Luke 18:32-33
He will be delivered over to the Gentiles. They will mock him, insult him and spit on him; they will flog him and kill him. On the third day he will rise again.”
Hey global warming deniers, is it COLD enough for ya?
” … this past winter was the fourth warmest in the last 117 years, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It was the warmest March since 1950.”
I hope everyone’s kids finds lots of “spring spheres” today and tells Dori Monson the troll about it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “Man was God”
I don’t understand how an Infallible Being can spout nonsense like this. Have You been drinking?
Roger, you should speak for yourself.
When have I said that I was either a Being or Infallible? Do you confuse Me with the elders of the Mormons or the Vicar of Rome?
I am what am, not more, not less.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Today is two years that my dad has been gone shot by a f—— n—–”
That’s from the Facebook page of a man arrested for shooting five randomly-chosen black men in Tulsa, three of whom died.
“His father … was shot and killed during an argument at an apartment complex two years ago; his death led to charges against a 38-year-old black man … [who] was charged with pointing a gun and is scheduled to be released in 2014, according to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Okay, so what we have here is a black George Zimmerman type who shot a white guy and got only a couple years in jail for it. So the white guy’s son gets even by shooting five randomly-chosen black guys, none of whom did anything to the white guy. See what this vigilante shit leads to?
@9 “Happy Easter?”
Is this a happy day for you?
Seems to me that commemoration of suffering, even followed by surcease, can not be happy?
There is a story of the Buddha.
He was with a follower and they encountered an old, sick elephant. The old animal stepped on the follower’s foot.
The follower called out for help. The Buddha raised his right hand very high, the elephant saw the hand, closed its eyes, and died.
As the beast fell over the follower was free and wanted to thank the Buddha.
The Buddha, however, was mourning the dead elephant.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You gotta wonder why a black guy who shot a white guy in a place like Oklahoma is serving only a couple of years. The answer probably is that the white guy started it. In which case, why did the black guy go to jail at all? Because if you’re a black in Oklahoma self-defense is a felony.
I was just looking at Wallace’s interview of Ayn Rand this morning…
Was it in the 50’s? What a shifty eyed lady. Very uncomfortable answering his very pointed questions. But true to her philosophy she had no choice but to answer yes or no with few if any qualifiers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Good Friday serial shootings of five black men in Tulsa is another one of those very rare mass shootings that I recently assured one of our trolls is so rare that only 1 or 2 of these incidents happen every day somewhere in the United States. Somehow I have a feeling that gun proliferation isn’t a solution to this problem; it’s more likely a contributing cause of the problem.
Is this a happy day for you?
Yeah, the sun’s out, it’s finally getting warm around here, the family’s all getting together for a big meal, I’ll get to see a couple my nieces. Good times. I’m not so concerned about what happened to some guy back in the bronze age.
Yes, Happy Easter to everyone. We can disagree on various issues but still agree that there’s only one opinion that “really” matters (at least that’s pertinent to this thread)…
It would be nice if the day also produced less violence but, unfortunately, that’s just not going to happen.
Now back to supporting the exploitation of the day by enjoying some misc candy…
Another reason to snack, good thing I have a high metabolism…
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
We can disagree on various issues but still agree that there’s only one opinion that “really” matters
Enlighten me – which opinion is that?
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
Expect? You had preconceived expectations of Prof Steve? How odd.
Like I said: Happy Easter…/?/… *shrugs shoulders and shakes head*.
1) Good grief @23… just look at the rest of the quote that you left out. It really “should” be extremely obvious. You’re seriously letting your conspiracy theory mentality (i.e. “everything” has an ulterior meaning/motive) get the best of you. That’s tends to cause people to have difficulty taking anything at face value and further hampers their ability to rationally process things.
2) BTW, that’s NOT an affront to you. I’m simply pointing out a condition of human behavior. However, I’m pretty sure you’re going to choose to take it as such and get all worked up so proceed if you can’t restrain yourself…
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
OK, you said…
We can disagree on various issues but still agree that there’s only one opinion that “really” matters (at least that’s pertinent to this thread)…
I’m just curious to what you refer when you say
there’s only one opinion that “really” matters
Really. I’m not getting your reference – perhaps we don’t share a common frame of reference. I’m just asking you to be specific, that’s all. Who do you mean?
Q: Referring to “this” thread is the key. What’s the name of this thread? A:HA Bible Study.
Q: Who would be the one person who really matters (i.e. the main person) in the bible? A: God, The Lord, The Holy Trinity. Pick the one you like the best.
—If this thread were named in reference to another religion it would be completely different but this one is titled “HA Bible Study”. I really don’t think it can be explained any better so I certainly hope that took care of it.
29 – Heh. Like I believe that. In any case you lapped it up like a cur to cat shit.
Thanks for playing.
Are you guys watching the Paris Roubaix? Tom Boonen’s on fire.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
Got it. Thanks.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
As a reality-driven, reason-oriented atheist, I do not think that this ‘god’ of yours is the only ‘person’ who really matters, particularly as it doesn’t exist.
So, no…
We can disagree on various issues but still agree that there’s only one opinion that “really” matters (at least that’s pertinent to this thread)…
we can’t, actually.
What’s pertinent to this thread, mostly, (and this is just a friendly orientation from a regular to a newbie) is a discussion of the anachronisms that are rife in that much-edited and much-manipulated tome. Moreover, we find particular pleasure in pointing out the hypocrisies and misapprehensions that Bible-thumpers so consistently provide, seemingly for our entertainment.
So, happy solstice, and praise Oestra, the Great Mother Goddess and Goddess of Fertility!
(I’ll bet Oestra had control her damn uterus, and didn’t have any pin-head Republicans telling her what she could and couldn’t do with it!)
It seems as regards fertility on this Easter, very apropos of the present political climate,we should take of cue from the pagan Goddess who gave us this holiday, and whose opinion regarding fertility is the most important.
I saw “God is the Bigger Elvis” on HBO the other day. It’s a documentary about Dolores Hart, who was a young Hollywood starlett who appeared in a couple of Elvis movies and a few other films. Still a rising star, she gave up her Hollywood career to become a nun, sort of swapping Elvis for God. Surprisingly, it’s a bit of a love story – a woman’s deep love for her God and a man’s enduring, unrequited love for a woman. I don’t think one need believe in God or anything to appreciate this short film. I was moved by it and recommend it.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
Yeah – I saw that, and it was very well made, and very poignant.
Win #4 for Boonen!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit came to me in a dream and told me dogs were created from cat shit by an evil spirit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit’s Latest Stock Advice
“God gave me my money.” — John D. Rockefeller
That’s the biggest load of crap anybody ever said! Let’s skip over the question of whether there is, or is not, a divine being. (Opinions are divided on this blog.) Even if we assume, arguendo, there is a God who loves us and wants to shower money on us (see, e.g., Casey Treat), there’s absolutely no objective evidence whatsoever that Rockefeller ever received any Manna from Heaven. On the other hand, there’s lots of historical evidence that he was a thieving robber baron; a ruthless monopolist who squeezed his competitors out of business and then gouged consumers, kind of like Bill Gates Jr. or Dubya’s no-bid crony contracts. Rockefeller’s practice was to move into a market, give his oil away free until his competitors went bankrupt, then buy their business assets for 2 to 5 cents on the dollar — and then gouge the living fucking hell out of the customers who were stupid enough to take his free oil. That’s not God at work, that’s a thieving robber baron at work.
I could sit here and type some bullshit about how I get my investing insights from the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit. You and I both know that’s bullshit. The only reason I’m better at this game than the average person is because (a) I spend more time on it than most people, so I’m better informed about the economy, markets, industries, and companies, (b) I have an I.Q. of 150, which makes it easy for me to work through the mathematical and logical sequences, and (c) I taught myself to control my emotions so that I can put the twin investing emotions of fear and greed to work for my advantage.
Okay, that’s all preface, now let’s get down to brass tacks.
I’m writing this at 3 AM on Monday morning, about 4 hours before the NYSE opens after a 3-day weekend, and I state with conviction that I believe the Dow and S&P 500 indexes will be down this morning. Why? Because Asian markets fell overnight, because Friday’s jobs report stinks, and because insider selling is very heavy. Absolutely everyone on earth believes the stock market is going to have a correction. At some point, this has got to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
But it won’t be a big correction. That’s because there’s $3 trillion of idle cash that’s earning zero interest waiting for modestly lower stock prices to come into the market. This means the market will go only so much lower, then buyers will rush in, and their buying will keep prices from going any lower.
There’s another reason why the stock market has a solid floor under it. His name is Ben Bernanke. He’s been propping up stock prices for several years now, and if the market looks like it’s going to take a big shit, he’ll rush in with QE3 to head it off. Ben seems to feel propping up risk-asset prices somehow creates jobs, although I don’t know where the hell he gets that idea from. Personally, I think it has more to do with the fact President Obama’s $900 million 2008 campaign was mostly paid for by Wall Street, and Obama has filled all the economic posts in his administration with Wall Street types, and these guys own him and they own Bernanke, too, so the rest of us get inflation and no interest on our savings to bail out the Wall Street greedheads. (Do you get the feeling here that I’m not a big fan of QE3, and wasn’t a fan of QE2, either?)
Okay, here we go. Look for a correction of 5% to 7%, but that’s as cheap as stocks will get, because Bernanke will run the money printing press if it threatens to go any deeper.
Oil prices are going to weaken, and gasoline prices have peaked and will come down. So don’t buy oil stocks right now. But if Total’s North Sea platform leaking natural gas blows up, and Total’s stock drops from $50 to $40, buy it! That explosion will only cost the company $3 billion, and it makes $15 billion a year of profit, so if fools want to throw away 20% of their Total stock’s value over a little problem like that — take their fucking money off their hands!
Coal stocks are ridiculously cheap. To sell coal stocks at today’s prices, you have to believe coal’s percentage of U.S. electricity production will drop from 45% to 5% in two years. That’s absurd. Sure, these stocks are speculative, but if you have a sporting instinct and a little mad money, put it in Arch Coal, Peabody Coal, or Alpha Natural Resources. These stocks busted through their 52-week lows last week, but I think you should wait a few days for the correction to develop to see if they get even absurdly cheaper.
If you want to keep your money safe, put it in reliable blue-chip dividend-paying stocks like McDonalds, Procter & Gamble, and Coca Cola. As anyone who reads the news knows, Johnson & Johnson has been plagued with product recalls, with the result their stock hasn’t gone up in this recent rally, but that problem is largely behind them and I recently bought Johnson & Johnson and I have no qualms about suggesting you buy it, too.
Overall, in this investing environment, I think you should stick with quality and pay for it, and not take a flyer on little-known “growth” stocks. The big-name stocks are cheap and safe, so why buy anything else?
That’s it for this edition of Roger Rabbit’s Investing Advice.
Disclaimer: Roger Rabbit has no professional training in this shit, is not a registered investment adviser, and is known to be a leftwing propagandist, so do whatever you fucking want with this comment — that’s up to you. You are responsible for your investing decisions, so if you follow my free advice and then lose your ass, don’t come crying to me or go crying to securities regulators. What I post here about my thoughts on investing is Free Speech Under The First Amendment, no more, no less. Somebody’s gotta do the work in this country, so if you don’t wanna trust me, please feel free to work for wages while I take the FREE MONEY that Wall Street gives me. I’m a lazy sloth and I’m too good to lift a paw to do any productive work, so if you want to be a wage slave all your life, better you than me! That’s all I’ve got to say by way of disclaimer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you do buy Total, or any other European stock (e.g., Novartis, Nestle, Royal Dutch Shell, etc.), don’t own it in an IRA, Roth, or 401(k)! Make sure you own it in a taxable investment account. The reason is most (if not all) European countries impose withholding tax on dividends. (The withholding rate varies by country, but they all have treaties with the U.S. that limits the withholding tax on American shareholders to 15%.) If you put these stocks in a taxable investment account, you can claim a tax credit on IRS Form 1116, but you lose that tax credit if you put them in a tax-sheltered account, so don’t — it’ll be a cold day in hell before I give away 15% of my dividend income! So I don’t put my European stocks in my IRAs. You shouldn’t either.
Mrs. Rabbitspews:
Hope everyone had a Happy Easter :)
He arose.
And spring is here.
# 40: Over the weekend some guys who trade a bit in stock on the side were insistent that stocks ALWAYS slide south in May. But they couldn’t give me a convincing reason for this. They said it was fund managers locking in their profits, but why in May, and not wait until June? Any thoughts, Roger, other than those you’ve already posted?
As for your disclaimers, I figure you get what you pay for. We don’t pay you, so when it comes to investing advice we can’t come crying if it turns out badly.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 Stocks are supposed to sell off in January too — the “January effect” — so I sat on my cash all the way through January and look what happened. Stocks just kept going up. As for why May is widely believed to be a cursed month for stocks, let me mediate at Stonehenge for a while, and maybe I’ll think of a reason.
Why does HA have a Bible study?
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
To make fun of religionists, Christianists mostly.
Really, we all bring different perspectives to Bible Study, and make different points, but mostly in a context of modern politics and a discussion of the societal impacts of the modern form of tribalism usually called ‘religion’.
This is a very left-leaning site, and profane and unapologetic and sharp-elbowed. There are, notably, no small number of believers here. My own personal view, with regard to these threads, is that if your religious belief (I’m an atheist) leads you to doing good, to the Golden Rule, then good for you, believe what you like. We are striving for the same thing – a better, more just, more peaceful world.
If, on the other hand, and as is all too apparent in modern US society, religion for you is a cudgel, a wedge, a way to divide and hate, a lever of power and a means to power, then watch out – you’re as a big a target as Rush Limbaugh’s and Chris Christy’s love child (Ugh, I have to go bleach my mind’s eye now!)
Where do the chocolate bunnies come into the picture?
@1, sssh… bunnies, eggs, frilly Easter hats, they’re all part of this ancient pagan spring fertility festival we gentiles call Easter.
Now go get laid for jeebus.
Luke Burbank? He’s great paired with Dave, but TBTL is going downhill since Jen left. But yeah, I guess he will rise again if Jen comes back.
@3 The troll also rises, but from rigor mortis.
And, some 20 centuries later, scientists took some DNA from his shroud and he returned.
Mitt Romney’s views on Easter are truly amazing!
Isn’t America wonderful?
Hey global warming deniers, is it COLD enough for ya?
” … this past winter was the fourth warmest in the last 117 years, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It was the warmest March since 1950.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not to worry, when the Flood returns, the poster @5 will save ’em again.
And so it came to pass that Man was God. And man was not happy with what I had wrought.
So Man created a great Warming.
Should I deny Man His wishes?
Your friend, the Deity.
Happy Easter, everyone.
I hope everyone’s kids finds lots of “spring spheres” today and tells Dori Monson the troll about it.
@8 “Man was God”
I don’t understand how an Infallible Being can spout nonsense like this. Have You been drinking?
Roger, you should speak for yourself.
When have I said that I was either a Being or Infallible? Do you confuse Me with the elders of the Mormons or the Vicar of Rome?
I am what am, not more, not less.
“Today is two years that my dad has been gone shot by a f—— n—–”
That’s from the Facebook page of a man arrested for shooting five randomly-chosen black men in Tulsa, three of whom died.
“His father … was shot and killed during an argument at an apartment complex two years ago; his death led to charges against a 38-year-old black man … [who] was charged with pointing a gun and is scheduled to be released in 2014, according to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Okay, so what we have here is a black George Zimmerman type who shot a white guy and got only a couple years in jail for it. So the white guy’s son gets even by shooting five randomly-chosen black guys, none of whom did anything to the white guy. See what this vigilante shit leads to?
@9 “Happy Easter?”
Is this a happy day for you?
Seems to me that commemoration of suffering, even followed by surcease, can not be happy?
There is a story of the Buddha.
He was with a follower and they encountered an old, sick elephant. The old animal stepped on the follower’s foot.
The follower called out for help. The Buddha raised his right hand very high, the elephant saw the hand, closed its eyes, and died.
As the beast fell over the follower was free and wanted to thank the Buddha.
The Buddha, however, was mourning the dead elephant.
You gotta wonder why a black guy who shot a white guy in a place like Oklahoma is serving only a couple of years. The answer probably is that the white guy started it. In which case, why did the black guy go to jail at all? Because if you’re a black in Oklahoma self-defense is a felony.
Mike Wallace, RIP…
I was just looking at Wallace’s interview of Ayn Rand this morning…
Was it in the 50’s? What a shifty eyed lady. Very uncomfortable answering his very pointed questions. But true to her philosophy she had no choice but to answer yes or no with few if any qualifiers.
The Good Friday serial shootings of five black men in Tulsa is another one of those very rare mass shootings that I recently assured one of our trolls is so rare that only 1 or 2 of these incidents happen every day somewhere in the United States. Somehow I have a feeling that gun proliferation isn’t a solution to this problem; it’s more likely a contributing cause of the problem.
Yeah, the sun’s out, it’s finally getting warm around here, the family’s all getting together for a big meal, I’ll get to see a couple my nieces. Good times. I’m not so concerned about what happened to some guy back in the bronze age.
Black people like to say “I am Troy Davis,” and “Free Mumia.” White people should say “I am Jake England,” and “Free Alvin Watts.”
@12 So You admit that You’re less than we were led to expect?
@19 Free Ryan Leaf! All he did was break into people’s homes to steal painkillers.
Yes, Happy Easter to everyone. We can disagree on various issues but still agree that there’s only one opinion that “really” matters (at least that’s pertinent to this thread)…
It would be nice if the day also produced less violence but, unfortunately, that’s just not going to happen.
Now back to supporting the exploitation of the day by enjoying some misc candy…
Another reason to snack, good thing I have a high metabolism…
Enlighten me – which opinion is that?
Expect? You had preconceived expectations of Prof Steve? How odd.
Like I said: Happy Easter…/?/… *shrugs shoulders and shakes head*.
1) Good grief @23… just look at the rest of the quote that you left out. It really “should” be extremely obvious. You’re seriously letting your conspiracy theory mentality (i.e. “everything” has an ulterior meaning/motive) get the best of you. That’s tends to cause people to have difficulty taking anything at face value and further hampers their ability to rationally process things.
2) BTW, that’s NOT an affront to you. I’m simply pointing out a condition of human behavior. However, I’m pretty sure you’re going to choose to take it as such and get all worked up so proceed if you can’t restrain yourself…
OK, you said…
I’m just curious to what you refer when you say
Really. I’m not getting your reference – perhaps we don’t share a common frame of reference. I’m just asking you to be specific, that’s all. Who do you mean?
spring spheres = teh gehy
27 – Thanks for playing…
Hearsay/made up shit from Monson..
That a hateful mutt like you laps up.
you guessed wrong again – never heard monson’s rant on TEH SFEERES…..
maybe I should “live off the net” and be edumacated like you…
Q: Referring to “this” thread is the key. What’s the name of this thread?
A: HA Bible Study.
Q: Who would be the one person who really matters (i.e. the main person) in the bible?
A: God, The Lord, The Holy Trinity. Pick the one you like the best.
—If this thread were named in reference to another religion it would be completely different but this one is titled “HA Bible Study”. I really don’t think it can be explained any better so I certainly hope that took care of it.
29 – Heh. Like I believe that. In any case you lapped it up like a cur to cat shit.
Thanks for playing.
Are you guys watching the Paris Roubaix? Tom Boonen’s on fire.
Got it. Thanks.
As a reality-driven, reason-oriented atheist, I do not think that this ‘god’ of yours is the only ‘person’ who really matters, particularly as it doesn’t exist.
So, no…
we can’t, actually.
What’s pertinent to this thread, mostly, (and this is just a friendly orientation from a regular to a newbie) is a discussion of the anachronisms that are rife in that much-edited and much-manipulated tome. Moreover, we find particular pleasure in pointing out the hypocrisies and misapprehensions that Bible-thumpers so consistently provide, seemingly for our entertainment.
So, happy solstice, and praise Oestra, the Great Mother Goddess and Goddess of Fertility!
(I’ll bet Oestra had control her damn uterus, and didn’t have any pin-head Republicans telling her what she could and couldn’t do with it!)
It seems as regards fertility on this Easter, very apropos of the present political climate,we should take of cue from the pagan Goddess who gave us this holiday, and whose opinion regarding fertility is the most important.
I guess we can agree on that!
No problem. Have a great night. :-)
I saw “God is the Bigger Elvis” on HBO the other day. It’s a documentary about Dolores Hart, who was a young Hollywood starlett who appeared in a couple of Elvis movies and a few other films. Still a rising star, she gave up her Hollywood career to become a nun, sort of swapping Elvis for God. Surprisingly, it’s a bit of a love story – a woman’s deep love for her God and a man’s enduring, unrequited love for a woman. I don’t think one need believe in God or anything to appreciate this short film. I was moved by it and recommend it.
Yeah – I saw that, and it was very well made, and very poignant.
Win #4 for Boonen!
The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit came to me in a dream and told me dogs were created from cat shit by an evil spirit.
Roger Rabbit’s Latest Stock Advice
“God gave me my money.” — John D. Rockefeller
That’s the biggest load of crap anybody ever said! Let’s skip over the question of whether there is, or is not, a divine being. (Opinions are divided on this blog.) Even if we assume, arguendo, there is a God who loves us and wants to shower money on us (see, e.g., Casey Treat), there’s absolutely no objective evidence whatsoever that Rockefeller ever received any Manna from Heaven. On the other hand, there’s lots of historical evidence that he was a thieving robber baron; a ruthless monopolist who squeezed his competitors out of business and then gouged consumers, kind of like Bill Gates Jr. or Dubya’s no-bid crony contracts. Rockefeller’s practice was to move into a market, give his oil away free until his competitors went bankrupt, then buy their business assets for 2 to 5 cents on the dollar — and then gouge the living fucking hell out of the customers who were stupid enough to take his free oil. That’s not God at work, that’s a thieving robber baron at work.
I could sit here and type some bullshit about how I get my investing insights from the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit. You and I both know that’s bullshit. The only reason I’m better at this game than the average person is because (a) I spend more time on it than most people, so I’m better informed about the economy, markets, industries, and companies, (b) I have an I.Q. of 150, which makes it easy for me to work through the mathematical and logical sequences, and (c) I taught myself to control my emotions so that I can put the twin investing emotions of fear and greed to work for my advantage.
Okay, that’s all preface, now let’s get down to brass tacks.
I’m writing this at 3 AM on Monday morning, about 4 hours before the NYSE opens after a 3-day weekend, and I state with conviction that I believe the Dow and S&P 500 indexes will be down this morning. Why? Because Asian markets fell overnight, because Friday’s jobs report stinks, and because insider selling is very heavy. Absolutely everyone on earth believes the stock market is going to have a correction. At some point, this has got to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
But it won’t be a big correction. That’s because there’s $3 trillion of idle cash that’s earning zero interest waiting for modestly lower stock prices to come into the market. This means the market will go only so much lower, then buyers will rush in, and their buying will keep prices from going any lower.
There’s another reason why the stock market has a solid floor under it. His name is Ben Bernanke. He’s been propping up stock prices for several years now, and if the market looks like it’s going to take a big shit, he’ll rush in with QE3 to head it off. Ben seems to feel propping up risk-asset prices somehow creates jobs, although I don’t know where the hell he gets that idea from. Personally, I think it has more to do with the fact President Obama’s $900 million 2008 campaign was mostly paid for by Wall Street, and Obama has filled all the economic posts in his administration with Wall Street types, and these guys own him and they own Bernanke, too, so the rest of us get inflation and no interest on our savings to bail out the Wall Street greedheads. (Do you get the feeling here that I’m not a big fan of QE3, and wasn’t a fan of QE2, either?)
Okay, here we go. Look for a correction of 5% to 7%, but that’s as cheap as stocks will get, because Bernanke will run the money printing press if it threatens to go any deeper.
Oil prices are going to weaken, and gasoline prices have peaked and will come down. So don’t buy oil stocks right now. But if Total’s North Sea platform leaking natural gas blows up, and Total’s stock drops from $50 to $40, buy it! That explosion will only cost the company $3 billion, and it makes $15 billion a year of profit, so if fools want to throw away 20% of their Total stock’s value over a little problem like that — take their fucking money off their hands!
Coal stocks are ridiculously cheap. To sell coal stocks at today’s prices, you have to believe coal’s percentage of U.S. electricity production will drop from 45% to 5% in two years. That’s absurd. Sure, these stocks are speculative, but if you have a sporting instinct and a little mad money, put it in Arch Coal, Peabody Coal, or Alpha Natural Resources. These stocks busted through their 52-week lows last week, but I think you should wait a few days for the correction to develop to see if they get even absurdly cheaper.
If you want to keep your money safe, put it in reliable blue-chip dividend-paying stocks like McDonalds, Procter & Gamble, and Coca Cola. As anyone who reads the news knows, Johnson & Johnson has been plagued with product recalls, with the result their stock hasn’t gone up in this recent rally, but that problem is largely behind them and I recently bought Johnson & Johnson and I have no qualms about suggesting you buy it, too.
Overall, in this investing environment, I think you should stick with quality and pay for it, and not take a flyer on little-known “growth” stocks. The big-name stocks are cheap and safe, so why buy anything else?
That’s it for this edition of Roger Rabbit’s Investing Advice.
Disclaimer: Roger Rabbit has no professional training in this shit, is not a registered investment adviser, and is known to be a leftwing propagandist, so do whatever you fucking want with this comment — that’s up to you. You are responsible for your investing decisions, so if you follow my free advice and then lose your ass, don’t come crying to me or go crying to securities regulators. What I post here about my thoughts on investing is Free Speech Under The First Amendment, no more, no less. Somebody’s gotta do the work in this country, so if you don’t wanna trust me, please feel free to work for wages while I take the FREE MONEY that Wall Street gives me. I’m a lazy sloth and I’m too good to lift a paw to do any productive work, so if you want to be a wage slave all your life, better you than me! That’s all I’ve got to say by way of disclaimer.
If you do buy Total, or any other European stock (e.g., Novartis, Nestle, Royal Dutch Shell, etc.), don’t own it in an IRA, Roth, or 401(k)! Make sure you own it in a taxable investment account. The reason is most (if not all) European countries impose withholding tax on dividends. (The withholding rate varies by country, but they all have treaties with the U.S. that limits the withholding tax on American shareholders to 15%.) If you put these stocks in a taxable investment account, you can claim a tax credit on IRS Form 1116, but you lose that tax credit if you put them in a tax-sheltered account, so don’t — it’ll be a cold day in hell before I give away 15% of my dividend income! So I don’t put my European stocks in my IRAs. You shouldn’t either.
Hope everyone had a Happy Easter :)
He arose.
And spring is here.
# 40: Over the weekend some guys who trade a bit in stock on the side were insistent that stocks ALWAYS slide south in May. But they couldn’t give me a convincing reason for this. They said it was fund managers locking in their profits, but why in May, and not wait until June? Any thoughts, Roger, other than those you’ve already posted?
As for your disclaimers, I figure you get what you pay for. We don’t pay you, so when it comes to investing advice we can’t come crying if it turns out badly.
@43 Stocks are supposed to sell off in January too — the “January effect” — so I sat on my cash all the way through January and look what happened. Stocks just kept going up. As for why May is widely believed to be a cursed month for stocks, let me mediate at Stonehenge for a while, and maybe I’ll think of a reason.
Why does HA have a Bible study?
To make fun of religionists, Christianists mostly.
Really, we all bring different perspectives to Bible Study, and make different points, but mostly in a context of modern politics and a discussion of the societal impacts of the modern form of tribalism usually called ‘religion’.
This is a very left-leaning site, and profane and unapologetic and sharp-elbowed. There are, notably, no small number of believers here. My own personal view, with regard to these threads, is that if your religious belief (I’m an atheist) leads you to doing good, to the Golden Rule, then good for you, believe what you like. We are striving for the same thing – a better, more just, more peaceful world.
If, on the other hand, and as is all too apparent in modern US society, religion for you is a cudgel, a wedge, a way to divide and hate, a lever of power and a means to power, then watch out – you’re as a big a target as Rush Limbaugh’s and Chris Christy’s love child (Ugh, I have to go bleach my mind’s eye now!)