The lesson is intended by the prophet as a hint to the false pretender Rmoney, not to misquote The Praised Bent Man (Baruch Obama, אדם כפוף ברוך).
Sadly, the prophet has taken a piece of text out of context. He did not cite the entire 10.4 and did not identify the “he” as Jair of Gilead, who led Israel twenty-two years.
The full text is:
4 He had thirty sons, who rode thirty donkeys. They controlled thirty towns in Gilead, which to this day are called Havvoth Jair.
Also of concern to liberals here is that modern Havoth Jair is located in the occupied territories of Jordan, close to Amman.
Amanda Matthewsspews:
Right. And Adam and Eve had two. Who must have figured out how to breed with each other.
The Bible is a lousy source for information.
Zotz sez: Healthy vaginas make Baby Jesus cry!spews:
@God: I gotchyer’ balm o’ Gilead right here (grabs crotch).
Zotz …
Seems to me that you should see a physician. Clap is treatable … Praise Me!
YLBigot says: US military deaths after 2008 arent really that important and deserve to be back page newsspews:
All aboard the HAte Train! woot woot!
Dan Brownspews:
Jews and asses… A fitting combo…
Dan Brownspews:
According to goddamn god… “Also of concern to liberals here is that modern Havoth Jair is located in the occupied territories of Jordan, close to Amman.”
Just one more reason to destroy the jewish state once and forever.
YLBigot says: US military deaths after 2008 arent really that important and deserve to be back page newsspews:
why dont you go out and try…tough guy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I hope someone around there had thirty daughters, or I feel sorry for the donkeys.
Dan Brown
Are you demeaning My ass? What animal do you like? vultures? coyotes? dung beetles? swine? sheep? poodles? bunnies? blue whales? the sloth?
Zotz sez: Healthy vaginas make Baby Jesus cry!spews:
@Roger: I was scratching my head as to how to go there with the donkeys but you and God did quite nicely.
Mine was something along the lines of Boeing engineers and their ancient ancestors’ apparent proclivities. I was stumbling over the fact that their apparent local progeny was the fuckee vice the fucker. How the locals “pulled that off” I don’t know (and try not to think about too much). I imagine there was some clever “engineering” involved.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Harry Stonecipher could shed light on that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “bunnies?”
Getting personal?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Breaking News — Mass Shooting At Milwaukee Temple Called ‘Hate Crime’
Okay people, we have a developing situation in Milwaukee, where something like 20 people have been shot at a Sikh Temple in a possible “hate crime” (per witnesses). Initial media reports indicate a white male in his 30s shot up a temple filled with “hundreds of people.” It’s not clear at the moment how many gunmen there are, or whether people are still being held hostage, but local TV reports at least 4 dead at the scene. This story is fresh — a little over an hour old — and details remain cloudy for the moment. You can follow this story on major media or go to the website of Milwaukee TV station WTMJ 4 TV.
Roger Rabbitspews:
We don’t know very much about the Milwaukee shooting yet, but at first glance, this doesn’t look like the work of a leftwing nutjob; it looks more like the work of a rightwing nutjob or maybe even a rightwing militia group. We’ll have to wait and see whether the victims were targeted because of their religion or ethnicity, but that appears to be a strong possibility.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Federal Terrorism Investigators At Milwaukee Shooting Scene
This is what the Milwaukee newspaper is reporting about the Sikh Temple shooting:
“Someone who sent a text message to a … reporter shortly before noon said that there were two shooters with children possibly as hostages … and that there were as many as 20 to 30 victims.
“One of the temple’s committee members, Ven Boba Ri, said that based on communication with people inside the temple, the shooter was a white male in his 30s. ‘We have no idea,’ he said of the motive. ‘It’s pretty much a hate crime. It’s not an insider.’ According to Ri, the man started shooting after he walked up to a priest who was standing outside, and shot him. Then he went inside and started shooting.
“Oak Creek police were not giving out any information at this point. Numerous police agencies had responded to scene to assist Oak Creek, including the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. At least two dozen ambulances responded ….
“The Joint Terrorism Task Force, a collection of federal, state and local law enforcement, was on the scene of the shooting …. Those task forces, several of which are situated around the country, typically … respond to mass shootings to help coordinate law enforcement. Sources said it was too early to say if this will be considered an act of terrorism. U.S. Attorney James Santelle said he expected federal law enforcement will play a role in the investigation. ‘I am clearly anticipating that there will be federal investigative support,’ Santelle said.”
As an igtnorant soul, I am confused what the term “white” means here.
Sikh, by and large, are Caucasians .. that is of ancestry that comes from the caucuses .. along with most Northern Europeans.
I assume you did not mean to imply that the killer was a Caucasian but that he was a male with a light skin not of Asian or Amerind origin?????
Personally, I think the guys’ ancestors were Northern European with just a touch of Cjerokke and a smidgeon of Ghenghis’.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 All it means is the news media and witnesses used the word “white” to describe the shooter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Updates: 7 dead including 1 shooter, 2 or 3 in critical condition. No evidence of additional shooters. No word yet about who or why.
I like donkeys. Rode one a few times when I was a kid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ve ridden on a donkey, but I never rode one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Milwaukee Update
A lone shooter, described as a bald Caucasian male in his 40s, was killed in an exchange of fire with a second police officer after ambushing the first officer to respond to reports of shootings at a Sikh Temple in south Milwaukee. The officer who was shot is in critical condition and undergoing surgery but is expected to survive.
Before being shot by police, the shooter killed six people and wounded two more (besides the police officer), both of whom are listed in critical condition.
Police know who the shooter is, but haven’t identified him yet. They said he has a minor arrest record, but no known affiliations with hate groups or white supremacist groups.
Authorities are treating the attack as an incident of “domestic terrorism” but won’t say why.
CBS News reports, “Sikh rights groups have reported a rise in bias attacks since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The Washington-based Sikh Coalition has reported more than 700 incidents in the U.S. since 9/11, which advocates blame on anti-Islamic sentiment. Sikhs don’t practice the same religion as Muslims, but their long beards and turbans often cause them to be mistaken for Muslims, advocates say.”
Getting Better33%-3Getting Worse62%+4
Great Economic news
For a Republican candidate that is
Another HA Bible Study turned into Roger DUMB Wabbit’s cesspool of train wrecks!
Did you want his 30 sons riding 15 donkeys?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Er, this isn’t about tenses, it’s about other usages.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 Keep telling yourself “Romney’s gonna win!” if it makes you feel better. Sucks to be you!
Puddy @ 27
Gosh, Puddy .. what do you think about the MOTHERS of those sons? Did I ever tell you to be monogamous?
Now, if you really want to follow the Bible, I could find you a really neat you lady (or two) who would be grateful to marry you in these hard times and bear you 28 more sons!
The lesson is intended by the prophet as a hint to the false pretender Rmoney, not to misquote The Praised Bent Man (Baruch Obama, אדם כפוף ברוך).
Sadly, the prophet has taken a piece of text out of context. He did not cite the entire 10.4 and did not identify the “he” as Jair of Gilead, who led Israel twenty-two years.
The full text is:
4 He had thirty sons, who rode thirty donkeys. They controlled thirty towns in Gilead, which to this day are called Havvoth Jair.
Also of concern to liberals here is that modern Havoth Jair is located in the occupied territories of Jordan, close to Amman.
Right. And Adam and Eve had two. Who must have figured out how to breed with each other.
The Bible is a lousy source for information.
@God: I gotchyer’ balm o’ Gilead right here (grabs crotch).
Zotz …
Seems to me that you should see a physician. Clap is treatable … Praise Me!
All aboard the HAte Train! woot woot!
Jews and asses… A fitting combo…
According to goddamn god… “Also of concern to liberals here is that modern Havoth Jair is located in the occupied territories of Jordan, close to Amman.”
Just one more reason to destroy the jewish state once and forever.
why dont you go out and try…tough guy.
I hope someone around there had thirty daughters, or I feel sorry for the donkeys.
Dan Brown
Are you demeaning My ass? What animal do you like? vultures? coyotes? dung beetles? swine? sheep? poodles? bunnies? blue whales? the sloth?
@Roger: I was scratching my head as to how to go there with the donkeys but you and God did quite nicely.
Mine was something along the lines of Boeing engineers and their ancient ancestors’ apparent proclivities. I was stumbling over the fact that their apparent local progeny was the fuckee vice the fucker. How the locals “pulled that off” I don’t know (and try not to think about too much). I imagine there was some clever “engineering” involved.
@11 Harry Stonecipher could shed light on that.
@10 “bunnies?”
Getting personal?
Breaking News — Mass Shooting At Milwaukee Temple Called ‘Hate Crime’
Okay people, we have a developing situation in Milwaukee, where something like 20 people have been shot at a Sikh Temple in a possible “hate crime” (per witnesses). Initial media reports indicate a white male in his 30s shot up a temple filled with “hundreds of people.” It’s not clear at the moment how many gunmen there are, or whether people are still being held hostage, but local TV reports at least 4 dead at the scene. This story is fresh — a little over an hour old — and details remain cloudy for the moment. You can follow this story on major media or go to the website of Milwaukee TV station WTMJ 4 TV.
We don’t know very much about the Milwaukee shooting yet, but at first glance, this doesn’t look like the work of a leftwing nutjob; it looks more like the work of a rightwing nutjob or maybe even a rightwing militia group. We’ll have to wait and see whether the victims were targeted because of their religion or ethnicity, but that appears to be a strong possibility.
Federal Terrorism Investigators At Milwaukee Shooting Scene
This is what the Milwaukee newspaper is reporting about the Sikh Temple shooting:
“Someone who sent a text message to a … reporter shortly before noon said that there were two shooters with children possibly as hostages … and that there were as many as 20 to 30 victims.
“One of the temple’s committee members, Ven Boba Ri, said that based on communication with people inside the temple, the shooter was a white male in his 30s. ‘We have no idea,’ he said of the motive. ‘It’s pretty much a hate crime. It’s not an insider.’ According to Ri, the man started shooting after he walked up to a priest who was standing outside, and shot him. Then he went inside and started shooting.
“Oak Creek police were not giving out any information at this point. Numerous police agencies had responded to scene to assist Oak Creek, including the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. At least two dozen ambulances responded ….
“The Joint Terrorism Task Force, a collection of federal, state and local law enforcement, was on the scene of the shooting …. Those task forces, several of which are situated around the country, typically … respond to mass shootings to help coordinate law enforcement. Sources said it was too early to say if this will be considered an act of terrorism. U.S. Attorney James Santelle said he expected federal law enforcement will play a role in the investigation. ‘I am clearly anticipating that there will be federal investigative support,’ Santelle said.”
As an igtnorant soul, I am confused what the term “white” means here.
Sikh, by and large, are Caucasians .. that is of ancestry that comes from the caucuses .. along with most Northern Europeans.
I assume you did not mean to imply that the killer was a Caucasian but that he was a male with a light skin not of Asian or Amerind origin?????
Personally, I think the guys’ ancestors were Northern European with just a touch of Cjerokke and a smidgeon of Ghenghis’.
@17 All it means is the news media and witnesses used the word “white” to describe the shooter.
Updates: 7 dead including 1 shooter, 2 or 3 in critical condition. No evidence of additional shooters. No word yet about who or why.
I like donkeys. Rode one a few times when I was a kid.
I’ve ridden on a donkey, but I never rode one.
Milwaukee Update
A lone shooter, described as a bald Caucasian male in his 40s, was killed in an exchange of fire with a second police officer after ambushing the first officer to respond to reports of shootings at a Sikh Temple in south Milwaukee. The officer who was shot is in critical condition and undergoing surgery but is expected to survive.
Before being shot by police, the shooter killed six people and wounded two more (besides the police officer), both of whom are listed in critical condition.
Police know who the shooter is, but haven’t identified him yet. They said he has a minor arrest record, but no known affiliations with hate groups or white supremacist groups.
Authorities are treating the attack as an incident of “domestic terrorism” but won’t say why.
CBS News reports, “Sikh rights groups have reported a rise in bias attacks since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The Washington-based Sikh Coalition has reported more than 700 incidents in the U.S. since 9/11, which advocates blame on anti-Islamic sentiment. Sikhs don’t practice the same religion as Muslims, but their long beards and turbans often cause them to be mistaken for Muslims, advocates say.”
Rode’s the past tense of ride.
@23 Not necessarily.
Should have said: a past tense.
Getting Better33%-3Getting Worse62%+4
Great Economic news
For a Republican candidate that is
Another HA Bible Study turned into Roger DUMB Wabbit’s cesspool of train wrecks!
Did you want his 30 sons riding 15 donkeys?
@25 Er, this isn’t about tenses, it’s about other usages.
@26 Keep telling yourself “Romney’s gonna win!” if it makes you feel better. Sucks to be you!
Puddy @ 27
Gosh, Puddy .. what do you think about the MOTHERS of those sons? Did I ever tell you to be monogamous?
Now, if you really want to follow the Bible, I could find you a really neat you lady (or two) who would be grateful to marry you in these hard times and bear you 28 more sons!