More people are starting to notice that we’ve had a very big problem in our City Attorney’s office [emphasis in the original]:
The executive committee had recommended a sole endorsement of incumbent City Attorney Tom Carr. But a delegate from the stagehands’ union reportedly stood up, and said that Carr’s involvement in Operation Sobering Thought, a bar and nightclub sting, “really hurt our members and he was too punitive,” said one of the delegates, on the condition of anonymity. Several delegates spoke against Carr, according to another man exiting onto the street, who said, “They think Carr could have been more fiscally responsible” and “he has cost the city a lot of money for his decisions.” The man added, “In the past, delegates spoke up for Carr, but they didn’t like what he has done his last years in office.” Several other members spoke in favor of Carr’s challenger Pete Holmes. Carr didn’t get a sufficient number of votes for an endorsement; in fact, Carr’s was the only executive recommendation that the group didn’t ratify. The executive committee may recommend dual endorsement—or a sole endorsement of Holmes—after the primary election.
An entire post based on what a couple of guys from the stagehands’ union think?
Lee does a non-doper post? Nothing about bud or buzz? Lee must be even more wasted than we thought.
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Hey @1 it’s an entire post based on the action of the King County Labor Council based on solid “reporting,” from asking sources who KNOW what happened, because they were there.
What you denigrate as “what a couple of stagehands think” is simply normal labor solidarity to look out for the concerns any union has, which here are valid, because Operation Sobering Thought was a failure undertaken for “swaggering-prosecutor” type headlines and it hurt real people and real businesses and it hurt our nightlife and music scene.
Who needs another Rudy Giuliani/Joe Arpaio up here in Seattle?
And Operation Sobering Thought was in response to what? That’s why this is a piece of poor “reporting,” as you put it. They didn’t give the back-story.
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There’s the potential for hooking a bigger fish here–if someone were to do some really determined sleuthing, the trail of the club-bust fiasco would likely lead straight to the Mayor’s office. The timing of the whole thing, while Nickels and Carr were fighting an uphill battle to get their draconian nightclub ordinance passed (which among other things, would likely have forced Jazz Alley to move or close) was pretty obvious.
@9 Exactly. Politics, not law.
I think this comes under the heading os sallow, shallow, yellow blogging.
I know far to little about this race to make up my mind .. actually I would prefer that the we not elect anyone and hire a goddamn professional attorney. Unlike the state where, arguably, the AG plays a policy role, the city attorney represents the city. She does not run the police dept or decide where to put plain clothes spies.
Once again we are going to elect a candy date with virtually no one having the least idea of who the fucker is or why they are qualified.
I wonder if it would be asking to much to ask Lee if he could post Carr’s record on prosecution/persecution of folks for possession of green vegetable matter?