Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
Words of a Loving God ™? Or words of a little boy having a tantrum?
Or the much-edited and much-curated words of some iron-age scribe that served the political and social goals of some prince or prince-of-the-church somewhere along the way – words that the rubes now consider the ‘inerrant Word of God ™’?
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
Reminds me of my younger son (now 10) who when he was 4 or 5 was playing with his Playmobil knights – little plastic men with snap-on armor and helmets and swords – that he had arrayed in some complicated fashion in front of the fort he had built. He had spent a long time getting them just right in their order of battle, ready for the dragons or barbarians to come and attack. He then sat back, looked at his work quizzically, shook his head a little and said, “Fucking assholes,” and knocked them all down.
“Scientists are keeping a close eye on a big asteroid that may pose an impact threat to Earth in a few decades.”
“In approximately 5.5 billion years, the sun’s gravity will no longer be able to hold its mass in. …It will expand greatly…, under any scenario, it would be too hot here for humans.”
In Revelation there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Jesus said it to his beloved disciple John so I believe it.
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Hippiespews:
beloved disciple John
I that the one he was having sex with? Jesus was gay, wasn’t he? That’s why you Republicans get to disregard all the things he said about poor people, right?
Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Hippiespews:
Jesus said it … so I believe it.
How do you know ‘Jesus’ ‘said’ anything?
Lib da schmuck,
Thanks for playing… You are as stooooooopid as ever. Please go back to “sweating pipe”.
That’s why you Republicans get to disregard all the things he said about poor people, right?
Got proof?
@6 – Got Proof?
I, the Lord, now promise to destroy everything on this earth.
Christianity represented a switch from cyclical time to linear time. Since that was way back in the bronze age the best example of linear time they could come up with was a persons life. Birth, life, death or in the bibles case the end of times. We’ve had time since then to figure out that time doesn’t end.
Breaking news: headline writer at the Tacoma News Tribune smokes crack!
The article goes on to state that Cantwell’s up by 16%, but that her fate might be tied to Obama’s (it isn’t) who’s up by 13%.
Sorry TNT, Cantwell isn’t facing a tough race this time around.
Roger Rabbitspews:
God doesn’t have to destroy everything on earth. All She has to do is destroy mortgage credit, and evil speculators and rent-gouging landlords will do the rest.
@13 Tough race against who? Did the GOP find someone to run against her? Last I heard none of their PCOs would take Cantwell on.
Harry Poonspews:
“I hear tell you’re doin’ well,
Good thing have come to you.
I wish I had your lucky charm
And you had a do-wacka-do,
Wacka do, wacka-do, wacka-do.”
Roger Miller’s answer to God
Politically Incorrectspews:
Yep, that’s how it probably will go down: the sun will expand and consume Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and the rest. Looks like we’ll end in fire, not ice.
Politically Incorrectspews:
“…evil speculators…”
Like the guys who agree to buy a farmer’s wheat crop at a mutually agreed upon price wherein the farmer makes money and survives to plant another crop to feed us all? The guys that keep the commodities markets going, insuring supply meets demand so food processors and producers have more surety in their markets and can continue to survive?
Yeah, those speculators truly are evil, evil people, just like the people who take advantage of others in the stock market by buying and selling stocks for profit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 You’ll choke on carbon dioxide long before then.
Politically Incorrectspews:
We’ll see.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Didn’t God say that Jews are the Chosen People? If so, there’s no point in any of us non-Jews worrying about the afterlife. We ain’t goin’ there anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 No, this has nothing to do with wheat, I’m talking about apartment rents and the inability of renters to buy the houses sitting empty in this great land of ours because banks won’t lend without a public nanny:
“Part of the lender pullback has to do with the stringent regulations Washington put in place after the housing crash … [that] put more of the losses from bad mortgages onto lenders, instead of investors or government-sponsored enterprises.”
Remember how that works? Banks get all the profits and taxpayers get all the losses. It’s called “free enterprise” and “capitalism” and “free markets” and “laissez faire” and a variety of other euphemisms for welfare.
Roger Rabbitspews:
We have welfare bums, alright, but we call them “bankers.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
How about that? The government, which bailed out the banks, tells the banks to bear the risk of the bad loans they make. Then bankers refuse to lend. So we have no mortgages in this country, and have our population being squeezed into apartments, and greedy landlords making out like bandits, because government took away the nanny state from bankers. And these bankers call themselves capitalists?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Maybe what we need in this country is a national bank. Or just nationalize the banks. We have to foot the bill for their screwups anyway, so we might as well own ’em. Even government bureaucrats would make better loan officers than these guys.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Do the math — never mind, you don’t even have to, scientists have already done it for you.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The smart thing to have done was to let the banks fail, go through bankruptcy, and emerge smarter. The banks did it to themselves.
“…squeezed into apartments, and greedy landlords…”
Oh, I see: people shouldn’t have to pay rent, and landlords should just provide housing for everyone who wants it.
If you feel so strongly about this, rodent, I’m sure you’re taking in a family who is in trouble and you’re providing them with living space, food, medical, job training and all the other things you think we all should provide. You can feel smug and self-important.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If we can ever penetrate its CO2 atmosphere, it would be interesting to see if Venus is littered with junk cars.
@6 – Got Proof?
Even the DUMB Wabbit believes in the Bible.
Politically Incorrectspews:
“nationalize the banks”
Yeah, we can turn the bakning system over to the same bunch that runs the Post Office or the Pentagon. That’ll make it all peachy-keeno!!
Oh, I see: people shouldn’t have to pay rent, and landlords should just provide housing for everyone who wants it.
Actually, that’s not what he’s saying.
@30 North Dakota has a state bank, which brings the state quite a bit of cash.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 No, the smart thing to have done was to let the banks fail, go bankrupt, and wait for new people to start new banks.
This bullshit about letting bad companies go “through” bankruptcy and “emerge” from bankruptcy is the cause of many problems. That was the Busheviks’ doing.
For failed businesses, bankruptcy should be a one-way trip into a black hole, not a revolving door for crooks.
Politically Incorrectspews:
OK, we’re all going to suffocate on CO2. So, what’s the point of doing anything or worrying about any thing?
The earth’s getting warmer until, for whatever reason, it ecides to get cooler. We don’t have control over what the earth does, even though our activites may contribute to the warming. So what? In the long run, we’re all dead.
Maybe what we need in this country is a national bank.
Is not the same thing as “nationalizing the banks.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 “That’ll make it all peachy-keeno!!”
No, only an incremental improvement.
Politically Incorrectspews:
“This bullshit about letting bad companies go “through” bankruptcy and “emerge” from bankruptcy is the cause of many problems.”
Yeah, like getting rid of asshole bankers who didn’t deserve to survive. Bolsheviks were just as stupid as our govenrment: those crazy fuckers starved millions by seizing the lands of the food-producing kulaks. China did about the same damn crazy thing wiht its “Cultural Revolution.” Anybody who believes in Marxist crap is stupid beyone belief!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Ya know something, PI, the post office’s and Pentagon’s finances might not be super great (whose is?), but I’ll tell ya something, the mail is being delivered and the Pentagon has managed to fight two wars for over 10 years while still keeping the sea lanes open and guarding the homeland; so, yeah, you could do worse than hire the folks who run the post office or Pentagon to manage our banks. Of course, that’s not saying all that much, because just about anyone would do a better job of running banks than the current crop of bankers. Try talking to the folks at Disney; maybe you can get Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck.
Politically Incorrectspews:
More like exponentially worse!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 “Anybody who believes in Marxist crap is stupid beyone belief!”
Finally we agree on something. To which I would add that anyone who believes Obama is a Marxist is even stupider.
stringent regulations Washington
R U talking about Dodd-Frank banking regulations Roger DUMB Wabbit? Yeah, thank the DUMMOCRAPTS for making it difficult now!
The government, which bailed out the banks, tells the banks to bear the risk of the bad loans they make. Then bankers refuse to lend.
Well you seem to forget your pal Franklin Raines (Steve’s classmate) made a killing off those bad bank loans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Edit function on the fritz again?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 “your pal Franklin Raines (Steve’s classmate) made a killing off those bad bank loans”
I don’t know Mr. Raines. All I know is that I didn’t make a killing off those or any other loans. For me, it was the other way around: I paid my student loans in full, I paid my car loans in full, I paid my credit card loans in full, I paid my mortgage in full, and the lenders got all the interest I owed them, too. So it isn’t my fault the banks went under.
It wasn’t so long ago that banks paid 2%, 3%, maybe 4% on deposits and charged their credit card customers anywhere between 18% to 32% when lending them the money I deposited. I said then, “If bankers can’t make a profit on a spread like that, we need new bankers.”
It’s now painfully evident that we need new bankers. Recapitalizing these jerks is the last thing we should do. That whole crop of bankers should spend the rest of their lives languishing in penury under bridges or in cardboard shacks so they know what it feels like. There’s plenty of eager young business graduates coming out of the B-schools who want jobs; set them up with new banks and see if they can do better, which shouldn’t take any doing at all.
Roger DUMB Wabbit.. One more time… Dodd Frank!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The last time we taxpayers had to bail out dishonest lending institutions, one of the people who profited from those bad loans was Georgy Bush’s younger brother Neil, as I recall.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wherever you find stealing, you find Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Do you eat your own bullshit for breakfast?
Roger Rabbitspews:
To anyone with more brains than puddydud, which is practically everybody (including the lettuce leaves I eat), it should be obvious we need MORE not LESS banking regulation.
Well, there’s the proof. God is a Republican!
@48 Roger,
Sadly a significant portion of the populace in our democratic republic is barely up to puddle’s speed. While the right answers may not be obvious to most, the wrong answers should be … by now. That they are not is scary.
The way I remember that one, the working class had to bailout rich folks who did a bunch of stupid shit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 That’s always the way it works and I’m tired of it.
@29 – I still need proof. Still waiting. Proof that God existed. Thanks. I’m sure you have some proof.
Wherever you find stealing, you find Republicans.
Franklin Raines was a Republican? Do tell Roger DUMB Wabbit!
Sadly a significant portion of the populace in our democratic republic is barely up to puddle’s speed.
Wrong again Cubscout… Low information voters are DUMMOCRAPT. I proved that a few weeks ago with multiple links about idiot DUMMOCRAPT voters. Ask the crazed deranged databazed deala ylb for a replay!
it should be obvious we need MORE not LESS banking regulation
Therefore banks will not lend money due to those Dodd-Frank regulations which you screamed about earlier.
Circular logic… the lynch pin of any DUMB Wabbit post.
Do you eat your own bullshit for breakfast?
Projecting again!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 “Low information voters are DUMMOCRAPT.”
What does that make birthers and flat-earthers?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 If the banks we have won’t lend money under reasonable regulatory oversight, then let’s get new banks who will.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s a thought: Revoke their licenses to engage in proprietary trading, interest rate manipulation, investment banking, M&A, and so forth so they either have to lend or starve.
Isn’t that the deal Republicans are offering workers? Work for low wages or starve? Well, why not apply that to bankers, too?
@29 – I still need proof. Still waiting. Proof that God existed. Thanks. I’m sure you have some proof.
I am that I am.
Awesome takedown of Richard Florida and his “creative class” bullshit.
What was missing, however, was any actual proof that the presence of artists, gays and lesbians or immigrants was causing economic growth, rather than economic growth causing the presence of artists, gays and lesbians or immigrants. Some more recent work has tried to get to the bottom of these questions, and the findings don’t bode well for Florida’s theory. In a four-year, $6 million study of thirteen cities across Europe called “Accommodating Creative Knowledge,” that was published in 2011, researchers found one of Florida’s central ideas—the migration of creative workers to places that are tolerant, open and diverse—was simply not happening.
“They move to places where they can find jobs,” wrote author Sako Musterd, “and if they cannot find a job there, the only reason to move is for study or for personal social network reasons, such as the presence of friends, family, partners, or because they return to the place where they have been born or have grown up.”
People want jobs, they want to be safe, and they want affordable places to live. And that’s really about it. Doesn’t matter if you’re straight, gay, hipster, whatever.
@66 continued. The ending is perfect.
But I’ve been down that road, and I know where it goes. I know that it leads both everywhere and nowhere. I know you could go down it forever and never quite arrive. And I know now that it may be wiser to try to create the place you want to live, rather than to keep trying to find it.
Which is why, instead of driving on, I turn my car around and head for home.
“I really feel that it is demeaning to me to think that I need some individual to justify me and my existence. Look, I went through 22 years being in the military. I rise to the rank of Lt. Colonel. I have a bachelor‘s degree and 2 master’s degrees, and for these white liberals to believe they can have this condescending manner toward black conservatives, that we need to have approval from our quote unquote, I guess masters for us to be able to speak — see that’s where the true racism really like… is with the white liberals who don’t want to see someone such as myself, that broke away from their dependency class, and is out here and able to possibly contend against them with the policies that they are promoting that is destroying the black community.
I know I’m their #1 target, and it just emboldens me to speak out even stronger. And the heck with them if they think that someone else needs to approve of me and what I stand for.” [PuddyEmphasis]
Allen West a true patriot who defended his men in battle!
Wowo Obummer’s pastor Jeremiah Wright isn’t happy with whitey academia
“Take that baby, him or her away, from the African mother, away from the African community, away from the African experience … and put them Africans over at the breasts of Yale, Harvard, University of Chicago … UCLA or UC-Berkeley,” he said. “Turn them into biscuits. Let them get that alien DNA all up inside their brain and they will turn on their own people in defense of the ones who are keeping their own people under oppression. Sheep dogs.”
“There’s white racist DNA running through the synapses of his or her brain tissue. They will kill their own kind, defend the enemies of their kind or anyone who is perceived to be the enemy of the milky white way of life.”
All this news skipped over by the HA libtards. So easy to find on leftist sites like Politico!
Jennifer Epstein left out Wright’s other words:
“when our children who speak the language of Nas, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne (Weezy) and Ludacris. When your children ask you who are these people and what do these stones mean, these stones mean, you can tell them what it is that God did to get us from where we were to where we are.”
That’s the language of rujax. Every time he appears think Nas, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne and Ludacris. A curse every three words!
Words of a Loving God ™? Or words of a little boy having a tantrum?
Or the much-edited and much-curated words of some iron-age scribe that served the political and social goals of some prince or prince-of-the-church somewhere along the way – words that the rubes now consider the ‘inerrant Word of God ™’?
Reminds me of my younger son (now 10) who when he was 4 or 5 was playing with his Playmobil knights – little plastic men with snap-on armor and helmets and swords – that he had arrayed in some complicated fashion in front of the fort he had built. He had spent a long time getting them just right in their order of battle, ready for the dragons or barbarians to come and attack. He then sat back, looked at his work quizzically, shook his head a little and said, “Fucking assholes,” and knocked them all down.
“Scientists are keeping a close eye on a big asteroid that may pose an impact threat to Earth in a few decades.”
“In approximately 5.5 billion years, the sun’s gravity will no longer be able to hold its mass in. …It will expand greatly…, under any scenario, it would be too hot here for humans.”
and a good link.
By the way, >>I<< never claimed to be good, merely omnipotent.
God is really a child like the make-up of the Republican Party.
In Revelation there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Jesus said it to his beloved disciple John so I believe it.
I that the one he was having sex with? Jesus was gay, wasn’t he? That’s why you Republicans get to disregard all the things he said about poor people, right?
How do you know ‘Jesus’ ‘said’ anything?
Lib da schmuck,
Thanks for playing… You are as stooooooopid as ever. Please go back to “sweating pipe”.
Got proof?
@6 – Got Proof?
Christianity represented a switch from cyclical time to linear time. Since that was way back in the bronze age the best example of linear time they could come up with was a persons life. Birth, life, death or in the bibles case the end of times. We’ve had time since then to figure out that time doesn’t end.
Breaking news: headline writer at the Tacoma News Tribune smokes crack!
The article goes on to state that Cantwell’s up by 16%, but that her fate might be tied to Obama’s (it isn’t) who’s up by 13%.
Sorry TNT, Cantwell isn’t facing a tough race this time around.
God doesn’t have to destroy everything on earth. All She has to do is destroy mortgage credit, and evil speculators and rent-gouging landlords will do the rest.
@13 Tough race against who? Did the GOP find someone to run against her? Last I heard none of their PCOs would take Cantwell on.
“I hear tell you’re doin’ well,
Good thing have come to you.
I wish I had your lucky charm
And you had a do-wacka-do,
Wacka do, wacka-do, wacka-do.”
Roger Miller’s answer to God
Yep, that’s how it probably will go down: the sun will expand and consume Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and the rest. Looks like we’ll end in fire, not ice.
“…evil speculators…”
Like the guys who agree to buy a farmer’s wheat crop at a mutually agreed upon price wherein the farmer makes money and survives to plant another crop to feed us all? The guys that keep the commodities markets going, insuring supply meets demand so food processors and producers have more surety in their markets and can continue to survive?
Yeah, those speculators truly are evil, evil people, just like the people who take advantage of others in the stock market by buying and selling stocks for profit.
@17 You’ll choke on carbon dioxide long before then.
We’ll see.
Didn’t God say that Jews are the Chosen People? If so, there’s no point in any of us non-Jews worrying about the afterlife. We ain’t goin’ there anyway.
@18 No, this has nothing to do with wheat, I’m talking about apartment rents and the inability of renters to buy the houses sitting empty in this great land of ours because banks won’t lend without a public nanny:
“Part of the lender pullback has to do with the stringent regulations Washington put in place after the housing crash … [that] put more of the losses from bad mortgages onto lenders, instead of investors or government-sponsored enterprises.”
Remember how that works? Banks get all the profits and taxpayers get all the losses. It’s called “free enterprise” and “capitalism” and “free markets” and “laissez faire” and a variety of other euphemisms for welfare.
We have welfare bums, alright, but we call them “bankers.”
How about that? The government, which bailed out the banks, tells the banks to bear the risk of the bad loans they make. Then bankers refuse to lend. So we have no mortgages in this country, and have our population being squeezed into apartments, and greedy landlords making out like bandits, because government took away the nanny state from bankers. And these bankers call themselves capitalists?
Maybe what we need in this country is a national bank. Or just nationalize the banks. We have to foot the bill for their screwups anyway, so we might as well own ’em. Even government bureaucrats would make better loan officers than these guys.
@20 Do the math — never mind, you don’t even have to, scientists have already done it for you.
The smart thing to have done was to let the banks fail, go through bankruptcy, and emerge smarter. The banks did it to themselves.
“…squeezed into apartments, and greedy landlords…”
Oh, I see: people shouldn’t have to pay rent, and landlords should just provide housing for everyone who wants it.
If you feel so strongly about this, rodent, I’m sure you’re taking in a family who is in trouble and you’re providing them with living space, food, medical, job training and all the other things you think we all should provide. You can feel smug and self-important.
If we can ever penetrate its CO2 atmosphere, it would be interesting to see if Venus is littered with junk cars.
Even the DUMB Wabbit believes in the Bible.
“nationalize the banks”
Yeah, we can turn the bakning system over to the same bunch that runs the Post Office or the Pentagon. That’ll make it all peachy-keeno!!
Actually, that’s not what he’s saying.
@30 North Dakota has a state bank, which brings the state quite a bit of cash.
@27 No, the smart thing to have done was to let the banks fail, go bankrupt, and wait for new people to start new banks.
This bullshit about letting bad companies go “through” bankruptcy and “emerge” from bankruptcy is the cause of many problems. That was the Busheviks’ doing.
For failed businesses, bankruptcy should be a one-way trip into a black hole, not a revolving door for crooks.
OK, we’re all going to suffocate on CO2. So, what’s the point of doing anything or worrying about any thing?
The earth’s getting warmer until, for whatever reason, it ecides to get cooler. We don’t have control over what the earth does, even though our activites may contribute to the warming. So what? In the long run, we’re all dead.
Is not the same thing as “nationalizing the banks.”
@30 “That’ll make it all peachy-keeno!!”
No, only an incremental improvement.
“This bullshit about letting bad companies go “through” bankruptcy and “emerge” from bankruptcy is the cause of many problems.”
Yeah, like getting rid of asshole bankers who didn’t deserve to survive. Bolsheviks were just as stupid as our govenrment: those crazy fuckers starved millions by seizing the lands of the food-producing kulaks. China did about the same damn crazy thing wiht its “Cultural Revolution.” Anybody who believes in Marxist crap is stupid beyone belief!
@30 Ya know something, PI, the post office’s and Pentagon’s finances might not be super great (whose is?), but I’ll tell ya something, the mail is being delivered and the Pentagon has managed to fight two wars for over 10 years while still keeping the sea lanes open and guarding the homeland; so, yeah, you could do worse than hire the folks who run the post office or Pentagon to manage our banks. Of course, that’s not saying all that much, because just about anyone would do a better job of running banks than the current crop of bankers. Try talking to the folks at Disney; maybe you can get Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck.
More like exponentially worse!
@37 “Anybody who believes in Marxist crap is stupid beyone belief!”
Finally we agree on something. To which I would add that anyone who believes Obama is a Marxist is even stupider.
R U talking about Dodd-Frank banking regulations Roger DUMB Wabbit? Yeah, thank the DUMMOCRAPTS for making it difficult now!
Well you seem to forget your pal Franklin Raines (Steve’s classmate) made a killing off those bad bank loans.
@39 Edit function on the fritz again?
@41 “your pal Franklin Raines (Steve’s classmate) made a killing off those bad bank loans”
I don’t know Mr. Raines. All I know is that I didn’t make a killing off those or any other loans. For me, it was the other way around: I paid my student loans in full, I paid my car loans in full, I paid my credit card loans in full, I paid my mortgage in full, and the lenders got all the interest I owed them, too. So it isn’t my fault the banks went under.
It wasn’t so long ago that banks paid 2%, 3%, maybe 4% on deposits and charged their credit card customers anywhere between 18% to 32% when lending them the money I deposited. I said then, “If bankers can’t make a profit on a spread like that, we need new bankers.”
It’s now painfully evident that we need new bankers. Recapitalizing these jerks is the last thing we should do. That whole crop of bankers should spend the rest of their lives languishing in penury under bridges or in cardboard shacks so they know what it feels like. There’s plenty of eager young business graduates coming out of the B-schools who want jobs; set them up with new banks and see if they can do better, which shouldn’t take any doing at all.
Roger DUMB Wabbit.. One more time… Dodd Frank!
The last time we taxpayers had to bail out dishonest lending institutions, one of the people who profited from those bad loans was Georgy Bush’s younger brother Neil, as I recall.
Wherever you find stealing, you find Republicans.
@44 Do you eat your own bullshit for breakfast?
To anyone with more brains than puddydud, which is practically everybody (including the lettuce leaves I eat), it should be obvious we need MORE not LESS banking regulation.
Well, there’s the proof. God is a Republican!
@48 Roger,
Sadly a significant portion of the populace in our democratic republic is barely up to puddle’s speed. While the right answers may not be obvious to most, the wrong answers should be … by now. That they are not is scary.
The way I remember that one, the working class had to bailout rich folks who did a bunch of stupid shit.
@51 That’s always the way it works and I’m tired of it.
@29 – I still need proof. Still waiting. Proof that God existed. Thanks. I’m sure you have some proof.
Franklin Raines was a Republican? Do tell Roger DUMB Wabbit!
Wrong again Cubscout… Low information voters are DUMMOCRAPT. I proved that a few weeks ago with multiple links about idiot DUMMOCRAPT voters. Ask the crazed deranged databazed deala ylb for a replay!
Therefore banks will not lend money due to those Dodd-Frank regulations which you screamed about earlier.
Circular logic… the lynch pin of any DUMB Wabbit post.
Projecting again!
@55 “Low information voters are DUMMOCRAPT.”
What does that make birthers and flat-earthers?
@56 If the banks we have won’t lend money under reasonable regulatory oversight, then let’s get new banks who will.
Here’s a thought: Revoke their licenses to engage in proprietary trading, interest rate manipulation, investment banking, M&A, and so forth so they either have to lend or starve.
Isn’t that the deal Republicans are offering workers? Work for low wages or starve? Well, why not apply that to bankers, too?
@57 “Projecting again!”
In your dreams.
The LIBOR scandal clearly shows that the business model of the TBTF banks is based on lying and cheating – ripping off consumers..
So change the business model. Wasn’t that what Glass-Steagal did?
Everything old is new again.
@62 Some things will never change. Righties continue to be apologists for everything that is smelly and rotten in the world.
Owebamma’s already doing that, thanks!
@53. Gman
@29 – I still need proof. Still waiting. Proof that God existed. Thanks. I’m sure you have some proof.
I am that I am.
Awesome takedown of Richard Florida and his “creative class” bullshit.
People want jobs, they want to be safe, and they want affordable places to live. And that’s really about it. Doesn’t matter if you’re straight, gay, hipster, whatever.
@66 continued. The ending is perfect.
Lt Col. Allen West delivers the smack down on the L.A. Times saying America’s “dirtiest job” is “justifying Allen West.”
Allen West a true patriot who defended his men in battle!
Wowo Obummer’s pastor Jeremiah Wright isn’t happy with whitey academia
All this news skipped over by the HA libtards. So easy to find on leftist sites like Politico!
Jennifer Epstein left out Wright’s other words:
That’s the language of rujax. Every time he appears think Nas, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne and Ludacris. A curse every three words!
Jeremiah sounds an awful lot like you TPers
You know .. all that stuff about librul academics???
Hay Pudster ..
Did you read abut the huge surge of Black violence against honkeys, fags, and tilt eyes .. IN SEATTLE?
Sounds like you are being more effective in your hype than Rev W is in his!
cereal clownservatives inanity crashed the 7/9 open thread.
HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah right!