Well, the Legislature may have failed to act, but at least Governor Gregoire has showed some leadership when it comes to teen gambling addiction.
After a failed attempt to raise the state gambling age from 18 to 21, and the controversial disclosure of a WA State Lottery marketing plan that bluntly targets teens, Gov. Gregoire has instructed the Lottery, in no uncertain terms, to develop a new marketing plan that ensures that “we are not, in any way, marketing lottery products to youth.”
The directive comes in a Feb. 10 letter (PDF) addressed to Washington State Lottery Director Chris Liu, and posted to the website of problem gambling advocacy group Second Chance Washington.
“Because there may be little to no difference between marketing and advertising strategies directed at teenagers under 18, and those 18 and 19 years old, I ask that you refrain from using tools that entice those young adults to play. My concern is that, by following such a path, we would increase the likelihood of younger teenagers becoming involved in gambling at an age when they do not fully understand the risks involved.
I understand that this may mean a reduction in revenue from young adults who can play legally. In the interest of protecting more vulnerable children and teenagers, as I believe we have a responsibility to do, I am willing to take that chance.”
I know I don’t get much support in my comment threads for my personal advocacy for raising the gambling age, but I wonder how anybody can oppose the governor’s new directive? It is one thing for the Lottery to meet the demands of an existing market, it is another thing entirely for it to focus its substantial marketing, advertising and product development budget on addicting a new generation of youth.
Problem gambling is the nation’s fastest growing teen addiction, and teen problem gamblers use tobacco, alcohol and other drugs more than any other group. The Lottery’s own prevalence studies strongly suggest that lottery tickets often serve as a gateway towards other, higher stakes forms of gambling, and lifelong addiction.
While Second Chance Washington may have failed this session in its efforts to raise the gambling age, it deserves a ton of credit for raising the profile of teen problem gambling. If not for their hard work, and the commonsense judgement of Gov. Gregoire, the Lottery would still be spending our tax dollars promoting gambling to kids.
Well, well, look who the anti-union airline’s baggage handling subcontractor has working for them … members of North America’s most violent gangs. http://www.king5.com/topstorie.....e4092.html
” … KING 5 Investigators have obtained photos of … graffiti … where luggage, cargo and animals are loaded.
“… internal complaints started surfacing nine months ago. But to date, very little has been done about it.
“Is this harmless scribbling or really gang graffiti? We showed our photos to five highly respected gang experts in Arizona, New York, California, and two in the Seattle area. They all came to the same, disturbing conclusion.
“‘It’s definitely gang, and some major gangs are represented there, with some very violent rivalries. No doubt about it,’ said Richard Valdemar, who started the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department gang unit 33 years ago. He’s one of the top gang experts in the country. …
“We asked him to analyze 62 images, all taken from Alaska cargo bins. Like the other four experts, he said the graffiti shows gang members are working there, with full access to the airplanes.
“Pilots tell their union they saw a dramatic increase in this kind of graffiti last May, after Alaska fired its ramp workers and hired a cheaper outside contractor, Menzies Aviation, to load the bags on planes at Sea-Tac.
Asked by Alaska Airlines months ago to look into complaints about graffiti, the Port of Seattle Police concluded that gang graffiti does not always equal gang activity.
“‘It just doesn’t amount to anything that raises to that level of concern that we’d want to take any other overt action in dealing with it,’ said Port of Seattle Police Chief Tim Kimsey. Alaska’s director of security says the company’s satisfied with the Port police investigation. ‘They have told us it is not an indication of gang activity,’ Holly Geiger Zimmerman said. ‘I think we have to go with the jurisdiction. The people with jurisdiction is the airport police unit. We know they are good at their job,’ she said.
Port police say they even went outside their department and showed similar images to their own gang experts.
“But the KING 5 Investigators learned Wednesday night that the port was warned. A local gang task force looked at some photos last summer and told the officer assigned to the case this looked like a serious problem. And that’s exactly what all the experts told us in our investigation.
“And the people writing the graffiti don’t belong anywhere near an aircraft, said Valdemar. ‘That is a criminal element, active in the bellies of the planes, with rivals also in the same proximity.’
“Why did the port ignore the advice of experts? When we confronted them with that question Thursday, they said they didn’t think the group had enough experience to draw any conclusions. That doesn’t explain why they sought their advice in the first place.
“The experts tell us the graffiti suggests strong connections to California and Seattle.
“Alaska Airlines told us repeatedly it’s depending on the Port of Seattle to investigate. To this date the Port has not interviewed one employee or done any surveillance, something our experts all say would be a very good idea.”
The nanny state lives on.
Sooo … now we know … Alaska Airlines replaced their union baggage handlers with violent gang members.
Must be the invisible hand at work.
Goldy–I support the gov’s executive action, but can’t get too excited about the legislation that was killed. For my 2 cents, it is a farce to see the state in the gambling industry to begin with. But our people’s government has been hamstrung by the upper class’s enviable ability to legally avoid their fair share of the costs of government. Our tax system is a regressive joke, and is now reduced to practically begging at the neighborhood 7-11 lottery terminal for nickels and dimes.
That, my friend, is the true tragedy here.
I see the Gambling ages are all over the place throughout the states.
Too bad the Legislature can’t create a law that makes it illegal to marry your sister. That would put a stop to the creation of all republicans.
Look, gambling is a tax on stoopidity. Taxing stoopidity is a GOOD thing because what gets taxed gets decreased. Since the lower class, and those of weak moral character are the ones who tend to gamble while consuming an disproportionate share of taxpayer money, it is sound social policy to relieve them of some of their money instead of giving them the free ride that they get now.
I think the state should aggresively market gambling to all age groups including teens so that we continue to have a source of easy revenue.
Sooo … now we know … Alaska Airlines replaced their union baggage handlers with violent gang members.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/16/06 @ 6:00 pm
So what you are saying is that Alaska kicked out a bunch of workers who were run by ganster thugs (unions) and replaced them with ganster and thugs. What is the big dif!
10, RUFUS, The fired Democrat union hacks probably did the “tagging” and blamed it on the replacement workers.
JCH @ 10 Moron, I see your imagination, the part still left after years of electro shock therapy and teenage drug use, is hard at work again. How can you, in all seriousness, believe the shit that comes out of your immature, uneducated excuse for a mind?
Kindly, and I do mean kindly, go fuck yourself. You will feel better and the rest of us won’t have to suffer you any longer.
The above post applies to Rufus-Dufus and JCH at 10 and 11.
Oh that old play. Different year, same old commie union donk tactics.
Rufus, add something to the conversation. Something with intelligence and thought. Oh, wait, I am so sorry. The first requirement leaves you bankrupt.
Rufus, add something to the conversation. Something with intelligence and thought. Oh, wait, I am so sorry. The first requirement leaves you bankrupt.
Union airlines are doing sooooooo well. Most are “BK”. The greedy, evil shareholders must have received too much in didvidends. All now the unions are going to strike the “bankrupt” airlines. Classically funny! Soon many of the permanately laid off union hacks will be working with My Left Foot at Wendy’s. [Left Foot, Is my order ready?]
The unions have done a great job in Detroit, Gary, Pittsburgh, Philly, and other union hack cities, haven’t they?
The unions have done a great job in Detroit, Gary, Pittsburgh, Philly, and other union hack cities, haven’t they?
Kindly, and I do mean kindly, go fuck yourself. You will feel better and the rest of us won’t have to suffer you any longer.
Comment by My Left Foot— 2/16/06 @ 7:50 pm [Yawn. I better go check the steaks.]
The Governor steps in and does the right thing. I am glad I voted for her (both times). I do not readily agree with raising the age limit, but targeting teens does not seem right.
And JCH go fuck yourself.
Hmmmm… Let see here. The baggage handlers were replaced around 7 months ago but the complaints of the graffiti stem as far back as 9 months ago. Let’s use liberal logic. Yes it is the replacement workers fault… LMFAO. Are you a union hack MLF?
Dale, Own any airline stocks over the last 5 years? Futher, note 22 by RUFUS. Oh, and bend over and taker it Democrat “Tookie Williams” style. My Left Foot is ready to give your Democrat fag ass the 5 inches of “Barney Frank” he carries so proudly!
23, cont…….Did I point that Barney Fag, errrrrrrrrrr, Frank is a powerful Democrat House Leader!!!
Socialism, eh?
If the state got out of this business, and kept it illegal, she could spend her time on legitimate government work…..
Is she going to write some memos for proper air pressure techniques for grease monkeys at the tire shop
Great stock market today! Sure beats working and paying 30-40% of your income in taxes to be “redistributed” to New Orleans Democrats living in $300 a night hotels and bitching about Bush by the swimming pool. [Where’s my Marlboros and Black Velvet?]
“…to be “redistributed” to New Orleans Democrats…”
At least you won’t need to worry about having your “income” “redistributed” to the thousands of people still not accounted for. As far as we know, Bushco’s compassionate conservatism brigade, lead by Brownie and Chertoff, might have just let most of them drown and get eaten up by alligators.
Blame America first? Hell no. Blame fascist incompetent manslaughterers first.
Why lookie here:
3,200 still unaccounted for after Katrina
“It’s possible some of those missing were washed into Lake Pontchartrain, or their bodies remain in the rubble that still blankets much of the city. Over the last several weeks, at least one family returning to a wrecked home has found the remains of a relative inside.”
So what the fuck have those clowns at Bushco been doing for the past 4 months??????
#28: Read your own link…”Dr. Louis Cataldie, the state’s medical examiner, said he planned to ask state and parish officials to recheck about 400 addresses where authorities have consistent information about people missing from badly flooded neighborhoods. Most are in east New Orleans; about 50 are from St. Bernard Parish.”
Not that has anything to do with the subject at hand…..
Why not check the cruise ships and 3 and 4 star hotels in Texas? Billions of tax dollars for New Orleans, and these black Democrats are still in hotels with swimming pools, cable TV, maid service and ACL Jew lawyers to make sure FEMA keeps paying the bills. Democrats: economic parasites!
Anonymous and Dr. E, Don’t worry! The LA Democrats will find every Democrat body and bus them back to New Orleans before NOV 06. Hell, maybe they will bus back a few thousand Mexicans illegals as well! And they will all be registered to vote! Bet the house on this!
31, cont……All there will be plenty of buses to “gets da vote out!” during the first week of NOV 06!
All the Dems will be singing, “Rolling Back To Chocolate Town”!! [NOV 06, by Mayor Ray Nagin]
27, “Get eaten up by alligators.” [Dr. E] As long as the alligators can vote Democrat, Mayor Ray Nagin doesn’t see the problem!
MTR — if stoopidity was taxed, you’d be broke.
Comment on 12
“Kindly, and I do mean kindly, go fuck yourself. You will feel better and the rest of us won’t have to suffer you any longer. Comment by My Left Foot— 2/16/06 @ 7:50 pm”
Left Foot, you need to give JCH (aka Kevin Carnes) more specific instructions than this, or he’ll fuck it up.
1. Go fuck yourself.
2. In fucking yourself, do not confuse your own ass with that of a sheep, otherwise you will become a registered sex offender.
3. You don’t want to be required to register your gun, do you?
“Yawn. I better go check the steaks. Comment by [JCH]— 2/16/06 @ 8:04 pm”
Don’t bother — you’re already holding the “steaks” in your right hand.
36, RR…………Yawn. Boring post.
37, Dinner was great, Thank you for “axing”! [A little Democrat ebonics for you, RR]
Post 39……Could be the Post Of The Week!!
RR, Is there something you wish to “axe” me?
30, 31
JCH — why do Republicans laugh at other people’s deaths and misfortunes?
Republicans laugh at other people’s deaths and misfortunes because:
[ ] 1. They’re sociopaths.
[ ] 2. They were abused by their parents.
[ ] 3. They have tofu between their ears.
[ ] 4. They were kidnapped and sexually molested by aliens.
[ ] 5. They’re an alien non-human life form.
[ ] 6. All of the above.
“Cantwell tells Bush she will fight BPA plan
“09:51 PM PST on Tuesday, February 14, 2006
“Associated Press
“WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Maria Cantwell met with President Bush on Tuesday and told him that Northwest lawmakers strongly oppose an administration plan to change the revenue structure of the Bonneville Power Administration.
“Under the president’s budget, surplus revenue from the Portland, Ore.-based federal power marketing agency would no longer be used to lower electricity rates for Northwest consumers. Instead the money would be used to pay down the federal debt.”
[Note: No, it won’t. The federal debt will INCREASE if Congress approves Bush’s request for $31 billion in additional tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires.]
“Cantwell and other Northwest lawmakers call the plan unacceptable. The Washington Democrat said she told the president as much at the White House meeting.
“‘I said … I guarantee you I am going to fight it,” Cantwell said in a telephone interview after the hourlong meeting, which also included about 10 other senators from both parties.
“Cantwell was the only lawmaker from Oregon, Washington or Idaho at the meeting, which was called to discuss energy and the president’s pledge during his State of the Union address to look for ways to end the U.S. addiction to oil.”
[Note: How do you encourage less oil consumption by raising the price of U.S.-produced hydropower to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires? MTR? Wanna explain how the “invisible hand” works in this situation? Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize your “invisible hand” is busy.]
“Bush, a former Texas oil man, appeared sincere in his interest in alternative forms of energy, Cantwell said. … ‘I think he’s … sincerely excited about cellulosic ethanol,’ said Cantwell … “[he] seemed to love the option of (fuel made from) switchgrass … [t]hey must grow it in Texas.'”
[Note: This is the same GOP scam that Congress defeated least year. Now Bush is trying to sneak it into the budget.]
I wonder where the wannabe-Senator From Safeco stands on raising consumer electricity rates to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires? Betcha he’s for it, but you won’t see that in his campaign ads. You know, the ads that don’t tell voters he’s a Republican.
For the complete story on Bush’s plan to raise BPA rates to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires, see http://www.king5.com/business/.....7e6cc.html
RR @ 44
Another reason to vote and contribute to Cantwell.
Yes, I disagree with one VERY IMPORTANT VOTE she fucked up on.
But she really is a great Senator.
(except for)
Go Maria!
Who cares about your opinion?
38, 40
JCH — did you enjoy eating your “steak?”
“RR, Is there something you wish to “axe” me? Comment by [JCH]— 2/16/06 @ 10:26 pm”
“Yes, I disagree with one VERY IMPORTANT VOTE she fucked up on.”
Nobody’s perfect. Hell, I once was a Goldwater Republican … remember what Jesus said: “Go forth, and sin no more.”
“22 – Hmmmm… Let see here. The baggage handlers were replaced around 7 months ago but the complaints of the graffiti stem as far back as 9 months ago. Let’s use liberal logic. Yes it is the replacement workers fault… LMFAO. Are you a union hack MLF? Comment by RUFUS—2/16/06 @ 9:00 pm”
“23 – Dale, Own any airline stocks over the last 5 years? Futher, note 22 by RUFUS. Comment by [JCH]— 2/16/06 @ 9:04 pm”
OK kiddes — time for a fact check! not to mention a MATH check!
“Menzies, based in London, took over the $13 million annual ground-handling contract in the Lower 48 for Alaska in May 2005, after the airline switched from using its own employees.” http://www.alaskajournal.com/s.....5014.shtml
Hmmm … May 2005 … okay children, count with me on your fingers:
1 Month … May 2005
2 Months … June 2005
3 Months … July 2005
4 Months … August 2005
5 Months … September 2005
6 Months … October 2005
7 Months … November 2005
8 Months … December 2005
9 Months … January 2005
10 Months … February 2005
Menzies Aviation took over Alaska Airlines’ baggage handling in May 2005. How many months ago was May 2005?
[ ] 1. 7
[ ] 2. 10
Doofus thinks May 2005 was 7 months ago because:
[ ] 1. He’s too lazy to look it up.
[ ] 2. He has only 7 fingers; he cut off the other three with a circular saw.
[ ] 3. He’s a liar.
[ ] 4. He can’t count to 10.
[ ] 5. All of the above.
JCH thinks May 2005 was 7 months ago because:
[ ] 1. He’s Doofus’s bitch, and whatever Doofus says, goes.
[ ] 2. He counts on a Chinese abacus.
[ ] 3. Hey, he’s only off by 30%, that’s better than a Bush budget or a Halliburton contract!
[ ] 4. C’mon, you don’t think a stockbroker can count to 10, do you?
[ ] 5. He likes round numbers, and 7 is a round number.
Are Doofus and JCH stupid, or liars?
[ ] 1. Stupid
[ ] 2. Liars
[x] 3. Stupid liars who think nobody will check the facts or call bullshit on them.
I don’t think any of your readers (except maybe MTR) wants to see young ‘uns gambling.
It comes down to a question of what an appropriate level of state response is.
I think protecting 18-21 year-olds from gambling through legislation is overreach. In my mind, it just seems too philosophically close to the parental notification laws &c. that our friends on the other side of the aisle have promulgated over the years.
In case anyone is wondering how I’m making this association, it’s simple. Young adults should not gamble. Neither should anyone else for that matter. I don’t think it’s proper to legislate that opinion. Young adults who are seeking an abortion should talk with their parents about this, and ask for their love, support, and guidance. It is also extraordinarily improper to legislate this behavior.
A request from on high to avoid any appearance of marketing the lottery to the young uns? Meh, that seems about right.
You can’t expect right wingers to count. They get lost after two – the number of balls that smack them in the face every time they suck that donkey %#$!
If Gregoire were really sincere, she would refuse to spend that portion of Lottery gambling “winnings” the State takes in from under 21 gamblers….setting it aside in a reserve not to be touched until something is actually done.
Gregoire looks silly talking about the “evils” while spending the “spoils”!!!!!
She doesn’t look as stupid as you do oink in your purple dress and green hair! It is ok now kiddy, you can come out of the closet. The only friends you will lose are bigotted wingnuts……..(oops, guess you will lose them all)
Frankly i was hoping you libs had words…
about Sims using tax money to rob the rail line running renton to bothelll….
jsa-57 “In my mind, it just seems too philosophically close to the parental notification laws..”
Therefore, gambling should be legal for 12 or 13 years old kids? How does parental notification relate to the 18-21 crowd?
Great way to run drugs without those pesky baggage checks. Who’s to say thr airline brass aren’t taking a cut? After all, poppy production in Afghanistan is higher than it’s ever been.
Oh, yeah. Teens should not be encouraged to gamble.
“#28: Read your own link…”
I read it before I posted it. 3200 – 400 = 2800. What’s your point?
Oink – Can you call me, I am so sorry, please call?
Can one of you right-wing brain surgeons please tell me how it’s a good idea to put the United Arab Emirates in charge of port security in the U. S.?
Just WHAT THE FUCK is going on?
I have no problem at all with the legal gambling at age at 18. Old enough to drive, and I fear the 18 year old driver more than the same gambler. Can be sent to war, can buy a lotto. Can get married and make babies, etc. OK to play blackjack for money.
Get real all you sloppy and teary eyed nannies. Let them become adults. Real adults. Cut the cord.
yearight @ 62:
I didn’t say that, you did.
One is a stupid conservative piece of legislation to force young people to do something they should already do.
One is a stupid liberal piece of legislation to force young people to do something they should already do.
I prefer to leave stupid, ninnying legislation to “conservatives” (I put it in quotes because real conservatives know better than to have the state micromanage people’s lives).
Mr. Rabbit, this pattern of piggybacking your own stories as first item in the comment thread of a well-read blog indicates to me that you may be hankering for an audience. Here’s an option: http://www.sixapart.com/typepad/start Gosh, I’m helpful.
Luring people into gambling is sick and targeting teens is even sicker. Just one more way to suck people up into the corporate machinery and crush them — rob them blind of their money and their common sense so others can profit. It’s predation.
The argument that regulations controlling this predation are communist or socialist is beside the point. What’s the deal with this fear of Communism, anyway? I don’t get it. There’s lots to be afraid of in this world, for sure — come on guys, update your fears…
As long as we have corporate personhood that shields people from taking on responsibility for the harm they do to others, corporate profit from gambling is morally illicit. It exists because powerful people get their way.
Hey MTR lookee, here’s how your “invisible hand” works if there’s no regulation of wages and working conditions:
“Feds: Housekeeper paid $2 a day
“State, federal charges allege kidnapping, forced labor
“Thursday, February 16, 2006; Posted: 5:22 p.m. EST (22:22 GMT)
“CENTENNIAL, Colorado (AP) — A Saudi couple pleaded not guilty on Thursday to charges including kidnapping and sexual assault stemming from claims that they held an Indonesian woman who worked for them as a virtual slave.
“Homaidan Al-Turki, 37, and his wife, Sarah Khonaizan, face up to life in prison if convicted on the state charges.
“Al-Turki is charged with kidnapping, 12 counts of sexual assault, extortion and false imprisonment, while Khonaizan is charged with kidnapping, false imprisonment and extortion. The two also face an April 24 trial on federal charges of forced labor, involuntary servitude and harboring an illegal immigrant. A federal indictment … said the Indonesian woman was allegedly repeatedly sexually assaulted by Al-Turki and was paid less than the equivalent of $2 a day over four years to cook, clean and care for the couple’s five children. It also said she was sometimes loaned out to work for other families when her host family traveled.
“Court documents said the woman told investigators she worked seven days a week with no regular days off from 2000 to 2004 while living in suburban Aurora. …”
For complete story, see http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/02.....l?eref=aol
“Mr. Rabbit, this pattern of piggybacking your own stories as first item in the comment thread of a well-read blog indicates to me that you may be hankering for an audience.”
Guilty! I plead guilty!! Now go screw yourself.
Hey Noemie, you must be new here. This is a liberal blog, and wingnut trolls post here because … well … hmmmm … why DO they post here??? Hmmmm …
Wingnut trolls post on HorsesAss because:
[ ] 1. BIAW pays them to do it,
[ ] 2. Getting their asses kicked gives them a sexual thrill,
[ ] 3. They don’t know any better,
[ ] 4. Stefan’s pathetic little blog linked them to this site,
[ ] 5. Their horse is constipated and they’re searching for veterinary advice,
[ ] 6. They’re bored NSA workers,
[ ] 7. All of the above.
Roger Rabbit posts on HorsesAss because:
[ ] 1. It’s my patriotic duty,
[ ] 2. Wingnuts are the most serious threat America is facing,
[ ] 3. Ignorance is rampant on the Far Right,
[ ] 4. It gives me a sexual thrill,
[ ] 5. All of the above.
Roger Rabbit bangs cute female rabbits because:
[ ] 1. Nature designed me as a bunny factory,
[ ] 2. So Green Lake Park isn’t depopulated,
[ ] 3. It gives me a sexual thrill,
[ ] 4. To make Stefan jealous,
[ ] 5. All of the above.
jsa-68 ‘I prefer to leave stupid, ninnying legislation to “conservatives”’
Is there anything else a 12-17 year-old child should be able to do, even if they should not, without parental involvement, permission or notification? How about attend school, move in with older friends, plastic surgery, liposuction, any other elective or necessary surgeries, buy a plane ticket and go to Iraq?
C’mon, I am really curious if there should be any limits on rights for 12-17 year-old kids.
Kevin Carnes (aka Oink) is obsessed with gay sex because:
[ ] 1. BIAW pays him to do it,
[ ] 2. He’s secretly a Log Cabin Republican,
[ ] 3. It gives him a sexual thrill,
[ ] 4. He’s deviant,
[ ] 5. All of the above.
Yeah, I think 12 to 17 year olds need parental permissiion to attend school. This must be regulated by adults. Otherwise, they might grow up knowing something, and vote Democratic. Can’t have that now, can we? [sarcasm]
“permissiion” should be “permission”
Left Wing Kills one of it’s own:
From your leftist pinhead friends at Brilliant at Breakfast.
brilliantatbreakfast.blogspot.com/ 2006/02/color-me-disgusted.html
“I’d heard rumblings yesterday that DCCC Rahm Emmanuel, who has allowed Tim Russert to devour him on national television any number of times, had asked Hackett to drop the Senate race and run again for Jean Schmidt’s House seat — the one he came within voting chicanery in Schmidt’s home county of winning last fall. And this morning comes the news that Hackett, understandably, has told the Democratic Party to go fuck itself — it can deliberately lose races without him. And calling Hackett’s donors asking them not to donate anymore is about as low as you can get.
For all that I’m so angry I can hardly see straight, I respect Hackett’s decision to draw a big red line under the hapless Democratic Party and not play their game. But it’s clear that the party hacks only want soft-spoken, malleable candidates like Barack Obama, who will keep their mouths shut once elected and only speak when spoken to until it’s their turn. This is politics as Olympic ice dancing, where you have to wait your turn. It’s this tendency in the Democratic Party to keep to the hierarchy that gave us a certain loser in Walter Mondale in 1994 instead of the upstart Gary Hart. It’s this tendency that gave us the phlegmatic John Kerry last year instead of the electrifying Howard Dean. The Democratic party refuses to speak up for the people from whom it demands support, and when a candidate comes along who WILL speak up, the Powers that Be in the party do everything possible to stop them.
It’s with a heavy heart that I remove Hackett’s name from my ActBlue page. The only reason I’m not removing the entire thing is that ActBlue collects donations for specific candidates. And if you still feel you want to donate, please do your donating this way. Do NOT give a nickel of your money to the national party — to the DCCC or DSCC, unless you want a Democratic Party that continues to sell YOU and YOUR RIGHTS and YOUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE down the river because they still think they have to be Republicans to win.
How’s that strategy been working for you anyway, Rahm?
Across the blogosphere, the reaction is what one would expect.”
Now here is the killer statement. Markos – you all know as Daily Kos, has drinken the kool-aid. I ‘m not saying it, another lefty is. Remember Daily Kos, the web site Goldy, NotAClueUpHisAss, Boeing Bob, Roger Rabbit, Tree Fog Farmer, etc. have their heads up so far up Kos’s ass they all see Kos’ duodenal canal.
Markos, having tasted the nectar of hacktocracy, is rewriting history by saying that Hackett only ran after Sherrod Brown announced his candidacy, thus proving that he has been corrupted by the same forces that have rendered the Democrats irrelevant.
But Brilliant, we knew Markos was corrupted as soon as he created his blog!
Fuck off “PuttyButt”.
A more moronic TWIT has never existed.
#80. So is your point the left refuses to be borg clones of whatever “great thinker” happens to be humping at the top of the pack? Sounds like a great endorsement to me. I enjoy people who can think for themselves…
Dear vancouversux-
The “other side” isn’t used to tolerating independent thinking.
What’s the matter rujax? A lefty telling it like it is; Daily (Mar)Kos is an asshole: bought by Chucky and Harry lock, stock, and barrel, and you “Can’t Stand the Truth!”? You TWAT! Your own side eats WAR HEROES, because they speak for themselves. Fuck you rugratASS! You are a DIPSHIT of the 1st order! I didn’t write it. Brilliant did. All it proves to everyone is the empty shirts your faceless leaders are! Tough shit rugratASS!
Vancouversucks: They killed off the war hero running for the Ohio senate seat because he told it as he saw it as a democrat. But the funny part which I haven’t posted yet is the accusation of Payl Hackett being a war crimes person. He went to Washington and proved he was not the one in the pictures, but Dingy Hairy and Little Chucky started a nasty whispering campaign. That’s the other part that Mother Jones and other blogs are discussing and Markos, the lefty asshole, is not telling the truth.
rugratASS: I’ll state it again, Brilliant is a leftwing blog, you fucking IDIOT! He is pissed at Daily Kos for drinking the kool-aid and NOT WRITING THE TRUTH about democratic leaning Iraqi war hero Paul Hackett. I take it back donnageddon, rugratASS is denser than you are! RugratASS, you prove beyond the shadow of a doubt:
1.) Not well read
2.) Can’t sort of the facts
3.) Clueless on URLs
4.) Just plain stupid
Please rugratASS, keep up the great blogging! You prove to the world Goldy presents the best in Washington State leftist pinheads and their blah, blah, blah worthless, mindless entries!
So I ask all of you ASSHeads, what other LIES has Markos perpetrated upon your sorry asses that Goldy repeated here on ASSes which you all swallowed like the Jim Jones special brew; that are also obtuse lies?
Goodness gracious Puddy-. I believe you have your name (and logic) in a serious juxtaposition crisis.
Dearest Putty-
You are STILL a COMPLETE moron.
Why ever would I, or anyone else who has an ounce of working brain in his/her head take anything you say seriously.
Go back to jacking off in the corner with the rest of your true-believer buddies.
In the past year Puddybudd has said exactly ……………. well all he has typed here are talking points, conjectured ‘un reasoning’ and frivolous cut and pastes. He gets the credit he is due… ZILCH
Drivel: What wonderful arguments have you placed here on ASSes? Ah, yes, the silence is golden!
Who’s talking points did I post? I read a lefty blogger, Brilliant, (a blogger many of you never heard of) who takes to task your favorite leftist IDIOT, MarKos! He sees MarKos for what he is, a party JACKOFF! Since you fools refuse to recognize the brilliant writing of Brilliant, keep smelling that Kos shit! Please don’t pull you heads out of Kos’ ASS!
RugratASS: I could care less what you think of me on this thread. Why, I am not accusing Kos of being an ASSHOLE; Brilliant is doing ti for me. Brilliant is a lefty blog site. So your gut feeling is if a lefty speaks bad of a lefty as being a party hack, SHOOT THE MESSENGER? BRILLIANT deductive detective work rugratASS!
OH and rugratASS – FUCK YOU
One more thing rugratASS: Jacking off? I thought you guys accused YO of that with his CAPS LOCK ON TYPING! Seems to me whenever someone posts truths of another lefty that don’t fit into your jail cell of a mind, you froth off in the mouth!
Since you like jacking off, by a Fleshlight, and you can drink your residue, since you seem to lose brain cells when you whack off!
Puddy, do you kiss your mom or suck off your dad with that mouth!?!
Damn PuttyBooty-
Yer frothy spit is comin’ at me through the screen. Geez…you give towels with yer showers.
P.S. You are STILL a really dumb dumdass turd. take SATURDAY off numbnutz. You need it. Fucking twit.
I just astounded that folks who claim to be gay or lesbian cannot give a simple explanation of what those terms mean, what they like to do and why. How are those unreasonable questions?
I mean these folks have parades and all kinds of events to draw attention to themselves.
And I truly do understand what it’s like to have a buddy from the same gender. It’s just that I don’t particular feel compelled to suck on his wanker or feel it in my hind-end. Plus I simply don’t know that it is somethin’ to be particularly “PROUD” of. Do you?
Are you one of them gay guys too Clueless.
If so, maybe you can splain it.
It not, why in the samhill are you so inclined to celebrate it?
Maybe some gay fellas don’t suck, get suck, poke their weiner where it don’t belong or get poke by someone elses?
When I took Biology, they taught us that the rectum was an EXIT orifice. Precisely what date did that change?
Maybe we need a new National Holiday….Gay Day. To celebrate the first gay butt poke. What the hell…another day off fer guv’mint werkers.
Hallmark would have a field day with Gay Day cards.
Hell rujax, me & you can pardner up….if you promise not to look at me all dreamy eyed with yer boner in yer hand.
Please to correct my spelling and usage…
dumdass /sb dumbass
“Take” is capitalized, to be correct.
That is all. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Oh BTW, fuckhead wingers…sorry you have no civil liberties left. OH! I forgot…you voted for Cheney/bush. You didn’t want ’em anyway.
Hey Oink — are you one of them?
“Research by US psychologists suggests that 80 percent of men who are homophobic have secret homosexual feelings. This finding lends scientific support to the long-standing speculation that those who shout the loudest against homosexuality have something to hide.” (Thanks to the Drudge Report for the link.)
I’m just asking, since you seem rather, let’s say, preoccupied with the issue.
Oink — please call me again, I am now free for what we can have together. I will never tell. Please.