Hey Rog–
I’m sure you are cheering for me inside.
Get this–
1) JRCC–2 day-trades yesterday. Made $4.60/share on one and $.95/share on the other. That’s $5,550.
2) Today–bought in again on JRCC @ $38.50.
Closed @ $41.24===> +$2,740
3) Today–Wells Fargo UP $1.15. That’s $4600.
Now I’m up on that trade $.43/share or $1720.
You on the other hand:
1) BOOM–up a whopping $.15/share. Down $14/share from where I told you to dump that dog.
2) NOV–DOWN $2.35/share to around $80.22.
Think I’m gonna splurge today on some High Octane!!
Rog–Do you need a loan??
Daddy Lovespews:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Any kind of Dem majority in the Senate means Lieberman is out of the Democratic caucus.
Everyone knows it especially Lieberman who made his bed long ago.
Of course, it’s a given Barack takes the prize in November.
Lieberman has been talking shit about Obama to Jewish voters in Florida.
Florida’s a longshot for Barack but some effort should be made to help Jewish voters who know better to push back against that fear-mongering B.S. from Lieberman.
Daddy Lovespews:
McCain now ranks as the #1 most absent senator of the 110th Congress, having missed 61.8 percent of the votes. He even beats Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD), who took several months off while recovering from a brain hemorrhage. In fact, he hasn’t actually voted on anything in the Senate since April 8. Important votes missed include the economic stimulus package and “at least seven votes of prominence on Iraq.” McCain also hasn’t been present for any of the six votes on the housing bill (HR 3221) in the past month, even though he’s now criticizing Congress for recessing without resolving the bill.
Of course, at his advanced age I’m not surprised that he likes to take considerable time off. Maybe he should retire.
Daddy Lovespews:
Honestly, you guys are going to try to claim that Obama “flip-flops?” Really? Ok, live by the sword, die by the sword.
5. McCain is both for and against a “rogue state rollback” as a focus of his foreign policy vision.
6. McCain used to champion the Law of the Sea convention, even volunteering to testify on the treaty’s behalf before a Senate committee. Now he opposes it.
All we need to do to get rid of Lieberman is run a real progressive Democrat who happens to be Jewish. Bye Bye Joe.
Why Mr. Cynical at 2, you’re welcome for those stock picks. :)
I’m making money on the dips, too. ICO and JRCC both have netted big gains in the last couple of days.
I agree with you on the BOOM. When Rog recommended it I looked a the chart – scary. Lower Highs and Lower Lows means a trend. And unless you’re shorting that stock it’s not a friendly trend.
Daddy Lovespews:
If the Republicans stop telling lies about Obama, maybe we will stop telling the truth about them.
Expect Lieberman to have a big place in the Republican convention. If he’s not the keynote speaker, then he will be the guy who introduces McCain. That will be the end for him as part of the Democratic caucus.
Florida is a state in quite a bit of flux now. It seems that the hispanic population is beginning to trend towards Obama, reversing a 45-year monopoly by the Republicans. Younger Hispanics are looking at their own future in America, rather than empty Republican promises that one day the Republicans will help overthrow Castro and return them to prominant positions in Cuba. With Castro retiring, the Republican cold-war erapolicy against Cuba seems more and more irrelevant.
Daddy Lovespews:
John McCain has an economic “plan.” At least, he says he has a plan. Where I come from, a plan consists of setting a goal, outlining the steps one will take to reach the goal, determining how to measures progress toward the goal, and contingency actions in case various foreseeable risks occur.
Where John McCain comes from, it seems more like a “plan” consists of setting a goal, oulining steps that will do nothing to advance one toward the goal, then insisting publicly that it all makes sense while a compliant press agrees.
For example, John McCain says he wants to “balance the budget” (I do not think those words mean what he thinks they mean), and that he want to do so in large part by cutting taxes and incresing military spending. Um, hello? Earth to McCain!
McCain would “phase out and eliminate” a provision of the tax code known as the alternative minimum tax, which has caught up a growing number of middle-class Americans in recent years, and he says that repealing this tax “will save middle-class families nearly $60 billion in a single year.” That is $60 billion that would presumably not then be available to the Treasury. Also, he wants to extend the so-called Bush tax cuts, scheduled to expire by Jan. 1, 2011 (scheduled to expire so that their true cost could be minimized when they were originally trying to pass them). In January, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that extending the Bush tax cuts would cost more than $700 billion in the next five years.
So, if my grade school math hasn’t failed me, 60 x 5 = 300 (billion), and 300 + 500 = 800 (billion), which means that these two actions alone will reduce revenues over five years by nearly a trillion dollars ($800 billion). Or $160 billion in further deficit spending a year. From only two of his economic proposals. And we’re still not talking about the off-the-budget spending on Iraq and Afghanistan.
How does McCain cut spending? He doesn’t say. He says he wants to keep the annual growth in spending at 2.4% annually or less (it’s been more like 6+% annually for the last, um, eight). So because growth is, you know, growth, he’s not going to cut spending.
Again, grade-school math. Cut-taxes + spending-continues-to-grow = bigger deficits. Not a balanced budget. More debt, just like George Bush.
McCain’s the wrong man for the job, because he doesn’t even understand the job.
Daddy Lovespews:
John McCain supported and cheered on our invasion of Iraq. McCain co-sponsored the Authorization For Use of Military Force Against Iraq resolution that got us in there (Obama voted against it).
John McCain STILL thinks the invasion of Iraq was a good idea.
John McCain believed, and said, that “the Iraqi people will greet us as liberators.”
John McCain said that Iraqi oil reserves would cover the cost of war.
John McCain said he doesn’t mind American troops staying in Iraq for 100 years (plus however long we have to occupy their country before US casualties are reduced to zero).
On this, the most important foreign policy question of our time, and in the very area where John McCain has insisted that he possesses superior qualifications (as opposed to the many where he has no knowledge or qualifications at all, such as the economy), John McCain has been completely and consistently wrong for the last six years.
Why doesn’t McCain say where he is going to cut spending? Because he knows that’s the sure way NOT to get election.
As Reagan’s first budget director, Stockman, said in his book, the Republican smug belief that the federal budget could easily be cut simply by eliminating “fraud and waste” turned out to be nonsense. Jimmy Carter had already cut the budget to the bone, charging visitors to White House breakfasts for their meals, and cutting janitorial service to offices to once every two weeks (those were the first things the Republicans reversed once in office).
Eventually they had to settle for trivial matters, such as trying to save some spare change from the federal school lunch program for students from poor families by calling ketsup a “vegitable”. In the end, budgets were prepared based upon what everybody understood to be completely unrealistic “rosy scenarios” of future economic growth, for the sole purpose of making it look like the budget would be balanced sometime in the distant future, despite the massive Reagan tax cuts.
In the end, the budget wasn’t balanced until 2000, after taxes were increased under the Bush I administration. Of course, the Republicans ruined a decade’s worth of fiscal disclipline within a short time, leaving massive deficits and added federal debt for the next President.
Of course, whether tax cuts are a good idea or not isn’t something you will ever find out from John McCain. He’s flip-flopped on this issue so many times, even the conservatives are worried. They plan to make keeping the Bush tax cuts permanant such a basic part of the Republican platform that McCain won’t have room to wiggle out of it.
Of course, McCain doesn’t plan to wiggle out of it. Everybody knows the tax cuts will have to expire. Even the Republicans hope they do. They just want it to happen in a way so they can blame the Democratic Congress for it.
Daddy Lovespews:
“We will not accept any memorandum of understanding if it does not give a specific date for a complete withdrawal of foreign troops,” Iraqi national security adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie told reporters in Iraq’s holy city of Najaf.
Don’t they know they’re just giving in to the terrorists the Iraqi people?
proud leftistspews:
Joe Lieberman lacks principles, integrity, and self-awareness. He is a pompous piece of shit who fails to represent the good people of Connecticut, who are overwhelmingly Democratic. If not for his pathological arrogance, he would have taken his loss in the ’06 Democratic primary with dignity and returned to private life. Joe’s ego, however, precluded such grace. It is telling that McCain would so warmly embrace the support of such a piece of shit.
Daddy Lovespews:
15 rhp
The tax increase under Bush I were just to barely keep the deficit from blowing up completely into $500-600 billion annually. It wasn’t until the Democrats (without a single Republican) passed another tax increase in 1993 that we started getting on track toward balancing the budget.
Of course the Republicans predicted economic doom and gloom when the 1993 tax bill passed, but instead we had record growth (longest economic expansion in American history) and unemployment rates so low it forced economists to rethink their models. The previous models of so-called “full employment” never visualized unemployment rates lower than 5%, but the Clinton economy just blew through that.
Daddy Lovespews:
I think we should lock Joe Lieberman in a room with Zell Miller.
That’s all. Just lock them in a room.
Geez… a guy thinks for himself and doesn’t follow a party line. Actually a breath of fresh air.
Daddy Lovespews:
21 H
AND he lies to his constituents! He actually ran on an antiwar platform to blur the differences between he and his Democratic opponent–even though he knew he was running with Republican (pro-war) money and receiving almost exlusively Republican (pro-war) votes. He got more Republican votes than the Republican in the race, which is how badly the Republicans wanted to beat Ned Lamont.
Joe Lieberman is not “a guy who thinks for himself,” he’s a guy who sold himself to the other side in return for six more years in the Senate. What a guy. A real role model.
By the way, I just finished reading “The Candy Bombers”, a book about the Berlin airlift that my daughter got me for Father’s Day. A very interesting book about an era that is glossed over in history studies too much – 1945 through 1948.
One of the things that struck me was that the first priorities of the Republican Congress was to pass a tax cut early in 1948. At the time, the U.S. military was pretty much dismantled already, with only one combat division in Europe. Truman, a proponant of fiscal discipline, insisted that the budget be cut accordingly.
Very shortly therafter, the Soviets made their move in Eastern Europe: a coup in Checkoslovakia, and an attempted takeover of the civilian government of Berlin. Then they cut the roads to the western sector of Berlin, known thereafter as the “Blockade of Berlin”. This was ultimately defeated by the previously unheard-of feat of supplying the entire city by air with everything from food to medicine to coal – albiet in starvation rations. Once the airlift proved the ability to supply the city through the summer, the Soviets abandoned the blockade in May 1949.
Through the worst of the crisis, Truman was expected to lose the election. He was hit by defections from the left (an independent run by former vice-President Wallace), and from the right (the defection of southern Democrats under Montgomery’s Bull Conner). Through the election, the Republicans blamed Truman for the crisis. But never ONCE did they suggest repealing their tax cuts in order to increase the size of the military.
Daddy Love @ 15: I thought there was another tax increase during the Clinton years, but my memory was so fuzzy on the details I decided not to bring it up.
Like most things in life, there is a perfect balance to be achieved. Too little taxes means a sacrifice in public investment in both people and infrastructure, low taxes with continued higher spending results in deficits which cause other problems (higher interest rates, stagflation, etc.). Taxes which are too high distort investment decision-making. Radical change, too often, also tends to cause decision-making to be deferred.
The Republicans have proven that they don’t know how to reach the right balance. Their philosophy that every tax is theft from their own pocketbooks has proven that they don’t know the first thing about responsible government for the good of the people as a whole. They simply can’t be trusted to reach the proper balance. Time to let the adults back in charge.
DL @ 18:
Amen, Blogger.
I wish the Democrats would jump on the “history train” and make a commercial highlighting the economic conditions of the late 80’s early 90’s, recessions, economic woes, etc., then cut in clips of Republicans saying how a tax increase will hurt the economy. Followed by clips of the stock market gains, etc. Then close with McSame saying “raising taxes” will kill the economy . . .
Oh Pleaseeeeeeee. I heard Obama today on TV swearing that he WOULD NOT RAISE TAXES of any type, capital gain, income, or otherwise on anyone who had less than $250,000 in income.
I must admit I wasn’t reading his lips, but I did watch them move to that answer.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
The big winner today in the financial market is easy… Rush’s 400 million contract over 8 years. I wonder how many liberals it would take to make that much…. wait their drivel loses money.. Nevermind. roof roof
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Ahhhhh It looks like that huricane will miss the US. I guess we will have to wait for those six 2006 huricanes afterall.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
9. GBS spews:
“Why Mr. Cynical at 2, you’re welcome for those stock picks. :)
I’m making money on the dips, too. ICO and JRCC both have netted big gains in the last couple of days.”
My broker is calling me early AM tomorrow.
I’m starting to feel a bit greedy on JRCC.
I really don’t like short-selling…because I’m such a positive Wingnut!! But buying on dips has been profitable here….not my long-term investor style though.
I’ll let you know what my broker says.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
This is just a hunch, but if Clear Channel made a eight year contract they obviously don’t care abuot the fairness doctrine. Will the Rush Limbaugh show become the Rush News hour back to back to back(News programs are exempt from the fairness doctrine). We will see.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Rush has more truth in his first 10 minutes than the entire MSM has in the whole day. It may make news trustworthy again.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Holy Cow… The Democrat congress approval rating is now single digits. hehehehehehe Well you democrats are better in one thing. hahahahaha
Daddy Lovespews:
26 GS
My understanding is that under Barack Obama’s plan most people who make less thatn $250K will receive a tax cut. I’m not sure about the SS cap lift.
Hey, if you have actual facts at your disposal that would indicate something more meaty than “pleeeease” you might consider sharing said facts with us all. We’re waiting. I’m guessing that you DON’T have anything more meaty than “pleeeease” in your little arsenal of vitriol.
Well he said it today, specifically there would be no Payroll tax hikes, of which Social Security is surely one unless one does not know what the definition of is is, on anyone making less than $250,000.
In the statement I heard him make today on National TV, said “”Unless your income is $250,000 he would not raise your Income tax, Payroll Tax, Capital Gains Tax or any other tax.
Reminds me of Gregoire in the 2004 election.
McInsane Voterspews:
As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about.
Marvin Stamnspews:
6. Daddy Love spews:
McCain now ranks as the #1 most absent senator
About 18% ahead of 3rd place obama.
I wonder why mccain missed so much.
Marv the child molester – do you always try to justify the poor quality of your representation by comparing to others? Did you teach your kids it’s okay to rob a bank because someone else did it?
Fact is – in this and so many other categories – your guy is LAST. If our guy is one better – that’s one better than YOUR GUY who sucks.
Get used to looooosing.
As to what caused 1,203 year old McCain to miss that’s easy. He’s got Ronnie Ray Gun disease and just forgot!
re 27: That’s a lot of green for a PRODUCER that only produces hot air.
How long will it take for his advertisers to realize that the average listener to Rush Limbaugh can only afford trinkets.
39 It’s also quite bizarre, considering that Clear Channel has made a name for itself putting thousands of people in the radio business out of work.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
We just sold JRCC for $43.30…bought @ $38.50
Another $4,800
Added to the other 2 trades
Profit ==$10,350 in 3 days.
Thanks again for turning my eyes towards this one!
Too bad your fellow Lefty’s waste all their time on unprofitable BS
Oh well…it’s easier to complain than get educated & make money.
I keep looking out for ALF when he speaks.
Hey Rog–
I’m sure you are cheering for me inside.
Get this–
1) JRCC–2 day-trades yesterday. Made $4.60/share on one and $.95/share on the other. That’s $5,550.
2) Today–bought in again on JRCC @ $38.50.
Closed @ $41.24===> +$2,740
3) Today–Wells Fargo UP $1.15. That’s $4600.
Now I’m up on that trade $.43/share or $1720.
You on the other hand:
1) BOOM–up a whopping $.15/share. Down $14/share from where I told you to dump that dog.
2) NOV–DOWN $2.35/share to around $80.22.
Think I’m gonna splurge today on some High Octane!!
Rog–Do you need a loan??
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Any kind of Dem majority in the Senate means Lieberman is out of the Democratic caucus.
Everyone knows it especially Lieberman who made his bed long ago.
Of course, it’s a given Barack takes the prize in November.
Lieberman has been talking shit about Obama to Jewish voters in Florida.
Florida’s a longshot for Barack but some effort should be made to help Jewish voters who know better to push back against that fear-mongering B.S. from Lieberman.
McCain now ranks as the #1 most absent senator of the 110th Congress, having missed 61.8 percent of the votes. He even beats Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD), who took several months off while recovering from a brain hemorrhage. In fact, he hasn’t actually voted on anything in the Senate since April 8. Important votes missed include the economic stimulus package and “at least seven votes of prominence on Iraq.” McCain also hasn’t been present for any of the six votes on the housing bill (HR 3221) in the past month, even though he’s now criticizing Congress for recessing without resolving the bill.
Of course, at his advanced age I’m not surprised that he likes to take considerable time off. Maybe he should retire.
Honestly, you guys are going to try to claim that Obama “flip-flops?” Really? Ok, live by the sword, die by the sword.
1. McCain was for kicking Russia out of the G8 before he was against it.
2. McCain supported moving “towards normalization of relations” with Cuba. Now he believes the opposite.
3. McCain believed the U.S. should engage in diplomacy with Hamas. Now he believes the opposite.
4. McCain believed the U.S. should engage in diplomacy with Syria. Now he believes the opposite.
5. McCain is both for and against a “rogue state rollback” as a focus of his foreign policy vision.
6. McCain used to champion the Law of the Sea convention, even volunteering to testify on the treaty’s behalf before a Senate committee. Now he opposes it.
Steve Benen has these and 55 more.
All we need to do to get rid of Lieberman is run a real progressive Democrat who happens to be Jewish. Bye Bye Joe.
Why Mr. Cynical at 2, you’re welcome for those stock picks. :)
I’m making money on the dips, too. ICO and JRCC both have netted big gains in the last couple of days.
I agree with you on the BOOM. When Rog recommended it I looked a the chart – scary. Lower Highs and Lower Lows means a trend. And unless you’re shorting that stock it’s not a friendly trend.
If the Republicans stop telling lies about Obama, maybe we will stop telling the truth about them.
Expect Lieberman to have a big place in the Republican convention. If he’s not the keynote speaker, then he will be the guy who introduces McCain. That will be the end for him as part of the Democratic caucus.
Florida is a state in quite a bit of flux now. It seems that the hispanic population is beginning to trend towards Obama, reversing a 45-year monopoly by the Republicans. Younger Hispanics are looking at their own future in America, rather than empty Republican promises that one day the Republicans will help overthrow Castro and return them to prominant positions in Cuba. With Castro retiring, the Republican cold-war erapolicy against Cuba seems more and more irrelevant.
John McCain has an economic “plan.” At least, he says he has a plan. Where I come from, a plan consists of setting a goal, outlining the steps one will take to reach the goal, determining how to measures progress toward the goal, and contingency actions in case various foreseeable risks occur.
Where John McCain comes from, it seems more like a “plan” consists of setting a goal, oulining steps that will do nothing to advance one toward the goal, then insisting publicly that it all makes sense while a compliant press agrees.
For example, John McCain says he wants to “balance the budget” (I do not think those words mean what he thinks they mean), and that he want to do so in large part by cutting taxes and incresing military spending. Um, hello? Earth to McCain!
McCain would “phase out and eliminate” a provision of the tax code known as the alternative minimum tax, which has caught up a growing number of middle-class Americans in recent years, and he says that repealing this tax “will save middle-class families nearly $60 billion in a single year.” That is $60 billion that would presumably not then be available to the Treasury. Also, he wants to extend the so-called Bush tax cuts, scheduled to expire by Jan. 1, 2011 (scheduled to expire so that their true cost could be minimized when they were originally trying to pass them). In January, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that extending the Bush tax cuts would cost more than $700 billion in the next five years.
So, if my grade school math hasn’t failed me, 60 x 5 = 300 (billion), and 300 + 500 = 800 (billion), which means that these two actions alone will reduce revenues over five years by nearly a trillion dollars ($800 billion). Or $160 billion in further deficit spending a year. From only two of his economic proposals. And we’re still not talking about the off-the-budget spending on Iraq and Afghanistan.
How does McCain cut spending? He doesn’t say. He says he wants to keep the annual growth in spending at 2.4% annually or less (it’s been more like 6+% annually for the last, um, eight). So because growth is, you know, growth, he’s not going to cut spending.
Again, grade-school math. Cut-taxes + spending-continues-to-grow = bigger deficits. Not a balanced budget. More debt, just like George Bush.
McCain’s the wrong man for the job, because he doesn’t even understand the job.
John McCain supported and cheered on our invasion of Iraq. McCain co-sponsored the Authorization For Use of Military Force Against Iraq resolution that got us in there (Obama voted against it).
John McCain STILL thinks the invasion of Iraq was a good idea.
John McCain believed, and said, that “the Iraqi people will greet us as liberators.”
John McCain said that Iraqi oil reserves would cover the cost of war.
John McCain said he doesn’t mind American troops staying in Iraq for 100 years (plus however long we have to occupy their country before US casualties are reduced to zero).
On this, the most important foreign policy question of our time, and in the very area where John McCain has insisted that he possesses superior qualifications (as opposed to the many where he has no knowledge or qualifications at all, such as the economy), John McCain has been completely and consistently wrong for the last six years.
Why doesn’t McCain say where he is going to cut spending? Because he knows that’s the sure way NOT to get election.
As Reagan’s first budget director, Stockman, said in his book, the Republican smug belief that the federal budget could easily be cut simply by eliminating “fraud and waste” turned out to be nonsense. Jimmy Carter had already cut the budget to the bone, charging visitors to White House breakfasts for their meals, and cutting janitorial service to offices to once every two weeks (those were the first things the Republicans reversed once in office).
Eventually they had to settle for trivial matters, such as trying to save some spare change from the federal school lunch program for students from poor families by calling ketsup a “vegitable”. In the end, budgets were prepared based upon what everybody understood to be completely unrealistic “rosy scenarios” of future economic growth, for the sole purpose of making it look like the budget would be balanced sometime in the distant future, despite the massive Reagan tax cuts.
In the end, the budget wasn’t balanced until 2000, after taxes were increased under the Bush I administration. Of course, the Republicans ruined a decade’s worth of fiscal disclipline within a short time, leaving massive deficits and added federal debt for the next President.
Of course, whether tax cuts are a good idea or not isn’t something you will ever find out from John McCain. He’s flip-flopped on this issue so many times, even the conservatives are worried. They plan to make keeping the Bush tax cuts permanant such a basic part of the Republican platform that McCain won’t have room to wiggle out of it.
Of course, McCain doesn’t plan to wiggle out of it. Everybody knows the tax cuts will have to expire. Even the Republicans hope they do. They just want it to happen in a way so they can blame the Democratic Congress for it.
“We will not accept any memorandum of understanding if it does not give a specific date for a complete withdrawal of foreign troops,” Iraqi national security adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie told reporters in Iraq’s holy city of Najaf.
Don’t they know they’re just giving in to
the terroriststhe Iraqi people?Joe Lieberman lacks principles, integrity, and self-awareness. He is a pompous piece of shit who fails to represent the good people of Connecticut, who are overwhelmingly Democratic. If not for his pathological arrogance, he would have taken his loss in the ’06 Democratic primary with dignity and returned to private life. Joe’s ego, however, precluded such grace. It is telling that McCain would so warmly embrace the support of such a piece of shit.
15 rhp
The tax increase under Bush I were just to barely keep the deficit from blowing up completely into $500-600 billion annually. It wasn’t until the Democrats (without a single Republican) passed another tax increase in 1993 that we started getting on track toward balancing the budget.
Of course the Republicans predicted economic doom and gloom when the 1993 tax bill passed, but instead we had record growth (longest economic expansion in American history) and unemployment rates so low it forced economists to rethink their models. The previous models of so-called “full employment” never visualized unemployment rates lower than 5%, but the Clinton economy just blew through that.
I think we should lock Joe Lieberman in a room with Zell Miller.
That’s all. Just lock them in a room.
Geez… a guy thinks for himself and doesn’t follow a party line. Actually a breath of fresh air.
21 H
AND he lies to his constituents! He actually ran on an antiwar platform to blur the differences between he and his Democratic opponent–even though he knew he was running with Republican (pro-war) money and receiving almost exlusively Republican (pro-war) votes. He got more Republican votes than the Republican in the race, which is how badly the Republicans wanted to beat Ned Lamont.
Joe Lieberman is not “a guy who thinks for himself,” he’s a guy who sold himself to the other side in return for six more years in the Senate. What a guy. A real role model.
By the way, I just finished reading “The Candy Bombers”, a book about the Berlin airlift that my daughter got me for Father’s Day. A very interesting book about an era that is glossed over in history studies too much – 1945 through 1948.
One of the things that struck me was that the first priorities of the Republican Congress was to pass a tax cut early in 1948. At the time, the U.S. military was pretty much dismantled already, with only one combat division in Europe. Truman, a proponant of fiscal discipline, insisted that the budget be cut accordingly.
Very shortly therafter, the Soviets made their move in Eastern Europe: a coup in Checkoslovakia, and an attempted takeover of the civilian government of Berlin. Then they cut the roads to the western sector of Berlin, known thereafter as the “Blockade of Berlin”. This was ultimately defeated by the previously unheard-of feat of supplying the entire city by air with everything from food to medicine to coal – albiet in starvation rations. Once the airlift proved the ability to supply the city through the summer, the Soviets abandoned the blockade in May 1949.
Through the worst of the crisis, Truman was expected to lose the election. He was hit by defections from the left (an independent run by former vice-President Wallace), and from the right (the defection of southern Democrats under Montgomery’s Bull Conner). Through the election, the Republicans blamed Truman for the crisis. But never ONCE did they suggest repealing their tax cuts in order to increase the size of the military.
Daddy Love @ 15: I thought there was another tax increase during the Clinton years, but my memory was so fuzzy on the details I decided not to bring it up.
Like most things in life, there is a perfect balance to be achieved. Too little taxes means a sacrifice in public investment in both people and infrastructure, low taxes with continued higher spending results in deficits which cause other problems (higher interest rates, stagflation, etc.). Taxes which are too high distort investment decision-making. Radical change, too often, also tends to cause decision-making to be deferred.
The Republicans have proven that they don’t know how to reach the right balance. Their philosophy that every tax is theft from their own pocketbooks has proven that they don’t know the first thing about responsible government for the good of the people as a whole. They simply can’t be trusted to reach the proper balance. Time to let the adults back in charge.
DL @ 18:
Amen, Blogger.
I wish the Democrats would jump on the “history train” and make a commercial highlighting the economic conditions of the late 80’s early 90’s, recessions, economic woes, etc., then cut in clips of Republicans saying how a tax increase will hurt the economy. Followed by clips of the stock market gains, etc. Then close with McSame saying “raising taxes” will kill the economy . . .
Oh Pleaseeeeeeee. I heard Obama today on TV swearing that he WOULD NOT RAISE TAXES of any type, capital gain, income, or otherwise on anyone who had less than $250,000 in income.
I must admit I wasn’t reading his lips, but I did watch them move to that answer.
The big winner today in the financial market is easy… Rush’s 400 million contract over 8 years. I wonder how many liberals it would take to make that much…. wait their drivel loses money.. Nevermind. roof roof
Ahhhhh It looks like that huricane will miss the US. I guess we will have to wait for those six 2006 huricanes afterall.
9. GBS spews:
“Why Mr. Cynical at 2, you’re welcome for those stock picks. :)
I’m making money on the dips, too. ICO and JRCC both have netted big gains in the last couple of days.”
My broker is calling me early AM tomorrow.
I’m starting to feel a bit greedy on JRCC.
I really don’t like short-selling…because I’m such a positive Wingnut!! But buying on dips has been profitable here….not my long-term investor style though.
I’ll let you know what my broker says.
This is just a hunch, but if Clear Channel made a eight year contract they obviously don’t care abuot the fairness doctrine. Will the Rush Limbaugh show become the Rush News hour back to back to back(News programs are exempt from the fairness doctrine). We will see.
Rush has more truth in his first 10 minutes than the entire MSM has in the whole day. It may make news trustworthy again.
Holy Cow… The Democrat congress approval rating is now single digits. hehehehehehe Well you democrats are better in one thing. hahahahaha
26 GS
My understanding is that under Barack Obama’s plan most people who make less thatn $250K will receive a tax cut. I’m not sure about the SS cap lift.
Hey, if you have actual facts at your disposal that would indicate something more meaty than “pleeeease” you might consider sharing said facts with us all. We’re waiting. I’m guessing that you DON’T have anything more meaty than “pleeeease” in your little arsenal of vitriol.
Well he said it today, specifically there would be no Payroll tax hikes, of which Social Security is surely one unless one does not know what the definition of is is, on anyone making less than $250,000.
In the statement I heard him make today on National TV, said “”Unless your income is $250,000 he would not raise your Income tax, Payroll Tax, Capital Gains Tax or any other tax.
Reminds me of Gregoire in the 2004 election.
As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about. As long as I get my tax cut that’s all I care about. Just gimme my tax cut. That’s all I care about.
About 18% ahead of 3rd place obama.
I wonder why mccain missed so much.
Marv the child molester – do you always try to justify the poor quality of your representation by comparing to others? Did you teach your kids it’s okay to rob a bank because someone else did it?
Fact is – in this and so many other categories – your guy is LAST. If our guy is one better – that’s one better than YOUR GUY who sucks.
Get used to looooosing.
As to what caused 1,203 year old McCain to miss that’s easy. He’s got Ronnie Ray Gun disease and just forgot!
re 27: That’s a lot of green for a PRODUCER that only produces hot air.
How long will it take for his advertisers to realize that the average listener to Rush Limbaugh can only afford trinkets.
39 It’s also quite bizarre, considering that Clear Channel has made a name for itself putting thousands of people in the radio business out of work.
We just sold JRCC for $43.30…bought @ $38.50
Another $4,800
Added to the other 2 trades
Profit ==$10,350 in 3 days.
Thanks again for turning my eyes towards this one!
Too bad your fellow Lefty’s waste all their time on unprofitable BS
Oh well…it’s easier to complain than get educated & make money.