Christmas isn’t coming early this year, but primary election day is: today is WA’s first ever August primary! So if you haven’t already cast your ballot, get thee to a polling place.
And stay tuned for live coverage of today’s premier race, the hotly contested battle between Richard Pope and Democratic Party endorsed write-in candidate Brad Larssen, as they fight for the right to get their ass kicked by King County Councilmember Jane Hague in the general. (I know my fellow Dems would prefer I talk up Larssen, to which I say: show me the money!)
Vote for Jean Godden for Seattle City Council position 1!
Along with all of these great progressive groups and individuals who have endorsed Jean:
Unfortunately I live in the wrong KingCo district to get to vote against RP. I would have been looking forward to it.
Don’t forget Snohomish County where the primary races are HOT.
Sheriff, County Clerk, County Council-Pos 2 and several Everett city council races.
WTF about our BFF Brian Baird. Apparently, he’s come back from Iraq all warm and toasty about ‘teh surge’ and will not support any troop withdrawal timelines. He’s always been a bit of a Blue Dog but now he’s Jomentum’s little brother.
Could we get a challenger to take him on? He’s a freaking disgrace and has betrayed every Democrat in WA. He wants to keep troops in Iraq as long as it ‘takes’ to ensure stability. When the fuck will that happen? In my eyes, Washington’s GOP just got another House member. Fuck him.
from Americablog’s John Aravosis – It’s a Miracle
The wifey-poo and I couldn’t make up our minds on a few close ‘uns, so we looked at uNsOuND Peelotics to see who the mouth-breathing crowd liked.
They helped seal the deal.
I made sure I voted against the permanent tax increases.
yeah, like the girlz in olympia didn’t realize what they were doing. Fucking greedy liars..
Goldy, you said on Sunday that you were going to post something about the levies on the ballot – did I miss it?
Union Machinist says:
The wifey-poo and I couldn’t make up our minds on a few close ‘uns, so we looked at uNsOuND Peelotics to see who the mouth-breathing crowd liked.
They helped seal the deal.
That’s right, don’t vote FOR something, vote against whatever a conservative might value. Way to use you head… no wonder you are a union thug: no thinking involved.
And, wifey-poo should make you swallow your teeth for that Mr Enlightened Liberal.
Me three, Three sets of Hell No votes against the Three Permanent Tax increases the slime balls in Olympia are trying to shove down our throats. 8 x 3 more coming in November…
Middle of the night last line permanent tax legislation. What slime balls.