I will be coastally impaired this weekend, so Darryl from Hominid Views will be supplementing my meager posting with his own unique brand of wit and wisdom. I expect you all to show him the same kindness and respect in the comment threads as you’ve always shown me.
Have a safe trip. Darryl, welcome to our war against wingnut ‘thread’ terrorists. (How2b an ASS, MTR, jch, MWS, amerikkkfirst and ButtPuddy to name a few)
And KKKLake. Don’t forget KKKlake
Principal Victoria: “Show the substitute teacher the same respect that you have for Mr. Garrison. Kyle?”
Kyle: “But we don’t respect Mr. Garrison.”
Principal Victoria: “OK, then.”
GOP Crook Watch…
We got Ney. Now the clock is ticking on DeLay!
When even Mickey Mouse has been co-opted by Dominionists, and starts trying to feed us Happy Meals of blatant right-wing propaganda on network TV, it’s hard not to feel daunted by the sheer momentum of the forces that have been set in motion against us.
— Sara Robinson, http://dneiwert.blogspot.com/
Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens
With the stupid, the Gods themselves fight in vain
I think there are two clear paths ahead. This nation can listen to the dictates of fear and hubris as the administration alternately ignores Al Qaeda and then trumpets their success. Alternately brags about success in Iraq and then ignores it, and all the while beats the tom-toms for war with Iran.
Yes, our country could slide that way if we listen to the dictates of fear. But we have nothing to fear in this country. We’re still the greatest power in the world. And we can be the greatest force of good in the world. And we can keep ourselves safe.
I’d like us to resolve on this 5th Anniversary of 9/11, that we as Americans no longer need live in fear. We should live in determination that we’ll protect ourselves. Support our friends and allies around the world. Work together to solve the common problems that face mankind. And above all, we’ll make sure that at home that we never sacrifice the liberties and rights that define our country. Even in an effort to protect ourselves.
We can have it all. We can do it all.
We just have to be courageous and face the facts as they are and work for the future as we want it to be.
— General Wesley Clark
Deceitful push polls attacking Democrats across the country by snake who funded Swift Boat Veterans Lying Through Their Teeth.
They can’t win on the issuesall they HAVE are dirty tricks.
How sweet it is…
New Pew poll:
As the congressional midterm campaign begins in earnest, the mood of the electorate is sharply drawn. Voters are disappointed with Congress and disapproving of President Bush. Anti-incumbent sentiment, while a bit lower than a few months ago, is far more extensive than in the previous two midterms and remains close to 1994 levels. Moreover, there are indications that voters are viewing the election through the prism of national issues and concerns. Many more voters see their vote as being against the president than at a comparable point in 1994, and a solid majority says party control of Congress will be a factor in their voting decision.
Voters are expressing strong and consistent anti-Republican attitudes. The GOP lags well behind the Democratic Party on nearly all major issues, including the economy, Iraq, education, health care, the environment and the budget deficit. And the Republicans have lost ground in recent years even on such traditional strengths as terrorism and improving the nation’s morality.
As in six previous surveys over the past 12 months, voters by a wide margin say they favor the Democratic congressional candidate in their district (50%-39%). When the sample is narrowed to likely voters, approximately half of registered voters, the Democratic lead is undiminished. That Democrats poll as well among likely voters as among all voters may reflect the fact that Democrats, in contrast to recent campaigns, are more enthusiastic about voting than are Republicans.
Courtesy Americablog:
“When Bush’s torture policies put American soldiers “at risk,” to quote Colin Powell, he’s not supporting the troops. The media is confused because they thought Bush and Rove were going to use the torture debate against the Democrats. But, this battle is between Republicans with military credentials (Warner, McCain, Graham and Powell) and Republicans who use the military and terrorism for partisan politics (Rove, Bush, Cheney).”
The Senate…rejected a plan to inspect every inbound cargo container for nuclear weapons.
“….The Senate tabled, 61-37, an amendment offered by Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., that would have required that 100 percent of the cargo containers headed for the United States be scanned within four years. Shippers would have picked up the cost.”
“….Collins said the bill would move toward 100 percent inspections when it was “proved and feasible.” Doing it prematurely could create a massive backlog of containers waiting on the docks to be inspected, she said.”
Republicans have been blocking serious port inspection legislation for years. Why is it reasonable to mandate a timetable for 100% pass rates on standardized tests for schoolchildren, but not reasonable to mandate a timetable for 100% inspection of cargo containers headed for U.S. ports?
You would have to hate America to vote for any Republican at this time in history…..
Now let’s hear it from the anti investigation, anti truth, anti accountability crowd!
The folks that thing the US Government should be run like the mob.
Well, I am watching W talk about the Geneva convention act. I hope the American public is not fooled. His line is old and tired.
For your reading pleasure:
“The Patriot Act has increased the flow of information within our government and it has helped break up terrorist cells in the United States of America. And the United States Congress was right to renew the terrorist act — the Patriot Act.” –George W. Bush, Washington, D.C. , Sept. 7, 2006
“I said I was looking for a book to read, Laura said you ought to cry Camus. I also read three Shakespeares. … I’ve got a eck-a-lec-tic reading list.” –George W. Bush, interview with NBC’s Brian Williams, New Orleans, La., Aug. 29, 2006 (Watch video clip)
“And I suspect that what you’ll see, Toby, is there will be a momentum, momentum will be gathered. Houses will begat jobs, jobs will begat houses.” –George W. Bush, talking to reporters along the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast, Gulfport, Miss., Aug. 28, 2006
“I would guess, I would surmise that some of the more spectacular bombings are done by al Qaeda suiciders.” –George W. Bush, on violence in Iraq, Washington, D.C., Aug. 21, 2006
“The United States of America is engaged in a war against an extremist group of folks.” –George W. Bush, McLean, Va., Aug. 15, 2006
W is a tortured public speaker. He trips up more than any politician I have ever heard. Shameful, just shameful.
Gee, Bush does not like being questioned. He is very testy today. He was asked what if an American soldier was treated as his is proposing, how would he react. He seems fine with it. He did not answer the question, but he did scream about the “program” going forward.
I may vomit here.
For MTR (hope this works)
Krugman: “…the data refute any suggestion that education is a guarantee of income gains: once you adjust for inflation, you find that the income of a typical household headed by a college graduate was lower in 2005 than in 2000.”
So if those bad ol’ whatever-you-call-the-people-you-don’t-think-of-as-“Producers” DO get an education, they’ll just keep falling behind with the rest of us here in the Bush Boom.
Table H-13. Educational Attainment of Householder
Households with Householder 25 Years Old and Over by
Median Income: 1991 to 2005
…Bachelor’s Degree or More
Median income
Ok, here’s the bottom line figures, then…
median income for households w/bachelor’s dgree or morein constant 2005 dollars:
2005 $77,179
2004 $76,788
2003 $77,942
2002 $79,895
2001 $79,714
2000 $81,438
Bush is doing a press conference at 11:15 a.m. this morning. His full blown campaign to scare Americans hasn’t had the results he’s wanted yet according to the latest AP/Ipsos poll:
By a double-digit margin, likely voters say they still are more inclined to put Democrats in control of Congress after a dozen years of Republican rule.
The marginal shifts in public sentiment toward Republicans follow a campaign-season span in which Bush, members of his Cabinet and rank-and-file lawmakers pounded Democrats on national security. In the days surrounding the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Republicans have vilified war critics as defeatists who embolden terrorists, and likened them to Nazi appeasers.
The AP-Ipsos poll asked Americans if the election for the House were held today, would they vote for the Democratic or Republican candidate in their district. Democrats had a 14-point edge among likely voters, 53 percent to 39 percent. That’s narrower than last month but still a wide gap.
Also, on the question of who would best protect the country, 43 percent of likely voters side with Democrats and 41 percent choose Republicans.
If Only Bin Laden Had a Stained Blue Dress
Ann Coulter, FrontPageMagazine.com
September 14, 2006
If you wonder why it took 50 years to get the truth about Joe McCarthy, consider the fanatical campaign of the Clinton acolytes to kill an ABC movie that relies on the 9/11 commission report, which whitewashed only 90 percent of Clinton’s cowardice and incompetence in the face of terrorism, rather than 100 percent.
Islamic jihadists attacked America year after year throughout the Clinton administration. They did everything but blow up his proverbial “bridge to the 21st century.” Every year but one, Clinton found an excuse not to fight back.
The first month Clinton was in office, Islamic terrorists with suspected links to al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein bombed the World Trade Center.
For the first time ever, a terrorist act against America was treated not as a matter of national security, but exclusively as a simple criminal offense. The individual bombers were tried in a criminal court. (The one plotter who got away fled to Iraq, that peaceful haven of kite-flying children until Bush invaded and turned it into a nation of dangerous lunatics.)
In 1995 and 1996, various branches of the Religion of Peace – al-Qaida, Hezbollah and the Iranian “Party of God” – staged car bomb attacks on American servicemen in Saudi Arabia, killing 24 members of our military in all. Each time, the Clinton administration came up with an excuse to do nothing.
Despite the Democrats’ current claim that only the capture of Osama bin Laden will magically end terrorism forever, Clinton turned down Sudan’s offer to hand us bin Laden in 1996. That year, Mohamed Atta proposed the 9/11 attack to bin Laden.
Clinton refused the handover of bin Laden because – he said in taped remarks on Feb. 15, 2002 – “(bin Laden) had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him.” Luckily, after 9/11, we can get him on that trespassing charge.
Although Clinton made the criminal justice system the entire U.S. counterterrorism strategy, there was not even an indictment filed after the bombing of either Khobar Towers (1996) or the USS Cole (2000). Indictments were not filed until after Bush/Ashcroft came into office.
Only in 1998 did the Clinton-haters (“normal people”) force Clinton into a military response. Solely because of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Clinton finally lobbed a few bombs in the general direction of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.
In August 1998, three days after Clinton admitted to the nation that he did in fact have “sex with that woman,” he bombed Afghanistan and Sudan, doing about as much damage as another Clinton fusillade did to a blue Gap dress.
The day of Clinton’s scheduled impeachment, Dec. 18, 1998, he bombed Iraq. This accomplished two things: 1) It delayed his impeachment for one day, and 2) it got a lot of Democrats on record about the monumental danger of Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction.
So don’t tell me impeachment “distracted” Clinton from his aggressive pursuit of terrorists. He never would have bombed anyone if it weren’t for the Clinton-haters..
As soon as Clinton was no longer “distracted” by impeachment, he went right back to doing nothing in response to terrorism. In October 2000, al-Qaida bombed the USS Cole, killing 17 sailors and nearly sinking the ship.
Clinton did nothing. This is only an abbreviated list of Clinton’s surrender to Islamic savagery. For a president who supposedly stayed up all night “working” and hated vacations, Clinton sure spent a lot of time sitting around on his butt while America was being attacked.
Ok leftwing nutjobs, bring on the hatred and profanity. After all, rather than cogent logicical responses, that is all you have to offer.
Commentby klake— 9/14/06@ 8:01 pm (on the “McGavic calls for crackdown” thread)
Mr. Lake
If you’re trying to make the argument that belief in God is not only acceptable in the United States, but is a part of our history, you’ll have to check down at the next window. Lots of liberals and Democrats, yours truly included, agree.
What we also agree on, however, is that such belief is not manditory, and that an obvious show of religion in the public forum (a wonderful example would be the ten commandments monument in a courthouse) gives the impression than anyone that does not agree will not recieve equal rights and justice under our system.
There have been various examples of differing “official” positions by governments of various countries. We have seen the officially atheist countries of the communist block, wherein, if you did believe in God, you could count on public officials deliberately making your life even more miserable than they did for everyone else.
There are the theocratic governments, wherein if you did not believe in their version of God, again, public officials (and even private citizens) would go out of their way to make your life miserable. We need not even go to Iran and Saudi Arabia for examples. Egypt will do just fine, where the local Christians are second-class citizens. Many jobs and benefits are either officially or unofficially refused to non-Muslims. With the exception of Vatican City, I cannot immediately think of a current Christian country where that is so, but we don’t have to go far back in history to find several.
Then we have our system, where I would say that the government is “unofficially agnostic”. It goes out of its way to have no official position, and leaves faith completely in the hands of its citizens. Sometimes the insistance on official neutrality reaches (my opinion here) a point of silliness, and sometimes officials go too far in their zeal to avoid offending anyone.
It’s a big country, and some of our public officials are idiots. No real surprise there, and certainly no argument from yours truly. There have also been abuses from all sides. Again, no real surprise.
Nobody on either side of this issue is completely satisfied. Some atheists object to any mention of God, and want to forbid the carrying of a Bible on school grounds. Some Christians want to go back to manditory Christian education in public schools, regardless of the faith of the student.
If you want to read what I think is an excellent article on what most (but certainly not all) liberals believe to be the issue (at least so far as schools), try: http://www.tfn.org/religiousright/haynes112005/
Oh, and for Darryl, from an old Sailor. Welcome aboard, secure for sea and stand by for heavy rolls.
I will leave the cogent, thoughtful answers to others today.
I would like to say PBJ @ 27, nice cut and paste. Where is your original thought, where is your logical response?
You are a hack for the WingNuts, talking pointy headed minion. Loser. Sad sack
Go Fuck Yourself, then come back and write something in your own words, with your own thoughts.
What a schmuck!!!!
pbj shill – you post an article from Frontpage Magazine by ANNE COULTER and you expect to taken seriously?
Sorry pbj shill the provenance of the material is well known. The only logical response is to ignore it unless enough people are actually so gullible to take it at face value.
That wouldn’t include you of course.
Ah, Left Foot (in your mouth). You never fail to deliver on vitriol. I guess if that is what passes as coherent thought on the left, so be it. So much for the “intellectual elite”.
So basically “Clueless” cannot refute a thing Ann says. Thanks for admitting it. ;)
Hey everyone. Have a happy day! :) I know liberals are too bitter to actually do so, but I wish them a nice day too!
I wish all righties a bad day, a bad week, a bad month and a bad life. Crooks, cooks and cowards like those on the right don’t deserve a good day.
Another right wing criminal organization exposed and another crushing blow to the right wing taliban!
Representative Bob Ney, Republican of Ohio, has agreed to plead guilty to federal criminal charges related to his dealings with the corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff, lawyers and others with knowledge of the investigation said Thursday.
A guilty plea would make Mr. Ney, a six-term congressman, the first member of Congress to admit to criminal charges in the Abramoff investigation, which has focused on the actions of several current and former Republican lawmakers who had been close to the former lobbyist.
People with detailed knowledge of the investigation said Mr. Ney had entered an in-patient rehabilitation facility in recent days for treatment of alcoholism, making it uncertain whether he would appear at a court hearing to announce the plea. Lawyers and others would speak only anonymously because of concern they would anger prosecutors.
They said the agreement with the Justice Department — and the exact criminal charges, which are expected to include conspiracy and false statement — would be disclosed in Washington as soon as Friday and would probably require Mr. Ney to serve at least some time in prison.
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09.....094&e n=b82693329e8322f8&hp=&ex=1158292800&partner=homepage&pagewanted=print &oref=slogin
Posting a lie, and than asking people to rebut it point by point is kind of foolish, don’t you think?
However, just to show how foolish your post is, let’s start with the very first half of the very first sentence of Coulter’s propaganda piece:
If you wonder why it took 50 years to get the truth about Joe McCarthy
It might have taken Ms. Coulter 50 years to find out the truth about Joe McCarthy, but the rest of us knew he was a drunken, power hungry, paranoid fool with no decency ever since he was called out in the Army hearings, and Edward R. Murrow (Washington State native and real journalist, not a liar like Coulter), pointed that fact out in the 50s.
If the very first half of the very first sentence is total claptrap, why waste any time with the rest of the pact of lies that makes up Coulter’s screed.
I expect you all to show him the same kindness and respect in the comment threads as you’ve always shown me.
Man, you don’t like Darryl very much, do you?
Oh, goody! I get to take apart an Ann Coulter article! It’s like Christmas! Where to begin?
Commentby pbj— 9/15/06@ 9:51 am
If you wonder why it took 50 years to get the truth about Joe McCarthy, consider the fanatical campaign of the Clinton acolytes to kill an ABC movie that relies on the 9/11 commission report, which whitewashed only 90 percent of Clinton’s cowardice and incompetence in the face of terrorism, rather than 100 percent.
1st – what the “Clinton acolytes” (a euphemism for anyone not entirely thrilled with President Bush) were complaining about was where the movie changed the facts in the 9/11 report. As to Ms. Coulter’s other claim, I can only note that the report was done under the auspices of the Republican controlled Congress, that had no incentive to “whitewash” any of President Clinton’s actions. Quite the contrary, in fact.
Islamic jihadists attacked America year after year throughout the Clinton administration. They did everything but blow up his proverbial “bridge to the 21st century.” Every year but one, Clinton found an excuse not to fight back.
Answered many times on other forums, but the main thrust of this is that the “fighting back” did not include invading countries that had little or nothing to do with the attacks. Essentially, anything less than a full-scale invasion of another country does not seem to count with as “fighting back” with Ms. Coulter and her fawning followers.
The first month Clinton was in office, Islamic terrorists with suspected links to al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein bombed the World Trade Center.
I’ll take these two out of order. First, what link to Saddam Hussein? Are we back to trying to link Iraq and al-Qaida again? Those two were the perfect rebuttal to the phrase “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Those folks hated each other as much as either of them hated us.
Next, last time I checked, the mastermind of that little attempt is still in jail, having sunlight pumped in on alternate Thursdays.
For the first time ever, a terrorist act against America was treated not as a matter of national security, but exclusively as a simple criminal offense. The individual bombers were tried in a criminal court. (The one plotter who got away fled to Iraq, that peaceful haven of kite-flying children until Bush invaded and turned it into a nation of dangerous lunatics.)
Ok, again, other than Ms. Coulter, who says it was not treated as a matter of national security?
As to the second part of that, well, I’ve highlighted the important phrase above. They were not exactly a “peaceful haven of kite-flying children”, but they were contained.
In 1995 and 1996, various branches of the Religion of Peace – al-Qaida, Hezbollah and the Iranian “Party of God” – staged car bomb attacks on American servicemen in Saudi Arabia, killing 24 members of our military in all. Each time, the Clinton administration came up with an excuse to do nothing.
Again, answered many times. Many things were done, most especially going after the perpetrators and either capturing or killing them.
The complaint appears to be that we did not kill their entire villages and carpet-bomb their countries. Sorry, but as a member of the United States Military myself, I decline to commit genocide just to appease folks that think that “an eye for an eye” is some sort of liberal conspiracy.
Despite the Democrats’ current claim that only the capture of Osama bin Laden will magically end terrorism forever, Clinton turned down Sudan’s offer to hand us bin Laden in 1996. That year, Mohamed Atta proposed the 9/11 attack to bin Laden.
Clinton refused the handover of bin Laden because – he said in taped remarks on Feb. 15, 2002 – “(bin Laden) had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him.” Luckily, after 9/11, we can get him on that trespassing charge.
Let’s see. The claim is that President Clinton declined to take custody of bin Ladin because he would have had to release him in accordance with US law. Essentially, he had yet to commit a crime here, and our system does not allow for locking someone away forever because he’s thinking about committing a crime. Ok. I’ve got it.
Although Clinton made the criminal justice system the entire U.S. counterterrorism strategy, there was not even an indictment filed after the bombing of either Khobar Towers (1996) or the USS Cole (2000). Indictments were not filed until after Bush/Ashcroft came into office.
Hmmm. Assumptions without evidence. Exactly who (besides Ms. Coulter) is saying that the entire U.S. counterterrorism strategy was the criminal justice system. I should point out that I was in the military in 1996, so watch what you say. I will point out unwarrented assumptions, like the one above.
Only in 1998 did the Clinton-haters (“normal people”) force Clinton into a military response. Solely because of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Clinton finally lobbed a few bombs in the general direction of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.
Again, we’re linking Saddam and Osama. Let’s try again. There was no link. They hated each other. Are those words small enough for you? I’ve kept them at five letters or less.
In August 1998, three days after Clinton admitted to the nation that he did in fact have “sex with that woman,” he bombed Afghanistan and Sudan, doing about as much damage as another Clinton fusillade did to a blue Gap dress.
If you want to talk about Mr. Clinton’s apparent inability to keep his zipper in the full and upright position, you’ll get no argument from yours truly. Unfortunately that is not the topic of this article.
As to the bombings in Afghanistan and Sudan, those were following evidence of links to terrorist activities. You don’t get to have it both ways, saying that he did nothing, then saying that he did something but you don’t like the timing, and it didn’t kill enough people to satisfy some thirst for revenge.
The day of Clinton’s scheduled impeachment, Dec. 18, 1998, he bombed Iraq. This accomplished two things: 1) It delayed his impeachment for one day, and 2) it got a lot of Democrats on record about the monumental danger of Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction.
So many assumptions in one sentance. If I make words work that hard, I pay them extra. Still, let me answer the basic premise of this article (that President Clinton did nothing about folks attacking us) with one short clip from above. “He bombed Iraq”.
So don’t tell me impeachment “distracted” Clinton from his aggressive pursuit of terrorists. He never would have bombed anyone if it weren’t for the Clinton-haters..
As soon as Clinton was no longer “distracted” by impeachment, he went right back to doing nothing in response to terrorism. In October 2000, al-Qaida bombed the USS Cole, killing 17 sailors and nearly sinking the ship.
Nothing, except sending one of the largest (the largest? I’m not sure) armies of FBI, CIA and Military Intelligence personnel ever used since WWII out to help our allied countries find and prosecute the folks that actually planned and executed the bombing.
Oops, sorry, we should have invaded someone that had nothing to do with the incident and killed a bunch of innocent civilians instead. Perhaps Sweden would have been a good choice from Ms. Coulter’s perspective. Their a pretty left-leaning bunch there. Heck, some terrorists have even hidden in Sweden from time to time, and it would be nice to get our Volvos cheaper.
Clinton did nothing. This is only an abbreviated list of Clinton’s surrender to Islamic savagery. For a president who supposedly stayed up all night “working” and hated vacations, Clinton sure spent a lot of time sitting around on his butt while America was being attacked.
Clinton did lots of things. Since the individual points of the argument are bogus, the conclusion based on those points is equally bogus.
Commentby pbj— 9/15/06@ 9:53 am
ok leftwing nutjobs, bring on the hatred and profanity. After all, rather than cogent logicical responses, that is all you have to offer.
Yes, I realize that from an extreme right-wing perspective, reasoned arguments sound like hatred and profanity. “Clinton” has become a dirty word to you folks way out on the far-right fringe. Personally, I can understand that. From a moderate position, after using Ms. Coulter’s name several times here, I feel like washing my keyboard with Lysol.
pbj @ 34
Boy, you seem chipper and charitable today. Did your doctor up your dose of Oxycontin?
Excellent post John.
Even American voters can occasionally figure out something that’s been right in front of them for several years.
Federal spending increased by 9 percent this year alone — the biggest increase since 1990, when those other big-spending liberals were in charge of Congress — to $2.7 trillion.
Republican voters are so disgusted that they’re threatening to stay home in November — or even vote for a comparatively thrifty Democrat!
“I think we can make a pretty good case that we have tried to discipline the budget,” said Sen. Judd Gregg, the Republican chairman of the Budget Committee. And then he laughed and laughed.
9% is better than Washington State spending last biennium…..
On a side note, having nothing to do with my joy at getting to pick apart she who must not be named‘s article.
Working with my local (26th District) Democrats last night, I called a bunch of folks up in Kitsap County to ensure that they had recieved their absentee ballots and knew that September 19th is the deadline.
Being that this is important enough for me (who hates telemarketing) to steel myself and call a bunch of strangers at dinnertime, I would also like to make the pitch here.
Please get your ballots in before the 19th of September!
And, if someone from the party is reading this, could we please check our lists against the “do not call” list? I know that the law does not strictly pertain to this type of call, but if someone has asked not to receive marketing calls, we should, out of courtesy, honor their request.
Can we start substance testing of Congresspeople? Bob Ney should have gotten the help he needs years ago!
Daddy 24, 25 – So what’s your point?
The point would seem to be that median income, when adjusted for inflation, has gone down steadly under Bush.
My income has gone steadily up with President Bush, I especially like his tax cuts and I need more of the same next year to break even with all of the FUCKING tax increases here in Washington State.
Unfortunately, We ain’t seen nothing yet, this next legislative session will bring on the big tax hikes in property and sins.
The mantra is “It’s for the Kids!” and boy are they a needy bunch in this state, they all NEED 100% free medical care provided by the taxpayers, they all NEED more education dollars, they all NEED more welfare dollars for their mom’s and their child care providers too!
Sarge @ 48
Wyoming’s waiting for you.
Wyoming? Other than the big sky, what other nice things do they have? do they have big evergreen trees everywhere?
What are their taxes?
Jeez, I even said so. If simpler is better for you, JDB replied to your query as well.
“My income has gone steadily up with President Bush”
Lots of people get raises and such, or their businesses grow. You make it sound like he’s paying you. Is your gross income higher BECAUSE of President Bush.
If so, you are lucky, as my table showed. Since the median income is that income at which half of the population is below it and half above, the drop in median income 200-2005 reflectd things like the fall of real wages, and the increase in teh nuber of low-paying jobs.
Actually (to MTR) the table was to show you that median incomes FOR COLLEGE GRADUATES is dropping 2000-2005, because you’re always browbeating poor people to get educated as the path to success, I guess if you define success as falling real wages.
Hey Sarge-
Either you work for “Black Water” of you’re REALLY bad at math.
There you go again, Daddy Love,
I have never browbeat anyone to get educated…..
Yes, my increase in income is directly because of President Bush. He signed the concurrent disability law that allows me and other veterans to draw a military retirement and VA disability. Veteran groups worked for over 30 years to get it into law and it was finally signed and implemented by President Bush.
And lets not forget that under President Bush, the payment to soldier’s families who die in combat was raised from a pawltry $12K under the “caring” liberals to over $250K.
:) Smile liberals. You may not ever get a congressional majority, but you will always have your hate and bitterness to keep your warm at night.
And try to have a nice day. Seriously , I mean it. YOu live in the greatest nation on earth. ;)
12K? Not……..
SGLI was 20K for years, then it raised to 40K, then it raised to I think 100K, then finally 250K……
Clinton did away with collecting separate rations for soldiers in combat…….
PBJ at 32 and 56:
Vitriol, abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will.
I bear you no ill will. I have not blamed you for anything, and my language, while colorful, is, in my opinion, not abusive.
Now wipe your eyes, take your sanctimonious, lying, plagiarizing ass over to (un)SP and post there.
Oh, and shove the cut and paste bullshit up your ass and then GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!
While I applaud President Bush for signing the concurrent disability law, I would point out that he was not exactly the first to propose it.
It had been proposed many times, with President Clinton expected to sign it, would it have made it through the Republican controlled Congress. It was stopped every time until the Republicans could claim credit for it.
One example, the “Veterans Compensation Equity Act of 1999, H.R. 1764” was proposed by a Democrat, Rep. Lane Evans [D-IL], and died a lingering death in committee, as it was not sponsored by Republicans.
Not to say that my side never plays politics with people’s lives, but to give full credit to the President and the Republicans after they stonewalled the effort for years seems a bit disingenuous.
PBJ @ 56:
One last thing. I do live in the greatest country on earth. It affords me freedom of speech, among other rights, and I enjoy them more than I can express in words here.
If you don’t like the fact that I can pepper my speech with fuck, shit and cocksucker, well you have a choice. You can direct your God Damn browser away from HorsesAss.org and not read what any of us has said.
You see, freedom of speech works both ways. That is why censorship in mostly unnecessary. (kiddie porn being one exception that comes to mind).
So do what I do when I see something I don’t like, turn the page, put the book down, change TV stations, flip the radio dial, close your eyes, turn your head.
But whatever you don’t attempt to stop me, or criticize me for excercising my right to free speech. You don’t like it? Too fucking bad.
I remember pbj shill when he posed as a Democrat doing his nasty troll thing. Goldy exposed him good.
Pbj shill don’t go holier than thou on us. You’re a scumbag.
“Veteran groups worked for over 30 years to get it into law and it was finally signed and implemented by President Bush.”
I don’t know the how’s or the why’s……… other than most people said it was too expensive…….. I thought Clinton was going to sign it too!
Bush certainly didn’t come up with it……..
Clinton removing the separate rations deductions helped junior soldiers tremendously!
Ah, PBJ. Quick to criticize, quick to point at the liberals that don’t answer your posts point by point.
Except, of course, that I spent considerable time doing just that. Apparently this is some sort of right-wing maneuver to get liberals to waste a bunch of time.
Must all of us answer your cut-and-paste post? Individually?
You spent five minutes glancing over another of Ms. Coulter’s feeble attempts at wisdom, did a quick “highlight, cut, paste” and then you expect fifteen or twenty lengthy responses? We’re a smart, thoughtful bunch here, but our time is not unlimited. One lengthy response is all you’re likely to get, if that. These things take more time to post, as I can’t just go to the “responses to Ann Coulter” page and get my response.
Now, the fact that a reasonably well-educated retired Sailor that now spends his time selling real estate can rebut every point from the “voice of conservatism” in about an hour with the limited resources available to me should tell you something about how feeble her points really are.
If she was as smart as you folks on the extreme far right seem to think she is, it would have been far harder for me to counter each and every one of her talking points.
As it was, I found it an amusing way of passing an hour while I wasn’t busy with something else.
Anyone that has ever taken high school debate should be able to recognize Ms. Coulter’s style. She takes some outrageous assumption, lables it a “given” and then proceeds to “prove” points that have no basis in reality. Actually attacking the “given” is against the rules.
In high school debate class, we used to do this. It was fun, and with the proper “given” you could prove anything. One minor difference here. In debate class, we knew that we really hadn’t proven that black was white, up was down or that the sun really revolved around the earth.
Ms. Coulter and her fawning followers on the extreme right (that would seem to include you, pbj) have either lost sight of this fact, or are deliberately ignoring it.
You criticize us for not answering your post, as you have taken as a “given” that we won’t answer your post. Evidence to the contrary is not allowed, as by the rules of the game, you may not attack the “given”.
Sorry, pbj. This isn’t debate class.
PBJ, in case you did not understand John Barelli’s well written responce, her is a shorter version for you.
None of care what you have to cut, paste and post here. You are a fucking looney toon with nary an original thought in your little pin head.
If you want to debate, fine. But use your own fucking words. Think for yourself.
Now that said, have a nice fucking day.
sure wish I could type as fast as I think, I would not leave out words, but you get the idea.
“You may not ever get a congressional majority”
Oh, we’ll get it all right.
sgmmac @ 54
The remark on education was to MTR and I labeled it as such.
As for your veterans’ pay, why did Reagan and Bush I hate our soldiers?
sgmmac @ 54
So you’re on a fixed income? Then you must love Bush’s skyrocketing oil prices, real estate bubble, and rising inflation.
But of course you don’t care that people who work for a living are falling ever farther behind under Bush.
hi John,
Already voted.
Sorry, Daddy,
I thought you were getting on my butt over education. Not that I’m opposed to education…….
As for Reagan and Bush I, Reagan gave us the biggest pay raise in the history of the military (recent history anyways) – over 11 % right after he took office. Bush I wasn’t bad with raises either. Of course anything was an improvement over Carter who truly hated us all.
Clinton wasn’t that bad with the military, not nearly as bad as some would lead you to believe.
Turns out that the inflation trend from 1990-2004 was down, and now it’s turned back up.
Yes, I am on a fixed income and I do care about skyrocketing oil prices. Have you missed my posts slamming Cantwell for her opposition to drilling anywhere on the planet?
I bought my house in 2000, so the bubble doesn’t affect me! The working class would be much better off in this state if there was a state income tax…….. said it many times – the rabbit likes it too!
Carl Grossman, I noticed your picture of “Mrs. Grossman” was NOT wearing a wedding ring. Carl…………….Carl…………………..Carl………………….ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carl Grossman, I noticed your picture of “Mrs. Grossman” was NOT wearing a wedding ring. Carl…………….Carl…………………..Carl………………….ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PBJ @ 56:
If you don’t like the fact that I can pepper my speech with fuck, shit and cocksucker, well you have a choice. You can direct your God Damn browser away from HorsesAss.org and not read what any of us has said.
You see, freedom of speech works both ways. That is why censorship in mostly unnecessary. (kiddie porn being one exception that comes to mind).
But whatever you don’t attempt to stop me, or criticize me for excercising my right to free speech. You don’t like it? Too fucking bad.
Commentby My Left Foot [……….Or Carl could report you to the “police authorities”!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!]
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate candidate Bob Casey Jr. used a speech at Catholic University yesterday to place himself among the growing number of Democrats seeking to loosen the Republican Party’s grip on religious voters. Decrying a climate of “fear” and division in the nation, Casey called for a renewed commitment to the “common good” and for political leadership that demands shared sacrifice in order to achieve it.
“Casey called for a renewed commitment to the “common good” and for political leadership that demands shared sacrifice in order to achieve it. ”
Ho Chi Minh, Mao Tse Tung, Kim Jong-Il, Lenin and PIAPS couldn’t have written it any better. Oh yeah, PIAPS said almost the same thing,
“We’re goin to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” ~~Hillary Clinton, June 2004.
Democrat parasite socialist scumbags.
What he really meant was, “You’ll get yours and everybody else can fuck off and die.” Can you support Casey now?
Daddy Love……Nope. Democrats equals socialism. It’s as simple as that.
Ah, yes, the made-up phrase you attribute to Maria Cantwell as her attitude.
I assume (because she’s more or less famous for oposing drilling in ANWR) that you think that recovering ANWR’s absolute maximum of about 9 billions barrels over 20 years’ time in a world where the IPCC says we have somewhere from 5 to 18 trillion barrels of total reserves will bring down prices? Sure it will.
MTR says Democrats=Nazis. Is he wrong?
Daddy love,
I started saying Cantwell “can’t drill anywhere in the fucking world” because of her very recent vote against drilling in the gulf, which Sen Mary Landrieu wanted because it returned millions in oil revenue to Lousiana who desperately needs the money for their recovery. In spite of Cantwell, the bill passed.
“So you’re on a fixed income? Then you must love Bush’s skyrocketing oil prices, real estate bubble, and rising inflation.
But of course you don’t care that people who work for a living are falling ever farther behind under Bush. “
Um, oil prices are going DOWN. Bushes fault?
I have to say how interesting I find it to be lectured on free speech by liberals after they just used their government authority to threaten to pull ABC’s broadcasting license if they didn’t suppress the very truthful “Path to 911”.
Now of course our resident liberals will bring up the Reagan movie that CBS was airing, but that it just a strawman. The Republicans never threatened the broadcast license of CBS. And for all the loonies who are going to say they did, I say PROVE IT!
To date, the only ones trying to suppress free speech are the liberals.
“If you don’t like the fact that I can pepper my speech with fuck, shit and cocksucker, well you have a choice. You can direct your God Damn browser away from HorsesAss.org and not read what any of us has said.
You see, freedom of speech works both ways. That is why censorship in mostly unnecessary. (kiddie porn being one exception that comes to mind).
But whatever you don’t attempt to stop me, or criticize me for excercising my right to free speech. You don’t like it? Too fucking bad. “
Ah yes, the liberal lexicon. Seemingly all it consists of are synonyms for defication and intercourse. Now we know what is always on your minds! Such intellectuals indeed!
The Senate…rejected a plan to inspect every inbound cargo container for nuclear weapons.
“….The Senate tabled, 61-37, an amendment offered by Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., that would have required that 100 percent of the cargo containers headed for the United States be scanned within four years. Shippers would have picked up the cost.” Commentby Daddy Love— 9/15/06@ 7:06 am
Another strange post from moonbat central. How do you guarantee a cargo ship from a not so friendly nation allow a docking while at sea and the cargo is modified? This plan does not stop this Love Daddy. But as a moonbat you guys never think out all the consequences you only look for the MSM moment.
Ah, yes, the made-up phrase you attribute to Maria Cantwell as her attitude. I assume (because she’s more or less famous for oposing drilling in ANWR) that you think that recovering ANWR’s absolute maximum of about 9 billions barrels over 20 years’ time in a world where the IPCC says we have somewhere from 5 to 18 trillion barrels of total reserves will bring down prices? Sure it will. Commentby Daddy Love— 9/15/06@ 3:46 pm
Are you now disagreeing with headless loocy when he said we were running out of oil?
JCH at 73, 74, etc etc….
Your obsession with my husband is worrisome. You might want to see someone about your fixation.
You post in a way that makes slugs and other invertebrates look like Nobel Prize winners. Dullard, do yourself and everyone else a favor: disconnect your computer from the Internet.
Ah yes, the liberal lexicon. Seemingly all it consists of are synonyms for defication and intercourse. Now we know what is always on your minds! Such intellectuals indeed!
Commentby pbj— 9/15/06@ 4:53 pm
Ah, but pbj, that is the only terminology you answer to. Reasonable discourse is ignored by you and your fellow members of the extreme far right. We can speak reasonably to sgmmac, klake and even Janet S, and engage in intellectual intercourse. Not that we always do, or that they always reciprocate in kind, but it is possible.
You, on the other hand, show no interest in conversation. When someone speaks reasonably to you, it is like speaking to an empty room. Could it be that you have nothing to say, and are afraid that people will notice?
I spent enough time in the Navy that I know all the words, and can, if I wish, pepper my posts with the various scatological terms. I choose not to.
And in case you’re wondering, yes I am a smug SOB, and darned proud of it. In addition, I’m smarter than you are, not that you’ve put up much of a challenge.
Go ahead, prove me wrong. I love a good argument. But… Try to do so with your own thoughts. Ms. Coulter is way too easy a target, and as to your buddy that posts from the neo-Nazi pages, well, that’s just not worth my time.
Go ahead. Have an original thought. It really doesn’t hurt that much.
“And in case you’re wondering, yes I am a smug SOB”
Commentby John Barelli [……….Er, John, you were an E-7. An E-7! You slept in the Chief’s Quarters. Kind of tough to be “smug”, wouldn’t you say?]
JCH at 89
Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people in the world.
Another strange post from moonbat central. How do you guarantee a cargo ship from a not so friendly nation allow a docking while at sea and the cargo is modified? This plan does not stop this Love Daddy. But as a moonbat you guys never think out all the consequences you only look for the MSM moment.
Actually, the provision was to seal the cargo containers at port of origin, and conduct additional random checks. As someone that has participated in transfers of cargo while at sea, it is not as easy as you might think. Certainly not impossible, but very hazardous and difficult. Most professional merchant marine crews would be reluctant do do so, and it requires a lot of logistical support.
Essentially, if the terrorists get that good, we’ve got bigger problems.
In the end, we can only do what we can do. Getting it inspected is better than letting it go through completely uninspected, which is often the case now. Having it checked at port of departure is better than having a container of anthrax or a dirty bomb sitting in the Port of Tacoma. (I presume you Seattle types probably feel the same way.)
Stopping this proposal seems to be a case of letting the “best” be the enemy of the “good”. Nothing that we can possibly do will prevent a determined terrorist with unlimited resources and a bit of luck from attacking us. That doesn’t mean we should just give up and wait for the mushroom cloud. Checking every container, using automated equipment, backed up by random searches seems a pretty decent first step.
Excuse me. Reluctant to do so. Spell check doesn’t catch everything.
Compulsive Eating and Meridia