocent.
Darby Bible Translation
If the scourge kill suddenly, he mocketh at the trial of the innocent.
Young’s Literal Translation
If a scourge doth put to death suddenly, At the trial of the innocent He laugheth.
@ 4
Deathfrogg, it might help you to know your competition:
The Only Age Group With Higher Unemployment Than a Year Ago Is … 20somethings
Pretty ironic that the biggest Obama support group in last year’s election is the one most severely affected by Obama policies.
Another version @6 of Job 9:23:
When Obama-loving X-Gen liberals can’t find a job because of Obama policy, Kochs sit back and laugh.
Sacrilegious Sunday Seminar question for Roger Rabbit: Everyone knows that you’re too old and that you’re totally inconsequential. Is it also true that you’re incontinent?
Roger Rabbit answer: Depends.
Only a conservative would place maximizing profits above all other things under the sun, facilitate that by encouraging businesses (by paying them to do so) to move out of the country to exploit the cheapest possible labor, then call everyone thrown out of work “lazy welfare bums”.
Only a conservative would call university students “unemployable”.
This is exactly the same as the fucking King of England closing all the schools in Ireland, forcing the Irish to sell all their crops below market value and then justifying the pogroms against the Catholics by calling them uneducated and uncivilized.
You fuckers all oughta be hanged for treason.
If God is laughing when a good person dies, he must be totally ecstatic when somebody like Hitler dies!
From 9,
I’m afraid some college students do set themselves up for a tough time finding employment after they graduate. After all, how many openings are there for Theater and Drama majors or Gender Studies grads?
The tough, practical stuff is tough and practical for a reason: it’s what employers want to run their enterprises. I say take all the arts and drama courses you want as free electives, but it’s the serious stuff that matters!
@2 I realized that a long time ago — every time a Republican invoked Your Name as justification for the shit he was trying to pull.
@3 I have a couple of questions for you, Bob:
1. Do you think there are any Palestinians who don’t fire missiles at Israel?
2. Do you think there are any Palestinians who have legitimate grievances about how Israel treats Palestinians?
3. Do you think there are any assholes on the Israeli side of the conflict?
4. Do you think Palestinians are solely responsible for the conflict, or is it possible the Israelis and Palestinians deserve each other?
Just wondering.
@7 “because of Obama policy”
Which rightwing comedy site did you find this joke on? I won’t even bother to discuss all the factual errors in this absurd comment, because the etiology of our current unemployment troubles is common knowledge, well known to everyone but you and your fellow wingnut reality-deniers. And besides, when did conservatives ever care about unemployed people? When they voted against unemployment benefits at the depths of the worst recession since the 1930s?
@8 No problem, it’s caused by Agent Orange, so it’s service-connected.
@9 “You fuckers all oughta be hanged for treason.”
I have a better idea. Let them do their own work, while the rest of us live off the stock market. It’s our turn to be the capitalists.
@10 “After all, how many openings are there for Theater and Drama majors”
I don’t know how many current openings there are, but Hollywood apparently employs over 100,000 actors, and there are dozens of acting schools training new ones.
@10 “but it’s the serious stuff that matters!”
Are you referring to business and accounting courses?
@ 16
RR, you made his @ 10 point for him. Scroll down a little further in your own link and you’ll find that of 108,000 actors, 21,000 of them actually have a job.
That’s 80+% either doing something else because acting doesn’t pay enough to justify spending to be educated in it, or joining Deathfrogg on the sidelines, watching the rest of the word go out and earn a living.
Well done. You are the master of the own-goal, RR.
@18 “That’s 80+% either doing something else because acting doesn’t pay enough to justify spending to be educated in it,”
You could say the same thing about a lot of lawyers, stockbrokers, and ex-bankers, or almost any other occupational group you care to name.
We hear variations of this over and over and over from the ‘sensible’ and the ‘small government’ types and the ‘conventional wisdom’ conservatives.
Do we really want to live in a society where we only train people to do jobs that ‘the market’ (read: the narrow self-interests of the tiny minority that controls the vast amount of wealth and power that we all contribute to generating) is willing to pay for?
Do any of you want to live in a society where no one is trained in critical analysis of literature? in theater? where no one systematically analyzes and critiques the assumptions and mores of the society? where there are no scientists exploring parts of the natural world simply because it is fascinating and majestic and beautiful, but will never yield a dollar-denominated profit?
I certainly don’t.
However, the glib conservatives like cheapshotBob, and his side’s spokesmodel, Sarah Palin (remember the squawking about “Fruit fly research, I kid you not!!!1!!”) – they’re all about dismantling academia, dismantling the mechanisms we have for teaching people to think, for examining questions that are uncomfortable and unprofitable, for pushing the boundaries of what is possible and forcing us to examine our own comfortable assumptions for whether they are correct or just or adaptive, or merely traditional.
Basically, the conservative argument, as I understand it, is that we should let employers tell us what to study in school, let employers dictate what work we’ll do, let employers decide how much we’ll earn, and let employers take everything we produce. I can’t say I like that program very much. I’d rather be their boss than the other way around. That’s what makes being a shareholder so much fun.
@20 “Sarah Palin (remember the squawking about “Fruit fly research, I kid you not!!!1!!””
Didn’t someone just extract a powerful new class of infection-fighting agents from alligator blood?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No telling what they’ll come up with next — a cancer cure from fruit flies? Never can tell …
@20 Maybe one of the reasons there’s so much dishonesty in the business world now is because B-school grads only took business and finance courses, and weren’t required to have any humanities credits. They know how to calculate yields, profit margins, and present values; but don’t know a damn thing about ethics or social responsibility.
All depends on the definition of ‘justified’.
In a healthy society, one with full employment, a narrow division of wealth and political power, a progressive taxation system and a preponderance of government (read shared) spending on investments in education and infrastructure and physical and emotional health, and the broadest societal happiness as the shared, overarching goal, I would predict an abundance of resources to underwrite the studies of people devoted to literary criticism, or theater, or abstract math, or cetacean behavior, or stellar evolution, or painting or pottery technique.
All of those ‘frivolous’ pursuits enrich all of us.
Any argument that descends into, “We can’t afford ‘X’ because we need AUSTERITY!!!” (where ‘X’ is anything cool or wonderful or necessary) is a sure sign you’re being grifted by an asshole intent on further polarizing the society into a tiny cadre of wealth- and power-holders who have a death grip on the rule making, and a boundless sea of powerless, desperate, dispirited worker drones whose daily existence is a surrender to toil and wage-slavery and the theft of their labor by the first group.
“Palin … is apparently unaware that … research with fruit flies has led … to advances in understanding autism spectrum disorders … and … ‘revolutionize[d]’ the study of birth defects.”
“Drosophila melanogaster was among the first organisms used for genetic analysis, and … was the source of some of the most important research in the history of biology.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If we let ignoramuses like Palin and Bob lead our country, they’ll lead us straight back to the Stone Age, when human life expectancy was 20, but only for the tiny percentage who made it past age 3. Btw, htf did Bob become a doctor without working with fruit flies?
More like this, please…in real life.
We live in a farce.
@ 20
Do any of you want to live in a society where no one is trained in critical analysis of literature? in theater? where no one systematically analyzes and critiques the assumptions and mores of the society?
I have no problem living in this type of society.
I believe, however, that:
1. People who choose those majors or fields of study shouldn’t be permitted to do so without being fully informed of the economic challenges they will face as a result.
2. People who choose to shoulder huge debt burdens to do so should not have that debt guaranteed by the government. Let some benevolent organization be the backstop for that kind of debt. You want it, Lib Sci? You can pay for it.
$150K to obtain a PhD in Critical Dance Studies shouldn’t be on the government’s dime.
You know, it’s really too bad that RR didn’t have to compete in the real world in this day and age rather than having a spoon-fed career the way he did:
WSJ: More Than 50% of Law Graduates Aren’t Making a Living
More than 50% of law school graduates from the 2011 class aren’t earning enough to buy a house, according to a new study [Jerry Organ (St. Thomas), Reflections on the Decreasing Affordability of Legal Education, 41 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol’y ___ (2013)]. …
Mr. Organ took a formula for measuring a law school graduate’s economic viability developed by University of Louisville Law Professor Jim Chen [A Degree of Practical Wisdom: The Ratio of Educational Debt to Income as a Basic Measurement of Law School Graduates’ Economic Viability, 38 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 1185 (2012)] and applied it to employment outcome data published on a per school basis by the ABA for the class of 2011.
Graduates need to be earning an annual income that’s at least two times their annual tuition — or an income that’s at least two-thirds of their law school debt — to reach “marginal financial viability,” according to the formula. Those below the threshold can’t afford to buy a $100,000 house and struggle to retire their debt. …
It should not go unnoticed that the same liberal who says this @ 20:
Do any of you want to live in a society where no one is trained in critical analysis of literature? in theater? where no one systematically analyzes and critiques the assumptions and mores of the society?
also thinks that Monty Python @ 28 should better reflect real life.
One can only hope that Lib Sci’s children have a mother in possession of significantly greater common sense.
It’s a very interesting story about the Palin/Fruit Fly gaffe.
People first thought that she was attacking Drosophila research – which is a mainstay of modern genetic research. For example, the Fred Hutch is full of rooms of flies in little bottles used by a significant proportion of their faculty.
She was actually talking about fruit fly research in France – work on olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae.
She screeched, “…things like fruit fly research in Paris, France. I kid you not.” she was referring to $200000 to pay for work partially done at a major center of olive agricultural research, in Montpellier, in the south.
This fly is a pest that has now been found in California, causes economically significant damage to a nascent industry that in 2011 was worth $50 million, and growing rapidly.
Wouldn’t want to spend any money on that, now siree, no way.
You should learn to read for comprehension.
Oh, and am I to take it that you’re now going to include my wife, as well as my children, as weapons in your smarmy posts? You are pathetic.
@ 32
She’s no weapon, Lib Sci. She’s the only hope I think your children have.
Wow… These are the words of Job, who mistakenly talked about God from his suffering at the hands of Satan. What you Bible-hating libtards don’t get because you have no BIBLE comprehension is God’s response to Job in Chapter 38.
And from Chapter 40…
So once again we see the ignorant rants of the standard HA leftist morons above making clueless comments on religious things.
God asks – “Why do you talk so much when you know so little?” Puddy wonders about that from the insipid fetid comments above.
Some should just STFreakU!
Y’all are more stupid than the daily turds left by unemployed ylb in the threads; and that’s an impressive feat!
That post of yours merely confirms the notion that you either can’t read, or that you’re willfully, dishonestly refusing to engage the merits of an argument.
Once again, just like with piddl, and every other right-winger, one confronts the question, “Stupid or lying?”
Wow, Lib da schmucko surely loves to twist words of others into things not said or thought of. So sad! He always does that when the argument is lost. Reminds Puddy of comment #49 in the March 29th Friday Night Comic strip from da perfessa!
The Republican response to cruel treatment of farm animals is to criminalize documenting cruel treatment of farm animals.
@29 “a spoon-fed career”
Yawn. Another brain-dead winger who thinks a public service career is a cushy sinecure for lazy people (and rabbits) because he never worked in a government job and has no idea what public service work is like. Yawn. How many times have we heard this tired meme before?
(In case you’re wondering what the relevance of the link is, I’ve had to have police protection because of my government job. Have you ever needed a police guard to protect you from your customers, Bob?)
Well Roger@37 if the person is taping the ekim (animal) abuse, shouldn’t the person taping it be on the tape shouting to stop the ekim (animal) abuse from happening?
@29 College administrators have been irresponsible about building law schools and encouraging students to attend them. Their motivation is monetary. A law school is an unrivaled cash cow. It produces almost as much tuition income as a medical school, with one-fifth of the costs.
Not that a legal education is ipso facto a bad thing in our litigious society. We have become a legalistic society, to the point where it’s almost impossible to function in most business and professional settings without knowledge of the legal implications of the decisions you make, so it’s not surprising that a lot of people with legal educations find their way into various nooks and crannies of the commercial world.
But I agree we are wasting resources on churning out so many lawyers. (Although we aren’t necessarily producing enough good ones.) Maybe some of those resources would be better directed toward training nurses, geriatric care specialists, and Alzheimer researchers — although the aptitudes required for these pursuits don’t necessarily overlap.
On the other hand, while everyone hates lawyers and lawyer-bashing is America’s favorite sport, the average American wastes no time at all in running to a lawyer the moment he needs one; and, in this regard, the conservative set have the fastest legs of all.
Of course you do. You’re merely regurgitating the notion, dissected above, that we, as a society, should only support the education of people on the fast track to be worker drones, that educational decisions should be in the hands of potential employers, that we as a society ‘cannot afford’ to collectively support the training of people to do good and interesting things that do not directly enrich some rentier asshole.
Of course you do.
I’ve read Job (I have the Anchor volume for it). In the end, God never answers Job’s questions. He basically tells him to STFU because he is just a man.
What’s your point?
@39 If you saw someone robbing a bank, would you tell them to stop? Or would you quietly call the police?
If anyone followed your stupid advice, the abuser would beat him up, confiscate his taping equipment, and destroy the evidence of the crime. That’s how criminals behave.
So now Republicans want to make it a crime to videotape the commission of crimes, because that’s how Republican legislators behave. You can’t vote for a Republican and have a conscience at the same time. It’s one or the other.
Republican firebrands won’t allow any restrictions on people like this http://tinyurl.com/c3etaf4 having easy access to guns, no way, no how!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Are we going to let Republicans burn down our entire society before we finally stop them? Vote them out, and never let them back in!
While Republican senators bitterly oppose “government surveillance” of gun owners, a Republican attorney general wants blowjobs to be a prosecutable crime.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans aren’t against Big Brother government; they’re only against someone else running it.
From 7,
Accounting and business are part of it. Also included are engineering, math, physics, chemistry – all the nuts and bolts stuff that makes the world go ’round.
We’ve got enough liberal arts and humanities people to fill the quota several times over. I know one guy who got a degree in history, found out no jobs were available, then went back to get an aero engineering degree. He’s doing well at Boeing now.
It’s the hard stuff that pays the bills and builds the personal wealth. People in the liberal arts are free to study all that interesting stuff, but they should be independently wealthy before they get into it because a career in liberal studies ain’t enough to get by on!
From 20,
Anyone can study in whatever course of study they choose. However, each should understand there may not be a job waiting at the end of the process.
Make your choices, and live with the consequences. I’d also advise running-up $200,000 in student loan debt to get an English degree.
If you really are a scientist,why would you object to someone majoring in the sciences because he or she wanted a decent and even lucrative career? Critical thinking and a broad level of experience certainly aren’t limited to just liberal studies majors. Surely you can agree with that!!
From 48,
That should read “advice against running up a $2000,000 student loan debt.” My mistake!
@15 Won’t work, I’m afraid. The stock market functions essentially like a Las Vegas casino, except the odds are even worse. For the house and its owners to win big, a whole lot of other people have to go home with empty pockets. The fact that there are a few successful card counters like you is more an anomoly than anything else. If you guys start sucking enough out of the system to be noticed, you’ll get taken out back and kneecapped.
From 50,
Perhaps private equity invetments for those who wish to avoid the public markets???
@51 Given the poor performance of private equity managers this year, why would anyone want to invest with them?
@50 For once, I have to (partially) disagree with you. The stock market certainly has casino-like characteristics, and “the house” (Wall Street) skims as much as it can off the top, but it is not a zero-sum game as the Las Vegas casinos are. Companies produce stuff, which creates new wealth, and shareholders get some of it. It’s true you have to play in the casino to acquire shares; but once you own shares, you can sit on them as long as you like, and collect dividends potentially forever. The house gets a fee when you buy or sell, but it doesn’t get a cut of the dividends or capital gains.
Now let’s talk about the zero-sum aspect of the game — i.e., trying to beat other traders out of money, and not let them beat you out of money. It’s true not everyone can win at this; for every winner there has to be an equal loser. So let’s look at who wins and loses in this game. The market is dominated by professional traders managing other people’s money, and here’s where you have them by the balls: They’re enslaved by the cash flows in and out of the funds they manage. When money comes in, they have to invest it; and when money goes out, they have to sell stocks to raise cash to cover the withdrawals. This usually means the big institutional investors are buying high and selling low. How hard is it to take advantage of that? Not hard at all. I’ve done it successfully for 30 years, and I’ll be doing it for the next 30 years (if I live that long), no matter what the economy or market does; because some things never change, and this is one of those things that never changes, no matter how much the big boys try to rig the market in other ways.
It’s not card counter. Really, it’s not. I’ve never bought or sold a stock with anyone other than a willing seller or buyer. When I make an offer to buy, the seller wants to sell his stock to me. When I sell a stock, the buyer wants to buy it from me. If it works out better for me than him, well, that’s the way it goes!
Would millions of people doing what I do spoil the game? Yeah, I suppose it would, but that’s one of those abstractions like an asteroid hitting the earth that I don’t lose sleep over — if it does, and we all get wiped out, so what? We won’t even know it hit us. Meanwhile, I prosper because most people buy high and sell low. The professionals they hire to manage their money have no choice but to follow along. It’s lovely to do business with them! And human nature hasn’t changed a whit in a million years, so I don’t expect this behavior to change anytime soon enough for me to worry about. The asteroid probably will show up long before it does.
@48 Judging from the amount of bad grammar and misspellings I see every day, we should make everyone get an English degree.
Of course, today college is just glorified high school. Back in the 60s, you had to take Freshman English, and if you failed that course … well … you left college and got drafted and sent to Vietnam. We didn’t have grade inflation in those days; about half the students in my Frosh English class got failing marks.
The survivors were the ones who learned to use a dictionary before committing anything to paper. (We didn’t have computers then, so everything was typed or handwritten; and if the prof couldn’t read your handwriting, well … hello Southeast Asia!)
It just seems they’ve made college a lot easier now, judging from the number of people with BA, BS, MA, MS, MBA, PHD, and JD degrees who can’t write or spell.
From 52,
Artfart appears to not care for the stock market as an investment tool, so I thought private equity might be more appropriate for him. However, it appears that his fear of the market is too intense, so it might be better if he invests in certificates of deposits. FDIC-insured investment vehicles might be better for someone with such risk-averse investment attitude.
You must be an English major.
@55 I can’t speak for ArtFart. You’ll have to ask him. But it’s clear that millions of people are afraid of the stock market; there’s scant participation by individual investors. That’s understandable, but unfortunately, emotion is your money’s worst enemy. Your creator never meant for your gut to tell your brain what to do. The gut was designed only for digesting food.
@55 Problem with that is illustrated by what happened a few scant years ago. A number of big banks were in danger of going down the shitter, and this would in and of itself resulted in an FDIC liability far exceeding that that agency had in its slush fund to fully cover eligible deposits. So…instead Uncle Fed (with the full blessing of a certain supposed “muuuuuuslim socialist from Kenya” who now happens to be our President, printed several times more dollars to pump into said “too big to fail” banks and keep them afloat. So, the little guy sorta-kinda got protected, while the schmucks in the Armani suits walked away with nearly a trillion dollars to stay on the gravy train and keep pretending they were operating in the “public interest”.
@47, my grandfather got his degree (an MFA) in painting, and went on to be in charge of a large California city’s museum of art. He kept the museum solvent throughout his decades long career while introducing retirement benefits for museum employees; that means their meager salaries do not lead to retirement years entirely funded by our tax dollars. Pretty solid societal contribution from a gentleman who majored in the “soft sciences”!
Flying on planes whose engineering staff has an appreciation of history is also preferable to flying on planes whose designs were purely physics driven. It’s reassuring to believe that your friend with degrees in history and aerospace might have learned from lessons outside the realm of wind tunnels, such as the evolution of fuel economy, noise, or pollution requirements!
# 34: May the heavens shake, lighting crash, and thunder roll. I (for once) find myself in agreement with Puddy!
Job is my favorite book in the Old Testiment. It’s actually said to be the olderest written book, pre-dating Moses’ efforts to compile the first five books.
What I like about the Book of Job is that it is timeless. It contains two conversations: the first is where Job’s “friends” try to consol him with the usual things you hear said whenever someone is down on their luck (“it’s really your own fault, etc.”. The second part is Job crying out to God in anger and frustration, noting that God seems to reward the wicked and cares not for the suffering of those who try their best to follow him.
God responds to Job in a way which isn’t particularly satisfactor to us – he asks “who are you to question me?”. But God does provide a way out.
At one point Job cries out for an “intercessor” to stand between himself and God, to plead Job’s case and to beg for mercy. That seems, to me, to be the origin of the quest for the Messiah – or Jesus, who defends his people against the charges of Satan, by pointing out that he has already paid for their sins with his blood. In short, Jesus is the intercessor between God and Man.
Don’t ask me how that fits into the triad of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – I’ve never understood that concept.
Yes, I am a scientist, and yes, if that was someone’s passion and they were good at it, by all means we as a society should encourage and nurture their academic and professional development – we need scientists. (I would point out that you ‘science and engineering are all we should subsidize’-types, that we are eviscerating our research establishment in this country, at least in the biological sciences).
However, you and others seem to think that it would be just peachy to live in a society populated entirely by Boeing engineers, and a few doctors and lawyers.
Or, if there should be arts and literature and social sciences, they should be the playthings of the plutocracy.
What you seem to be arguing for is a society where the few are allowed amusements and diversions and the freedom to pursue their dreams, while the masses are consigned to worker drone status – engineers being high-ranking drones. If you want some modicum of security or ease, you study math and science, which is rewarded.
What you propose is both feudal and terribly gray.
@ 61
However, you and others seem to think that it would be just peachy to live in a society populated entirely by Boeing engineers, and a few doctors and lawyers.
That’s not entirely correct.
I don’t think radiologists count as the plutocracy, but you keep thinking that, cheapshot. You make my case for me.
@ 63
As long as your kids know which end of the shovel to hold, Lib Sci, I’m OK with that.
From 59,
I’m glad your grandfather had a good career with his MFA degree, but does his experience represent what most MFA degree-holders achieve?
We should conduct an ad hoc survey by going to Starbucks and asking all the baristas with MFA degrees how they’re managing to survive on barista wages while paying back their student loans. (Hopefully, none have made the mistake of having a child out of wedlock in such a fragile financial state!)
Look, anybody can major in any subject they choose. I’m just saying that they should not necessarily expect a financially rewarding career if they pursue liberal arts. That’s all. Major in what you want, but have clear-eyed view of what to expect once you get your liberal arts degree!
@ 59, 65
Deathfrogg’s either been awarded or is finishing up a MFA degree.
’nuff said.
@66 Is that a problem?
@65 “I’m just saying that they should not necessarily expect a financially rewarding career if they pursue liberal arts. That’s all.”
And I’m just saying, after 30 years of GOP economic policies, nobody in this country should expect a financially rewarding career in anything, that’s all.
From 68,
Well, you’re certainly are a true believer, Roger! You manage to tie all that’s ill in the world to those who don’t share your world view. Maybe you’ll be reincarnated as an imam in some Middle Eastern country. With your iron-clad ideological mindset, you’ll fit right in!
Don’t read Money Magazine. They’re just mouthpieces for the Fidelity organization.
@68 Roger’s observation of where we’re heading regarding careers and such seems pretty obvious. From that, one might be inspired to seek rewards that are, shall we say, other than financial. Ergo, religion (among other things).