I am a rather slow reader. As such, I’m usually pretty quick to give up on a book that I don’t dig. Recently, a friend recommended a book that has taken me a week to read 2 chapters. So at what point do I bail without being an asshole?
by Carl Ballard — ,
I know it’s a sacrifice, Carl, but you gotta stick with it! If you bail now, you’ll be giving Trump an excuse. He’ll say, “Libruls don’t finish books, so why am I expected to read? Double standard! Shameful!” That leads to more ignorance which leads to unemployed librarians … so finish it for the sake of the economy.
Globul Warming Is A Chinese Hoax Dep’t
“For the first time since recordkeeping began 122 years ago, all of Seattle’s high temperatures in July and August will be 70 degrees or warmer, according to National Weather Service projections.” — Seattle Times
Seattle Times notes that 20 big-name restaurants are expanding in the Seattle area.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: B-b-but $15 minimum wage … how can this be … ??
Carl, you should query Goldy about that. He’s always given
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
27 May
such stellar advice in the past.
B-b-but $15 minimum wage … how can this be … ??
Here’s a hint, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
Thanks to Amazon, Seattle is now America’s biggest company town
Think of it like your portfolio, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: In a really good year, with one winner, you can show a positive net return, no matter how many losers you hold.
Even a weakling can crush a beer can nowadays.
A: (((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
When you add up all the tax breaks & tax refunds & defense contracts, Boeing receives far more tax money than it pays. #CorporateWelfare
Aug 24, 2017
Q: What do Boeing and the average liberal have in common?
Roger Stone predicts a Civil War if Donald Trump is impeached
President Donald Trump’s former campaign advisor and longtime friend, Roger Stone, said on Wednesday that the country would break out in violence reminiscent of the Civil War if the president were to be impeached.
US military on one side.
DUMPSTER and ALT-RIGHT on the other.
That should end well.
Boeing gets tax money from liberals just like the RETHUG welfare counties do?
DR DUMBFUCK is such an asshole he should never give advice on not being an asshole. He has no experience at it.
@5 Yes, we can thank Amazon for a spiraling minimum wage. Thanks to Amazon, soon no one will be able to live in Seattle on $15/hr. Just as Amazon is pushing the price of a typical Seattle house above $1 million, so too, Amazon will push Seattle restaurant wages well above $15/hr. because workers earning only $15/hr. won’t be able to afford housing within 100 miles of Seattle.
@9 I still don’t understand why he wasn’t sent to a proctology residency. His obvious talents were overlooked.
Looks like the loon and his exploding head have taken their show on the road.
‘Blacks For Trump’ Guy Says He’s No Campaign Plant
I predicted a few months ago that he’d have to be carried out feet first.
“Historian warns Donald Trump may have to be removed from the White House at gunpoint”
Feet first only if he blows a major artery where it does some serious damage.
Removed at gunpoint? Not hardly. He is too much the bully and bullies are easily intimidated. Just one cop could do it. All she would have to say is “you are required to leave the WH immediately. Please resist me so I am free to fuck you up.”
@13 @14 Such talk is not responsible. (pause) He is the duly elected president of our country. (snicker) We must respect the office even if we struggle to respect its occupant. (laughter) Therefore, we shall address him as President Occupant. (hilarity) Until he isn’t anymore.
Trump pardons Sheriff Arpaio. Anyone surprised?
@16 I’m waiting for him to pardon himself.
In other breaking political news, Sebastian Gorka has resigned.
A pardon does not expunge.
He remains convicted of criminal contempt.
If he files for office, or applies for a public job w/o disclosing he commits perjury and loses his voting privs in AZ permanently.
Maybe he can go to work for
MiloThe Mercer’s Pedo-Puppet. They’d make a cute couple.18,
Right. He had a choice. Sure thing.
I must admit my Hilbilly decoder ring only works in four dimensions. This leaves me at a bit of a loss when it comes to some of these Nazi hugging clowns. I can’t figure out if Gorka is “Nationalist” like Bannon, or “Globalist” like
The Kike-ckoldJared.@13
The simplest way to have Trump leave the White House is to deactivate his Twitter account. Do that and he will come completely unhinged and his head will explode.
I sense an epic failure in the making with Trump and hurricane Harvey. Heck, Trump may even eclipse Bush and Katrina with his level of incompetence. I’m wondering who he will blame, who will be his “Brownie”?
Where will Trump be this weekend? Camp David. A place he called, “rustic” and clearly prefers his posh Mar-a-Lago http://www.chicagotribune.com/.....story.html
With the oil patch shutting down for an extended period of time, how much is the price of gasoline going to spike? How much damage to the petroleum industry infrastructure is there going to be and how long to get back up to full capacity?
Trump has shown he doesn’t have the stones to lead in times of crisis and this natural disaster will just further prove he isn’t fit to lead.
@21 Easy enough. He’s history like, oh, just about everyone else who signed up to work for Drumpf. Here today, gone tomorrow. the only permanent thing in Drumpf’s White House is the toilet paper pattern.
It depends on the book. War and Peace actually sucks for the first oh 100 pages or so. Lot of set up and background that will be important in the coming hundreds and hundreds of pages. And it’s a classic.
It could just be a dog of a book, so maybe it’s ok to look at the last few pages and decide if the slog is worth it.
@2 Local weather events cannot be used to prove long term patterns. You are doing what Rush Limbough do when there is a cold snap or an unusually cold winter in Florida. The weather records go back further in England. It’s entirely likely those records go back far enough that years that exceed one or the other extremes is less likely. After only 122 years Seattle is a narrow data base, and some of the earlier records may not be as accurate as todays would be. Digital readings tend to be more accurate than analog for instance.
So if you are not Rush Limbough’s rabbit buddy you should let everyone know. Or if you like him and wish to emulate him some disclosure maybe in order. How long have you liked Rush?
@4 If only he had suggested some trips to Wisconsin and Michigan. Guess he did not read the right book.
General Patton sure did when he went against Rommel in the desert.
@7 That is not the way it works in Civil Wars American or otherwise. If the military stays loyal it is a short rebellion like the Whiskey Rebellion, or the situation in North Korea..as long as the great one has the military on his side he’s golden. Otherwise some artillery unit has some 88s picked out for him.
If the military splits like it did in our Civil War due to citizens having more respect and loyalty to the state they hail from or hailed from means units get split up and some soldiers, airmen, and navy personnel go different ways. If they get to the weapons like they did during Buchannan’s end of office give away then these units can be formidable. If the Union had gotten a quick decisive victory at Bull Run the war may had ended shortly thereafter. Even so it was a lot bloodier battle than expected, and not until then did it really sink in on either side what we had gotten ourselves into. The north realized this much more than the south. And the south were unable to capitalize on their win.
I’ve spoken to one young friend who was in Washington for the gay pride parade. I found what she said interesting. She wondered why the citizens of Washington have not marched on the White House. I’m pretty sure it has a lot to do with most realize the WH has some serious fire power on the roof. %0 Cals against civilians is pretty one sided. Not to mention there are a number of forts and garrisons around the city.
Trumps supporters probably number percentage wise number about the same as those Southern ruffians and rebels, so there would be some blood in the streets. And Trump knows haw to connect to his base. While he may have pardoned Arpaio anyway, the timing and all is clearly to satisfy his base. And if it upsets the left and creates all kinds of noise particularly if it’s the kind of noise that is happening it is noise that does not impress main street Americans. And like Nixon’s silent majority they will tend to support the President. particularly with the crap in North Korea and two navy ship accidents. Accidents that may only be resolved by increasing the size of the navy personnel and ships. Something Trump called for, The two ship accidents may come down to trying to do more and more with less, and it finally hit a breaking point. Not Trump’s fault but he has a fix.
If the government is relatively competent with the current disaster in Texas that will be a feather in Trump’s hat. More rain and the disaster is going to tip into the area no government can cope with. So you go to managing. And then to it’s a fucking mess in Texas with a total bread down, with or without zombies. People will need a man with no name.
@5 As NPR Seattle is one of the places Americans are moving, and the housing market of Seattle reflects this, Amazon now has a huge amount of office space in Seattle like more than the next 10 companies combined, and most in the downtown area. Where todays young movers and shakers want to live in a vibrant urban area. So restaurants should be paying 15 or more an hour anyway in the current economy of Seattle, only in todays capitalism it oddly does not work that way. And we are not talking about mom and pa hole in the walls that are family establishments.