Kansas leads candidates for bio-defense lab:
Kansas emerged Wednesday as the leading contender for a new $563 million federal biodefense lab also fiercely pursued by Texas, Georgia, North Carolina and other states.
Federal officials said that a Manhattan location was better than five other finalists and nearly 30 spots considered overall for the home of the new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, according to documents obtained by The Kansas City Star.
Research expertise at Kansas State University, particularly in its College of Veterinary Medicine and Biosecurity Research Institute, an available work force of scientists and state financial support topping $200 million helped push Kansas to the top.
Kansans were wise to ultimately reject the assault against their education system by Seattle’s Discovery Institute, which repeatedly sponsored efforts to impose creationism in the guise of “intelligent design” on Kansas children. Back and forth battles over control of the Kansas School Board eventually led to Discovery’s defeat there.
You can’t have a quality state university system if the high school graduates are hamstrung by ideological balderdash sponsored by stink tanks like the Discovery Institute. Now both Kansas and all of America will benefit from actual science that will help defend us. It could have been different, if the religious extremists had won. But they didn’t, and we should all be thankful.
It doesn’t matter. We don’t need your fancy science anyway! Jesus will protect us from bio-terrorism by using his fleet of magic space goats who will eat up all the terrorist infected crops and piss out gold onto the worthy!
Or we could use reason, science and reality…either might work.
I love the Discovery Institute, always worth a laugh.
The Discovery Institute:
What exactly have they “discovered” except that playing on people ignorance and promoting an anti-science agenda cloaked as pseudo-science wins republican friends?
The whole “teach the controversy” crowd refuses to acknowledge that the only controversy is why these clowns ever got anyone to believe their ridiculous and unscientific arguments to begin with.
Every time I hear some idiot say that the scientific evisdence doesn’t support the theory of evolution – I point to the trillions of DNA base pairs that sure as hell do. Just because EVERY scrap of evidence is not in yet, doesn’t mean we aren’t sure beyond a doubt of the MAJOR parts of evolution. Even things like transposons and other gene alterations have contributed to the variation of species.
Has anyone investigated whether the Christianist extremists have formed a secret alliance with the Muslim extremists to defeat America, like the secret Hitler-Stalin treaty? If they do, isn’t that treason? Maybe we need a special House committee to look into possible un-American activities by the Republican religionists. There’s already a historical precedent for this type of investigation that can be used as a template.
Maybe the “Discovery” Institute would support funding of a return mission to the Moon to determine whether it’s actually made out of green cheese.
Kansas is a terrible choice for this sort of investment because it does nor have the major academic or industrial structures needed to make this both work AND use it to stimulate other businesses.
Efforts to jukp start high tech bio in Kansas, even with big philanmthroic dollars, have not been very successful.
I suspect the choice reflects the state .. its willingness to chip in so much $$ and a political climate that would be more tolerant than stronger place sa Seattle. Smells a lot like pork to me.
W/O knowing how this choice is being made, I thing Hanford would be a hell .of a lot better choice than Manahattan! SoCal would also make sense as would SE Pennsylvania.
There’s an interesting leap of illogic here from prattle about Discovery Institute to prattle about the international extremist Christianist plot against America. Discovery (with no-reason no-science no-reality reps such as David Berlinski and — think his name’s Kingsolver, the Seattle writer Goldy interviewed a year ago) might be surprised to learn that HA has elevated its Jews from international Zionist conspirators to guilt-by-association Christianist conspirators. Very ecumenical of you, Roger, if that’s what your otherwise senseless and slanderous post is there for.
Has anyone investigated if dumbfuck Rabbits are in a secret alliance with snot to discredit secular Democrat mouth breathers?
Obama-Black Democrats in California pass Prop 8, and ungay gays go after Salt Lake City. Makes perfect sense, because gays can smell testosterone; they know that if they flipped shit or talked trash at Trinity United, or anything like it, a Rev Wright proxy would stomp out of retirement and retire the gay side into the ground.
NPR did a dull things considered consideration of a few skinhead swastikas in California, and what they portend, which is the destruction of the republic. Just like the extremist Christianist jihad against Amerikkka. Probably the same people.
Except that I was seeing Nazi symbolism at Kop Killer Kommunity Kollege (SCCC), in 2001, and nobody cared. And the republic’s still here, sort of. The skinhead Nazi symbolism went like this: IMPEACH BU(Swastika)H.
NPR says the swastika Nazis in California are very bad because they’ve sometimes used a very bad word for black people. Apparently they’re not afraid of the Religious (Jeremiah) Wright. But wait! That very bad word is also on my 1990 Ice T LP called Body Count. In fact That Word is about the only word on Body Count. And, in fact, there are anti-Prop 8 “activists” who used that word before they got smart, got afraid, and started molesting Mormons instead.
Why was it not news to NPR that leftist nut buckets, one NPR constituency, were briefly using a bad word about another NPR constituency?