Genesis 9:20-25
Noah farmed the land and was the first to plant a vineyard. One day he got drunk and was lying naked in his tent. Ham entered the tent and saw him naked, then went back outside and told his brothers. Shem and Japheth put a robe over their shoulders and walked backwards into the tent. Without looking at their father, they placed it over his body.When Noah woke up and learned what his youngest son had done, he said, “I now put a curse on Canaan! He will be the lowest slave of his brothers.”
Genesis is about firsts.
In the beginning, God…… Well, you know the rest.
Scott Walker is the first governor to survive a recall vote.
Barack Obama promised to accept public election campaign funding
and to be bound by its restrictions.
Broken promise # 1. George Soros played the part of the serpent.
Until Humans are ready to accept the fact that blind faith and religion are the primary causal factors in warfare, murder, greed, and social oppression, we will never advance beyond the caves. To hold the warrior and the banker to a higher level of respect than that accorded to the scholar, teacher or the artist is the ultimate manifestation of cultural corruption. Religion only facilitates and enforces that paradigm, and does nothing else. It is a leech that serves no purpose but to enrich the leaders and impoverish the followers.
It is perfectly acceptable to butcher babies and women and old men, as long as you can rationalize it within the context of ones faith. It is perfectly acceptable to burn whole cities, destroy a nations infrastructure and economy if profit is the ultimate goal, as long as one can justify doing it in the name of God.
Theft is a Religious value. There is no better thief than one that can call themselves a leader of a faith. There is no better way to steal food out of a starving babies mouth, than to convince that babies parents to support needs of the faith before those of their own families.
Marjoe Gortner proved that.
I find it interesting that we cannot directly apprehend the supposed Word of God, but must come up with an inferred ‘meaning’ by explaining it away as something larger than what it actually says.
Maybe Noah was still drunk and a little bit hung over and changed his mind when he came to his senses. After all, Ham could have used a stylus and poked the signs for “I am an asswipe” into Noah’s forehead.
Ham was black because Noah was married to Dinah Shore. Think about it.
Yes today you libtards love to perform it and call it abortion!
“It is perfectly acceptable to butcher babies and women and old men, as long as you can rationalize it within the context of ones faith.”
Well, that’s interesting in that it is always the faithless, godless, socialist a$$holes that perpetrate this kind of crap.
Why can’t you folks just read the Word:
“When Noah woke up and learned what his youngest son had done, he “NOAH” said, “I now put a curse on Canaan! He will be the lowest slave of his brothers.”
So you think this drunk spoke in MY name? It seems as if the goyem take anyone’s curses, musings, blessings, fantasies as MY name.
Paul hated Jews and women … so I must too?
Jo Smith thought Negroes were sub human, so that was My word?
Romney thinks I wrote the Constitution, so his fellows accept this too?
Next time I create people, I will work harder on their ability to tell Me from themselves!
@2 Man, you stalkers are obsessed with George Soros. Why do you hate the rich?
@7 “Well, that’s interesting in that it is always the faithless, godless, socialist a$$holes that perpetrate this kind of crap.”
Were you thinking of the Crusaders when you wrote this?
@ 6
“Christianity” IS Satanism.
The problem, god, is that humans created you. That’s why so many project their worst tendencies on you, and claim your approval for genocide and bigotry and violence and Republicanism. And know-nothingism like Young Earth Creationism.
You mean like George Bush and the Project for a New American Century conspiring to, and carrying out, the murder of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi innocents?
Lab Tech is studying bubbles….
So…back to the quote.
Noah gets hammered on his own wine…OK, hope it was good, no big deal as far as I can see. (anyone know anything about the what sort of grape/wine it would be, in a bronze age Levantic culture? Were they selecting strains back then?)
He passes out, in his own home, naked. OK, no big deal, been there, done that.
Kid finds him, alerts other kids, who cover him up. That’s nice, courteous. Everyone seemed helpful, unless the first kid was snarky, which seems forgivable but not unexpected, but still, he got the help underway.
Noah wakes up and acts like a total asshole. Pissed off, likely hung-over, and curses forever the first kid, the one who found him.
Likely ashamed about something – there it is again, shame. Over what? Drinking wine? Getting drunk? Passing out? Waking up a hung-over asshole? Being naked?
I take it, from the ridiculous, dainty ‘walking-backward-with-robe-over-shoulders’ maneuver, the point of the shame in this story is that Noah was naked.
This is a source of shame? Sleeping in the clothes god gave him? Not the getting plastered and passing out and waking up pissed off part? I think the latter is far worse behavior.
I think this must be part of the basis for the body and sex based shame and condemnation that runs through Christianity – I don’t know about Judaism – Hey Steve, how are Jews about hangin’ out naked? I think the culture would be far more healthy without the condemnation of sexuality, of physical integrity and physical pleasure – of just being at home and comfortable in one’s own skin – I think the power that religion wields is based on shaming people over things that are inherent and essential, tying them up in knots. (See Catholicism, Roman; Priest pedophile scandal).
Time for some skinny dippin’!
The first kid could have totally taken advantage and made Noah look like a complete idiot – but what does he do? Gets his brothers, who then throw a robe over the old man. And what does he get for this restraint? CURSES!
What a dick, Noah.
BTW, puddles, you still haven’t enlightened us as to how Noah kept the velociraptors from eating the penguins, when they were together on the ark. How did he do it????
Jewish mythology is so… Special…
Either that, or that Noah really knew how to party.
Apropos Genesis 9, earlier verses than the one discussed above…
Found it at Digby’s place, who directs to the whole thing here…
And of course Fraggy doesn’t even understand the Biblical context.
So Digby is Lib da schmuck’s bible?
Let’s ask Lib da schmuck a question and see if he can deliver a cogent answer FOR ONCE!
You always claim evolution as your basis for living here so this is an easy one to answer! So no cheating by looking up other people’s thoughts here; just your own.
Question:) Do you feel sorry for the poor babies in Africa and India when they starve to death?
Does anyone know Obummer’s plan for the future except denigrate the opponent. Oh wait a minute… it’s the economy stupid and if he talks about his economy he’s stupid! – James Carville!
4000 years later we can finally buy a bottle of booze w/out gov’t oversight. Well, not really, but heading there. But we still can’t show our nakedness without SPD vice running stings and arresting us. Progress is a slow thing, especially when you’re a progressive.
re 21: “Do you feel sorry for the poor babies in Africa and India when they starve to death?”
Those babies need to take some personal responsibility.
Where did Lib da schmuck go? Must be his 16 year old is spending his money on Father’s Day!
@22 “Does anyone know Obummer’s plan for the future except denigrate the opponent.”
Pretty much the same plan he’s been following: Extricate us from Bush’s Military Adventures (TM) and the Bush Depression (TM), protect us from banks that behave like pawnbrokers, clean up our air/water and prosecute polluters, defend the right of American citizens to vote in their own country, extend health care to all, and send crooked bankers and financiers to jail.
It’s the economy stupid!
Today’s Seattle Times lede illustrates how stunningly gullible the Stupid Right has become:
“It was a blood-boiler of a story, a menacing tale of government gone too far: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was spying on Midwestern farmers with the same aerial ‘drones’ used to kill terrorists overseas.
“This month, the idea has been repeated in TV segments, on multiple blogs and by at least four members of Congress. The only trouble is, it isn’t true. It was never true. The EPA isn’t using drone aircraft, in the Midwest or anywhere else.
“The hubbub over nonexistent drones provides a look at something hard to capture in U.S. politics: the vibrant, almost viral, life cycle of a falsehood … spread via conservative websites, mentions on Fox News Channel and “The Daily Show,” and the endless replication of Twitter. In its mature stage, the idea was sustained by a digital echo chamber. Members of Congress repeated false reports — and then new reports appeared, based on the lawmakers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We now live in a political Age of Idiocy. When did our schools quit teaching critical thinking skills? Half of our population seems incapable of rudimentary fact-checking. These people put ignorance on a pedestal and worship it. I suspect the Roman Empire’s decline may have started this way. It sure isn’t a path to prosperity and national greatness.
re 27: Your Last Angry Man routine is wearing thin.
@27 That’s why we’re going to win.
(Good luck getting blue collars to vote for a vulture capitalist who strips companies of assets, closes plants, and fires workers.)
@22 “Does anyone know Obummer’s plan for the future except denigrate the opponent.”
Why should we bother posting it? Your reading comprehension is zero anyway.
When the NEA solidly backed DUMMOCRAPTS with hard working teacher union dues!
Yep, dumb libtards!
Oh no, the writer is hitting the HA head libtards between the eyes not people who think right DUMB Wabbit.
Somehow this is always missed by Roger DUMB Wabbit.
It may not be drones but they didn’t say how they were performing surveillance Roger DUMB Wabbit. And why are they inspecting farming operations? Are they looking for illegal aliens? Or too much HA horseshit was being spotted at 10,000 ft?
Yes, Obummer bemoans ‘people hurting out there’ while attending a $50,000 a plate private fund raiser at a Hollyweird type home. I’m sure the blue collar folks are just jumping up and down with all of Obummer’s fund raising soirees with 1%er Hollyweird types, the private vulture venture types, and others. Remember it was Obummer who claims Hollyweird types will shape this election!
Yeah Roger DUMB Wabbit, you are really making sense on father’s day! NOT!
So is Spuddypud really only about 11 years old?
Jesus H Christ in a chariot-driven popsicle truck, Spudds. Yer so fulla shit yer ears are green.
How Republican Congressmen treat their constituents.
@34 I was wracking my rabbit brain for the right words but you found them before I did.
@ 35
Well, in all fairness, rabbits are renowned for their fleetness of foot, not their brains.
@ Spuddy. As loathe I am to trying to have a semblance of a rational conversation with you (and as my laundry is still sloshing around) I would think that any agricultural inspection would be perfectly reasonable. I certainly wouldn’t want any uninspected agricultural products (thats fancy talk for the stuff that goes in cheeseburgers, fries and a milkshake) in the food supply.
@32 How is this different from using airplanes to catch speeders on I-90? Farmers who aren’t breaking the law have nothing to worry about.
Here’s what the EPA is looking for:
“Reports of low-level surveillance aircraft flying over Iowa livestock operations are generating complaints and political controversy, but federal officials insist the flights are used to monitor pollution discharges into waterways.
“‘EPA uses piloted aircraft to evaluate compliance with the Clean Water Act’s requirements for … discharges. This important, cost-effective tool helps protect local communities and water quality from harm that can result from discharges from these facilities,’ said Karl Brooks, EPA’s Regional Administrator in Kansas City, in a letter to U.S. Sen. Mike Johanns, R-Nebraska.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Waterways are public property, jackass. Nobody has a right to pollute public waterways unless they get a permit. Pollution affects everybody’s health. I want those airplanes up there. I don’t want renegade farmers to ignore clean water laws and get away with it. You and I disagree on this, as we do on practically everything else, pudwarts. Unlike you, I don’t think the EPA is Public Enemy No. 1, I think polluters are. If you don’t like that, tough shit, lubricate it and shove it up your ass then kiss my cute cottontail.
But let’s not lose sight of what this news story is actually about: How the Rightwing Noise Machine creates and spreads lies. The people who swallow this crap whole, without questioning it, are the embodiment of mass stupidity. And you’re one of the thundering lemming herd, puddy. You’re too stupid to think for yourself. That’s not good.
Oh my… That’s the best you can do Fraggy? He died in 1944 and numerous DUMMOCRAPT sadministrations missed it and so a Republican congressman missed it that’s your evidence? It’s sad but you are sadder!
Really Roger DUMB Wabbit…? I LEFT the DUMMOCRAPT party! That’s not lemming like most other blacks who suck the kook-aid! I saw how Philly was treated by DUMMOCRAPT administrations over the years. Somehow that police bomb on the Move compound on Osage Avenue that killed those five black children wasn’t from Republican Conservatives!
Ya see Fraggy, while you submit an anecdote here or there that really points light on the Truman DUMMOCRAPT sadministration, I submit decades of DUMMOCRAPT neglect of poor blacks in inner cities!
And while leftist pinheads jockstrap worthless causes like Wesley Cook’s, a cop killer, Puddy decries cop killer on both sides of the tracks. Who is Wesley Cook? Oh you leftists have no historical memory. Mumia Abu-Jamal ring a bell?
So who is the moron? The morons are Fraggy and Roger DUMB Wabbit your honor!
The Prosecution Rests!
Noah was a DFH! Noah and John the Baptist are alright in my book.
Hooray for DFH’s!!! More dirt!! More fucking!! More naked!!
Just today I was at our new P-patch plot with Dr. Mrs. Lib-Sci diggin’ in the dirt – tomatoes, peppers, mustard, melons, beets, strawberries!
Hooray for dirt!
@ 41
Dirt is communist. It lets you get food out of it for practically next to nothing.
Finally, some leftist pinhead calling Roger DUMB Wabbit for what he is!
@39 “DUMMOCRAPT neglect of poor blacks in inner cities”
So how are the pukes treatin’ ya so far?
@43 You mean fast enough to not get eaten? While you stand there hand-feeding Republicans? Yeah, I’m hard-wired for survival, putz. You I’m not so sure about.
Gots ta love those clued in Mormons.
To be clear, the woman who wrote this is also a Mormon. I’m not trying to make an anti-Mormon statement. I’m trying to show how truly clueless and tuned out some people in positions of power in our country are. I’m sure that you could replace Mormon with several other descriptors and this would still work. I just get surprised by how stunningly clueless some people are.
Who is a puke and what city does a puke control.
Don’t say NYC cuz Bloomberg is acting DUMMOCRAPT with all his “strange regulations”.
I’m sure you’ve never read Cass Sunstein, John Holdren, Hannah Rosenthal, Ed Montgomery and others Michael.
That’s okay, it’s part of your libtard whack job life.
From the Bible…
My Father:
is understanding Psalms 139:1-2
forgives me Psalms 103:12
is compassionate Psalms 103:4-5
cares for me Matt 6:26
leads me to still waters Psalms 23:2
loves me John 3:16
is giving Romans 8:32
is accepting Psalms 139:1-6
satisfies me Psalms 107:9
comforts me Psalms 23:4
anoints my head Psalms 23:5
Father to the fatherless Psalms 68:5
pardons Psalms 103:3
heals Isaiah 53:5
is reason Isaiah 1:18
persistently pursues me Luke 19:10
redeems Job 19:25
lives Matthew 3:17
is loving kindness Psalms 86:15
@49 God did everything for you except give you brains. Oh well, 19 out of 20 isn’t bad.
@47 “Who is a puke”
It’s a liberal term of endearment for Republicans, derived from “Repukes” which in turn derives from “Repukians.” It also describes what Republicans make us wanna do when they open their mouths.
there’s liars…damned liars…and the puddypussy.
PS…the Cass-sassinator has YOUR number puddypussy. The Cass-sassinator is coming for YOU!
What kind of sick fuck is this Beck?
Still waiting for the dumb cinder block rujax to tell me where I lied. Been waiting over two weeks and this gutter dweller still can’t prove me wrong.
When you want a poster child for left wrong lunacy, look at the postings of rujax!
Like father, like son… Is the Biden gene stupidity or lunacy?
U B da judge!
Who writes the Obummer speeches? I guess law school didn’t prepare him for scientific knowledge.
Oh my…
You can see those great and wonderful jobs created under Obummer…
He likes to compare himself to Reagan. Well, others are taking Obummer at his word!
Interesting how SpuddyPud comes i here just to shit in the thread and then splits.
Your debate skills are pathetic, Spudds.
Ummm… when did I split?
3. Deathfrogg spews:
My faith isn’t blind. It’s supported by Scripture which includes many witnesses. The odds of the fulfillment of the Old Testament Prophecies by one man, Jesus Christ, is something like 1 in 100 Quintillion. Much of the Old Testament & Prophecies were written 1,000 years before Christ came.
Actually, it’s the non-believers in Jesus Christ that are stuck in a mire of hopelessness. When you try to share the Gospel, most really have no idea what it truly is about. They just stuck their fingers in their ears and hurl angry muck. But that’s ok. God is in charge of eternity….not Barrack Obama. It’s sad so many of you are so angry about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and deny God.
Frankly, from a statistical and scientific standpoint, I don’t see how you can justify it. Only from an emotional standpoint…which means nothing, right?
We all have free choice. I’m not telling you what to believe. But I know what works for me..and it’s not BLIND FAITH deathfrogg. Far from it. Did you ever consider you are living in Blind UnBelief? I respect folks who have studied Scripture with an open heart and mind..and still choose to reject it. That involves years & years of study…and I have only met a couple people that I believe sincerely studied and came to the conclusion that God MAY NOT exist. You can lie & pretend you have studied Scripture & worshipped with others etc.etc.. You can point to self-proclaimed Christians who constantly fail & fall short of the mark. But that shows you simply do not understand the Gospel. We are not perfect. God is. Christ paid the price so we can have a relationship with Him. The Gospel isn’t that complex at all. But faith frees you from both Fear & Doubt as we struggle with things of the world and this earthly life.
I don’t understand how people can do that without Christ. It’s not about EARNING your way with acts…it’s about faith. But it’s not BLIND FAITH least not for me. It’s a constant deeper understanding and relationship with Christ thru being in The Word daily, prayer, fellowship with other believers. That doesn’t mean I don’t have troubles, problems etc…it doesn’t guarantee an easy life. In some ways, it is more difficult. But it’s also freeing…from our sinful nature & sins and the doubt, fear & guilt that go along with that. It’s not a free ticket to sin either. I’ve heard that misstatement too, many times.
If you believe God is our Creator and Father, and if you believe He sacrificed his only Son on that Cross so we could have a relationship with Him…why would you intentionally hurt Him? He gave us just enough Historical Record in the Old Testament and The Gospel in the new to get by in this short, short life. You non-believers really think that 80 years or so on this planet which also has a finite lifespan is all there is??? Wow, lots of self-importance. So who is really the shallow thinker?
Here is a Summary from a book written by Josh McDowell called “Evidence that Demands a Verdict”
I’d highly recommend it to the true intellectual non-believers..true meaning those who have the courage to study the evidence BEFORE coming to a conclusion. Not sure there are any of you on this Blog with open minds and open hearts. Pretty hard group. But I challenge you to consider the evidence, THEN draw your conclusion.
Best wishes.
Here is a starting pointing for those of you who look and think about things on a statistical level, like Darryl.
Who do YOU think wrote these? Did God whisper into your ear or did someone else have a hallucination and reveal to both you that Psalms are God’s word?
Puddy .. you and smilin both have the same hallucinations?
PSALMS were of course written by David. Every emotion or circumstance you can dream or experience are covered. God inspired David.
God uses men & women to do extraordinary things to further His Kingdom.
Not sure what your point is.
Address the evidence SJ..if you dare.