Here’s a little tidbit that bodes well for Democratic candidates like Darcy Burner:
In an equally significant development, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee reported having $23 million in the bank, almost equaling — for the first time in memory — the cash balance of the National Republican Congressional Committee, which was $24.4 million.
“The days of the ‘strategic cash advantage’ are over,” declared Rep. Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), chairman of the DCCC, which raised $9.2 million in March, the same amount as the NRCC.
One of the things that made Burner’s first-quarter fundraising feat so important is that it qualified her for financial support from the DCCC. And with the DCCC’s own fundraising success, Burner can rest assured that if she makes her race close, the DCCC will be able to match their Republican counterparts dollar for dollar.
Meanwhile, the Senate Dems are actually out-raising Republicans, and have almost twice the cash on hand.
As Emanuel said, the GOP no longer has a “strategic cash advantage,” at least not in this campaign cycle, and while Reichert may outspend his challenger — as incumbents usually do — if Burner does her part to even the financial playing field, the DCCC will have the wherewithal to keep it even.
What this all means is that if we do our part to help Burner raise the money she needs to stay competitive, she’ll have every opportunity to win.
Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. I’m skeptical that the DCCC will actually innovate this year. They’ve been pretty lame in the past – and the last election cycle comes to mind. Dumb logic, bad ads, alarming failure to properly strategize.
Before the flood of morons begins, I’ll say that this is something of a mized blessing. Obviously the money is a pure advantage. I think the problem is that the Democratic Party has been so focused on money they will not understand that there is a disconnect between the largely grassroots generated message that is raising the money and the much more conservative and over-cautious message the candidates are putting out (for the most part).
Darcy Burner is raising money fast because she’s a reasonable and appealing woman, obviouisly, but mainly because the grassroots are SO pissed off with the Bush administration. In short, the money-raising message is very hard-core anti-Republican but the Cantwell message, for example, is very conciliatory.
Money – the mothers milk of politics.
Darcy – do grab a teat.
Will this news burst a vessel in Richard Pope’s brain?
skimming crashing the gates –
how many of these hard earned 50s and 100s are gonna go the same lame ass scum Dem consultants who brought us the lame ass campaigns of … the last 2+ decades?
BTW, when scores of millions of us are getting screwed, FOR DECADES, on retirement security, education for our kids, health care access, employee rights, …
by the bushco fascists, AND
the inept campaigns of the lame ass scum,
is it an “ad hominem attack” to call people “lame ass scum”?
I am afraid of not being nice, and then people won’t be persuaded that they are getting screwed.
Hopefully Darcy will get a PayPal account to make it easier for the masses to donate. And she’ll need lots of money to point out that Sheriff Davie has at least one more parking ticket than she does, did NOT get straight As in law school and appears to have a little problem with ex-wives.
All the money in the world isn’t going to help Darcy win the eastside vote, especially when columnists like Joel Connelly plugs Dave Reichert as “a genuinely nice man, the antithesis of a snarling DeLay.” Not to mention The Stranger is backing her–ooh–that’s going to go over well with eastside voters, NOT!
Plus, the media is on to Darcy’s “little white “on her resume, she’s no longer a former MS executive so much as a “former Microsoft project manager”…looks like Stefan, et al had some influence!
Finally, I’ll shut up here soon enough (I know it’s driving you moonbats crazy) Republicans can’t thank Seattle’s two weekly papers enough for giving us generous amounts of counter-intel on Cantwell and Burner.
Hey there you little Yellow Elephant fuck…you enlisted yet?
For the second time on ASSes I agree with MOH@1. If you guys can come up with a strategy for:
1.) Moving Iraq forward without cut and run?
2.) Provide for the national defense without massive tax increases?
3.) Not creating NEW social programs that suck our wallets dry?
4.) Allow oil exploration without all the bullshit your side projects –
Case in point:
A.) You all love to talk about not drilling in ANWR because of the “potential mess”.
B.) You all love to talk about the aftermath of Katrina to New Orleans.
C.) Why don’t you all discuss the lack of oil spills with the destruction of the Gulf of Mexico oil rigs and platforms that were knocked over? Is it because it doesn’t move forward your puny argument on ANWR drilling.
D.) Why does your side still rely on M. King Hubbert, who in 1956 said US oil production would drop in 1970 but in the year 2000, actual U.S. oil production from the lower contiguous states was 2.5 times higher than Hubbert’s 1956 highest prediction?
E.) At what point does oil prices have to be before ANWR is viable?
F.) Will your side stop drilling for Oil in shale rock formations eventhough in 2004 “According to published World Energy Council (WEC) estimates, nearly 62% of the world’s potentially recoverable oil shale resources are concentrated in the US. At year-end 1999, WEC says the US had a possible shale oil reserve approaching 1.0 trillion barrels.”
5.) Create viable programs to elevate minorities in inner cities?
6.) Create viable programs to educate minorities in inner cities?
Those are just a sample of topics I came up with in five minutes. I don’t expect the loony moonbats (rudejacks, dummageddon, for the cluesless, dribble, tree frog farmedout, dlawdown) to deliver a cogent argument to any of those points above. I wonder how many of you knew of M. King Hubbert? As a trained Chemical Engineer, his name is well known if you dealt with oil issues! So Goldy Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats, tell me how you plan to tackle those problems and you may convert me!!!
8 – Keep talking Yellow Elephant – it’s going to be hilarious to see the red-faced misery of you and your fellow wingnuts come November – the same fun we had upon the implosion of the election contest, the defeat of I-912 and the death spiral of the female-abusing, resume-inflator, David Irons Jr.
I’m sure you’ll turn out the base though. Just look at Will Baker’s numbers in 2004.
Who needs a strategy or a plan? Not the Dems. All they have to do is wait for America to see the GOP thugs for what they are; liars, cowards, cheats and traitors. We win by default!
Darcy can probably win over Sheriff Davie on his ties to the corrupt GOP chief DeLay alone.
I’d be curious what her views are about China, what with all the activity this week. I’m beginning to wonder if Ron Sims actually took a principled stance by not attending the dinner for the President of China. All the other dems in the state were slobbering all over him. Sims got out of it with an incredibly lame excuse of date night. But, now he isn’t in the embarrassing corner of having kow-towed to the communi$t leader.
Darcy – should we trade with China, even if it is known to be slave labor? What about their one child policy? Should msft, google and the rest help the govt censor its citizens? What about all the dissidents in jail?
How long before the MSM starts to look into how Sheriff Davie treated his ex-wife?
re 8: The Eastside is trending ever more Democratic as the “best generation ever” Republicans die or become too befuddled to vote. If you remember , Against-Goldy, the Eastside went for Kerry in the last presidential election — and all the young, smart people NOW ( not in the 80’s andf 90’s ) are Democrats.
That can happen when you CUT COLLEGE LOANS AND PELL GRANTS. Let’s see if you can find a way to blame that on Clinton.
Oh! An d the “Anti” in your moniker also turns people off because being “against” just don’t hack it no more!
Auntie @7,
Oh come on… we all know the only reason you post here is because linking to yourself at such a popular blog like HA ups your Google ranking. You should thank me for being gracious enough to let you promote yourself like this.
Other than that, all you’ve managed to post here is a lot of cute, wishful thinking.
All the yoyos on this board forget that the WA supremes will be legalizing gay marriage this year. Those with real morals will turn out in droves in 2006.
Who the heck is going to vote for a former project manager? Many, what a week, that other blogger took Farcy down a notch
re 13: … as soon as the bloggers tell them what to think.
headless lucy…Oh! An d the “Anti” in your moniker also turns people off because being “against” just don’t hack it no more!
As if all the wacks on the left are not simply anti-Bush.
I love seeing Puddybud put up the huge list of Republican failures with lame excuses next to them. Thanks for the list, Puddwhack! It gets tiresome making the list myself.
My rebuttal?
Everyone knows the Puddwhack is a mentally defective bridge gnome with a green beard and eerily back-lit , dark, orbital sockets. Everyone’s saying it ,Pudd!
What about all of Sherriff Davy’s X-es? Surely there must be one with an ax to grind!!!
But…..wouldn’t that be the “politics of personal destruction”? Indeed it would be. You guys built that highway and we’ve caught up to you in our swift, new hybrids — lattes in hand!
1.) Moving Iraq forward without cut and run?
You mean like Ronnie Reagan did in Lebanon? The Iraqis should be allowed to sort out their own affairs. They’re big people, they can do it. Dropping bombs on them (and we’ve dropped at least a half million tons) is only breeding more terrorists.
2.) Provide for the national defense without massive tax increases?
After the profligate, something for nothing Bush years, higher taxes are the only sane thing to do. Just ask that left-winger Bruce Bartlett from Ronzo’s treasury.
3.) Not creating NEW social programs that suck our wallets dry?
And the stoopid war in Iraq isn’t. Wouldn’t it be just awful for this country if 45 million people had health insurance and small/medium sized businesses didn’t have to pay for that!
4.) Allow oil exploration without all the bullshit your side projects –
Let’s make a little religious argument here. Spewing more CO2 into the air (like burning oil) makes the planet hotter. You’ve admitted that the ice sheets of Greenland and the poles are melting. The weather is changing strengthening hurricanes and causing flooding. What? Flooding? The earth is supposed to end in fire! There’s a disconnect here Puddybud!
So is global warming part of God’s plan or the Anti-Christ’s? If I was a believer I’d conclude GW is only one thing – evil. And guess what? There are many evangelicals who agree with me.
5.) Create viable programs to elevate minorities in inner cities?
The best social program of all is a viable, family-wage job.
6.) Create viable programs to educate minorities in inner cities?
Well if the Shrub-meister would only fund NCLB instead of making Deadeye Dick and Halliburton richer we might have a start!
-I love seeing Puddybud put up the huge list of Republican failures with lame excuses next to them. Thanks for the list, Puddwhack!-
Is Puddy autistic? Is that what causes him to post all these bizarre lists with numbers attached? Or, is it just his way of finding a small amount of reason in his otherwise chaotic life?
I find it hilarious that you have these right wing PLU Republican blogger kids stalking your site, Goldy. Anger, guilt, judgement and frustration: what a way to live your life.
shiftless lucy @ 21: “swift, new hybrids”
Bwah-ha-ha-HA! “Swift…” Uhhh… yeah.
Idiots like you in your hybrid are the reason Seattle has a smug problem.
First let me answer LibrulDeadNeckASS:
You ask is Puddy autistic? I reply is LibrulDeadNeckASS an idiot savant? You decry us when we talk about ourselves. Well deal with this next paragraph.
Okay LibrulDeadNeckASS, the 1120S US Fed Tax form (google it dumbASS) said I offically worked 26 weeks last year. I grossed over $150K in my business. (It was way more but why brag!!!!) What did I do with the other 26 weeks? I had fun with the family!!! I blogged on ASSes. I traveled the country. I bought gifts for my children. I took my wife to conferences. I watched peeps like LibrulDeadNeckASS be stuck in WA traffic. So if autism provides that income in just a half a year, fine, I’m autistic!!!!
Regarding my list LibrulDeadNeckASS, you can’t answer the list. A little lesson for LibrulDeadNeckASS: A list has to be enumerated! Otherwise it’s a run-on sentence like most of Rabbit Pellet material left here in seven to 10 straight posts.
Cluesless my response to your dribble is in another post.
So Mr. Puddybud @9, what you are saying (short Form) is that we “Donks” have to come up with a way to fix the cluster f-ck that has resulted from ten years of Republican stupidity.
B-llShit. You guys broke it, you fix it. If Mr. Citizen finally decides that enough is enough and kicks these interfering,
Incredibly thieving
yellow elephant bastards out on their ass, then maybe the Adults can start to take charge and run the joint.
Roger Rabbit, Now we’re getting news stories of spot gas shortages in various places on the east coast. Rest assured that these spot shortages will be blamed on Bush. Why, everything is Bush’s fault, right? These shortages are happening as part of a plot to make Bush’s oil buddies richer, right? You would be surprised — or maybe you wouldn’t be — how many Americans will believe just this. Why? Bluntly speaking, because they’re ignorant, uninformed and easily led.
The truth? Blame the Democrat enviro-whackos, not the president. Right now we have refineries that have shut down so that they can reformulate their refining blends. Why? Because precious Democrat environmental activists have demanded somewhere around 55 special blends for various areas of the country to answer specific environmental concerns. So … if your station runs short, you might what to thank your local Democrat liberal tree-hugging, global warming, Al Gore loving alarmist.
For the Cluesless wrote thes answers
1.) Moving Iraq forward without cut and run?
You mean like Ronnie Reagan did in Lebanon? The Iraqis should be allowed to sort out their own affairs. They’re big people, they can do it. Dropping bombs on them (and we’ve dropped at least a half million tons) is only breeding more terrorists.
American sentiment in the 1980’s forced him to leave. Read what Congress said. Go on cluesless Google it.
2.) Provide for the national defense without massive tax increases?
After the profligate, something for nothing Bush years, higher taxes are the only sane thing to do. Just ask that left-winger Bruce Bartlett from Ronzo’s treasury.
I alraedy posted what happens when donks get in the white house. Do I need to post the Clinton defense cuts again Cluesless? Short Memory syndrome – Alszheimers – and you are only 30?
3.) Not creating NEW social programs that suck our wallets dry?
And the stoopid war in Iraq isn’t. Wouldn’t it be just awful for this country if 45 million people had health insurance and small/medium sized businesses didn’t have to pay for that!
Hilary just announced national health insurance? You plan to pay for it Cluesless
4.) Allow oil exploration without all the bullshit your side projects –
Let’s make a little religious argument here. Spewing more CO2 into the air (like burning oil) makes the planet hotter. You’ve admitted that the ice sheets of Greenland and the poles are melting. The weather is changing strengthening hurricanes and causing flooding. What? Flooding? The earth is supposed to end in fire! There’s a disconnect here Puddybud!
So is global warming part of God’s plan or the Anti-Christ’s? If I was a believer I’d conclude GW is only one thing – evil. And guess what? There are many evangelicals who agree with me.
– Cluesless look at the Seven last Plagues in Revelation. OMG, Cluesless will have to blow off the dust on his Bible first!
5.) Create viable programs to elevate minorities in inner cities?
The best social program of all is a viable, family-wage job.
– Cluesless, the librul Great Society Program of the 1960-1994 was an abject failure and you guys controlled the House of Representatives all of that time and the Senate most of the time! Oh BTW have you looked at the offerings of family wage jobs on Monster or other job web sites? Naah, to a librul the economy still sucks!
6.) Create viable programs to educate minorities in inner cities?
Well if the Shrub-meister would only fund NCLB instead of making Deadeye Dick and Halliburton richer we might have a start!
– Cluesless, you guys still own the cities. I look at what Nickels is proposing for schools. It’s about time to close money losing schools. But why did it take until now when those schools were sucking the treasury dry for years? How does Halliburton affect schools. Oh, to a librul Halliburton is the root of all evil. Well I guess Clinton shouldn’t have used Halliburton for the Balkan projects right Cluesless> I already posted that material on ASSes. Again, Short Memory syndrome – Alszheimers – and you are only 30?
Mr. (Ms., Mrs.,Miss ?)Hillary [JCH]Clinton @ 28, Are you for real? Where the deliberate energy blackouts of ’01 a myth? Were the taped conversations of these thieving bastards a lie?
And they proposed to do that by exporting energy out of the state so the company could drive up prices even more.
“What we need to do is to help in the cause of, ah, downfall of California,” an employee is heard saying on the tapes. “You guys need to pull your megawatts out of California on a daily basis.”
“They’re on the ropes today,” says another employee. “I exported like a f——g 400 megs.”
“Wow,” says another employee, “f–k ’em, right!”
Either you have short term memory problems or your a fool. But since the Rethugs are back in charge, you can damn well bet these “spot gas shortages” will never be investigated.
Commander Ogg: Many of these problems have been there for many years. The cities problems are your sides problems! We don’t control the cities, you do!!!
Regarding Cluesless rant of ~45 million without health insurance skips over the 39.8 million left by Clinton!!!! Why didn’t he fix it? What Cluesless forget is the millions of people who CHOOSE not to be insured because they are young or they are self employed (me) and the cost is high or we get it through our spouses (me)!
Puddybud, I expect you’re very used to being “self-employed.”
I still don’t get your list. That’s a huge steaming pile of GWB’s shit you’re wallowing in, and you’re already trying to blame it on the next guy? You do realize the people in control of the Republican party LOVE guys like you and JCH? There is absolutely nothing “conservative” about the Republican party these days. But as long as they claim to be, and occasionally talk about “god” you guys swallow it right down.
Whacked Pud @9
“At what point does oil prices have to be before ANWR is viable?
Commentby Puddybud— 4/21/06@ 8:36 am”
The obvious answer — so OBVIOUS only a wingidiot like Putty-fer-brains could miss it — is that ANWR isn’t about money, it’s about whether gaining a limited supply of oil that won’t make a dent in U.S. dependency on foreign sources or do anything to solve long-term energy needs is worth risking the world’s greatest caribou and migratory bird breeding grounds.
ANWR is economically viable right now, inasmuch as the market value of the oil considerably exceeds the cost of extracting it — something like $15 versus $70, which equals $55 profit per barrel.
Wingfucks like Putty want to believe (or, better yet, get other gullible fools to believe) that if only the environmentalists would get out of the way and let energy companies drill ANWR, our oil problems would be over and happy days — and cheap gas — would be here again.
This can be disproven with third-grade math. First, let’s look at consumption. U.S. oil consumption is roughly 21 million bpd, and world consumption is about 83 mpd. Multiply by 365 days and you get 7.66 billion and 30 billion bbl per year, respectively.
Even the most wildly optimistic estimates do not put ANWR’s recoverable reserves over 12 billion bbl, but most experts believe the actual number is around 7 or 8 billion bbl. Let’s use 7.5 billion for calculation purposes. How much oil does that get us?
Enough for 1 year of U.S., or 3 months of world, consumption — that’s how much. Except for Putty-between-ears, you should be able to do this math in your head. (Using the ultra-optimistic figure of 12 billion bbl. of reserves, these numbers are 1 year 6.75 months, and 4.8 months, respectively.)
Furthermore, if Congress approved developing ANWR today, it would take at least 10 years before the first drop of ANWR oil reaches the market. Like, the oil companies can’t just beam the stuff into your gas tank, know what I mean?
By then, ANWR production would mostly replace declining Prudhoe production, and any net gain in Alaskan production would be incremental at best. And it wouldn’t even begin to dent the growth in demand expected to occur over the next 10 years.
The ugly truth is that 2/3rds of the world’s oil is in the Persian Gulf, and there’s nowhere else you can go to get the quantities of oil that will be needed to satisfy market demand 10 years from now.
Not only that, but if you take all of the world’s known recoverable reserves (about 900 billion bbl.) and divide by current annual consumption (30 billion bbl.), ALL THE WORLD’S OIL WILL BE GONE in only 30 years. (Once again, everyone except Tapioca Skull Contents should be able to do the division in their heads.) And this, of course, assumes no growth in consumption over that time, which is nonsense; in reality, oil demand is expected to hit 120 million bpd by 2025, a nearly 50% increase over today. Factor in that growth, and we’ve got about a 22 or 23 year supply of oil remaining, not 30 years.
But wait!!! the trollfucks cry out. What about new discoveries?
WHAT NEW DISCOVERIES??? are they talking about?
Over half the world’s oil comes from a handful of “supergiant” fields. The last “supergiant” was found over 30 years ago. Most petroleum geologists agree there are no supergiant fields left to be discovered. The planet has been thoroughly mapped with sophisticated satellite and seismic technology. Gargantuan oil fields usually are easy to find, and usually are the first oilfields found, and they’ve been found — end of story.
Is there some undiscovered oil out there? Sure, but probably not giant quantities of it. The experts say the last great unexplored frontier — the polar caps — might add 5% to existing reserves if we’re lucky.
And, getting at marginal reserves like polar and deep sea deposits at some point becomes so difficult and expensive it’s not competitive with alternative fuels.
For example, the world has three times as much fossil fuel in tar sands as in conventional petroleum deposits (around 3 trillion bbl. versus 900 billion bbls.). The vast majority of these deposits are concentrated into two immense fields, one in Canada, and other in Venezuela. Canada currently is producing petroleum from tar sands at a cost of about $15/bbl., roughly the same as the cost of extracting arctic oil, so tar sand oil is very profitable on today’s market. The problem is, they can’t ramp up production to zillions of barrels a day overnight (if at all). It takes a lot of infrastructure, investment, and workers to dig, process, and transport the stuff. It’s located in a remote area where you have neither roads, cities, nor a readily available labor supply. The ramp-up will be gradual.
ANWR? It’s nothing but a replacement for Prudhoe crude starting about 10 years out, and lasting for perhaps 30 or 40 years. Like Prudhoe, it would contribute less than 10% of U.S. domestic production. (OBVIOUSLY you can’t get it all at once, it only flows out of the wells at a certain rate, but this also flies over the heads — and comprehension — of rightwing idiots.)
7.5 billion bbls. of oil isn’t nothing, but it isn’t the answer to our long-term energy needs, and it would do NOTHING to alleviate high pump prices in the short-term. That’s why environmentalists feel the value of a unique and fragile ecosystem outweighs the value of the oil underneath it.
Cluesless, as I leave to meet the wife for lunch, I’ll leave you with this from Ms Huffington:
Rabbit Pellet: Your argument is specious. Are we going to use all of the ANWR reserves by themselves? No! We use it to supplement supplies! Why can’t we drill off the California or the East Coasts? You are your ilk are the reason for high gas prices!!! We can’t even explore anymore!
1) You mean Ronnie didn’t “stay the course” in the face of terraism? To you wingers it’s always someone else’s fault or IOKIYAR – It’s ok if you’re a Republican.
2) Clinton cut defense? Well so did Bush Sr. and Deadeye Dick Cheney. Again IOKIYAR.
3) Hilary announced National Health Insurance? Good on her. About time.
4) I guess I and other evangelicals know where you stand – square ly on the side of evil.
5) Yes, Puddy the economy has sucked for a lot of people since the late 70’s when non-supervisory wages went stagnant and manufacturing started being shipped overseas. That’s when households became dependent on two wage-earners to stay in the same place. Now under Shrub’s reign many households went back to one wage earners and the households have gone into debt. Shrub’s so-called “recovery” is one of the worst if not the worst of the post-WWII era. Just because times are good for you doesn’t mean they’re good for everybody.
And the designers of the Great Society programs never foresaw American corporations exporting family wage jobs which went full bore under your hero Ronnie Raygun.
6) Uhh. Puddy. NCLB is a FEDERAL program. It is UNDERFUNDED because the WAR ON TERRA in IRAQ is sucking the money dry. A good chunk of that money is going to Halliburton. Do you know the spread on Halliburton stock before and after Shrub? Did you invest? Clinton used Halliburton? What a laugh Puddy! Thanks for making my point! Obviously things had to change because Deadeye Dick and Halliburton were only getting peanuts from Clinton!
Putty Between Ears @9 (continued)
Taking this theme a little further, let’s now examine the Republican versus Democratic approaches to the problem of meeting our country’s future energy needs.
Republican solution — use military force to secure advantageous U.S. access to world’s remaining oil supplies, at enormous cost in treasure and blood.
Democratic solution — since the oil will run out anyway, instead of fighting costly and bloody wars over the remaining scraps of conventional petroleum reserves, start NOW to develop next-generation energy technologies … while there’s still time to bring those technologies on line in time for a smooth transition as opposed to the economic upheaval that will inevitably occur if world oil production peaks and begins to decline before we have anything to replace oil with.
The Democratic solution obviously makes too much sense for Republicans to like it. Rather than invent our way out of mankind’s looming energy crisis, they’d rather use the increasing competition for dwindling oil supplies as an excuse to kill people and colonize other countries.
Fuck you, Pudwhacker, and all your kind. You are evil. You are all killers. Don’t be in such a fucking hurry for Armageddon or the Rapture to get here, because you Republicans are all going to Hell for the evil lives you’ve lived. Your stupidity won’t save you; on Judgment Day, as in traffic court, ignorance is no excuse.
Expecially given that, in your case, the ignorance is not only willing, but willful.
Get some facts before spouting off, Putty Idiot! Virtually ALL new U.S. exploration and production is coming from undersea oilfields. That’s because the continental U.S. was explored and tapped long ago. Land-based domestic production has been declining for several decades now, yet the U.S. continues to be the world’s second largest petroleum producer, after Saudi Arabia. Why? Because we ARE exploring and developing coastal and continental shelf reserves, that’s why.
Do the fucking math! The biggest Gulf discovery to date was a field of about 1 billion barrels. With domestic consumption roaring along at a 7 billion bbl. per year clip, that would supply U.S. needs for less than 2 months. That’s right, you have to find and develop a new billion-barrel field every 48 days to fill America’s thirsty gas tanks. Ain’t gonna happen from domestic reserves NO MATTER WHERE OR HOW MUCH YOU DRILL. You are an idiot! WE CAN’T DRILL OUR WAY TO OIL INDEPENDENCE OR CHEAPER GAS.
It’s physically impossible. Ya, ANWR’s 7-8 billion bbls. looks like a lot of oil on paper, but compared to world demand of 30 billion bbl./year, it’s a piss in the bucket. My point is, even if you open ANWR, IT WON’T SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Neither will sending troops to grab other countries’ oil, if history is any guide. They can keep you from getting it out of the ground and aboard ships by blowing up the wells, pipelines, terminals, and ships. Question for ya, Jello-brains:
Iraq is sitting on the world’s second-largest oil reserves. HOW MUCH OIL IS COMING OUT OF IRAQ?
Sorry Mr. Puddybud, I respectfully disagree. Bad Bill Clinton was no Saint in his personnel life, but he was one hell of a good administrator. Under his leadership, our government was win/win, maximum benefits for maximum Citizens.
Bush treats government like a business. Our tax dollars are another source of income for the cheap labor conservative, and since there is no competition, and no quality control, we can’t even get value for our money.
The government wasted millions of dollars in its award of post-Katrina contracts for disaster relief
Audit Finds Fraud, Other Abuses in Iraq Contract Awards
Government is a necessary evil that insures everything from pure food and drink to police and fire protection. Run efficiently, it works. Run badly and, well , you see the results in 2006.
Pudd-Idiot is a shining example of why we can’t trust Republicans to run our government or anything else. THEY ARE FUCKING IDIOTS. They live in a pipe-dream world. As Bush has demonstrated over the last five years, they don’t have the solution to any of our problems — they fuck up everything they touch. They’re not only too stupid to figure out the correct solution to any problem you put before them, they also lack even rudimentary management ability to carry out ANY SOLUTION, right or wrong! If you put them in charge of developing ANWR oil, they’ll fuck it up for sure.
Hey asshole commie lib Democrats!!!!!!!!!! Don’t miss todays’ [weekend edition] USA Today newspaper. [Travel section] It seems that Democrat libs are booking lots of “travel adventure” to North Korea to see how a big “guvment” under Hillary would be!! Lots of San Francisco libs are booking this “Tour Of The Hillary Village Of North Korea”. Perhaps some of you Horsesass libs might enjoy this exciting adventure!!!!!! [hehe, JCH]
Whether Darcy wins or not, the fact she’s giving Reichert a run will force him to spend his campaign money on his own race, which means the Repubs can’t use it elsewhere.
I think, however, such fine points as Democratic-vs.-Republican fundraising are irrelevant. They will be swamped by the tsunami that is going to hit the GOP this fall. With generic polling now showing the Democrats enjoying a nearly 20-point advantage over RepubliCONS nationwide when voters are asked which party they trust more to run Congress, there may be nothing that can save the GOP majority in the House, and the only thing saving them in the Senate is the fact 2/3rds of their senators don’t have to run for re-election this year.
Although I hardly believe we can replace all petroleum products with alternative fuels, we should be able to make a significant dent in it with substantial investment over the next ten years. Of course, that investment is hardly going to come from the oil companies, and U.S. auto makers are late to the game, still playing “catch-up” on hybrid car technology. So I don’t know how Bush thinks this is going to come from private enterprise, rather than government initiative.
But just think about how much simpler our would would be if we no longer had to import oil due to reduced demand. Our balance of trade would be much more equal. We could sit back and watch China try to play in the minefield that is middle-east politics, rather than our soldiers.
The technology already exists to install solar panels on rooftops and sell excess energy back to the utilities, yet little has been done in that area. Here in the Pacific Northwest we might not see that big of a savings, but Southern California and the rest of the Southwest should be able to at least make a dent in their air-conditioning bills electrical consumption that way. And solar panel research hasn’t progressed that much since the 1970’s, but a big push in funding might see some big payoffs in that area.
34 – Classic Puddybud. How stoopid are you? That was Arianna in the days when she was in Gingrich’s camp! What did she say later?
I admit: I was seduced, fooled, blinded, bamboozled–call it what you will. But it didn’t take long before I recognized that the Gingrich spiel was only empty rhetoric.
And what was Clinton going to accomplish on the social front with the Gingrich crowd? Zippo.
Clinton did the best thing he could with the Gingrich crowd – he won. Two years later, the economy was going gangbusters and Gingrich was out on his can.
This, of course, ties Bush’s hands on Iran. Having squandered his “capital” in Iraq, he has neither the military resources nor the political capital to move against Iran, who are a more dangerous adversary than Iraq ever was. Iran may get nuclear weapons because Bush played his hand badly.
This fall’s mid-term election is, of course, a referendum on Bush and his policies, simply because the Republican Congress has marched in lockstep with him, rubber-stamping virtually everything he wants to do.
If Bush starts a war with Iran before the election, it’ll be political suicide for his party. Plainly, the public won’t go for that. Now that a real wolf may be at the door, the boy who cried “wolf” too many times has no persuasive voice left. He spent all his political capital on lying, corruption, and a bungled war in Iraq, and the piggy bank is now empty. His hands are tied — and Iran knows it.
Bush has brought us to the brink of disaster. He’s an incompetent leader and a lousy manager. The only rational thing to do is fire him and get a new leader. He ought to resign.
Hillary [JCH]Clinton@ 42, You have a link for this so called artice?
Article. Sorry
I found it hilarious that the Republican response to oil shortages is – once again – to blame the Democrats, who alone block oil exploration of ANWR!!!!!
The BIG LIE once again – if something goes wrong, pretend the Democrats are in charge of Congress. It’s a re-run of the 1980 Presidential campaign, but with one major problem – THE REPUBLICANS HAVE BEEN IN CHARGE OF ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE PAST EIGHT YEARS!!!!!! The Democrats alone could not prevent drilling ANWR, they had to be joined by quite a few Republicans. Obviously, those Republicans did so because they felt their constituants would roast them on the coals at election time if they did otherwise.
If there are any significant oil reserves in ANWR, they will still be there later, if we really need them. Even the countries in the middle east are being careful not to use up all their reserves at once. Yet somehow the Republicans, who consider themselves to be “fiscally responsible”, want to break open the piggy bank and enjoy the high from their quick fix, (gee, I like that analogy, I’ll have to explore it further), and damage a national wildlife refuge in the process.
Besides, the contradictory arguments don’t make sense. “We need more drilling and exploration”, is followed by “its a refinary capacity problem”, followed by “environmental regulations require 55 types of refinery operations”.
For your information, I used to work (briefly) for an oil company, and the supposed “switch-over” between winter and summer blends can occur on the graveyard shift. It’s not that big of a deal, you just need to make sure you empty the tank before you start filling it with the new blend. The refineries deal with a lot more diversification in product in producing very slightly different blends for the different oil company brands, so they can claim that their gasoline is somehow unique. Don’t you know that almost all our gasoline in the Seattle area all comes from the Anacortes refineries, regardless of brand or grade?
Correction for # 49: I meant to say SIX YEARS, not eight. The Republicans were in charge of Congress and the Supreme Court for longer than eight years, they have been in charge of the White House for only six years.
Addition to # 49:
And if its a refinery problem, as some say, then what difference is it going to make if we drill in ANWR or not? They won’t pump oil unless it has somewhere to go to!!!! I haven’t seen any Republican initiative to increase refining capacity anywhere in the U.S.!
Look for a lot of pork projects approved for Republican states and districts that are “in play” for November.
We saw the same before Nov. 2004 especially in Florida.
51 – I just read somewhere that 75% of the refineries in the U.S. can handle the heavy, sour crudes. When people talk peak oil – that is what is peaking in production and price. The light sweet stuff fetches the highest price.
So I think we’re positioned OK in refining capacity but of course it could be better.
re 12: Republicans, Janet S, are proposing that all our vegetables be picked for free by people who are in jail. So, agribusiness in America gets free prison slave labor and we, the taxpayers, get to foot the bill for clothing and feeding the imprisoned slaves.
How, Janet S, is that different from what they do in China — you stupid twat!
re 25: You are obviously one of those Seattle log-cabin Republicans who doesn’t read, Car and Driver.
Yes, dope, I said SWIFT and I’m adding, POWERFUL!!
The answer to the problems in Iraq and Iran can be found in one of two ways: B-52 [BUFFs] Linebacker II strikes, or nuclear tipped sea/air/sub delivered high/low/medium “J” band self guidance correcting Tomahawk cruise missiles. These are the weapons Jesus would use as they have extremely cool names and work EVERY time they are tried.
re 56: I can see you are a careful student of Nixon’s winning Vietnam strategy……NOT
You are a retarded bi-valve!!
shiftless, witless & brainless lucy @ 55:
Oooooohhhhh 0-to-60 in TWELVE+ seconds… for your Prius with the Deadhead stickers in the back window because you sure as heck aren’t driving a new Lexus hybrid on your poor, poor, alleged “teacher” salary (and I use the term “teacher” with you VERY loosely).
Actually, the Prius clocks in a little over 10 seconds 0-to-60, which is comparable to the 9 second average for compact cars.
I’ve been very pleased with my Prius.
The only reason to own a Prius is to look like a good enviro. The numbers don’t work – you pay a huge premium for the car, which you will never make back in gas savings. But, image before common sense.
Headless – your questions are so puzzling.
“…are proposing that all our vegetables be picked for free by people who are in jail. So, agribusiness in America gets free prison slave labor and we, the taxpayers, get to foot the bill for clothing and feeding the imprisoned slaves.”
What does this mean? I was asking about darcy’s views on trade with China. I honestly have no idea where she stands. By the way, slave labor in China is not the moral equivalent of prison labor in the US. I’m not going to explain the difference, because I suspect even you aren’t so dense as to see why.
The only reason to own a Prius is to look like a good enviro. The numbers don’t work – you pay a huge premium for the car, which you will never make back in gas savings. But, image before common sense.
Actually, there are many reasons to own a Prius, not the least of which is to actually BE a good enviro. In addition to that, it’s a damn good car. I’m happy to pay a premium to encourage Toyota and other automakers to continue along these lines. It makes perfect sense if you care about something larger than yourself and your sort-term greed.
Janet, latest study says you’d need to own that Prius for 8 yrs to break even. It was posted here on ASSes but the libruls ignored that too.
61….It makes perfect sense if you care about something larger than yourself and your sort-term greed.
Or, you are more gullible that your postings indicate.
The studies which say it will take several years to break even by purchasing a hybrid car assumed that gas prices will be essentially the same as when the study was conducted. This isn’t the fault of the study – they have to pick a baseline somewhere, and the current price of gas (when the study is conducted) is as good a point in time to select as any.
But it wouldn’t be that hard to do a “study” of your own. Pick your preferred hybrid and find out how much it costs. Pick your preferred alternative car, and find out how much it costs. Be sure to be consistent in the method of valuing the cost of the cars. Calculate the difference.
Next, pull out your tax return and figure out how much of a benefit you would get in the form of a tax credit for buying an energy-efficient car. If you need help, ask the dealer selling the hybrids – they probably have a brochure somewhere.
Now, calculate your own driving habits. How many miles do you drive a year? Taking the average milage figures of each car, figure out how many gallons of gasoline you would be consuming using each car.
Picking today’s cost of gasoline, you can figure out your savings per year driving each of the cars, and how long it would take to offset the premium it currently costs to buy a hybrid.
But you can get more creative with an Excel spreadsheet, putting a variety of price points for the price of gasoline. I suspect as the price of gasoline exceeds $3.00 per gallon, the break-even point will be much sooner.
60 – Typical Janet S – brimming with ignorance and right wing talking points.
Two reasons to own a hybrid:
#1 reason (it’s not fuel economy). It’s emissions. Hybrids run on batteries from stop to cruising speed when the regular internal combustion engine kicks. When a hybrid comes to a stop, the whole engine turns off.
In a regular car, it’s in acceleration to cruising speed where you emit the most CO2 and other harmful pollutants. Hybrids were first developed in Japan WHERE THEY ACTUALLY ARE SERIOUS ABOUT THE KYOTO PROTOCOL.
Should we be serious? Remember New Orleans? Seen the Greenland and the Polar Caps lately?
#2 fuel economy – Hybrids gets typically twice the mileage of a typical car. A typical car in the U.S. is a gas guzzler so maybe that isn’t saying all that much.
News flash: THE 2008 PRIUS WILL GET 110 MPG. This will be due to new generation of lithium-ion batteries coming out that have higher energy density and quicker recharge time.
Please lead me out of the darkness, hillary. Remove the scales from my eyes.
rhp, you’re exactly right about the financial calculation. For us, the financial trade-off did not conform to the assumptions most make. Our choice was between cars already in the same price range, so the “break-even” point has already passed.
What market models have a difficult time addressing are moral values. For me and for my wife, there is an additional ethical component that some here just don’t understand or appreciate to the degree we do. They’re not necessarily wrong, based on their values, but they don’t understand that different assumptions and values produce different results. It may not be worth it for them, but it is worth it for me because I place a higher value on the environment than they do.
Battery and supercapacitor tech is improving rapidly with the advent of nanomaterials and processes. I’m looking forward to the day when hybrids will be phased out and fully electric vehicles will take over. That day may be here within 5 years and certainly within the next 10.
Every listen to an EV cruise down a road? Completely silent. Wouldn’t that be a nice change from the noise pollution we put up with today.
I actually don’t have anything against having a hybrid. I’m just jealous that I couldn’t afford the one I wanted.
What about the battery on a hybrid? Do all these calculations take into account that electricity isn’t free, and they need to be recharged? Emissions happen during the generation of electricity, so is there a net savings?
It is kind of the same argument for recycling. Recycling feels good, but is actually a waste of resources. Same with ethanol. It takes more energy to make it than it generates. That’s why both of these, along with hybrids, require govt subsidies to make sense. The pure economics don’t do it.
Moonbats Turn into KVI 570 right now to hear about the Iraqi documents
See ya
“Bush treats government like a business.”
Only in the most distorted sense. Bush and his cronies “treat government like a business” in the same way that the crack-addicted son treats a business he inherited. He milks it to fund his habit (tax breaks, etc.) and to throw parties for his friends (Haliburton, et al.), until nothing is left but the shell. Then when the creditors take over, and he blames them for the mess. “Things were going just fine until you came along!” he and his friends will whine.
68 – America is going into more debt over New Orleans. We can keep abusing the environment but one day as we saw last hurricane season it will come back to bite us.
Here in the Northwest, fossil fueled electricity isn’t that much of an issue – yet. Any growth in electricity use from ev’s should be balanced by new supply from benign renewables like wind, solar, wave energy (and yes even nukes) and greater efficiency through public transit and denser development.
Irons – mom beater
Sheriff Davie – wife beater?
Another TJ here & there…
From what I’ve read, the factory-quoted 0-60 is 10 seconds, but real-world is closer to 12 and 13.
Personally, I don’t have an issue with hybrid cars themselves — though their performance & capacity leaves something to be desired (at least right now). My bigger problem — illustrated beautifully by the folks on the South Park cartoon — is with the people that drive them. The Toyota “Pious” is one of the biggest contributors to “smug” pollution today.
JustStupid @ 72
Darcy Burner – hurts small children
and there you have it…
From what I’ve read, the factory-quoted 0-60 is 10 seconds, but real-world is closer to 12 and 13.
I suspect just about every car maker fudges the true numbers a bit. I have not experienced any problems at all with power. In fact, everyone who’s ridden with me has been surprised by the responsiveness. The criticisms just don’t ring true to me, and I drive one every day.
My wife suggested looking at the Prius after we had looked at other vehicles. I was sceptical and had to be convinced. After driving it, I was.
My bigger problem – illustrated beautifully by the folks on the South Park cartoon – is with the people that drive them. The Toyota “Pious” is one of the biggest contributors to “smug” pollution today.
I like South Park, and I don’t mind my ox getting gored now and then. I’m a big boy; I can take it. I’ll happily cop to some smugness, as long as people recognize my inherent superiority and bow down to me and demonstrate a level of respect befitting my greatness.
righton @ 17
Who was going to vote for a mom in tennis shoes?
Oil? How’d we start talking about that?
I like the argument about refining acpacity. Straight out of the oil industry’s talking points. I’m not an economist, but here’s a thought or two.
If inadequate refinery capacity is a significant part of the problem, we would expect prices of refined petroleum products to increase. They have. If B follows A, did A cause B? To assume yes is a logical fallacy.
But here we go: there are two independent variables here, refining capacity and crude supplies. If the dominant factor on the supply of refined petroleum products is refinery capacity, you would expect the price of refined petroleum products to rise much faster than the price of crude oil, while crude oil prices should stay stable because demand would be artificially limited by inadequate refinery capacity. Think of it as a pipe of fixed size. No matter how much stuff there is to go through the pipe, only so much can go through. If we canot refine all the crude there is to refine, priecs for refned products should be high, but crude supplies should be plentiful, because (in wingnut world) we CAN’T approach crude supply capacity.
On the other hand, if the limiting factor is limited supplies of crude oil, rather than limited refinery capacity, then you would expect the price of refined petroleum products and crude oil to increase roughly proportionately. Guess what? They do.
In the reality-based world, you can’t argue that prices are high because our refineries can’t process all the crude supplies (leading to a glut of crude) AND that so much crude is being refined that supplies are tight so we need to drill out the whole world to get the last of it. However, in wingnut world, that all makes perfect sense.
So let’s get real: a major reason that energy companies haven’t invested in new refineries is that they know there would likely be an inadequate supply of crude oil to utilize the expanded capacity created by these refineries. That’s called peak oil. They know it’s here. Why not admit it?
The fact is that we can’t drill our way out and we can’t refine our way out. We need to find a whole new way out.
But in the meantime, we have 100K troops stationed permanently in the middle of oil country. And Republiccan or Democrat, I pretty much expect any administration and/or Congress to keep them there because we just fired the first shot in the Oil Wars.
The reason ~I~ want a Democratic Congress is NOT because they’ll “end the war” because they won’t. I want them to use its investigative power to take out these corrupt bastards and restore some semblance of fiscal sobriety and respect for the rule of law.
Another TJ @ 75: “demonstrate a level of respect befitting my greatness”
Absolutely! So… I’d like you to please be sure to use a soft cloth when drying my marvel of Teutonic engineering. :-)