1 Corinthians 14:34-35
Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.
Hence the Tea Party. Michelle Bachman should learn a thing or two, along with the Dimwit Palin.
Just in case anybody was wondering, most scholars (or at least most *non-fundamentalist* scholars) are pretty sure that this passage is an interpolation, that Paul never actually said this.
Can we extend this rule to the home, too? Wait, just kidding! Ouch oww eek
This was Paul’s admonition for women to not talk amongst themselves while the rabbi was preaching from the sacred scrolls. This ties into Paul’s letter to Galatians… Galatians 3:28 – “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Remember God/Jesus/Holy Spirit chooses His own workers, and God does not judge as DUMMOCRETINS judge. 1 Samuel 16:7 – “But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have rejected him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.” Man looks at the appearance; God judges the heart, and God never makes mistakes; no matter what HA DUMMOCRETINS scream out wrongly.
You know Puddy this was after the break up of the original super group Peter Paul and Mary Paul was really upset with the residuals and there were arguments over who owned the rights and all. Mary really wanted to do that gig at Delphi and do a little speaking in tongues and prophesy and show up the priestess. She could have done it man, but Paul wanted center stage.
Still this passage is used to keep those women folk quiet and down on the farm. Some churches and the Muslims take it to the extreme of separate services for the sexes. Or all the men over here and all the women over there. It’s rather hard to hide the politics on this one though since in temples of the ancient world there were women priestesses and acolytes and they played a strong role in those temples and in some were more important then men. The Hebrews struggled against religions that believed in the feminine and masculine and that both were needed. (Ok those societies were not always perfect about this). Religion and politics and society collide on this one. It’s very much about what men and women get, where, when, but the society we want supplies the why. Paul speaking for god here tries to short circuit this struggle between the sexes. It need not be a struggle, it can be a rather fun tit for tat, but unless one goes for being a monk or nun a completely segregated temple of ones religious choice it’s a struggle we all participate in whether at home, at work, at the market, in church. Ah yes I came, I saw, she conquered. Paul probably wouldn’t agree with that one, even if he saw there could be truth in that. Now the god in Job would see that and get a chuckle out of it. Not Paul’s.
Yet this is no small matter. How do we treat the other half of humanity who are much the same yet so different from us, and so essentially in having a life worth living.
Thank you Wrog for your comments and the web address. Very informative articles.
So Puddy God has x ray vision so he can see the beating of a mans Samuel only mentions men so he can’t see into womens hearts?) heart, and can see the blood flowing through the heart. He can see the oxygenated blood and the darker blood returning after providing oxygen so the bodies cells can burn fuel? Can god see heart disease? Why doesn’t god tell us of these things then? Why doesn’t god get Dummocrats or wonderful Republican’s to the hospital before they are in the throes of a painful heart attack? Why does he not care?
Of course if god can look into a mans mind that might require looking into a mans marvelous brain.
So you claim you know how god sees? HOw can the spirit and Jesus see into the heart of Samuel since this is long before the birth and existence of Jesus. How does God seeth? What does God seeth? And just for grins des God have need of Starship and if so why?
Have I mentioned lately that God is a dick?
Wow Gods name is Richard! I thought it was just Dog spelled backward.