Revelation 9:7-10
The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. They had what looked like gold crowns on their heads, and their faces looked like human faces. They had hair like women’s hair and teeth like the teeth of a lion. They wore armor made of iron, and their wings roared like an army of chariots rushing into battle. They had tails that stung like scorpions, and for five months they had the power to torment people.
Quite an apt description of the GOP primaries.
“See how powerful and wealthy we are? THAT is what gives us the right to rule.”
There once was a time when Americans looked at the rich and corrupt, and had contempt for them. Now, so many of us admire that corruption, admire the criminality and aspire to emulate it. Kansas and Oklahoma used to be among the most Liberal States, but add a dose of plastic, american cheese christianity and turn the schools into babysitting services and you get the Marching Morons. The people who cut their own nose off and then complain about how their face looks in the mirror.
So much for Texas wanting to rule the world. We oughta just leave it on Mexico’s front porch and set it on fire.
James Cameron could build a really great 3-D epic out of that image.The locust army should be opposed by spear-wielding forest dwellers who can fly.
sounds like an apt description of my ex’s family.
cool times…….
Those are some bad ass locusts.
David Cameron should make “Revelations” into a movie.
Teenagers would LOVE it.
seems this description could be what happens when using magic mushrooms.
The Book of Revelation was included in the Bible to make a good, scary fininsh to a work designed to empower the Roman emporer Constantine as the devinely-approved Emporer of Rome. In short, Constantine adopted Christianity to add to his power base. I’ll bet that he particularly liked that bit about “render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar’s.”
Over time, the Bible was “tweaked” to make it work for the powers-that-be. It’s a great tale, but not to be taken too seriously. It’s primary function is to support the government at hand as long as that government supports the religious hierarchy.
I’ll bet that most of the usual suspects and even some of the trolls would pretty much agree.
Me damn, you folk think I wrote that???
Bizarre … I am a lot grander! I like to create galaxies and thinking primates. Why would I want to create grasshoppers that sound like horses and need Prell to “do” their hair?
As for James Cameron, I think he has access to a lot better script writers!
I am that I am.
Beijing policy makers say they’re eager to encourage greater domestic consumption. Chinese shoppers are famously luxury-happy, flying to Hong Kong and further afield in droves to stock up on Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel and more. All of which means the stage is set for the next great innovation to hit China: Louis Vuitton Outlet malls.
the question: How would today’s machines of war look like a to a first-century profit seeing the visions from heaven? Here was one answer, regarding the revelations of the locusts:
Apachie Helicopter