Leviticus 18:17
Do not have sexual relations with both a woman and her daughter. Do not have sexual relations with either her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter; they are her close relatives. That is wickedness.
Puddy decoder ring can’t make heads or tails what this moron is discussing.
@1 – WTF? Are you, like, 12 years old–or just severely emotionally stunted?
Poor doggril… struck a chord!!!!
Here doggril… Let Puddy help you along since you need someone tightly holding that leash…
Father daughter incest is more common than is publicly known. I am not shocked
Edited on Mon Dec-13-10 10:33 AM by conspirator
Certainly not a crime if both are consenting adults.
You see doggyidiot?
David L. Epstein, HuffPo blogger hater of Sarah Palin…
Just posting da facts!
Steve, sometimes you wait until the time is oh so right… Thanks to Goldy, today was the right time!
Then there is Jeffrey Epstein doggyidiot… friend of DUMMOCRAPTS and pedophile.
What do Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Katie Couric, Kevin Spacey, Woody Allen and George Stephanopoulos have in common? They’ve all dined with convicted sexual predator, Jeffrey Epstein. Woody Allen is understandable, but Prince Andrew? Does the Queen Mother have no control over her brood other than rightly denying the crown to Charles? Epstein, a billionaire, owns a financial management firm, J. Epstein and Co. Later he removed his name and the company exists now in the Virgin Islands as Financial Trust Co. He has made 17 out-of-court settlements to minors.
All the celebrities mentioned above are Progressives. This is the way they live, and shame, shame on Katie Couric who has two daughters. Stephanopoulous has two daughters, Bill Clinton has one daughter that we know of, Prince Andrew has two daughters. No need to mention Woody or Spacey.
You read more and you get sick!
But hey, when they bundle big money for DUMMOCRAPTS or attack Sarah Palin, y’all turn a blind eye and the slobbering libtardo media doesn’t seem to find the time in the news cycle to cover these slime balls.
To Roger DUMB Wabbit and Proud Leftist the two HA lawyer types: This is what David Epstein’s lawyer said… take notice to his homo assertion…
“Academically, we are obviously all morally opposed to incest and rightfully so,” Galluzzo said. “At the same time, there is an argument to be made in the Swiss case to let go what goes on privately in bedrooms.”
“It’s OK for homosexuals to do whatever they want in their own home,” he said. “How is this so different? We have to figure out why some behavior is tolerated and some is not.”
Galluzzo also said that even though Epstein’s daughter had emerged as a victim in the case, she could “be best described as an accomplice.”
Also notice the let’s blame the victim commentary… typical DUMMOCRAPT speak! Why are lawyers so intellectually dishonest?
So sad.
Just think if your own religion before casting mud at others.
Who do you say was your God’s father? And who was Mary’s father?
Do you teach that your children should be like unto Me? is yor God guilty of divine incest?
@5, puddy is both. He’s dredging up something posted over a year prior and on a different forum and wondering why we aren’t “up to speed.” Then he thinks one person’s opinion somehow applies to an entire group. I wonder if puddy is up on speed. I suspect he is just a sad bitter little man.
Puddy and others.
Note that the words from Leviticus never say that the daughter or son is the offspring if the same father. It is not incest to fornicate with your wife’s bastards.
Note also that this admonition is implicitly only addressed to males.
Note that the instructions for fucking your wife’s clone or your own clone have been redacted to protect the contemporary ignorance of the first readers of this message.
Since My intent was obviously to promote hybrid vigor and avert manifestations of genetic illness transmitted via homozygosity ….. this instruction only applies to unprotected sex.
So puddypussy maybe is worried somebody finds out he diddles the daughter…lots of those dominionist freaks dip the wick in the family well.
“Methinks the Lady (or the freak, in this case) doth protest too much.”
where is it written??!!??spews:
I think that the proscription is for maintaining social amity in a group. The wick dipper that GOD is warning is not a relative of the people he may be planning on porking, but if he does have his brutish way with all these womwn — he will be creating social dissension.
He’s dredging up something posted over a year prior and on a different forum and wondering why we aren’t “up to speed.”
Well it’s called the DUMMOCRAPTIC UNDERGROUND. A place where like minded DUMMOCRAPTS hang out.
So puddypussy maybe is worried somebody finds out he diddles the daughter
rujax rujax rujax, Puddy doesn’t have daughters ya moron! But we can see the Columbia professor likes to profess and diddle in his!
Atheist DIMMOCRAPT DUMMOCRAPTS, always covering it up as I said in #1! This moron posted in the HuffPo writing nasty comments about Sarah Palin while porking his daughter.
Who do you say was your God’s father? And who was Mary’s father?
Hello Dr Steve. Still playing god all these months I see.
Jesus’ father is God. He provided the way to make Mary pregnant. Interesting miracle eh Dr. Steve? His “earthly father” was Joseph. Mary’s father? Don’t remember, but John the Baptist was His cousin!
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
So, preacherman puddles, you seem very VERY whipped up about this topic regarding who get to have sex with whom – which seems typical of you Christianists.
A question, apropos the Birds’ Eye View contest this week – do you agree that homosexuality is an abomination? Do you agree with Pastor Worley that gays and lesbians should be sent to concentration camps to die?
Lib the moron? You reject me as a Christian then you as me questions about words said by other Christians. Can someone decode this fool’s thoughts? The Puddy Decoder Ring is not accepting this idiot’s thoughts!
So why are you so schizo dude?
You are in a tizzy over this leftwrong professor dorking his daughter and Puddy knew. Y’all didn’t know about it because the leftwrong slobbering libtardo media and your leftwrong sites glossed over it.
This is good advice. It’s nothing but trouble to be involved with two women from the same family, believe you me!
Hey God, I heard a rumor that if it came down to fists and broken bottles Chuck Norris could take you. Care to comment?
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
No, no, no. As a prominent exponent of Biblical literalism on this blog, and a self-proclaimed follower of Jesus, I’m wondering about your thoughts regarding this other self-proclaimed Christian in the news, Pastor Worley, who I understand is also a Biblical literalist.
You guys are on the same team, as it were.
It seems that many (most?) self-proclaimed Christians are very anti-gay, and I’m wondering if you share those views.
Again, do you think that homosexuality is an abomination? Do you agree with Pastor Worley that gays and lesbians should be sent to concentration camps to die? Is that a Christian viewpoint?
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
You reject me as a Christian
I’m not sure where you got that idea – I find that you epitomize Christianism.
The Puddy Decoder Ring is not accepting this idiot’s thoughts!
So why are you so schizo dude?
Spin, spin, spin – run away from direct questions you’re afraid to answer.
Just like the still posed and unanswered – how did Noah keep the velociraptors from eating the Emperor Penguins on the Ark?
You are in a tizzy over this leftwrong professor dorking his daughter and Puddy knew. Y’all didn’t know about it because the leftwrong slobbering libtardo media and your leftwrong sites glossed over it.
Could you pack any more childish neologisms into one paragraph?
And as for the deeply sick professor, I haven’t though about him since your last failed attempt to somehow make that a broad political, rather than narrow mental health and criminal, issue.
You continue to demonstrate your cowardice, puddles.
Once again all can see Lib the moron projecting childish neologistic words I didn’t write.
As Steve sez, it’s a Psych 101 thing. But from me no projection Doc Lib the moron.
I haven’t though about him since your last failed attempt to somehow make that a broad political, rather than narrow mental health and criminal, issue.
As Puddy remembers, Puddy didn’t bring him up before. Butt, you can ask the crazed debazed databaze freakazoid ylbasement for your “mental health” check.
Funny though it must bother you about velociraptors. Have you been dreaming them lately? You seem fixated on this topic like monomaniacal idiot.
Butt to put your simpleton mind at ease, I don’t think we should kill homos and lezzies. Not for me to kill them. The 7 last plagues will mete out God’s judgment!
See ya. Going out again!
Doc Daneekaspews:
“rujax rujax rujax, Puddy doesn’t have daughters ya moron!”
So you’re telling us you are shtupping your sons.
Doc Daneekaspews:
By the way Piddles, you don’t appear to understand what the word “neologism” means.
You’re sitting at a computer. The definition is only a few keystrokes away. Is this kind of adversarial verbal exchange so emotionally enervating for you that you just can’t summon the strength? It probably isn’t emotionally healthy for you to experience so much excitement over verbal confrontations with anonymous strangers. Also, stop touching yourself.
From debate.org:
At 10/11/2010 12:31:34 PM, SuperRobotWars wrote:
Can Chuck Norris beat up God?:
Psh, obviously… Dude, it’s Chuck Norris
Politically Incorrect - who has been banned over at soundpolitics.comspews:
The more I think about it, the Bible is first a health and morality guide more than a holy book. You can’t take it literally or it’ll drive you crazy.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
I don’t think we should kill homos and lezzies. Not for me to kill them. The 7 last plagues will mete out God’s judgment!
So…God is going to visit horrific punishment after horrific punishment on gay people? Just for being gay? Do I understand you correctly? That’s what you believe?
Clarify…do you mean that homosexual people are indeed an abomination for being gay, and that god will punish them terribly for who they are, you’re just not advocating death camps prior to the end of the world? Correct?
Politically Incorrect - who has been banned over at soundpolitics.comspews:
You know what? Religion is just absolutely bat-shit crazy. Yet we’d re-invent it tomorrow if we erased all trace of religion today. We just can’t seem to live without belief in some “Great Spirit” or “God” directing the Universe. It’s nutty.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 Without a divine being, where would we get stock tips from?
So you’re telling us you are shtupping your sons.
No Doc(?) Daneeka, that’s something you’d think of and do.
Why are you abusing your children doc? Does it make you feel good about yourself? Does it make you a “man”?
By the way Piddles, you don’t appear to understand what the word “neologism” means.
Ohhh poor doc daneeka, lost in the thesaurus.
how did Noah keep the velociraptors from eating the Emperor Penguins on the Ark?
You see doc daneeka, this is Lib the moron’s neologism. He uses this “coined phrase” over and over and over!
Butt don’t let definitions hit your sorry ASS as you leave the chair!
See ya leetle moronic one!
So…God is going to visit horrific punishment after horrific punishment on gay people? Just for being gay? Do I understand you correctly? That’s what you believe?
Apparently you haven’t read Revelation too closely mr. atheist. If you did you’d understand how the 7 last plagues will rain down on those who chose not to follow God and His laws. Since you don’t believe in Him that includes you too!
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
We just can’t seem to live without belief in some “Great Spirit” or “God” directing the Universe.
Speak for yourself.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
I don’t think we should kill homos and lezzies. Not for me to kill them. The 7 last plagues will mete out God’s judgment!
If you did you’d understand how the 7 last plagues will rain down on those who chose not to follow God and His laws.
So, just answer already and stop beating around the bush – are gay people sinning just by being gay? Are homosexuals an abomination to God just for who they are?
That’s what I take you to be saying, but I want to be sure. You’ve complained about me putting words in your mouth – I don’t want to do that, I just want to understand what you believe.
@ 32
I dunno about stock tips, but I’ve been missing several stalk tips outta my garden. The beets, carrots and onions have been chowed down to nothing so knock it off.
Goddamn rabbit bastids.
No Time for Fascistsspews:
If you did you’d understand how the 7 last plagues will rain down on those who chose not to follow God and His laws. Since you don’t believe in Him that includes you too!
I have never under stood the vicious glee self proclaimed Christians have when they imagine hellfire raining on those who don’t follow their tiny narrow version of faith.
“But if you think Jesus is so great, shouldn’t he be your path to salvation? …”
Rabbi “I can believe that Jesus is a great teacher without believing that he is God’s son and the only path to salvation. One truth doesn’t negate the other. I can love Jesus in my way. And you can love Jesus in yours. There is room for both of our understandings of Jesus. I don’t believe that you have to be wrong for me to be right.”
@35 So is Facebook selling below the IPO price the Seventh Plague? Or merely a Nasdaq glitch?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 How do you know slugs aren’t doing it? Have you tried putting out slug bait?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Where do gay people come from? Will gays die out if you keep homosexuals and lesbians in separate fenced areas? But wait a minute, if homosexuals and lesbians are getting together and reproducing then doesn’t it follow that they’re heterosexuals? And if gay people come from heterosexuals, then don’t you have to fence off the heterosexuals to keep more gays from being born?
All rabbits are gay rabbitsl
Guess it never occurred to a few people on here that a book that was compiled over many, many, years starting in the bronze age and was rewritten many times and has no basis in fact other than “it’s in the bible!” might be wrong on a few things.
I still think Chuck Norris could take you…
What any business that was in America looks like today!
I have never under stood the vicious glee self proclaimed Christians have when they imagine hellfire raining on those who don’t follow their tiny narrow version of faith.
That’s because Fascists have no idea what Christianity is.
We don’t want anyone to lose out on heaven. But God has rules. If you choose to vary from God’s rules then you will be left behind forever.
Matt. 25:46 – Jesus said, “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.”
Mark 3:28-29 “Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”
John 6:44 – Jesus said “No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draw him: and I will raise him up on the last day.”
John 10:19-30 – “Therefore there was a division again among the Jews because of these sayings. And many of them said, “He has a demon and is mad. Why do you listen to Him?” Others said, “These are not the words of one who has a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?”
Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the temple, in Solomon’s porch. Then the Jews surrounded Him and said to Him, “How long do You keep us in doubt? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly.” Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father’s name, they bear witness of Me. But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one.”
John 14:6 – Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.
1 Tim. 2:3-4 -“For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth”.
2 Pet. 3:9 – “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance”.
So Leviticus has stated what happens when two men or two women have sexual relations like God blessed in MARRIAGE BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN!
So is Facebook selling below the IPO price the Seventh Plague?
That’s the Obummer plague. Remember Facebook and Obummer are a match made in April 2011.
How many little peeps bought Facebook based on their love of Obummer?
No Time for Fascistsspews:
Posted too soon, not done.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
You dance around it, and dance around it…
So Leviticus has stated what happens when two men or two women have sexual relations like God blessed in MARRIAGE BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN!
You are a bigot, and you hide behind that book to justify it. Just like the slave holders in Alabama did. It’s the order of things, as God ordained, or some such self-serving clap-trap.
Nice to know who we’re dealing with around here.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
If you choose to vary from God’s rules then you will be left behind forever.
Sure sign of a loving, compassionate deity.
No Time for Fascistsspews:
“We don’t want anyone to lose out on heaven. But God has rules. If you choose to vary from God’s rules then you will be left behind forever.”
I don’t pay puddy much mind but this is fun to poke holes in. This is a man who desperately must have other people be wrong, so he can to be right.
So the rule is, you gotta follow my religion, cause everyone else is wrong.
So according to how you define god, only Christians count and everyone else is damned to hell. The followers of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Shinto, Confucianism, Taoism. Islam, or Bahá’í are damned to hell. All the people before before Jesus. Hell. All the people on the other side of the earth while Jesus was around, Hell. All the people of the earth now who never heard of Christianity. Hell. Cause God has rules.
But what Christians count? Does god only save a specific version of Christianity? Do all Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Reformed/ Presbyterian, Methodist, Anglican/ Episcopalian, and Baptists faiths count or are some excluded? What about Mormons? Are they Christian enough or do they go to Hell? Do followers of David Koresh get into heaven? The members of the Spanish Inquisition were Christian, do they get into heaven? Are the priests who tolerated the pedophile priests of the Catholic Church going to heaven?
How about sub groups? Does god only save a specific version of version of that version of Christianity? The most prominent Baptist organizations in the United States are the American Baptist Association, tending to be more liberal, the National Baptist Convention, tending to be more moderate and the Southern Baptist Convention, tending to be more conservative. Does a Southern Baptist think an American Baptist or a Lutheran is Christian enough to avoid Hell.
I know this will fall on deaf ears. I go to the Center for Spiritual Living. They act with more love, peace and justice than many so called Christians do and you specifically, ever show. I really doubt you would rate Heaven, not by your actions here. But God is compassionate and much beyond our ability to understand. You might get in too. Along with all those followers of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Shinto, Confucianism, Taoism. Islam, Christianity and even very confused Atheists that God loves.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
I suppose we can add homophobic bigot to flat earther, er, young earth creationist, to puddster’s list of insane beliefs.
I knew I didn’t like that guy.
You are a bigot, and you hide behind that book to justify it.
You are a plain ASShole you know Dr Lib the moron. I wrote…
We don’t want anyone to lose out on heaven. But God has rules. If you choose to vary from God’s rules then you will be left behind forever.
Golly that went right over your head.
Done with you moron! There is no reasoning with U. U can’t see how other people think, so for a “psychologist or psychiatrist U R one scary dude. And to top it off U R A real ASShole with a one note neologism.
Good bye!
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
one note neologism
Clearly you still don’t know what that means.
Golly that went right over your head.
Don’t think so, but I’m not an expert on psychoses.
Best I can tell from what you’ve written – though notably, you don’t come right out and say it plainly, as if you’re feeling guilty or sly – you believe your god condemns gay people for who they are, and they will incur your god’s wrath at the end of the world. Do I have that wrong? Don’t think so.
What that means to me is that your a homophobe bigot, and you hide behind your holy book for justification, just like all those slave-holders in Alabama and Mississippi did – and many of their now-Republican descendents still do.
Doc Daneekaspews:
“But God has rules. If you choose to vary from God’s rules then you will be left behind forever.”
Then which one’s are the rules that are supposed to be followed, and which ones have been suspended, and who the fuck decides? Bigots like you?
After all, according to your book, one of God’s rules is that it is okay to imprison other human beings, torture them, and sell them and their offspring into slavery for our enjoyment.
That rule’s been suspended, right? Who suspended it? Did God publish an addendum? My copy of “His” book seems to be missing the page of errata. If we get to choose which parts of the Bible are to be regarded as His “rules”, and which ones no longer apply to our modern lives, then exactly what is the basis for your particular choices? If we “choose” to regard the dietary prohibitions as optional, give Saul of Tarsus a mulligan on human slavery and torturing women, but hold the admonitions regarding homosexuality as infallible, we should only base that particular choice on divine guidance. Your hysterical visions are no better than anyone else’s.
If the rest of Christianity decides that God has come to them in their sleep and guided them to choose to love their fellow human beings, regardless of their sexual orientation, that choice is perfectly valid and Christian.
That’s not God’s rule.
That’s yours.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
Done with you moron! There is no reasoning with U. U can’t see how other people think, so for a “psychologist or psychiatrist U R one scary dude. And to top it off U R A real ASShole with a one note neologism.
Was there supposed to be a closing quote in there somewhere? Your stream of consciousness writing is getting a little ragged around the edges, puddles.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
pustulous puddles is just another garden variety bigot, a tribalist whose little band of know-nothings revel in their belief that their god is going to come down to earth – how did you put it? in Clouds O’Glory ™ – and he’s gonna burn and boil and torture all the people not in puddles’ tribe.
It’s a nasty, hateful worldview that somehow fills a gnawing, empty part of puddles’ soul – he’s going to heaven with his tribe while all the people he doesn’t like are going to burn for eternity in endless torture.
30 pack of Strohs, 30 pack of hoesspews:
All aboard the HAte train!
toot toot!
that’s a nice, succinct summary of puddles’ psychotic worldview. You should consider making it your sig on any future reply to him.
Poor puddles. It must be hard going through life so angry all the time.
Doc @ 56,
yeah, don’t hold your breath waiting for a reply on that one.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
All aboard the HAte train!
You must mean the nasty, festering, seething hate that some, who often call themselves “Christian,” have for those not in their tribe, and who assuage their deep self loathing with fantasies of boils and bloody rivers and plagues and torture for those they call ‘other’.
if Chuck Norris “took me” he would be one of many. “Winning” is human, not My gig.
I am that I am.
You need to know more of your religion. The Fascists were devout and committed Christians. Modern fascists also follow your religion in places like Greece, Croatia and Idaho.
To learn is to accept and use guilt.
I am that I am.
30 pack of Strohs, 30 pack of hoesspews:
62. Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodie spews:
All aboard the HAte train!
You must mean the nasty, festering, seething hate that some, who often call themselves “Christian,” have for those not in their tribe, and who assuage their deep self loathing with fantasies of boils and bloody rivers and plagues and torture for those they call ‘other’.
05/28/2012 AT 8:49 AM
Replace the word christian with athiest and it pretty much sounds like you…
All aboard the HAte Train! toot toot!
@48 Puddy
Are you well?
These posts and quotes from the bible of the Romans seem amongst the most hateful. I know you are better than anyone who works say such things and you must know that I would never be so cruel to your brothers and sisters.
Belief in Me is meaningless unless you gave love for your brothers and sisters. Calling my Name in wrath against those who do not believe, is blasphemy.
Lib Scientist
When Puddy assert that he alone knows My word, Puddy commits the ultimate blasphemy.
@ 58
Do not demean the tribes, all of you are of them
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
Oh bullshit.
Atheists don’t have a mythical book that promises rivers of blood and dead babies and locusts and endless screams of torment for those who are different from them. We don’t sit around in smug conviction that our neighbors are going to burn in hell for eternity for not believing…something.
As I’ve said before many times…if your non-rational, non-empiric belief system leads you to do good, to the Golden Rule, to making the world a better place – good on you, I’m all for it. I’m right there with you, I just don’t need sky-daddy’s (or Prof Steve’s) presence.
However, if your religion is a hateful brew of promised vengeance against all who differ from you, if it’s a pretext for know-nothingism and organized stupidity, if it’s a justification for oppression and bigotry, then, yes, I’m going to call it out for the corrosive nastiness that it is – and the actions of the people who seem to embrace such toxic drivel – like you and puddles.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A century of labor oppression in the coal mines and the only thing pudnutz can think about is a closed case involving an overwrought picketer who properly went to prison for shooting a guy who wasn’t even a strikebreaker. Where’s the prison sentence for Don Blankenship, puddy? That guy killed dozens, bought judges, and corrupted an entire state. How did you become such a useless tool of fascists,k putz? Did your mother drop you on your head?
While you seem so concerned that my words come from your human friend “steve” a man running for President claims to be My son and to be fated, himself to be Me.
Do you accept Mitt’s word as Mine and reject mine as “steves’s”
Is Mitt a Christian and does he believe in Me?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 You’re right, we loathe vermin like you. (“Hate” isn’t the right word; “loathe” captures it much better.) After all, who loves a cockroach? Why should cockroaches be loved? When insects like you crawl out of the sewerpipe and show up in thehse threads, it’s time to get out the RAID!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s time for Syria’s Assad to go. Preferably by being dead, but more likely there’ll be some brokered deal under which another ruthless killer of old men, defenseless women, and little children is allowed to retire to a life of sumptuous luxury in exchange for giving up illegitimate power.
At this point, I wouldn’t be against sending American jets to bomb that fucker and his armed forces, but if Obama does that he’ll have Republican Obstructionists (TM) jumping up and down all over the place, just as they did when Clinton interfered with Serbia’s genocide in the Balkans. Republicans are war lovers, but they only love wars that kill and oppress innocents; they’ve never met a fascist thug dictator they didn’t embrace with open arms. It takes one to love one …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 Puddles will go to “heaven” alright, but “heaven” won’t be exactly like what he’s expecting …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 Every time you repost that drivel I visualize you preening in front of a mirror …
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Vatican has another nice little scandal brewing.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There may be a God, but if so, the Catholic Church appears to be something less than His perfect manifestation on Earth. (Or maybe the Church is a perfect manifestation of an imperfect god? Hmmm … I can’t wrap my rabbit mind around that one.)
So the rule is, you gotta follow my religion, cause everyone else is wrong.
U 2 are a piece of work Fascist. Where did I write anything like that?
If you believe in Jesus, He said “I am the way, the truth and the life”. Since we Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God, who else can hold that title? But it also says He has sheep in other flocks. So if someone lives a great godly life and has never heard of Jesus, will he/she be locked out of heaven? Nope you dope. so those in Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Shinto, Confucianism, Taoism. Islam, or Baha’i who lead a godly life without ever hearing the name of Jesus can reach heaven when Jesus the Son of God returns in His clouds of glory.
Every major religion believed homo/lezzie relationships were against the dictates of God until the last decade (2000-2009). Just about every Christian denomination welcome homo and lezzie people, but teaches that homosexual sex is sinful. That’s in the BIBLE, the Word of God.
John 1: 1-3 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Second part will follow…
Doc Daneekaspews:
Piddles/Strohs, what makes you think that “hate” is a magic word?
Everybody hates. Everybody loves. Two sides. Same coin. Some people hate me. I hate some people. Some people hate you. You hate some people. Nothing magical.
But disagreement, objection, and argument are not hate. They are rational processes associated with thoughtful debate. Even if that debate centers upon religion, race, sexual orientation or other deeply personal attributes.
The fact that you express objections to homosexuality and that you offer arguments in support of those objections do not by themselves imply that you “hate” homosexuals. But the content of your arguments really does.
I don’t like it when folks post comments that unfairly label Christianity or falsely condemn religion. But I do challenge all Christians to examine the history of their faith in full. To fully comprehend its place in human history. And to accept with an open heart and own the implications of that history for a human institution like Christianity. I know Christianity can have a profoundly positive influence in your life and the lives of many people. But it does not automatically follow that Christianity and Christians are always positive. They are always human. Therefor fallible. A fallibility that sometimes manifests itself in terms of evildoing. It isn’t wrong to disagree with, object to, or argue against evildoing. And it isn’t uncommon among humans to “hate” evil. Or disagree about what evil is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@77 If you want to be a Christian, then act like one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, Tibetans on setting themselves on fire for the right to have their religion.
Fascists are all alike no matter what they call themselves.
Doc Daneekaspews:
“That’s in the BIBLE, the Word of God.”
But what is it about those passages of the Bible that are given such primal authority, while others are swept aside by the dictates of men as if they never were? Upon what principle are some parts of the Bible read literally and broadly, while others interpreted contextually and narrowly?
Should a true, pure faith in God and His word be bent to serve the convenience of men’s souls? If that is so, then how can such a faith endure the stain of the darkness that we know exists in all our souls?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The bottom is falling out of olive oil prices — except in the grocery store. Kind of like heating bills: With natural gas prices at record lows, household heating bills are at record highs. Thanks for nothing, Mark Sidran; the directors of McQuarrie are laughing all the way to the bank! How much did they pay you for your vote, when you chaired on the Utilities and Transportation Commission? Not sayin’, just askin’. How this guy gets away with calling himself a “Democrat” is beyond me.
So the rule is, you gotta follow my religion, cause everyone else is wrong.
U 2 are a piece of work Fascist. Where did I write anything like that?
You said: “We don’t want anyone to lose out on heaven. But God has rules. If you choose to vary from God’s rules then you will be left behind forever.”
The rules of Islam, or Buddhism, or Scientology differ from Christianity. The rule of Mormonism, or Southern Baptists or Lutherans or Quakers or the Branch Davidians differ from each other. Which version is God’s Rules?
Logically you said if a person varies from God’s rules then they will be left behind forever. Since every religion has different rules, the only one that can count is your specific version, otherwise you are saying YOU are going to to hell. You never said anything about a range, like a religion can be 80% like yours and still get in, but if it’s 79%, they go to hell.
Therefore I stand by my interpretation of what you posted. “So the rule is, you gotta follow my religion, cause everyone else is wrong. “
Kind of difficult to respond when the blog rejects specific words
No Time for Fascistsspews:
Gay couples are less likely to increase the size the tribe. When you are a small tribe in the desert, it’s all about maximizing the number of kids.
Every major religion believed homo/lezzie relationships were against the dictates of God until the last decade.
1. Which part(s) of the Roman Bible do you consider God’s words? Is it only those parts where someone claims to have heard Jesus’ words?
2. According to Jewish law, a male must be married and create children. One possible reason that Jesus might have broken this law … after saying he came to fulfill it, is that Jesus was gay.
Was Jesus gay? Does your Roman Bible say what sort of life a gay Christian should live?
3. You claim that any “good person” will get into heaven. Can a person who knows of your claims that God fathered a son but does not believe you, can this person get into heaven?
4. Mitt Romney converted his dead, devout atheist father, to Mormonism. nDo you accept the conversion of dead folks to YOUR religion?
6. According to my sources, many Christians are disappointed by heaven. Is it OK by you if they decide become Mormon or Muslim?
I never read this particular verse as being about incest. It’s forbidding a man from having sex with a mother and daughter or a grandmother and grandchild where he is related to neither.
No Time for Fascistsspews:
Puddy is tired of defending his undefendable position?
@12 – When you make up shit at the rate puddy does, there has to be a screw loose somewhere.
But it’s okay if you are a DUMMOCRAPT atheist.
All aboard the HAte train!
So how does puddybob feel about John Ensign?
Does anyone know what #3 is writing about?
Puddy decoder ring can’t make heads or tails what this moron is discussing.
@1 – WTF? Are you, like, 12 years old–or just severely emotionally stunted?
Poor doggril… struck a chord!!!!
Here doggril… Let Puddy help you along since you need someone tightly holding that leash…
You see doggyidiot?
David L. Epstein, HuffPo blogger hater of Sarah Palin…
Just posting da facts!
Steve, sometimes you wait until the time is oh so right… Thanks to Goldy, today was the right time!
Then there is Jeffrey Epstein doggyidiot… friend of DUMMOCRAPTS and pedophile.
You read more and you get sick!
But hey, when they bundle big money for DUMMOCRAPTS or attack Sarah Palin, y’all turn a blind eye and the slobbering libtardo media doesn’t seem to find the time in the news cycle to cover these slime balls.
The cite for the DUMB Wabbit…… http://www.maggiesnotebook.com.....y-epstein/
Where did wharfmouse@3 go?
To Roger DUMB Wabbit and Proud Leftist the two HA lawyer types: This is what David Epstein’s lawyer said… take notice to his homo assertion…
Also notice the let’s blame the victim commentary… typical DUMMOCRAPT speak! Why are lawyers so intellectually dishonest?
So sad.
Just think if your own religion before casting mud at others.
Who do you say was your God’s father? And who was Mary’s father?
Do you teach that your children should be like unto Me? is yor God guilty of divine incest?
@5, puddy is both. He’s dredging up something posted over a year prior and on a different forum and wondering why we aren’t “up to speed.” Then he thinks one person’s opinion somehow applies to an entire group. I wonder if puddy is up on speed. I suspect he is just a sad bitter little man.
Puddy and others.
Note that the words from Leviticus never say that the daughter or son is the offspring if the same father. It is not incest to fornicate with your wife’s bastards.
Note also that this admonition is implicitly only addressed to males.
Note that the instructions for fucking your wife’s clone or your own clone have been redacted to protect the contemporary ignorance of the first readers of this message.
Since My intent was obviously to promote hybrid vigor and avert manifestations of genetic illness transmitted via homozygosity ….. this instruction only applies to unprotected sex.
So puddypussy maybe is worried somebody finds out he diddles the daughter…lots of those dominionist freaks dip the wick in the family well.
“Methinks the Lady (or the freak, in this case) doth protest too much.”
I think that the proscription is for maintaining social amity in a group. The wick dipper that GOD is warning is not a relative of the people he may be planning on porking, but if he does have his brutish way with all these womwn — he will be creating social dissension.
Well it’s called the DUMMOCRAPTIC UNDERGROUND. A place where like minded DUMMOCRAPTS hang out.
rujax rujax rujax, Puddy doesn’t have daughters ya moron! But we can see the Columbia professor likes to profess and diddle in his!
Atheist DIMMOCRAPT DUMMOCRAPTS, always covering it up as I said in #1! This moron posted in the HuffPo writing nasty comments about Sarah Palin while porking his daughter.
Hello Dr Steve. Still playing god all these months I see.
Jesus’ father is God. He provided the way to make Mary pregnant. Interesting miracle eh Dr. Steve? His “earthly father” was Joseph. Mary’s father? Don’t remember, but John the Baptist was His cousin!
So, preacherman puddles, you seem very VERY whipped up about this topic regarding who get to have sex with whom – which seems typical of you Christianists.
A question, apropos the Birds’ Eye View contest this week – do you agree that homosexuality is an abomination? Do you agree with Pastor Worley that gays and lesbians should be sent to concentration camps to die?
Lib the moron? You reject me as a Christian then you as me questions about words said by other Christians. Can someone decode this fool’s thoughts? The Puddy Decoder Ring is not accepting this idiot’s thoughts!
So why are you so schizo dude?
You are in a tizzy over this leftwrong professor dorking his daughter and Puddy knew. Y’all didn’t know about it because the leftwrong slobbering libtardo media and your leftwrong sites glossed over it.
This is good advice. It’s nothing but trouble to be involved with two women from the same family, believe you me!
Hey God, I heard a rumor that if it came down to fists and broken bottles Chuck Norris could take you. Care to comment?
No, no, no. As a prominent exponent of Biblical literalism on this blog, and a self-proclaimed follower of Jesus, I’m wondering about your thoughts regarding this other self-proclaimed Christian in the news, Pastor Worley, who I understand is also a Biblical literalist.
You guys are on the same team, as it were.
It seems that many (most?) self-proclaimed Christians are very anti-gay, and I’m wondering if you share those views.
Again, do you think that homosexuality is an abomination? Do you agree with Pastor Worley that gays and lesbians should be sent to concentration camps to die? Is that a Christian viewpoint?
I’m not sure where you got that idea – I find that you epitomize Christianism.
Spin, spin, spin – run away from direct questions you’re afraid to answer.
Just like the still posed and unanswered – how did Noah keep the velociraptors from eating the Emperor Penguins on the Ark?
Could you pack any more childish neologisms into one paragraph?
And as for the deeply sick professor, I haven’t though about him since your last failed attempt to somehow make that a broad political, rather than narrow mental health and criminal, issue.
You continue to demonstrate your cowardice, puddles.
Once again all can see Lib the moron projecting childish neologistic words I didn’t write.
As Steve sez, it’s a Psych 101 thing. But from me no projection Doc Lib the moron.
As Puddy remembers, Puddy didn’t bring him up before. Butt, you can ask the crazed debazed databaze freakazoid ylbasement for your “mental health” check.
Funny though it must bother you about velociraptors. Have you been dreaming them lately? You seem fixated on this topic like monomaniacal idiot.
Butt to put your simpleton mind at ease, I don’t think we should kill homos and lezzies. Not for me to kill them. The 7 last plagues will mete out God’s judgment!
See ya. Going out again!
So you’re telling us you are shtupping your sons.
By the way Piddles, you don’t appear to understand what the word “neologism” means.
You’re sitting at a computer. The definition is only a few keystrokes away. Is this kind of adversarial verbal exchange so emotionally enervating for you that you just can’t summon the strength? It probably isn’t emotionally healthy for you to experience so much excitement over verbal confrontations with anonymous strangers. Also, stop touching yourself.
From debate.org:
The more I think about it, the Bible is first a health and morality guide more than a holy book. You can’t take it literally or it’ll drive you crazy.
So…God is going to visit horrific punishment after horrific punishment on gay people? Just for being gay? Do I understand you correctly? That’s what you believe?
Clarify…do you mean that homosexual people are indeed an abomination for being gay, and that god will punish them terribly for who they are, you’re just not advocating death camps prior to the end of the world? Correct?
You know what? Religion is just absolutely bat-shit crazy. Yet we’d re-invent it tomorrow if we erased all trace of religion today. We just can’t seem to live without belief in some “Great Spirit” or “God” directing the Universe. It’s nutty.
@31 Without a divine being, where would we get stock tips from?
No Doc(?) Daneeka, that’s something you’d think of and do.
Why are you abusing your children doc? Does it make you feel good about yourself? Does it make you a “man”?
Ohhh poor doc daneeka, lost in the thesaurus.
You see doc daneeka, this is Lib the moron’s neologism. He uses this “coined phrase” over and over and over!
Butt don’t let definitions hit your sorry ASS as you leave the chair!
See ya leetle moronic one!
Apparently you haven’t read Revelation too closely mr. atheist. If you did you’d understand how the 7 last plagues will rain down on those who chose not to follow God and His laws. Since you don’t believe in Him that includes you too!
Speak for yourself.
So, just answer already and stop beating around the bush – are gay people sinning just by being gay? Are homosexuals an abomination to God just for who they are?
That’s what I take you to be saying, but I want to be sure. You’ve complained about me putting words in your mouth – I don’t want to do that, I just want to understand what you believe.
@ 32
I dunno about stock tips, but I’ve been missing several stalk tips outta my garden. The beets, carrots and onions have been chowed down to nothing so knock it off.
Goddamn rabbit bastids.
If you did you’d understand how the 7 last plagues will rain down on those who chose not to follow God and His laws. Since you don’t believe in Him that includes you too!
I have never under stood the vicious glee self proclaimed Christians have when they imagine hellfire raining on those who don’t follow their tiny narrow version of faith.
@35 So is Facebook selling below the IPO price the Seventh Plague? Or merely a Nasdaq glitch?
@38 How do you know slugs aren’t doing it? Have you tried putting out slug bait?
Where do gay people come from? Will gays die out if you keep homosexuals and lesbians in separate fenced areas? But wait a minute, if homosexuals and lesbians are getting together and reproducing then doesn’t it follow that they’re heterosexuals? And if gay people come from heterosexuals, then don’t you have to fence off the heterosexuals to keep more gays from being born?
All rabbits are gay rabbitsl
Guess it never occurred to a few people on here that a book that was compiled over many, many, years starting in the bronze age and was rewritten many times and has no basis in fact other than “it’s in the bible!” might be wrong on a few things.
I still think Chuck Norris could take you…
What any business that was in America looks like today!
That’s because Fascists have no idea what Christianity is.
We don’t want anyone to lose out on heaven. But God has rules. If you choose to vary from God’s rules then you will be left behind forever.
Matt. 25:46 – Jesus said, “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.”
Mark 3:28-29 “Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”
John 6:44 – Jesus said “No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draw him: and I will raise him up on the last day.”
John 10:19-30 – “Therefore there was a division again among the Jews because of these sayings. And many of them said, “He has a demon and is mad. Why do you listen to Him?” Others said, “These are not the words of one who has a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?”
Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the temple, in Solomon’s porch. Then the Jews surrounded Him and said to Him, “How long do You keep us in doubt? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly.” Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father’s name, they bear witness of Me. But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one.”
John 14:6 – Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.
1 Tim. 2:3-4 -“For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth”.
2 Pet. 3:9 – “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance”.
So Leviticus has stated what happens when two men or two women have sexual relations like God blessed in MARRIAGE BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN!
That’s the Obummer plague. Remember Facebook and Obummer are a match made in April 2011.
How many little peeps bought Facebook based on their love of Obummer?
Posted too soon, not done.
You dance around it, and dance around it…
You are a bigot, and you hide behind that book to justify it. Just like the slave holders in Alabama did. It’s the order of things, as God ordained, or some such self-serving clap-trap.
Nice to know who we’re dealing with around here.
Sure sign of a loving, compassionate deity.
“We don’t want anyone to lose out on heaven. But God has rules. If you choose to vary from God’s rules then you will be left behind forever.”
I don’t pay puddy much mind but this is fun to poke holes in. This is a man who desperately must have other people be wrong, so he can to be right.
So the rule is, you gotta follow my religion, cause everyone else is wrong.
So according to how you define god, only Christians count and everyone else is damned to hell. The followers of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Shinto, Confucianism, Taoism. Islam, or Bahá’í are damned to hell. All the people before before Jesus. Hell. All the people on the other side of the earth while Jesus was around, Hell. All the people of the earth now who never heard of Christianity. Hell. Cause God has rules.
But what Christians count? Does god only save a specific version of Christianity? Do all Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Reformed/ Presbyterian, Methodist, Anglican/ Episcopalian, and Baptists faiths count or are some excluded? What about Mormons? Are they Christian enough or do they go to Hell? Do followers of David Koresh get into heaven? The members of the Spanish Inquisition were Christian, do they get into heaven? Are the priests who tolerated the pedophile priests of the Catholic Church going to heaven?
How about sub groups? Does god only save a specific version of version of that version of Christianity? The most prominent Baptist organizations in the United States are the American Baptist Association, tending to be more liberal, the National Baptist Convention, tending to be more moderate and the Southern Baptist Convention, tending to be more conservative. Does a Southern Baptist think an American Baptist or a Lutheran is Christian enough to avoid Hell.
I know this will fall on deaf ears. I go to the Center for Spiritual Living. They act with more love, peace and justice than many so called Christians do and you specifically, ever show. I really doubt you would rate Heaven, not by your actions here. But God is compassionate and much beyond our ability to understand. You might get in too. Along with all those followers of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Shinto, Confucianism, Taoism. Islam, Christianity and even very confused Atheists that God loves.
I suppose we can add homophobic bigot to flat earther, er, young earth creationist, to puddster’s list of insane beliefs.
I knew I didn’t like that guy.
You are a plain ASShole you know Dr Lib the moron. I wrote…
Golly that went right over your head.
Done with you moron! There is no reasoning with U. U can’t see how other people think, so for a “psychologist or psychiatrist U R one scary dude. And to top it off U R A real ASShole with a one note neologism.
Good bye!
Clearly you still don’t know what that means.
Don’t think so, but I’m not an expert on psychoses.
Best I can tell from what you’ve written – though notably, you don’t come right out and say it plainly, as if you’re feeling guilty or sly – you believe your god condemns gay people for who they are, and they will incur your god’s wrath at the end of the world. Do I have that wrong? Don’t think so.
What that means to me is that your a homophobe bigot, and you hide behind your holy book for justification, just like all those slave-holders in Alabama and Mississippi did – and many of their now-Republican descendents still do.
Then which one’s are the rules that are supposed to be followed, and which ones have been suspended, and who the fuck decides? Bigots like you?
After all, according to your book, one of God’s rules is that it is okay to imprison other human beings, torture them, and sell them and their offspring into slavery for our enjoyment.
That rule’s been suspended, right? Who suspended it? Did God publish an addendum? My copy of “His” book seems to be missing the page of errata. If we get to choose which parts of the Bible are to be regarded as His “rules”, and which ones no longer apply to our modern lives, then exactly what is the basis for your particular choices? If we “choose” to regard the dietary prohibitions as optional, give Saul of Tarsus a mulligan on human slavery and torturing women, but hold the admonitions regarding homosexuality as infallible, we should only base that particular choice on divine guidance. Your hysterical visions are no better than anyone else’s.
If the rest of Christianity decides that God has come to them in their sleep and guided them to choose to love their fellow human beings, regardless of their sexual orientation, that choice is perfectly valid and Christian.
That’s not God’s rule.
That’s yours.
Was there supposed to be a closing quote in there somewhere? Your stream of consciousness writing is getting a little ragged around the edges, puddles.
pustulous puddles is just another garden variety bigot, a tribalist whose little band of know-nothings revel in their belief that their god is going to come down to earth – how did you put it? in Clouds O’Glory ™ – and he’s gonna burn and boil and torture all the people not in puddles’ tribe.
It’s a nasty, hateful worldview that somehow fills a gnawing, empty part of puddles’ soul – he’s going to heaven with his tribe while all the people he doesn’t like are going to burn for eternity in endless torture.
All aboard the HAte train!
toot toot!
that’s a nice, succinct summary of puddles’ psychotic worldview. You should consider making it your sig on any future reply to him.
Poor puddles. It must be hard going through life so angry all the time.
Doc @ 56,
yeah, don’t hold your breath waiting for a reply on that one.
You must mean the nasty, festering, seething hate that some, who often call themselves “Christian,” have for those not in their tribe, and who assuage their deep self loathing with fantasies of boils and bloody rivers and plagues and torture for those they call ‘other’.
if Chuck Norris “took me” he would be one of many. “Winning” is human, not My gig.
I am that I am.
You need to know more of your religion. The Fascists were devout and committed Christians. Modern fascists also follow your religion in places like Greece, Croatia and Idaho.
To learn is to accept and use guilt.
I am that I am.
Replace the word christian with athiest and it pretty much sounds like you…
All aboard the HAte Train! toot toot!
@48 Puddy
Are you well?
These posts and quotes from the bible of the Romans seem amongst the most hateful. I know you are better than anyone who works say such things and you must know that I would never be so cruel to your brothers and sisters.
Belief in Me is meaningless unless you gave love for your brothers and sisters. Calling my Name in wrath against those who do not believe, is blasphemy.
Lib Scientist
When Puddy assert that he alone knows My word, Puddy commits the ultimate blasphemy.
@ 58
Do not demean the tribes, all of you are of them
Oh bullshit.
Atheists don’t have a mythical book that promises rivers of blood and dead babies and locusts and endless screams of torment for those who are different from them. We don’t sit around in smug conviction that our neighbors are going to burn in hell for eternity for not believing…something.
As I’ve said before many times…if your non-rational, non-empiric belief system leads you to do good, to the Golden Rule, to making the world a better place – good on you, I’m all for it. I’m right there with you, I just don’t need sky-daddy’s (or Prof Steve’s) presence.
However, if your religion is a hateful brew of promised vengeance against all who differ from you, if it’s a pretext for know-nothingism and organized stupidity, if it’s a justification for oppression and bigotry, then, yes, I’m going to call it out for the corrosive nastiness that it is – and the actions of the people who seem to embrace such toxic drivel – like you and puddles.
A century of labor oppression in the coal mines and the only thing pudnutz can think about is a closed case involving an overwrought picketer who properly went to prison for shooting a guy who wasn’t even a strikebreaker. Where’s the prison sentence for Don Blankenship, puddy? That guy killed dozens, bought judges, and corrupted an entire state. How did you become such a useless tool of fascists,k putz? Did your mother drop you on your head?
While you seem so concerned that my words come from your human friend “steve” a man running for President claims to be My son and to be fated, himself to be Me.
Do you accept Mitt’s word as Mine and reject mine as “steves’s”
Is Mitt a Christian and does he believe in Me?
@65 You’re right, we loathe vermin like you. (“Hate” isn’t the right word; “loathe” captures it much better.) After all, who loves a cockroach? Why should cockroaches be loved? When insects like you crawl out of the sewerpipe and show up in thehse threads, it’s time to get out the RAID!!
It’s time for Syria’s Assad to go. Preferably by being dead, but more likely there’ll be some brokered deal under which another ruthless killer of old men, defenseless women, and little children is allowed to retire to a life of sumptuous luxury in exchange for giving up illegitimate power.
At this point, I wouldn’t be against sending American jets to bomb that fucker and his armed forces, but if Obama does that he’ll have Republican Obstructionists (TM) jumping up and down all over the place, just as they did when Clinton interfered with Serbia’s genocide in the Balkans. Republicans are war lovers, but they only love wars that kill and oppress innocents; they’ve never met a fascist thug dictator they didn’t embrace with open arms. It takes one to love one …
@58 Puddles will go to “heaven” alright, but “heaven” won’t be exactly like what he’s expecting …
@59 Every time you repost that drivel I visualize you preening in front of a mirror …
The Vatican has another nice little scandal brewing.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There may be a God, but if so, the Catholic Church appears to be something less than His perfect manifestation on Earth. (Or maybe the Church is a perfect manifestation of an imperfect god? Hmmm … I can’t wrap my rabbit mind around that one.)
U 2 are a piece of work Fascist. Where did I write anything like that?
If you believe in Jesus, He said “I am the way, the truth and the life”. Since we Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God, who else can hold that title? But it also says He has sheep in other flocks. So if someone lives a great godly life and has never heard of Jesus, will he/she be locked out of heaven? Nope you dope. so those in Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Shinto, Confucianism, Taoism. Islam, or Baha’i who lead a godly life without ever hearing the name of Jesus can reach heaven when Jesus the Son of God returns in His clouds of glory.
Every major religion believed homo/lezzie relationships were against the dictates of God until the last decade (2000-2009). Just about every Christian denomination welcome homo and lezzie people, but teaches that homosexual sex is sinful. That’s in the BIBLE, the Word of God.
John 1: 1-3 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Second part will follow…
Piddles/Strohs, what makes you think that “hate” is a magic word?
Everybody hates. Everybody loves. Two sides. Same coin. Some people hate me. I hate some people. Some people hate you. You hate some people. Nothing magical.
But disagreement, objection, and argument are not hate. They are rational processes associated with thoughtful debate. Even if that debate centers upon religion, race, sexual orientation or other deeply personal attributes.
The fact that you express objections to homosexuality and that you offer arguments in support of those objections do not by themselves imply that you “hate” homosexuals. But the content of your arguments really does.
I don’t like it when folks post comments that unfairly label Christianity or falsely condemn religion. But I do challenge all Christians to examine the history of their faith in full. To fully comprehend its place in human history. And to accept with an open heart and own the implications of that history for a human institution like Christianity. I know Christianity can have a profoundly positive influence in your life and the lives of many people. But it does not automatically follow that Christianity and Christians are always positive. They are always human. Therefor fallible. A fallibility that sometimes manifests itself in terms of evildoing. It isn’t wrong to disagree with, object to, or argue against evildoing. And it isn’t uncommon among humans to “hate” evil. Or disagree about what evil is.
@77 If you want to be a Christian, then act like one.
Meanwhile, Tibetans on setting themselves on fire for the right to have their religion.
Fascists are all alike no matter what they call themselves.
But what is it about those passages of the Bible that are given such primal authority, while others are swept aside by the dictates of men as if they never were? Upon what principle are some parts of the Bible read literally and broadly, while others interpreted contextually and narrowly?
Should a true, pure faith in God and His word be bent to serve the convenience of men’s souls? If that is so, then how can such a faith endure the stain of the darkness that we know exists in all our souls?
The bottom is falling out of olive oil prices — except in the grocery store. Kind of like heating bills: With natural gas prices at record lows, household heating bills are at record highs. Thanks for nothing, Mark Sidran; the directors of McQuarrie are laughing all the way to the bank! How much did they pay you for your vote, when you chaired on the Utilities and Transportation Commission? Not sayin’, just askin’. How this guy gets away with calling himself a “Democrat” is beyond me.
You said: “We don’t want anyone to lose out on heaven. But God has rules. If you choose to vary from God’s rules then you will be left behind forever.”
The rules of Islam, or Buddhism, or Scientology differ from Christianity. The rule of Mormonism, or Southern Baptists or Lutherans or Quakers or the Branch Davidians differ from each other. Which version is God’s Rules?
Logically you said if a person varies from God’s rules then they will be left behind forever. Since every religion has different rules, the only one that can count is your specific version, otherwise you are saying YOU are going to to hell. You never said anything about a range, like a religion can be 80% like yours and still get in, but if it’s 79%, they go to hell.
Therefore I stand by my interpretation of what you posted. “So the rule is, you gotta follow my religion, cause everyone else is wrong. “
Kind of difficult to respond when the blog rejects specific words
Gay couples are less likely to increase the size the tribe. When you are a small tribe in the desert, it’s all about maximizing the number of kids.
What about the Two Spirits. Do you dismiss them?
@85. Gaffaw! I can bet.
So Puddy,
1. Which part(s) of the Roman Bible do you consider God’s words? Is it only those parts where someone claims to have heard Jesus’ words?
2. According to Jewish law, a male must be married and create children. One possible reason that Jesus might have broken this law … after saying he came to fulfill it, is that Jesus was gay.
Was Jesus gay? Does your Roman Bible say what sort of life a gay Christian should live?
3. You claim that any “good person” will get into heaven. Can a person who knows of your claims that God fathered a son but does not believe you, can this person get into heaven?
4. Mitt Romney converted his dead, devout atheist father, to Mormonism. nDo you accept the conversion of dead folks to YOUR religion?
6. According to my sources, many Christians are disappointed by heaven. Is it OK by you if they decide become Mormon or Muslim?
I never read this particular verse as being about incest. It’s forbidding a man from having sex with a mother and daughter or a grandmother and grandchild where he is related to neither.
Puddy is tired of defending his undefendable position?
@12 – When you make up shit at the rate puddy does, there has to be a screw loose somewhere.