1 Samuel 18:25-27
“Say to David, ‘The king wants no other price for the bride than a hundred Philistine foreskins, to take revenge on his enemies.’” Saul’s plan was to have David fall by the hands of the Philistines.When the attendants told David these things, he was pleased to become the king’s son-in-law. So before the allotted time elapsed, David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king’s son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage.
That’s just nasty.
Yes, and tales like this forcefully underscore how this collection of stories form the moral underpinning of the Western world.
And, so say the Christians, the My Son came and celebrated this same day with his own circumcision.
There is a saying in the holy book of faces, “What Goes around Comes Around.”
Gay military machismo?
I mean, you’d have to touch a another man’s penis to, um, pull this off — so to speak.
Police are searching Mount Rainier National Park for a killer who gunned down a female park ranger makign a traffic stop this morning. I posted a full comment on the Friday Night thread. The news story is on the Seattle Times and MSNBC websites.
That’s a funny way to party, but to each his own, I guess.
@ 8
Everyone should get a lil trim when they go to a party.
Young Angry White Males Dep’t
@8 Rightiess profile people, so why can’t we? Goose and gander! Okay, here goes: I predict the Mount Rainier cop killer will turn out to be a young white guy with extreme political views.
Here’s what KOMO 4 TV News says:
“A man who is a person of interest in the shooting death of a park ranger Sunday morning near Mt. Rainier is also a suspect in a shooting that left four wounded in Skyway earlier in the day, sources tell KOMO News.
“Detectives are looking for Benjamin Colton Barnes, a 24-year-old believed to have military experience and survivalist skills, officials said.
“Investigators have recovered Barnes’ car which was filled with weapons and body armor, along with survivalist gear, said Det. Ed Troyer with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ll bet Puddybitch paints this guy as a lefty — like he did the Arizona shooter — you wait and watch!
The slain park ranger’s family can thank Republicans for this:
“It has been legal for people to take loaded firearms into Mount Rainier since 2010, when a controversial federal law went into effect that made possession of firearms in national parks subject to state gun laws.”
Now wait for Puddybitch to blame this on “Dummocraps,” too!
@ RR
My bet is on a tweaker type, meth head white supremacist. Dude spends all his money on weapons and ammunition and crank. I’ve worked with dudes like that. They do meth on the job, so they’re fuckin demons in the shop and the boss doesn’t fuck with them. Then they drink two or three pitchers of beer every day after work while bitching about their wives bitching at them for not bringing home enough money to feed the kids or pay the rent. Die hard right wing nutbags.
with baseless conclusions like that, its no wonder you are having so much trouble with simple shit like pre-calc.
could have been a fucked up pot smoking friend of Lee’s just trying to protect his grow-op. probably voted for barry O. and supports TEH LEGALIZE WEED movement. Probably a ditzy darci burner supporter too….
gee, see how easy that was?
Lest anyone wonder WHO is responsible for allowing people to take loaded guns into national parks:
“Loaded guns will be allowed in Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon and other national parks under a new law that takes effect Monday.
“The law … comes over the objections of gun-control advocates who fear it will lead to increased violence in national parks. …
“A spokesman for the National Rifle Association scoffed at the idea that parks would become more dangerous ….”
“Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., who led congressional efforts to change the law, said concerns about increased violence were overblown. ‘I don’t expect anything major to come from this other than to restore the Second Amendment rights taken away by bureaucrats,’ Coburn said.”
@13 Here’s a mugshot of your pot-smoking Obama voter:
Yeah, he looks like a lefty, all right!
And here’s a bunch of future Republicans, circa 1966:
Somehow, I doubt guns being illegal in national parks would have stopped this guy from doing what he did.
If I was going to jump to conclusions, I’d say meth dealing skin head type. But, we don’t know.
@18 He doesn’t look like anyone I’ve seen at my local Democratic precinct meetings.
Well, whatever, it’s time for the nightly vocabulary quiz. My score (“RR”) is posted — and it’s the same old score I always get.
Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a meth dealing skin head at a Democratic function.
This may have started as a domestic incident. KCPQ says the victims in the Skyway apartment shooting knew the shooter and asked him to leave a party, to which he later returned with a gun. According to KCPQ, the “person of interest” in both shootings “has had two restraining orders filed against him by the mother of his one-year-old child.”
It also appears he has mental health issues:
“In November, a court ruled that he could only have two supervised visits a week with his daughter until he completed a domestic violence and mental health investigation.”
Another website says the “person of interest” is an Iraq War veteran.
And a blogger posted this:
“Benjamin Colton Barnes is no stranger to police: Name Court Case Number Court Information 1 Barnes, Benjamin Colton Defendant Lakewood Municipal 9L0000133 01-29-2009 2 Barnes, Benjamin Colton Defendant King County District C00762506 03-17-2009 3 Barnes, Benjamin Colton Defendant Puyallup Municipal C00064019 11-12-2008 4 Barnes, Benjamin Colton Defendant King County District C00003180 06-11-2010 5 Barnes, Benjamin Colton RESPONDENT Pierce Co Superior 11-3-01991-7 05-24-2011 6 Barnes, Benjamin Colton Defendant Pierce Co District 1Z0586428 08-22-2011”
Yeah, not someone who should be able to get his hands on an assault rifle.
Looks like that earthquake in Ohio the other day might have been caused by fracking.
Am I the only person that thinks fracking doesn’t have a long and illustrious future ahead of it?
Maybe this explains puddybutt.
@ 25 RR
I doubt theres a shortage of Chlorpromazine or Quetiapine.
It just gets nuttier and nuttier.
Wonder wtf he was doing driving up to Paradise?
How about everybody get back to the foreskins issue. Puddy, your thoughts? Frankly, the verse reminds me of early American times when scalps produced profit. It’s a rather troubling verse. Christians (and I am one of them) must deal with this verse.
@28 I think footballs should be made from the players’ foreskins. If you think they fight over possession of the ball now, just visualize a locker room halftime speech by the coach that goes like this: “If you slugs ever want to see your foreskins again, you have to get possession of the damn ball!”
It is a little known historical fact that Philistine foreskins sauteed in butter and olive oil — with finely chopped onions, mushrooms, and a little kosher salt — was a delicacy much sought after in the Hebrew royal house (serve with some fresh chalal bread and orange sections on the side).
And with 200 of the tasty little morsels, it was a meal truly fit for a King!!! (recipe courtesy of Anthony Bourdain)
Yes, darling, you’re right (left) again:
Just another whitless “fact” from Moron Steyn. Or, actually, written today by a moron like Steyn.
So for today’s popped Bible Study quiz, what whitless Steyn-like moron wrote, above, that Robert Taft was president in 1912?
A.) Twisted little moronic fuckshit YLB?
B.) The Gingrich who stole Christmas?
C.) Little Ms. Moosedrool, Sarah Palin?
D.) The chimp in the flight suit?
E.) Santorum, the frothy brown residue from you-know-what?
Speaking of frothy brown residue and YLB, she z’d right in from the left on the most annoying person on the planet. No, not YLB, the other most annoying person on the planet, Mark Steyn. Has anyone in your half-vast listening audience ever listened to the man? Even worse than listening to snipped & clipped Goldstein.
I have in my hand a Regnery Reptile book, Moron Steyn’s latest. Like Coulter’s latest it really isn’t a book, just a lot of bad jokes thrown at a page to see if they stick. Like that sticky brown frothy stuff of YLB’s or Goldstein’s tasty morsels.
And, no joke, Moron Steyn goes in about two pages from 1947’s ‘Justice William Douglas’ to 1947’s Justice Marshall, authors of the same decision. That’s a pretty neat trick for a Justice Marshall we didn’t have.
But what the hell. Facts and whitless facts are way over-rated.
My real point here is to unglue all of you leftist chumps from Goldy’s foreskins and Goldy’s smegma, and to guide you where you need to go, which is here.
Fucking fuckshit fatcat Democrats, man. Can’t live with ’em, can’t shoot ’em.
Just more heterosexual killing more people. Family Values for all.
LMAO!! Pretty hung over in retirement eh HNMT???
Kennedy was shot, was he not HNMT? Shot DEAD. IN THE HEAD.
Does the cup overfloweth at the thought HNMT??
Wrong answer, darling. Add more kosher salt and try again.
Or so they say. Unless Dallas, like the moon shot and 9/11, was staged on a back lot in Burbank.
Beautiful uptown downtown Burbank.
Now is it not a whitless fact that, if JFK was SHOT DEAD IN THE HEAD, he was shot dead by the right? Isn’t that what you reality-based leftists have been telling us since about 23 November 1963?
And is it not a whitless fact that, as waaaay-left cheerleader David Talbot asserts, JFK before being shot DEAD IN THE HEAD did a load of deadhead LSD in the “White” House with Mary Meyer?
Gotta be an actual fact. Talbot, after all, is one of you. He’s the man from salon.com, and there’s a wiki photo of him having quality kneepads time with Bimbo Bill Clinton.
35 – sigh… sorry HNMT you brought Fecal Steyn to the party and he claimed Obama did some “editing” at the Harvard Law Review when he was elected (with support from conservatives at the Review) to do NOTHING OF THE KIND.
Your kind also loves to dribble at the mouth over “voting present” when the over whelming FACT is that Obama voted over 3700 times yea or nay to 125 or whatever it was “present”.
Fecal Steyn is just that.
Some scribbler at NPR mistaking Howard for Robert does not detract from that hilarity.
36 – You’re avoiding the question HNMT.
Does the cup overfloweth at a momentary review of the uncut zapruder film?
Then again, maybe Talbot’s a moron.
He’s another in a very long leftwing line who wants to believe that JFK was shot by everybody except the silly little leftwing fuckshit who shot him, Oswald Rabbit.
Shit, little sister, you’re coming on like the back pages of The Stranger. Have you hugged your santorum today?
Well you’ve all but admitted that for your vision of the common good you wouldn’t mind seeing more Democrats shot.
This is not unknown among lefties of the 60’s vintage in their most heated moments..
Folks like you perhaps?
Your (sic) getting smarter, little sister. Must run in the family or must come from sharing a few twisted chromosomes with me.
[How do you tell a boy chromosome from a girl chromosome? Pull down their genes.]
No rebuttal to your anal-intensive points re editing and voting. You may be right. Even a leftist, like a stopped clock …
So tell me about BO’s support of post-late-term abortion? Or is that more fecal disinformation?
And about that uncut Zap Mama film … ?
Sort of. There was a smart-set subset of the 60’s New Left that had enough goddam sense to blow right past the goddam Democrats. And there was Malcolm X in 1964 who had the good sense to rightly observe that, with rightwing Goldwater, you at least knew where you stood. With a Democrat fuckshit like LBJ you couldn’t be sure of anything.
Leftwing Mao later said something similar about Nixon. Go figure.
42 – Post-late-term abortion. What could this mean? Assassination? Gee why so angry HNMT/Irgun? Isn’t this taking a tactic from that playbook?
Obama wants another shot at the big chair. He isn’t going to get it when a jihadi nutcase gets a head of steam and takes out a boatload/train car/disco full, whatever of tourists.
Hey that’s politics today for better or worse. I wouldn’t expect the R’s to be any different.
Wow, is this psychedelic consumption day? Some serious raving going on.
Word on the Burbank street is that Another Shot Obama voted for, or perhaps was merely present for, an Illinois plan for killing the occasional fetal survivors of so-called “so-called partial-birth abortion.”
Is that just another suburban legend like, you know, the fine piece of high-end suburb that Democrat activist Tony Rezko selflessly pimped to BO and Michelle? And if it is, where’s the birth certificate?
… at the big chair.
See one there that works for you too, little sister?
And “jihadi nutcase”? You surely realize that you’re sounding a LOT like moron fecal Steyn.
Mary Meyer. I had to look her up. What an intriguing life.
Once upon a time I read Donald Freed’s “Spymaster” and I’m pretty sure she cut quite the swath in that fever dream of a book.
Such a silly puritanical attitude towards intoxicants. We all indulge from time to time and have to learn on our own that’s maybe there’s something there but it’s just as likely that there’s nothing and everything in moderation.. blah.. blah..
It’s the sound of silence that I’m particularly savoring from Darth Cheney and his attack dog daughter as well as fellow travelers Bloody Bill Kristol and the like..
They’ve been “taken out” too by Obama’s executive action.
Of course there’s also a precinct where ‘post-late-term abortion’ could refer to animal-rights ethicist Peter Singer’s final solution to everything.
Of course there’s also a precinct where ‘post-late-term abortion’ could refer to you.
50 – LMAO!! No HNMT “post-late-term-abortion” sounds more to some like retirement in a trailer park in Idaho drawing on a federal gov pension.
Just kidding.. Nothing against federal workers spending out their golden years in retirement in any comfortable abode. A double wide works just fine.
Can’t find it now, but somewhere I typed Darth Cheney’s recent remembrance of sitting at a Selectric and typing a master plan for saving Nixon’s America with wage/price controls. It was all appallingly similar to FDR’s corporatist NIRA of 1933 in which too-big Big Liberal Government told strippers how to strip and sent dry-cleaners to jail for charging 35 cents to clean instead of 40 cents.
Bloody Bill Kristol. Must have been separated at birth from Bloody Bill Anderson in Bleeding Kansas.
Mary Meyer and Timothy Leary: Well, let’s see. Talbot takes off where the old story about JFK smoking reefer in the White House left off, at a harmless giggle. Leary’s LSD kicks the whole thing into a whole other giggle entirely. Said it before and I’ll say it again: America’s moment of maximum danger was entrusting the fate of the free world to a kid and to a kid’s kid brother.
Talbot, a Democrat hack and Kennedy cheerleader, shows how JFK did a very short sharp Long March thru America’s “democratic” institutions. To cover his ass from accountability, he gave itchy brother a nepotism job that kept the lid on. (Talbot or another writer mentions that Bobby, while staking out organized crime, was shocked! to learn that Joseph P. Kennedy was mobbed up.)
Then JFK pushed the Joint Chiefs aside and put Bobby in charge of that, too. And then shoved aside the State Dept and put twenty-something Dick Goodwin in charge of Latin America.
And put Johnny Roselli in charge of offing Castro.
Those were the days.
Double wide must sound just fine to you because you are, ahem, double wide. (Just guessing, from the way you throw your weight and flip your flab around.)
By the way, did you know that one of Darth Cheney’s attack-dog daughters is, like, QUEER?!? John F. Kerry said so.
zzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz… I’ve leave you to your “golden” maunderings now HNMT.
Best wishes for some right wing dwarf to throw the lever at in November.
She’s been “out” for a decade or two.
That’s no dwarf! That’s my preferred candidate of the whole ridiculous risible rightist retinue. All the rest aren’t even high (heh) enough to be dwarfs. They’re wankers, rotters, and poufters. Rather like you.
As for rough tough Bull Cheney, Darth’s daughter, Kerry did a smarmy wink-nudge smear of her alt. (bi-naries) lifestyle.
57 – Heh. Sweet visions of Iowa or New Hampshire or South Carolina or…
HNMT is the one with the dolly.
My dolly beats man-on-dog about a dozen differnt ways. And don’t even think about man on (ewww!) YLB.
D(ark as melted Kenyan midnight)
Whoa! That sounds racist! Better say D(erangement). Keep the racist teabagger Rabbits on a shorter leash that way.
Now about that Deranged Obama Syndrome … I’m outta here before it gets me too.
60 – Heh. No HNMT here’s racism:
As I ribbed Puddybud the other day, “could Glenn Beck have been ‘right again’?”
Nice to know you’re not salivating for “big government progressive” Newt.
For whatever it’s worth, it seems the park ranger killer froze to death overnight. That’ll teach ‘im not to go hiking on Mt. Rainier in January wearing only a t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers.
@63 – you mean dumb heterosexual killer
Sounds like the Mt. Rainer killer was just expressing his family values.
I’m starting to worry that Max’s anger may not be good for his wife and family, one day he might let the best get to him and turn on them.
WTF are you talking about you freak? I have not posted in this thread.
All that man-mayo you have been ingesting is messing up your (little) brain.
If I was you, I would be pressing charges against your dad….what is the statute of limitations for molesting little kids anyway? You should lawyer up!
run along, mary.
re 31: “In 1912, The three foremost contenders for the GOP nomination were: Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th U.S. president, Robert Taft, the incumbent 27th and Wisconsin senator Robert La Follette.”
Would you mind explaining the philosophical similarity between these 1912 luminaries and the current gaggle of GOP Klowndidates?
Note that in a ten-year stretch, we had the following assasinations or attempted assasinations:
Nov. 1963 – President John F. Kennedy (D)
June 1968 – Pres. Candidate Robert Kennedy (D)
May 1972 – Pres. Candidate George Wallace (D)
In each of these instances, the primarary beneficiary was Richard Nixon.
Wallace’s 1972 campaign raised the potential that Wallace could have put Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” in shambles. He was polling high numbers in the South and even in the industrial mid-west. Even if he didn’t win the Democratic nomination he might have made yet another third-party effort which would have drawn southern electoral votes away from Nixon.
In light of Howard Hunt’s deathbed confession to his son of his and the CIA involvement in the assassination of JFK, you have to wonder. “Deep Throat” claimed that the former CIA operatives working for the Nixon White House wanted McGovern as the Democratic nominee, and that’s exactly what they got.
Oops, I think the previous post should have appeared under the “polling” post.
No problem. Thou shalt not kill {foetuses} is a biblical injunction.
I wonder what President Rick Scrotum has to say about all his heterosexual family men that murder and rape?
@71 – haven’t you been reading the news, thou shall not kill is just a slogan made up for fun, it wasn’t meant to be serious.
66 – Gman, I generally discount your anti-hetero shtick but you may have a point when it comes to maximus asshat.
As for the asshat’s tiresome blather about your dad, he has nothing but his pathetic ignorance.
and speaking of people who should pressing charges against their pops, YLBleeder comes walking in…
started saving for your kids college yet? nah, didnt think so…lazy n cheap..
And the view from the ‘inner tube’ “pops” on cue.
@74 unfortunately I do not have time to comment but you would think the first thing on the Family Values list if rules would be to not murder your family.
As far as asshat Max, again I just hope his wife doesn’t get cancer, he’d probably would run off to find the Calista of his dreams.