28 Brought beds, and basons, and earthen vessels, and wheat, and barley, and flour, and parched corn, and beans, and lentiles, and parched pulse,
Your first clue that the “Bible” is just a collection of late 18th century bullshit, cribbed and cobbled from a bunch of old shepherds campfire stories and hand-me-down superstitions.
Corn was purely a North American grain until the mid 1700s. It did not exist anywhere but the North American continent 3000 years ago or whenever this story comes from.
Your first clue that the “Bible” is just a collection of late 18th century bullshit, cribbed and cobbled from a bunch of old shepherds campfire stories and hand-me-down superstitions.
Man this OWS moron Fraggy is a laugh an hour! Keep writing Fraggy… Your “intelligence” is on display every time you post. Prove the Bible is from the 18th century!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. OWS Fraggy is way beyond help. Just like this guy who thinks like Fraggy… http://landing.newsinc.com/sha.....D=23780923 calling a black conservative woman an Uncle Tom!
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
Oh, puddles, there you go again, with your Inerrant Word of GOD ™.
So puddles, (and I ask this with irony and an expectation of insanity) has the Bible never been revised or edited? Who made the decision(s) about which writing to include, and which to exclude? Who decides which writers are ‘divinely’ inspired?
And really, was it a demand of some obscure poetic meter that resulted in “cheese” being a stand-alone verse? Did ‘God’ demand that?
Looking around, the original hebrew or greek use words that translate to a generic word for any grown grain.
The bible does refer to “corn” 102 times. So much for King James.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
The bible does refer to “corn” 102 times. So much for King James.
Does that mean, *gasp*, that the Bible was…edited?!
B-but, how can that be??? I thought God wrote it?
So is ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot saying corn was not found in the Middle East? Does ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot kow what the Hebrew word for corn meant?
Of course not… It’s another of his diarrhea trails from lbitchslapped ylbuttspigot!
So puddles, (and I ask this with irony and an expectation of insanity) has the Bible never been revised or edited? Who made the decision(s) about which writing to include, and which to exclude? Who decides which writers are ‘divinely’ inspired?
Ummm nope you are insane and we who think right know from your posts.
Bible never been revised or edited? Notice how stupid this question is? Revised Standard Version. Man this freakazoid Lib da schmuck is scary!
Who made the decision(s) about which writing to include, and which to exclude? Ever heard of the Holy Spirit who guides those who listen to the Truth of God. Of course not, you are of your father Satan!
Who decides which writers are ‘divinely’ inspired? See the answer above.
Jesus, forgive the schmuck because he’s just a schmuck!
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
From wikipedia:
Beginning about 2500 BCE, the crop spread through much of the Americas. The region developed a trade network based on surplus and varieties of maize crops. After European contact with the Americas in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, explorers and traders carried maize back to Europe and introduced it to other countries.
So is ylb [Ed: unintelligible puddy-ism deleted] saying corn was not found in the Middle East?
Yup, that seems to be exactly what he’s saying, in a very straightforward indictment of the bible’s asserted ‘inerrancy’.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
Ever heard of the Holy Spirit who guides those who listen to the Truth of God. Of course not, you are of your father Satan!
And all this time I though my dad was named George.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
My dad is a life-long union member, a sheet metal worker, and a life-long Democrat.
I can see how a worker-hating Republican like yourself might consider him evil, but really, Satan? Really, puddles?
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (acocrding to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
I’m going to have to change my tag-line, this is too rich…
@ 6
Corn originated in whats now Mexico. It wasn’t grown anywhere but North America until the mid 15th century when the Spanish brought home enough seed to plant small crops. The Spanish through their trade routes to China and the far east took corn as a trade good to China and Indonesia. By the middle 1700’s it was grown everywhere. But the world didn’t know about corn, potatoes, pumpkins or tobacco until the Portuguese and the Spanish had brought them back to Europe.
Corn as it is known now, didn’t exist in the deserts of Mesopotamia, and it certainly wasn’t grown by illiterate stone-age pastoral goatherds.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (acocrding to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
So, the ‘Holy Spirit’ guides the editors of the Bible.
Does that mean that the prior editors were not guided by this ‘Holy Spirit’?
Were the prior editors, um, wrong?
Was the ‘Holy Spirit’ previously wrong, and more recently correcting those errors?
Do the Catholics, who do not use the KJV, follow a different ‘Holy Spirit’? Or are they just wrong?
I’m fascinated, puddy, do answer, oh please, oh please.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (acocrding to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
This discussion leads me to the topic of what I think would be a fascinating book. Like corn, tomatoes, peppers and potatoes all originated exclusively in the Americas. and were brought to the rest of the world via the European conquerors in the 15th and 16th centuries.
What was Italian cuisine like before the tomato?
What was Thai food like before the pepper?
No potato gnocci?
The questions are endless, and I think would be a fascinating study.
Serial Conservativespews:
Ryan. Walker. Thompson.
Get used to it. You’ll be hearing those names an awful lot for the next couple of decades. Ryan’s 42. Walker’s 44.
Notice Lib da schmuck doesn’t address the Hebrew words dagan or tiras translated as corn anywhere on this thread. Why is that?
Serial Conservativespews:
I was reading about corn and the drought.
Because of the drought, there will be less need for corn dryers. So, less use of propane. There are already high inventories of propane, I read.
Lower use of propane puts downward pressure on propane prices and, by extension, downward pressure on ethane prices.
Which lowers the production costs of manufacturers like Dow Chemical.
So the drought is beneficial for Dow Chemical. Who woulda thought.
Fraggy… The Mexican grain was called maize by Europeans!
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (acocrding to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Puddles, you’re avoiding my questions about editors and their relationship with the ‘Holy Spirit’.
Do explain.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (acocrding to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Notice Lib da schmuck doesn’t address the Hebrew word dagan or tiras translated as corn anywhere on this thread. Why is that?
So are you saying that ‘corn’ is simply a mistranslation of a Hebrew word meaning grain more generically?
How did the ‘Holy Spirit’ inspire a mistranslation?
These guys are no doubt the latest to be divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit to reveal the Truth of God.
I haven’t read it yet but I’ve heard from reliable sources that Ayn Rand makes an appearance, giving the Sermon on the Mount, the topic being, “Live Free – Love the Greed”. Jesus is crucified by Jewish and Roman liberal-fascist DFH’s. Right now the scribes are furiously finishing up revisions to the Book of Revelation now that they know Romney’s VP selection. Speaking of the Book of Revelation, Reagan is now mentioned seven times.
@ 14
Look to the middle east and the northern Mediterranean cuisine to see what people ate until those crops were brought back to Europe. The Greeks and the Turks probably have the best examples. Up into central Europe the cuisine was mostly heavy meats, bread and some fruit, but little in the way of modern vegetables.
Italy is sort of a special case. Those folks like to eat well, and like the French, cook everything and anything. I suspect the idea of “cuisine” is really just a matter of how people developed ways to keep themselves from starving by concentrating on developing wider varieties of crops. Certainly spices were mostly about masking the taste of rotten food, especially meat.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (acocrding to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Jesus is crucified by Jewish and Roman liberal-fascist DFH’s.
Hey! I call foul. We DFHs are very peace loving and gentle – we’d offer JC a bong hit, not nail him to a tree – that’s waaaaay more like the church-goers I know.
I was going to say, that the Spanish conquistadores probably did more to alter and influence modern human cuisine than any other group of people in history. Their trading empire was world wide by the middle 15th century. They had established commerce all the way to China by the early 1400’s.
@23 Hmm, you’ve obviously been indoctrinated by too much public schoolin’ and critical thinkin’. Y’all need to read your Conserva-Bible and get your mind right, Lib Sci.
dorky dorkmanspews:
“Cheese it, Oscar!”
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (acocrding to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
I’m still waiting for puddles to explain which of the serial-revisers of the Bible were the ones that were wrong, and if and when did the Holy Spirit fuck up.
And, if the Bible is inerrant, why does it need revising in the first place?
Hmmm, waiting….
Man on Dog lectures Democrats on how to talk to “blah” people. Stop using “y’all”, Dems. It’s class warfare and Conserva-Jesus don’t like dat!!
“Corn was purely a North American grain until the mid 1700s. It did not exist anywhere but the North American continent 3000 years ago or whenever this story comes from.”
“Corn” is a term the Brits used in the past for what we call wheat. Wheat was in Europe and Asia for a heluva long time before we started growing it here in North America. In fact, some guys who dug-up an ancient pharoah discoverd wheat seeds in the tomb. They even planted the wheat, and, Hokey Smokes Bullwinkle!, it grew! {Saw it on The History Channel}
Politically Incorrectspews:
25 & 27,
Don’t take the Bible seriously. It’s not the word of “God,” but the word of humans thinking they know what the word of “God” is and writing it down in a book.
dorky dorkmanspews:
re 30: Now if only we could get you guys to read Ayn Rand with the same critical faculty….
“And, if the Bible is inerrant, why does it need revising in the first place?”
Typical lefty. The Conserva-Bible scribes, divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit to reveal the Truth of God, are removing the stuff liberal-fascist-commie-jihadists snuck in the there. There are many misrepresentations of the teachings of Conserva-Jesus, inserted by the wicked with sinister intent, stuff like “love thy neighbor” and “feed the poor”.
Politically Incorrectspews:
re 31: Now if only we could get you guys to read Karl Marx with the same critical faculty….
@ 34
Funny, considering the fact that Karl Marx was an economist, whereas Ayn Rand was not.
Geez… I write about cheese and the comment thread is filled with corn.
To be clear, at the time the KJV was written, “corn” was the generic English word for grain. (For example, “corned beef” is called such because of the granular size of the salt crystals used to salt it.) That maize became known in the US as corn (shortened from “Indian corn”) is a testament to its oversized role as a staple crop.
What we commonly refer to as “corn” these days was NOT found in the Middle East during the times when the Bible was written.
Today we regard corn as synonymous to “maize” is a new world plant species.
During King James’ time “corn” may have had the same meaning as the orginal hebrew or greek words.. It is older English, we shouldn’t forget and like Chaucer or Shakespeare needs a bit of translation.
Spectator I: I think it was “Blessed are the cheesemakers”. Mrs. Gregory: Aha, what’s so special about the cheesemakers? Gregory: Well, obviously it’s not meant to be taken literally; it refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Typical cuddles post – rant followed by irrelevant off-topic link. Makes no effort to debunk @1.
“Corn” seems to have been inserted by the authors of the King James version. In prior versions, it appears as “grain” or “barley.”
So, it appears to have been an editing error made during the production of the King James version, of the sort that happens through repeated retellings of a traditional story.
And cuddles, true to form, was completely unhelpful in shedding light on this anomaly.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 You nailed it. If Jesus were around today, he’d be considered a socialist, and would be lynched by the Coulter types or at the very least incarcerated in a concentration camp for unreformed liberals.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “Geez… I write about cheese and the comment thread is filled with corn.”
You have no idea what you started when you created this blog.
Or maybe you do …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 “During King James’ time ‘corn’ may have had the same meaning as the orginal hebrew or greek words.. It is older English, we shouldn’t forget and like Chaucer or Shakespeare needs a bit of translation.”
I wonder if it has ever occurred to the Original Intent guys that this might apply to the U.S. Constitution, too? Or do they just assume American English has undergone no changes over the last 225 years?
Surely this sentence means exactly the same today as it did when it was written?
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
@36 “is a testament to its oversized role as a staple crop”
Given that upwards of 40% of the U.S. corn crop goes into ethanol production, maybe its time to think of corn as a motor fuel instead of a staple crop.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Read this eye-glazing article, and then you’ll understand why so many people are scared shitless.
It wouldn’t take much to topple this house of cards, would it?
Typical cuddles post – rant followed by irrelevant off-topic link. Makes no effort to debunk @1.
Don’t need to. It was such nonsensical BULLSHITTIUM, ranks with the stink you love to post ad nauseum incessantly polluting HA threads Roger DUMB Wabbit!
Holy Spirit making a mistake Lib da schmuck… Never. As Goldy wrote above
To be clear, at the time the KJV was written, “corn” was the generic English word for grain.
Nuff Said SUCKA!
I wonder if it has ever occurred to the Original Intent guys that this might apply to the U.S. Constitution, too?
Keep wondering Roger DUMB Wabbit… Wondering… all you have left in the senile years… and bragging about your stock “gains”.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (acocrding to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Holy Spirit making a mistake Lib da schmuck…
I’m not so sure about that.
What about the Catholic version and the KJV. Different books – which one is right? Which one did the Holy Spirit inspire?
And you still haven’t answered…if the Bible were perfect to begin with, what’s with all the revisions and edits? Seems like the Holy Spirit has a ‘work in progress’.
With meet????
Something is awry here.
Considering how good cheese is, it’s cool it has its own verse.
Why is Puffy so angry and ignorant all the time. He has some type of complex. Is it his skin color? Does he know that the people who he sticks up for hate him? What gives Puffy?
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (acocrding to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
To be clear, at the time the KJV was written, “corn” was the generic English word for grain.
So the book of 2 Samuel was written by King James?
I thought the OT was completed millenia ago, what’s this James guy doing sticking English colloquialisms into something written in Hebrew or Arameic? The original writers didn’t use ‘corn’ as a generalization for ‘grain’, why is the Inerrant Word of God being edited by the James guy, or whomever?
Didn’t the Holy Spirit get it right the first time?
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (acocrding to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
I don’t think that translations ever fully and completely capture the subtlety and nuance imparted by the author speaking/writing in their native tongue.
So…if God/Holy Spirit inspired the writing of the books of the Bible, and they are inerrant and perfect, shouldn’t all the believers be using them in the language they were originally written in?
And, why did the God fella quit inspiring these books of stories so long ago? If the world and humanity in it is maturing, growing, learning, evolving, shouldn’t he be advising and inspiring in an ongoing way? Perhaps in languages spoken by the people who so adore Him?
Just sayin’.
Lib Sci
Since I am here on HA for you, you should know the answer to your question.
Of course, I write her in english.
As for some holy spirit watching over certain… but not other … translators, that is not My way. I would hardly be omnipotent if I needed such a messy device not would I be responsible if I did not out some sort of imprimatur on those translations.
Ask Me, I am that am.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 “I write her in english”
And either your English stinks or you can’t type. Omnipotent? That’s a stretch.
2 Samuel 17:28
28 Brought beds, and basons, and earthen vessels, and wheat, and barley, and flour, and parched corn, and beans, and lentiles, and parched pulse,
Your first clue that the “Bible” is just a collection of late 18th century bullshit, cribbed and cobbled from a bunch of old shepherds campfire stories and hand-me-down superstitions.
Corn was purely a North American grain until the mid 1700s. It did not exist anywhere but the North American continent 3000 years ago or whenever this story comes from.
Man this OWS moron Fraggy is a laugh an hour! Keep writing Fraggy… Your “intelligence” is on display every time you post. Prove the Bible is from the 18th century!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. OWS Fraggy is way beyond help. Just like this guy who thinks like Fraggy… http://landing.newsinc.com/sha.....D=23780923 calling a black conservative woman an Uncle Tom!
Oh, puddles, there you go again, with your Inerrant Word of GOD ™.
So puddles, (and I ask this with irony and an expectation of insanity) has the Bible never been revised or edited? Who made the decision(s) about which writing to include, and which to exclude? Who decides which writers are ‘divinely’ inspired?
And really, was it a demand of some obscure poetic meter that resulted in “cheese” being a stand-alone verse? Did ‘God’ demand that?
Looking around, the original hebrew or greek use words that translate to a generic word for any grown grain.
The bible does refer to “corn” 102 times. So much for King James.
Does that mean, *gasp*, that the Bible was…edited?!
B-but, how can that be??? I thought God wrote it?
So is ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot saying corn was not found in the Middle East? Does ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot kow what the Hebrew word for corn meant?
Of course not… It’s another of his diarrhea trails from lbitchslapped ylbuttspigot!
Ummm nope you are insane and we who think right know from your posts.
Bible never been revised or edited? Notice how stupid this question is? Revised Standard Version. Man this freakazoid Lib da schmuck is scary!
Who made the decision(s) about which writing to include, and which to exclude? Ever heard of the Holy Spirit who guides those who listen to the Truth of God. Of course not, you are of your father Satan!
Who decides which writers are ‘divinely’ inspired? See the answer above.
Jesus, forgive the schmuck because he’s just a schmuck!
From wikipedia:
Yup, that seems to be exactly what he’s saying, in a very straightforward indictment of the bible’s asserted ‘inerrancy’.
And all this time I though my dad was named George.
My dad is a life-long union member, a sheet metal worker, and a life-long Democrat.
I can see how a worker-hating Republican like yourself might consider him evil, but really, Satan? Really, puddles?
I’m going to have to change my tag-line, this is too rich…
@ 6
Corn originated in whats now Mexico. It wasn’t grown anywhere but North America until the mid 15th century when the Spanish brought home enough seed to plant small crops. The Spanish through their trade routes to China and the far east took corn as a trade good to China and Indonesia. By the middle 1700’s it was grown everywhere. But the world didn’t know about corn, potatoes, pumpkins or tobacco until the Portuguese and the Spanish had brought them back to Europe.
Corn as it is known now, didn’t exist in the deserts of Mesopotamia, and it certainly wasn’t grown by illiterate stone-age pastoral goatherds.
So, the ‘Holy Spirit’ guides the editors of the Bible.
Does that mean that the prior editors were not guided by this ‘Holy Spirit’?
Were the prior editors, um, wrong?
Was the ‘Holy Spirit’ previously wrong, and more recently correcting those errors?
Do the Catholics, who do not use the KJV, follow a different ‘Holy Spirit’? Or are they just wrong?
I’m fascinated, puddy, do answer, oh please, oh please.
This discussion leads me to the topic of what I think would be a fascinating book. Like corn, tomatoes, peppers and potatoes all originated exclusively in the Americas. and were brought to the rest of the world via the European conquerors in the 15th and 16th centuries.
What was Italian cuisine like before the tomato?
What was Thai food like before the pepper?
No potato gnocci?
The questions are endless, and I think would be a fascinating study.
Ryan. Walker. Thompson.
Get used to it. You’ll be hearing those names an awful lot for the next couple of decades. Ryan’s 42. Walker’s 44.
Notice Lib da schmuck doesn’t address the Hebrew words dagan or tiras translated as corn anywhere on this thread. Why is that?
I was reading about corn and the drought.
Because of the drought, there will be less need for corn dryers. So, less use of propane. There are already high inventories of propane, I read.
Lower use of propane puts downward pressure on propane prices and, by extension, downward pressure on ethane prices.
Which lowers the production costs of manufacturers like Dow Chemical.
So the drought is beneficial for Dow Chemical. Who woulda thought.
Fraggy… The Mexican grain was called maize by Europeans!
Puddles, you’re avoiding my questions about editors and their relationship with the ‘Holy Spirit’.
Do explain.
So are you saying that ‘corn’ is simply a mistranslation of a Hebrew word meaning grain more generically?
How did the ‘Holy Spirit’ inspire a mistranslation?
These guys are no doubt the latest to be divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit to reveal the Truth of God.
I haven’t read it yet but I’ve heard from reliable sources that Ayn Rand makes an appearance, giving the Sermon on the Mount, the topic being, “Live Free – Love the Greed”. Jesus is crucified by Jewish and Roman liberal-fascist DFH’s. Right now the scribes are furiously finishing up revisions to the Book of Revelation now that they know Romney’s VP selection. Speaking of the Book of Revelation, Reagan is now mentioned seven times.
@ 14
Look to the middle east and the northern Mediterranean cuisine to see what people ate until those crops were brought back to Europe. The Greeks and the Turks probably have the best examples. Up into central Europe the cuisine was mostly heavy meats, bread and some fruit, but little in the way of modern vegetables.
Italy is sort of a special case. Those folks like to eat well, and like the French, cook everything and anything. I suspect the idea of “cuisine” is really just a matter of how people developed ways to keep themselves from starving by concentrating on developing wider varieties of crops. Certainly spices were mostly about masking the taste of rotten food, especially meat.
Hey! I call foul. We DFHs are very peace loving and gentle – we’d offer JC a bong hit, not nail him to a tree – that’s waaaaay more like the church-goers I know.
I was going to say, that the Spanish conquistadores probably did more to alter and influence modern human cuisine than any other group of people in history. Their trading empire was world wide by the middle 15th century. They had established commerce all the way to China by the early 1400’s.
@23 Hmm, you’ve obviously been indoctrinated by too much public schoolin’ and critical thinkin’. Y’all need to read your Conserva-Bible and get your mind right, Lib Sci.
“Cheese it, Oscar!”
I’m still waiting for puddles to explain which of the serial-revisers of the Bible were the ones that were wrong, and if and when did the Holy Spirit fuck up.
And, if the Bible is inerrant, why does it need revising in the first place?
Hmmm, waiting….
Man on Dog lectures Democrats on how to talk to “blah” people. Stop using “y’all”, Dems. It’s class warfare and Conserva-Jesus don’t like dat!!
“Corn was purely a North American grain until the mid 1700s. It did not exist anywhere but the North American continent 3000 years ago or whenever this story comes from.”
“Corn” is a term the Brits used in the past for what we call wheat. Wheat was in Europe and Asia for a heluva long time before we started growing it here in North America. In fact, some guys who dug-up an ancient pharoah discoverd wheat seeds in the tomb. They even planted the wheat, and, Hokey Smokes Bullwinkle!, it grew! {Saw it on The History Channel}
25 & 27,
Don’t take the Bible seriously. It’s not the word of “God,” but the word of humans thinking they know what the word of “God” is and writing it down in a book.
re 30: Now if only we could get you guys to read Ayn Rand with the same critical faculty….
“And, if the Bible is inerrant, why does it need revising in the first place?”
Typical lefty. The Conserva-Bible scribes, divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit to reveal the Truth of God, are removing the stuff liberal-fascist-commie-jihadists snuck in the there. There are many misrepresentations of the teachings of Conserva-Jesus, inserted by the wicked with sinister intent, stuff like “love thy neighbor” and “feed the poor”.
re 31: Now if only we could get you guys to read Karl Marx with the same critical faculty….
@ 34
Funny, considering the fact that Karl Marx was an economist, whereas Ayn Rand was not.
Geez… I write about cheese and the comment thread is filled with corn.
To be clear, at the time the KJV was written, “corn” was the generic English word for grain. (For example, “corned beef” is called such because of the granular size of the salt crystals used to salt it.) That maize became known in the US as corn (shortened from “Indian corn”) is a testament to its oversized role as a staple crop.
What we commonly refer to as “corn” these days was NOT found in the Middle East during the times when the Bible was written.
Today we regard corn as synonymous to “maize” is a new world plant species.
During King James’ time “corn” may have had the same meaning as the orginal hebrew or greek words.. It is older English, we shouldn’t forget and like Chaucer or Shakespeare needs a bit of translation.
Blessed are the cheesemakers
@2 Typical cuddles post – rant followed by irrelevant off-topic link. Makes no effort to debunk @1.
“Corn” seems to have been inserted by the authors of the King James version. In prior versions, it appears as “grain” or “barley.”
So, it appears to have been an editing error made during the production of the King James version, of the sort that happens through repeated retellings of a traditional story.
And cuddles, true to form, was completely unhelpful in shedding light on this anomaly.
@23 You nailed it. If Jesus were around today, he’d be considered a socialist, and would be lynched by the Coulter types or at the very least incarcerated in a concentration camp for unreformed liberals.
@36 “Geez… I write about cheese and the comment thread is filled with corn.”
You have no idea what you started when you created this blog.
Or maybe you do …
@37 “During King James’ time ‘corn’ may have had the same meaning as the orginal hebrew or greek words.. It is older English, we shouldn’t forget and like Chaucer or Shakespeare needs a bit of translation.”
I wonder if it has ever occurred to the Original Intent guys that this might apply to the U.S. Constitution, too? Or do they just assume American English has undergone no changes over the last 225 years?
Surely this sentence means exactly the same today as it did when it was written?
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Or does it?
“well regulated Militia” = “National Guard”
@36 “is a testament to its oversized role as a staple crop”
Given that upwards of 40% of the U.S. corn crop goes into ethanol production, maybe its time to think of corn as a motor fuel instead of a staple crop.
Read this eye-glazing article, and then you’ll understand why so many people are scared shitless.
It wouldn’t take much to topple this house of cards, would it?
Don’t need to. It was such nonsensical BULLSHITTIUM, ranks with the stink you love to post ad nauseum incessantly polluting HA threads Roger DUMB Wabbit!
Holy Spirit making a mistake Lib da schmuck… Never. As Goldy wrote above
Nuff Said SUCKA!
Keep wondering Roger DUMB Wabbit… Wondering… all you have left in the senile years… and bragging about your stock “gains”.
I’m not so sure about that.
What about the Catholic version and the KJV. Different books – which one is right? Which one did the Holy Spirit inspire?
And you still haven’t answered…if the Bible were perfect to begin with, what’s with all the revisions and edits? Seems like the Holy Spirit has a ‘work in progress’.
With meet????
Something is awry here.
Considering how good cheese is, it’s cool it has its own verse.
Why is Puffy so angry and ignorant all the time. He has some type of complex. Is it his skin color? Does he know that the people who he sticks up for hate him? What gives Puffy?
So the book of 2 Samuel was written by King James?
I thought the OT was completed millenia ago, what’s this James guy doing sticking English colloquialisms into something written in Hebrew or Arameic? The original writers didn’t use ‘corn’ as a generalization for ‘grain’, why is the Inerrant Word of God being edited by the James guy, or whomever?
Didn’t the Holy Spirit get it right the first time?
I don’t think that translations ever fully and completely capture the subtlety and nuance imparted by the author speaking/writing in their native tongue.
So…if God/Holy Spirit inspired the writing of the books of the Bible, and they are inerrant and perfect, shouldn’t all the believers be using them in the language they were originally written in?
And, why did the God fella quit inspiring these books of stories so long ago? If the world and humanity in it is maturing, growing, learning, evolving, shouldn’t he be advising and inspiring in an ongoing way? Perhaps in languages spoken by the people who so adore Him?
Just sayin’.
Lib Sci
Since I am here on HA for you, you should know the answer to your question.
Of course, I write her in english.
As for some holy spirit watching over certain… but not other … translators, that is not My way. I would hardly be omnipotent if I needed such a messy device not would I be responsible if I did not out some sort of imprimatur on those translations.
Ask Me, I am that am.
@55 “I write her in english”
And either your English stinks or you can’t type. Omnipotent? That’s a stretch.