Leviticus 25:44-46
Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.
I’ll take a few black ones.
Is there a clearer moral indictment to be made dismissing the use of a 2000+ year old text as a rulebook for a modern, moral society?
Here it is…’god’ delivering an inerrant, dispassionate guideline for the acquisition and keeping of fellow humans (‘god’s’ children, anyone?) as chattel. The Bible served as a prime justification by our own deeply immoral slavery institution, that was defended by ostentatious Christians with these very verses.
Time to evolve.
@ 2
The KKK was founded as a Biblically-based gentlemens club of sorts for people who went to the right churches and associated with particular social circles. There were certain churches that people went to that were unacceptable, Quakers, Catholics, Mennonites etc.
Nathan Bedford Forrest was a devout christian, and insisted on the same for members of the Klan. the KKK was a primary force behind the prohibition of alcohol and most of the old blue laws. The original Klan was exterminationist by nature, and sought to either reinstate slavery or exterminate the African race in the United States.
The old Klan morality enforcers that were allowed to lynch anyone they saw as stepping out of the moral code (yes, including white folks) were actively recruited into the FBI and Department of Revenue because they already had the social organization in place.
The push to end prohibition left those same people in charge of the FBI and most of the county and State law enforcement organizations around the country, and when marijuana was formally banned at the Federal and state levels, those same old Klansman who were put in charge of busting the stills and breweries set the enforcement policies and practices that still exist to this day.
It wasn’t until the Johnson administration that the FBI started cracking down on the Klan terrorists, and he was vehemently opposed in this by Lee Atwater and J. Edgar Hoover, who were in turn supported in congress by the grandchildren and great grandchildren of old plantation holders and bankers.
Isn’t this the nature of liberal immigration policy?
How many of you have hired a Salvadorian handyman because you did not want to pay Americans’ union wages?
Oh … and then there are those nice little brown ladies who clean your homes.
Book of Leviticus, according to religious conservatives. Let’s review:
Prohibitions against eating shellfish: not relevant.
Prohibitions against wearing clothes made of mixed fibers: not relevant.
Prohibitions against mixing crops in the same field: not relevant.
Prohibitions against letting different kinds of cattle share grazing areas: not relevant.
Death penalty for cursing your parents: not relevant.
Death penalty for adultery: not relevant.
Prohibition against having sex with a woman during her period: not relevant.
Death penalty for blasphemy: not relevant.
Prohibition against homosexuality: BUT, BUT, BUT… IT’S THE WORD OF GOD, AND IT’S INERRANT AND IMMORTAL!!!!
Religious bigotry and hate is a well established progressive value.
Need proof? HA and its usual suspects are proof…
@ 4
“Liberal” in that case means exactly the opposite of what you say it means. You cannot complain about immigrant workers coming in to work for sub-minimum wages when you have ADM and Cargill and so many other “American” companies actively recruiting workers in those banana republics or the Philippines or China, and helping maintain the networks that smuggle those people into the country.
Try an illegal worker crack down on those companies and see who comes out of the woodwork in their defense. It’d be the same corporatist politicians who are the most vocal about eliminating illegal immigration.
What needs to happen is having such companies have their charters removed, their assets sold off and their operations shut down.
Gawd you’re a whiny bastard. Whine. Whine. Whine.
@4 Speak for yourself, asshole.
I hired a “little brown lady” to clean my home a few times, seeing as we in the US made her birth country of El Salvador into an unlivable hell-hole I figured it was the least I could do. I paid her exactly the same amount that I would have paid a little white lady to clean my home.
It is fascinating to see the reactions of liberals when God points out their hypocrisy.
Look at all the examples:
Liberals see no issue is moving to the burbs while dictating the kinds of schools brown folks in cities can attend.
Liberals want cheap iPADS so accept Apple’s employment of brown folks at slave wages.
Liberals see open trade zones as bad because they mean brown folks can build cars in Mexico?
Liberals like volunteer armies since THEIR kids will never serve as canon fodder.
Liberals think Israel should tolerate daily rocket raids as long as Mexican rebels don’t get the same ideas.
Money may be the King of Hypocrits but atleast he is honest about that!
are you on puddle’s side now, or what? That’s a big pile of unsupported assertions you just dumped. When did “liberals” become your enemy?
Deathfrogg @ 3
It wasn’t until the Johnson administration that the FBI started cracking down on the Klan terrorists, and he was vehemently opposed in this by Lee Atwater and J. Edgar Hoover, who were in turn supported in congress by the grandchildren and great grandchildren of old plantation holders and bankers.
Lee Atwater must have been quite the influential political strategist in middle school and elementary school, to be such a strong opponent of the Johnson administration! Did the old fairy Hoover bugger Atwater as a youth?
Harvey LeRoy “Lee” Atwater (February 27, 1951 – March 29, 1991) was an American political consultant and strategist to the Republican Party.
Hmm… Explains all those military for Obama bumper stickers I see in Tacoma and Bremerton.
You know who, by in large, doesn’t serve in the military: the upper class. You know who does serve: working class people with brown skin. Those folks went overwhelmingly for Obama this time around.
The ‘Burbs tend to vote Republican. Cities tend to vote liberal.
Apple products are sold to members of all parts of the political spectrum. Most, but not all, of the political folks calling for better working conditions
Sorry SJ, but this is just a pile of horse shit.
Oops, left a bit out:
Apple products are sold to members of all parts of the political spectrum. Most, but not all, of the political folks calling for better working conditions are members of the left.
Can I buy a Pakistani or Indian — or is that only within the purview of Microsoft?
Evolve into a hateful piece of shit like you? Nah, no thanks.
The ass kicking you took as a kid must have been epic.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippie spews:
Is there a clearer moral indictment to be made dismissing the use of a 2000+ year old text as a rulebook for a modern, moral society?
Here it is…’god’ delivering an inerrant, dispassionate guideline for the acquisition and keeping of fellow humans (’god’s’ children, anyone?) as chattel. The Bible served as a prime justification by our own deeply immoral slavery institution, that was defended by ostentatious Christians with these very verses.
Time to evolve.
So, it is our fault, the Jews fault, that your religion took OUR Torah and misused it?
The Torah is about 3 millennia old. It records an amazingly modern code, we have followed for at least 2500 years (when the code was first written). The code was built by a people threatened by enslavement by their more powerful neighbors. For whites to to force Jews to justify Chrsitian slavery as God’s word is bizarre.
Within our own world, the laws of Leviticus have been leavened by centuries of interpretation and a kind of revelation Christians have never understood. The same Torah has always been interpreted as requiring that REALITY … science and the real world .. be considered as revelation. Since at least the time of the return from Babylon, 2500 years ago, scribes,and rabbis, have had the job of interpreting the Torah in the light of oral traditions, common sense, and science.
Even in the time of Leviticus., “slavery” was more like corporate employment at Walmart than like slavery in Mr. Jefferson’s cotton fields. Slavery was not hereditary. Slaves had to be released after certain times and there were rules about how slaves could be used.
The same Leviticus you demean, would have served you white folks well. While Christian zealots were burning each others’ churches in the name of heresy, forcing pagans to accept the ravings of the Book of Revelations, and turning dark folks into chattel, Jews lived under the rule of OUR law. Jews who had slaves were following white law, that is the Roman and later Christian laws based on Christian fundamentalism.
While Rome adopted enforced acceptance of the Christian Credo, Jewish scholars authored the Talmud with its Midrash and Gomorrah (commentaries). Jews maintained our right to follow our own laws. After the Romans the Muslims also imposed the rule of truth for their holy book the Quran. Both white Europeans and light brownish Arabs enslaved black and brown folk while murdering others in the crusades. In the midst if these historic horrors, , a Jewish scholar .. Maimonides .. advised the great Kurdish Muslim leader, Saladin on how to humanely govern while fighting of the white barbarians. Paramount among Maimonides teachings is that each human must arrive at religious truth by efforts to understand both the written word and scientific reality. Under the brownish Saladin .. Jews had religious freedom they di not ahve under the white riulers of Christendom. For what it is worth, Maimonides skin likely looked like Saladin’s.
Maimonides, a thousand years ago, taught that science trumps Torah. His contemporary, Judah Halevi, laid this out in a great thesis, the Khazari, that precedes Voltaire and Jefferson by seven centuries. A Jew of the Enlightenment, Spinoza, is still at the cutting edge of any effort to create a rational replacement for a moral system based on dogmatic interpretation of the bible.
For white folks (i.e. those of you whose ancestors come from Christendom) to understand Jewish morality, perhaps you should read the Haggadah … not the bible. The Haggadah is the Jewish text used to celebrate freedom from slavery. It celebrates not only Jewish freedom, but the central principle of freedom for all me and women. The Haggadah was written about 170 AD (in the years since your God). as the starting point. Rabbi Yehudah bar Elai, ans other rabbis who stayed in our homeland even after the atrocities of the Roman wars wrote the Haggadah to state the importance of freedom for all people. Like Dr. King, Nelson Mandela, and the Mahatma. these brave men had the courage to stand up to white (in this case Roman) violence by practicing their beliefs under the shield of non violence.
My message to non Jews who call themselves liberals? Next April, attend a Passover Seder.
@12 Rob
No, I am not on Puddie’;s side.
I am, however, not a democrat or a liberal. My own beliefs are Jeffersonian .. I believe in rationalism, respect for diversity, and equality of opportunity.
“Liberals” are a lot closer to that the Repugnant Repubs, but the liberal side has its own bad ideas.
as few of these:
anti intellectualism in fields of social studies.
anti science in areas like genetic engineering
antagonism toward banks
disrespect for religion
support for dumb down education
I am happy to discuss these here but you may get more of an idea at my website … The-Ave.US
Biblical slavedrivers had nothing on today’s bosses. Slaves had lifetime employment. Now workers get thrown under the bus on the boss’s whim. Why do we still give tax perks to job destroyers?
Wow, really SJ ….. I must have skipped some pages in the liberal bible about the few liberal bad ideas …..
You get a hold of some “bad” liquor?
Shorter @11: “I will make up a list of ‘bad things’…and then proceed to blame them all on liberals.”
No bad liquor.
For whatever it is worth to you, I would point out that President Obama (who I consider a Great President) would fail many liberal litmus tests. If had to choose between his party and the dems, my choice would be an easy one.
Moderators … Darryl, Lee, Carl … can you please limit “gimmee” to one (1) “free stuff” post per thread and delete the rest?
We presume that YOUR recent asskicking
explains your bitterness. Or are you congenitally predisposed to puerile, ejaculatory, semi-literate annoyances?
Seek Therapy. Or reality.
Figgers you God forsaken piece of trash!
Yeah, dunceman will call it SATIRE except gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman has a previous history of racist commentary!
Puddy loves it when libtard thought is perfectly exposed for what it is by another leftist. Been saying many of the same things for years on HA about your kind. When SJ says it you all throw a bearing. Funny how that is.
Facts, make libtard heads explode!
Sez the one who seldom follows a thread heading with something relevant to the thread!
I really don’t know quite what to make of this, but let’s try.
Is this more prevalent among liberals than elsewhere in the population? I’d need some evidence to take that seriously. And if not, why mention it?
I don’t know enough to know one way or the other.
Vs. anti-science in general, I guess? And are we talking about liberals, or new-agers?
If we’re talking about the mega banks that ran the economy into the ditch four years ago, and then took the gov’t bailout money to pay themselves obscene salaries, then antagonism is the only rational response. If OTOH we’re talking about local banks and credit unions, then I think you’re just plain wrong.
How is this any different than the disrespect the various religions have shown for each other throughout the centuries? It’s hardly a liberal thing.
I’d need to know what, specifically, you’re referring to, but generally speaking liberals seem to me to be far more supportive of education than conservatives, so why pick on liberals?
antisemitism? You’ve got to be kidding rob… You are truly stupid aren’t you. What do you read on the ‘nets? Left wrong garbage? Here’s one for ya!
Did you miss this in the HuffPo
Or this great leftist pinhead e-rag Slate?
What are you using for your ignorance? The Twinkie Defense? If you missed these, you really missed the other examples!
Sad so sad!
antagonism toward banks? You’ve got to be kidding rob… You are truly stupid aren’t you. What do you read on the ‘nets? Left wrong garbage? Here is a smorgasbord of left wrong thought! BTW Puddy will notice rense.com loves libtard Cynthia McKinney, a favorite of HA leftists. Here is how leftists think…
Then there is this special irony… liberal men who disrespect wimens
So well said rob… Puddy expects you don’t read Philly.com, Puddy’s home town e-rag.
Why spend time on the rest when you can’t comprehend these simple entries!
Oh yeah, SJ, these two items from earlier?
These are contradictory. Either liberals want cheap stuff made by “brown folks”, or they’re opposed to cheap stuff made by “brown folks”. Which is it?
Here is a dumbing down education rob… Killing Ann Coulter’s visit but Peter Singer can visit…
What message does this send the masses who sit on their ASSes and read this blatant action by Fordham?
Did ekim stream this “show”? It’s right up his alley!
That’s not liberals, puddles, that’s Catholics.
re 32: Do you scare your grandchildren? Reply only in the third person. Address yourself as ‘Puddy’.
Puddy, undone by Wikipedia once again.
Yeah, Singer and Colter academic equals…
You haven’t been paying attention to Fordham lately rob! Leftist Catholics rob!
No comment on post #30? Awwwww too bad. Puddy thought it was above your intelligence level!
U Lose. Only leftists who get Puddy’s respect get the I pronoun. Steve is one who gets that respect. U don’t!
And this has what to do with people loving animals in a genetic material transmission way Michael?
Michael, a fool when it comes to using Wikipedia!
@28 So I’m a hypocrite. I’ve never claimed I’m not. You keep forgetting I use to be a Republican. That’s where I get it from. Your guys taught me well.
It’s amazing puddles continues to be surprised that I, a former Republican, behave like a Republican.
re 37: “Only leftists who get Puddy’s respect get the I pronoun.”
You are on the one hand too stupid to follow directions and on the other, too stupid not to.
@38 If it disgusts you, don’t partake of it. Nobody’s asking you to. It didn’t bother your parents.
Damn, that’s mean even for me.
Rubio is in Iowa and Christie is on SNL. Looks like those guys are running in 2016.
For those who are unaware of this:
When wolves, and many other predators, contest territory, the victor causes the loser to show signs of submission.
In rabbits, however, the victor disembowels the loser.
Nota Bene!
Follow your directions…? Not a chance!
Yeah spoken from HA’s prime b e s t i a l i t y advocate! Having a small one precludes the act eh ROGER SENILE Wabbit?
Calling my parents monkeys again Roger SENILE Wabbit? You never stop the racist bigoted commentary do ya? Is that what they called blacks in your Bloomfield Hills, Michigan circle of friends in the late 1950s and early 1960s? Trust Puddy that’s not Republican thought… You were on your way toward being a libtardo progressive back then. Is that when your Israel hatred started Roger SENILE Wabbit? Your thoughts are well documented in #30.
Hey rob… your leftist Israeli hateful OWS friends at Anonymous are at it again against Israel! Of course leftists aren’t anti-semites. Just ask morons like rob!
free stuff!!!!!
re 46: “Follow your directions…? Not a chance!”
My directions, re 34: “Do you scare your grandchildren? Reply only in the third person. Address yourself as ‘Puddy’.”
Puddy’s response: “HAHAHAHAHA!
U Lose. Only leftists who get Puddy’s respect get the I pronoun. Steve is one who gets that respect. U don’t!”
The ‘I’ pronoun is when you are referring to yourself in the first person. Referring to yourself in the third person is like when Bob Dole refers to himself as Bob Dole or when ‘Puddy’ refers to himself as ‘Puddy’.
And, true to your own idiot self, you refer to yourself (as I instructed you to) in the third person — as ‘Puddy’.
How can you be so obtuse?
Puffy pulling the racist card every chance the bigot gets.
@26 – figgers? Is that a fraudian slip of the N word?
@47 “Calling my parents monkeys again Roger SENILE Wabbit?”
I insinuated no such thing. I was thinking of worse.
There are very few animals I would rank below puddl.
Mosquitoes (or other biting flies). Hyenas. Jellyfish.
Am I missing any?
Rob at 29
You would get a lot more insight over at The AVE since that is where I write more.
This link will get you there.
I looked around there yesterday, I didn’t see anything that addressed my questions. If you’d like to point me to something specific…
You asked for examples of liberals acting anti-scientifically. Here a few:
1. the opposition to the genetic analysis of intelligence.
2. insistence that being gay (or for that matter straight) is “natural” and therefore ought not to be treated.
3. denial fo the reality that humans, like Dogs and birds, have “breeds” aka “races.
4. insistence that “natural” food are better for you than engineered foods.
5. the asbestos scare
6. the immunization as autism scare
7. Agent orange
8. Red dye 2
9. the furor over fracking
10. the local feat that coal trains cause cancer.
11. denial that marijuana is a likely carcinogen.
12. insistence that renewable energy can replace carbon
13. support for biofuels
14. insistance that a conceptus is NOT life.
there are more.
There is a lot in your question.
You may want to use the tags ..e.g.
Another good link is hypocrisy .. though not all the stories will be about liberal hypocrisy (grin)
another area where I oppose “liberal” policies is in regard to carter schools. Here is the link.
one more .. gay marriage. I did vote for it but still feel it is a bad idea.
“…you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.”
I’d be happy if the people we elected to government positions in this country would not to “rule over” their fellow Americans ruthlessly!
in case you check back, apologies for the late reply, I’ve been ill. My response to your list @57:
1. I don’t know anything about this.
2. I don’t understand this. Gay (or straight) treated for what?
3. Who, where?
4. Jurie’s out on this, in my opinion. But that attitude isn’t confined to liberals.
5. What scare? Asbestose is scientifically proven to cause serious illness, given sufficient exposure.
6. I guess you can call many of the people who advocate this liberal, but they’re a small subset of liberals, and there are plenty of flaming liberals who think they’re nuts.
7. Known carcinogen, what’s the issue?
8. Don’t know.
9. If you’re suggesting that we should consider fraking environmentally benign, you’re clearly wrong. Whether it’s worth the cost or not is another discussion, but I can’t see anything wrong with bringing the issue up.
10 Scientifically shown to be true; coal dust is a known carcinogen, and there will be coal dust coming off those trains. As above, whether it’s worth the cost is another discussion.
11. Don’t know. It’s probably likely, but so what? We haven’t outlawed cigarette smoking yet.
12. Do you really think we’re never going to run out of carbon sources? If not, then renewable will have to replace carbon at some point. That point is not here yet, obviously, but it’ll come. Why not get ready?
13. What’s the problem?
14. I don’t know of anyone, anywhere, that has made this argument.
And last, charter schools are opposed by unions at every opportunity, so how is it that you consider them to be part of the liberal agenda?
My conclusion from this, with all due respect, is that the Jeffersonian rationalism you claimed up @19 seems to be missing WRT many, though not all, of your complaints.