Cheer up Dave; you may have had another shitty fundraising quarter, but at least you’re not alone:
Nearly two dozen House incumbents were outraised by their opponents and another dozen candidates established themselves as early frontrunners for newly open seats late last week as fourth quarter financial reports were due.
Among the members on the short end of the fundraising battle in October, November and December were Republican Reps. Don Young (R-Alaska), Sam Graves (R-Mo.) and Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)…
That sure does put Sheriff Dave in great company:
Young raised just $40,000 and spent more than $400,000 in the quarter on unexplained legal fees (he is under federal investigation for his ties to the Veco Corporation), while Democrat Ethan Berkowitz raised $120,000.
The longtime congressman still has almost $1 million in cash, but it is dissipating fast due to more than $800,000 in legal fees in 2007.
With GOP incumbents facing tough battles in places like Alaska and Idaho, it’s shaping up to be one tough year for Republicans.
Yep, even the last bastion of rugged individualism, Alaska, may be heading Blue due to Republican corruption.
Alaskans have always been forgiving of foibles of their elected representatives – after all, everyone’s at least a little bit crazy to live there, right? Due to the comparitively small population, it’s small-town politics, except spread out over a very, very, very big area.
But Republican cronyism has caught up with them, and since just about all the Republican politicians are inter-related in some way (politically, professionally, or even by marriage), it’s awfully hard to distance themselves from the scandal.
Money raised does not always translate into votes, ask Ron Paul.
Good bike stuff on the front page of the times.
I wonder if population growth in SE Alaska (Juno, Etc) could figure into a bluer Alaska. SE has traditionally been more liberal.
@2: Ask Rudi, too!
Well, it’s a good thing Davey’s such a “fiscal conservative.” He’s going to have to pinch every penny.
Should someone remind Reichart that Pres. Bush has promised to veto excessive earmarks? As a loyal party member, would he pledge not to add earmarks if he is selected to serve on the appropriations committee?
Oh Gawd! Hillary is tearing up again… the day before Super Tuesday. I wonder if the women of the world will rush in with emotional support again like they did in New Hampshire.
I’d much rather she be crying on Wednesday. Then it might even be genuine.
Given his lackluster law enforcement credentials and his dull normal IQ, Davey may have trouble finding work when he gets beat in November. Even the GOP lobbying interests would be reluctant to hire a guy with so little going for himself. Davey’s happy to do the bidding of anyone in the GOP who tells him what to do, but that’s probably not enough to get him a lobbying position. I almost feel sorry for him.
Does anyone else remember a long, long time ago in a far off galaxy when the Republican Evil Empire was flush with cash and ALWAYS out raised the Democrats?
I believe that was circa 2002.
Now, they’re coming to their base “cap in hand” or needing to finance their own campaigns.
Baaa haaa haaa haa haaa haaa haaa haaa.
Representative Dishonest Dave, meet your succesor, soon-to-be-Representative-elect Darcy Burner.
Oh, I’d also like to introduce the first Woman or African-American president in American history.
Majority Leader Reid, how do you like your filibuster majority?
Speaker Pelosi, if was fun, but it’s done. Time for a new Democratic speaker of the house who will enforce the rule of law and go after the conservatie crime family.
Jeez, you guys sure have a raging stiffy for this guy Reichert!
@12 48. Dead. Women.
@12 (continued) It has to do with our visceral dislike of blowhards. To paraphrase Dizzy Dean, “If you ain’t done it, it’s bragging.”
@10 He won’t need to work. Even defeated 2-term congressmen are well cared for in retirement by us taxpayers. Wish I had a deal like that. I had to pay for my retirement myself. I don’t get squat from the taxpayers.
And what has The Darcy done to beef up her woefully light resume since her last defeat at the hands of The Sherriff?
The Darcy MIGHT be a plausible Bellevue City Council candidate, but US HOUSE? Puh-LEASE!!! That’s like a 2007 Finance graduate applying for the position of Chief Financial Officer. It just doesn’t work that way.
Itches at 16: Unlike some notable Republican office-holders (notably George W. Bush), most Democrats don’t have rich, business-and-politically connected Daddies who can set them up in three businesses, save them from failure three times by having their colleagues buy them out right before disaster at inflated prices, then set them up as a figurehead owner of a sports team, and then run them for governor as a “successful businessman”, all in order to pad their resumes before their run for national office.
Most Democrats get into office by doing it the hard way. Unlike the current President, who was born on third base and somehow thinks he got there by hitting a triple.
But it doesn’t always work out for the Republicans, even with those advantages. Take former Senate candidate Mike McGavick. He grew up in Wallingford as the son of the last Republican Wash. State legislature house member from Wallingford, so he was politically connected. As a young man he works for a public relations firm and helps run a political campaign that gets a Senator elected to office, and becomes his chief of staff. Then he becomes a lobbyist for the insurance industry, then becomes CEO of Safeco, gets a huge unearned buyout at the end of his employment shortly after deciding to run for the U.S. Senate (i.e., a campaign contribution), gets a lot of fundraising help from the Sen. from Alaska and the President and Vice-President, and STILL loses the election by 16%.
Abraham Lincoln served only a single two-year term in the House of representatives fourteen years prior to 1860 before being elected President. He did all right.
Darcy will be just fine. Thanks for your concern.
Worried about Iran? They spend $4 billion a year on their military after all. Of course, we spend well over $400 billion on our military every year. We just might somehow muddle through.
Worried about Iran? They spend $4 billion a year on their military after all. Of course, we spend well over $400 billion on our military every year. We just might somehow muddle through.
rhp6033: Ohhhhhhhhh pleeeeeeeeeease, spare me the woe is a democrat screeeeeeeeech! Do you ever use public information to create your arguments or as always the information is yanked from your ASS!
The richest member of the Senate is?
John Kerry (D) Massachusetts
The richest member of the House is?
Jane Harman (D) California
Last I checked both are both Democrats.
18 – You are comparing The Darcy to Abraham Lincoln? Damn!! That has to be one of the more rediculous comparisons/analogies I have ever heard.
I knew The Darcy was Goldy’s jerk fantasy, but you too?
21 – Are you talking about Kerry personally? Or his air headed loopy wife Terezzzzza Heinz Kerry?
rhp6033: Some more at ya. Ohhhhhhhhh pleeeeeeeeeease, spare me the woe is a democrat screeeeeeeeech! Do you ever use public information to create your arguments or as always the information is yanked from your ASS!
Who says the Republican Party is the party of the rich? It appears that about 60 percent of the richest Senators are Democrats. Can you dig it?
MGI: Doesn’t matter. It’s their money remember? Democrats claim communal property!!!
rhp6033: Some more at ya. Ohhhhhhhhh pleeeeeeeeeease, spare me the woe is a democrat screeeeeeeeech! Do you ever use public information to create your arguments or as always the information is yanked from your ASS!
Who says the Republican Party is the party of the rich? It appears that about 60 percent of the richest Senators are Democrats. Can you dig it?
rhp6033: Some more at ya. Ohhhhhhhhh pleeeeeeeeeease, spare me the woe is a democrat screeeeeeeeech! Do you ever use public information to create your arguments or as always the information is yanked from your ASS!
Who says the Republican Party is the party of the rich? It appears that about 60 percent of the richest Senators are Democrats. Can you dig it?
rhp6033: Some more at ya. Ohhhhhhhhh pleeeeeeeeeease, spare me the woe is a democrat screeeeeeeeech! Do you ever use public information to create your arguments or as always the information is yanked from your ASS!
Who says the Republican Party is the party of the rich? It appears that about 60 percent of the richest Senators are Democrats. Can you dig it?
See I balanced it out for y’all.
That rhp6033 is so lazy.
I gave you the open secrets link. Richard Pope gave another link.
rhp6033: cuz I like you one last time.
Please don’t be like the Clueless Idiot. Use the PuddySources!
@21: Does being rich mean that that person supports tax cuts for the rich?
There are plenty of rich people who want to change the world for the better – there are also plenty of rich people who just want to hold on to what they have and think that because they were born with wealth they are some special priviledged class.
The republican party and GWB support tax cuts for the rich and tax breaks for Exxon and the richest corporations – therefore, the republicans are the party of the rich (without any conscience).
Roger @ 13, 14 & 15,
Is Reichert the representative from your district?
Now that Goldys off the air, the Republican party can
start to rebuild. Phew, that was close.
To say that just because some Democrats are rich that they somehow ~cannot~ care about the poor is like saying because a doctor is healthy he cannot possibly care about the sick.
You’ve become totally unhinged like Bill O’.
GBS – Not at all. rhp6033 made another of his specious arguments, I present the facts.
You’re misconstruing what #17 is saying. The Right has be really good at that sort of thing for the last 20 years, but we’re not going to let you get away with it anymore.
#34 Daddy Love says:
I’m sure they care. They care about keeping their money so they write tax breaks into the tax code. Remember, it’s not O’Reilly and ann coulter writing the code giving tax breaks for the rich.
DaddyLove@34: When it comes down to caring we whom think on the right blow away your side hands down. Who do you think support charities? Liberals?
Yeah, with other people’s money. Did you make your Katrina Fund Contribution yet Daddy Love?
Just checkin…
Waaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
Fair use and copyleft to the URL holder
“In Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism (Basic Books), Arthur C. Brooks finds that religious conservatives are far more charitable than secular liberals, and that those who support the idea that government should redistribute income are among the least likely to dig into their own wallets to help others.” – PuddyStudy Liberals cheep bums all of ya!
“In 2000, religious people gave about three and a half times as much as secular people — $2,210 versus $642. And even when religious giving is excluded from the numbers, Mr. Brooks found, religious people still give $88 more per year to nonreligious charities.” – PuddyStudy, You mean like the WA State Police & WA Firefighters Benevolent Funds, Fallen Officers Fund etc.?
Daddy Love, please research and when you are ready try again, cuz I gots mo where that came from…
Mo Daddy Love: “Similarly, religious people volunteer an average of 12 times per year, while secular people volunteer an average of 5.8 times. To put this into perspective, religious people are 33 percent of the population but make 52 percent of donations and 45 percent of times volunteered. Secular people are 26 percent of the population but contribute 13 percent of the dollars and 17 percent of the times volunteered.”
PuddyStudy: The 16%ers are 16% of the population, who sit on their ass whining about the world but never cough up their dough to make it a better place. Hmmm………..?
My simple search found 60,000 entries discussing charitable giving Daddy Love.
You are smarter than the average dull knife or clueless idiot. You can do better than this Daddy Love.