So, good news: the bus tunnel will have cell service in the near future. It will be nice to not have whatever you’re doing cut out when you pull past the International District station. And while you’re waiting, you can pull out your phone and fart around a bit.
The bad news: the bus tunnel will have cell service in the near future. I can’t tell you how many times it’s been a relief to have someone yelling into their phone have to turn it off. Formerly, a moment’s quiet. Now lost.
Yeah, well, the loudmouths on the phones are going to find a way to be obnoxious anyway–they often just turn to their friends and talk at yell volume, so it’s more plus than minus.
Bad news: A Boeing 777 with 239 passengers and crew aboard went missing on a night flight from Malaysia to Beijing. When ground controllers lost contact, the plane would have been over the South China Sea, so it’s probably in the water. Searchers haven’t found any wreckage yet.
News sources report Boeing has found cracks in 787 wings made in Japan. Should’ve used union labor instead of outsourcing. You get what you pay for.
Update: The missing plane is an older 777-200 built between 1997 and 2001 that Malaysian Airlines had planned to replace. China says the plane never entered its airspace. Authorities say it was in Vietnamese airspace when contact was lost.
Another innocent person is dead thanks to a jackass gun owner:
“A woman working at a Chicago thrift store was killed when a gun that was in dropped-off clothing accidentally discharged, hitting her in the chest. … Relatives said she was a wife and mother of two children.”
Update: Reuters reported at 1:30 am ET (3 minutes ago) that Vietnamese state media say the missing Malaysian jetliner crashed in the South China Sea near an island off the south coast of Vietnam and boats were being sent to the scene.