3. Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is… spews:
Date and Time?
09/07/2011 at 6:00 pm
I’m sure puddypussy has no interest in being proved wrong AGAIN.
Proving puddypussy is a liar is just getting
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
I already told you misogynist rujax Puddy loves one pussy. So this name works for me! Nuthin new here moving on!
Now onto the thread…
“I for one and I hope that all of my friends up here are going to repudiate every effort of the news media to get Republicans to fight each other, to protect Barack Obama who deserves to be defeated. And all of us are committed as a team. Whoever the nominee is, we are all for defeating Barack Obama.” – Newt Gingrich
Well said Newt! The libtardo MSM know Obummer ain’t got nuthin!
Wait for it the serial arschloch plagiarizer will claim I support Newt!
6. Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is… spews:
I already told you misogynist rujax Puddy loves one pussy. So this name works for me! Nuthin new here moving on!
09/07/2011 at 6:42 pm
Like the rest of the clownservatards puddypussy is a whining cry-baby victim of the baaaaaad baaaaad lib’ruls…and he’s ylb’s bitch…
…thus, puddypussy.
Excellent debate. Great candidates. Everyone of them infinitely more qualified than the current non-leader who only knows how to run for office and is clueless about what to do to move the country forward. I was real impressed with Herman Cain. A great businessman who understands the current obstacles.
A man who doesn’t work shouldn’t eat!
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
Oh misogynist rujax, I posted the Labor Statistics references to prove you are a lying sack of shit on the Republican Debate night.
“For the President of the United States to go to El Paso, Texas and say the border is safer than it’s ever been — either he has some of the poorest intel of any president in the history of this country or he was an an abject liar to the American people.. It is not safe on that border.” – Rick Perry
Well it was thoroughly cleaned out before Obummer arrived Rick Perry!
$787+ Billion and Obummer didn’t finish the border fence?
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
he’s ylb’s bitch…
You talking about yourself again misogynist rujax?
Yes he is. The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Nuthin in that human biomass move along. Better git going and hit to yer bitch!
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
15 – Are you saying you would support a philanderer for President??
Oh! I’m shocked!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The bullshit was flying thick and fast tonight.
Perry said: “Ninety-five percent of all the jobs that we’ve created have been above minimum wage.”
B.S. Checker says: Uh, no. “To support the claim, the Perry campaign provided federal statistics for December 2010 showing only 5.3 percent of all jobs in Texas pay the minimum wage. But those figures represent all workers, not just the new jobs, for which data in unavailable. … About 9.5 percent of Texas hourly workers … earn the minimum wage or less, tying Mississippi for the highest percentage in the nation.” Perry also failed to mention that most of the job creation in his state has resulted from increased state government spending and hiring.
Romney said: “At the end of four years, we had our unemployment rate down to 4.7 percent. … As a matter of fact, we created more jobs in Massachusetts than this president has created in the entire country.”
B.S. Checker says: “Unemployment was only 5.6 percent when Romney took office in 2003, meaning it came down by less than 1 percentage point when he left office in 2007.”
B.S. Checker also points out that employment grew by more jobs during Bush’s 6 years as Texas governor than during Perry’s 11 years as Texas governor (1.32 million vs. 1.2 million).
Oh, and one more thing — in Massachusetss, Gov. Michael Dukakis, a Democrat, grew jobs by 41,000 a year compared to only 15,000 for Romney.
So, whoooooo is best at creating jobs? It seems Romney is better than Perry, and Dubya is better than Romney, and Dukakis was better than all of them.
So, if you need a job, and want a job, vote Democrat.
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
#15… What a loon. Pavlov called it!
So predictable, like morning after night! What has anything you’ve said here have to do with the thread?
Oh wait you need your picture in every thread. You need to comb your Don King hair!
Roger Rabbitspews:
91 Arrested For Bilking Medicare Of $295 Million
“Ninety-one suspects, including doctors and nurses, have been charged in connection with a new rash of healthcare fraud schemes aimed at bilking the government out of about $295 million, U.S. authorities said Wednesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Have you ever noticed that when taxpayers get robbed it’s always folks in the PRIVATE SECTOR doing the robbing? I’ve never heard of a Medicare worker getting arrested for embezzlement. Whenever you read about Medicare fraud in the papers, it’s always doctors and hospitals. So much for the “efficiency” of private enterprise — the only thing they’re efficient at is lifting dollars out of your pocket.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to that MSNBC article, Medicare fraud is America’s top crime problem, and Florida is the “healthcare fraud capital” of the USA. Hmmm … maybe we should call Florida doctors the “Medicare Mafia.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now you know the REAL reason why Medicare is going broke. We wouldn’t have a solvent bank left in the country if their customers were like those doctors.
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
19 – Gee say it’s not so Puddybud – that you’d support a philanderer for President.
It’s so uncharacteristic of you.
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
Seems the “good” Dr Ron Paul attracts lots of potheads and America Apologists with many of his “statements” Butt those liberals love him!
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
#24… What a loon. Pavlov called it! And Pavlov called it again. Hey didn’t the serial arschloch plagiarizer claim my last name was Pavlov? Just checkin…
So predictable, like morning after night! Like misogynist rujax wiping his ASS with Roger DOPEY Rabbit after one of his HA diarrhea attacks. What has anything you’ve said here have to do with the thread?
Oh wait you need teh serial arschloch plagiarizer fayle picture in every thread. serial arschloch plagiarizer needs to comb the serial arschloch plagiarizer Don King hair!
back to the thread… Ron Paul is a crazed isolationist who scares the crap of me!
Wait for it…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 An employee of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formerly known as Health Care Financing Administration), numbskull.
Roger Rabbitspews:
My hippie neighbor says he wants some of whatever puddy is smoking.
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
An employee of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Doesn’t that include nurses too Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
None of my neighbors want anything to do with ROGER DOPEY Rabbit.
Well I’m sorry to hear you’d support a philanderer for President Puddyfool..
Haven’t seen a denial yet.
Guess you can’t attack me on Edwards anymore..
But on that Pavlov score.. You seem to like calling yourself Pavlov.
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b pavlov -c
| count |
| 203 |
1 row in set
Just taking you at your word..
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ve long suspected that puddy is actually a monkey trained to randomly cut and paste.
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
’ve long suspected that puddy is actually a monkey trained to randomly cut and paste.
So now you are calling me a monkey.
Even after meeting me on an auspicious occasion Roger DOPEY Rabbit. I’m “touched”.
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
#32… What a loon. Pavlov called it! And Pavlov called it again. And Pavlov called it again. Hey didn’t the serial arschloch plagiarizer claim we needed to take some DOPEY test? Just checkin…
So predictable, like morning after night! Like misogynist rujax wiping his ASS with Roger DOPEY Rabbit after one of his HA diarrhea attacks. What has anything you’ve said here have to do with the thread?
Oh wait you need teh serial arschloch plagiarizer fayle picture in every thread. serial arschloch plagiarizer needs to comb the serial arschloch plagiarizer Don King hair!
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
#36… What a loon. Pavlov called it! And Pavlov called it again. And Pavlov called it again. Hey didn’t the serial arschloch plagiarizer claim we needed to take some DOPEY test? Just checkin…
So predictable, like morning after night! Like misogynist rujax wiping his ASS with Roger DOPEY Rabbit after one of his HA diarrhea attacks. What has anything you’ve said here have to do with the thread?
Oh wait you need teh serial arschloch plagiarizer fayle picture in every thread. serial arschloch plagiarizer needs to comb the serial arschloch plagiarizer Don King hair!
Where did I say my last name is Pavlov? You are the most stupid of idiotic morons who ever lived.
Going to the family serial arschloch plagiarizer! You can stay here!
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
Let’s review Roger DOPEY Rabbit postings and comments
Ninety-one suspects, including doctors and nurses
I’ve never heard of a Medicare worker getting arrested for embezzlement. Whenever you read about Medicare fraud in the papers, it’s always doctors and hospitals.
So he dropped the nurses and replaced them with hospitals. So I asked Roger DOPEY Rabbit aren’t nurses Medicare workers too?
You see, Roger DOPEY Rabbit writes it, then forgets it. He needs a decoder ring to figger out what he forgot when he forgot! Senility is treatable if acknowledged and caught early Roger DOPEY Rabbit!
Gee I pointed to it. You said “Puddy is Pavlov”.
Pavlov is commonly know as a last name.
You mean???
Well I know you’re a liar but I’d hardly think you’d admit to it so brazenly.
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
Decided to come back after brushing my teeth. And what do I find
#39… What a loon. Pavlov called it! And Pavlov called it again. And Pavlov called it again. And Pavlov called it again. Hey didn’t the serial arschloch plagiarizer claim someone was dancing on a grave? Just checkin…
The serial arschloch plagiarizer just doesn’t get it. He’s being played and played and played. How many times have I called it?
Does mrs arschloch have some hair curlers? Is that mascara around his eyes? Oh yes it is! Doesn’t mrs arschloch leave you clothes when she goes to work? Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa
Call the ball. Wait for it…
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
Hey HA loons I have a question for you.
What religion requires you to die for it to receive 72 virgins when Christianity believes the Son of God died for us? Yes even you atheists!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Thank God!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 I don’t believe the person I met is posting this crap.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 “So I asked Roger DOPEY Rabbit aren’t nurses Medicare workers too?”
No. Being a private nurse involved in stealing from the Medicare program does not make you a “Medicare worker.” A “Medicare worker” is someone who works for the federal agency that administers the Medicare program.
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
Oh Roger DOPEY Rabbit,
Your “link” makes no reference if any of those nurses work in any federal agency or if they are private nurses. My question still stands. So you finally used that decoder ring to figure out your forgetfulness.
Glad you figured it out!
I noticed the link referenced big Obummer strongholds where Medicare fraud happened. I noticed you didn’t make this a Republican crook #2342304782749 comment or something stupid like that. That must have hurt not to post that either.
Puddybud, identifying the HA serial plagiarizing arschloch for what he is...spews:
Did you notice how NBC leftist Brian Williams reacted when he brought up Rick Perry’s Texas criminal incarceration record –
“What do you make of that dynamic that just happened here, the mention of the execution of 234 people drew applause?”
Ummm maybe removing criminals from their oxygen source is okay in some quarters Brian!
No Time for Fascistsspews:
There are concerns about Perry and the Death Penalty and Fairness
“As of today, 234 people have been executed in the 10-plus years that Perry has served as governor of Texas. That’s the highest number of any American governor.”
Gov. Rick Perry did nothing to stay the execution of Cameron Todd Willingham in 2004 for the Dec. 23, 1991, fire that killed his three children in their home. Willingham reportedly denied the crime in his final words at execution.
The Texas Forensic Science Commission was to hear testimony this month from an expert who concluded that the original investigation was flawed and the fire was an accident. But Perry disbanded the panel two days before the scheduled meeting.
47 – The state of Texas took the life of an innocent man and the Republican base, what right wing degenerates call “Real Americans”, applauds scary Rick Perry for it.
If you kill someone in Texas, WE WILL KILL YOU BACK~!
No sorry “friend” from Montana – the message sent in the case of Cameron Willingham is that the State of Texas KILLS
Rick Perry has blood on his hands..
And “Surreal Un-americans” want him to be SOTUS.
Shrublet of the United States.
One hired gun “expert” for the defense says the fire was an accident? This guy was tried and went thru numerous appeals, including one for this so-called “expert”. The Courts all denied the appeals. Ans lots of murderers say they are innocent to the bitter end. Nice try fools.
Perry needed something in order to issue a stay. The “expert” hired by the defense had his day. The Appeals Court said no.
One hired gun “expert” for the defense says the fire was an accident? This guy was tried and went thru numerous appeals, including one for this so-called “expert”. The Courts all denied the appeals. Ans lots of murderers say they are innocent to the bitter end. Nice try fools.
Perry needed something in order to issue a stay. The “expert” hired by the defense had his day. The Appeals Court said no.
09/08/2011 at 10:31 am
This asshole will be happy when the executions are public…better yet…
…Prime Time!
THAT will keep the proletariat in line!
Public flogging too…this prick will be out there selling tickets.
Though Reaves told Willingham that there was still a chance that Governor Perry might grant a thirty-day stay, Willingham began to prepare his last will and testament. He had earlier written Stacy a letter apologizing for not being a better husband and thanking her for everything she had given him, especially their three daughters. “I still know Amber’s voice, her smile, her cool Dude saying and how she said: I wanna hold you! Still feel the touch of Karmon and Kameron’s hands on my face.” He said that he hoped that “some day, somehow the truth will be known and my name cleared.”
He asked Stacy if his tombstone could be erected next to their children’s graves. Stacy, who had for so long expressed belief in Willingham’s innocence, had recently taken her first look at the original court records and arson findings. Unaware of Hurst’s report, she had determined that Willingham was guilty. She denied him his wish, later telling a reporter, “He took my kids away from me.”
Gilbert felt as if she had failed Willingham. Even before his pleas for clemency were denied, she told him that all she could give him was her friendship. He told her that it was enough “to be a part of your life in some small way so that in my passing I can know I was at last able to have felt the heart of another who might remember me when I’m gone.” He added, “There is nothing to forgive you for.” He told her that he would need her to be present at his execution, to help him cope with “my fears, thoughts, and feelings.”
On February 17th, the day he was set to die, Willingham’s parents and several relatives gathered in the prison visiting room. Plexiglas still separated Willingham from them. “I wish I could touch and hold both of you,” Willingham had written to them earlier. “I always hugged Mom but I never hugged Pop much.”
As Willingham looked at the group, he kept asking where Gilbert was. Gilbert had recently been driving home from a store when another car ran a red light and smashed into her. Willingham used to tell her to stay in her kitchen for a day, without leaving, to comprehend what it was like to be confined in prison, but she had always found an excuse not to do it. Now she was paralyzed from the neck down.
While she was in an intensive-care unit, she had tried to get a message to Willingham, but apparently failed. Gilbert’s daughter later read her a letter that Willingham had sent her, telling her how much he had grown to love her. He had written a poem: “Do you want to see beauty—like you have never seen? / Then close your eyes, and open your mind, and come along with me.”
Gilbert, who spent years in physical rehabilitation, gradually regaining motion in her arms and upper body, says, “All that time, I thought I was saving Willingham, and I realized then that he was saving me, giving me the strength to get through this. I know I will one day walk again, and I know it is because Willingham showed me the kind of courage it takes to survive.”
Willingham had requested a final meal, and at 4 p.m. on the seventeenth he was served it: three barbecued pork ribs, two orders of onion rings, fried okra, three beef enchiladas with cheese, and two slices of lemon cream pie. He received word that Governor Perry had refused to grant him a stay. (A spokesperson for Perry says, “The Governor made his decision based on the facts of the case.”) Willingham’s mother and father began to cry. “Don’t be sad, Momma,” Willingham said. “In fifty-five minutes, I’m a free man. I’m going home to see my kids.” Earlier, he had confessed to his parents that there was one thing about the day of the fire he had lied about. He said that he had never actually crawled into the children’s room. “I just didn’t want people to think I was a coward,” he said. Hurst told me, “People who have never been in a fire don’t understand why those who survive often can’t rescue the victims. They have no concept of what a fire is like.”
The warden told Willingham that it was time. Willingham, refusing to assist the process, lay down; he was carried into a chamber eight feet wide and ten feet long. The walls were painted green, and in the center of the room, where an electric chair used to be, was a sheeted gurney. Several guards strapped Willingham down with leather belts, snapping buckles across his arms and legs and chest. A medical team then inserted intravenous tubes into his arms. Each official had a separate role in the process, so that no one person felt responsible for taking a life.
Willingham had asked that his parents and family not be present in the gallery during this process, but as he looked out he could see Stacy watching. The warden pushed a remote control, and sodium thiopental, a barbiturate, was pumped into Willingham’s body. Then came a second drug, pancuronium bromide, which paralyzes the diaphragm, making it impossible to breathe. Finally, a third drug, potassium chloride, filled his veins, until his heart stopped, at 6:20 p.m. On his death certificate, the cause was listed as “Homicide.”
After his death, his parents were allowed to touch his face for the first time in more than a decade. Later, at Willingham’s request, they cremated his body and secretly spread some of his ashes over his children’s graves. He had told his parents, “Please don’t ever stop fighting to vindicate me.”
Would Someone Please Ask Perry, Bachmann, Santorum, Romney, Palin, and Cain About Kyle Willis and Deamonte Driver, Please?
Posted by Dan Savage on Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 8:41 AM
We’re the greatest, richest, most awesomest country in the whole history of the entire world and we can’t manage to do what every other Western, industrialized, developed country on earth already does: provide health care for all our citizens. So shit like this happens:
A 24-year-old Cincinnati father died from a tooth infection this week because he couldn’t afford his medication, offering a sobering reminder of the importance of oral health and the number of people without access to dental or health care…. Kyle Willis’ wisdom tooth started hurting two weeks ago. When dentists told him it needed to be pulled, he decided to forgo the procedure, because he was unemployed and had no health insurance. When his face started swelling and his head began to ache, Willis went to the emergency room, where he received prescriptions for antibiotics and pain medications. Willis couldn’t afford both, so he chose the pain medications. The tooth infection spread, causing his brain to swell. He died Tuesday….
Willis’ story is not unique. In 2007, 12-year-old Deamonte Driver also died when a tooth infection spread to his brain. The Maryland boy underwent two operations and six weeks of hospital care, totaling $250,000. Doctors said a routine $80 tooth extraction could have saved his life. His family was uninsured and had recently lost its Medicaid benefits, keeping Deamonte from having dental surgery.
I think Justin Bieber said it best:
“You guys are evil,” he says with a laugh. “Canada’s the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don’t need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you’re broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard’s baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby’s premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home.”
Republicans oppose a single-payer system because socialism, of course, but some relatively reasonable people I know oppose a single-payer system because why would they want to pay into a system like Canada’s when they’ve never been sick and will never get sick—because they’re immune to all known human ailments and have unbreakable bones—and they have jobs and there’s zero chance that they’ll ever lose their jobs so they’ll go on getting health insurance through their employers forever. What’s in a single-payer system for them?
@56 et seq.: And the guy who lacked the civilized decency to even glance at an experts’ report calling into question the evidence that sent this possibly (likely?) innocent man to the death chamber is now running for president.
Should any of us believe that President Rick Perry would ask anyone to double-check the blips on the radar screen instead of proceeding through a knee-jerk Snap Count?
Perry did worse than refuse to review the experts’ report an hour before Willingham’s execution. He also replaced members of the Texas commission investigating whether a miscarriage of justice occurred, to make sure that commission would whitewash what is potentially the first confirmed case of a state executing an innocent person by mistake.
“According to an August 2009 investigative report by an expert hired by the Texas Forensic Science Commission, the original claims of arson were doubtful. The Corsicana Fire Department disputes the findings, stating that the expert’s report overlooked several key points in the record. The case has been further complicated by allegations that Texas Governor Rick Perry impeded the investigation by replacing three of the nine commission members in an attempt to change the commission’s findings; Perry denies the allegations.”
Of course Perry denies the allegations. He wants to be president. As far as his fitness for office goes, whether Willingham was guilty or innocent is beside the point; Perry has already demonstrated himself to be a man who isn’t careful with facts when making life-or-death decisions, and then misuses the power of office to cover up his mistakes and bad judgment. It’s already clear that Perry isn’t remotely suited for the Oval Office. And we’d all better hope he doesn’t get anywhere near that office.
Hey Willingham wasn’t a perfect individual. He was something of a hot head. Like that’s unusual among lower middle class men who have a hard time finding their feet in this dog eat dog economy.
But that didn’t mean he killed his kids.
The prosecution was a joke. They said he drew or laid the accelerant on the floor of his kids’ bedroom in the shape of a Pentagram – a sort of “satanic ritual”.
Based on what???
Oh some Led Zepplin and Iron Maiden posters in his bedroom!!!
The prosecutors played on jurors morbid fears and religious superstitions!
That’s how you make your bones as a prosecutor in the great state of Texas by etching a notch in your rifle stock as state-sanctioned KILLER!
Despite 41 DNA Exonerations In Texas In Last 9 Years, Perry Says He Never Loses Sleep Over Executing The Innocent
By Marie Diamond on Sep 8, 2011 at 12:20 pm
Perry has overseen 235 executions as governor.
At last night’s GOP presidential debate in California, front runner Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) defended his record of overseeing 235 executions in Texas, the most of any modern governor by far and nearly half of those conducted in the state since the death penalty went into effect in 1976.
Perry insisted that he’s never lost sleep at night worrying that any one of them might have been innocent. “I’ve never struggled with that at all,” Perry said.
50. askjudas spews:
Texas has the right message. If you kill someone in Texas, WE WILL KILL YOU BACK~!
Heck, they even have an Express Lane.
09/08/2011 at 9:01 am
That sick fuck “askjudas” is a real comedian.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Hey, from what I’m reading here, it appears the Reps have no chance against Obama in 2012, given the opinions of last night’s debate. Well, a second term for Obama would probably be the path of least resistance for all of us. I don’t think there’s much that either party can get done if the White House is occupied by Obama, the Senate is not controlled by either the Reps or Dems, and the House is controlled by the Reps. Four years of nothing, then the 2016 election.
Politically Incorrectspews:
“Texas has the right message. If you kill someone in Texas, WE WILL KILL YOU BACK~!
Heck, they even have an Express Lane.”
Yeah, that’s what I’m seeing. But, I’m seeing it as 4 years of not much from the feds while a lot of change happens at the local and state level. Which might not be a bad way to go.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Like I’ve said in the past, I’ll write-in Ron Paul for president and Dennis Kucinich for vice-president in 2012. I like them both because they’re a little fiesty and quirky. I have no use for any of the regular Reps, but, even though I like Obama personally, I won’t be voting for him. He’s a nice guy, but not my cup of tea. (No Tea Party jokes, please.)
I’d rather poke my eyes out with scissors.
I’ll catch the replay highlights on ESPN.
Date and Time?
Since they’re talking about jobs, let’s mention which party has a better jobs record:
Democrat Roosevelt 5.3%
Democrat Johnson 3.8%
Democrat Carter 3.1%
Democrat Truman 2.5%
Democrat Clinton 2.4%
Democrat Kennedy 2.3%
Republican Nixon 2.2%
Republican Reagan 2.1%
Republican Coolidge 1.1%
Republican Ford 1.1%
Republican Eisenhower 0.9%
Republican Bush Sr. 0.6%
Republican Bush Jr. (0.7%)
Republican Hoover (9.0%)
Source: James Carville, “Had Enough?” (Simon & Schuster, New York, 2003), p. 87.
I’m sure puddypussy has no interest in being proved wrong AGAIN.
Proving puddypussy is a liar is just getting
I already told you misogynist rujax Puddy loves one pussy. So this name works for me! Nuthin new here moving on!
Now onto the thread…
Well said Newt! The libtardo MSM know Obummer ain’t got nuthin!
Wait for it the serial arschloch plagiarizer will claim I support Newt!
Like the rest of the clownservatards puddypussy is a whining cry-baby victim of the baaaaaad baaaaad lib’ruls…and he’s ylb’s bitch…
…thus, puddypussy.
Excellent debate. Great candidates. Everyone of them infinitely more qualified than the current non-leader who only knows how to run for office and is clueless about what to do to move the country forward. I was real impressed with Herman Cain. A great businessman who understands the current obstacles.
A man who doesn’t work shouldn’t eat!
Oh misogynist rujax, I posted the Labor Statistics references to prove you are a lying sack of shit on the Republican Debate night.
Well it was thoroughly cleaned out before Obummer arrived Rick Perry!
$787+ Billion and Obummer didn’t finish the border fence?
You talking about yourself again misogynist rujax?
Yes he is. The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Nuthin in that human biomass move along. Better git going and hit to yer bitch!
Herman has some interesting business ideas!
11 – Hey Puddysilly, have you attacked me over Edwards yet?
He’s a really bad guy for treating his wife that way.
You’d NEVER support anyone like that would you?
Think of all those liberals who support Ron Paul when they heard this…
#13… What a loon. Pavlov called it!
So predictable, like morning after night!
I heard that Mitt claimed that his big brother could beat up Perry’s and Huntsman’s big brothers with one hand tied behind his back. What a joke.
Obama’s never going to make anyone’s list of best presidents, but he’s going to get a second term.
15 – Are you saying you would support a philanderer for President??
Oh! I’m shocked!
The bullshit was flying thick and fast tonight.
Perry said: “Ninety-five percent of all the jobs that we’ve created have been above minimum wage.”
B.S. Checker says: Uh, no. “To support the claim, the Perry campaign provided federal statistics for December 2010 showing only 5.3 percent of all jobs in Texas pay the minimum wage. But those figures represent all workers, not just the new jobs, for which data in unavailable. … About 9.5 percent of Texas hourly workers … earn the minimum wage or less, tying Mississippi for the highest percentage in the nation.” Perry also failed to mention that most of the job creation in his state has resulted from increased state government spending and hiring.
Romney said: “At the end of four years, we had our unemployment rate down to 4.7 percent. … As a matter of fact, we created more jobs in Massachusetts than this president has created in the entire country.”
B.S. Checker says: “Unemployment was only 5.6 percent when Romney took office in 2003, meaning it came down by less than 1 percentage point when he left office in 2007.”
B.S. Checker also points out that employment grew by more jobs during Bush’s 6 years as Texas governor than during Perry’s 11 years as Texas governor (1.32 million vs. 1.2 million).
Oh, and one more thing — in Massachusetss, Gov. Michael Dukakis, a Democrat, grew jobs by 41,000 a year compared to only 15,000 for Romney.
So, whoooooo is best at creating jobs? It seems Romney is better than Perry, and Dubya is better than Romney, and Dukakis was better than all of them.
So, if you need a job, and want a job, vote Democrat.
#15… What a loon. Pavlov called it!
So predictable, like morning after night! What has anything you’ve said here have to do with the thread?
Oh wait you need your picture in every thread. You need to comb your Don King hair!
91 Arrested For Bilking Medicare Of $295 Million
“Ninety-one suspects, including doctors and nurses, have been charged in connection with a new rash of healthcare fraud schemes aimed at bilking the government out of about $295 million, U.S. authorities said Wednesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Have you ever noticed that when taxpayers get robbed it’s always folks in the PRIVATE SECTOR doing the robbing? I’ve never heard of a Medicare worker getting arrested for embezzlement. Whenever you read about Medicare fraud in the papers, it’s always doctors and hospitals. So much for the “efficiency” of private enterprise — the only thing they’re efficient at is lifting dollars out of your pocket.
According to that MSNBC article, Medicare fraud is America’s top crime problem, and Florida is the “healthcare fraud capital” of the USA. Hmmm … maybe we should call Florida doctors the “Medicare Mafia.”
Now you know the REAL reason why Medicare is going broke. We wouldn’t have a solvent bank left in the country if their customers were like those doctors.
What’s a
Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
19 – Gee say it’s not so Puddybud – that you’d support a philanderer for President.
It’s so uncharacteristic of you.
Seems the “good” Dr Ron Paul attracts lots of potheads and America Apologists with many of his “statements” Butt those liberals love him!
#24… What a loon. Pavlov called it! And Pavlov called it again. Hey didn’t the serial arschloch plagiarizer claim my last name was Pavlov? Just checkin…
So predictable, like morning after night! Like misogynist rujax wiping his ASS with Roger DOPEY Rabbit after one of his HA diarrhea attacks. What has anything you’ve said here have to do with the thread?
Oh wait you need teh serial arschloch plagiarizer fayle picture in every thread. serial arschloch plagiarizer needs to comb the serial arschloch plagiarizer Don King hair!
back to the thread… Ron Paul is a crazed isolationist who scares the crap of me!
Wait for it…
@23 An employee of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formerly known as Health Care Financing Administration), numbskull.
My hippie neighbor says he wants some of whatever puddy is smoking.
Doesn’t that include nurses too Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
None of my neighbors want anything to do with ROGER DOPEY Rabbit.
Who’s got that fucking Puddy Decoder Ring?
Well I’m sorry to hear you’d support a philanderer for President Puddyfool..
Haven’t seen a denial yet.
Guess you can’t attack me on Edwards anymore..
But on that Pavlov score.. You seem to like calling yourself Pavlov.
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b pavlov -c
| count |
| 203 |
1 row in set
Just taking you at your word..
I’ve long suspected that puddy is actually a monkey trained to randomly cut and paste.
So now you are calling me a monkey.
Even after meeting me on an auspicious occasion Roger DOPEY Rabbit. I’m “touched”.
#32… What a loon. Pavlov called it! And Pavlov called it again. And Pavlov called it again. Hey didn’t the serial arschloch plagiarizer claim we needed to take some DOPEY test? Just checkin…
So predictable, like morning after night! Like misogynist rujax wiping his ASS with Roger DOPEY Rabbit after one of his HA diarrhea attacks. What has anything you’ve said here have to do with the thread?
Oh wait you need teh serial arschloch plagiarizer fayle picture in every thread. serial arschloch plagiarizer needs to comb the serial arschloch plagiarizer Don King hair!
35 – Hey here’s the evidence:
Puddy is Pavlov
Your words not mine.
#36… What a loon. Pavlov called it! And Pavlov called it again. And Pavlov called it again. Hey didn’t the serial arschloch plagiarizer claim we needed to take some DOPEY test? Just checkin…
So predictable, like morning after night! Like misogynist rujax wiping his ASS with Roger DOPEY Rabbit after one of his HA diarrhea attacks. What has anything you’ve said here have to do with the thread?
Oh wait you need teh serial arschloch plagiarizer fayle picture in every thread. serial arschloch plagiarizer needs to comb the serial arschloch plagiarizer Don King hair!
Where did I say my last name is Pavlov? You are the most stupid of idiotic morons who ever lived.
Going to the family serial arschloch plagiarizer! You can stay here!
Let’s review Roger DOPEY Rabbit postings and comments
So he dropped the nurses and replaced them with hospitals. So I asked Roger DOPEY Rabbit aren’t nurses Medicare workers too?
You see, Roger DOPEY Rabbit writes it, then forgets it. He needs a decoder ring to figger out what he forgot when he forgot! Senility is treatable if acknowledged and caught early Roger DOPEY Rabbit!
Gee I pointed to it. You said “Puddy is Pavlov”.
Pavlov is commonly know as a last name.
You mean???
Well I know you’re a liar but I’d hardly think you’d admit to it so brazenly.
Decided to come back after brushing my teeth. And what do I find
#39… What a loon. Pavlov called it! And Pavlov called it again. And Pavlov called it again. And Pavlov called it again. Hey didn’t the serial arschloch plagiarizer claim someone was dancing on a grave? Just checkin…
The serial arschloch plagiarizer just doesn’t get it. He’s being played and played and played. How many times have I called it?
Does mrs arschloch have some hair curlers? Is that mascara around his eyes? Oh yes it is! Doesn’t mrs arschloch leave you clothes when she goes to work? Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa
Call the ball. Wait for it…
Hey HA loons I have a question for you.
What religion requires you to die for it to receive 72 virgins when Christianity believes the Son of God died for us? Yes even you atheists!
@30 Thank God!
@34 I don’t believe the person I met is posting this crap.
@38 “So I asked Roger DOPEY Rabbit aren’t nurses Medicare workers too?”
No. Being a private nurse involved in stealing from the Medicare program does not make you a “Medicare worker.” A “Medicare worker” is someone who works for the federal agency that administers the Medicare program.
Oh Roger DOPEY Rabbit,
Your “link” makes no reference if any of those nurses work in any federal agency or if they are private nurses. My question still stands. So you finally used that decoder ring to figure out your forgetfulness.
Glad you figured it out!
I noticed the link referenced big Obummer strongholds where Medicare fraud happened. I noticed you didn’t make this a Republican crook #2342304782749 comment or something stupid like that. That must have hurt not to post that either.
Did you notice how NBC leftist Brian Williams reacted when he brought up Rick Perry’s Texas criminal incarceration record –
Ummm maybe removing criminals from their oxygen source is okay in some quarters Brian!
There are concerns about Perry and the Death Penalty and Fairness
“As of today, 234 people have been executed in the 10-plus years that Perry has served as governor of Texas. That’s the highest number of any American governor.”
Gov. Rick Perry did nothing to stay the execution of Cameron Todd Willingham in 2004 for the Dec. 23, 1991, fire that killed his three children in their home. Willingham reportedly denied the crime in his final words at execution.
The Texas Forensic Science Commission was to hear testimony this month from an expert who concluded that the original investigation was flawed and the fire was an accident. But Perry disbanded the panel two days before the scheduled meeting.
47 – The state of Texas took the life of an innocent man and the Republican base, what right wing degenerates call “Real Americans”, applauds scary Rick Perry for it.
It’s too sick.
Heh. Scary Rick Perry identifies with the super-hero “Superman”..
But (proper spelling), “Superman” was an undocumented immigrant, Kal-El:
Texas has the right message. If you kill someone in Texas, WE WILL KILL YOU BACK~!
Heck, they even have an Express Lane.
Fucker thinks murdering innocent prisoners is funny.
No sorry “friend” from Montana – the message sent in the case of Cameron Willingham is that the State of Texas KILLS
Rick Perry has blood on his hands..
And “Surreal Un-americans” want him to be SOTUS.
Shrublet of the United States.
One hired gun “expert” for the defense says the fire was an accident? This guy was tried and went thru numerous appeals, including one for this so-called “expert”. The Courts all denied the appeals. Ans lots of murderers say they are innocent to the bitter end. Nice try fools.
Perry needed something in order to issue a stay. The “expert” hired by the defense had his day. The Appeals Court said no.
Too funny and too sad. The Courts are the State of Texas. And they are complicit in the murder of an innocent man.
This asshole will be happy when the executions are public…better yet…
…Prime Time!
THAT will keep the proletariat in line!
Public flogging too…this prick will be out there selling tickets.
Read more http://www.newyorker.com/repor.....z1XNupHJjS
Best in the world.
No poor houses yet…but that’s coming.
Note to mod…@61 s/b in open thread
@56 et seq.: And the guy who lacked the civilized decency to even glance at an experts’ report calling into question the evidence that sent this possibly (likely?) innocent man to the death chamber is now running for president.
Should any of us believe that President Rick Perry would ask anyone to double-check the blips on the radar screen instead of proceeding through a knee-jerk Snap Count?
Perry did worse than refuse to review the experts’ report an hour before Willingham’s execution. He also replaced members of the Texas commission investigating whether a miscarriage of justice occurred, to make sure that commission would whitewash what is potentially the first confirmed case of a state executing an innocent person by mistake.
“According to an August 2009 investigative report by an expert hired by the Texas Forensic Science Commission, the original claims of arson were doubtful. The Corsicana Fire Department disputes the findings, stating that the expert’s report overlooked several key points in the record. The case has been further complicated by allegations that Texas Governor Rick Perry impeded the investigation by replacing three of the nine commission members in an attempt to change the commission’s findings; Perry denies the allegations.”
Of course Perry denies the allegations. He wants to be president. As far as his fitness for office goes, whether Willingham was guilty or innocent is beside the point; Perry has already demonstrated himself to be a man who isn’t careful with facts when making life-or-death decisions, and then misuses the power of office to cover up his mistakes and bad judgment. It’s already clear that Perry isn’t remotely suited for the Oval Office. And we’d all better hope he doesn’t get anywhere near that office.
Hey Willingham wasn’t a perfect individual. He was something of a hot head. Like that’s unusual among lower middle class men who have a hard time finding their feet in this dog eat dog economy.
But that didn’t mean he killed his kids.
The prosecution was a joke. They said he drew or laid the accelerant on the floor of his kids’ bedroom in the shape of a Pentagram – a sort of “satanic ritual”.
Based on what???
Oh some Led Zepplin and Iron Maiden posters in his bedroom!!!
The prosecutors played on jurors morbid fears and religious superstitions!
That’s how you make your bones as a prosecutor in the great state of Texas by etching a notch in your rifle stock as state-sanctioned KILLER!
That sick fuck “askjudas” is a real comedian.
Hey, from what I’m reading here, it appears the Reps have no chance against Obama in 2012, given the opinions of last night’s debate. Well, a second term for Obama would probably be the path of least resistance for all of us. I don’t think there’s much that either party can get done if the White House is occupied by Obama, the Senate is not controlled by either the Reps or Dems, and the House is controlled by the Reps. Four years of nothing, then the 2016 election.
“Texas has the right message. If you kill someone in Texas, WE WILL KILL YOU BACK~!
Heck, they even have an Express Lane.”
That’s a line from Ron White’s commedy schtick.
@ 68…
Figures it isn’t even his line.
Yeah, that’s what I’m seeing. But, I’m seeing it as 4 years of not much from the feds while a lot of change happens at the local and state level. Which might not be a bad way to go.
Like I’ve said in the past, I’ll write-in Ron Paul for president and Dennis Kucinich for vice-president in 2012. I like them both because they’re a little fiesty and quirky. I have no use for any of the regular Reps, but, even though I like Obama personally, I won’t be voting for him. He’s a nice guy, but not my cup of tea. (No Tea Party jokes, please.)
re 68: ““Texas has the right message. If you kill someone in Texas, WE WILL KILL YOU BACK~!
Heck, they even have an Express Lane.””
And if they can’t find the actual killer, they’ll execute some retarded person.