With posts to first Daily Kos and now The Huffington Post, Gov. Chris Gregoire is beginning to get into this blogging thing:
As Memorial Day approaches, I encourage all of you to take the time to honor our fallen veterans. Sadly more than 100 Washington men and women have died in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. Mike and I have tried to attend every funeral service for Washington’s fallen soldiers, and we will continue our commitment to honoring these brave individuals by showing their families that we acknowledge their tragic loss.
And unlike the Bush administration, Gov. Gregoire provides both talk and action when it comes to supporting our troops, signing 47 pieces of legislation regarding veterans and their families during her first term, more than any other governor in state history.
Gregoire honors veterans? Um, that’s Veterans Day. Today is Memorial Day, when you honor those who have died in service to our country. Veteran’s Day is when you honor those who served in the military. I think she has her holidays mixed up.
Troll @1,
Um… can you fucking read?
What’s so hard to understand about that sentence?
She’s doing better than W. on that front.
I can read, and I can quote. “Gov. Gregoire honors veterans..”
By the way, they aren’t fallen veterans, they are fallen soldiers.
Troll exemplifies the best the right wing traitors have to offer. Can’t read, can’t reason and can’t help it because he’s inbred.
Back to the point which the inbred Troll tried to hijack….
Baby Bush – you know, the AWOL coward who was a draft dodger during Nam…he’s afraid to go to funerals. He’s also worked AGAINST veterans – hoping I guess that they die so we can honor them on Memorial Day!
they are fallen soldiers.
Excuse me. Are we to ignore the fallen marines, sailors and airmen (and women)?
Nice try. Losing wingnut troll.
You are right. I was wrong.
This is very humbling, because this is the first time I have been wrong in 2008.
And to think. Every single soldier’s death in Iraq was a war crime committed by our liar in chief.
Not to mention the millions of Iraqis either killed or maimed so “W” could be a “war president” as they say.
Hey, he had an election to win right?
Dear Mr. Troll.
Thank you. I temporarily had forgotten about you remaining 27%-ers.
You perform a valuable public service to the country.
Troll may not have been born an idiot. He may be a self-made man.
I see where the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has seen fit to issue a fresh missal reminding members of the military that they’re prohibited from engaging in political activism while serving. This can only mean that there’s an increasing concern about folks in the ranks expressing displeasure over what they’re being called upon to do.
How nice…on the day the nation honors its dead, it has to tell the living to shut up.
Two words: My IQ is 118.
I may be an idiot, but I’m the only one on this blog that knows that Memorial day isn’t about honoring veterans.
Democrats should just stay quiet on Memorial and Veterans day. Its a day to honor republicans after all not to make political speeches.
Dog- you are a pig for dishonoring Americans of all political persuasion s who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
@1 Exactly the kind of crap we expect from your ilk. How about if you Rethugs start honoring our soldiers by not sending them to die in useless wars in the first place. When will we see an end to GOP militarism and warmongering?
@4 You have too much time on your hands. Don’t you have anything better to do? Like attending a Memorial Day parade or ceremony, or putting flowers on a grave? No? Then go into the john and jerk yourself off — even that is more constructive than what you’re doing here.
@7 You’ve been wrong about everything in your entire miserable useless unproductive life.
(Not) Supporting the Troops Dep’t — Memorial Day Edition
Given how Republican warmongers treat our military personnel they send to Iraq, the least they can do is offer them the same G.I. Bill benefits that veterans of previous wars got. But nooooooo … you get those only if you re-enlist 5 more times and serve another 15 tours in their 100 Year War. No wonder people like Barr are fleeing the GOP as fast as their feet can carry them.
@12 IQ is like money — if you have to brag about it, you don’t have it.
@14 No dog = no dog shit.
@14 (continued) Animal control should euthanize you so we can remember you on Memorial Day, too.
@15 That’s an insult to pigs.
Wow, you idiot left-wingers can’t even honor Memorial Day without going unhinged on Bush. What a bunch of losers. Lucky for you, the men and women we honor today made the ultimate sacrifice so that even you guys could benefit.
@24 What does Bush have to do with honor?
@24 (continued) Cheap talk about honoring our valiant warriors who made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of your colonial wars of aggrandizement is not a substitute for G.I. Bill benefits for the survivors of your foreign policy follies.
#20 You should take your own advice oh greatest
investor in the world.
Dog bites man . no news.
Man bites dog .. some news.
Politician kisses babies … no news
Politician kisses babes .. news
Babe bites man .. news?
Politician kisses dog .. some news
Politician disses vets .. news
Politician kisses vets some news
Politician praises vets .. no news.
Just curious how many of you liberal ignoramouses have actually served in the military?
@27 “You should take your own advice oh greatest investor in the world.”
Wow, it doesn’t take much to impress you, does it? I’ve done nothing to deserve your high opinion of my financial activities. You’re too fucking dense to understand your own excretory process let alone my comments. All I’ve done is point out the absurdity of a system that rewards a lazy slacker like me and screws workers.
When you’re a GOP coward who claims to support the war, but yet never fought in one – you’re a chickenhawk. Here’s a partial list of just a FEW of the GOP chickenshit chickenhawks.
Representative Patrick McHenry, R-NC – did not serve. Saw fit to endanger American troops’ lives after a visit to Iraq by violating operational security and helping militias target their mortar attacks on the Green Zone.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY – did not serve.
Former Senate Assistant Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-MI – avoided the draft, did not serve.
Senate Republican Conference Chairman Jon Kyl, R-AZ – did not serve.
Senate Republican Conference Vice Chair John Cornyn, R-TX – did not serve.
National Republican Senatorial Committee Chair John Ensign, R-NV – did not serve.
House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-OH – did not serve.
House Minority Whip Roy Blunt, R-MO – did not serve.
House Republican Conerence Chair Adam Putnam, R-FL – did not serve.
House Republican Policy Committee Thaddeus McCotter, R-MI – did not serve.
National Republican Congressional Committee Chair Tom Cole, R-OK – did not serve.
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani – did not serve.
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney – did not serve in the military but did serve the Mormon Church on a 30-month mission to France.
Former Senator Fred Thompson – did not serve.
Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert – avoided the draft, did not serve.
Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey – avoided the draft, did not serve.
Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay – avoided the draft, did not serve.
Former House Majority Whip Roy Blunt – did not serve
Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist – did not serve.
Rick Santorum, R-PA, formerly third ranking Republican in the Senate – did not serve.
George Felix Allen, former Republican Senator from Virginia – a supporter of Nixon and the Vietnam war, did not serve.
VP Cheney – several deferments (1, 2), the last by marriage (in his own words, “had other priorities than military service”)
Former Att’y Gen. John Ashcroft – did not serve received seven deferment to teach business ed at SW Missouri State.
Jeb Bush, Florida Governor – did not serve.
Karl Rove – avoided the draft, did not serve, too busy being a Republican.
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich – avoided the draft, did not serve.
“B-1” Bob Dornan – avoided Korean War combat duty by enrolling in college acting classes (Orange County Weekly article). Enlisted only after the fighting was over in Korea.
Phil Gramm – avoided the draft, did not serve, four (?) student deferments.
Right wing talk show hosts Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh both were of age to fight in wars – Rush in Nam and Sean in Iraq 1. Neither saw fit to enlist and Rush avoided the draft because of a pimple on his ass.
Rick Noriega, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate from Texas — joined the U.S. Army in 1979; currently Lt. Colonel in Texas Army National Guard, served in Afghanistan.
Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) — rifle platoon and company commander with the Fifth Marine Regiment in the An Hoa Basin west of Danang; was awarded the Navy Cross, the Silver Star Medal, two Bronze Star Medals, and two Purple Hearts.
Representative Tim Walz, D-MN – Twenty-four years of service in the Army National Guard, retiring in 2005.
Representative Joe Sestak, D-PA – 31 years of service in the Navy, rising to the rank of Vice Admiral.
Representative Chris Carney, D-PA – Lieutenant Commander in the United States Naval Reserve, Carney served multiple tours overseas and was activated for Operation Enduring Freedom, Noble Eagle, and Southern Watch.
Representative Patrick Murphy, D-PA – extensive career in the U.S. Army from 1993-2004; earned Bronze Star and Presidential Unit Citation.
Representative Phil Hare, D-IL – Served in the United States Army Reserve for six years.
Representative Jack Murtha (D-PA) – distinguished 37-year career in the U.S. Marine Corps, Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts, retired from the Marine Corps Reserve as a colonel in 1990.
Former House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt – Missouri Air National Guard, 1965-71.
Representative David Bonior – Staff Sgt., United States Air Force 1968-72
Former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle – 1st Lt., U.S. Air Force SAC 1969-72
Former Vice President Al Gore – enlisted August 1969; sent to Vietnam January 1971 as an army journalist, assigned to the 20th Engineer Brigade headquartered at Bien Hoa, an airbase twenty miles northeast of Saigon.
Former Senator Bob Kerrey… Democrat… Lt. j.g., U.S. Navy 1966-69; Medal of Honor, Vietnam
Senator Daniel Inouye, US Army 1943-’47; Medal of Honor, World War Two
Senator John Kerry, Lt., U.S. Navy 1966-70; Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat V, and three awards of the Purple Heart for his service in combat
Representative Charles Rangel, Staff Sgt., U.S. Army 1948-52; Bronze Star, Korea
Former Senator Max Cleland, Captain, U.S. Army 1965-68; Silver Star & Bronze Star, Vietnam
Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) – U.S. Army Reserve, 1968-1975.
Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) – U.S. Army, 1951-1953.
Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) – Lt., U.S. Navy, 1962-67; Naval Reserve, 1968-74.
Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) – U.S. Army Ranger, 1971-1979; Captain, Army Reserve 1979-91
Former Senator Fritz Hollings (D-SC) – served as a U.S. Army officer in World War II, receiving the Bronze Star and seven campaign ribbons.
Representative Leonard Boswell (D-IA) – Lt. Col., U.S. Army 1956-76; two tours in Vietnam, two Distinguished Flying Crosses as a helicopter pilot, two Bronze Stars, and the Soldier’s Medal.
Former Representative “Pete” Peterson, Air Force Captain, POW, Ambassador to Viet Nam, and recipient of the Purple Heart, the Silver Star and the Legion of Merit.
Rep. Mike Thompson, D-CA: Staff sergeant/platoon leader with the 173rd Airborne Brigade, U.S. Army; was wounded and received a Purple Heart.
Bill McBride, Democratic Candidate for Florida Governor – volunteered and served as a U.S. Marine in Vietnam; awarded Bronze Star with a combat “V.”
Gray Davis, former California Governor, Army Captain in Vietnam; received Bronze Star.
Pete Stark, D-CA, served in the Air Force 1955-57
Wesley Clark, Former Democratic Presidential Candidate – 38-year career of public service in the Army, culminating as Supreme Allied Commander of NATO.
@29 I did, a full tour with a front-line combat unit in Vietnam, and what’s more I volunteered for it. So? What of it? I don’t expect you to kiss my furry ass, but if you’d like to, call 1-900-LICK-ROG — all proceeds go to the Help A Vietnam Vet Live Like A Republican Fund.
@29 (continued) Why don’t you read the list @31 — I’m sure you’ve seen it before — then explain to us why you kiss the feet of those cowards and pretenders. Any jackass can stick a flag pin in his lapel and call himself a “patriot,” but that doesn’t make him one.
@29 (continued) McCain was a slacker and goof-off who never should have gotten anywhere near a taxpayer-owned airplane, but I give him this: He served. He volunteered for combat. He got the shit kicked out of him for doing it. He also covered Kerry’s back in Congress when Kerry told the truth about the MIAs, and about the scumbags who prey on MIA families for financial gain by peddling false hopes. I respect him for all of that. You? If you served, thank you for your service. I sincerely mean that.
So this is the best the HA Happy Hooligans can do on Memorial Day – a day we as Americans are called to honor those men and women who, in Lincoln’s words, “gave the last full measure of devotion?”
No special post calling upon all to honor the fallen without regard to politics or political affiliation? No recognition of the ultimate sacrifice paid by tens of thousands in well over two-centuries?
Why does this not surprise me? Such a cavalier disregard of the real meaning of what used to be called Decoration Day. More’s the pity, too, that what little has been said on the subject is the usual partisan, politically motivated drivel that is self-focused, self-aggrandizing, and simply selfish.
Anti-Iraq, anti-Bush, any-Republican rants and raves seem to be the best Goldy and the gang have to offer.
Ever stop to think that some whose memories we’re called upon to honor today did not hold such opinions yet were willing to lay it all down on behalf of those who do?
Would it be too much to ask the rabid among you to either offer up a semblance of a “thank you” to those who have died for you, or, at the least, keep your traps shut for the day?
Most everyone knows I have two sons who serve. To date, they’ve been free of injury, though they’ve been exposed to the threat of it. My sergeant first class oldest son and lance corporal youngest are volunteers with each having re-upped; my oldest recently re-enlisted for the second time just over a month ago.
These men and their brothers and sisters in arms serve because they see it as their duty…and an honor.
Not surprisingly, not many, if any, of the HA Happy Hooligans seem familiar with either word – duty…honor.
Consider what else Lincoln said:
Disagree, dissent, dispute all you wish, that is your right.
But please do not disrespect, which is what so many of you do, by claiming to “support the troops” as an excuse to spew your lack of faith, trust, and belief in them. Think just how much more pathetic your lives would be were it not for their service and sacrifice…and that of their families.
If you want to see an appropriate and respectful tribute to the fallen and to those who serve, watch this from my good friends at the Evergreen Freedom Foundation:
Many of you could learn a thing or twenty from the tone of the EFF tribute.
The men and women who serve deserve our best in support of the work they do, not mean-spirited partisan hectoring and phony claims of “support” that are ill-disguised political ploys tailored more for newspaper headlines and TV soundbites than substance.
God bless those who have fallen and their families, and God protect those who serve – theirs is, was, and forever will be the noblest of callings.
The Piper
We believe in the troops just fine Pooper. We honor their sacrifice – even the right wing troops. They won’t be sent to a meat grinder arrogant mistake of a war and occupation like Iraq under any administration I’d support.
We honor the troops. We merely reject the right wing dolts like you.
EFF? You have a lot of nerve. Got a BIAW video while you’re at it?
I just love this guy!
Just can’t stop telling people to “shut up” can you Pooper?
@35 Piper the traitor
Shame on oyu. Shame for demeaning Memorial Day.
The only political voices I have seen on HA today have been from your side, from people who are willing to sacrifice our soldies to a cause no matter how poorly led or mistaken in goals.
Shame on you for NOT remembering that Memorial day began as a Union holiday and changed into a day to remember ALL American dead warriors … North and South.
Shame too on GW BHGush for his inept leadership and the losses of OUR lives.
Shame on those who would short our soldiers on their opportunities for education and healthcare.
Shame ought not to be the theme of this day. Rather it si a day to remember the sacrifices of those who gave their lives in service to thi country. North or South. The same spirit should honor those who went to ‘nam and those who fought against the war here. The same spirit shuld honor the veternas of the civil rights movement.
Shame on YOU Piper.
Reject all you want, but can you not on one day set that aside to offer tribute and pay homage to those who’ve fallen for your freedom to be misguided?
I didn’t see you offering any special “thanks” to those who’ve died. Can you not go a day without being so full of yourself that you constantly are on the verge of exploding?
Tell me what specific thing you did today to honor the memory of the fallen?
The Piper
Sorry – I refuse your criticsm since it’s just as founded in partisan, anti-Bush, anti-Iraq rhetoric as the worst of BBGOP or YLB.
Where was a special tribute from Goldy? Or from you, for that matter? A paean of praise for the men and women who fight and die – today, who volunteer to fight and die – to give so many the “right” to be, in Rudyard Kipling’s words, “makin’ mock o’ uniforms that guard you while you sleep.”
I see hollow rhetoric here about “support for the troops,” yet I don’t hear of any who work with them or their families, know many personally, have any of their own in uniform, or who’ve taken up the cause of the just and honorable resolution of their mission.
You can’t just say you support, you have to show that support in deeds and behavior.
The phony political issues you claim to be the benchmark of support are nothing more than cynical ploys advanced by those who want less the legislation, and more juryrigged black marks on a record. Political trickery, nothing more or less.
How about we agree that politicas and political aspersions have no place on Memorial Day? That if you cannot limit your remarks to expressions of respect and appreciation for the men and women who serve and die, that you then simply shut up.
That too much to ask?
The Piper
Being a student of history, it is telling that during WWII, so many of our leftist “friends” did all they could to call WWII “senseless”, “illegal” and every other term that came to mind. These same cretinous types do the same tactics today.
BTW, @31, you didn’t list Dave Reichert. He was ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY. Where was Darcy?
Oh, and Troll was absolutely right at #1 and #4. Goldstein did say “Veterans” in the headline, not “fallen heroes” or something similar. So, kudos to Troll!
Familiar with the story of Marine 2nd Lt. John Wroblewski? Who was killed in action in Iraq back in 2004?
I thought not…read it here: http://allyouneedphotography.b.....s-our.html
Especially moving was the recounting of how his father went to Iraq to the exact spot where his son was killed in order to honor his memory and the service of his fellow Marines.
This story epitomizes what Memorial Day is all about. I pray to God I never have to make a similar trip.
The Piper
I just wrote a comment about the pilgrimige of John Wroblewski to the spot in Ramadi, Iraq where his son, Marine 2nd Lieutenant John T. Wroblewski and several other Marines and a navy corpsman were killed in action in 2004.
Unfortunately, the post seems to have been caught up in the Spam filter, hence reformulating the same story.
All of you familiar with Lt. Wroblewski’s story and that of his father? I thought not…so read it here:
Much more than the usual blather and treacle, this story epitomizes Memorial Day. A father goes to where his son died in order to honor him and the comrades with whom he fell. He did it to show support for his son’s efforts and their cause.
I pray God I never have to make such a trip.
The Piper
41 – We really appreciate you “honoring” the service of Colin Powell that staunch Republican soldier and officer whose career was “tainted” by affirmative action.
@41 “Being a student of history, it is telling that during WWII, so many of our leftist “friends” did all they could to call WWII “senseless”, “illegal” and every other term that came to mind.”
You must be talking about the Republicon Party. They were the ones that wanted to ignore Hitler….
Student of history my ass.
By the way. How many soldier’s funerals has Dino Mr. Fraud Rossi been to?
Republicons are a disease.
They should be treated like a disease.
Democracy disease.
@39 Dear Lord, I humbly come before You on bowed knee to give thanks for all the brave soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines the Republicans didn’t kill in their senseless wars, who are spending this day with their families. I also ask You to hold all those the Republicans did kill in their senseless wars, as well as the innocents they killed in their torture chambers, in Your eternal keeping. Amen.
@41 “Being a student of history, it is telling that during WWII, so many of our leftist ‘friends’ did all they could to call WWII ‘senseless’, ‘illegal’ and every other term that came to mind.”
WTF are you babbling about? What “history book” did you get that nonsense from? Newsmax? If you were my student I’d give you an “F” in history!
On this day of remembrance, let us also honor American soldiers who were killed with oil and arms sold to Hitler by George W. Bush’s grandfather.
RR, the American Communist Party, its sympathizers and other Fifth Columnists (read: Today’s Democrat Party) were very vocal in their protests DURING WWII.
You need to go back and read some (more). I didn’t say “before” WWII, I said “during”. Both parties had their isolationists BEFORE the war. During WWII, several groups, just as they do today, interfered with troop transports, munitions trains, etc, etc. I’m not talking sabotage, I’m talking lefties laying on train tracks, holding protests, aiding the enemy, as if totalitarianism is the equal of freedom. (Like Reagan said: “Anyone can have ‘peace’, just surrender and there will be ‘peace’…”)
BTW, if we’re talking “senseless” wars, we could do a comparo: Vietnam vs Iraq. Now, I deliberately put them in quotes because neither war was senseless. Both were well-justified in serving to free millions from slavery.
(Oh, that’s right: The Democrat Party fought against the GOP to maintain slavery during our own civil war. You guys just like your traditions. Like Bob “KKK” Byrd. So, how could you not like millions being in slavery around the world?)
However, this is where the road forks. The Republican Party, much as you lefties hate’em, stood by the troops during BOTH wars. When the heat was on, in Congress and in public. A leftist media “fought” (now there’s an oxymoron) Vietnam and Iraq. Anything that makes America better in the eyes of the world is bad to them. Anything to help others is bad to them.
Speaking of hollow rhetoric about supporting the troops – who were the republicans who voted against the GI bill for the troops higher education?
No – I honor all who died for our country to keep us safe and I wish those still serving the best health care, the best educational opportunities and the best of everything for putting their lives on the line.
That said – I hope we get into no more unnecessary wars (such as Iraq) that cost the lives of our brave soldiers and DO go after bin Laden in Afghnistan or Pakistan – he should not be able to hide anywhere on on earth and Bush’s lack of resolve with al qaeda has been criminal.
@48 cmiklich
How convenient you ignore all the right wing support for Hitler:
the German- American bund
Father Coughlin
The American Liberty League
the American Legion
the America first Party
the Christian Front
Where did you get your history degree? 7-11?
@48 Oh, I see — you can’t tell the difference between Democrats (FDR) and communists (Stalin) … and it wasn’t Democrats who sold oil and arms to Hitler — that was Granddaddy Bush …
@50 Let’s not forget the 1933 plot by big business to overthrow FDR with a military coup and install a fascist dictatorship in America.
@48, since the Bush Gang lied about the threat of Saddam, do you think they should have to pay for their lies, and treason cmiklich? Is it ok to lie to Americans to build support for an invasion of another country cmiklich?
Thank you Governor Gregoire for showing respect to our fallen soldiers.
You gotta check out what Ted Stevens thinks about our troops. Sickening….
what hate filled group of people you are
Listen Pooper who the fuck are you to tell anyone how to act on this day? Some of us have actually LOST loved ones in actual combat. Combat! And you and your ilk have too often used days like this to make political points – which is exactly what those inbred fucks at EFF have done.
So to be clear FUCK YOU BITCH – FUCK YOUR TWO RETARDED SONS – FUCK EFF. America will be better off when you and your ilk are no longer free to terrorize the world in my name. And that day is coming cunt – soon! Very soon, Dems will control the entire federal government. And the chance for you to ruin our image will be gone. Suck on it!
I genuinely feel sorry for you – to live such a hate-filled life must take a terrible toll on your ability to establish and sustain interpersonal relationships.
Disparage me all you wish, but my sons are honorable men who volunteered to serve the likes of you. You are in their debt, and the more you spew, the deeper that obligation runs.
Elections come and elections go, but dignity, truth, honor, integrity, and truth are eternal – my boys have it, you don’t and that pretty much sums it up.
The Piper
miklich….the reknowned “student of history” must have just overlooked the FACT that the strongest opposition to the US participation in WWII came from Isolationist Republicans.
Such a little known fact. Easy to overlook…something like Bushie’s Grand-Daddy doin’ bidniz with Hitler. Nahhh…can’t let little things like FACTS get in the way of a good incoherent rant.
I feel sad for you Pooper. Your whole attitude here reeks of “holier than thou” and you’re completely oblivious.
Your party is corrupt and inept. The Republicans have made a basket case out of this country.
I hope your kids come back safe Pooper out of the jaws of Bush’s folly.
But when they get back in civilian’s clothes to follow in Dad’s right wing footsteps?
They’re fair game.
The bitch posts at huffington: trash on trash
This really is a sorrowful day, considering how many people have lost their lives for no good reason. Bush’s war especially stands out.
@56 A Republican complaining about “hate speech” is like Ted Bundy complaining about girls disappearing in his neighborhood.
@60 Be thankful he’s not a lawyer anymore — or, even worse, a Republican judge. (Blecch)
I’m sure glad Republiconvicts (including John “3rd Term” McSame) are lining up behind Bush to tell our troops they don’t deserve college benefits unless they serve 20 years. That should be worth another 1,000,000 Democratic votes!
I’m sure it also gives our soldiers a warm glow to know these troop-hating cheapskates use their taxes to pay Blackwater’s mercenaries $150,000 a year.
I’ll bet Bush, McSame, and Ted Stevens are secret admirers of the Tsarist draft system under which conscripts had to serve for life.
“I’m the Commander – see, I don’t need to explain. That’s the interesting thing about being President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation.”
George W. Bush, August 2002
Isn’t that inspiring?
POOPER – I have no debt to anyone. Your sons’ war is not mine. Nor do I want them to fight in my name. Nor do 2/3rds of all Americans. There’s nothing – not one thing – that’s honorable about the criminal war that the Bush regime started. You right wing fucks use the term Fascism like it’s going out of style without really knowing what it means. And your sons are part of a Fascist war. They don’t represent me or my values or the values of a majority of Americans.
And yes you should feel sorry for me. I am forced to have my good name drug through the mud by the likes of you and your ilk. And it’s a crime. And it will come to a stop when we elect a Democratic government.
So…your liberties and freedom sprang full blown from your forehead?
It’s not my sons’ war; it’s my sons’ and their fellow comrades in arms service and sacrifice. And the service and sacrifice of those who fought and died over the decades and centuries.
If you don’t think our men and women in uniform don’t represent America, then you are ignorant about our men and women in uniform. Take a look at this study by the Heritage Foundation if you don’t believe me.
Whether you agree with the war – or any war, for that matter – or not, every American owes a debt to those who safeguard our liberties and freedome.
Should Barack Obama win the next election and every elected office in the country go to a Democrat, that debt will still be there, and a portion of it will be yours.
You mentioned – or at least implied – in an earlier post that you’ve had family killed in combat. Who was that? I would like to know so I can honor that hero’s service and sacrifice.
Some things transcend mere politics.
The Piper
My family has proud military service going back to the revolution in all of the major wars & conflicts. My son is currently active duty IN IRAQ. You ALL should be ASHAMED of yourselves for this vitriolic spewing! “A plague on both your houses” – W.Shakesphere Try doing something positive and productive in this world instead of tearing each other apart! How soon we have forgotten 9-11 – United we stand and divided we fall. Our enemies are laughing at us because we are busy ripping each side apart instead of standing firm against the forces that would destroy this country.
Perhaps instead of lumping ALL of you together I should say 99%, but would you guys just PLEASE MOVE ON and do something productive with your lives!
@40 Piper
I will trade patriotism with you ANY day. When di YOU last go to a military base t joinj a 4th celebration o some other holiday? When did you protest the mionless loss of American soldier’s lives to fit the incompetence of the bush-Rummy team?
You criticize others for NOT expressing their unbound admiration for the sacrifices of the military on this day. Errr ahhh, have YOU? Isn’t this very thread an effort by Goldy to support Gregoire’s stsatement?
You constantly demean politicians for not meaning what they say the criticize them if they do not display gratitude on a holiday. Is this game playing or are you serious in YOUR disrespect for our country?
I assume you and Puddy and th Troll have some reason for being here. BUT what is that reason? Are you, like Pussy, just playing a role? If you really care about the US and, in this case our soldiers, you sure as hell do not show it by your actions.
So the guv makes an announcement. I and others diss Goldy because we feel this si not a very meaningful statement. But YOU??? If you were a patriot and believed in what you claim to believe, why aren’t YOU supporting her?
So go ahead, lay games but ….
, once again, in the name of your own sons, I say SHAME.
Sorry…no sale.
This isn’t about impugning anyone’s patriotism; it has to be displayed before it can be impugned.
You equate patriotism with being anti-war, and that’s equally as bad as the accusations you level against me.
As I’ve stated many times before, I believe the Iraq War to be a just and necessary cause – an integral part of a greater conflict that will probably go on for a very long time, conceivably well after you and I have shuffled off this mortal coil.
Not everything can be resolved in 50 minutes with 10 minutes for commercials.
Goldy’s “thread,” such as it is, is merely one more political, anti-Bush screed. Again, you laud it without realizing how partisan it is.
Not content to leave well enough alone in his mention of Christine Gregoire’s statement, he has to editorialize and condemn. Ever thought that maybe what he said is deeply offensive to many who’ve lost members of their family in the service of the nation?
Gov. Gregoire’s statement was an appropriate and respectful Memorial Day sentiment – Goldy’s expropriation and exploitation of it for partisan political ends was not. And neither are yours.
Memorial Day should have nothing to do with the politics of Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, WW II or politics period – it should be all about people like Marine 2nd Lt. John T. Wroblewski who was killed in action together with 13 other Marines and a navy corpsman in Ramadi in 2004.
I would link a story about Lt. Wroblewski’s father’s trip to Ramadi to honor his son’s memory, service, and sacrifice, but my two efforts to do that yesterday got me spammed by Goldy’s filter.
Nevetheless, Mr. Wroblewski went to the spot where his son was killed to see it for himself – to touch the dirt and collect some of it to take home with him, to thank those who serve there today, and to commemorate his son’s commitment to the Marine motto, Semper Fidelis – always faithful.
You know nothing of my actions, yet you choose to condemn them. You may know some of my words, but that’s all.
Political trickery and sham efforts to “support the troops” by those who otherwise disdain them are contemptible. Just how many of the HA Happy Hooligans would be proud if a son or daughter chose to enlist? To opt for a military career? Elect to disagree with you and believe that service in Iraq, while unpalatable, was honorable, necessary even?
If your child came to you to announce such a decision, what would you do?
Over at Crosscut.com, Ted Van Dyke laments the tenuous nexus most in Seattle have with the military. Few have served, fewer are related or are friends of those who do serve. Yet at the drop of the hat, the ungrateful demand that military recruiters be banned from high school campuses, a behavior I find completely reprehensible.
Nowhere in this thread does Goldy express his own admiration, thanks, and respect for the courage, commitment, sacrifice and honor of our military. Would it be so difficult for him to do so? Or is it rather that he agrees with the mouth-foaming fulminations of BBGOP whose hate-filled diatribes are beneath contempt?
Honoring our fallen has nothing to do with left-right, Democrat-Republican, rich-poor divides. It ought to be a uniting force – something every American can join in and support without trying to make it a political game.
Alas, pretty much the lot of the HA Happy Hooligans can’t even do that, and that’s sad.
The Piper
Pooper you speak high and mighty for someone who didn’t serve. Again – I say to you – I owe no debt. My DD214 is all the payment I owe. I was drafted. I hated the war. But I went. That was my payment. I’m free and clear asswipe. And unlike you, I don’t sit here and trumpet someone else’s service in a holier-than-thou attitude.
I know that you and the GOP are fascists and nothing you do is honorable. I paid my debt for freedom with my own blood and the blood of 13 family members. I won’t accept a lecture from a cowardly chickenshit chickenhawk like you.
You and your kind are the ONLY real enemy to America. And when we take over the government, we’re going to start exposing, prosecuting and jailing your leaders to teach you and all your progeny a lesson.
Someone who advocates personal responsibility like Piper is a bigger enemy to America than Al Qaeda?
Someone who advocates American patriotism is a bigger threat to America than Ahmadinejad?
Someone who advocates protecting our borders is a bigger threat than the Mexican drug Cartels?
So GWB is a bigger threat to America than all the countries of the world that cheered on Sept 11, 2001?
GWB has never threatened to nuke Iran (or Iraq for that matter), but he is a bigger threat than their Islamic leadership which has threatened America and Israel?
North Korea has threatened to nuke S Korea, yet N Korea having nukes is okay w/ you lefties.
Israel has developed the only real democracy in the Middle East and wishes only to co-exist with their neighbors, yet they are a bigger threat to peace, than all the Arab countries who constantly threaten Israel w/ absolute annihilation, put together?
You lefties have done so many drugs you don’t know which way is up!
75 – It’s useless to try to respond to batshit insane drivel like that.
I just felt my Great Grandfathers (2) and my Grandfathers (3) all roll over in their graves at Tahoma and Arlington….ugh.
What a fuuny, funny series of posts saying that Republicans “supported” WWII and Demcorats “opposed” it.
I can only assume they mean Democrats such as president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who staunchly supported Britain befoe we entered the war and all but engineered our own entry. And the Democratic Congress that passed the Lend-Lease Act, a peacetime draft, armed America, and voted for the Declarations of War against the Axis powers.
Yep, those damned antiwar Democrats. What a crazy bunch of loons.
It’s a stupid idea for us to be in Iraq, wasting our military men and money in a war that has no consequence for the US, and tying us down and wrecking the armed forces at a time when we should be carefully honing and reshaping them and preparing for a war of real consequence, should one arise. As it is, if one did arise soon, there wouldn’t be shit that America could do about it.
And that’s George Bush’s real crime. Or at least, besides the crime of his admitted personal approval of torture in contravention of the Geneva Accords, which is a war crime.
BTW, isolationist feelings, and particularly ones around joining a European war, ran deep in all American political parties prior to WWII because of the exhaustion and horrors of WWI. Not that any of all of this fact-based stuff will metter to today’s conservatives. All that matters to them is their ideology, which tells them that they are right despite the facts.