One poll question indicative of how difficult it is to gain public understanding on a complicated issue asked if respondents thought the government should ‘stay out of Medicare,’ something inherently impossible. 39% said yes.
Sometimes I really think we should just repeal Medicare, look over at the Republicans and go “there.” We won’t, of course, because it would be inhumane to millions of our fellow citizens, but still…
(Props to Think Progress.)
39% of Americans are just plain stupid….and about 99% of republicans fall into the same category.
Speaking of stupid: Lyndon LaRouche and anyone who follows him. Here is a link to an article that explores the remarkable similarity in the messages of republicans and LaRouche:
It seems they both like to scream Nazi or Socialism, they both believe in “death panels”, they both claim credit for “disrupting” the town halls.
Heck, Michael Steele isn’t sure if there are or aren’t “death panels”.
What a slimey squirt, he won’t even disavow the obviously false propaganda his fellow republicans spew.
Lyndon Larouche is a Democrat
“It seems they both like to scream Nazi or Socialism”
Well, not that it makes it any bit “OK” but your very own Nancy Pelosi and Brian Baird were the first to shoot the Nazi rhetoric bomb.
many of the “Obama Hitler” posters are Larouche followers (Democrats) so…it’s all a distraction.
Nat Hentoff, no wingnut he, says he’s finally found a presidential administration to fear: Barack Obama’s.
Sucks, doesn’t it, when one of your own holds a mirror up so that you can see the ugliness of what you support.
The Piper
You tards got the majority, go get em tiger! Dont let us get in your way. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH FAIL
2 RS
Riiiiight. Read the link @1 and tell us all who they agree with on health insurance reform: Demorats or Republicans.
Go ahead. We can wait.
4 PS
As if any Republican ever has.
I repeat, OBAMA publicly stated that he and the Republicans agree on about 80% of the Health Care Reform…and that the Public Option is only “a small sliver” of Health Care Reform.
Mind-numbed, pot-smokin’ fools like Daddy Love lie repeatedly…even when corrected.
NO ONE I KNOW is against Reform. There are plenty of things that can be done to improve the current system. But a jump to Government Control is merely the KLOWNS desperate stab to move forward their Socialist Agenda with a giant leap!
Democrats already introduced a bill to repeal Medicare.
Every Republican voted against it.
8 Cynical
Come on, tell us every point on which you agree with the president’s reform proposals. Heck, tell us two.
Maxine Waters let slip the real LEFTIST PINHEAD AGENDA…1st Banks, Next Auto, then massive debt via Porkulous…now onto Health Care and then Oil!!
See it come outta her own Socialist Mouf!
Daddy Love–
It was your man OBAMA who publicly stated we agree on 80%!!!!
Nice try loser.
You were the king of the trash-talkers 7 months ago.
“reform” is something everyone can get behind. Of course, by “reform” Republicans mean:
– What will make higher profits for health insurers less spending of money helping people be treated)
– What will reduce the rights of the undeserving to remedy injustices they suffer
– Whatever will punish the poor for their choice of poverty.
Is that the same Nat Hentoff who claimed that Terri Schiavo was not in a persistent vegetative state?
13. Daddy Love spews:
“reform” is something everyone can get behind. Of course, by “reform” Republicans mean:
– What will make higher profits for health insurers less spending of money helping people be treated).
I am NOT a defender of Insurance Companies. We need more competition to have the market hold them accountable
– What will reduce the rights of the undeserving to remedy injustices they suffer
Code words for Protect the Trial Attorneys who nearly 100% support the Democrats! Limiting judgments makes sense. Stop the Amubulance chasing. NONE of the foreign countries you KLOWNS gloat over has a Tort System like ours with such costly consequences
– Whatever will punish the poor for their choice of poverty.
One of the main differences between Daddy Love and I is I help poor people with my own money & time. Daddy Love feels good spending others money so he doesn’t have to dig into his pocket.
BTW Daddy Love, speaking of Health Care, how does it feel to have blood on your hands??
By HAMZA HENDAWI and KIM GAMEL, Associated Press Writers Hamza Hendawi And Kim Gamel, Associated Press Writers – 7 mins ago
Your insistence on retreat….here is the consequence. Blood on YOUR hands and Obama’s. Any Health Care ideas to bring these innocent victims back to life dumba$$??
12 Cyn
Yes, I know that. And it you ask them, many Republicansa will claim that they support such common-sense measures as forcing insurers to cover pre-existing conditions and forbidding recission.
But the TRUTH is that if you removed the public option, and removed end-of-life counseling (like what your people put into the Medicare Prescription Drug bill), and if you removed health insurance exchanges, and if you removed EVERYTHING EXCEPT forcing insurers to cover pre-existing conditions and forbidding recission, Republicans would still oppose it.
You know it, and I know it. Let’s not pretend.
16 CYn
Yeah, like it was MY idea to invade, to ensure that the Iraqi security forces were Shiite-only, that the Kurds would remain heavily armed, to ethnically cleanse Baghdad, etc., etc., etc.
That’s a Republican fuckup, dude. Your boy negotiated and signed the agreement to remove troops from the cities and to eventually withdraw completely.
Are you REALLY that stupid? Don’t imagine that I am.
@6 DL
So now if you don’t support POTUS lock step you’re a Republican? I Didn’t support President Bush on all of his policies, especially prescription drugs…But it hardly made me a Democrat.
Let’s be real here. Not all Democrats support every policy of the POTUS.
@2: Wrong stuff
hahaha Larouche is not a democrat….he parades as a sane person but is much more in line with republican fanatics…that is the point of the article….if you could actually read. he may have run a democrat way back when…but he has NEVER been a mainstream semocrat and has become increasingly right wing and looney at he same time.
In the4 meantime, the republicans have now gone off the deep end to meet up with him and the two kooks now agree with each other…how funny!
15 CYn
I don’t care what you guys want. You lost. We’re passing our bill, not yours. Try to get someone elected…if can.
19 RS
You didn’t read it, did you.
I do happen to think that if the legitimately elected government of Iraq wants us to leave (and they do), WE SHOULD LEAVE.
Klynical is getting increaingly strident and wrong….Obama’s spokeman said today that democrats will go it alone without the naysaying republican party who are in the pcokets of the insurance companies. The corrupt republicans would not for for any real reforms…even the trial baloon of no public option still got no republican support.
Face it Klynical, you and the idiots you supprt want the status quo, are in the deep pockets of big pharma dn the health insurance companies and have NO PLAN for reformn that will work.
Your fetid cries for competetion are just that…there ain’t no competition now and letting more rof-profit companies try to rake in the dough and provide substandard coverage will make things worse, idiot.
You have no plan and you have no new ideas…just bad old ideas.
come have been challenged to come up with t plan…so far you have squat! More competition….hahahaha…..that is sooo damn stupid!
re 11: Do you think Norman Thomas was admiring the perspicacity of many American voters or pointing out their ignorance?
I think the latter, as many of your own ‘stirred up’ protesters are warning the government to keep their socialist hands off Medicare.
I can not see why you think it so adorable to manipulate the uninformed in this manner.
19 RS
Yeah, all that making affordable prescription drugs available for the elderly–who could support a fool thing like that?
I’ll bet Nat Hentoff has a great collection of Leroy Nieman prints.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is prepared to pass health care reform “by any legislative means necessary.”
Reconciliation, here we come. 51 votes and no filibuster. Bye bye Grassley.
Don’t forget that Democrats are going to give your grandmonther the swine flu just to impose Socialism. Be afraid.
And it is not just the public that is ignorant about health care, the leading republicans on healthcare can’t get it right either:
and this is from his local, very conservative paper, OUCH!
and this is one of the GOP “experts”. What a joke the republican party is….
What’s with the repetitive claim that LaRouche is a Democrat? I’m seeing it across multiple threads and blogs now, obviously someone in the wingnut universe is passing the word to raise that “issue”, probably to deflect attention to the nutjobs the Republicans are sending to the Town Hall meetings.
Anybody can call themselves a Democrat. LaRouche called himself a Democrat at a time when having a “D” next to your name on a ballot was adventagous. But everyone knows LaRouche is a nutjob himself, and he doesn’t espouse Democratic policy or values. Heck, he doesn’t even bother to be consistent with himself within the same brochure.
LaRouche’s propoganda uses a trick which the early Nazis found somewhat effective in 1920’s Germany: they threw out a bunch of positions which, if examined, were often internally inconsistent with one another, but had some emotional appeal to the uniformed. Susceptable people picked up on what they liked, and ignored the rest.
@28 Amen! Time to put the republican naysayers in the dustbin of history.
Republicans lie, cheat and use insurnace company money to get their way….but they are gonna lose this one.
Loudmouths, rightwingnuts, gun-toters, teabaggers (sic), insurance companies, republican know-nothings, corrupt republicans, big Pharma are gonna lose and the American public is gonna win one for once.
The Larouche crowd, I used to look at one of his websites, on the Bering Sea Tunnel idea, but I doubt it will ever happen anytime soon. Too many shipping interests that would rather keep the status quo going. Look at the attempt made by an upstart to add a third shipping line between California and Hawaii, the Matson line fought that one off, and had Hawaii’s senior senator on their side. One Federal Law promoted the idea(Jones Act, since California to Hawaii is from one US Port to another, required ships carrying cargo between the states to be US-owned and flagged, US Crewed, and US Built), and another law repealing a loan-guarentee program shut them out.
The healthcare debate, too many entrenched interests to fight. Budget Reconciliation would be a longshot at best.
It’s almost like the Healthcare battle, too many entrenched interests.
Nonprofit, non-partisan FamiliesUSA give us “10 Reasons to Support The Health Care Reform Bills” (PDF). I was hoping that one of them would be “support the bills and choke a Republican” but they’re apparently not me.
They expand on each of these points in the PDF. Read it and learn.
I keep forgetting to mention “no more lifetime limits” as another needed reform. But it is, and its in the bills.
@22 I did read it. It doesn’t change the fact that he’s a Democrat..
@26 It wasn’t the idea that was bad, it was the lack of a funding source that is REALLY bad. Everyone has great ideas how to spend other peoples money. This was a good idea that wasn’t properly funded and worked out, therefore a bad bill.
@28 Please oh Please try that…..
I will even write Harry Reid to please go for that!!!!!
If anyone thinks that townhalls are rowdy now…Try to shove this down the throat of Americans..
Good luck with that.
@35: Larouche may call himself a democrat but he sounds just like a republican and he has always been outside the mainstream of the democratic party….but apparently he is now IN the mainstream of the republican party.
That is the point….you can keep repeating that he is a democrat…but he AGREES with the republicans.
Yup, the republicans and looney LaRouch agree on healthcare.
And real democrats have always considered Larouch to be a nutbag, not a democrat.
that is the state of the republican party….their leaders lie about healthcare (or are so stupid that the “experts” on healthcare keep repeating a lie) and their body politic is in lockstep with the looney Larouchites and is sponsored by the insurance industry.
Loonies, corruption, coporate sponsorship, stupid or lying leaders….yuo, that is the republican party of today. And Wrongstuff supports that. That makes wrongstuff…well, either willfully ignorant or purposely crooked…there is one other possiblity, RS could be a “principled” free market person…of course, that means he supports the banking industry failures that screwed our economy….so pick your poison.
@35 You’re posts are usually quite a bit more sane than that.
No, he’s no Democrat. But if you insist, then I’m sure you’ll have no problem with accepting Neal Horsley as a Republican.
Soo… It sure looks to me that the righties on here can’t come up with anything to counter the idea that at least a very large chunk of anti-reform folks are clueless about what they’re complaining about.
@8 Believing that there’s some sort of hidden socialist agenda would make you part of the bat shit crazy crowd.
Another ignorant comment from RS:
According to the non-partisan CBO the healthcare bill will be budget neutral over ten years and cover virtually everyone.
I suppose you supported the 1 trillion we wasted on an unnecessary war in Iraq?
or the Bush banking bailout with no oversight?
Hey crazies, Larouch hates Democrats, and Republicans for that matter. He’s his own unique party of crazy, no more REALLY a Democrat than the KKK is an official wing of the Republican party. Both may tend to vote sometimes with the party they’re closest too, but don’t really BELONG to either.
Hey, speaking of the “NO, YOU’RE A NAZI” argument that’s been all the rage lately. Isn’t that stupid? We HAVE Nazi’s in this country. Why don’t we just ask THEM?
Wanna guess if they support Obama or the Republicans more, or they vote for more often? They’re not happy with either, but I’m just GUESSING they don’t like pro-gay black guy. Just guessing.
“According to the non-partisan CBO the healthcare bill will be budget neutral over ten years and cover virtually everyone.”
Uh, I was refering to the prescription drug debacle that President Bush enacted…Which adds 1+trillion to the national debt.
“Bush banking bailout with no oversight”
Which is now the Obama Bank Bailout without oversight. Please….
Steve @37
I am merely pointing out that he has run numerous times as a Democrat for President. Is he mainstream? NO, but that’s not the point. He has been, until just recently, identified as a Democrat.
I personally think that both sides ought to tone down the ridiculous rhetoric because it diestracts from the debate of serious issues. But this is how our country was founded and operates… We have to take the good with the bad.
This is a borrowed phrase, but…
If Republicans are from Mars, and Democrats are from Venus, then Larouche and his band of followers are from Uranus.
@42 HA!
@30 “None of the health reform plans being considered by Congress would create an English- or Canadian-style health system here.”
“I’ll bet Nat Hentoff has a great collection of Leroy Nieman prints.”
God, I hope my wife doesn’t find out. She’d jump on a plane and be pounding on his door begging to see them.
What? You try to interject humor into this scholarly dissection of pressing policy issues? Shame, shame.
@2 “Lyndon Larouche is a Democrat”
Wrong, and Fred Phelps isn’t a Democrat either. Calling yourself a “Democrat” doesn’t make you one. If I called myself a “Republican” that wouldn’t make me one, I’d still be a Democratic Party hack and liberal propagandist, although why would I want to call myself a “Republican”? That would be like admitting to a crime I didn’t commit. No rational person calls himself a “Republican” — even if he is one.
@3 The difference is your side is behaving like a gang of Nazis and ours isn’t. You don’t see liberals waving guns outside these townhalls. You didn’t see liberals waving guns outside Bush’s townhalls either — what you saw at Bush’s townhalls was people getting arrested simply for having a peace symbol on their car. The Extremist Right has deserved the “Nazi” label for quite some time now.
Personally, I don’t care if the wingers call me a “Nazi” because I think we should set up concentration camps and exterminate the lot of them.*
* Heh! Just kidding! Ann Coulter joke.
@4 “when one of your own”
Hardly. Henthoff is a libertarian drawing a paycheck from the Cato Institute.
Piper is caught in another lie.
@11 “Maxine Waters let slip the real LEFTIST PINHEAD AGENDA…1st Banks, Next Auto, then massive debt via Porkulous…now onto Health Care and then Oil!!”
Klown, sometimes you are truly comical. Besides your hilarious penchant for fucking goats, I mean.
@11 (continued) You know, I think maybe instead of rescuing the economy from a Bush Depression, we should have kept our hands off and let the country eat a replay of the 1930s. It would have got rid of all the rich, and then we could have started over with a clean slate.
@14 Yes.
That’s also the same Nat Henthoff who got fired from the Village Voice for being a tool.
@24 Republican policy consists of being against anything Democrats are for. That’s what brought the Twin Towers down:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
@35 “I did read it. It doesn’t change the fact that he’s a Democrat..”
Endlessly repeating a lie doesn’t make it true. He’s not a Democrat, and you’re not anything other than a b.s.-spewing wingnut.
Pelletizer, yes Maxine Waters is a loon, not funny.
Cynical is right about her rant. It’s been here before. Ask your friend wondermoron he has all the PuddyMissives.
Pelletizer, the leftist loons say 9/11 was an inside job. Rosie O’Donnell also believes 9/11 was an inside job. wondermoron like Rosie O’Donnell. He ridicules people who he claims don’t like “uppity women.
@41 “Which is now the Obama Bank Bailout without oversight.”
With no oversight? Um, no. You guys are the ones complaining about the government supervising, among other things, how much of the taxpayers’ money the banks can spend on executive bonuses. You guys are the party that opposes shareholder rights legislation. The idea that CEOs should write their own paychecks with no accountability to anyone and pay themselves hundreds of millions for running their companies into the ground is a uniquely Republican concept.
@42 I predict that’ll fly over the heads of our ignorant wingnut friends.
Hey Roger you half-dead, gasping for air old bastard!! This is for you!
correctnotright spews–
Boy did you pick the wrong time to accuse R’s of being in the “pocket” of Big Pharma.
Did you hear the news of Axelrod’s Ad & PR company?? $12-24 MILLION in recent fees FROM BIG PHARMA!!
Too Damn Funny!!
He ran for President of the United States..As a Democrat…
Sorry no matter how many times you call me names it doesn’t change the fact that he has until very recently been indetified as a Democrat…
NutsTooTight follows the TPM/Kos daily factoids. His favrit web sites didn’t cover those points. He’s always a day late with NutsTooTight!
Harry Reid is threatening the nuclear option. Puddy says let him. Piper’s reporting on the lost of House seats in 2010 will be even worse. Even some losses in the senate?
52 HAHAHAHAHAHA Jesus fucking christ you are a stupid unaccomplished piece of shit. “Get rid of all the rich”. Who would pay for your free programs? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Moron. No I mean it. MORON. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
@57 You have a strange idea of what a “loon” is. A “loon” is a guy picketing a townhall on health care reform with an AR-15 or a pistol strapped to his waist. Those guys are ours, not ours. The GOP is the party of loons, not us.
@58 99.9999999% of the people in this country, including me, don’t believe 9/11 was an inside job, so what’s your point?
Slapping a “left” label on 9/11 conspiracy goofballs doesn’t make them part of the mainstream Democratic Party that’s currently trying to reform health care in this country.
On the other hand, it’s very clear the GOP’s national leaders, a very large proportion of the GOP’s grassroots, and the GOP’s trolls and shills on this board — including you — have jumped aboard the Loonytunes Train where health care reform is concerned.
The screamers and gun-wavers are typical of Republicans these days, and people like you are cheering them on.
That’s what I call “loony.”
@61 Well whaddya know, the Republican Noise Machine knocked out something that’s actually FUNNY. Didn’t know you guys had it in you. What’s next, a Holocaust cartoon strip?
@63 Any rightwing nazi can call himself a “Democrat.” That doesn’t make him way. By way of illustration, Susan Hutchison is trying to pass herself off as a “nonpartisan” candidate. That doesn’t make her one.
@65 “Harry Reid is threatening the nuclear option.”
God, I hope so! Let’s end this. Enough of pointless wingnut grandstanding.
@66 I never said we were going to get rid of the rich. If you read my comment carefully, you’ll see that I merely suggested letting the rich get rid of themselves, instead of bailing out their sorry asses.
OBAMA–The most corrupt Administration ever!
Chicago-style pay-to-play politics.
Just in from FoxNews_
Does House Healthcare Bill Fund Abortion? Depends on Whom You Ask
Now this is interesting…
Yet when you read the Libtardos they “claim” it won’t fund abortions. Something doesn’t add up with the leftist blatherings and it isn’t the single celled minds of many HA libtardos.
The Vancouver, BC healthcare system is running out of other people’s money…;sponsor
Medicaid & Medicare are almost broke and underpaying for services already, the VA is underfunded and a nightmare of a bureaucracy. Why does anybody think a single payer program would be any better? If any government run health program was a model to be admired, you might have an argument. But I wouldn’t let some of those people bandage a stray dog.
All the compassion of the IRS with the efficiency of the DMV.
the nuclear option
People should avoid using terms they don’t understand.
…just WHERE do we want to start with the corruption in the Bush administration?
OH!!! I know…how about the NINE BILLION DOLLARS…that’s NINE BILLION…for the cyniklown who obviously does not understand the relative value of numbers…that’s the amount of American Taxpayer (…uhhh…that’s YOU, assclown) dollars that georgie porgie and his band of thieving traitors “lost” in Iraq per the GAO.
Shipped it over on shrink-wrapped pallets via Air Force C-130’s and “POOF”…the bux are gone, never ever to be seen again.
That’s just for starters, shithead…it gets better. Now that’s REAL corruption…something you guys can really do!! And do really well!
I don’t recall that EVER stopping this fuck-tard…
Well rudeASS@78! tell us all about it?
Can you create a cogent thought, libtard?
@2 david duke is a republican, well…at least the only
*honest* one.
I guess the poodlehead (love that!! LOL) never reads his comments.
another total jerk farts
From the fool who calls the elderly at town hall meetings Brownshirts.
Hey jackASS@81: Puddy asked you. Skeeered?
Puddy sees you are a chicken.
Bwaaaaaaaaawk Bwaaaaaaaaaaaawk
Sure…let’s engage the poodlehead…
…but first, let’s paraphrase the Honorable Barney Frank; no let’s not about the dining room table ’cause the poodlehead is at least smarter than that…let’s say…geranium. Because a geranium IS a life form, though many many IQ point away from “sentient being”…ought to be about right don’t you think?
And as for engaging colonelsandersfavoritechicken, well…I don’t have the time or patience (frankly, I get bored easily) for a seven-hundred post thread that inevitable results in the dixiepixiechicken refusing to acknowledge (for the 279th time) that he has been proven irrefutably to be dead fucking wrong.
Nope…nahhh-gahhh-doooo-it. Wouldn’t bee prudent. So as far as I’m concerned, ‘ol poodlepoop can just fuck right off.
Cogent enuf for ya asshole?
58 – LOL. I laugh at your stupid paranoia.
Look out Stupes!!! CODE PINK!!!
Gets the fiend shivering under the bed in stupid fear every time.
Oh, great…we’re in second grade.
Neener, neener, neener…(THAT oughta get ‘im.)
Hey YLB!
How’s THIS…
Of course rudeASS! forgets the cost of rocket telemetry sent to the Chicoms by the Clintonoids. The Chicoms can now more precisely target US west coast cities today and in the future.
Funny rudeASS! didn’t use that second grade argument against wondermoron over the last few days when wondermoron called Puddy a chicken and used the same terminology.
What a hypocrite.
Oh…okay, I think I’m getting this now…how’s this:
“The Rujax don’t take no orders from anyone…’specially YOU, FOOL!
Wow…I feel so…empowered!!!!!
WTF was post #84.
Ooops… that was rudeASS! He never makes sense.
Once again…
Once a hypocrite.
Always a hypocrite.
Re: 89, 90…
ACORN Bill Ayers ACORN ACORN Bill Ayers ACORN Bill Ayers Bill Ayers ACORN ACORN Bill Ayers ACORN ACORN Bill Ayers…
Dayam…this is FUN!!!!
Hey Rujax,
The other day Stupes was spinning some new guilt by association paranoia bullshit about SEIU and ACORN sharing offices or some shit like that.
This loon is IN-SANE!!!!
Yeah it’s real BULLSHIT wondermoron.
That’s why Puddy reads while you jerk off!
Google the address wondermoron
Thanks, man…I forgot that one:
Bill Ayers SEIU ACORN SEIU Bill Ayers SEIU SEIU ACORN ACORN SEIU Bill Ayers ACORN Bill Ayers SEIU Bill AyersACORN ACORN ACORN SEIU Bill Ayers Bill Ayers Bill Ayers SEIU SEIU Bill Ayers SEIU ACORN SEIU SEIU Bill Ayers ACORN SEIU Bill Ayers Bill Ayers ACORN…
How’s that?
Kinda looks like modern art…like Klee or something…
Google address 1062 elysian fields New Orleans LA wondermoron. Still there right now fool!
Keep pounding the little fella fool!
LOL! So what does it mean Stupes?
What’s your “theory”?
Such a miserable loon!
Here it is from Maps.Live wondermoron.
wondermoron claimed
Now that Puddy smacked his sorry ASS he changes his tune.
Why you asking Puddy now? You dissed it before.
Yep Puddy agrees, you are such a miserable loontard!
102 – So let’s hear the bullshit.
Why you so all of sudden reticent?
Are you skeeeered???????
Reticent? BULLSHIT? Hell No, you@102 da chicken fool.
Way off base as always. Go back to playing with yourself…
Just as I thought…
Running away like a frightened chicken..
There he goes!
Bawk, bawk, bawk!!!
@73 LOL! Klown thinks ads funded by Big Pharma represent gummint corruption! Heh! You’ve been in the goat shed too long, Klown! You’re starting to think like a goat! You’ll turn into a goat if you’re not careful!
I get it…stupes is conflating the proximity between a (dastardyly) Labor Union (boy those SEIU thugs are really something…those gals that clean offices will just tear you a NEW ONE), and the hated and FEARED Community Organizing…uhhhh…organization, with a vast left wing conspiracy to cinfiscate all water pistols, make Rush Limbaugh Hillary’s cabana boy, and force the poodlehead and all his manly minions to read “Iron John”.
Maybe he’s on to something…or maybe he ran out of tin foil.
A quick glance at the comments in this thread over the last couple hours reveals that poodlehead has finally gone completely stark raving BONKERS. I can’t make any sense at all of his squawking. Apparently he now thinks he’s a chicken. Let’s capture him and deliver him into Colonel Sanders’ custody!
Good try. Above RudeASS!@87 called that second grade antics.
Still such a child reject.
Thanks for playing again Pavlov’s Doggie!
See ya wondermoron. You already dissed it.
107 – That’s about as good a theory to go with those links he dropped as any.
The nervous chicken flew the coop!
109 – ??????? WTF?
Stupes I was so looking forward your next classic loony tunes conspiracy theory!
C’mon you can do better than that!
SEIU and ACORN – you got the goods on them right?
Let’s see you deliver!
Poor ‘lil fella’s outta gas.
Being that crazy is HARD WORK!!!!
I bet Stupes still believes ACORN got 4 billion dollars from the stimulus.
There’s just no end to the stupid this fiend will bring.
Nope wondermoron. You weren’t interested when Puddy put it forth before. Now the picture is worth a million words you are soooooooooooooooooooo eager to hear it. Can wondermoron say he was wrong?
Well when Puddy gave you the Democratic Pension Fund Scandal, you ridiculed it. Now the NY Times carried it. You claimed it was right-wing BULLSHIT (your direct quote). Now the NY Times carried it. Now Puddy delivered the SEIU – ACORN connections and he rejected it.
RudeASS! has a small appendage you can ride ride ride!
114 – Ahhh… shit. Deprived of more of teh crazy from the one and only Stupes.
Carry on crazy chicken. Cluck! Cluck! Bawk! Bawk! BAWK!!
Yep post #115 makes no sense. Just like most others in the past few days. Can wondermoron say he was wrong? Back to the second grade attacks. Yet rudeASS! is silent.
It’s only right-wing BULLSHIT fool! Here watch all the peeps cheering you wondermoron
See them marching just for wondermoron @ 35 seconds through 49. See you salute the troops @ 55 seconds. You act just like him wondermoron. The kook-aid serves your single celled femtometer brain well.
117 – Ok last chance for the chicken to come home to roost (instead of running afraid his head is to be chopped off).
So what’s the nefarious, conspiratorial collaboration between SEIU and ACORN going on that those nola digs…
Pssst.. quiet… Stupes is going to let us all in on the skinny…
stupes?… stupes?…
wondermoron, wait for it. You’ll see it in the WA Times real soon.
It’s only right-wing BULLSHIT fool! You can call it then.
118 – C’mon Stupes we’re waitin’ on the scoop!
Well, I’m writing this chicken off. His shot nerves got the better of him…
Good wondermoron. It’s only right-wing BULLSHIT fool!
Can wondermoron say he was wrong? Skeeeeeeeeered?
Dance mofo dance, Pavlov’s doggie!
What happened to the hypocrite rudeASS!?
Heee. See. I have a few further croaks here.
Ohhhhh….the Washington Times!!!!!! Ooooooooo….
HEYYYYYYY….wait just a dog-gone minit here…
….Stupes is a “Moonie”??????? WTF….
THAT would sure explain a lot.
120 – Awwww. The chicken does a popinjay!
C’mon Stupes! What were ACORN and SEIU doing in nola?
Planning a “let’s ruffle Stupes’ chicken feathers” with CODE PINK and Rosie?
give us the skinny stupes! LOL!
People should avoid using (and complaining about others using) terms they don’t understand.
There goes another total jerk with his Brownshirts rant. Puddy wonders how many old Jewish People were in the audience at those town halls?
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Again Puddy hopes Harry Land Deal Reid listens to Charles (Steal Your Social Security Number) Schumer and uses the nuclear option. Ohhhh wait…, Dummocrapts don’t like that word so they call it something else. Please use it Harry, listen to Chucky!
It says a lot about someone when they object to the view that they should refrain from using terms they don’t understand.
It says even more when you throw vile terms out at people without knowing their heritage.
It says even more when you lump people together with vile terms because they have concerns.
It says even more when you attack Americans who are using their constitution right to question politicians by using vile terms against them.
Keep digging your own grave SUCKA. You are as vile as bybygoober.
It says a lot about someone when they repeatedly make accusations that are factually inaccurate.
another total jerk. Still the jerk.
First Chucky suggested reconciliation. That ain’t gonna work. The old people whom you call brownshirts will become real vocal. Next they will go nuclear option, because they don’t want to allow Al Franken to provide the 60th vote if the Republicans go the filibuster route. Puddy can see the Republican ads with the picture of Al Franken on a HorsesASS. Puddy hopes the first two happen. And if the third happens the 60 vote route, can you say bye bye majority?
Factually inaccurate. You didn’t call the protesters Brownshirts? You claimed they were acting like brownshirts?
Hmmm… Here’s da evidence…
11. Another TJ spews:
Nobody tell Mr. Scott, but those “spontaneous” expressions of the “will of the people?” Not so much. Actually, not at all.
Think Brooks Brothers.
Or think Brownshirts.
08/04/2009 at 4:54 am
Strange where’s the word acting like… it’s missing again here. BTW can someone act like Brooks Brothers?
54. Another TJ spews:
Hurray for Rep. Lloyd Doggett, one of the targets of Mr. Scott’s Brownshirt Tea Bagging Brigade:
“This mob, sent by the local Republican and Libertarian parties, did not come just to be heard, but to deny others the right to be heard. And this appears to be part of a coordinated, nationwide effort. What could be more appropriate for the “party of no” than having its stalwarts drowning out the voices of their neighbors by screaming “just say no!” Their fanatical insistence on repealing Social Security and Medicare is not just about halting health care reform but rolling back 75 years of progress. I am more committed than ever to win approval of legislation to offer more individual choice to access affordable health care. An effective public plan is essential to achieve that goal.”
Well done, Congressman.
08/04/2009 at 11:23 am
Strange where’s the word acting like… it’s missing again here too. BTW can someone act like Brooks Brothers?
Now when called on it you then changed your tune…
124. Another TJ spews:
Just so everyone’s clear and is not confused by Lambchop’s faux outrage…
I called people who are acting like Brownshirts Brownshirts because it’s accurate and appropriate. When your strategy memo specifically states “Be Disruptive Early And Often” and “Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate,” you’re not exercising your constitutional rights, you’re deliberately trampling on others’ by behaving like a thug, like the Sturmabteilung.
If calling these thugs Brownshirts hurt your feelings, it’s indicative of the deep problems both you and these people have with democracy and America. You’re unworthy of this great country, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
08/04/2009 at 5:49 pm
The evidence is there. Over 12 hours to “clean” it up another total jerk.
Way to go Lib-tar-do!
Puddy loves how another total jerk uses “words and phrases” from Robert Gibbs’s mouth to make his point. Is there any cognitive reasoning up there in another total jerk’s neanderthal cranial orifice?
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
What a moron! For those irrelevant asswipes, it was always a matter of “when” they filibuster. See the idiocies of that “bi-partisan” Chuck Grassley.
Is the chicken going to entertain us with the nefarious collaboration between ACORN, SEIU, CODE PINK and Rosie in NOLA? (ooops gotta throw Hillary in there somehow).
Who’s the chicken wondermoronfool “I don’t take orders of right wing trolls” when told to do something.
Here’s one for you. Don’t STFU fool! Can you follow that order?
So puddythemooniechicken is still at it.
Who’da thunk it?
Gee, Jon Devore is now deleting the Daily Rasmussen Poll.
We are talking about Government.
The Poll today showed:
Seems to me it shows people are overwhelmingly afraid of government doing too much, right Jon?? And Obama’s plummetting ratings show they recognize he is doing too much.
Jon is starting to be more & more like Obama everyday. Censor comments that legitimately challenge those in power.
Good work Komrade KommieJon!
It says a lot about someone when they can’t understand that what they copy and paste undermines their own argument.
Another tj–
You are the dense one.
People are afraid the government will do too much as in Porkulous…as in Single Payer…as in Obamunism.
It says a lot about someone when they think every comment is directed at them.
Well, well, well. Looks like someone owes me an apology.
Also too: Looks like someone owes me (and Keith Olbermann) an apology.
It says a lot about someone when the time comes to admit they were wrong and apologize and they can’t muster the courage.