It’s still a way from any strike actually happening, but (h/t):
With 98 percent of the votes, grocery store workers in the Puget Sound area authorized a strike on Thursday.
The union members said they’re upset in part over cuts to health care in the latest offer from their employers. The workers added that a strike isn’t imminent; they hope to return to the bargaining table and reach an agreement that addresses their concerns.
I hope that a strike isn’t necessary, but I’ll support them if they do strike. I’m not exactly sure what that means. I guess writing about it and not shopping at striking stores.
Fortunately there are alternatives, and even more fortunately most of them are locally owned.
@1. So who are you going to shop with?
Grocery Outlet?
Ballard Market?
I was living in the Ballard area when the last big strike happened. Safeway was targeted then. It took Safeway years to recover market share. Not sure Seattle is still a strong union town, but the corporate offices have to be a bit nervous.
@1 PCC and Met Market.
@2 At the time of that other strike Safeway was already on its way down from its former heyday when every radio station in town had “Del Courtney” intoning “Shop Safe-Way, Youuuuuuu’ll see!” about every five minutes.
People need jobs, and there are plenty of people that seem to think walking out is a smart move. Forget you guys, I need a job, and I need to eat too. I am your replacement, train me to do your job so while your out there bitching about possibly not getting more…and so I’ll get what I can while you start on a financial suicide mission ~ not to smart. Oh and tell me why union leaders will continue to get their regular weekly pay will your on strike, and you only get “about $100” ONLY IF you walk the lines for 40 hrs every week? Is that enough to make your mortgage or put food on your table or hell even get to the picket lines, gas aint cheap. Good luck tho.
Which is why the missus and I are willing to drive from Port Angeles to Bremerton for WinCo.
@5. Your post reminds me of the Grapes of Wrath Scabs the unions had to fight against in their quest to get a living wage for their union employees.
I see you are attempting to foment class warfare against the union leaders vs the workers.
Where is your outrage against the income of the corporate leaders vs the employees?
Don’t blame unions for off shoring and outsourcing and automation and crappy management decisions. You want to get jobs in America, support tariffs and change the rules of the economy to protect and promote job creation here.