Leviticus 25:44-45
And as for your male and female slaves whom you may have—from the nations that are around you, from them you may buy male and female slaves. Moreover you may buy the children of the strangers who dwell among you, and their families who are with you, which they beget in your land; and they shall become your property.
Unbelievers are slaves Goldy.
You are a slave to your own tiny sliver of real knowledge.
You are a slave to things of this world….cuz that’s all there is for the non-believer.
You are a slave & bound by your own self-righteousness & self-importance.
Atheists conveniently interpret things selectively in the Bible literally
in a failed attempt to justify their non-belief.
Mr. C @1: How can the passage be interpreted anyway other way than it’s OK to own slaves as long as you follow the slave-owing rules?
So, Cyniclown, how much you want for your kids? I will bring them to Texas and set them free from your tyrannical rule. Give them freedom to learn, freedom of choice and the freedom to grow into individuals and not into little tiny Cyniclown clones.
So it seems that a couple of weeks ago, Lucifer himself
was walking around Hell, observing all the suffering. He
was on a mission to be sure everyone was enduring the
maximum pain when he noticed a chubby old guy with whitehair sweating and shoveling coal.
The guy was obviously in great distress, but the Devil
decided he just wasn’t suffering sufficiently. So, he
walked up to the perspiring old fellow and whispered
in his ear, “Hey, Teddy… Have I told you a Republican
got your Senate seat?”
Hi Carl!
How are you feeling?
Long time since we have heard from you.
Missed your pleasant disposition.
Seems like folks who want this Bible passage to mean slavery as we think of it…will think that no matter what.
Slavery takes me forms.
Spiritual slavery is forever.
How about slavery to the Government & Obam-Mao?
When it passes by a vote or 2…the “slaves” will rebel.
As KKKlown aptly demonstrates, the moral of this tale is clear, only believers are allowed to selectively pick and choose which passages of the Bible are to be applied “literally”.
Calling themselves “real americans”, they do the same with the Constitution.
I’m in the market for a couple of slave girls, girls I can raise right and then turn them into concubines.
Which way to the slave market?
Leviticus 25:44-45 revised,
And as for your male and female illegals whom you may have—from the nations that are around you, from them you may employ male and female gardeners, baby sitters, apple pickers and workers of wood and stone. Moreover the strangers may beget children in your land among these will be of you, belong in your land; and they shall become as your own.
The slaves I own are better off, I give them food and water and they live in a little shack behind my house. What more could they ask for? They are very Happy Slaves.
The slaves I own are better off, I give them food and water and they live in a little shack behind my house.
I know what you mean. I give mine scraps from my very table and they are very happy indeed in their little shack.
If I buy somethng, it means I have money. If I have money, I’m closer to God. The closer to God I am, the more money I have. The more money I have the more things I can buy. It’s easy.
I know what you mean. When I go to Bellevue Square, the tune on everyone’s lips is “Nearer, My God, To Thee”. The song is literally everywhere.
The crackers were correct when they said that slavery is supported by the Bible!
The bible and Jesus both advocated and condoned slavery.
In fact, Jesus is quoted as saying that it’s OK to beat ’em if they get out of line. [Luke 12:47-48]
For obvious political reasons, most translations of the bible, particularly the KJV, translate the greek word for slave, duolus as servant.
The actual greek word for servant is diakonos and is only used twice in the bible so there can be no mistake about the mistranslation.
Hey Israel could have slaves from the heathen unbelieving nations per God Almighty. They rejected God so He rejected them. Maybe this is what’s in store for atheists in the future?
That’s a Nuff SAID for Puddy.
Where’s your proof that god rejected Isreal, puddy? He let ’em have nukes, afterall.
And why should atheists be worried about being rejected by your imaginary friend?
This moron is as strange as they come. Where did Puddy say God rejected Israel fool?
‘Maybe this is what’s in store for atheists in the future?”
At last, the Swinging Craftsman shows his real tool–it’s ok for Christians to have slaves if the slaves are “unbelievers”.
Conservatives believe the elite are entitled to rule. That is the real basis of their criminal “theology”.
Uncle Puddy @15,
It takes a very special kinda African American to boldly come out in defense of slavery. Even as a soon-to-be-enslaved atheist, I can’t help but admire the courage of your convictions.
@1 Some people are slaves to their own ignorance and stupidity.
@6 “How about slavery to the Government & Obam-Mao?”
I kinda like the idea. Maybe we could get you assholes under control if the government owned your asses.
What a timely quote to discuss. Huffington Post has an article about a father in Spokane offering to sell his son on Craigslist because “Gavin is a great kid but I can no longer afford to take care of him.”
It’s no wonder that in the past people sold themselves into servitude to ensure they had food and shelter. But to have the notion cropping up in 2010?
How many ‘strangers among us’ are reaching the point where they can barely support their families? What obligation do we have as a society to do something about this?
Dumb Goldy…
Still playing the stupid part. Puddy believes in the Bible. What happened in the ancient times is accepted record by believers. Ask your Bible believing black friends do they believe in ancient Israel taking their non-believing neighbors as slaves, IF you have any Goldy!
Nuff SAID Sucka.
You just don’t get it. In the end Satan, your leader, and all his minions will say on bended knee, Jesus Christ is Lord. Yes, that’s in The Bible, along with Israeli slave ownership. You’ll be a slave to Satan ProudWithAStupidFatASS, plain and simple.
Metaphors are lost on ProudWithAStupidFatASS.
Back to the NCAAs now! Go Cornell!
puddy @15
The subject of your first sentence, pud, is Israel, and the unmodified “they” in the second obviously refers to the subject in the first, so that’s where you said god rejected Israel.
puddy: still not inheriting the earth.
Swinging Craftsman states “Metaphors are lost on….(me). Now to say, for example, “love is a rose” is a metaphor. Your inanities (atheists are slaves or visa versa, or something) are not a metaphor. They are bigoted religious inspired lunacies.
Dream on Puddy, the Badgers are coming for you.
We are we still fucking around with religion? Who gives a rip what the Jews wrote down 5,000 years ago? I don’t give a shit about Islam or Christianity, either. Any religion is as valid as the next, IMO. They’re all just made up as we go along.
Uncle Puddy @23,
The book of Leviticus that affirms slavery, is the same book of Leviticus that declares homosexuality to be an abomination. Are you implying that Leviticus is merely an historical record that has no moral application to modern American life, or are you implying the opposite?
If, based on Biblical interpretation, homosexuality is wrong, that isn’t slavery right? Or if slavery is wrong, despite the Biblical affirmation, than how can one argue that the Biblical declaration of homosexuality as an abomination has any more modern relevance than the Biblical declaration that eating shellfish is an abomination?
Goldy, Puddy is busy washing his Master’s dirty laundry.
He should be free now, those eastern preppies (Cornell) just won.
Does Puddy know how to spell Cornell? Who taught him how to spell?
21. Roger Rabbit spews:
They already do…courtesy of over $100 TRILLION of Unfunded Medicare & Social Security Liability.
Oba-MaoCare will add to the insurmountable and put us into slavery sooner.
What a tool. How about the National Spelling Bee Competition at 12 years old.
Goldy is a lesson in libaralism as a mental disorder.
As it says in the Bible, Gods thoughts are about Puddy’s thoughts. If Puddy is successful at getting to heaven God will explain why He allowed the nations who rejected Him to become slaves to the Israelites. Also His laws are immutable. His 10 Commandments are immutable.
You failed completely to respond to Goldy @ 30. Do you honestly think this is an adequate response?
“As it says in the Bible, Gods thoughts are about Puddy’s thoughts.”
You are an embarrassment, Puddy, to those who call themselves Christians. Any chance you could just shut the fuck up? I’m starting to think you are a crazy motherfucker.