According to sources, WA State Republican Party chair Chris Vance has already admitted that they will be forced to withdraw at least 170 of the over 1900 challenges that voters started to receive yesterday. But it is too fucking late.
Voters will not receive notice that their challenge has been withdrawn until after Tuesday’s election, but by then many will have chosen not to vote, just to avoid the hassle of an administrative hearing. The GOP will have achieved its goal: disenfranchising untold numbers of voters in predominantly Democratic precincts.
In an October 26 press release announcing the 1943 voter challenges, KC Republican chair Michael Young bragged, “If our volunteers can discover these problems, shouldn’t the professionals in their office be able to do the same?”
But the KCGOP’s obviously faulty list shows exactly why these sort of challenges should be left to the professionals and not the partisan “volunteers” who care little for how many legitimate voters they disenfranchise in the interest of a cheap publicity stunt… a stunt that has backfired, horribly… for less than one day after challenged voters started receiving notices, the KCGOP has already been forced to back track on nearly ten percent of its list.
This is not the same thing as the list-waving, McCarthyite grandstanding that took place during the election contest, after the fact, when everything would eventually be sorted out in a court of law. The Republicans’ actions have disenfranchised voters — intentionally — and there should be a price to pay at the polls… and I hope, in a massive, class action lawsuit.
I’ve just been told that the GOP has dropped off a letter to KCRE, signed by Lori Sotelo, officially removing 140 names from their challenge list.
Expect more names to be removed… I’m hearing the apartment building in Belltown may not be the only one on the list.
so…is this your way of saying that your news flash “story” wasn’t really a story after all?
Xmasgoat you truly are an idiot.
No Goldy, it’s not too late. We’re going to call as many voters in our respective districts as we can who have not voted and get them to the polls.
We have the lists, and we will get to them. We will fuck the GOP up the ass so far they will spitting jizz for months.
fools@ 2 and 3……….and you wonder why main stream america isn’t interested in listening to you?
mystery solved.
Ghost @1,
No. I’m saying that it is at least as bad as I originally posted. The GOP, through their sloppy, irresponsible work, falsely challenged hundreds of voters… and they already been forced to admit 170 after less than a day of angry phone calls.
They fucked up.
Pulling a last mnute stunt is a bad thing?
Kind of like Goldy’s resporting on irons Lunatic family members?
You are an amazing CLOWN!!!
You could make a huge deal out of someone leaving the toilet seat up!!
But then again….you are a professional Wordsmith, aren’t you?
Comment by Ivan — 11/4/05 @ 1:52 pm
Good for you to call them (and my man Vance to w/draw these twerps). That’s what I want – the elections department to call these 170+ legal voters.
Oh, that’s right – this is King County we’re talking about.
Now, can we all agree that King County Elections should have done the policing of the voter rolls?
Ghost @ 4:
We ARE mainstream America, motherfucker!
goldy…..are you going to sit there and tell me that you don’t think ANY of those voters are registered illegally?and how could YOU be so sure of that? hmmm?
a challenge is just that..if you aren’t in the wrong….you don’t have to worry do you?
your [over] reaction to this supposed “crime” of challenging after the last election fiasco in washington is telling. very very telling. it must be ruffling some feathers down in who-me?-ville.
i would think that every american should be concerned about the fairness of an election much more than who wins it.
all the conservatives i know are…so what’s your “team’s” excuse?
and prr…..yeah…it’s a bad thing if the republicans do it….according to goldy, can’t you tell?
Comment by Goldy — 11/4/05 @ 1:59 pm
Second that: KCGOP FUCKED UP.
So did King County Elections in not taking this upon themselves. If they did, there would be no vigilante justice on this scale.
Note that phrase: “vigilante justice” as in persons taking the law into their own hands. Persons do not do that in this country unless the law is unenforced in the first place.
oh IVAN honey….you are so far out of the mainstream that you think that backwater you live in is representative of the rest of america.
Who cares what is “mainstream America”?
Let’s save our democracy, first. To-ge-ther.
Not that I expect an honest answer from trollo land, but do any of you Con’s seriously think that Boss Vance and the KCGOP are not going to get sued? Do you?
Comment by Commander Ogg — 11/4/05 @ 2:23 pm
I expect them to. Any day now. Trial lawyers are one of the top 3 Democrat sources of $$$…
Oh yeah Cyn/Irr…like you and your moronic little sock puppet josef…the truly deranged puddingbrains…the drunken pill-popping housewives janet, ass, and xghost…the cowardly and mis/uninformed MTR, wrongon…the vile and smelly prr…and the rest of the neo-clown christo-fascist trolls never get excersised about ANYTHING.
Just when I think you dumbfucks can’t get ANY lower…you find another standard to slither under.
Donks hate the word “together” Josef. For them it’s the donk way or the highway! They don’t know what the fuck they really know or what is reality. If KCREALS validated the PO Boxes as they were supposed upon application receipt, this would not have happened. Oh no, we on the right are being “accused” of something the left actually promotes every year in King County!
You know josef…I guess you would be smarter than an empty box of cereal…but that’s just about it.
Fuck you Rethugs and your voter intimidation tactics.
Time to fetch my trusty pitchfork….
Hey pudless…I hear your folks are getting married!
Comment by Puddybud — 11/4/05 @ 2:26 pm
Pre-cise-ly. Rujax is another dimbulb poster.
God help this country if Ron Sims gets in…
Of course, you could all vote for Gentry Lange instead.
What a pathetic waste of time! Pull your panties off your head and write “stories” people care about!
. . . over and over and over. It’s ground hog day.
Rugrat602 and your point is… Oh I see you are naturally stupid; you didn’t learn this in your life experiences. What did yo mama take while you were in the womb? Thalidomide, the tranquilizer; or LSD because she was hallucinating during pregnancy? Tell us rugrat602. Enquiring minds need to know!!!
Upholding the laws of the land. What the donks say? Laws?
BTW rugrat602 my parents are resting in peace. You father and your dyke mother… Nuff SAID!
Uhhh shit for brains at 21…I’ll let you in on a BIIIIGGGGGGG secret…
….uh…Sims is ALREADY county (not COUNTRY, dumbass) executive. He’s aahhh running for RE-election. You DO know how that works don’t you. Good. Don’t want you to make a fool of yourself or anything (snicker, snicker).
(Fuck…another couple point on josef’s IQ and he’d be a geranium)
Comment by rujax206 — 11/4/05 @ 2:34 pm
God help this country because people like Ron Sims represent the worst of us.
We are one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all, eh?
Oh really pudless…stuff ’em in a bag somewhere on the Bush Davidian COMPOUND?
“Oh yeah Cyn/Irr…like you and your moronic little sock puppet josef…the truly deranged puddingbrains…the drunken pill-popping housewives janet, ass, and xghost…the cowardly and mis/uninformed MTR, wrongon…the vile and smelly prr…and the rest of the neo-clown christo-fascist trolls never get excersised about ANYTHING.
Just when I think you dumbfucks can’t get ANY lower…you find another standard to slither under.”
Comment by rujax206— 11/4/05 @ 2:25 pm
okay …for the record…examples please?
and to me it’s continually mind boggling how sexist,racist, and bigoted you lefties are. “pill-popping housewives”?????
whew………that’s a real stinger. with lines like that you could really hurt a FIRST grader.
sheesh……any more stupid biased generalizations you would care to make? and i can just imagine what you call jews, blacks, mexicans and any one else you disagree with that happen to be conservative…is this an andy rooney moment here? or more like robert byrd?
Bush Davidian mantra…Liberty and justice for US…huh, sock puppet.
The conservative culture of corruption destroying American values.
#9: We are the mainstream ?
Only in Seattle, the Be(se)rkely of the Northwest.
Joseph: Let save democracy together ? They left is not interested in working together. They are obstructionists and empty of ideas. Not saying the right is full of ideas, but if you have none…that’s even worse. Obstruction doesn’t help and most voters (lefties, believe it or not) are smarter than you think. For example: Why do you think Daschle lost his seat ?
As long as the democrats in Seattle (not KC, but Seattle) are not interested in truely fixing the election problems, things will not get better. Instead of excuses, take responsibility. If there are mistakes, admit them. As no in the election office nor Ron Sims is willing to look into this, the only way to force things is to challenge double voters, illegal voters, etc. Is it ideal, no, but that’s the way it has to be unless KC owns up to its responsibility.
The cannons roar, the charges fly, and smoke obscures the field….but in my bones I feel the sweetness of…….DEMOCRATIC PARTY VICTORY! Lawsuit against GOP skullduggery follows at 11.
Comment by rujax206 — 11/4/05 @ 2:38 pm
You can move out anytime you like. Say, Paris? Amsterdam? Aah, Palestine (what I call Israel & Palestine)? Iran?
Comment by GBS — 11/4/05 @ 2:38 pm
I share your outrage. Note what I have said so far, especially starting at the top.
and now rujax you stoop to the new low of “line-stealing”
sock puppet is my line baby………..heh heh heh
never a new thought for this one……..
Comment by seadog — 11/4/05 @ 2:40 pm
I hope now that vigilante justice is cometh, they will see the muzzle flashes and help us rout out the evildoers amongst them – and us.
Familiarity breeds contempt.
Oh yeah…and WE weren’t the ones who STARTED throwing rocks, you supercillious twat.
Comment by rujax206 — 11/4/05 @ 2:38 pm
Of course, in Paris you get cheap housing. But good seats to riots. Same in Amsterdam.
In Iran, you too can be a Nazi and hate Israel.
More seriously, think about what I said and my outrage, too at this fratricide from vigilante justice.
meow? that’s your answer when i asked you for examples?
wow…..behold the leftie brain…’s on “E”.
King County, WA = Ohio, WA
Had to bring this up!
Fuck you bitch…I owe you NOTHING.
You come over here…tell ME I am stupid…Godless…every kind of pervert…lie about the people and principles I believe in and support…spin history to support your bogus and fucked up political and (im)moral philsophy…REFUSE to listen or consider ANYTHING I might say (or might have said…and I’ve said plenty) in rebuttal then you have the fucking nerve and unmitigated GALL to say I OWE YOU some fucking explanation????
You are most definitely high.
Get help.
You say to leave it to the professionals, but the professionals say it’s not their job.
King County Elections spokesperson Bobbie Egan, said in yesterday’s Seattle Times, “What’s most important here is that people understand election officials are not the police — we are not allowed to go out and police registrations.”
Who’s right?
Damn fucking straight I’m angry you fucking little turd.
Good thing you DON’T have any brains, sock puppet…you’d be dangerous.
A week or so back, there was a discussion about english as an official language…but reading what rujax has to “say”, I’m not so sure anymore :-)
Maybe it’s schooling in Seattle
You don’t even know the difference between a State and a CITY???
Get your mommy to wipe your nose.
Fuck you too “SeaClown”.
Comment by rujax206 — 11/4/05 @ 3:00 pm
That was a typo and you know it.
‘But the KCGOP’s obviously faulty list shows exactly why these sort of challenges should be left to the professionals and not the partisan “volunteers” ‘
If left to the “professionals” the mess never gets cleaned up. As the law only allows challenges before the election if the bad voter’s vote is to not count, there is no other way to clean the rolls. Any doofus can see that the “professionals” have more interest in covering their popo and allowing ballot overages in heavy blue areas than in any serious reform.
I have to say that I would not want to be Lori Sotelo right now. She signed forms that stated under penalty of perjury that she had ‘personal knowledge’ that these voters were not legal. Looks like she also just pled guilty to 140 counts as well. What is the penalty for perjury times 40?
Just in case… from the last thread:
Comment by Nindid — 11/4/05 @ 3:04 pm
I wouldn’t hold my breath on the King County Prosecutor prosecuting on this. He takes a mostly hands-off approach on elections laws.
If left to the “professionals†the mess never gets cleaned up. As the law only allows challenges before the election if the bad voter’s vote is to not count, there is no other way to clean the rolls. Any doofus can see that the “professionals†have more interest in covering their popo and allowing ballot overages in heavy blue areas than in any serious reform.
Comment by yearight — 11/4/05 @ 3:04 pm
Right on
As usual, Goldstein’s message is lost in a sea of bickering. What a joke. Look at the title of your post. Do you think a real news organization is going to link to it with the f word?
You are a fool. I’m beginning to believe Mr. Cynical. You are a clown. You are an emotional nut case.
And you still have not answered the obvious questions. Why wouldn’t it be proper to issue an automatic challenge, to at very least, all registrations with storage facilities or other uninhabitable addresses?
Even if every single mailbox voter is a single, legitimate, lawful vote, why should a bunch of people that register with a mailbox address in one precinct, but who live in other precincts be able to effect the outcome of races in the precint where the mailbox facility resides? There’s a reason for legitimate residential addresses.
It is very clear that to you, the right to vote is paramount to the right to vote legally.
Just found out we can make challenges at the polls. I am taking election day off, planting myself is some right wing strong hold and challenging every Bush Davidian I see! Let them prove their right to vote later. Take the same action against the right wing fools that they want to take against us. That’s the only way we can beat these dishonest traitors.
rujax@43…hit a nerve did i?
out of curiousity……are you serious? this is what you call a discussion? this is all you ever do. can anyone here point to even one instance where this sock puppet EVER had anything ,but insults, to hurl?
so i called you godless and stupid? really?…….where would that be? hmmmmm?
can’t you ever answer anything with any honesty? and for the record claimed to have examples..remember? talk about high……..
your classic remarks, yet again, for all to enjoy………
“Fuck you bitch…I owe you NOTHING.
You come over here…tell ME I am stupid…Godless…every kind of pervert…lie about the people and principles I believe in and support…spin history to support your bogus and fucked up political and (im)moral philsophy…REFUSE to listen or consider ANYTHING I might say (or might have said…and I’ve said plenty) in rebuttal then you have the fucking nerve and unmitigated GALL to say I OWE YOU some fucking explanation????
You are most definitely high.
Get help.”
I still want to know–has Dean Logan released the results of next week’s election yet?
55: Challenge every Bush Davidian
And how are you planning to “detect” those ? Are you planning to look over their shoulder and see who they vote for ? Tsk tsk
Or are you doing some “profiling” (oops, can’t do that either…wouldn’t be pc and ok).
So you make assumption that maybe…older folks are republicans and you challenge them ? Hmmm, what happens if you get Janet Irons and challenge her ? :-)…or you get wacked over the head by some honest grandma for intruding on her ?
There is a simple solution though: Help to fix the KCE office and the voter rolls….if you stand up and committ to it, you have the support of every upstanding citizen.
Will you do it ?
so…..left are going to willingly commit voter fraud on people that you are bigoted against and you just told everyone on a blog about it? so when you do it, and someone remembers that you said this, all they need to do is get a court to grab the IP address from this blog and it’s off to the pokey for you?
and john……i used to think goldy could really go places but that “f” word follows him around everywhere. if only he could shake it.
After all the shitty things I (we) put up with from the likes of you…you’re stupid comments are supposed to affect me…again I say…
Fuck Off.
Goldie, I agree with you, the professionals should be the ones taking care of the voter rolls. The problem is they haven’t under Ron Sims, in fact they clearly say it’s not their job. If you don’t like the way Ron Sims is running the department, you shouldn’t vote for him.
King County Elections spokesperson Bobbie Egan, said in yesterday’s Seattle Times, “What’s most important here is that people understand election officials are not the police — we are not allowed to go out and police registrations.
Additionally nobody is being disenfranchised since they all still get to vote at least once this election.
Goldy; Logan and others said they CANT do anything, and its up to citizens.
Did you interpret that to mean only MoveOn could challenge voters, if our elections staff wont?
Yipes, you look foolish
The KCGOP should be held financially accountable for any lost time from work for those people forced to attend a hearing to defend their right to vote.
I wish I knew Josef’s address so I could enact a little vigilante justice of my own and challenge his registration for living in the same neighborhood as a storage facility.
More than a quarter of the GOP’s challenge list isn’t even an active registration. What the hell are they challenging?
Rugrat is having a tantrum today – time out sweetcheeks, take that snotnose and stick it firmly in the corner.
Good grief he makes it too darn easy, doesn’t he?
RNC talking point.
“Tantrum” Bawwwk, bawwwk,
“Polly wants a cracker” bawwwek “Tantrum”
Thanks lardASS-
Glad I made your day (miserable puke you are).
Oh…I guess the Krazy Korruption Konservatives you all elected made more cuts to the poor, elderly and sick to pay for the obscene tax cuts for the wealthy. Example of how to be Godly?
“no ideas” bawwwk
“no convictions” bawwwk, “except Libby, DeLay, Frist” bawwwwk
ooohh….the horror. Voter registration challenges….and to the egdge of violence. Bleh…tempest in a teapot….besides I’m not convinced your willing to go to the mat for this topic. Me thinks thou does protest to much.
Oh no, Sean Hannity, what do we say now???
We’re out of talking points.
Nicely done GBS!
To clean up the Voter Registration Rolls you idiot.
This is forcing KingCo to clean-up it’s registration rolls which is LONG, LONG overdue.
Logan and his merry band of CLOWNS have come to the conclusion it is not there job to clean things up. The only way available since they refuse to do it voluntarily is to force the issue.
You should be aware that MANY other County Auditors actually believe that if even 1 ILLEGITIMATE vote is counted, it disenfranchises EVERYONE.
I don’t see the LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS even remotely concerned that there are ILLEGITIMATE votes being counted that disenfranchises everyone.
KingCo has drawn the line as an US vs. THEM thing.
We need a statewide re-registration right agter this election. PERIOD.
Yet the LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWN object to that??
Because they know years of illegal voters have accumulated their benefit.
The Tears of a CLOWN!!!! Your anthem.
Rightie Trolls don’t understand honest outrage…
Its all some stupid game, with fake “facts”, fake “emotion”, copied arguments and talking points…
Anything but real ideas and real feelings and real reactions.
It would be more disgusting if it weren’t so pathetic.
Residents of the WaterMark? Those are some deep pockets, wrong people to fuck with …
Comrade Ivan @ 9: “We ARE mainstream America, motherf***er”
Keep it up, Delusion Boy. Kucinich, Dean & Franken are NOT mainstream America. (And, for the record, neither are Limbaugh, DeLay and Rove.) The thing is that you are more whacked-out to the Left than they are to the Right. Only in your drug-addled brains are you foul-mouthed, soldier-hating, child-abusing nutballs with “anger issues” mainstream.
Scumbags! These bastards sacrifice America’s children in Iraq (not THEIR children — other people’s children) in the name of “democracy” while pulling out all the stops to keep American citizens from voting in our own country.
GOP = anti-democracy thugs and scoundrels
Comment by skinny — 11/4/05 @ 3:51 pm
In the boonies… I can have Goldy challenge my registration in Skagit County, WA if you’d like.
If anyone has seen the 1980’s film “Scanners,” you know the image I’m getting of the ranting HA Lefties right now.
Not so funny when the shoe is on the other foot, eh?
Hey, Lefties, calm down. The elections system works just fine. You DO have faith that the Elections Office can do its job, right?
Goldy, remember that you wanted “good enough,” not perfect.
Comment by windie — 11/4/05 @ 4:15 pm
I am outraged, too.
Hmmm… Filter Land again.
To rephrase:
Goldy, didn’t you say that elections aren’t perfect and that you’re happy with “good enough?”
I seem to recall you Lefties saying that people should calm down and let the Elections Office do its job earlier this year. I mean, the system is designed to catch and fix all of these things, right? Logan and KCREALS have it all under control, right?
Why so tense?
(If anyone saw the movie Scanners in the 80’s you know the image I’m getting of the Lefties today.)
FilterLand Sucks
To rephrase a THIRD TIME:
You said you didn’t want perfect. You were happy with “good enough” (or words to that effect). You also said that the system would fix any problems and that the Right shouldn’t have been so upset earlier this year.
So why are you guys so tense right now? You don’t have faith in your precious system??
(And, for the record, neither are Limbaugh, DeLay and Rove.)
Oh my how silent you are about the KCGOP pulling a voter suppression stunt straight out of Rove’s playbook.
Very mainstream indeed…
Marky Mark @ 82
Perfect isn’t possible put playing fair is… It should be obvious to anyone that the KCGOP is just interested in winning at all costs. It’s going to backfire big time.
rujax..did you get so upset that you couldn’t even figure out which number to use?
how about channeling some of that “energy” into actually formulating an answer, hmmmmmmm?
wow….so you realized that i never called you ungodly or anything else and your big super stupendous backfire you built is NAH NAH NAH?
you aren’t ungodly ….you are ignorant.
oh and on a different topic did you hear that a judge has upheld the voter’s wishes in oregon and the ban on gay marriage stands? i guess even if some people have “preemptive karma” they don’t have a crystal ball, huh?
or the numbers to back up their own BS either………heh heh heh
and this is my point………..all of you can read the inane and /or crude four letter word laced comments on here or any other lefty blog……….but do they really have anything to say? nope. they don’t . but like alot of small creatures they puff up and make alot of noise to make themselves appear larger..or in this case MORE NUMEROUS than they really are.
Clueless @ 83
Since the only info I have about the situation at this point is the blather on HA, I’m not going to go off half-cocked like some of the kneejerk Lefties on here.
If KingCo had done their jobs — and the data work in this case is SIMPLE — this would be a non-issue. And the “low hanging fruit” can be found in a matter of an hour or two with a high level of accuracy.
If it turns out that 90% of the challenged records are illegal, I have only a minor issue with the lack of attention to detail on the 10%. If 90% are fully legal — and especially if they did a sloppy data job — I will gladly criticize the tactics.
If 90% are illegal, are you going to speak out against Sims and Dean??
35% approval for the chimp.
19% approval for the dick.
“It’s all over now, Baby Blue.”
For the Clueless@ 83…..
“Oh my how silent you are about the KCGOP pulling a voter suppression stunt straight out of Rove’s playbook.”
voter suppression???? you guys are so delusional that you consider actually making sure that voters are really able to vote legally is voter suppression????
wow….that’s very telling indeed.
next you’ll claim that when a cop pulls you over for doing 80 in a school zone he was really PROFILING you.
We were all scratching our heads at a DL one night wondering why Irons Jr. would step up to the plate. His sketchy record and the stories about him were well know to anyone who pays attention.
Now we know why… The guy is typical of the sociopaths that have taken over the Republican party. If people want to stay asleep they’ll just waltz in and do a tanker-load of damage.
Shark chimes in
Clueless @ 83 & 84
I have a response, but it is stuck in FilterHell.
In a nutshell: My only info on this issue at the moment is HA. When I get real info, I’ll comment. If 90% are illegal, I have only a minor issue with the sloppy work on the 10%. If 90% are legal, I’ll believe that it was a hack job and say so.
If the 90% turn out to be illegal, will YOU condemn KingCo for their sloppy work?
There is no excuse because the most of the data work (e.g. finding illegal “low hanging fruit” like PMB’s) is easy and wouldn’t take long if you have the masterfile.
Yes, so convenient to challenge a block of voters right before an election.
I believe you’re the deluded one, XmasCrank. Arcata is not in King County last time I looked at the map.
Things down there a little dull for you?
Ivan @ 9
No, you are maybe mainstream Peoples Republic of Fremont of Wallingford. You are out of the mainstream by several million votes in 2004. Get a clue, dipshit.
Comment by Danno — 11/4/05 @ 5:12 pm
Ivan is a commie, probably. Study your history.
Looks to me like the Democrats’ error rate is about 10 times as high as the Republicans’ error rate.
Apparently, 170 or so of some 1943 voter challenges by the King County GOP were not accurate, and actually represented real residence addresses. That is a GOP error rate of about 9%.
This means that about 1773 or so of the 1943 voter challenges were correct, and represent private mail boxes or storage unit lockers, instead of real residences. This is an error rate for Ron Sims, Dean Logan, and the Democrats of a little bit over 90%.
Thus far, the Democrats have been shown to make mistakes ten times as often as the Republicans. Time for a change in King County leadership.
clueless my pet…..if i lived in arcata i guess it would be.and last time i checked you guys were all for letting anyone [see preemptive karma here] butt into the elections. so since i did vote there for 6 years i guess i have a right to an opinion. after all… legal rights were violated last time around. i feel so….now what’s the made up democrat word i am looking for????
oh that’s right…….DISENFRANCHISED.
and , need i point this out, but the last time i checked any honest person would think it was better to stop a crime [and voting illegally is a crime in all 49 states…washington obviously the exception] before it happens rather than later.
do you realize just how telling what you are saying is?
oh and to save you from wasting letters……it does not bother me[or anyone else over 6] when you morph my name. people might take you more seriously if you at least pretended to have some maturity.
dearest joseph @ 21, voting for Lange would be the same as voting for a pimple faced, high water pants, snot nosed, bug eyed, drooling 13yo such as YOURSELF!!! Thanks for giving all of us some ‘hillbilly humor’ on this blog…..and also, be sure to not overdose on your meds…seems that the past few days your dose has risen to the level of XmasGoat and CynnicalIDIOT
So the GOP’s error rate (at least 10% and rising) is about than 100 times KC’s error rate (around .1%). and we’re supposed to trust them? Their inability to understand the law (as evidenced in the last election law suit) and inability to do even the most minor of fact-cuecking disqualifies them as a reliable source of information. This is (at least) their second strike.
Wouldn’t surprise me to see both civil and criminal action should be filed against Lori Soleto and the WA GOP. We’ve got perjury, civil rights violations, extra costs to be recovered by the KC elections office, etc.
I’m also sure this is a good GOTV advertisement for democratic activitists (i.e. riles up the base). If Republicans think this kind of tactical blundering will help them win back the state, I’ll just laugh. Try putting up some candidates people can get behind, or some policies people in WA state actually agree with. Until then, enjoy your slide into irrelavance.
Sure, Cynical, ProudAss, Joseph, Stefan, prr, etc. will spend the next year ranting away on this blog about “stolen elections” and “vote fraud”, despite all evidence the contrary. The louder they scream, the more you know their wrong.
my legal rights were violated last time around.
You mean Rossi didn’t win? Anyone else you voted for didn’t win? Maybe you wrote in John Carlson and Kirby Wilbur? Were your rights violated when they didn’t win?
Mooove On XmasCrank. The Govinator is more than capable of keeping you entertained. I hear his next movie is Titanic II.
LMAO@xmasgoat…@ 60.. all here are quite sure that you do not understand, have never been involved in or now the feeling of the F WORD……what a consumate slacker, no wonder they kicked your sorry ass out of this state and shipped you to ArnieLand….
Richard – That’s totally bogus statistics. You have to look at the total number of voters in the rolls, as well as any efforts Dems have already made in cleaning them up. If there are, say, 1500 valid challenges, it means the overall voter roles are greater than 99.9% correct. Nowhere near an error rate of 90%. To say so is totally dishonest.
And you know that if the anyone presented you with a list of “corrections” that had a 10-20% error rate, you’d send them back and tell them to start over and pay more attention to detail. To say otherwise is to be so nothing but a Republican apologist.
This means that about 1773 or so of the 1943 voter challenges were correct, and represent private mail boxes or storage unit lockers, instead of real residences. This is an error rate for Ron Sims, Dean Logan, and the Democrats of a little bit over 90%.
Are you suggesting there are only 1943 people registered to vote in King County?
Windie @ 75.. most of the neocons grew up playing monopoly. You know the type. Only play if they are the banker, change rules as they play, throw the game board against the wall if they are losing. Yup, card carrying, secret handshaking, nose in the air WINGNUTFREAKS
dearest josephing @ 79 I did not know that Skagit let 13 year old wet dreamers vote. Maybe we should go and challenge your illegal vote. Makes as much sense as the KCGOP or uSP’s challenges…. (like the election challenge, dear slow boy)
It doesnt’ matter where you live in this state, or where you vote. KC elections is so SCREWED up that ALL washington voters are disenfranchised.
These challenged voters should be happy that something is being done to clean up the voter rolls. But the way the MSM is spinning this, you would think that their Right to Vote, and the Act itself is a pain in the ass, and they don’t give a shit about other people voting a couple times, or from the graveyard.
And for the 1700+ people that live in a “box” of some sort, shame on you for not following directions. Quit your bitching and do your part as a registered voter, and correct your registration.
Only 170 mistakes out of 1900…show me a perfect challenge…record a bank would be proud of…
most of the neocons grew up playing monopoly. You know the type. Only play if they are the banker, change rules as they play, throw the game board against the wall if they are losing.
Chimp Patrol – good insight. It describes quite a few of the wingnuts here especially Puddy Koresh.
Goldy is right, and so is Bobbie Egan.
As a citizen, you have responsibilities. When driving on city streets, you should obey the traffic laws because
1. it’s the law
2. traffic laws are essential for smooth traffic flow
3. traffic laws are essential for motorist and pedetrian safety
You shouldn’t obey the law only when a cop is around, or because a cop might catch you breaking it. You should obey the law because it’s necessary for the common good and is an obligation you owe to society.
If you want to live in a society where people follow the rules because police are everywhere and watch everyone, go live in North Korea.
This is Washington State, not North Korea. Although we have traffic cops, 99% of our traffic flow depends on voluntary compliance with the traffic laws — we expect drivers to obey them, and if they don’t, the system will break down because there aren’t enough cops to force them to.
Likewise, we expect our fellow citizens to abide by the election rules without needing a cop in every polling place. We expect them to register where they live and vote only once. We don’t give Logan, Egan, and the other staff of KCRE the resources to check up on every voter or police every ballot, because we don’t want to pay the taxes such a system would cost, and we don’t want the Big Brother government that would create.
If we created such a government, the wingnut trolls complaining about the small percentage of non-compliance that inevitably occurs in a free society will be first in line to bitch about Big Brother government.
You will never stop everyone from speeding, nor will the police ever succeed in ticketing every speeder. The idea is to write enough tickets to encourage the vast majority of drivers to comply with speed limits. Likewise, the vast majority of voters comply with the election laws, and we need a system to catch and sanction some of the violators, but we probably can never catch all of the violators — nor can we eliminate all of the mistakes. We don’t have to. Our election system works better with 99.8% than North Korea’s election system does with 100% compliance.
they don’t give a shit about other people voting a couple times, or from the graveyard.
Question for ya: how many people did that in 2004 out of 2.8 million votes cast in WA?
Be a Democrat, vote early and vote often
Marky Mark @ 89
As usual, the Bunny Man says it better than I ever could @ 111.
The 9 percent is just the patently obvious. It’s even odds we’re going to see a lot more.
Fair & balanced…
List of names removed:
Thank goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
clueless @102 and [let’s face it, probably]103………
everyone’s legal rights were violated last time around. just move on you say? well….i think everyone has. but you still have to clean up the elections in king county. it is beyond wrong for one county to be controlling an entire state by hook or by crook. accent on CROOK.
and rossi did win you twit…a fact you seem to leave out. just because people cheat it does not change the real score.
as for your other, really inane comments………
as for california………
at least we don’t let berkeley run the show as you do in washington. or should i say, the cheap silly immitation of berkeley known as seattle.
the meaning of the f word? ” all here are quite sure that you do not understand, have never been involved in or now the feeling of the F WORD”
what? i take it you meant to say “know”…but who knows with you. however you say it, it’s one of the sillier things you have ever said since becoming a sock puppet………
or is there a deeper super lefty secret meaning to a common and crude four letter word?
oh, please….enlighten me.
Question for ya: how many people did that in 2004 out of 2.8 million votes cast in WA?
Comment by For the Clueless— 11/4/05 @ 5:55 pm
Well Clueless,,,,, Was it YOUR vote that was cancelled out because the double voter/dead voter? Was it MINE??? Could have been Mr. Rabbit’s???? I take the time to VOTE, and I am CORRECTLY registered, so I take it personally when someone doesn’t follow the rules, and possibly cancels out my vote.
All that matters is that this mess gets clean as it can be. If it takes an election and the GOP or Dems for that matter to bring forth 1900+ voter challenges, so be it.
No one else seems to give a shit. We live in a very ME ME ME society today. So we must police ourselves. That’s the law. It is only a challenge, doesn’t mean it can’t be proven false.
So I say to all those people whom registrations were challenged, feel Proud that something is being done to clean up the elections dept in King County. Stand up and be proud that you CAN vote, and not act like it is a Big Inconvienance. EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE.
or is there a deeper super lefty secret meaning to a common and crude four letter word? oh, please….enlighten me. -Comment by christmasghost— 11/4/05 @ 6:32 pm
XmasToast.. Oh, excuse me, I guess the legal system in the state, with a hand picked right wing judge made a big mistake in June. I never realized that Rossi won!!!! Every damn article I read, heard or saw on television must have it wrong. All bow down to the all knowing, talking head from California…… continually….. how did the US education system totally fail you? oh, please…enlighten us!!!!!
No offense Mr. Monkey, but I would say that the Judge you speak of, made the same decision, kinda like the Jury at OJ Simpson’s trial. You need the evidence, and that Evidence is still in the hands of KC elections, as they seem to have a problem respecting the FOI laws, and releasing info in a timely matter.
My opinion only….
xmasg @ 117 “and rossi did win”
Uh… no he didn’t. That is why he is not called Govenor Rossi.
If you can’t handle that simple truth, nothing else you have to say is worth reading.
Chris the blowhard @ 118
You didn’t answer my question.
How many Chris? How many double voters? Goldy just answered it in his latest post. And guess what blowhard Chris. They’re paying the price for breaking the law.
Now how many dead people voted? I’ll tell you because I have a copy of Judge Bridges decision. Nineteen.
Were all the double voters in King County? Were all the dead voters in King County? Which County in WA had the highest error rate? I give you a clue – it wasn’t King County.
We have every right to expect a better system and a system run by people who follow the law. But we’ll never have a perfect system. Get that through your thick skull.
You want a perfect system? Fine. Go to North Korea where honest errors, laziness or missteps are punished by imprisonment or execution. That might better appeal to your sense of how things should be.
HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS @119………ah, so true. but they can sure tell you where to go, right?
and newest made up name @ 120…….chimp patrol? wow…that IS a clever one.
you don’t know much about the law do you? hand picked judge? every single party in any lawsuit does that. it’s called s-m-a-r-t.
and you must have a very short memory too…unless of course you are trying to appear as hypocritical as you really are. what did the democrats do just before the hand count, hmmmm?
and your fixation with california. you do realize it just makes you look silly right? i mean…..this state is pretty spectacular, but harping on where i now live does what?
if anything..i would sadly point out that you were the one failed by the [let me guess] washington school system.
your little friend clueless can’t even answer a question about one of his own statements. i’m sure i wasn’t the only one that had no idea what point he was trying to make with the whole “f word” thing……..
or maybe you just forgot what your other hand was doing, hmmmmmm?
Donnageddon…..Did he really lose???? Maybe we need to check those 1700 or so Challenged Voters after they Prove they are valid voters. Might change the outcome, although it is water under the bridge. In regards to 2005, this would/could have changed the name on the general ballot for sheriff’s office……Just something to think of….
Chris…. and I do respect your point of view.
XGOAT, CG is the governor…..and all of your wishes, prayers (to whatever deity you believe in today) and dreams will not change it. You must grow out of your la la land someday. Maybe sooner than you think.
Chris the bloward:
I’ve got my original response to you locked up in the filter.
I’ve got another question for you: why can’t the candidates or issues you support get enough votes to prevail in an election or win by a convincing margin? Then mistakes or the very few whackos who vote their dead spouses wouldn’t matter then would they?
I’ll tell you why: you support losers!
And don’t cry fraud like the typical (u)SP bot because 4 million dollars of Republican treasure couldn’t prove fraud before a sympathetic Judge.
keep whistling past that graveyard honey………next time around maybe washington state will be a little cleaner, and then she’ll never get re-elected.
if the kc election mess hasn’t been cleaned up..then you all get what you deserve.
deity huh? big word for you……….
Chris @ 124 “Donnageddon…..Did he really lose????”
Yes, Chris, he did.
xmasG @ 127 “next time around maybe washington state will be a little cleaner, and then she’ll never get re-elected.”
That would require the Repugs to put up a credible candidate. They have not done that in 20 years.
XGoat, maybe you should go and enroll in your new state’s educational system. They might have the time to teach you how to use a keyboard and maybe even the ‘caps’ key sweety pie.
You truly live in a delusional world where everywhere you turn things are exactly the way you want them to be. I’ve know people like you – some of them very successful – they are bullshit artists. Either they succeed in spite of themselves or they are very good at getting others to bail them out and keep them going – or they just fail.
Dino Rossi lost the election, period. Deal with it. Oh excuse me that’s beyond your meager capabilities.
Dino has mooved on. Will you? Never in a million years.
Only 170 mistakes out of 1900…show me a perfect challenge…record a bank would be proud of…
170 mistakes plus about 500 plus records that are already inactive.
So more than a third of the GOP’s list… SO FAR… is completely bogus. Great record to run on there folks.
News Flash. Bogus voter registrations challenged after the election do no count if the election is stolen by the seattle elitist cabal AGAIN. Turn on the lights, watch the cockroaches scatter. I say challenge ’em all.
For all you LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS all lathered up about almost everything……….
Mrs. Sotelo corrected her error as soon as she became aware of it.
How many of these 140 challenged voters will not vote because of the error??? What is the damage? By now, the list and information is very public. The people on this list either know or “should have known” that this challenge is an error. Good luck Rabbit with your pursuit of a Grand Jury investigation. It will not fly. On voter registrations, people NUST disclose their Residential Address unless they apply for Address Confidentiality Program.
You CLOWNS are like a swarm of Piranha’s.
I can’t wait to see one of these 140 erroneously challenged voters stand up in Court and say they did not vote because of this challenge.
Mrs. Sotelo lied, Mr. Cynical. She signed a legal document saying she had personal knowledge of these 2000 people when she did not. That’s perjury, bottom line. Is perjury OK, yes or no?
Oh, and if you BOTHERED TO READ THE STORY, you would know that these people DID put their residential addresses on their voter registrations. Some of these people have been living at the same address for 20+ years registered to vote at that address. Please bother to read the story next time.
For the Clueless……what a trip you are! and what a laugh!
you use all the basic psycho-babble crap………EVERYONE SAYS, i’ve know[n…sic] people like you,blah blah blah……..
wow….this is all you’ve got?
so you know really succesful people but they are all bullshit artists huh? yeah…..THOSE two things usually go hand in hand. so in other words…you don’t know what the hell you are talking about as usual?
you are so obviously a sock puppet who is a scarcity thinker.just because someone else is sucessful is NOT the reason you are was painful to read that post of yours…i actually felt sorry for you. you are obviously the guy that never really worked at anything to become sucessful and you spend your entire life on the outside looking in. am i getting warm? yup…….
but i really do feel badly for you.
Thanks for your activities!
Swedes:tentatively!stumbled:feeble collides magic punting!