U.S. House Republican Whip Eric Cantor has sent out a memo naming the 37 Dems who voted for the House health care reform bill, but who he believes can be persuaded to vote against final passage. And our very own Rep. Adam Smith (WA-9) is listed amongst them.
According to Cantor, he only needs to turn 3 of the 37 to kill the bill.
While it remains to be seen what the final bill will look like, Rep. Smith’s constituents should be prepared to vigorously lobby their congressman until and unless he confirms his support. Cantor and his colleagues can bluster all they want, but it’s local voters who politicians listen to most.
ROTFL! Adam is nowhere near as dumb as Cantor wishes he was.
Cantor must have Smith confused with Hairspray Dave.
But, on the upside, I’m pleased to see Cantor squandering what little money the GOP has trying to kill HCR.
The mood of the voters this fall will be fickle to say the least.
But the maxim in politics that you can’t win without lots of money will still hold true.
Dems have way more $$ on the books than Repubs and we’re only 6-7 months away from the height campaign season.
If the Repubs don’t start getting tons of money fast, the mid-terms won’t effect the Dems very much.
3 years from now when the economic landscape looks better, voters realizing that the plug isn’t being pulled on Grandma, Iraq will be a bad memory and Afghanistan will be winding down, the Dems will do well in 2012.
Keep sending those flyers, Eric. You’re doin’ a heckuva job, Brown-eye!!
I would hope that all 37 of these Democrats understand by now that if this bill fails, the country will end up with nothing.
There is no alternative.
Oh, the GOPers claim they have a plan, but it’s nothing more than more tax breaks for business, with no assurance these giveaways will be used to buy health insurance for even one employee.
And tax breaks to business do nothing for the unemployed or uninsurable, nor do they do anything about predatory insurance practices that leave many insureds no better off than if they had no insurance.
Republicans were in power for most of the last 30 years, and over that time period they did nothing about our health care system’s ills. If they succeed in blocking this bill, we can all look forward to another 30 years of Republican do-nothing-ism.
It’s this bill or nothing.
Any one of those 37 Democrats who fails to understand that should be made to understand in no uncertain terms that he’s as useless as any Republican obstructionist and will be dealt with accordingly by the Democratic voters of his district.
@3 “If the Repubs don’t start getting tons of money fast, the mid-terms won’t effect the Dems very much.”
Oh, but aren’t the teabaggers and gun wavers going to give the GOPers the hundreds of millions of dollars they need to defeat Democratic incumbents? Or are those people only good for making useless noise in the streets?
We shouldn’t give a damn what Republicans want. They’ve scrapped the negotiate-and-compromise model of politics in favor of what Newt Gingrich calls “civil war.” We can’t negotiate with people who want us to surrender. All we can do is fight them and defeat them. Since they’ve chosen to make politics an all-or-nothing game, we should give them nothing.
The tea baggers are gonna spend their $$ trying to primary any Republicon that isn’t 100% bat sh*t crazy like them. I don’t blame them for being pissed off. They are just blaming the wrong people.
@7…workin’ yet?
Nothing, or rather the ‘system’ we have now is better than a government mandated requirement to purchase a for profit product with no price controls.
In addition the tax on ‘cadillac’ plans is a terrible idea that penalizes many union workers. And doesn’t raise as much money as a tax on millionaires.
Being given a shit sandwich–or more accurately–being forced to buy it from McDonalds isn’t a cure for starvation.
Dear Mrs. R –
We worry about you. You used to be such a nice girl, but when you lie down with rodents you get maggots. Or enteric diseases.
Save yourself, Ms. R, before it’s too late. He’s a loser. Lose him.
For a real good time and a real good rabbit stew, just hippety-hop over to my burrow. I’ll leave the light on for you. Hope this helps.