1 Corinthians 14:34-35
Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.
If you want to be a sex object and kitchen slave, marry a fundie; that’ll get it done.
I see in this morning’s news that Trump and his idiotic economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, declared war on Canada.
I wonder if I’m too old to enlist in the Canadian army?
This passage has to be one of Dr. Dumbfuck’s favorite passages from the Bible, full of hate towards women.
What the fuck are they even doing there!? Do you think the guys needed beards?
Considering that under Judaism where the sexes were separated in the temple, and the priesthood is an all male affair, and that women were 2nd class citizens in Corinth society (a woman speaking to a man would get her a sharp rebuke or worse) this whole verse which maybe fraud and is contradicted by Paul in other verses in the same book is actually very progressive for the time. And there just are not that many Jewish Rabbis even today. And this all predates the Catholic church, but there are not many women priests or clerics in the Orthodox church. Judaism may have their own fundamentalists, but they don’t hang out with the fundies RR is referring to, nor do they usually vote straight Republican, and this is true of Catholics and followers of the Othodox faith. And just for fun there is of course Islam that is very much into separation of the sexes, and no one talks back to the Imam.
Guess if you were in Corinth and you wanted to hear women you had to go to a whore house.
Not a liberal western society in those days.
@5 “if you were in Corinth and you wanted to hear women you had to go to a whore house”
I wonder if the Corinthians ever figured out why their whore houses didn’t get any business.
Something not mentioned in HA is that without women there would be no Christian faith. If you accept that there was a Jesus you also have to accept that he had some Rockstar qualities, and that women flocked to his sermons, they supported him and his disciples and play a critical role during his lifetime. They play a critical role in creation of Christianity and these early churches. They chose and often only after that did their men also join or at least tolerate the early church. This suggests Christianity offered something to women hat other religions were not. It’s no accident that even today Mary plays a big role in Catholicism, and has been behind some of the major cataclysms the church has dealt with I some cases harshly. Yet the church cannot remove Mary from which the heresy comes from whether it be Mary the mother or Mary Magdalen the lover of Christ. Oops not supposed to say that secret out loud.
Mary Magdalen, the “Stormy Daniels” of her time.
“If you accept that there was a Jesus you also have to accept that he had some Rockstar qualities, and that women flocked to his sermons,..” Even if you do accept that there was some dude named Jesus during that time, you don’t have to accept that Jesus had Rockstar qualities (the Jews didn’t think he was anything that special). During that time, women did what they were told.
@7 “without women there would be no Christian faith”
No shit, Sherlock.