Glenn Beck claims that Civil Rights marchers in the 1960s weren’t demanding social justice. His complete mental breakdown continues.
by Lee — ,
Glenn Beck claims that Civil Rights marchers in the 1960s weren’t demanding social justice. His complete mental breakdown continues.
Did you hear that Marc Emery was extradited to the US and is facing 5 years in the slammer? That’s a tragedy. The guy fought against the most assinine laws on the planet, and his reward is for his own country to throw him to the assholes in the American “justice” system.
I think I’ve got a pretty good record on here for people of all stripes to talk things through, no yelling, no violence. When I see that a cops been killed on the job I try to remember to post something. Violence against police officers is deeply troubling to me.
That said, I’d really like to see a black woman that participated in a few civil rights marches (I’ve known a couple) deliver a nice, hard, open-handed, slap to one of Beck’s cheeks.
Re 1: Well, if he has money, we do have the best justice money can buy.
Glenn Boeck is like the paranoid ‘Mr. Wizard’ of History. He’s very entertaining — if you are entertained by hate speech.
Wow, you really are an idiot. Take an hour off from your stupidity and watch Glenn Beck on any day. You will see a man exposing the corruption that leads from Chicago to the White House known as Crime Inc. You will see a man fighting to save your freedom of speech and liberty. You should be thanking him instead of using his name to get traffic to your substandard website. Stop spreading progressive poison, grow up, and work to save your country from the destruction Obama promises. Wake up dummy.
Yay…a new fuckwad to fuck with. Give ’em a goat and watch’im go to town!!!
His first post and he’s already well on his way to a Golden Goat award.
No kidding. American’s initial post is like the kid called up from Triple A and hitting a grand slam in his first major league at bat. Talent at American’s level must be lauded. He combines lunacy, aggression, insults, and faux patriotism in one helluva solid post. Praise for Glenn Beck’s saving the nation. Wow. I stand in awe.
yawn; social justice in its current implementation is redistributive and far different than what King and others marched spoke of. Of course King drifted pretty far left at times. Oops…in danger of critizing one of your saints. (he was a good man, but just as w/ the One, not perfect either)
Um, no. Dr. King absolutely believed in redistribution of wealth as a path to a freer society. As did Thomas Paine, who Beck also tries to associate himself with (and whose beliefs are exactly the opposite of Beck’s).
How can Glenn Beck break “down?” When you start at the bottom, it must look like up in pretty much every direction.
Hey, American: does the Congress have the authority to legislate to outlaw racial dsicrimination? Is the income tax Constitutional? Does the Congress have the authority to regulate pollutants in our air and water? Are the children of immigrants born on US soil US citizens? Does the Congress have the authority to mandate accommodations for Americans with disabilities?
If not, for any question you answer in the negative, why not?
Oh, bonus questions: Does the president have the authority to hold US citizens indefinitely without counsel or the right to challenge their detention (habeas corpus)? Can the government listen to the private conversation and/or read the e-mails of US citizens without obtaining a warrant based upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation?
“redistribution” aparently means that taxes pay for government services. Weird, huh?
How come it’s not “redistribution” when Clint Didier receives hundreds of thousands of dollars in subsidies and runs his farm off of water from federal projects we all paid for; water without which he’d be SOL? I don’t get that water.
I see someone is going for a ride on the Glenn Beck crazy train express.
Dance, monkey, dance!!
There was a protest against his extradition and prosecution this afternoon downtown.
I don’t see anything derailing it at this late of a stage, but we’ll see the political fallout (both here and in Canada).
Scratch a Tea Partier and you’l find a Nazi Partier.
Re: the post topic…
And you know the Civil War wasn’t really about slavery. Oh, no, no. Certainly not.
It was really Lincolnism that tried to unconstitutionally impose socialist economic solutions on the noble hardworking capitalists of the South whose freedom to torture, imprison, and force into labor the terrorist undocumented immigrants from Africa who were invading the United States of White America was threatened.
Yeah, right. And bigfoot and the aliens are behind it too! ROTFLMAO. What a joke. Just because someone makes up something, and writes it on a chalkboard doesn’t make it real. Grow up.
Obama is black, that’s his only crime. So far, except for the continuation of George W. Bush’s Wall Street bailouts, what he’s doing is undoing the SUPER corrupt Bush administration policies. Dude…WAKE UP! The last President had as his Vice President, a guy hired DIRECTLY from a company that was then given BILLIONS AND BILLIONS in non-bid contracts within months of taking office. Hundreds of millions totally unaccounted for….and Obama is corrupt? No. Obama is black, that’s why you don’t like him. Bush/Cheney were TOTALLY corrupt and should be jailed. A bogus un-needed war that resulted in BILLIONS in corrupt giveways.
Where’s the BILLIONS Obama is supposedly giving to HIS former company or friends?
Thank a progressive to continue to remind everyone of this fact. Puddy thought you fools wanted a “color”-blind society. Yet, you progressives continue to remind everyone of Odumba’s skin color!
Now, now, Alki, don’t hit a wingie with facts, that makes their heads spin. We don’t want our wingies to feel unwelcome, do we?
We do want a color-blind society, as I’m sure you do. Such will not be achieved by never mentioning race, nor by ignoring the impact race has on both public and private affairs. You understand that, don’t you?
Glenn Beck Lee? Using Media Morons Lee? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You are using Media Morons to school blacks like me on MLK Jr? You lived in my shoes Lee? Felt the libtardo progressive and their “subtle” racism Lee?
Here are some of MLK’s words Lee. See if you can COMPREHEND their meaning…
Explains the HA progressive libtardo entality to a “T”!
This is something NEVER demonstrated by HA Libtardos.
This too is something NEVER demonstrated by HA Libtardos. Why? Becuz it’s proven you all are cheep bastards when it comes to helping those in need! Ask the arschloch for the posts on how cheep you libtards are!
Don’t worry Martin… your progressives buds of the 21st Century continually remind everyone Odumba is black!
Sounds like your preznit HA libtardo progressives. Self-centered Odumba is tearing down much made by others over the years. Ever count how many “I”s are in an Odumba speech?
So why do libtardo progressives go nutzo at every WTO and GX meeting? Why do ELF and GLA GLAAD fools go nutzo when the populace votes against them. Yes Martin, your untimely death kept you from seeing the mess your followers have created.
And that’s why Puddy isn’t a DUMMOCRAPT anymore!
Here is a great moment in historical revisionism. The Sleazy Mayor making a very stupid insipid point while one of his employees is being killed on the street by people who ingore silly laws the sleazy mayor promotes.
“His mother was worried that something was going to happen to him over there [in Iraq],” Lyle told me. “But he had to come home to Chicago to get shot down.”
Home to Chicago, the anti-handgun city, where the thugs don’t worry much about what the mayor has to say.”
Free speech and fire: I’d say Beckkk has good reason to be paranoid of being rounded up and put in a FEMA camp.
Alki from the Whacked Area Farts
Did you forget the big labor deal in the OdumbaCare fiasco already dude/dame? It was worth $60 Billion…
Congressional DUMMOCRAPTS along with Odumba’s signature exempted all union workers from the “Cadillac tax” until 2018. If you aren’t union you pay the tax! That was great “change” wasn’t it?
This is amazing too.
Thanks for asking… Puddy always provides facts!
22 Pud
I thought that got removed from the bill. Can you back up your assertion that it is still in there?
And preserving jobs? Heaven forbid that anything we do should keep people from falling out of work! What kind of contry are we if we don’t have the maximum possible levels of unemployment at any given time? Whatever will our corporate overlords say?
Daddy Love… Cadillac Tax was delayed to 2018 for $60 billion savings. Search Google. Show Puddy where it was moved forward. You made the counter assertion.
And preserving jobs? – State and local UNION jobs instead of making cuts like corporations had to!
Pudnutz: “Congressional DUMMOCRAPTS along with Odumba’s signature exempted all union workers from the “Cadillac tax” until 2018.”
The tax could well impact 60% of the current health care plans for larger companies. Only 7% of the private workforce is unionized. In reality, the Obama plan taxes “union” plans….some way to treat your supporters, eh? Unions opposed the tax. Delaying the imposition of the tax was the compromise.
Pudnutzz foams: “And preserving jobs? – State and local UNION jobs instead of making cuts like corporations had to!”
Unlike the demand for essentials like the “Hawaii chair”, the demand for police, fire, education, judges, jailers, etc., does not go down in recessions. That you consciously ignore this shows only your mendacity.
Why is it that conservatives always call for people to be fired and thrown out onto the street to get us out of recessions?
Bus drivers and librarians too.
Pudtzwaker sez: “And that’s why Puddy isn’t a DUMMOCRAPT anymore!”
No. You got left in the dust as Dr. King worked on the Poor People’s campaign and delivered his “Beyond Vietnam” speech.
Has National Review and the doughy pant load given you your purple heart yet?
Very DumbASS above@28,
Go back and ask the arschloch to help you understand when Puddy left DUMMOCRAPTS. Once again you made yourself what you are AN ASS!
Did you notice how many words were used by Very DumbASS to agree with Puddy regarding the Cadillac tax plans and Unions?
Fuckpudtz: “If you aren’t union you pay the tax!”
Which is a lie. So that shows I agree with scum like you exactly how?
Very DumbASS, that’s what Puddy typed. Nothing less DumbASS!
@9 Lee
Of ocurse you are right.
BUT Beck’s own hero, Sam Adams ALSO believed the new country oufht not to have rich people.
But Proud Leftist… it’s your side who continually uses Odumba’s skin color as a progressive crutch. Odumba is 1/2 white. Why isn’t he considered white?
Search Google and see the view!
Here are some of MLK’s words Lee. See if you can COMPREHEND their meaning…
Explains the HA progressive libtardo entality to a “T”!
Oh, the irony.
Puddy, when Beck’s train finally makes it all the way to Crazytown, at least you’ll be able to shake his hand and give him the tour.
You’re an embarrassment to black people everywhere.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Puddy caught Puddy misspelled entirely later after the 5 minutes were up. Puddy made some pizza for Mrs. Puddy. Jamaican Spicy chicken is yum yum.
Apparently Lee you have few black friends. BTW PacMan sez hi. There you know two black men, and they are conservative. Butt that’s okay Lee, you can work on it and find some who “think” like you!
Regarding Glenn Beck… his predictions of 2006-2007 have come true. That’s why Congressman Anthony Weiner-man attacked him last week and made himself a fool!
Live long in dreamland Lee.
Please do not ever claim any tie to Dr. King. He detested the death penalty, war, and social injustice. Your skin color–forgive me for raising that issue–does not provide you with some unfettered claim to his heritage. Frankly, Dr. King would claim me in a heartbeat over you as his philosophical/theological progeny. You defile his name, Puddy, by claiming any sort of inheritance. And, for Glenn Beck to do so? May he rot in hell.
@37 “Puddy” would be a fool if he was white or green or pink and purple polka dots…even if he was real.
Puddy, you’re not an embarrassment to black people because you’re conservative. You’re an embarrassment to black people because you’re a gullible moron.
You’re an embarrassment to black people because you consistently get suckered by people who the vast majority of other black people are smart enough to recognize has no credibility.
Yes, even some conservative black people most certainly think that you’re an embarrassment.
In fact, if I showed PacMan a bunch of the comments you’ve written, I guarantee you he’d be embarrassed to be associated with you.
Oh so that’s it Lee… Puddy don’t jackboot march to thugs thugs you love these days.
Puddy has shown how gullible a MORON Lee is… Here’s more proof
1) DUMMOCRAPTS will ignore the separation of church and state except for their purposes… Nancy Pelosi and her dictates to churches. You gullible fool Lee.
2) DUMMOCRAPTS will ignore the separation of church and state except for their purposes… Odumba’s NEW Faith Based Initiatives. You gullible fool Lee.
3) Odumba telling Israel they have to give up Nuclear Weapons. “Washington also reassured Israel it won’t foist a nuclear-free zone on the region until all parties agree to it and significant progress has been made on Mideast peace.” Your hero, Jimmae Cahhhhter tells the world Israel has nuclear weapons. You gullible fool Lee.
4) Odumba and his 8 time C-SPAN lies on health care airing. You gullible fool Lee.
5) Odumba telling Israel they have to dismantle more settlements, never part of any earlier peace treaties.
6) Odumba telling the world he will kill private insurance. You gullible fool Lee.
7) Odumba lying about health care bill costing under $1 Trillion. It’s WAY over $1 Trillion and Odumba had Sebelius withhold the evidence until after the vote. You gullible fool Lee.
8) PacMan knows what Puddy writes. He’s told me many times to leave the racist fools alone and move to another blog where people actually think and are civil! You gullible fool Lee.
9) Sarah Palin said in her book – “Since health care would have to be rationed if it were promised to everyone, it would therefore lead to harm for many individuals not able to receive the government care.” You and other HA Libtardo windbags went nutzo over this statement. Now Puddy just linked Peter Orszag of Odumba’s OMB SAID THE SAME THING FOOL!. If you missed it ask the arschloch. You gullible fool Lee.
10) Odumba promised not to raise taxes on peeps less than $250K. During the campaign economists said that’s impossible. Odumba continued to say it. Now we see the tune has changed. You gullible fool Lee.
11) Odumba’s Labor Relations Board CZAR Craig Becker said before his stealth appointment there should be no punishment for hiring illegal aliens because it’s applied in a discriminate fashion. So when did punishing illegal activity become discriminatory? Oh BTW, Becker was lead attorney for SEIU, Odumba favorite whitey house visitors. You gullible fool Lee.
12) Odumba screams about Big Pharma and makes an $80 Billion deal with them in OdumbaCare. You gullible fool Lee.
13) Odumba screams about Goldman Sucks and took more than $995,000 in campaign contributions from them and will not return them. You gullible fool Lee.
14) Odumba hires Goldman Sucks people left and right. You gullible fool Lee.
15) While the SEC was investigating Goldman Sucks the CEO was visiting Odumba in the whitey house many times. You gullible fool Lee.
16) Why do DUMMOCRAPTS hate the US? Maxine Waters January 27, 2007 speech to the “Fuck the US” Code Pink Crowd. You gullible fool Lee.
17) Only in San Francisco is it a suspendable offense in a DUMMOCRAPT controlled school district to wear the American colors on a T-Shirt on May 5, a day created by Corona and Dos Equus beer companies. You gullible fool Lee.
18) Your pals here Lee. You gullible fool Lee.
19) “Poor people are a luxury we just can’t afford.” Nancy Pelosi January 2009. You gullible fool Lee.
20) “Even if the stimulus bill helps harvest only the low-hanging fruit by reducing live births among blacks and hispanics, that would be a major boost, since minorities comprise nearly 50 percent of those on Medicaid.” – Your friends in Planned Parenthood. You gullible fool Lee.
21) Odumba is the “messiah“. You gullible fool Lee.
22) The SEIU, Odumba’s favorite union, was caught attacking other union buds who “disagreed” with them. Of course the arschloch had nuthin to say about his “wife’s” union being thugs. These are the people Odumba loves to hang with. Remember Odumba to SEIU he was going to paint the nation “purple”. You gullible fool Lee.
23) Rick Sanchez of Libtardo CNN shocked black men saw through Odumba as an empty suit. You gullible fool Lee.
24) Some more of your people Lee. You gullible fool Lee.
Oh the Puddy list has many more entries Lee you gullible fool. Ask the arschloch for the previous entries! Go on grow some marbuls Lee and ask the arschloch. Don’t be a gullible fool.
Keep jackbooting to someone who hates your forefathers Lee. Why do you hate Israel and the US? You do it so well.
Lee you are SUCH AN IDIOT!
Proud Goatist… DON’T EVER TELL PUDDY WHAT TO DO! You, who invented an award detailing your “exploits” on the Kitsap peninsula!
Got it?
Not surprisingly, you display a lack of comprehension. King’s words explore Mayhew’s view that goodness of intent lacking the wisdom of experience might result in bad things happening. There’s a real discussion to be had about the successes and failures of the civil rights act of 1964, how it has played out, and how in many ways it didn’t work out very well for blacks. Wisdom might be gained from such a conversation. Sadly, you’re not the one to have this conversation with as you’re inclined to go off on some blame-game tangent to score cheap political points. In doing so you torpedo the very discussion we need to have in order to gain any wisdom that might come from a half-century of civil rights experience. I’ve been there and done that with you. You’ll no doubt be rambling on and on about Everett Dickson, leaving me to wonder why it’s so difficult to have any kind of intelligent conversation about race with you. Sigh! Goodness and wisdom. If you had learned anything from King I’d have hoped it to have been that neither goodness nor wisdom will ever be ours if we choose to indulge in playing political blame games. Alas, as you have shown us tens of thousands of times, (you can get the exact number from YLB), you always choose to play that game. I suppose I could hope that this could change. Then again, you’ve been treating the word “hope” of late like it’s just another four-letter cussword.
Now, I have seen it all.
Lee calling Puddy the sockpuppet a fanatic!
I am shocked.
For those who are not into the joke, “Puddy” is the alter ego for Lee! I first met Puddy when, at a DL, I tried to buy some MJ to show my kids how good an experience this was. Lee/Puddy is my dealer!
Here is prrof for thise who doubt. Have anyof you ever seen Puddy and Lee at the same place and at the same time?
Are there any two HA writers more consistently fanatic and name calling?
I esp like the way each of these personnas assumes a racial identity!
Keep it up buds!
@44 And here I thought that you were Lee’s sockpuppet, Marvin was Darryl’s sockpuppet (until he tired of it) and that Puddy and the Klown are Goldy’s sockpuppets. Eh, shows you what I know.
Steve Steve Steve…
There you go again. Absolutely not making sense at all regarding being black.
Blame game Steve? Blame game Steve? Blame game Steve? You’ve got to be kidding. That’s Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. They play the blame game Steve. You are so sadly confused about the minority report.
Puddy has always espoused pulling yourself by the bootstraps and making your own path in life? Puddy has used Pudy’s intellect to make money in a sea of whiteys? You who has no clue is trying to school Puddy? You need to speak to your bud headless lucy about being around blacks 24×7!
So Steve, why are so few blacks making headway in the great game of US life? Puddy will wait because this will be AN INTERESTING answer from someone on the other side of the tracks!
Sorry for the double post… The Comcast system reported Horsesass was down.
Steve, Steve, Steve Jackson and Sharpton are poverty pimps, not Puddy!
Had a Census worker come to my door the other day. She asked me what I considered my race to be. My answer? ‘Human’.
I’m a Libertarian – I believe myself, and other Libertarians to truly be colorblind. Why is race such an obsession for so-called Progressives? From my perspective, Progressives don’t want equality per se, you want *seperate* but equal. Otherwise you wouldn’t insist on “helping” anyone based upon their race. You really want to help, make sure that the *same* laws are applied equally to everyone – then you’ll get your colorblind society.
I wrote @43, “Sadly, you’re not the one to have this conversation with as you’re inclined to go off on some blame-game tangent to score cheap political points.”
You prove my point with your reply @46,
“You need to speak to your bud headless lucy about being around blacks 24×7!
You waste my time. But it’s my fault for foolishly believing that you were capable of delivering anything more here than insipid blather.
@48: Libertarians are not colorblind – they are just plain blind to logic. When the government stops regulating businesses – we all know what happens:
Mining disasters, oil spills, banking crisis…and the inane libertarians claim that it is due to too much regulations.
A bigger bunch of fools cannot be found.
Oh, and as usual Puddy failed to refute the central point – that MLK as interpreted by that idiot Glen Beck WAS for redistribution of the wealth. Puddy and Beck would be calling MLK a libtard and a socialist if he was alive today. Some choice MLK quotes:
Sounds like a democrat socialist to me! I am sure Puddy agrees with this quote.
A point that Puddy ignores.
Yup, MLK would be called a socialist libtardo by Puddy. And Puddy would certainly exemplify the greater good by calling people names and pretending to care for others.
Was this comment supposed to be coherent? You’re just assuming that I’m a blind partisan who agrees with everything that Democrats do, which anyone with an IQ over 2 who has read this blog knows is far from true. Jesus fucking christ, get your ass to a mental health facility, pronto.
You don’t know much about history, do you.
All of these supposed egregious acts by corporations? How the hell do you suppose they were ever in position to do so? It wasn’t because of a lack of regulation, but because of selective regulation, unevenly applied. You do understand that all of the classic “robber barons” of yesteryear only existed because of government collusion? Absolute capitalism is self-regulating, because without government skirts to hide behind, business has to be responsible to its customers, or it is soon out of business.
“Absolute capitalism is self-regulating, because without government skirts to hide behind, business has to be responsible to its customers, or it is soon out of business”
We’ve seen that vision of yours once play out in signs that read, “White Only”, in deadly fires consuming sweatshop employees, and lifeboats only sufficient for the privileged.
If King were alive today the teabaggers would be spitting on him and yelling the “N” word. Some would hold up signs reading “NIGGAR”. Some would no doubt long for the good old days when cops would have firehosed his ass and unleashed the dogs as some hooded asswipe KLOWN fire-bombed a black church, killing a few kids.
We Glenn Beck fans are getting geared up for the 46th anniversary of Fannie Lou Hamer shouting out the truth about the abuse of Democrat power. Too bad you Democrats shouted her down:
– via Wiki.
We Glenn Beck fans are getting geared up for the 47th anniversary of I Have A Dream. Yes, freedom lovers, in the summer of ’63 the might and power of Democrats in Authority tried to stomp Martin Luther King’s plans for a march on Washington.
(Hope y’all take home the take-home message of the previous comment: J. Edgar Hoover as a trusted Democrat operative. Everybody knows that Hoover was FDR’s poodle. But JFK’s too? My oh my.)
@52: hahaha I-burn is a know-nothing
I learned more history in third grade than you will ever learn, punk.
Umm, yes, the robber barons created monoplies and there was government collusion – supported by republicans.
And Dick Cheny and the energy task force: collusion
Bush/Cheney and the Minerals and Mining division: collusion
They call it deregulation – but it is collusion.
Real reform and real government regulation is not what caused these problems – it was Phil Gramm (the deregulation guru and libertarian hero) and his lobbyist buddies who created the credit default swap and slipped it into an appropriations bill (that had to be signed by Clinton).
Oh, and here is the real data on contributions from oil and gas companies:
Klynical and Palin are lying as usual.
Another incredibly simplistic and idealistic comment from I-burn:
Do you know ANYTHING about the real world? How could someone be some naive and stoopid at the same time?
If corporations will cheat even IF goveernemnt might catch them – then they will cheat MORE if there is no chance of being caught. When the short term profit motive is what drives you (see banking crisis), then the chance of failure down the road is not in the equation.
Do you honestly think that WaMu was looking at the long-term while ringing up all those bad loans?
Sorry- I just asked you to think. I did not want to blow your tiny brain.
@56: Is this Puddy trying to change the subject again?
The piont is that MLK would be branded a libtard and socialist by the right wingnuts if he were alive today.
Uh huh.
That’s from Jim Wallis at Huffington. Want to try again, crn? You’re on a streak: 0 for 4234234233465.
I can’t believe I have to explain this to a supposed adult, but folks like CNR and myself, and everyone who blogs here – we’re not for civil rights because we like supporting Democrats. We support Democrats because we care about civil rights.
Just because a person compares himself to Martin Luther King doesn’t make the comparison valid. Glenn Beck is the polar opposite of Martin Luther King in nearly every way possible.
If you care about civil rights, you’re supporting the wrong side. If you support Democrats you’re supporting the side of jackboot political correctitude and speech codes and regulatory takings.
Note from @60: Beck did not compare himself to MLK. Beck praised MLK.
Time for Lee to start stomping on the threads, swinging his cleaver and chopping the chops off dissent.
And don’t even get him started with his beaver cleaver …
Beck did not compare himself to MLK.
Sorry, but making a speech at the same location on the same day does the trick for most people.
If you care about civil rights, you’re supporting the wrong side.
Right, and I presume I should be standing alongside the people who get blue in the face over illegal immigration? If you do think that, then you don’t know what the term civil rights actually means.
If you support Democrats you’re supporting the side of jackboot political correctitude and speech codes and regulatory takings.
I support Democrats when they support my rights and I don’t support Democrats when they don’t support my rights. But Democrats are better than Republicans when it comes to supporting my rights. They’re far from perfect (very far in some respects), but they’re way better than what the Republicans stand for.
There’s a civil right to illegal immigration?
Well Lee, you sure haven’t brought up those issues on your “blog”. It seems it almost drugs all the time.
That’s why Lee is mute on almost all scandalous DUMMOCRAPTIC points delivered here on HA Libtardos.
One thing about correctnorbright… he’s not world class, or state class, but short bus class!
And how is Odumba doing this by ramming the same failing policies down the American peeps throats which are being shown to EPIC FAIL in Europe because the ponzi scheme is collapsing?
Steve Steve Steve… Once again it’s YOU who is DIFFICULT to discuss anything tangible with because you YANK a sentence out of CONTEXT.
Try again Steve because above was a REAL EPIC FAIL!
@60 Fool
REad it again – if MLK WAS alive today -he would be branded as a libtard.
Since he is a DEAD icon, Beck can faintly sing his praises whilst ignoring his true words and intentions.
Just like you – he is an ignorant fool.
Glad you are keeping score in your little mind – because you can’t even understand the game.
I rest my case:
@69: One thing about Puddy- for a guy with limited intelligence you sure like to TRY to insult others.
I just laugh at your lack of ability to actually argue a point without running away or changing the topic.
Even IF your supposed IQ is higher than mine (extremely doubtful), you have proven that you lack reasoning ability, critical thinking skills and common sense.
Lee @73 rests his case with this?
Am baffled and bewildered always by Lee, but resting a case on TPM gays, apropos of nothing here, proves again that Lee’s case is a head case. Either that or TPM doesn’t mean Talking Points Memo; it means Talking Pot Moronically.
Am still awaiting an answer: Is there a civil right to/for illegal immigration? Is illegal immigration a civil right?
As for cnr/MLK, ok. Way back in the day MLK — alive and dead — was considered a libtard. Unlike MLK Sr., a straight-ticket Republican, MLK Jr. deviated to the dark side. Were he alive today he’d probably be considered a libtard Obama voter.
The interesting question, tho, is this: Why was he despised by activist and radical blacks when he was alive? Maybe Black Panther Larry Gossett can tell us.
@57 Correcnotright? There’s a goddamned misnomer if there ever was one.
learned more history in third grade than you will ever learn, punk.
Do tell. You certainly haven’t displayed any of that vaunted knowledge here. Ever! It appears to me that you’re nothing more than a narrow-minded iealogue with delusions of grandeur. That’s okay though, kid. You’re another affirmation that ignorance is bliss – and that you’re a happy motherfucker. Have a nice day!
The interesting question, tho, is this: Why was he despised by activist and radical blacks when he was alive?
Because he cared about the civil rights of ALL people, not just blacks. In this scenario, MLK was the moderate while the black panthers were the extremists, just as in the current environment where most white progressives are the civil rights moderates (for supporting the repeal of DADT, opposing the new Arizona law, and for demanding the end to the racial disparities in the drug war) and Glenn Beck is the extremist.
Glenn Beck is trying to compare himself to MLK, but the correct comparison for him is to the Black Panthers.
@76: It has been fun playing with you I-burn.
Clearly, you have a high opinion of yourself (an inflated opinion) – but really, you bring nothing to the table.
You failed to refute a single argument and you resorted to ad hominem personal attacks – the typical response of a loser who can’t defend their arguments.
Come back when you grow up or learn how to read and think critically.
@77: MLK was despised by the Black Panthers because he was for non-violence. He was not, however, for inaction. He believed in standing up for what was right and he believed in social justice and change.
Teabaggers believe in racism, outmoded and misguided libertarianism and have no sense of social justice (see Paul, Rand).
@78 CNR
Oh, it isn’t inflated by any means. I’d certainly have no fear in matching IQs with you, kid.
As for refuting anything? I could say the same of you. And the ad hominems originated with you as well, dummy. One more time – I stand behind what I said. You mentioned nothing that negates my original contention. What you’ve neglected to account for is that without governmental collusion, there wouldn’t *be* any of the monolithic multinational corporations. They, like all large corporations can only survive through the protection afforded them by their tame politicians, lobbyists, and customer written legislation. Remove all of that, and it truly is a whole new ballgame. Anyway, you aren’t going to believe that either, so whatever.
Oh, and I’m really glad that you feel free to state what millions of your fellow citizens *really* believe in. Talk about fucking delusions of grandeur…