We’ve all learned to be rightly skeptical of Bush Justice Department prosecutions of Democratic officials, but US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald doesn’t exactly have a reputation as a partisan hack, so it’s hard to dismiss this morning’s indictment and arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich as mere politics as usual.
Assuming the allegations against Blagojevich are supported by the facts, I say good riddance. Same goes for recently defeated Rep. William “Money in My Freezer” Jefferson (D-LA), who if he really loved his party and his nation would have resigned from Congress long ago, rather than bringing disgrace on the institution, and handing his seat over to an unknown Republican through sheer hubris.
Institutional and individual corruption, and the perceived tolerance of it, was at the heart of the Democrats’ historic defeat in 1994, and the Republican sequel in 2006, and my party would do well to learn a lesson from history. Our numbers may be lessened by the fall of the likes of Blagojevich and Jefferson, but we are stronger without them, and we should resist the natural urge to defend our own when our own have violated the public trust.
Of course, not every allegation is substantiated, and not every scandal or ethical lapse is a criminal (or even a fireable) offense, so the line between corruption and mere bad judgment is not always clear. But if the Democrats want to govern, and govern effectively, we should be prepared to err on the side of ethics over loyalty.
Since I can’t re-edit my comment in the previous thread, I’ll simply retract it here. I spoke too soon (I’m sure you can relate). Your post is the kinds of thing we should hear from BOTH sides of the aisle.
Here’s some of your evidence (actual docs):
Just a reminder, from the archives of Molly Ivans from a little over two years ago:
Source: “Rush Limbaugh’s Sleaze Campaign” By Molly Ivins, Posted October 26, 2006.
Let’s not be too quick to brand someone guilty in a ‘Church Ladyish’ attempt to appear more moral and upright than Republicans. An innocent person could go down in the process.
I know of a convicted felon named Scooter Libby who will never serve a day of his richly deserved prison sentence. GWB may be unpopular for many reasons, but keeping the treasonous Libby out of the pokey isn’t one of them.
In fact, most Republicans are proud of it.
Goldy ~ We agree and disagree about different things but I appreciate the thoughtfulness of your statement. I would hope that both major parties would expedite these types of investigations and kick people out actively.
I agree that if guilty, Blagojevich deserves to be thrown out of office and punished. Jefferson (in La.) has already lost his re-election bid, his trial is scheduled to begin this month.
But I’m expecting a torrent of wingnut claims that this is “typical” of the Democratic party. Hardly. And even if guilty of all allegations, these guys are mere pikers compared to the Bush administration and the Republican Congress of 2001~2006, which effectively tripled the national debt to be paid for by our grandchildren (and even great-grandchildren), in the process lining the pockets of the richest Americans through no-bid governmetn contracts to reliably Republican large corporations, and in tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.
@6: I agree with Goldy. Good riddance to Jefferson and if Blagovich is guilty – so long to him too.
We need to get rid of corruption in ALL of Washington. Democrats are not immune from corruption and we need to show that we won’t tolerate it.
I don’t tolerate in republicans and I don’t tolerate it democrats. Now the Don Siegleman case….that may be a trumped up politically motivated agenda…
We’ve all learned to be rightly skeptical of Bush Justice Department prosecutions of Democratic officials, but US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald doesn’t exactly have a reputation as a partisan hack, so it’s hard to dismiss this morning’s indictment and arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich as mere politics as usual.
Indeed, Fitzgerald had had his own problems with the administration:
“In March 2007, it was revealed that Fitzgerald “was ranked among prosecutors who had ‘not distinguished themselves’ on a Justice Department chart sent to the White House in March 2005….”[17] This was revealed in light of an investigation of the December 2006 firings of several U.S. Attorneys by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, perceived as being politically motivated and despite his previous Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in 2002.[18] The Washington Post article states that two other prosecutors so ranked were dismissed.”
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Fitzgerald
But if the Democrats want to govern, and govern effectively, we should be prepared to err on the side of ethics over loyalty.
Glad to see this on HA.
I’m not going to do the “yes, but they do it more” argument. It’s irrelavent.
I’m listening to some of the quotes from the investigation, and I’m aghast. I note that Governor Blagojevich seems to be an equal opportunity criminal. He was apparently happy to go as far as to try to extort a prime position in the Obama administration, and I’m happy to see that he was apparently rebuffed.
But he had a “D” next to his name on the last ballot. He’s ours, and we need to remember that. We are not immune to the temptations of power and corruption.
And as angry as we may be at the Republicans, we should be even more so against any Democrat that is shown to be corrupt or unethical. When a Republican violates the law or ethical standards, that doesn’t reflect on me.
This does. We have been shamed by this, and need to take this lesson to heart.
I’m hoping that President Obama strongly considers asking Mr. Fitzgerald on as US Attorney. He seems to have carefully avoided bringing partisanship into this, and is showing nothing but professionalism in this investigation.
There are some good folks left in the Republican party. Mr. Fitzgerald appears to be one of them, and we should be grateful for his efforts, because they will help us keep our party from following the path that has led the Republicans to the place they are today.
Blogovich, in light of the wiretap evidence, should resign today. The Illinois legislature should immediately go into session, change the Illinois constitution and provide for a special election to fill the vacant seat.
This kind of behavior, selling a senate seat for God’s sake, is reprehensible.
The resignation will allow him to concentrate on “clearing his name”.
Another consideration that was brought to public attention by Spiro Agnew in a rare display of nattering in his own case of bribery and corruption was: “That’s the way politics has always been done in Maryland.”
It may well be the same in Illinois. We saw what happened to Jimmy Carter’s presidency with his overweening insistence on honesty and fairness in DC.
I suggest that all Democrats look up the word “pragmatist” and think long and hard about how this may apply in the world of politics.
@9 I have to agree. If the accounts of the wiretaps contents are correct, then there needs to be a swift reaction. While Blagojevich deserves a fair trial, his actions, as described in the wiretap evidence. are abhorrent.
This doesn’t sound like a wingnut attempt to slime with false accusations, and if the Democrats are going to lead ethically and effectively, we cannot be hamstrung by this kind of republican behavior dressed in democrat clothing.
He needs to resign now, and let America get quickly back to the work of saving our country.
Lucy @ 10: Gee, the reference to Clinton brought back some memories.
Clinton insisted on honesty in government. He was so determined to cut the budget that janitorial services in the White House and EOB was cut back to once a week, and visitors to a White House breakfast meeting were required to pay for their meals. He insisted that one of the primary goals of U.S. foreign policy would be the support of human rights around the world. That worked out well in the Eastern Block, as the U.S. spotlight on Soviet dissidents protected them to some extent, and encouraged the rise of their movements and in Solidarity in Poland, ultimately helping lead to the collapse of communism from stresses from within.
On the negative side of the ledger, refusing to lend significant military assistance to support tin-horn dictators like the Shah of Iran and Somoza in Nicaragua, both of which were overthrown and replaced with forces which were unfriendly to the U.S.
Under Reagan and Rumsfield/Cheney, the policy was reversed in those countries, leading to U.S. support for Saddam Hussein (keeping him in power during the war with Iran) and the Contras, a rather evil alliance which resulted in the arms-for-hostages scandals, enduring hatred by Iran, the (almost) sinking of a U.S. destroyer by an Iraqi warplane, and ultimately the first Gulf War.
Teresa points out, after reading the complaint, that Blagojevich is through. They have only outlined what they have. The meat and potatoes won’t be out until the actual indictment is handed down. In her opinion, the best he can hope for is a plea bargain and 25 years+.
I say that is too good for him.
@ 12… I think you meant Carter, not Clinton. But the reference was obvious from the post.
Poor Surreal Mark. Pretty soon he’ll be taking back all the crap he spewed about this blog being so “far-left” and “out of the mainstream”.
Naaaaah.. Not in a million years.
The stream has thankfully changed course and Surreal Mark and his hard-right ilk are underwater!!!
Calvin Trillin won’t be the only poet out there to notice that Blagojevich rhymes with son-of-a-bitch.
Matt Stoller makes a good point.
Good riddance indeed.
It’s not a little ironic that Larry Craig’s failed attempt to reverse his guilty plea is also in the headlines today. So you wingnut troll fucks can save your celebratory thread slobbering.
If Jesus challenged the stone-wielding Democrats of today to: ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone’, I see a hail of stones arcing toward the supposed miscreant from this crew.
What a bunch of self-satisfied twits we must look like to those more grounded in political reality.
Do you think all politicians should be wire-tapped just because they are politicians. I may be wrong, but I do not recall any Republican politicians being indicted on evidence obtained through wiretaps.
“Don’t worry. I got your back!”
Not with Democrats, I’m afraid.
re 17: How that differs from Hillary Clinton and Tipper Gore, I fail to see.
Remember when Ozzie was being sued for supposedly causing teen to commit suicide?
Illinois has always been the most corrupt State in the Nation.
Obama is from Illinois…and the posterboy of Illinois Politics.
Tony Rezko was pals with both Obama and the Pollock.
I’m just sayin’……….
Also, can we refer to President Obama as President MOTHERF**CKER!
That’s how his fellow Democrat, the Crooked Democrat Governor refers to him!
President MOTHERF**CKER!
Has a real HorsesAss.org ring to it, doesn’t it!
I think they should offer the Pollock a plea deal if he has any juicy info about similiar crimes by our President-Elect….
President MOTHERF**CKER!
You Democrats could care less about this KLOWN or justice….he is caught red-handed.
Illinois is and always has been corrupt.
See if the Pollock has anything on others.
It’s the right thing to do.
Jackson Pollock was a famous artist, known for developing “Abstract Expressionism.”
Or, alternatively, “pollock” is the common name used for either of the two species of marine fish in the Pollachius genus. Both P. pollachius and P. virens are commonly referred to as pollock.
Hopwever, “Polack” is an ethnically derogatory term used by the mean-spirited and ignorant to deride those of Polish hertiage.
Get them straght.
Cyn: A ‘Pollock’is a type of fish. You may be refering to the word “Polack”, but knowing you, it could be a Pollock.
You reasoning is also false. Being a politician from Illinois doesn’t mean that you are automatically a corrupt politician. Any more than being a jailed and convicted former governor of a southern state means that you are guilty of anything.
@23, I am willing to cut Mr. C. some slack on this one. I am sure he wasn’t being a bigot.
He was talking about a fish.
Kind odd that he would do that, but then Mr. C. is not known for the intelligence or rationality of his posts.
Wrong again. You are comically misinformed. From the criminal complaint:
The term used by the governor was “this motherfucker Obama.” Get it straight.
In Cynical’s world, Salmon Rushdie and Sydney Pollock inhabit the same waters.
Ahhh, the party of change, transparency and ethics! Blago, Rezko, Ayers and Obama. Moving East we then find Rangel, Murtha, Spitzer and Frank.
Creepy Democrats!
@28 “Creepy Democrats!”
Creepy? Corrupt, sure. But creepy? No, this is creepy,
@ 29, I wouldn’t go that far, Steve. John above took some valid corrupt people and decided to throw in Obama (who looks completely clean on this, after all the perp calls hin “MFer” because he didn’t want to have anything to do with the perp), Murtha and Frank.
You want to talk creepy and corrupt, you need only look so far as the totality of the Bush administration. I mean what Blagojevich did, as vile as it is, is a rung below outing a CIA operative, covering it up, and then commuting the sentence of the only traitor caught to avoid further indictments for treason.
Good riddance to Blagojevich!
But an even hearty audios and “don’t let the war crimes tribunal kick you the butt on the way out” to the traitorous Republican Bush administration!
@30 “I wouldn’t go that far, Steve. John above took some valid corrupt people and decided to throw in Obama”
Oops! I missed the troll’s inclusion of Obama. Thanks.
Apparently there have been discussions between Blago and Obama staff on the “sale” of the Senate seat. Can a President-Elect be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors” BEFORE he takes the office?
Drudge headline: “Crook County”
“That’s not the Blagojevich I knew!”
@32 “Apparently there have been discussions between”
Apparently you just like to make shit up.
Apparently there have been discussions between every Republican in office and Al Queda on how they can more quickly destroy America.
Source: same as john425’s. Pulled it out of my ass.
Dude, get your facts straight for the 14th time.
Hey I remember the Merry Fitzmas! by Goldy, 10/28/2005, 10:30 AM.
So I guess it should have been Merry Fitzmas! by Goldy, 12/09/2008, 8:27 AM
Goldy you need to take that Gingko crap! Puddy remembers without it!
Surreal Amerikkkan: That’s because you are all
Doesn’t the Illinois guvnur look a little like Janet El-Reno?
@38 “ass-hole!”
And Pudz fucks goats.
I’m really anxious to see who knew what & discussed what WHEN.
Once the dumb POLACK and his fellow KLOWNS are under oath and getting squeezed, it will be insightful to see where the slime trail leads, won’t it.
We do want honesty in government, don’t we?
Did any of Obama’s team talk to Blago the POLACK re: any compensation or deals for Obama’s seat??
Let’s get all the facts on the table.
BTW..Hyde Park politics is the most corrupt in Chicago…and your man President Motherf**cker came from Hyde Park…he was schooled in their corrupt ways.
Steve, HAs’ resident goatherder and goatbutt checker@32:
According to senior advisor David Axelrod on November 23, 2008, “I know he’s talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them.”
Stick to goatfucking Steve as facts are not your friend!
A man walks into a bar and orders a glass of Polish vodka. As the bartender slides the drink to the patron, a man sitting next to him remarks, “That’s a coincidence, I, too, am enjoying a Polish vodka. Since
I arrived from the old country, this is the only bar in which I have found it.”
To which the first replies, “Old country, I’m from the old country. Let me buy you another!”
As the drinks are being poured, one of the men asks, “What part of the old country are you from?”
“Krakow,” replies the other. “This is weird,” says the first, “I, too, am from Krakow! Let’s get another shot.”
After the new round arrives, the first asks, “So, pal, what did you do back in Krakow?’
“Not much, really, I came here right out of high school. I graduated from Lech Walesa Technical Academy in ’81.”
“This is eerie,” replies the other, “I’m Welesa Tech, ’81. Let’s get another shot.” But the bartender says, “Slow down fellas, I gotta make a call.”
The bartender calls his wife and tells her that he’ll be late getting home. When she inquires as to the cause, he replies, “Oh, the friggin’ Liszjewski twins are here again.”
A Polish man was suffering from constipation, so his doctor prescribed suppositories. A week later the Pole complained to the doctor that they didn’t produce the desired results.
“Have you been taking them regularly?” the doctor asked.
“What do you think I’ve been doing,” the Polack said, “Shoving them up my ass?”
The corrupt Democrat POLACK joins his brethren of Corrupt Democrat Illinois Governors!
— Otto Kerner, a Democrat who was governor from 1961 to 1968, served less than a year of a three-year sentence after his 1973 conviction on bribery, tax evasion and other counts. He was convicted of arranging favorable horse racing dates as governor in return for getting horse racing association stock at reduced prices. Kerner died in 1976.
— Dan Walker, a Democrat who was governor from 1973 to 1977, served 1 1/2 years of a seven-year sentence after pleading guilty in 1987 to bank fraud, misapplication of funds and perjury. The charges were not related to his service as governor
Cynical, both jokes sound like Steve, HAs’ resident goatherder and goatbutt checker was involved…
42. Puddybud spews:
But Pudster, Obama (aka President-Elect MotherF**cker) denies any discussions with the corrupt POLACK Governor! ANd Obama will have no further comment because it’s an ongoing investigation.
Where will this lead?
Corrupt Illinois Democrats!!!!!!!!!!
@41 “POLACK” Did you attribute the spelling correction to a HA liberal? Earlier it appeared that you were talking about a fish.
So a Polish person is a POLACK to you, with CAPS, no less. Do you call a black person like Pudz a NIGGER, also with caps? I’m sure he doesn’t mind, not as long as you’re a fellow traveler – an extremist right-wing goatfucker.
@45 “1973 to 1977”
That’s all you’ve got? Something from the middle of the last century? Good grief.
Here’s a Republican pedophile bust from just a couple weeks ago. One of hundreds the last few years.
This kind of shit doesn’t bother you any more than it bothers Pudz, does it? You guys are OK with it. No problem, huh?
32. John425
It’s not yet confirmed, but the reporting is that Blago or his guys contacted Rahm Immanuel about Blago’s price for the Senate seat, and immediately afterward Rahm went directly to US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and reported it.
No crimes on Obama’s side, pal.
They even have tape of Blago sayin that all Obama offered him was “appreciation,” and how much this upset him. You got nothin’, and you know it.
Cynical, you do know that Illinois’ previous (Republican) governor is in prison right now, don’t you?
I was just thinking how November 4th had to have been absolutely brutal for Pudz. Devastating. Everything the stupid fuck ever believed in turned to shit that day. Tell us, Pudz, did it really suck for you? Want to talk about it?
Cynical: you accidently forgot to supress your racist thoughts before engaging your posting gear. Now everybody knows you are a bigot. Nice going.
My father-in-law, a 3rd-generation Pole from Texas (yep, there’s a whole community of them in central Texas), would be happy to talk with you about your feelings about the Poles. Personally, I wouldn’t make the meeting, if I were you. He’s a pretty tough fellow, growing up on a Texas farm, going into the Merchant Marine, and then making a career as a commercial landscape contractor. You could roller-skate across his back, and he’s got fists as big as a cabbage, and he knows how to use them.
So when you call people names like POLACK, Cynical, are you just sharing with us some of that beatific Christian love you profess to have and which you tell us we are so terribly lacking?
@53 We already knew that Cynical is a racist piece of shit. What’s amazing is how Pudz goes along, gets along. Pudz is umpteen times more pathetic than Cynical.
Matthew 25:40 “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
Hey, Pudz. When you stand silent when Cynical calls a Polish person a “POLACK”, isn’t that the same as standing silent when someone calls a black man, say you, a NIGGER? Is that what you do? Zip your lip? Go along, get along?
Say, Pudz, I see that you zip your lip when the subject of Republican pedophilia comes up. I reckon that’s your way of expressing tacit approval. Same with Cynical and his “POLACK” jokes. Do you also laugh when someone tells a nigger joke? Tacit approval, Pudz. When you do not object, you approve. You should know that. I think you do know that but you’re a fucking coward. Does that hit close to the mark, Pudz, you being a coward? As of today you have no grounds to object if someone here throws a slur your way.
It’s the Puddy and Cynical show! Two clueless clowns, one a white racist, the other a clueless black who tolerates the racism of the other.
But they are both deluded wingnuts, and that is what helps them get through their daily routine of getting their asses handed to them on HA!
Slipping and sliding on their own lies and hypocrisy to the amusement of the intelligent HA readers.
A queerer duo of clowns it can not be imagined. What a show!
@58 I believe Pudz is the queerer of the two. The man is truly pathetic.
Just wanted to remind the wingnuts that Republican and ex-Gov of Illinois, George Ryan is still serving time on his corruption convictions.
And good riddance to Rod B. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving politician.
48. Steve spews:
No…only corrupt Polish Governor’s are POLACKS!
Amazing to be lectured about political correctness by steve the goat fornication expert!
You are a real KLOWN steve!
Blagojevich is a Serbian American, for those of you who care.
Wikipedia has this to say about his tenure as Gov –
Blagojevich has struggled annually to pass legislation and budgets, often opposed by many members of his own party (which controls the Illinois General Assembly) who perennially disagree with him over budget and other issues. He has been the target of multiple federal investigations and has historically low approval ratings within Illinois; Rasmussen called him “America’s Least Popular Governor.”
Daddy Love spews:
DL, you do know Dan “crook” Rostenkowski and Mel “Pervert” Reynolds were DEMOCRATS from Illinois, didn’t you?
steve (previously known as ByeByeGOP):
You KLOWNS have already concluded there is no tie to Obama…do you have ESP or something?
Why not wait for the indictment, Grand Jury testimony etc. first?
Obama lied about not having any discussions with the Crook….why?
How did Axelrod make an error like that??
Axelrod is brilliant.
So why did Obama lie?
We’ll find out when Axelrod and others testify before the Grand Jury.
You look like a Goat ByeBye!
Only corrupt Polish Governor’s are POLACKS.
The joke is on Blago!
Gee, your pa-in-law sounds like a good Texican Republican.
The Piper
I have a ton of journalist friends around the country who are even now preparing public disclosure requests (or their states version thereof) for any contact between their own governor and staff and Rod Blagojevich. Should prove to be interesting reading.
A good thing to come out this? Now we all know how to spell and pronounce his name.
The Piper
Finally, you made a post I agree with 100%.
I know you likely don’t care ;) but it makes me feel better.
Steve, HAs’ resident goatherder and goatbutt checker@ everywhere:
You are one broken record…
You ask the same questions over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over when I already answered them.
There was no conservative in the November 4 election. That’s why I didn’t support McCain. But you are too much of a fool to figger it out.
So Merry Fitzmas Steve, HAs’ resident goatherder and goatbutt checker!
Surreal Amerikkkan: Your continual lunacy on this blog has no effect on me.
While I don’t always agree with Cynical’s comments, I agree with him much more than I disagree. Maybe you should look in the mirror more often and see the fool looking at you!
He’s guilty and so is Obama. Both tied to Rezko. Obama has some interesting bedfellows.
71 O
Yeah? Prove what you allege.
Cynical has some sort of fetish about Polish people. Perhaps his mother was frightened by one.
But Rod Blagojevich is Serbian.
63 Cyn
Avoiding the question. DO you know or don’t you?
Obama is a lawyer and his lawyerly statement of “We did not, I did not know” statement is reminiscent of Clinton’s “I did not have sex with that woman” Clinton didn’t define a blowjob as “having sex” and apparently Obama doesn’t either.
Obama is a lawyer and his lawyerly statement of “We did not, I did not know” statement is reminiscent of Clinton’s “I did not have sex with that woman” Clinton didn’t define a blowjob as “having sex” and apparently Obama doesn’t either.
Obama is a lawyer and his lawyerly statement of “We did not, I did not know” statement is reminiscent of Clinton’s “I did not have sex with that woman” Clinton didn’t define a blowjob as “having sex” and apparently Obama doesn’t either.
Piper @ 53: Well, my father-in-law is certainly a Texan, but he’s no Republican. One of his comments:
“Texas would be paradise, except for all the rattlesnakes, crooks, and Republicans there. But I repeat myself….”
77. John425 spews:
You are 100% right on.
When pressed, Obama clammed up about whether any of his surrogates had conversations with Blago on his behalf.
Obama is starting to smell like a 10-day old carfish in the sun!
77. John425 spews:
You are 100% right on.
When pressed, Obama clammed up about whether any of his surrogates had conversations with Blago on his behalf.
Obama is starting to smell like a 10-day old catfish in the sun!
@69 Christ, Pudz, are you like Cynical’s Step-N-Fetchit or something? Have you no dignity?
“You are one broken record…
You ask the same questions over and over and over”
It’s only because of your persistant state of denial, Pudz. Let’s try this again.
Now do as you usually do and pretend that there’s no problem. Or maybe fall back on your other tactic – attack the messenger. Stupid goatfucker.
Do the Obama for change voters feel like they have been tricked yet? Looks like John McCain and Sarah Palin were the right choice.But because they lacked information on their nominee,they have to live with their own Decisions,Now thats justice.
@82 “Do the Obama for change voters feel like they have been tricked yet?”
“Looks like John McCain and Sarah Palin were the right choice.”
He hasn’t even been crowned and Obama’s bedfellows are falling out in front of everyone.
If you think Obama’s not guilty why is Rezko (tied to Obama in other ways) surfacing in this scandal. Rezko Bought the lot next to Obama’s house in order to help Obama out since he could not afford that lot… A deal made completely for friends sake. Blagojevich and Rezko families were buddy buddy http://www.chicagotribune.com/.....7897.story
But his strongest ties have always been with Blagojevich. Rezko’s and Blagojevich’s families often socialized. Rezko and the governor’s wife, Patti, a real estate agent, even worked on several property deals together since 1997, earning Patti Blagojevich at least $38,000 in fees
Blago asked:
then answered his own question without even noticing, saying:
So, according to this person, Mr. Rezco and Governor Blagojevich are closely tied, Mr. Obama has also met Mr. Rezco (not surprising, as Mr. Rezco is a prominent figure in Illinois politics), so Mr. Obama is obviously guilty of something.
Wow. You folks are really stretching. I guess you need something to grasp at, since that birth certificate thing didn’t work for you.