So Balaam “beats the donkey” three times in a single afternoon, then only feels shame when he gets caught in the act by his ol’ man?
This could be anybody.
dorky dorkmanspews:
I can’t count the number of times people have said that to me.
From what I read an elephant is going to kick the shit out of a donkey in November.
dorky dorkmanspews:
re 3: ‘No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.’ P.T. Barnum
I like Proverbs 26:11… It explains the DUMMOCRAPTS voting for Obummer in 2012
As a dog goes back to its vomit, [so] a fool repeats his stupidity.
@ 5
That certainly explains how Bush got re-elected.
TEA party: Keeping millions out of work, to put one man out of a job.
Kim Jong Chillinspews:
All aboard the HAte train!
And the answer to Fraggy is: Proverbs 26:5
Answer a fool with his own stupidity, or he will think he is wise.
Yeah, voting for John Effin Kerry was a “smart” thing.
@ 8
No, putting up that mealy-mouthed wimp was the mistake. Allowing a private, GOP-owned corporation to count the ballots was the second. Allowing a GOP Secretary of State to hide how ballots were counted in Ohio was the third.
And your little black book has no effect whatsoever on my life. It does not apply to me in any way, shape or form.
And your little black book has no effect whatsoever on my life.
We see that in SPADES dude! It describes U 2 A T!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “Answer a fool with his own stupidity, or he will think he is wise.”
That doesn’t work, you being a case in point.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 See @11.
Oh the burn Roger DUMB Wabbit! Proverbs 26:4
Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are.
Any more pithy comebacks?
Spuddy, I have a question for you.
If Jesus himself came down and told you to kill someone, would you do it?
Politically Incorrect - who has been banned over at soundpolitics.comspews:
Why talk to a donkey? Did this Baalam guy really expect a response?
Christians, you can’t take the Bible literally. Look for the larger message rather than wallowing in the details.
DUMB Question.
3. Bob spews:
From what I read an elephant is going to kick the shit out of a donkey in November.
Now that’s funny…and a FACT!
These lefty atheist types keep posting Old Testament verses. There was 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testament. Christians are saved by Grace.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “Any more pithy comebacks?”
If you truly believe the crap you post, then why don’t you take your own advice?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 “Christians are saved by Grace.”
That’s a problem; God blew it by not imposing a behavior test.
If you truly believe the crap you post, then why don’t you take your own advice?
What? When you enter feral moron mode, stupidity abounds!
Like I’ve said before: the culture war is over and our side won.
Mormon group shows its support in Salt Lake City Gay Pride Parade.
(Reuters) – Nearly 300 Mormons marched in a gay pride parade on Sunday, holding signs that read “God Loves His Children” in a unique display of support from believers of a religious tradition that has long opposed homosexuality.
Thad McCotter pulls the plug in Michigan
By ALEX ISENSTADT | 6/3/12 5:51 PM EDT
…Thad McCotter has ended a write-in bid for his Michigan congressional seat… offering a newfound opening for Democrats to take the seat.
A five-term lawmaker, McCotter failed to get on the Aug. 7 primary ballot after it was revealed last week that his campaign did not turn in the necessary 1,000 signatures to become eligible.
Michigan election workers tasked with reviewing the 2,000 McCotter petitions said they found signs of widespread fraud, with more than 80 percent of the submitted signatures ruled ineligible. In many cases, officials said, signatures appeared to be duplicated. And Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, a Republican, plans to investigate the signature-gathering effort.
I can understand why people don’t like Democrats, but why anyone likes the current crop of Republicans (except Jon Huntsman and congressman Roscoe Bartlett) is beyond me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Would you like me to explain it for you, moron?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Here’s a guy who’s a lawyer, and a 5-term congressman, losing his job because his campaign submitted only 244 of the 1,000 signatures required to get on the primary ballot. That’s stupid even for a Republican congressman. That’s like a pilot taking off without first looking at the fuel gauge. Dumb, dumber, dumbest.
Explanations from one who didn’t know about Solyndra in the other thread are useless and unnecessary. Your explanations come from left wrong wingnut sites.
No thanks!
You seem to want to play the role of Balaam.
What does such spite gain you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 You lose. Again. Thanks for playing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 Dear Divine One, if You will accept a suggestion from a mere rabbit, please stop pussyfooting around with that guy and send him straight to Hell without further useless and unproductive ado. Thanks. Your humble servant, Roger Rabbit.
Nope Balaam was a false prophet, like those who will prophesy and believe in Evolution. So “god”, do you agree with your evolutionist friends or was the Earth created in 6 days like you directed Moses to pen?
Just checking…
@27, writes the one who just posted from MSNBC in the Friday Night thread. Left wrong kook-site!
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippiespews:
like those who will prophesy and believe in Evolution.
Rational people, those of us who accept observation and science as the basis for our understanding of the world, neither “prophesy” nor “believe in evolution”.
We accept the scientific method as our best and most robust tool, and we rely on the findings that practitioners thereof generate to form a rational and ever updated and refined understanding of the world we live in, the one we all evolved in.
I think, puddles, that your diction reveals a chasm that I don’t think we’ll ever bridge. You seem/are utterly dedicated to “belief” in a very old, often-edited, collaboratively written document whose provenance is unclear but hotly debated. You assert repeatedly and enthusiastically “belief” in the stories in this book – stories which are facially fantastical and quite impossible. Moreover, you clearly “believe” that your myths are in competition with a rational view of the world – a competition that we rational people do not accept – because our worldview does not rest on “beliefs”, but rather is data-driven. Moreover, and a brilliant bit of manipulation central to the nature of religion, the very fantastical nature of those “beliefs” is used as reinforcement – your “faith” is measured by how fervently you accept this stuff without question – and the logical circle is closed, along with your mind.
or was the Earth created in 6 days like you directed Moses to pen
An excellent example, one with at least 3 falsehoods or impossibilities, though is nonetheless jealously guarded and asserted by Biblical literalists.
I just Googled “sun’s age” and got a long list of hits, among others:
-First, a wikipedia entry, which was a good overview and gateway to both layperson-oriented site maintained by Stanford University, and a link to a peer-reviewed scientific paper published in the reputable journal, Astronomy and Astrophysics. The former lists the sun’s age as “about 4.5 Billion years” and the latter as
‘4.57 +/- 0.11 Gyr’, a refinement based on multiple lines of observation and analysis.
Contrasting, one also gets this hit:, a blog titled “The Creationists Answer” contains these priceless pearls of magical thinking:
When God created the sun, it was a mature, functional and purposefully-designed star from the beginning. Every aspect of the sun – dimensions, mass, composition, etc. – was created by God so as to fulfill His purpose. One would expect that a star with a significantly different composition than what the sun has would also produce a significantly different energy and spectral distribution, one that in all likelihood would not be suitable for life on Earth. Therefore, omniscient as God is, He would have created the sun with ‘just right’ attributes so as to supply the earth with precisely the needs of the life that He was placing on it. In other words, God created the sun to serve life on earth from the very first moment, not after it had aged for five billion years. Thus, it was necessary for the sun to have ‘just the right’ composition for us – that composition is what we observe today (60H/40He, mass, etc.). It has nothing to do with deception on God’s part; it has everything to do with being perfectly designed for life on Earth.
There are multiple sites like this, engaging in full on “God did it” to explain away the compelling data the the sun and solar system are billions of years old, or more nuanced but utterly, painfully stupid attempts at psuedo-scientific sounding “analysis” like this one, at a site called ‘’ (Warning – will make you stupid if you click on link). Utter gobbbledegook.
Frankly, I think your “faith” in Young Earth Creationism (YEC), in biblical literalism that leads inevitably to nonsense like Noah and his velociraptors, in the vile glee over impending retribution of “god” against teh ‘gays’ that we saw last week from you, in your recurrent retreat into self-righteous threats of god’s wrath against your detractors (like me) when he returns in “Clouds O’Glory ™” – all this reveals at its core nothing about ‘god’ but all sorts of things about you.
I think, based on evidence we see on these threads daily and relentlessly, that your mind is not sound (this alleged “computer industry” job you have that you preen and bray about notwithstanding) and that these sorts of utter irrational “beliefs”, punctuated with the vindictive and vituperative glee the you project from this cartoonish “god’, undermine any position you take and make you appear a crackpot, and a nasty, angry one at that. Which I’m sure is simply a badge of honor for you – which is precisely the problem.
# 22, 25 – that’s what McCotter gets for letting the GOP tell him to leave the details to them. They select the outside contractor, which pays mimimum wage for signatures and has insufficient oversight. The result was predictable, if one knew about the details.
In the McCotter case, he relied upon the results to his detriment. This wasn’t 2000 or 2004, and this wasn’t Ohio or Florida, where the results of GOP election schenanigans were covered up. This was is 2012, and the state is Michigan, where workers are well aware of the Wisconsin effort to get rid of employee unions, Romney told the car industry to just go bankrupt, and the GOP can’t cover up their well-known schemes any more. The 80% of false signatures being thrown out is pretty impressive, though.
Compare this with the well-publicized cases of fake registrations submitted by Democratic-leaning organizations. In those cases, a very few signatures were required by law to be submitted once obtained, even though the organizations’ own review found problems with the signatures. They did exactly what they were expected to do – they highlighted the suspect signatures for election workers, and referred the matter to law enforcement personnnel. But that didn’t stop the GOP/Fox noise machine from trying to imply that this was part of some sort of massive Democratic election fraud.
@ 29. Puddybud
You say “Balaam was a false prophet” yet his prophecies predicted real events.
As for your claiming to know what I directed Moses to pen, seems as if you want folks to believe that you are Balaam?
As for Mr. Romney Rabbit, do not worry over this. Puddy’s reward is in his knowing that no good God would honor Puddy’s hatreds of other men.
So Balaam “beats the donkey” three times in a single afternoon, then only feels shame when he gets caught in the act by his ol’ man?
This could be anybody.
I can’t count the number of times people have said that to me.
From what I read an elephant is going to kick the shit out of a donkey in November.
re 3: ‘No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.’ P.T. Barnum
I like Proverbs 26:11… It explains the DUMMOCRAPTS voting for Obummer in 2012
@ 5
That certainly explains how Bush got re-elected.
TEA party: Keeping millions out of work, to put one man out of a job.
All aboard the HAte train!
And the answer to Fraggy is: Proverbs 26:5
Yeah, voting for John Effin Kerry was a “smart” thing.
@ 8
No, putting up that mealy-mouthed wimp was the mistake. Allowing a private, GOP-owned corporation to count the ballots was the second. Allowing a GOP Secretary of State to hide how ballots were counted in Ohio was the third.
And your little black book has no effect whatsoever on my life. It does not apply to me in any way, shape or form.
We see that in SPADES dude! It describes U 2 A T!
@8 “Answer a fool with his own stupidity, or he will think he is wise.”
That doesn’t work, you being a case in point.
@10 See @11.
Oh the burn Roger DUMB Wabbit! Proverbs 26:4
Any more pithy comebacks?
Spuddy, I have a question for you.
If Jesus himself came down and told you to kill someone, would you do it?
Why talk to a donkey? Did this Baalam guy really expect a response?
Christians, you can’t take the Bible literally. Look for the larger message rather than wallowing in the details.
DUMB Question.
3. Bob spews:
From what I read an elephant is going to kick the shit out of a donkey in November.
Now that’s funny…and a FACT!
These lefty atheist types keep posting Old Testament verses. There was 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testament. Christians are saved by Grace.
@13 “Any more pithy comebacks?”
If you truly believe the crap you post, then why don’t you take your own advice?
@17 “Christians are saved by Grace.”
That’s a problem; God blew it by not imposing a behavior test.
What? When you enter feral moron mode, stupidity abounds!
Like I’ve said before: the culture war is over and our side won.
Thad McCotter pulls the plug in Michigan
I can understand why people don’t like Democrats, but why anyone likes the current crop of Republicans (except Jon Huntsman and congressman Roscoe Bartlett) is beyond me.
@20 Would you like me to explain it for you, moron?
@22 Here’s a guy who’s a lawyer, and a 5-term congressman, losing his job because his campaign submitted only 244 of the 1,000 signatures required to get on the primary ballot. That’s stupid even for a Republican congressman. That’s like a pilot taking off without first looking at the fuel gauge. Dumb, dumber, dumbest.
Explanations from one who didn’t know about Solyndra in the other thread are useless and unnecessary. Your explanations come from left wrong wingnut sites.
No thanks!
You seem to want to play the role of Balaam.
What does such spite gain you?
@25 You lose. Again. Thanks for playing.
@26 Dear Divine One, if You will accept a suggestion from a mere rabbit, please stop pussyfooting around with that guy and send him straight to Hell without further useless and unproductive ado. Thanks. Your humble servant, Roger Rabbit.
Nope Balaam was a false prophet, like those who will prophesy and believe in Evolution. So “god”, do you agree with your evolutionist friends or was the Earth created in 6 days like you directed Moses to pen?
Just checking…
@27, writes the one who just posted from MSNBC in the Friday Night thread. Left wrong kook-site!
Rational people, those of us who accept observation and science as the basis for our understanding of the world, neither “prophesy” nor “believe in evolution”.
We accept the scientific method as our best and most robust tool, and we rely on the findings that practitioners thereof generate to form a rational and ever updated and refined understanding of the world we live in, the one we all evolved in.
I think, puddles, that your diction reveals a chasm that I don’t think we’ll ever bridge. You seem/are utterly dedicated to “belief” in a very old, often-edited, collaboratively written document whose provenance is unclear but hotly debated. You assert repeatedly and enthusiastically “belief” in the stories in this book – stories which are facially fantastical and quite impossible. Moreover, you clearly “believe” that your myths are in competition with a rational view of the world – a competition that we rational people do not accept – because our worldview does not rest on “beliefs”, but rather is data-driven. Moreover, and a brilliant bit of manipulation central to the nature of religion, the very fantastical nature of those “beliefs” is used as reinforcement – your “faith” is measured by how fervently you accept this stuff without question – and the logical circle is closed, along with your mind.
An excellent example, one with at least 3 falsehoods or impossibilities, though is nonetheless jealously guarded and asserted by Biblical literalists.
I just Googled “sun’s age” and got a long list of hits, among others:
-First, a wikipedia entry, which was a good overview and gateway to both layperson-oriented site maintained by Stanford University, and a link to a peer-reviewed scientific paper published in the reputable journal, Astronomy and Astrophysics. The former lists the sun’s age as “about 4.5 Billion years” and the latter as
‘4.57 +/- 0.11 Gyr’, a refinement based on multiple lines of observation and analysis.
Contrasting, one also gets this hit:, a blog titled “The Creationists Answer” contains these priceless pearls of magical thinking:
There are multiple sites like this, engaging in full on “God did it” to explain away the compelling data the the sun and solar system are billions of years old, or more nuanced but utterly, painfully stupid attempts at psuedo-scientific sounding “analysis” like this one, at a site called ‘’ (Warning – will make you stupid if you click on link). Utter gobbbledegook.
Frankly, I think your “faith” in Young Earth Creationism (YEC), in biblical literalism that leads inevitably to nonsense like Noah and his velociraptors, in the vile glee over impending retribution of “god” against teh ‘gays’ that we saw last week from you, in your recurrent retreat into self-righteous threats of god’s wrath against your detractors (like me) when he returns in “Clouds O’Glory ™” – all this reveals at its core nothing about ‘god’ but all sorts of things about you.
I think, based on evidence we see on these threads daily and relentlessly, that your mind is not sound (this alleged “computer industry” job you have that you preen and bray about notwithstanding) and that these sorts of utter irrational “beliefs”, punctuated with the vindictive and vituperative glee the you project from this cartoonish “god’, undermine any position you take and make you appear a crackpot, and a nasty, angry one at that. Which I’m sure is simply a badge of honor for you – which is precisely the problem.
# 22, 25 – that’s what McCotter gets for letting the GOP tell him to leave the details to them. They select the outside contractor, which pays mimimum wage for signatures and has insufficient oversight. The result was predictable, if one knew about the details.
In the McCotter case, he relied upon the results to his detriment. This wasn’t 2000 or 2004, and this wasn’t Ohio or Florida, where the results of GOP election schenanigans were covered up. This was is 2012, and the state is Michigan, where workers are well aware of the Wisconsin effort to get rid of employee unions, Romney told the car industry to just go bankrupt, and the GOP can’t cover up their well-known schemes any more. The 80% of false signatures being thrown out is pretty impressive, though.
Compare this with the well-publicized cases of fake registrations submitted by Democratic-leaning organizations. In those cases, a very few signatures were required by law to be submitted once obtained, even though the organizations’ own review found problems with the signatures. They did exactly what they were expected to do – they highlighted the suspect signatures for election workers, and referred the matter to law enforcement personnnel. But that didn’t stop the GOP/Fox noise machine from trying to imply that this was part of some sort of massive Democratic election fraud.
@ 29. Puddybud
You say “Balaam was a false prophet” yet his prophecies predicted real events.
As for your claiming to know what I directed Moses to pen, seems as if you want folks to believe that you are Balaam?
As for Mr. Romney Rabbit, do not worry over this. Puddy’s reward is in his knowing that no good God would honor Puddy’s hatreds of other men.