Google has long offered employees their choice of operating systems, but according to a report in yesterday’s Financial Times, the search giant is ending its OS agnosticism in response to January’s high-profile security breach. New hires are now being offered a choice of Macintosh or Linux PCs; Microsoft Windows is no longer an option.
“We’re not doing any more Windows. It is a security effort,” said one Google employee.
“Many people have been moved away from [Windows] PCs, mostly towards Mac OS, following the China hacking attacks,” said another.
Of course, sources claim the prohibition on new Windows installs is due to security concerns, but I say it’s just payback for a series of really stupid Seattle Times editorials. Way to go, Frank.
Who the hell cares.
Who cares? You do, apparently, or you wouldn’t read and comment.
Medications, therapy and other psychiatric treatments exist for OCD, or whatever disease makes you fixate so obsessively on the Times, Goldy. You might try them, for your own welfare.
They didn’t hire you, and they didn’t like Darcy. Get over it.
PS, Google executives at their headquarters in Mountain View, CA regularly read Seattle Times editorials?
Troll @4,
Google never hired me either, and I don’t seem to have a problem with them. Huh.
If I could find a good open source version of Poser, I’d gladly switch to Ubuntu.
Win 2k replacement – Yup
Ms Office equivalent – Yup
Photoshop equivalent – Yup
3d Max equivalent – Yup
Poser equivalent – No
@4, Google has substantial offices locally in the Artists Republic of Fremont, the Times is distributed there on a regular basis and could even be read by staff if they bothered with newsprint at all. And it’s just possible those editorials showed up on a Google flack’s Google Alert via the magik of the internets, even if said flack is in India, say. You ought to know better, one of your kind hangs out under the Aurora Bridge fairly regular and all.
ChromeOS, ChromeOS über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.
Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt,
|: ChromeOS, ChromeOS über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Second stanza
Rechner Menschen, Rechner Treue,
Rechner Kode und deutscher Programm
Sollen in der Welt behalten
Ihren alten schönen Klang,
Und zu edler Tat begeistern
Unser ganzes Leben lang.
|: Rechner Menschen, Rechner Treue,
Rechner Kode und deutscher Programm :|
No, it’s Google wants to replace Windows as an operating system and go ad-based. Check this out:
@3, Medications, therapy and other psychiatric treatments exist for OCD, or whatever disease makes you fixate so obsessively on Goldy, lostinaseablue. You might try them, for your own welfare.
As someone who was one of the thousands of people laid off from MS a year ago, all I can say is……..BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAA!
Thanks, no. Were I a leftist I would need meds to deal with the conflict between reality and my beliefs. Fortunately I’m conservative so reality is more tenable for me.
Have a pleasant afternoon.
The FBI used Macs almost exclusively in its offices for quite some time, specifically for the benefit of “security by obscurity”. This came to an end a couple years into the new millenium, supposedly for “cost reasons” (a generic PC being somewhat analogous to a black-painted Ford sedan)…but coincidentally following an intensive effort by Microsoft to schmooze the Bush Administration.
@7: Very funny. One of the better gibes I have seen:
@12: Lost: Wishful thinking for a conservative hypocrite. Your “reality” ain’t nothin’ but a fantasy of right wing BS.
Where were you when Bush turned the largest budget surplus in history into the largest budget deficit in history?
I sure don’t remember hearing you squak about big government then or the over 1 trillion dollars wasted on an unnecessary war in Iraq that has not helped our security one iota.
Where were you when lack of regulation let the banking industry go wild plunging us into the sorst recession since 1930?
Where were you when lack of regulation let the mining company operate dangerous mines that killed people?
Where were you when the republicans yelled “drill, baby, drill” and lack of regulation gave us the biggest environmental disaster in modern oil history?
Yup, your “reality” is that you and your fellow rightwing ideologues have been wrong, wrong and wrong. Yet you refuse to admit it.
Now that is truly psychopathic.
Slashdot’s coverage of this article was careful to point out that Financial Times is the only independent coverage of this piece of news. No other news organization has yet to verify this reporting with their sources.