However, you do continue to set a very poor example for her with your chronic unemployment and with all the begging for money under the BS “fund drive” guise. You can’t argue with that, nor can you “spin” it.
I am curious just how long you have been unemployed now? Just askin’.
Goldy isn’t talking about Rossi (48%) Murray (46%) because it hurts to think about.
Hope you had a good hike Goldy.
I spent the afternoon with my neighbors sighting in our Rifles. What fun!
We had targets at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 yards.
Beautiful 80 plus degree day.
2 beer limit.
Burned up about $60 of ammo myself.
But what better way to bond with your neighbors.
We believe in traditions and Rifle sighting on the Friday afternoon before Labor Day is a TRADITION!
Have a good, safe weekend all.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hope you & your daughter discuss Harry “Skeletor” Reid and the pickle he is in!
Friday, September 03, 2010
Democratic Senator Harry Reid and his Republican challenger Sharron Angle are still neck-and-neck in Nevada’s race for U.S. Senate.
The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows the candidates tied with 45% of the vote each. Five percent (5%) prefer another candidate and six percent (6%) more are undecided.
Sounds fun, Cyn!
Of course, The H.A. Happy Libtards on this site only discuss polls when they sway towards the left. I think the realization that dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks Peppermint Patty may be retired soon is too painful for them to even ponder. Hardy-har-har as O.C.D. sufferer Roger Rodent likes to vomit. :)
You have a great weekend as well!
You want us to comment on what a crazy, douche bag, Larouche is? I think we can handle that one.
As for Murray/Rossi there’s a hell of a lot more blue than red on the polling charts and it’s not uncommon for the challenger to be up right about now and have the incumbent win in the end. It happened all the time with Jesse Helms.
I’m still sticking with Nov. 2 going to Murray by 8-12%.
Not sure what trail you’re on, but I like the view!
I’ve done a few hikes in the Alpine Lakes, Snow Lake was a fun hike.
Mark Centzspews:
Preseason and the Caucus of Trolls wants odds on the Super Bowl. Lots of time between now & November, go play in the freeway, the rest of us plan to spend a good part of it with friends and family. Do you trolls have families or are they ashamed of you? Goldy has his priorities in order, taking his family out one our our beautiful unspoiled places. It’s been years, but is that Hurricane Ridge? If it is, thanks be to TR, an early and imperfect progressive. The National Parks and the enviroment, those he got very right.
is that Hurricane Ridge?
Nah, that looks like Rainier in the background. Probably somewhere near the Alpine Lake Wilderness Area that was created with the help of that lefty, eco-freak, President Gerald Ford.
@1 However, you do continue to set a very poor example for her with your chronic unemployment
it doesnt really bother me that he is unemployed, the job market is horrible. what bothers me is maybe you guys are right about my antisemitism because i thought all jews were wealthy. maybe i have to rethink.
I’m stunned. Just a bit of self awareness fron mot.
Mal Conspews:
Mt. Catherine, in the second picture that is Tinkham in front of Rainier.
Mt. Catherine it is. Amazing 360 degree views from the top, and a nice smattering of huckleberries along the trail.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Those aren’t huckleberries!
They are a berry that makes you bald, unemployed & ugly.
Too late Goldy.
The only known antidote is to join the Tea Party!
Your guy Barry ImamObaMao is doin great! Saturday, September 04, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -21
That is commendable quality time yes, Goldy.
However, you do continue to set a very poor example for her with your chronic unemployment and with all the begging for money under the BS “fund drive” guise. You can’t argue with that, nor can you “spin” it.
I am curious just how long you have been unemployed now? Just askin’.
Why no talk/thread on this:
Good weekend all.
are proceeds from the “fund drive” taxable?
scams…their whats for dinner….
correction: they’re
Goldy isn’t talking about Rossi (48%) Murray (46%) because it hurts to think about.
Hope you had a good hike Goldy.
I spent the afternoon with my neighbors sighting in our Rifles. What fun!
We had targets at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 yards.
Beautiful 80 plus degree day.
2 beer limit.
Burned up about $60 of ammo myself.
But what better way to bond with your neighbors.
We believe in traditions and Rifle sighting on the Friday afternoon before Labor Day is a TRADITION!
Have a good, safe weekend all.
Hope you & your daughter discuss Harry “Skeletor” Reid and the pickle he is in!
Friday, September 03, 2010
Sounds fun, Cyn!
Of course, The H.A. Happy Libtards on this site only discuss polls when they sway towards the left. I think the realization that dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks Peppermint Patty may be retired soon is too painful for them to even ponder. Hardy-har-har as O.C.D. sufferer Roger Rodent likes to vomit. :)
You have a great weekend as well!
You want us to comment on what a crazy, douche bag, Larouche is? I think we can handle that one.
As for Murray/Rossi there’s a hell of a lot more blue than red on the polling charts and it’s not uncommon for the challenger to be up right about now and have the incumbent win in the end. It happened all the time with Jesse Helms.
I’m still sticking with Nov. 2 going to Murray by 8-12%.
Not sure what trail you’re on, but I like the view!
I’ve done a few hikes in the Alpine Lakes, Snow Lake was a fun hike.
Preseason and the Caucus of Trolls wants odds on the Super Bowl. Lots of time between now & November, go play in the freeway, the rest of us plan to spend a good part of it with friends and family. Do you trolls have families or are they ashamed of you? Goldy has his priorities in order, taking his family out one our our beautiful unspoiled places. It’s been years, but is that Hurricane Ridge? If it is, thanks be to TR, an early and imperfect progressive. The National Parks and the enviroment, those he got very right.
Nah, that looks like Rainier in the background. Probably somewhere near the Alpine Lake Wilderness Area that was created with the help of that lefty, eco-freak, President Gerald Ford.
However, you do continue to set a very poor example for her with your chronic unemployment
it doesnt really bother me that he is unemployed, the job market is horrible. what bothers me is maybe you guys are right about my antisemitism because i thought all jews were wealthy. maybe i have to rethink.
I’m stunned. Just a bit of self awareness fron mot.
Mt. Catherine, in the second picture that is Tinkham in front of Rainier.
Mal Con @13,
Mt. Catherine it is. Amazing 360 degree views from the top, and a nice smattering of huckleberries along the trail.
Those aren’t huckleberries!
They are a berry that makes you bald, unemployed & ugly.
Too late Goldy.
The only known antidote is to join the Tea Party!
Your guy Barry ImamObaMao is doin great!
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Pretty sure that’s the Mark Sanford Trail.