1 Corinthians 10:20
But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
Perhaps Obama wanted the suspense to continue to build prior to his sternly worded warning to Putin.
That was after Bernie sacrificed himself to Hillary by insisting that voters were tired of hearing about her damned emails.
It’s really too bad that Hillary loved carpet-munching too much to sacrifice Huma when she should have.
I love me The Devil. I sacrifice everything for The Devil, including this comment. Long live The Devil. Tell me – who’s gone to hell that has come back to tell us how bad that it really is – nobody! So how bad can it be?
Repukes sacrifice for The Devil. Even this guy
Jon Lender: Who Is This ‘Jessica Monroe’? Does She Exist? Or, Police Ask, Is She Jon Landry?
If the link doesn’t work im sure a little googling will help. Right Jessica!
Jessica – what a pretty name Jessica is.
To think – this guy needed no help From the Russians. At least he’s not a traitor – give him some applause.
@1 when there is nothing good to talk about for the future, I understand why you are stuck in the past. Very bitter Bob and unprofessional.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “Obama and Susan Rice sacrificed Hillary.”
That’s nothing. You sacrificed yourself. Probably out of self-hatred.
Better Stillspews:
What crap!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 There are other blogs if this one doesn’t satisfy your literary needs.
Better Stillspews:
6 U have me confused with someone who gives a shit what you ‘be got to say.
Fuck off!!!!
Mark Adamsspews:
Those cheeky folk in Corinth.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 Maybe the Obama administration should have been much tougher on Russia after the a008 election or 2012 election, Russia interfered in both, but the Obama administration chased the elusive Russia reset.
Hopefully Trump talks tigers with Putin.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 No confusion. You don’t have to be here. You volunteered for that. But I’ll let you lick my cottontail if you’re polite to me.
Talk about sacrifice. The California Democratic party is not endorsing Feinstein, Fortunately it’s only 2 democrats in the race, guess she is the more Republican of the two,
Mark Adamsspews:
@11 Actually you should read Clinton’s book since Putin is really big about the preservation of the Siberian tiger. One of the few times she was able as Secretary of State to make some progress. Or do you think her book is a book of lies? The last possible Siberian elephants went extinct about the time of Christ.
And it is the son, but Putin has cultivated a Teddy Roosevelt like persona, Though no black bear stories…guess it would have to be a white tiger cub.
Mark Adamsspews:
@11 That photo is from a much earlier safari. If it were not for hunters elephants might well be extinct over a larger part of Africa than is. K don’t hear any of you calling for elephants to be reintroduced to North America,,,,perhaps in Kansas or Mexici.
President Trump does not hunt So while Putin would approve and would go on safari it will have to be with Trump Jr. We do not usually paint the father with the sins of the son or vice versa. You know that professionally you would never do this, or did you do it and judges let you get away with it?
Mark Adamsspews:
PS On US policy there are not enough hunters buying enough duck stamps to support wildlife. This is a problem at the state level. Buy a duck stamp today…get a hunting license…you do not have to use it;;;if you support wild life. Support your fellow bunnies RR. (Or if your a bunny from hell, blow them away.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “If it were not for hunters elephants might well be extinct over a larger part of Africa than is.”
Have you asked the elephants how they feel about that?
Put another way, if you’re a duck, are you okay with the government selling a duck stamp that gives a hunter permission to shoot your feathered ass, provided the money is used to conserve other ducks?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 HA is a liberal blog featuring timely topics and a reader forum open to all which is known for attracting highly educated intellectuals of diverse persuasions who engage in lively discussion of issues of the day. The only requirement to participate is a willingness to take an infinite amount of verbal abuse.
@16 we could only hope he says yes.
Suuuuuuuure I believe Trump when he says Putin says Russia didn’t do anything to influence the 2016 election. Riiiiiight. I also believe Bob spins his twisty little tail and flies across Possession Sound because he doesn’t want to contribute to the socialist Washington State Ferries.
Cat Sullivanspews:
My faith believes as so many others that they are the “true” faith. But IMO no religion has the corner market about what is the Truth and what is not. True, I would not shout this in my place of faith, that I see God as God. no matter what name(s) you call God.
The Hindus have many Gods, and btw they are one of the oldest religions known by us, so they should carry some weight as to what “works” and what maintains enough “truthiness” to have survived that many eons.
Indeed many who use the Bagdhavita say the Old Testament is based on their ancient writings. Some of their East Indian faithful say that during his “lost” years, Jesus studied in India under the great Brahmas of his time. If Jesus and his people saw that as the best place to prepare him for his ministry, this is a serious question to consider.
Furthermore, Paul, the supposed writer of Corinthians has some questionable issues. He was a Pharisee, he had no respect for women as leaders in The Church, an he never knew Jesus. Many think he was the man who gave his cloak to someone so he could help stone Stephen, the first known Christian martyr (aside from Jesus). He had a change of heart, one can respect his courage to speak for Jesus’ followers about what he thought all his life was the one True faith.
So even though Paul says different, I say, *no* peoples have the corner market on God. Many of my faith believe much the same and do not buy that nonsense.
My 2 cents…
Obama and Susan Rice sacrificed Hillary.
“Why the Hell Are We Standing Down?”
The secret story of Obama’s response to Putin’s attack on the 2016 election.
Perhaps Obama wanted the suspense to continue to build prior to his sternly worded warning to Putin.
That was after Bernie sacrificed himself to Hillary by insisting that voters were tired of hearing about her damned emails.
It’s really too bad that Hillary loved carpet-munching too much to sacrifice Huma when she should have.
I love me The Devil. I sacrifice everything for The Devil, including this comment. Long live The Devil. Tell me – who’s gone to hell that has come back to tell us how bad that it really is – nobody! So how bad can it be?
Repukes sacrifice for The Devil. Even this guy
Jon Lender: Who Is This ‘Jessica Monroe’? Does She Exist? Or, Police Ask, Is She Jon Landry?
If the link doesn’t work im sure a little googling will help. Right Jessica!
Jessica – what a pretty name Jessica is.
To think – this guy needed no help From the Russians. At least he’s not a traitor – give him some applause.
@1 when there is nothing good to talk about for the future, I understand why you are stuck in the past. Very bitter Bob and unprofessional.
@1 “Obama and Susan Rice sacrificed Hillary.”
That’s nothing. You sacrificed yourself. Probably out of self-hatred.
What crap!!!
@5 There are other blogs if this one doesn’t satisfy your literary needs.
6 U have me confused with someone who gives a shit what you ‘be got to say.
Fuck off!!!!
Those cheeky folk in Corinth.
@1 Maybe the Obama administration should have been much tougher on Russia after the a008 election or 2012 election, Russia interfered in both, but the Obama administration chased the elusive Russia reset.
Hopefully Trump talks tigers with Putin.
@7 No confusion. You don’t have to be here. You volunteered for that. But I’ll let you lick my cottontail if you’re polite to me.
@9 “Hopefully Trump talks tigers with Putin.”
That may come up, especially if he’s jealous of his son posing with the dead elephant. At last report, there were still a few tigers in Siberia.
Talk about sacrifice. The California Democratic party is not endorsing Feinstein, Fortunately it’s only 2 democrats in the race, guess she is the more Republican of the two,
@11 Actually you should read Clinton’s book since Putin is really big about the preservation of the Siberian tiger. One of the few times she was able as Secretary of State to make some progress. Or do you think her book is a book of lies? The last possible Siberian elephants went extinct about the time of Christ.
And it is the son, but Putin has cultivated a Teddy Roosevelt like persona, Though no black bear stories…guess it would have to be a white tiger cub.
@11 That photo is from a much earlier safari. If it were not for hunters elephants might well be extinct over a larger part of Africa than is. K don’t hear any of you calling for elephants to be reintroduced to North America,,,,perhaps in Kansas or Mexici.
Here is the rest of the story behind that photo:
President Trump does not hunt So while Putin would approve and would go on safari it will have to be with Trump Jr. We do not usually paint the father with the sins of the son or vice versa. You know that professionally you would never do this, or did you do it and judges let you get away with it?
PS On US policy there are not enough hunters buying enough duck stamps to support wildlife. This is a problem at the state level. Buy a duck stamp today…get a hunting license…you do not have to use it;;;if you support wild life. Support your fellow bunnies RR. (Or if your a bunny from hell, blow them away.)
@15 “If it were not for hunters elephants might well be extinct over a larger part of Africa than is.”
Have you asked the elephants how they feel about that?
Put another way, if you’re a duck, are you okay with the government selling a duck stamp that gives a hunter permission to shoot your feathered ass, provided the money is used to conserve other ducks?
@7 HA is a liberal blog featuring timely topics and a reader forum open to all which is known for attracting highly educated intellectuals of diverse persuasions who engage in lively discussion of issues of the day. The only requirement to participate is a willingness to take an infinite amount of verbal abuse.
@16 we could only hope he says yes.
Suuuuuuuure I believe Trump when he says Putin says Russia didn’t do anything to influence the 2016 election. Riiiiiight. I also believe Bob spins his twisty little tail and flies across Possession Sound because he doesn’t want to contribute to the socialist Washington State Ferries.
My faith believes as so many others that they are the “true” faith. But IMO no religion has the corner market about what is the Truth and what is not. True, I would not shout this in my place of faith, that I see God as God. no matter what name(s) you call God.
The Hindus have many Gods, and btw they are one of the oldest religions known by us, so they should carry some weight as to what “works” and what maintains enough “truthiness” to have survived that many eons.
Indeed many who use the Bagdhavita say the Old Testament is based on their ancient writings. Some of their East Indian faithful say that during his “lost” years, Jesus studied in India under the great Brahmas of his time. If Jesus and his people saw that as the best place to prepare him for his ministry, this is a serious question to consider.
Furthermore, Paul, the supposed writer of Corinthians has some questionable issues. He was a Pharisee, he had no respect for women as leaders in The Church, an he never knew Jesus. Many think he was the man who gave his cloak to someone so he could help stone Stephen, the first known Christian martyr (aside from Jesus). He had a change of heart, one can respect his courage to speak for Jesus’ followers about what he thought all his life was the one True faith.
So even though Paul says different, I say, *no* peoples have the corner market on God. Many of my faith believe much the same and do not buy that nonsense.
My 2 cents…