1 Kings 7:23
He made the Sea of cast metal, circular in shape, measuring ten cubits from rim to rim and five cubits high. It took a line of thirty cubits to measure around it.
Liberal Scientist thinks that concentrated power and wealth should be met with suspicion, not adorationspews:
That would suggest that pi equals 3.
Yes, we should believe everything in The Bible as the indisputable, literal truth as the Word of God ™.
How boring can Goldy get?
This is not from any claim of revelation by Me. It is from a report of how Solomon built a grandiose temple in my honor.
The “He” here is Solomon, or rather his architect. As for the number 3 vs the number pi, how else would you describe the radius of a circle? Do ya’ suppose the builders were stupid enough to use these as literal instructions?
While the prophet wastes his electronic seeds on this fallow earth, the grandioise successors of Solomon, the priesthood of the Romans, has taken my name in vain. I never said anything about birth control. They made it up,
I am what am.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That “Sea” sounds more like a wash basin. You couldn’t float anything bigger than a rubber ducky in it. Was it a birdbath in front of some poobah’s mud mansion?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Pi = 3 in those days because decimals hadn’t been invented so they just rounded everything off.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Lord said, “let there be water” and Lo! there was Bechtel and Halliburton and Coca-Cola.
Wait! How the fuck did that happen? It wasn’t supposed to happen that way, not according to the Bible! The banksters did it.
Any country faced with a large debt, and there are many, is forced by the IMF and the World Bank to privatize water. It is a common demand of these entities as one of the conditions of a loan. They also insist on creation of policies which guarantee “full cost recovery” and the elimination of internal government subsidies. In Ghana, for example, thanks to the World Bank, the forced sale of water at “market rates” required the poor to spend up to half of their earnings on water. This is worldwide, it is growing, and it is killing people.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This doesn’t seem very Christian to me.
Roger …
Long before decimals, there was string.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Yeah, I hear ya Boss, but when those stupid humans got ahold of string, what did they do with it, they conjured String Theory … personally, I think You should’ve made fewer humans and more rabbits.
Isambard Kingdom Brunelspews:
the weekly Christianity bashing sure gets old around here.
me thinks you all suffer from bible derangement syndrome…
the weekly Christianity bashing sure gets old around here.
me thinks you all suffer from bible derangement syndrome…
02/12/2012 at 10:52 am
Coming from the scab bastard emperor max minidick aka (kaiser bun the first) who is one of these christianist hypocrites that talk all bible-yyy and act like the selfish pricks the christ warned everybody about. So I suppose the scab bastard emperor max mini-dick is a casey treat guy…or maybe mark driscoll…I suppose any of the hateful bigots will do for the hate-filled scab bastard emperor max mini-dick (aka kaiser bun the first).
Isambard Kingdom Brunelspews:
yo punk-ass little bitch #9, where have I ever quoted the bible?
step up, or shut the fuck up, bitch.
I see your still the big pussy hiding behind your keyboard. Loser.
I see your still the big pussy hiding behind your keyboard. Loser.
Without interpretation the Bible says pi = 3. The Bible is the word of God and God in infallible. If one thinks God made a mistake on this, perhaps eating shrimp and being gay is OK.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 If God wants circumference to equal three times diameter, so be it. God can do anything She wants to.
Here’s a melody for an asshat. When an adopted daughter of african descent sits on asshat daddy’s knee for a chat he make the following asshat promise:
Daughter of mine, while I may tell “castsillians” to “go have taco and stfu” whensoever you are so bold to talk back to your old man, I will never, ever, ever tell you O daughter of mine,
to eat some watermelon and stfu.
Isambard Kingdom Brunelspews:
you live in a weird, fucked up world basement boy.
go back and ignore the old lady and the kids, and keep on keeping on with that datubayze….
maybe if you spent less time on the datubayze, and more time trying to earn money, you could pay for your kids’ college, instead of relying on people like me to do it….yet another lazy liberal..
Ah one of my favorites1 I love the look on literalists faces when I throw it their way. It’s also a useful way to measure level of the writer’s scientific culture.
For anyone who claims it’s a case of no one knowing what Pi was at the time of Solomon (where the passage comes from) The Egyptians had it at 256/81 (or 3.160) the Babylonians had it at 25/8 (3.125) Archimedes had it at 223/71 (about 3.14185) and 8th century BC India had it at 339/108 (3.139) pretty much stating once again that the Old Testament was the word of a bunch of hicks from the sticks.
It took a line of thirty cubits to measure around it.
Stretchy line, maybe?
@ 27
My Grampa started out building a house back in the early 60’s using one of those fabric measuring tapes that dressmakers use. It’s my understanding that there was more than a 3/4 inch mismatch when they started the third section remodel in the early 70’s, expanding the dining room and the central living room and had hired a full time carpenter with actual metal measuring tapes. So the kitchen is nearly 2 inches wider at one end than the other.
This is funny when taken in the context of the fact that the man was an expert machinist and had worked on Project Manhattan as a Ph.D Physicist fresh out of the University of Chicago. I still have one of the cast iron levels that he used on the house, accurate to .002 of an inch over the 14 inches of its length.
That would suggest that pi equals 3.
Yes, we should believe everything in The Bible as the indisputable, literal truth as the Word of God ™.
How boring can Goldy get?
This is not from any claim of revelation by Me. It is from a report of how Solomon built a grandiose temple in my honor.
The “He” here is Solomon, or rather his architect. As for the number 3 vs the number pi, how else would you describe the radius of a circle? Do ya’ suppose the builders were stupid enough to use these as literal instructions?
While the prophet wastes his electronic seeds on this fallow earth, the grandioise successors of Solomon, the priesthood of the Romans, has taken my name in vain. I never said anything about birth control. They made it up,
I am what am.
That “Sea” sounds more like a wash basin. You couldn’t float anything bigger than a rubber ducky in it. Was it a birdbath in front of some poobah’s mud mansion?
@1 Pi = 3 in those days because decimals hadn’t been invented so they just rounded everything off.
The Lord said, “let there be water” and Lo! there was Bechtel and Halliburton and Coca-Cola.
Wait! How the fuck did that happen? It wasn’t supposed to happen that way, not according to the Bible! The banksters did it.
Any country faced with a large debt, and there are many, is forced by the IMF and the World Bank to privatize water. It is a common demand of these entities as one of the conditions of a loan. They also insist on creation of policies which guarantee “full cost recovery” and the elimination of internal government subsidies. In Ghana, for example, thanks to the World Bank, the forced sale of water at “market rates” required the poor to spend up to half of their earnings on water. This is worldwide, it is growing, and it is killing people.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This doesn’t seem very Christian to me.
Roger …
Long before decimals, there was string.
@6 Yeah, I hear ya Boss, but when those stupid humans got ahold of string, what did they do with it, they conjured String Theory … personally, I think You should’ve made fewer humans and more rabbits.
the weekly Christianity bashing sure gets old around here.
me thinks you all suffer from bible derangement syndrome…
Coming from the scab bastard emperor max minidick aka (kaiser bun the first) who is one of these christianist hypocrites that talk all bible-yyy and act like the selfish pricks the christ warned everybody about. So I suppose the scab bastard emperor max mini-dick is a casey treat guy…or maybe mark driscoll…I suppose any of the hateful bigots will do for the hate-filled scab bastard emperor max mini-dick (aka kaiser bun the first).
yo punk-ass little bitch #9, where have I ever quoted the bible?
step up, or shut the fuck up, bitch.
I see your still the big pussy hiding behind your keyboard. Loser.
Look whose talking…
Hmmm. The “big pussy” who talked this talk and didn’t walk?
One laaaame asshat..
1 Kings 17:23
Thee current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to thee potential difference across thee two points.
well you knew if rujaxoff was bent over, siesta ylbeeder wouldnt be far behind to shove his little castsillian peepee in….
you can speak up when you have finished 9th grade remedial math…
Heh.. Not only lame but a pathetic racist liar to boot…
And no it matters not the skin color of the child – if daddy’s a racist lout, he’s a racist lout.
your such a dickless little girl YLB.
I know exactly how to play your strings…you are my personal marionette..
That’s exactly what the puddypussy used to say.
Jackoff scab.
and you belong to which union?
I didnt realize they had a union for losers and failed musicians…
broomsweepers local 472?
you the shop steward rujaxoff? lmfao…..
Without interpretation the Bible says pi = 3. The Bible is the word of God and God in infallible. If one thinks God made a mistake on this, perhaps eating shrimp and being gay is OK.
@21 If God wants circumference to equal three times diameter, so be it. God can do anything She wants to.
Here’s a melody for an asshat. When an adopted daughter of african descent sits on asshat daddy’s knee for a chat he make the following asshat promise:
you live in a weird, fucked up world basement boy.
go back and ignore the old lady and the kids, and keep on keeping on with that datubayze….
maybe if you spent less time on the datubayze, and more time trying to earn money, you could pay for your kids’ college, instead of relying on people like me to do it….yet another lazy liberal..
24 – LMAO! Racist asshat is as racist asshat does..
That’s YOUR world not mine.. Carry on idiot. Your record speaks for itself and is preserved here in the threads for anyone who cares to look.
Ah one of my favorites1 I love the look on literalists faces when I throw it their way. It’s also a useful way to measure level of the writer’s scientific culture.
For anyone who claims it’s a case of no one knowing what Pi was at the time of Solomon (where the passage comes from) The Egyptians had it at 256/81 (or 3.160) the Babylonians had it at 25/8 (3.125) Archimedes had it at 223/71 (about 3.14185) and 8th century BC India had it at 339/108 (3.139) pretty much stating once again that the Old Testament was the word of a bunch of hicks from the sticks.
It took a line of thirty cubits to measure around it.
Stretchy line, maybe?
@ 27
My Grampa started out building a house back in the early 60’s using one of those fabric measuring tapes that dressmakers use. It’s my understanding that there was more than a 3/4 inch mismatch when they started the third section remodel in the early 70’s, expanding the dining room and the central living room and had hired a full time carpenter with actual metal measuring tapes. So the kitchen is nearly 2 inches wider at one end than the other.
This is funny when taken in the context of the fact that the man was an expert machinist and had worked on Project Manhattan as a Ph.D Physicist fresh out of the University of Chicago. I still have one of the cast iron levels that he used on the house, accurate to .002 of an inch over the 14 inches of its length.
No wonder he was so grouchy.