For the record, I love Jim McDermott, and am going to vote for him in the general election. He’s been the conscience of the House on important issues like the war and universal health care. He’s been a leader on things like eliminating poverty around the world, and here at home. He’s had the trust of his colleagues to earn an important spot in the Ways and Means committee, and chair of its Income and Family Support subcommittee. His push on the extension of unemployment benefits alone is worthy of reelecting him.
But since it’s a given that he’s getting to the general election with the crazy top-two, McDermott’s supporters can chose his opponent. So, I’m hoping you’ll join me in casting a ballot for perpetual candidate, and harmless crazy Goodspaceguy Nelson, because unlike the Republican in the race, he’s probably aware that Saddam Hussein is dead.
I voted for the Dem that’s running against Norm Dicks (I figure Dick’s seat is safe…) . I’d love to see the Republican knocked right off the ballot in the fall.
I don’t know if I’d do that, only here in the 7th where it’s the safest of safe. But good luck to the other Dem. Should be fun to see how things shake out with the top-two for a while now.
Is this the same mcdermott that didn’t believe in privacy and illegally recorded conversations? Didn’t he also lose a lawsuit regarding his illegal activity?
Oops, never mind. I forgot the rules-
Dick’s has one of the safest if not the safest seat in the house. He’s currently serving his 16th term.
“Is this the same mcdermott that didn’t believe in privacy and illegally recorded conversations?”
“Didn’t he also lose a lawsuit regarding his illegal activity?”
No…in fact he didn’t
Man…you really ARE a high school drop-out, huh Squirt? You’re less informed about McDermott than you are about the Blues.
From Gallup:
The three percentage point advantage for Obama matches the average since early June, when Obama clinched the number of delegates needed to head to the Democratic convention as the presumptive presidential nominee. Since then, Obama has never trailed McCain among registered voters, though McCain has tied Obama five times during this span, including Gallup Poll Daily tracking reports for last Friday and Saturday.
In other words, the race is remarkably stable. I’m going to go with the simple explanation why: most people have made up their minds already. One result of the long Dem primaries is that Obama is not an unknown quantity, and McCain has been around forever. The conventions will put everything up in the air again, but when they settle, it’s Obama by 3-6.
Where did the G.O.P. Party find someone to run against McDermott? Western State?
My bad. I shouldn’t have believed-
The court said McDermott broke a law when he gave an illegally intercepted phone recording to The New York Times.
You know, believing the lies from cnn is making me look like a high school drop-out.
Yup, obviously much less informed about mcdermott than the blues.
I see there’s another big hamburger recall. Bush wanted to fire all the federal meat inspectors and give the money to meatpackers to pay the (lower) wages of “meat inspectors” the meatpackers themselves would hire (and fire). I hope all you red-meat wingnuts are eating raw hamburger.
Marvin Stamn,
“My bad. I shouldn’t have believed-“
I don’t care if you believe it or not. Your error was in suggesting via a rhetorical question, that McDermott “illegally recorded conversations.” He didn’t.
Likewise, you were wrong in suggesting, again through a rhetorical question, that McDermott lost a lawsuit from wiretapping. Again…he didn’t.
“Yup, obviously much less informed about mcdermott than the blues.”
I guess we can refer to you as generally highschool-drop-out-dumb-as-dirt underinformed. Back to the Mel Bay books for you, Squirt!
You got that right. I was going to the store picking up some cinnamon for some cookies when my cell phone scanner just happens to pick up Newt’s conversation when parked in a back alley. It was pure coincindence. Well got to run, the moon is about to rise.
How clintonesqe of you.
McDermott paid $700,000.00 to Boehner for his
illegal activity. Had this been a Republican
he would be in jail. What I really want to know is when John Kerry is going to turn over his military medical records?
Jim McDermott stood up to the right wing and exposed one of their charlatans, Newt Gingrich, when it needed to be done.
Thank you Jim McDermott. You have my vote for as long as you want to serve.
It IS what it IS.
What I really want to know is when John Kerry is going to turn over his military medical records?
These right wing shitheads are just too funny.
15 – Speaking of shit, here comes a shit-eater!
What I really want to know is when John Kerry is going to turn over his military medical records?
Probably never… remember he shot himself in the ass during the 6 weeks he served in Vietnam.
Marvin Stamn,
“How clintonesqe of you.”
(* rolls eyes *)
Look, kiddo, you really ought to know the difference between losing a civil lawsuit for violating another persons rights and committing & being convicted of committing a crime.
I guess those are the kinds of subtitles that get lost on high school dropouts.
Who cares.
Kerry is going down in history as being such a crappy presidential candidate that he forced the country to vote for bush just to keep kerry out of the white house.
Quite an accomplishment for someone that used vietnam as a backdrop for his home movies.
You sound pretty bitter, did you vote for baghdad jim?
Marvin Stamn,
“You sound pretty bitter…”
As usual, you’re wrong. (The trait pretty much defines you…)
“did you vote for baghdad jim?”
As a matter of fact, I’ve never voted for Rep. McDermott.
Good point.
I wonder how much baghdad jim had to do with turning the country against democrats after the great clinton presidency.
Oh well, the democrats have no one to blame but themselves for supporting someone like baghdad jim.
Isn’t it true he could have made a $10,000 donation to charity and it would have gone away, instead his ego got the best of him and let him make a fool of himself with appeal after appeal?
My compliments for showing good judgement.
Marvin Stamn,
“I wonder how much baghdad jim had to do with turning the country against democrats after the great clinton presidency.”
I think the more immediate effect at the time was to help cause Republicans to lose confidence in Newt Gingrich which, in turn, resulted in Gingrich resigning.
“Oh well, the democrats have no one to blame but themselves for supporting someone like baghdad jim.”
You’ll notice that there isn’t much blaming going around. McDermott seems to be widely popular in his district and quite popular even outside his district.
“Isn’t it true he could have made a $10,000 donation to charity and it would have gone away, instead his ego got the best of him and let him make a fool of himself with appeal after appeal?”
Nope. As usual, you are unable to pick up on the underlying principle. It required more than as cash settlement. It was the rest of it that was unacceptable to McDermott.
Man, Marvin Stamn, you need to quit listening to Wingnut talk radio–you get almost nothing correct!
Marvin Stamn,
“My compliments for showing good judgement.”
Marvin, Marvin, Marvin. The fact that I have never voted for McDermott is completely independent of “judgement.”
Once again, your inferential processing has woefully failed. (You’re a failure all around, it would seem)
Sheesh…have you ever gotten anything correct?
You’ll notice that there isn’t much blaming going around. McDermott seems to be widely popular in his district and quite popular even outside his district.
His popularity in his district is well-known. Where outside his district is he “quite popular” and how is that known?
@24 He doesn’t live in McDermott’s district, you dumb shit.
@27 McDermott has devoted his congressional career to seeking universal health care, and that’s what he’s chiefly known for. It so happens that nearly everyone except you wingnuts wants universal health care. You have to be a wingnut to be against health care for everyone.
For: Low wages, abusive working conditions, no safety net
Against: Food, shelter, clothing, and health care
“Where outside his district is he “quite popular”
In the anti-war community. (e.g. appearance in M. Moore movie and his unwillingness to compromise in refusing to enable war.)
In the free speech community. (From fighting the Boehner lawsuit)
Among liberals, in general.
“how is that known?
By his reputation in the liberal community.
For: Low wages, abusive working conditions, no safety net
Against: Food, shelter, clothing, and health care
08/09/2008 at 10:10 pm
How so???? We are concerned with the working conditions of democrat political volunteers…. These people are slave with no wages or healthcare…and what it your party doing fot them????? I am listening.
Rufus @ 32,
“We are concerned with the working conditions of democrat political volunteers…. These people are slave with no wages or healthcare…and what it your party doing fot them?????”
Umm…Really Rufus? You are wondering about wages for volunteers?
(* Snicker *)
@32 Why aren’t you concerned about the wages of Republican campaign volunteer?
One thing you’ve gotta credit Republicans for is thinking big. They want to expand the concept of volunteerism to the entire economy. They want the U.S. workforce to work for nothing, or at most, $2.13 an hour. But if they can’t get that, they’ll settle for using Asia’s slave labor.
Darryl and Carl
Jim’s expression of the personality of his District is his best trait. He speaks for his voters and the district does have a lot to be proud of.
Speaking out is one thing, but can either of yu tell me something(s) he has accomplished other than the purloined tape incident?
Where is he on the following issues that matter to his district but might need more leadership?
Immigration Reform
K-12 Education
higher education
urban transport
support for Seattle’s indigenous people
I will give him credit for the tape episode, but where else has he been the whistle blower?
surely there are a few dems in this District who would make better use of the podium?
Umm…Really Rufus? You are wondering about wages for volunteers?
(* Snicker *)
Just because they have the title “volunteer” doesn’t mean shit. If private business can’t negotiate a fair wage for seasonal or temporary work why should dems get to just because they are labeled “volunteers”. Oh that’s right, it is that hypocrite thing aganin. hehehehehe
@32 Why aren’t you concerned about the wages of Republican campaign volunteer?
Easy. Repubs believe in freedom. Something you commies know nothing about. Keep on employing your slave labor “volunteers” you cheap labor hypocrites.
michael said:
“Dick’s has one of the safest if not the safest seat in the house. He’s currently serving his 16th term.”
Another excellent example of why we need term limits. Dicks, likable or not, is another entrenched politician that ought to be voted out of office so that he can see how the rest of us live. I don’t care if he’s replaced by a Dem, a Republican, a Libertarian or whatever. It’s time to throw these career politicians out of office and get ’em off the government dole!
Darryl, come on man, you are smarter than this.
McDimwitt violated a House rule that prohibits disclosing evidence in an investigation without the committee’s agreement. If you are a member of an org you have to play by their rules. Wait a minute… to a Donkey rules don’t apply.
McDimwitt first lied leaking the tape, then said his First Amendment rights were violated. Well isn’t his amount owed now around $1MM?
I know you are not in his district by what you’ve posted as your residence city. But to the morons like Carl who continue to support a loon who doesn’t make the city look good is beyond me.
I searched Google Yahoo Live Search and nothing on McDimwitt on the Viaduct or 520 bridge. Why is that Carl?
“Volunteer” is democrat code for taking advantage of people.
What about obama going around preaching about how people should volunteer for public service. Why should they volunteer when obama is going to raise their taxes?
Continuing to press the themes of values, faith and patriotism, Sen. Barack Obama exhorted Americans on Wednesday to volunteer for public service
Everywhere you turn obama wants volunteers. Why not just call them interns and refuse to pay them. Does calling them volunteers pay their bills.
I know, to make those unpaid workers feel good the democrats will call them corps, makes then sound tough, like the marine corps. Except unpaid, without benefits and without the respect.
Although I do have to give the democrats credit, when all the unemployed are forced to volunteer for public service they can’t be called unemployed anymore, so obama could enjoy 0% unemployment should he successfully steal the election.
Smart enough to get paid by taxpayer $$.
What’s that saying… those who can do, those that can’t teach.
“McDimwitt violated a House rule that prohibits disclosing evidence in an investigation without the committee’s agreement.”
Hardly relevant to Stamn’s original (and inaccurate) comment that McDermott had illegally recorded
conversationistsconversations.“If you are a member of an org you have to play by their rules.”
McDermott violated a rule as a member of the Ethics Committee and resigned from the committee as a result of releasing the tapes to the press.
“Wait a minute… to a Donkey rules don’t apply.”
Of course, the tapes showed Gingrich also violating a settlement with the Ethics committee. Thus, not only had he violated past congressional rules, but was immediately violating the terms of the yet-to-be-announced settlement. Talk about rules not applying!
“McDimwitt first lied leaking the tape…”
How can “leaking” a tape be considered a “lie”?????
“then said his First Amendment rights were violated.”
Not really…he asserted his first amendment right to release the tapes.
“Well isn’t his amount owed now around $1MM?”
The civil suit resulted in a fine of $60,000. The rest of the money was legal expenses.
“I know you are not in his district by what you’ve posted as your residence city.”
Indeed, although I most certainly would be a supporter if I lived in his CD.
“But to the morons like Carl who continue to support a loon who doesn’t make the city look good is beyond me.”
(* roll eyes *) Without a doubt, he affects the image of Washington state (and to a lesser extent “the city”)–negatively among some WingDings, positively among some liberals. But your argument is specious. It can be used against anyone that one doesn’t agree with. (“That ‘Doc’ Hastings…boy he make Washington state look like a bunch of brain-damaged imbeciles…”, etc.)
so obama could enjoy 0% unemployment should he successfully steal the election.
Hmmmm. Like Republicans stole the elections in 2000 and 2004?
There’s no need when 80 percent of the people who vote won’t touch anything with the slightest scent of Republican which is what happened in 2006.
But yes, elections are totally f’ed up in this country and Republicans will pull every dirty trick in the book to steal this election as well.
They have a bag of tricks so deep it isn’t funny.
Among liberals, in general.
“how is that known?”
By his reputation in the liberal community.
It’s known that he’s quite popular in the liberal community because of his reputation in the liberal community? Whereas I’m confident McDermott is popular among some groups, I’m not clear how many other districts in the state of Washington would elect him. And outside of Washington state I have no idea how he registers with most people (or if he does).
Incidentally, what are his views regarding our involvement in Afghanistan (on the subject of popularity among anti-war groups)?
Marvin Stamn
‘“Volunteer” is democrat code for taking advantage of people.’
Nope…it is actually a non-partisan word. (Once again, Stamn gets it wrong.)
“What about obama going around preaching about how people should volunteer for public service.”
What about it? Here is someone else with something to say about volunteering:
—George W. Bush, 5 Jan 2005
“Why should they volunteer when obama is going to raise their taxes?”
I suppose because those would be the upper-income folks. My experience has been that people’s decisions to volunteer have nothing to do with tax structure or rate.
[…drivel deleted]
“Although I do have to give the democrats credit, when all the unemployed are forced to volunteer for public service they can’t be called unemployed anymore, so obama could enjoy 0% unemployment should he successfully steal the election.”
Precious! You are, seemingly, delusional AND paranoid! Hey Stamn, check under your bed…there might be a terrorist AND a tax collector!
I worded it bad, but I’ll let you think I’m stupid.
Speaking of stupid, you used a big college word I don’t know, “conversationists.” What does it mean. Couldn’t find it in my high school dictionary.
The answer is yes.
“It’s known that he’s quite popular in the liberal community because of his reputation in the liberal community?”
“Whereas I’m confident McDermott is popular among some groups, I’m not clear how many other districts in the state of Washington would elect him.”
I agree.
“And outside of Washington state I have no idea how he registers with most people (or if he does).”
There are congresscritters like Barney Frank and Dennis Kuchinich who enjoy a reputations outside of their districts as champions for particular causes. McDermott, particularly by virtue of his strong anti-war stance.
“Incidentally, what are his views regarding our involvement in Afghanistan (on the subject of popularity among anti-war groups)?”
I don’t know.
You can find his recent speeches here, and you dig through his voting record here.
I am still waiting to hear SOMETHING that McDermitt has achieved. Is the main job of a congress person to preen and posture?
I guess one problme is that JM has too much jb security to need to do much.
Marvin Stamn,
“I worded it bad, but I’ll let you think I’m stupid.”
(* snicker *) You mean badly?
‘Speaking of stupid, you used a big college word I don’t know, “conversationists.” What does it mean. Couldn’t find it in my high school dictionary.’
Thanks for pointing out the typo…I’ve fixed the original comment. Holy shit, Squirt…you actually got one thing correct! But you better brush up on the difference between adverbs and adjectives before you take the GED….
Thank god for copy/paste, otherwise I couldn’t have spelled GED.
Were you one of the people that didn’t see the satire in that new yorker cover?
I did’nt get anything corect. I was trying to learn somthing from a professer.
Marvin Stamn
“Were you one of the people that didn’t see the satire in that new yorker cover?”
Perhaps you can figure that out for yourself (although I won’t hold my breath).
I don’t know.
You can find his recent speeches here, and you dig through his voting record here.
I had, out of curiosity, and found absolutely nothing – which I thought strange in view of (a) our increasing involvement in that country including monthly combat deaths now beginning to exceed those in Iraq; and (b) McDermott’s strong anti-war credentials.
It’s not even listed among his top issues. As I’m sure you’re well aware McDermott had expressed deep reservations regarding our ability to defeat the Taliban in 2001.
In any event, you don’t know McDermott’s views on Afghanistan, I come up empty . . . perhaps Carl can help.
“It’s not even listed among his top issues. As I’m sure you’re well aware McDermott had expressed deep reservations regarding our ability to defeat the Taliban in 2001.”
I seem to recall that McDermott voted “yes” to authorize use of force in Afghanistan (wasn’t there only one dissenting vote?) but expressed reservations about how the administrations went about using the authorization:
I seem to recall that McDermott voted “yes” to authorize use of force in Afghanistan (wasn’t there only one dissenting vote?) but expressed reservations about how the administrations went about using the authorization:
Yes, he did. He began to express reservations about the bombing campaign in early October of 2001 – just days after it had started – and whether it could be effective. See, for example:
McDermott first U.S. lawmaker to criticize attack
There were quite a few questions regarding how long the war would last and were it would take us, and the dramatic and rapid collapse of the Taliban took a lot of people by surprise. It also provided fodder for criticism of McDermott and peace groups who had been against the war (again, McDermott had supported the war initially, raising more serious questions after the shooting had started). See, for example:
Peace groups find anti-war message is hard to sell
The criticisms of McDermott, at least in my view, were probably off the mark.
Since then he has voted for funding Afghanistan, but this is often tied up with funding for Iraq, and the record is mixed. I’m more interested in his views on Afghanistan going forward as Iraq winds down (hopefully) and we devote more and more resources to the 2001 war.
Ironically, some of McDermott’s reservations regarding Afghanistan seem to have been borne out in as far as that war has not been effectively executed and seven years later the outcome is still not clear.
That’s why we right wingers COOK our meat silly wabbit. Trix are for kids!
Beep! Beep!
It must fry the right wing ass – lickers to know that Congressman for life McDermott is untouchable. No republican even wants to run against him he’s so safe. The right knows how to fight, i.e. – they run when they’re beaten. HE HE!
‘“Volunteer” is democrat code for taking advantage of people.’
Except, apparently, where the military is concerned. Then it becomes subject to a definition for which the Republicans bear total responsibility.
Waht I find funny is the McDermitt, while ineffective in getting things done (if THAT is true)
lacks LIBERAL opposition.
Surely Seattle has people who share the liberal agenda with Jim but have more talent or drive to actually accomplish things?
Here is one obvious example …
There is no problem that affects Jim’s district AND hos supporters as much as the mess in Seattle Public Schools.
FWIW, here are the issue JM site sites as most importnat:
McDermott has been, and continues to be, a staunch supporter of foreign assistance for humanitarian efforts and promoting economic development. Among McDermott’s biggest legislative achievements is passage of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Read More…
Endangered Salmon
The significance of salmon in the Pacfic Northwest is not an issue to be discounted, or used to divide people. McDermott is sponsoring “The Salmon Planning Act” to unsure that public policy decisions are based on sound public policy. Read More…
A prime challenge facing our nation is the reduction of our dependence on fossil fuels such as coal and oil. The U.S. has become the world’s largest and least efficient energy consumer because we have artificially subsidized petroleum prices. Many difficult environmental problems, including acid rain, global warming, and air pollution, are the direct result of our fossil fuel consumption. Read More…
The First Amendment
“Every Member of Congress swears an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the laws of the United States. I take my oath of office seriously, and work hard to keep the people of the 7th Congressional District informed about issues and my positions.” Read More…
The global HIV/AIDS epidemic affects every nation on the planet. As our world becomes increasingly connected, health crises impact every realm of interaction, from the individual level to the international level. Trade, culture, diplomacy, communications, and human rights are all global concerns affected by HIV/AIDS. America’s commitment to halting the virus’s spread is therefore a political, fiscal, and ethical imperative. Read More…
“My prayers are with our troops and the Iraqi people: that our troops will return home safely and that deaths of innocent Iraqi children and other civilians will be avoided.” Read More…
Kidney Caucus
Chronic kidney failure, often a result of hypertension or diabetes, is a critical problem for millions of Americans. More than 20 million Americans have some form of chronic kidney disease and over a million more are at risk of developing it.
Read More…
Congressman McDermott is committed to ensuring United States trade policy adequately responds to the challenges that face the United States and its economic partners around the world. Read More…
All of these are worthy issues, but I aid to Africa guess that only the HIV, First Amendment and perhaps would rank highly in the 7th, For this to be his main legislative achievement is disappointing.
Actually, I am not so impressed with JM even on the AIDS issue. He may talk about it but certainly is not noted as apartisan of the NIH.
“He’s been a leader on things like eliminating poverty around the world, and here at home”
Where in the WA Constitution or the U.S. Constitution does it state that it is within the purview of the branches of our republic to eliminate poverty “around the world”???
Feel free to donate to your own personal causes, as I do, but it is not the job of government to feed anyone.
– – –
“I should be glad if you had really discovered a beneficent and inexhaustible being, calling itself the Government, which has bread for all mouths, balm for all sufferings, which can provide for all our wants, correct all our errors, repair all our faults, and exempt us henceforth from the necessity for foresight, prudence, judgment, sagacity, experience, order, economy, temperance, and activity.” – Frederic Bastiat, Essay on Government (1848)