Ezekiel 23:8
She did not give up the prostitution she began in Egypt, when during her youth men slept with her, caressed her virgin bosom and poured out their lust on her.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
Wow, this whole chapter (Ez 23) is one wound-up-tight condemnation of women’s sexuality. It’s no wonder we have the Ted Haggards and Catholic priests and twisted Dobsons of the world.
How this sort of thing comports with “Love your neighbor” or the Golden Rule is beyond me.
Could one of you Christians, or Jews, explain?
Ezekiel was a prophet for Israel… Maybe Goldy can explain his peeps history.
Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
Now I see why libtards are always discussing animal sex on HA.
So which sister does Goldy pretend to mimic?
It would only be ‘virgin’ bosom once, tho. Thereafter merely bosom.
Yet another example of inaccuracy in the Bible.
And therefore it’s gah’s fault!
So “Russian” has it’s origin in Egypt, then? Or is it “Pearl Necklace”?
Parts of the Old Testament can be sooooooo confusing.
And so??
All Goldy can do is post the Old Testament week after week. Is Bible History ugly to us? You bet.
Ezekiel 23 is about two sisters, Samaria and Jerusalem. They committed whoredoms by worshiping idols and both are destroyed for their lewdness.
I sense a lot of fear by the hardcore Atheists who infest HA. Don’t focus on the fear. Focus on fact that Jesus saves.
If you want to read something amazing, please read Psalm 22 by David and then read Matthew 27, which was written a 1,000 years later. David was the Prophet. His prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus. Jesus saves.
The Bible really boils down to 1 hero, Jesus and 1 villain, Satan and 1 message, Jesus Saves. It seems the hardcore “deniers of Christ” cannot even allow themselves the ability to become educated. Instead, they wallow in their ignorance and take shots at Christ and his followers. That’s ok though. David prophesized it in Psalm 22:7-8
Psalm 22:7-8
New International Version (NIV)
7 All who see me mock me;(A)
they hurl insults,(B) shaking their heads.(C)
8 “He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
“let the Lord rescue him.(D)
Let him deliver him,(E)
since he delights(F) in him
and Matthew recorded what happened to Jesus here–
Matthew 27:27-31
New International Version (NIV)
The Soldiers Mock Jesus(A)
27 Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium(B) and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him. 28 They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him,(C) 29 and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said.(D) 30 They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again.(E) 31 After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him.(F)
Mocking is nothing new.
Neither is ignorance.
@5 “Virgin” just means “young woman” in the Bible. It doesn’t mean a woman who has never had sex. It might be better translated as “nubile” …
I sense a lot of fear by the hardcore Atheists who infest HA. Don’t focus on the fear. Focus on fact that Jesus saves.
They don’t believe in Jesus. They can’t fathom His Father creating the universe. They can’t fathom the Earth being created in 6 days. It evolved because “man’s science” says so!
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
They can’t fathom the Earth being created in 6 days. It evolved because “man’s science” says so!
There you go again. 6 days, is it? When did that happen, puddy?
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
I sense a lot of fear by the hardcore Atheists who infest HA.
What’s to be afraid of? I sense a lot of fear from the hardcore christianists who infest HA – in fact, fear, along with greed, seem to most potent motivators for right-wingers/Republicans/Teahaddists.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
They don’t believe in Jesus.
Certainly not in the militant tribal sense that you Dominionists do. My recollection is that Jesus’ ultimate message was quite simple, “LOVE.”
I see quite little of that expressed by the people most loudly shrieking, “JESUS!!”
When did that happen, puddy?
In the Bible, a Book you so thoroughly reject Lib da schmuck! The Lord created the heavens and the earth. Except you don’t comprehend what the heavens means Lib da schmuck!
We’ll have to watch this one and see how it plays out.
Pastor: Daughter ‘Wasn’t Punched’
Megachurch pastor Creflo Dollar told an audience of thousands at his Sunday services in Atlanta that he neither choked or punched his 15-year-old daughter, as she claimed in a police report. Dollar spent 12 hours in jail after being arrested on Friday for simple battery, family violence, and child cruelty. Dollar’s daughter claimed that she and her father were arguing about whether she could go to a party when he attacked her. Police photographed a scratch on his daughter’s neck, which Dollar says is an old scar from her childhood. “I love her with all my heart,” he said. http://www.thedailybeast.com/c.....nched.html
Michael–Are you racist for being a white guy pointing this out about a black pastor?
I’m just askin’
Obama used the “call dissenters racist” strategy whenever he felt the heat of someone questioning his actions.
Michael–Are you racist for being a white guy pointing this out about a black pastor?
I’m just askin’
A lot of racists go by the “one drop theory.” According to the one drop theory I’m not a white guy. ;-)
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
Obama used the “call dissenters racist” strategy whenever he felt the heat of someone questioning his actions.
A lot of racists go by the “one drop theory.” According to the one drop theory I’m not a white guy. ;-)
Ahhh yes, welcome to the other side of the tracks Michael. Hope the view is as grand as the other side.
Kim Jong Chillinspews:
All aboard the HAte Train! Woot Woot!
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
Obama used the “call dissenters racist” strategy whenever he felt the heat of someone questioning his actions.
Fever dreams from the Teahaddist swamp to not facts make. You people are unhinged.
Sum Dum Goyspews:
‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, The B-i-b-l-e. That’s the book for me! I stand upon the word of God, the B-i-b-l-e.’
Summer Bible school is a-comin’ and Puddy wuddy wuddy just can’t wait!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 And you don’t comprehend a simple question. He asked “when” not “where.”
You seem awfully silly these days. Nothing better to do?
You say that the followers of the prophet Goldy “don’t believe in Jesus. They can’t fathom His Father creating the universe. They can’t fathom the Earth being created in 6 days. It evolved because “man’s science” says so!”
Hmmm .. you mean that if I show YOU how electrons work, I must be a false god because quanta are not in your bible?
You must think I am a very, very limited God!
By the way, I wish you would stop saying the I impregnated Mary. I do not mind this silly story, but you seem s rapt up in the fairly tale that you can not enjoy such simple truths as My revelations to Science.
I am that I am.
Here a more substantial challenge for you …
What proportion of American women have now have had at least one abortion?
Since this is a form of murder, if we can identify these women shouldn’t they be tried?
No Time for Fascistsspews:
@27 Would the women be able to get off scott free, if they used the Stand Your Ground law? “The baby attacked me, Yes, I know it was unarmed but I felt threatened, I had to do it to protect myself.”
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
Probably only if she used a 9mm on it, but very good question.
It was a bit of a shock when I discovered this site when looking for pigeon recipes but proved to to be highly entertaining. As a Brit I don’t know much about your Constitution. I would ask a couple of questions however.
Surely the ‘right to bear arms’ is a bit outdated. Wasn’t it predicated in the aftermath of the war of independence? Your gun licensing laws are way too liberal.
Living in a nation (Britain) that once ruled significant parts of the globe I probably can’t claim any sort of moral high ground. Nonetheless the old saw, ‘those who don’t understand history are compelled to relive it’ (or words to that effect) seems apposite. Stop messing around in other people’s countries please. On the other hand things could have turned out worse. You might all be French.
I also thought that the constitution divided religion from politics (which was probably the initial reason for my response). A smart move I thought. I can’t see much evidence of that. As diverse, multi-cultural society it baffles me why so-called Christian values are promoted.
Bit of a ramble but there you go.
Yeah, we should have let you Brits and especially France get your asses kicked in WWI and WWII.
Pretty nice we “messed around” when it benefited you folks, huh?
Question for you verlig–
Which specific “Christian Values” being promoted trouble you? Love thy neighbor as thyself”? How horrible. Or “Love your wife like Christ loved the Church”??? Awful, huh.
Be careful about simply generalizing.
So which Christian Values bother you verlig??
Fair questions Smilin’. Thanks for your help. Always turning up late and saving the day.
I was thinking about Iraq and Afghanistan. Global politics isn’t my strong point. Two bad choices in my opinion. I’m not suggesting that I supported Saddam Hussain or the Taliban. It’s all well and good waving your big weapons and saying look at me. We did the same. I don’t think destabilising countries we disagree with is a good foreign policy. Think Irangate and your country’s whole approach to central and South America. Not much interest in invading China, Pakistan, Syria or Burma at the moment.
What is a poor farmer in Afghanistan or Columbia to do? Make some money growing valuable crops of course. They can only make money if there is a buyer. Nice to see that the US leads the world in illegal drug use.
Although it is clearly not true the US is a secular society I can not disagree with your general sentiment regarding Christian values. As with many religions the basic tenets are good and true. The interpretation of the words however opens a whole different can of worms, institutional pederasty notwithstanding. Think Catholic vs Protestant or Sunni vs Shia if you like. The hypocrisy exhibited by members of ‘The Church’ beggars belief. And let’s not forget the Hindus, Moslems, Buddhists, Shintoists etc. don’t necessarily share the same belief systems as you.
Live and let live. Walk softly and leave nothing but footprints.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
verlig – hi, and welcome.
I’m interested in a number of things you’ve written.
I’ve always been curious about our Constitution’s second amendment –
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I’ve always found that the first clause, “A well regulated militia…” would serve as approval for any sort of regulation, though I’m told by my lawyer friends that that has been argued countless times and has been found wanting by our courts. They instead hew to, “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
We have a culture here with what are essentially tribes that fetishize many different things, among them fetuses and guns. The latter, I think, is simply a fairly childish response to having a small dick.
The former has to do with very complex issues surrounding sexuality as well, and hatred of one’s own desires as well as the notion that someone somewhere was having fun. It’s all the fault of those damn Puritans – if you people hadn’t (wisely) thrown them out, this would never be a problem here – thanks a lot!
As for the Christianists, you are indeed correct to be baffled by them. Again, it’s a tribal thing. We have some very intolerant tribes that demand that one believe in a god AND that one talk to that god only in certain proper ways. My biggest objection with them, besides the inexplicable underemphasis on their figurehead’s prescription of “LOVE”, is their toxic mix of war-mongering bloodthirstiness and demand that their insane cosmology be taught in our government schools. You know, that Darwin was a tosser and that ‘god’ made the world in 6 days in October, 4004 BC.
Politically Incorrect - who has been banned over at soundpolitics.comspews:
“…poured out their lust on her.”
Sounds like Suzy Creamcheese got a lot of pearl necklaces!
Somebody give her phone number to puddy.
Wow, this whole chapter (Ez 23) is one wound-up-tight condemnation of women’s sexuality. It’s no wonder we have the Ted Haggards and Catholic priests and twisted Dobsons of the world.
How this sort of thing comports with “Love your neighbor” or the Golden Rule is beyond me.
Could one of you Christians, or Jews, explain?
Ezekiel was a prophet for Israel… Maybe Goldy can explain his peeps history.
Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
Now I see why libtards are always discussing animal sex on HA.
So which sister does Goldy pretend to mimic?
It would only be ‘virgin’ bosom once, tho. Thereafter merely bosom.
Yet another example of inaccuracy in the Bible.
And therefore it’s gah’s fault!
So “Russian” has it’s origin in Egypt, then? Or is it “Pearl Necklace”?
Parts of the Old Testament can be sooooooo confusing.
And so??
All Goldy can do is post the Old Testament week after week. Is Bible History ugly to us? You bet.
Ezekiel 23 is about two sisters, Samaria and Jerusalem. They committed whoredoms by worshiping idols and both are destroyed for their lewdness.
I sense a lot of fear by the hardcore Atheists who infest HA. Don’t focus on the fear. Focus on fact that Jesus saves.
If you want to read something amazing, please read Psalm 22 by David and then read Matthew 27, which was written a 1,000 years later. David was the Prophet. His prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus. Jesus saves.
The Bible really boils down to 1 hero, Jesus and 1 villain, Satan and 1 message, Jesus Saves. It seems the hardcore “deniers of Christ” cannot even allow themselves the ability to become educated. Instead, they wallow in their ignorance and take shots at Christ and his followers. That’s ok though. David prophesized it in Psalm 22:7-8
and Matthew recorded what happened to Jesus here–
Mocking is nothing new.
Neither is ignorance.
@5 “Virgin” just means “young woman” in the Bible. It doesn’t mean a woman who has never had sex. It might be better translated as “nubile” …
They don’t believe in Jesus. They can’t fathom His Father creating the universe. They can’t fathom the Earth being created in 6 days. It evolved because “man’s science” says so!
There you go again. 6 days, is it? When did that happen, puddy?
What’s to be afraid of? I sense a lot of fear from the hardcore christianists who infest HA – in fact, fear, along with greed, seem to most potent motivators for right-wingers/Republicans/Teahaddists.
Certainly not in the militant tribal sense that you Dominionists do. My recollection is that Jesus’ ultimate message was quite simple, “LOVE.”
I see quite little of that expressed by the people most loudly shrieking, “JESUS!!”
In the Bible, a Book you so thoroughly reject Lib da schmuck! The Lord created the heavens and the earth. Except you don’t comprehend what the heavens means Lib da schmuck!
We’ll have to watch this one and see how it plays out.
Michael–Are you racist for being a white guy pointing this out about a black pastor?
I’m just askin’
Obama used the “call dissenters racist” strategy whenever he felt the heat of someone questioning his actions.
A lot of racists go by the “one drop theory.” According to the one drop theory I’m not a white guy. ;-)
What planet are you really from?
Ahhh yes, welcome to the other side of the tracks Michael. Hope the view is as grand as the other side.
All aboard the HAte Train! Woot Woot!
Fever dreams from the Teahaddist swamp to not facts make. You people are unhinged.
‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, The B-i-b-l-e. That’s the book for me! I stand upon the word of God, the B-i-b-l-e.’
Summer Bible school is a-comin’ and Puddy wuddy wuddy just can’t wait!!!
@14 And you don’t comprehend a simple question. He asked “when” not “where.”
You seem awfully silly these days. Nothing better to do?
You say that the followers of the prophet Goldy “don’t believe in Jesus. They can’t fathom His Father creating the universe. They can’t fathom the Earth being created in 6 days. It evolved because “man’s science” says so!”
Hmmm .. you mean that if I show YOU how electrons work, I must be a false god because quanta are not in your bible?
You must think I am a very, very limited God!
By the way, I wish you would stop saying the I impregnated Mary. I do not mind this silly story, but you seem s rapt up in the fairly tale that you can not enjoy such simple truths as My revelations to Science.
I am that I am.
Here a more substantial challenge for you …
What proportion of American women have now have had at least one abortion?
Since this is a form of murder, if we can identify these women shouldn’t they be tried?
@27 Would the women be able to get off scott free, if they used the Stand Your Ground law? “The baby attacked me, Yes, I know it was unarmed but I felt threatened, I had to do it to protect myself.”
Probably only if she used a 9mm on it, but very good question.
It was a bit of a shock when I discovered this site when looking for pigeon recipes but proved to to be highly entertaining. As a Brit I don’t know much about your Constitution. I would ask a couple of questions however.
Surely the ‘right to bear arms’ is a bit outdated. Wasn’t it predicated in the aftermath of the war of independence? Your gun licensing laws are way too liberal.
Living in a nation (Britain) that once ruled significant parts of the globe I probably can’t claim any sort of moral high ground. Nonetheless the old saw, ‘those who don’t understand history are compelled to relive it’ (or words to that effect) seems apposite. Stop messing around in other people’s countries please. On the other hand things could have turned out worse. You might all be French.
I also thought that the constitution divided religion from politics (which was probably the initial reason for my response). A smart move I thought. I can’t see much evidence of that. As diverse, multi-cultural society it baffles me why so-called Christian values are promoted.
Bit of a ramble but there you go.
Yeah, we should have let you Brits and especially France get your asses kicked in WWI and WWII.
Pretty nice we “messed around” when it benefited you folks, huh?
Question for you verlig–
Which specific “Christian Values” being promoted trouble you? Love thy neighbor as thyself”? How horrible. Or “Love your wife like Christ loved the Church”??? Awful, huh.
Be careful about simply generalizing.
So which Christian Values bother you verlig??
Fair questions Smilin’. Thanks for your help. Always turning up late and saving the day.
I was thinking about Iraq and Afghanistan. Global politics isn’t my strong point. Two bad choices in my opinion. I’m not suggesting that I supported Saddam Hussain or the Taliban. It’s all well and good waving your big weapons and saying look at me. We did the same. I don’t think destabilising countries we disagree with is a good foreign policy. Think Irangate and your country’s whole approach to central and South America. Not much interest in invading China, Pakistan, Syria or Burma at the moment.
What is a poor farmer in Afghanistan or Columbia to do? Make some money growing valuable crops of course. They can only make money if there is a buyer. Nice to see that the US leads the world in illegal drug use.
Although it is clearly not true the US is a secular society I can not disagree with your general sentiment regarding Christian values. As with many religions the basic tenets are good and true. The interpretation of the words however opens a whole different can of worms, institutional pederasty notwithstanding. Think Catholic vs Protestant or Sunni vs Shia if you like. The hypocrisy exhibited by members of ‘The Church’ beggars belief. And let’s not forget the Hindus, Moslems, Buddhists, Shintoists etc. don’t necessarily share the same belief systems as you.
Live and let live. Walk softly and leave nothing but footprints.
verlig – hi, and welcome.
I’m interested in a number of things you’ve written.
I’ve always been curious about our Constitution’s second amendment –
I’ve always found that the first clause, “A well regulated militia…” would serve as approval for any sort of regulation, though I’m told by my lawyer friends that that has been argued countless times and has been found wanting by our courts. They instead hew to, “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
We have a culture here with what are essentially tribes that fetishize many different things, among them fetuses and guns. The latter, I think, is simply a fairly childish response to having a small dick.
The former has to do with very complex issues surrounding sexuality as well, and hatred of one’s own desires as well as the notion that someone somewhere was having fun. It’s all the fault of those damn Puritans – if you people hadn’t (wisely) thrown them out, this would never be a problem here – thanks a lot!
As for the Christianists, you are indeed correct to be baffled by them. Again, it’s a tribal thing. We have some very intolerant tribes that demand that one believe in a god AND that one talk to that god only in certain proper ways. My biggest objection with them, besides the inexplicable underemphasis on their figurehead’s prescription of “LOVE”, is their toxic mix of war-mongering bloodthirstiness and demand that their insane cosmology be taught in our government schools. You know, that Darwin was a tosser and that ‘god’ made the world in 6 days in October, 4004 BC.
“…poured out their lust on her.”
Sounds like Suzy Creamcheese got a lot of pearl necklaces!