I wrote a shit-ton of posts, the election didn’t go so well, and my daughter, alas, grew yet another year closer toward adulthood. Other than that, 2010 was mostly a blur.
I wrote a shit-ton of comments kicking wingnut ass, the election didn’t go so well, and I made a 20.51% return on my investments. Oh well, two out of three isn’t so bad.
I wrote a shit-ton of comments, made 50% on Gold and Silver, dems got their ass kicked, and Obama blew 4 trillion in 2 years. All our grandchildren will be born with massive debts. Thanks Omama
PS come back from your lavish vacations when you get a chance and start cutting…
proud leftistspews:
You forgot to add that your slide into dementia continued unabated.
2 –
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c datetime:bw~2010,handle:eq~ld -C
| count |
| 144 |
1 row in set
Through the end of Nov., i.e. one month shy of a “shit-ton”. A happy Dino Lossi year no doubt.
In contrast:
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c datetime:bw~2010,handle:eq~’Roger Rabbit’ -C
| count |
| 4580 |
1 row in set
In ld(iot)’s reckoning that’s many “shit-tons” and it doesn’t even include December. Congrats on your portfolio performance Roger Rabbit. You may be a rabbit but you invest like a hedgehog. Long term results beating the volatile short term gains of the mindless herd.
The election didn’t go so well – we got gridlock. A lump of coal in anyone’s stocking.
But Dino Lossi’d, the state legislature stayed in halfway sane hands, the ugly Mitch McConnell is still MINORITY leader in the U.S. Senate and Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina pissed away tons of cash proving you can’t buy everything.
In the New Year I’m expecting things to brighten up some in areas other than politics especially the economy – that’s got to change.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Not a bad year on the investment front. Made 12.43% on the investments. Things are looking up!
Yes and Gregoire can cut her budget thanks to Tim Eyman and the sane voters of this state. Did I mention the Congress
Don’t be too wistful about children growing up. One day they turn 21, and then you have a new drinking buddy. Happy New Year.
Paddy Macspews:
Costco, it now appears, doesn’t own the state of Washington. I got mad at the Obama man. Then I went to RedState and saw that they were even madder at McConnell, Boehner, Cantor & Co. That confused me. And it spooked me how much they sounded just like the pie fight on Daily Kos. The lame duck was a typical reporter 10 minutes before deadline. The Tea Partay was co-opted more times than One-Eyed Nancy in Lynnwood. Now in Olympia they’re handing out hatchets in lieu of meds. That’ll teach us.
@2 I don’t recall seeing you bitch about borrow-and-spend Republicans racking up deficits and public debt. Hypocrite.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 No.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Yup, read about that. Teahaddists PUNK’d again by their own gullible stupidity.
And what’s most pathetic is that someone on the anti-Islamic center Facebook page brags that he “eats people like that for breakfast” (meaning Justin Bieber) Real tough guy of the right. Pathetic.
Proud to be an Assspews:
@2: Wow. You turned $100 into $150 buying stuff from the Franklin Mint. Sheer financial genius.
Proud to be an Assspews:
@18 follow up: Watch that buy-sell spread. It’s a killer! Maybe that will get you even for the losses you racked up on those Tommy Kincaid paintings in your rec room.
re 12: “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth is revolutionary.”
George Orwell
harry poonspews:
re 21: Your remarks are becoming mysterious in their obtusity.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Puddy’s favrit story was Clay “V for Vendetta” Duke, motivated to raging hatred by Media Matters (Media Morons) funded by George Soros, walking into the Panama City School Board Meeting and firing his pistol like a good liberal would, missing the target at point blank range. Puddy glad he missed but his death is on Media Morons and George Soros head! Not many stories on right wing peeps going off like that but many leftist thoughts on Tea Party members who haven’t pulled a stunt like the Media Moron fueled hatred of Clay Duke.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Did hairy poon actually say anything useful today? No your Honor!
The Prosecution Rests!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Hey Proud he’s an ASS,
George Soros bought millions in gold in September, much to ylb’s chagrin since Soros is ylb’s hero. Soros probably listened to Glenn Beck telling him to buy gold through GoldLine.
@9 +1
I’d write my own send off for 2010 but you nailed it. You even included Red State and Daily Kos to help us remember the larger than life hysterical fringe that surrounded everything political this year.
Spew on Paddy Mac!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh my, that was such a “biting” criticism on Christie.
26 – zzzzZZZZzzz.. An investor puts his money on whatever play he thinks will bring the highest return. If you listen to Beck you’ll be bamboozled in to believing whatever some hustler at Goldline tells you.
You can be sure Soros ain’t buying that bullshit!
Happy New Year chump!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Henry Waxman drinks? When did this happen?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
fat loud-mouthed bully like Christie
Ahh going Chris Matthews eh dumb brick ylb? Yes, Chris Christie holding peeps accountable.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
An investor puts his money on whatever play he thinks will bring the highest return. If you listen to Beck you’ll be bamboozled in to believing whatever some hustler at Goldline tells you.
Oh my Puddy sees you jump like a dog smelling his own crap when Soros’ name appears! How much has gold increased in value ylb? Remember the Weiner Attack? That was an EPIC FAIL!
Happy New Year to all including the databaze keepa!
Heh. I love how that fat loud mouth Christie screamed his head off for Meg Whitman. Lot of good he did for that lost cause!
Here’s to that stupid carrying over into the New Year!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey all you Republican troll shitheads, Happy New Year!!! The House of Representatives, with its budget-writing authority, is now yours … so from here on, you OWN the deficit and public debt. Have fun.
YLB is probably buying California State Muni bonds to hold for his retirement, a bankrupt lib state.
13 Yes I know how state guv works, it sucks you dry, keeps looking for more $$ to P away, and produces nothing at all.
38 Rog, Can you exist without your Pers 1 pension increases every year, get used to it, it will soon all be gone….have to go back to will writing for old folks soon.
PS I know a bit about those kind of guv lawyers, I produced case law in this state regarding Elder individuals being screwed by a city of Renton attorney who was writing wills for his councilman’s elder friends, without their knowledge. In the end justice was served, and that councilman and his F’n crooked City attorney got their hat handed to them in a basket. But their kids learned from the parents how to steal estates from elder people, so they still work the magic…
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Once again all can see the progressive hatred carried over from 2010 to 2011 by the HA resident dumb brick ylb. Since he has nothing on Chris Christie he goes the Chris Matthews way and calls the man a “fat loud-mouthed bully”. Of course there is no evidence of this from ylb. No link. No policy. Just hatred like always. The funny thing is Christie is one of the few accountable politicians in either party and that must really mess with the dumb brick ylb’s head. Well any fact not found in a kook-aid site will scramble the dumb brick ylb’s head.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
How do you know the HA dumb brick ylb has lost another argument with his insipid commentary? The dumb brick ylb repeats the same commentary already discredited months ago. Kind of like what Roger Dumb Rabbit does with his continual repetition of the $900 Billion in “lost” revenue argument by keeping all tax rates the same when CNN Money destroyed that argument last month.
Remember your first GoldLine attack dumb brick ylb? Butt you didn’t stop. You kept it up all through the summer using the Anthony Small Weiner GoldLine attack. Yet GoldLine still has their A+ BBB rating. You went more ape in this thread. Now you’ve gone off the deep end above. While you were still acting ape, Soros already bought $millions in gold and you never saw it coming. Why? You sit at home all day while others are working hard screen scraping all the latest crap from kook-aid sites so you never learn anything useful for argument purposes. Yet you use some stupid sun “moving through the sky” analogy. Yes, the sun rises and sets each day and your hero Soros uses that time trying to destroy the American economy. The man the dumb brick ylb hero worships recently said
“Today, China has not only a more vigorous economy, but actually a better functioning government than the United States,”
Way to go libtardo. Soros is dissing the Odumba Administration, the man he personally helped erect, the man many prominent leftists called “the messiah” in 2008. The man who famously said
Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.
Those are whom you worship dumb brick ylb. Remember the 2007 link Puddy placed with Soros cheer leading for Odumba? Look it up fool. Now we see Soros is knee-capping Odumba and gang. And the dumb brick ylb keeps worshiping Soros.
Get help dumb brick ylb.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
so from here on, you OWN the deficit and public debt.
Once again Roger Dumb Rabbit is wrong. Wasn’t it you who once said
Your organ grinder monkey started this war, recession, and deficit. Republicans start things they can’t finish. Democrats clean up the messes Republicans makes.
Such progressive hatred. Calling Bush a monkey. You and the dumb brick ylb. So now Republicans are tasked to clean up the Odumba Sadministration crapola, like their claim unemployment would never top 8% with the Porkulus Spending Bill and then the later Porkulus II, and the real mess left by congressional DUMBOCRATS.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Hey Goldy, here’s another year in review comment… Now why wasn’t that in Goldy’s year in review? And it’s standard MSM too so the dumb brick ylb has no useful retort.
Or maybe you can look at “the most ethical administration in history” and how many whack-job leftists Odumba made as appointments bypassing the DUMBOCRATIC Senate. Odumba made 28 recess appointments in 2010 including these whackjobs: James Cole, Donald Berwick, and Craig Becker. Bush made 23 total for the first two years of his administration. Now why wasn’t this in Goldy’s year in review?
Clay Duke, a progressive leftist who was driven to his pathological hatred to personally attack the Panama City School Board in Florida with a gun by the progressive whack-jobs at Media Matters. Now why wasn’t that in Goldy’s year in review?
Paul Krugman talked positively about death panels on a national TV Sunday morning pundit show. Yet, this congressional DUMBOCRAT doesn’t want to discuss death panels. Wait a minute… HA progressives attacked Sarah Palin when she correctly mentioned this “provision” in the original bill and now it seems it’s back. Now why wasn’t that in Goldy’s year in review?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Oh God, the idiot is back…
So Pud, I haven’t seen you post since I schooled you here. And here and here.
As you recall, you were (incoherently) raving about wanting the people interested in halting global warming to have to live in the jungle, or something – it’s always hard with you and your “logic”. But you’d been throwing bricks, as usual, and I very civilly asked you your thoughts like this:
With regard to energy policy and carbon emissions and climate change, the status quo seems disastrous. Do you not agree, Pud?
Shouldn’t we – as a nation and as world-citizens – plan and engineer a way to alter the way the world economy is powered? You don’t deny that we’re running out of oil, do you? You don’t deny that human-derived greenhouse gasses are altering the climate, do you? You don’t deny that the boatloads of dollars that we ship to the oil-producers are impoverishing us as we fund the very people dedicated to the destruction of the US, do you?
If you agree with any of this, then what do you propose we do?
You, of course, disappeared after that. You never took the opportunity to respond with your well-considered thoughts. So, I ask again, what’s your answer?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Europe approved the drug Avastin to fight advanced breast cancer in wimens. Odumba’s FDA rejected the use of the same drug Avastin to fight advanced breast cancer in wimins. The FDA rationale? They claimed Avastin is expensive. They claimed “a sufficient benefit in slowing disease progression to outweigh the significant risk to patients.” Europe disagreed. Where is Brenda Helversen or Sarah or Sarge or Tlazoteotl or many of the other leftist wimens wondering about this “death panel” decision? If Mrs Puddy had breast cancer Puddy would want the best drugs available.
In a joint letter to the FDA and key lawmakers, two organizations — Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance— urge that Avastin continue to be approved for metastatic breast cancer patients and warn of the message this “decision sends about drug development for women with advanced breast cancer.”
Puddy happily gives time and money to Susan G Komen for the Cure. Now why wasn’t this in Goldy’s year in review?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Umm little mental twerp Lib UnScientist,
Puddy doesn’t answer to every whim of yours. You schooled Puddy? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Look how stupid your argument is just from your first link…
On the one hand, you rail against liberals who advocate policies of progressive taxation and other egalitarian policies that have the effect of minimizing wealth disparities – class warfare as your compatriots on the right might call it.
On the other hand, with these posts you complain that people on the left who are concerned about climate change (and not that all the people attending climate conferences are on the left, by any means) are elitists who want to live the good life, and in order to do so, demand that others must live lives of deprivation.
You seem to forget the actual words and deeds of the elite leftists who rail on the common folk for their CO2 emissions. This is why you are so stupid to many people here. It’s the same leftists who want higher taxes are the same ones who wastefully use their largess to travel around in large CO2 producing boats, CO2 producing SUVs and fly private CO2 producing airplanes. Puddy gave you Robert Kennedy Jr, who as a green advocate takes his private jets and uses large CO2 producing SUVs. Puddy gave you John Effin Kerry who uses 7 large CO2 producing SUVs and tried to escape Massachusetts taxes by mooring his super expensive CO2 producing boat in Rhode Island. Puddy gave you Al Gore who at the latest conference left his CO2 producing limo running for an hour so it would be air conditioned cool when he left. Oh remember Al Gore’s electric utility bill for his expensive Tennessee house? Or how about Barbara Streisand who got pissed off when Google placed her CA estate on Google maps? Then we learn she has a man made waterfall on her property and she has a big utility bill each month. Or how about John Green Edwards and his 28K square foot house and otehr covered buildings and all his CO2 producing SUVs? And this fool Unscientist claims to school Puddy. All those examples have links previously left on this blog. Puddy won’t even venture or look at the other two since you got SMACKED so badly on that one Unscientist.
See ya!
Liberal Scientistspews:
Puddy’s favrit story was Clay “V for Vendetta” Duke
What kind of monster are you? This man’s story is utter tragedy of a poor and mentally ill man snapping.
Kindly provide the link to the Soros connection with this incident – or was that another Beckian fever dream?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Typical vituperation.
Puddy doesn’t answer to every whim of yours.
Of course you don’t. You don’t engage in argument. You’re the weird weird guy from across the street or the apartment down the hall that crashes the party, takes a dump on the coffee table, and runs out laughing HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
From the thread where this was originally discussed:
At the next environmentalist whack-job conference the whack-job attendees are whisked away to a secret location. These environmentist whack-jobs are put in the hot jungle under tents with no lights, no running water, no toilet facilities just porta-potties, a wood fire pit with some pots and pans, no air conditioning, and have them fend for themselves. They want to tell the world how to live but fly in their private airplanes, live large in their 5-10,000 sq ft homes and drive SUV vehicles.
Merry CHRISTmas
You were advocating that people attending environmental conferences be kidnapped and subject to torture and deprivation. This was not some critique of wealthy ‘leftists’ and hypocrisy (which might have even had some merit). No, you were railing against a whole class of people – those with a different agenda than you – and wishing violence on them. Typical sick right-wing fantasies of grotesque torture.
I say again, what kind of monster are you?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Odumba’s FDA rejected the use of the same drug Avastin to fight advanced breast cancer in wimins.
Once again you demonstrate your misapprehension of complex topics. And your link is to a palpably hostile screed against “ObamaCare” from Investors Business Daily – politically motivated to attack Democrats and promote pharmaceutical companies.
Avastin is fabulously expensive, as are most biologics.
It has potentially serious side effects.
It has not been shown to prolong survival in patients with metastatic breast cancer.
An advisory panel has voted 12 to 1 to recommend that the FDA remove the advanced breast cancer indication from bevacizumab (Avastin), after two large clinical trials failed to demonstrate a clinically meaningful benefit of the drug, which carries serious side effects.
Here’s some popular press (NYT) about Avastin, which includes:
Articles in this series will explore medical treatments used despite scant proof they work and will consider steps toward medicine based on evidence.
And despite its price, which can reach $100,000 a year, Avastin has become one of the most popular cancer drugs in the world, with sales last year of about $3.5 billion, $2.3 billion of that in the United States.
Studies show the drug prolongs life by only
a few months, if that.
If Mrs Puddy had breast cancer Puddy would want the best drugs available.
I don’t think you’re qualified to make that determination.
And you comment includes:
“death panel”
which immediately impeaches your credibility, which I think was, um, thin, to begin with.
Liberal Scientistspews:
When dealing with Puddy, and others of his ilk, this could be an invaluable resource.
(I’m not sure, did Goldy link to this already? I saw it earlier in the week, and Darksyde over at DailyKos linked to it again today.)
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Man if Lib Unscientist ever paid attention to the details he’d be almost useful in a knife fight. Clay Duke was a lover of Media Matters and other progressive sites. he readily admitted to loving Media Morons. They were on his blog page before it was taken down. Puddy placed links on HA last month to this fact. Media Matters is a George Soros funded web site. And you are as stupid as ever.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
You were advocating that people attending environmental conferences be kidnapped and subject to torture and deprivation.
Where moron? Nope you Dope, another of your useless fantasies.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
If Mrs Puddy had breast cancer Puddy would want the best drugs available.
I don’t think you’re qualified to make that determination.
So you’re qualified to tell Puddy what Mrs Puddy should get?
You’re CRAZY!
Zotz sez: The microchip in Klynical's ass was transmitting 6... 6... 6...spews:
@51: Dammit! Saw that at PZ’s playhouse and was gonna share it when we “study the bible” on Sunday.
It says it’s for xtrians, but it adapts well to assessing the value of just about any wingnut interaction.
Pretty much screens out any of the pointless and pathetic trolls here.
I marvel at your patience with Pudpuller.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Ahhh yes like minds of the feather flock together over at the Daily Kooks website first thing New Years Day.
Typical So Typical.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Lib Unscientist,
Using the NY Times as a source for agreement with Odumba’s Sadministration? The slobbering lovers of Odumba actions?
42 – What a stupid fool always dribbling at mouth on cue from the silliness of a flim-flam man like Beck.
Beck says “puppet-master” and the fool repeats it here.
Beck says “Goldline” and right wing fools get sold junk coins.
Pavlov means what it has always meant with the Beck worshipper in chief of these comment threads – projection..
This moron is always the first to whimper
not a single word about the gaggle of rich right wing assholes who fund his favorite propaganda that he mainlines like a wretched junk fiend. I’ve repeated their names many times.
Happy New Year CHUMP!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Really Lib Unscientist, Investors Business Daily? Where do you get your information from? Daily Kooks?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh dumb brick ylb,
Still haven’t given any concrete evidence to any of your latest screams! Pavlov? Stealing another Puddyism? You never have an original thought! You prove it from the stuff you leave here from kook-aid sites!
If Mrs Puddy had breast cancer Puddy would want the best drugs available.
I don’t think you’re qualified to make that determination.
So you’re qualified to tell Puddy what Mrs Puddy should get?
You’re CRAZY!
I did not say that I was qualified to determine what drugs should be used with breast cancer should (please never) Mrs. Puddy have breast cancer. I said you were not qualified to determine that.
The larger point was that you railed on (driven by ideologic right-wing screed IBD) about how “Obamacare” “death panels” were depriving American women of necessary drugs for breast cancer That is not happening. I tried to point out some of the complexities associated with using biologicals (about which I do have expertise), including safety, cost, and in this case apparent lack of meaningful clinical effect, in the hope that you might grasp some of these subtleties. Alas.
About as credible as Birther News Daily who the Beck worshiper in Chief has mainlined many times.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Really Lib Unscientist, Investors Business Daily? Where do you get your information from? Daily Kooks?
You linked IBD – to a screed that was manifest political propaganda against Obama and in defense of pharmaceutical companies.
What is your point?!
Liberal Scientistspews:
Using the NY Times as a source
some popular press (NYT) about Avastin
Yes, as I said, “popular press” – it aims for a general audience. I thought that scholarly references would be inappropriate in this venue. And I used it to document, among others, the cost of the drug, which I believe they got right.
What is your point?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Where moron? Nope you Dope, another of your useless fantasies.
Here, Pud, your words:
At the next environmentalist whack-job conference the whack-job attendees are whisked away to a secret location (ed: rendition). These environmentist whack-jobs are put in the hot jungle under tents with no lights, no running water, no toilet facilities just porta-potties, a wood fire pit with some pots and pans, no air conditioning, and have them fend for themselves.
Sounds like kidnapping/rendition followed by deprivation and torture to me.
Where do you people dream up these violent fantasies? And why?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Puddy doesn’t answer to every whim of yours.
Come on Pud, what are you afraid of?
You were the one starting the rant about climate conference attendees on the other thread – and I simply asked a follow up question, with the hopes of sparking a discussion:
With regard to energy policy and carbon emissions and climate change, the status quo seems disastrous. Do you not agree, Pud?
Shouldn’t we – as a nation and as world-citizens – plan and engineer a way to alter the way the world economy is powered? You don’t deny that we’re running out of oil, do you? You don’t deny that human-derived greenhouse gasses are altering the climate, do you? You don’t deny that the boatloads of dollars that we ship to the oil-producers are impoverishing us as we fund the very people dedicated to the destruction of the US, do you?
If you agree with any of this, then what do you propose we do?
Why won’t you answer, Pud? Are you pissed about being dogged about the Emperor Penguins, still?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Did you follow Pud’s linky?
The article was jaw-dropping – it really was unvarnished propaganda.
I mean, if Pud wants to discuss pharmaceutical regulation and the studies that need to demonstrate efficacy and safety, great. Or the thorny question of integrating cost issues into that regulatory framework, also great – these are important topics.
However, I think he’s only out to derail others’ conversations and drops loads in the middle of the living room.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Yeah, it’s a great chart. I love how it totally undermines the nasty and dishonest behavior of folks like our trolls Pyd and Cyn and the rest.
(Did I read correctly that Mr. Cynical wrote a GBCW comment the other day? Think he’ll stick to it?)
I looked at that examiner bullshit that Puddybud linked to.
Shorter right wing bullshit:
When medicare/medicaid decide not to pay for something when resources are limited that’s a “death panel”.
When the “free market” does the same thing to line an executive’s pocket – well that’s ok.
The depravity of the bullshit this fool mainlines is mind-boggling.
Liberal Scientistspews:
There’s the depravity of propaganda outlets like IBD, which is expected, they’re in it for the $$$.
But the motivation for foot soldiers like Pudster and the Teahaddists elude me. It seems that unless you’re both part of the upper 0.5% who are materially advanced by the Republican agenda and are without commitment to your nation/community/humanity, then it makes no rational sense to support the insanity that Pud regularly spews here.
I hate to resort to asserting insanity as the core motivation of an adversary (seems intellectually lazy), but what are we left with?
This is someone willing to believe that the earth is 6000 years old. Manifest fantasy. I don’t want to beat that horse too much, but for me it does get to his ability to self-delude, to replace observation and rational thought with a tribal or ideology-driven set of received beliefs.
I think his obsession with George Soros is emblematic of that received wisdom – he’s clearly listening and internalizing Glenn Beck – which is a terrifying thought. That some people can be so easily deluded gives me great pause, and I despair for us as a people.
And it’s dated August! Got to get with the program Pud – this is old news your dumping around here.
Though is seem that the Fox mothership was trotting out “Death Panels” again just two days ago.
Oh, and look here – just the day prior it breaks that Republicans focusing on “Death Panels” for 2011. How interesting that Fox runs with it the next day.
And Pud is shitting comments about “Death Panels” and Avandia here just days later. He sure is a good Teahaddists – does just what he’s told to do. Just like these guys.
Liberal Scientistspews:
From my last link in the post above:
But it’s a depressing experience, as instead of contesting the issues I raise, many of those who disagree bombard me with infantile abuse, or just keep repeating a fiction, however often you discredit it. This ensures that an intelligent discussion is almost impossible – which appears to be the point.
Sound like anyone we know?
Liberal Scientistspews:
WOW, it’s uncanny:
There are trolls who try to make the comment thread seem an unwelcome place to visit: “You know obviously Anonymous at 3:45 is an ignorant inbred moron who probably wishes his mother had aborted him because he doesn’t even respect his OWN God given right to exist. Communist liberal, Christian hating scum!”
Read the whole thing.
The problem is, the tealiban fascisti cannot internalize the fact that just because a company says something, it does not make it a fact.
They act like the company that is advertising something, to do a certain thing what ever that may be, cannot possibly be using false information or lying about the product. Companies lie all the time. If Macd’s started advertising that their greasiest fattiest burger was the ultimate health food, they would believe it. If a company that manufactures drugs says that that drug would be effective for certain diseases or afflictions, they believe it, unquestioningly.
Get this fascists. think about this for just a few moments of your time:
You are not allowed to manufacture false medicines. You are not allowed to fabricate test results in research. You are not allowed to make false claims about any product you manufacture, PERIOD.
Such things are illegal for a goddamn good reason. Jesus H Christ, they tried to legalize Thalidomide just a few years ago. I believe they would love to return to the days of patent medicines, snake oil and laudanum and such.
They really are the idiot set. The morons who would rather just “let the market decide.” Even if it means fraud, mass deaths or serious harm to people.
It’s fucking insane.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 “Can you exist without your Pers 1 pension increases every year, get used to it, it will soon all be gone”
This is typical of the igorant falsehoods you spew here. I have NEVER gotten a “Pers 1 pension increase” — my monthly pension check is exactly the same amount it was the day I retired 8 1/2 years ago. The only thing that has changed is the prices of everything I have to buy — in particular, my monthly premiums for my non-subsidized, non-state-supported retiree health insurance are now double what I originally paid when I retired.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 “Once again all can see the progressive hatred carried over from 2010 to 2011”
You mean as in comment #40?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “Calling Bush a monkey.”
I was trying to be kind. Calling him a “monkey” instead of a “war criminal” lets him off the hook by imputing his actions to stupidity instead of criminal intent.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sheesh. When you try to be nice to Republicans they hate you for it. There’s no pleasing those guys.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 “Europe approved the drug Avastin to fight advanced breast cancer in wimens.”
Now we know how little Putz respects half the human race.
Liberal Scientistspews:
DF @ 76
I totally agree with your position. However, thalidomide is actually useful for some things – like certain blood system cancers.
It was a great triumph of US federal pharmaceutical regulators when they kept it out of the US when it was proposed for use as a sedative and anti-emetic during pregnancy – we were all protected when our government employees did their jobs so well, as they often do.
It has become clear, though, that the agent in question, does have efficacy in myeloma – a bone marrow cancer that affects mainly people over 60, a disease for which there really aren’t great treatments. A vocal group of thalidomide victims has been urging its withdrawal because of what it did to them – which I think is understandable but ultimately nonsensical. People with myeloma are not having babies – half are men and almost all the women are post-menopausal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 Personally, I think they hate being here, and resent the fact their mothers didn’t abort them.
@ 82
The Thalidomide victims in that case are standing on the premise that it is too easy, and in fact very common in the United States for physicians to prescribe chemical drugs off-label. It is done all the time, and it would only be a matter of time before some doctor does it with Thalidomide. The Company that manufactured it was German, and suffered no sanction whatsoever for the incredible harm their product did to people. The company fought for decades to keep its product on the market, and in fact the stuff is still legal in some countries, and is still manufactured by that same company.
Liberal Scientistspews:
…it would only be a matter of time before some doctor does it with Thalidomide.
I’m not sure that’s true.
Given what’s known about this agent – it’s pretty notorious. Also, it’s WICKED expensive. I think that it’s not something that’s going to be picked up willy-nilly and given to pregnant women.
And again, I totally agree that what happened in the 50s and 60s was a travesty and criminal, and that the pharmaceutical company that shamelessly marketed it should have it’s directors and executives in jail. That does not negate the fact that for older people with incurable bone marrow cancer, it can be a very helpful and effective medicine.
Liberal Scientistspews:
BTW, Pud seems to have taken off, no response to questions or comments about his posts – he left his dump and then ran out the door raving HAHAHAHAHAH…
First off Puddy doesn’t disappear. Puddy has a good life and we as a FAMILY do things together. Puddy doesn’t live on this blog like you leftist pinheads. Next where did Puddy suggest rendition? You make the ASSUMPTION and you make an ASS out of yourself.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
ylb farts like always about someone’s style. Well at least we have a style. You on the other hand sit on your ASS and peruse kook-aid sites all day every day!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Ummm Lib Unscientist… Puddy and family were away in another state far away from TV and other actions. Puddy hasn’t been on the Nets until last night bashing your silly head into your monitor! Puddy read about Avastin last night.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Next where did Puddy suggest rendition?
Um, right about here:
At the next environmentalist whack-job conference the whack-job attendees are whisked away to a secret location.
Your words.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Puddy is sure the Susan G Komen people love being put in your stupid little box about Avastin!
Liberal Scientistspews:
bashing your silly head into your monitor!
Still more violent fantasies, eh? What is with you people? You just cannot stop dreaming about physically harming people.
Liberal Scientistspews:
And your point is…what?
What does “put in your stupid little box” even mean?
What did I ever say about Susan Komen Foundation?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Golly Lib Unscientist panties all twisted up. It was you who claimed Puddy was reading the Fox News line on Avastin. Yet the link wasn’t from Fox News. Another stupid comment from Lib Unscientist. Unfortunately for you being wrong is a continual activity. That’s the point front and center! Puddy read the Avastin info and noticed Puddy and the Susan G Komen group fully agreed on Avastin. Yep, if it disagrees with the stupidity of Lib Unscientist then it must be Fox News derived.
Wrong as always. Now how does that monitor feel again Lib Unscientist?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
whisked away to a secret location
What does that mean Lib Unscientist? The people playing Survivor are whisked away to a secret location. In 2008 the Olympic Torch was whisked away to a secret location to protect it. Or you can join Puddy and Mrs Puddy as we are thinking about doing this again…
A local chef sizzles up fresh, wild BC creations for your taste enjoyment. then, you are whisked away to the next secret location by private trolley car.
Another of your stupid fantasies Lib UnScientist. You’re too stupid to continue to discuss facts!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
“Europe approved the drug Avastin to fight advanced breast cancer in wimens.” Now we know how little Putz respects half the human race.
And now we know Roger Dumb Rabbit never ventured into the ghetto areas of Seattle. It’s Europe who respects half of the human race like Puddy. It’s your ilk who agree Avastin is not for American wimens.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Clay Duke psted his last scream on FaceBook about his favorite sites Media Matters & theprogressivemind.info, V for Vendetta
V for Vendatta Agenda – Christians, Conservatives evil; Liberal ‘freedom fighters’ good
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Clay Duke psted his last scream on FaceBook about his favorite sites Media Matters & the progressive mind. info, and about his favorite movie V for Vendetta
V for Vendatta Agenda – Christians, Conservatives evil; Liberal ‘freedom fighters’ good
Liberal Scientistspews:
Wrong again, Pudster.
Your Avastin link was to the execrable IBD, and led to nothing more than a right-wing propaganda piece in defense of pharmaceutical company profits.
You also mentioned “death panels” in conjunction with your uninformed ravings about Avastin. Just this week the Republicans in Congress, and the next day Fox News, began braying about death panels again. You dutifully followed along like a good little Teahaddist follower.
This was also clearly pointed out and criticized.
Now you mention:
Puddy and the Susan G Komen group fully agreed on Avastin.
A poor excuse of the logical failure, appeal to authority. (I suppose it is typical that you would go scurrying behind someone you perceive as unassailable) Neither you nor the good people at the Susan G Komen foundation, which advocates and raises money, are qualified to determine whether a novel biological agent is safe and effective and should be approved for use. That is the FDA’a job – a shining example of government dollars well spent protecting the American people.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Well well well, another chronological failure by Lib Unscientist… at 7:40AM Puddy made the original comment about Susan G. Komen for the cure.
The rest of your scrambled mess above is worthless and useless. Since you failed on your chronology, the rest of your rant makes no sense. there was no appeal to anything. You are an idiot. That’s the point front and center. You continue to prove Puddy’s point each time you post. Thanks for the help. Keep it up. You are Puddy’s best foil! Once again you pull your Roger Dumb Rabbit imitation repeating that IBD lie. Even Wikipedia disagrees with your IBD definition and you still use it. Keep repeating it, it may be true someday in your sad little mind.
The only IBD you have is Inflammatory Bowel Disease with all the crap you post here!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
This week the DUMBOCRATS realized there are death panels in the health care bill. One congressional liberal is worried about it. Paul Krugman rightly called them death panels on ABC News in November. Puddy produced this fact and Lib Unscientist just can’t process facts unless it’s from an agreed to leftist kook-aid site. Yet as always Lib Unscientist misses these facts from other locations.
You live on kook-aid, drinking kook-aid, spewing the same kook-aid on HA!
Puddybud are you going to ask me about the “concrete evidence” I have that you’ve repeated Beck bullshit about Soros that you’ve repeated here like a dutiful Beck worshipper-in-chief?
You have not so far as I predicted.
@ 102
Uh, dude, don’t waste your time. Arguing with the mentally ill is just an exercise in frustration. he’s either a paid shill, or a completely deranged individual.
Either way he has yet to demonstrate any capacity for cognizant thought process.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
The information Beck provided about Soros has NOT BEEN repudiated by Soros dumb brick ylb. Now why is that? Even your pea brain can figger that out. So where is this “concrete evidence” against Beck?
Zotz sez: The microchip in Klynical's ass was transmitting 6... 6... 6...spews:
he’s either a paid shill, or a completely deranged individual
He’s insane — and not in a good way.
I’m not sure what he gets out of it, but his frantic obsessive-compulsive attention seeking behavior, depersonalization, etc. — really fucked up.
It’s kind of sad, actually.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Once again when zits can’t refute the evidence or various facts, the ad hominem attacks appear.
Nothing useful here your honor. The Prosecution Rests!
I was not talking about Beck. I was talking about YOU and your habit of repeating the bullshit of right wing charalatans like Beck.
As I predicted you will refuse to ask me about the “concrete evidence” I have about this behavior of yours.
Thanks for playing.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh my ylb… Puddy is Pavlov and you are the dog. The dog never leads the master, except in your fantasies.
So what is this “bullshit” from Beck you keep screaming about dumb brick ylb? You are the kook-aid drinker. Been proven time and again where you get your useless crap from!
Stupido cabron!
Liberal Scientistspews:
the ad hominem attacks appear.
Bullshit, Puddy.
I’ve formulated a number of responses to the numerous mutually inconsistent things Pud has written above – and I’ve come to the conclusion that it is indeed pointless.
Puddy is dishonest and likely also insane.
He occasionally demonstrates some signs of intelligence, but cannot or will not maintain a coherent line of logic, or a consistent focus on a topic so as to have a rational discussion or debate.
He really just drops by, drops his pants and leaves multiple steaming piles of shit.
I’ve personally had enough – this is in no way a concession to Pud – it’s simply impossible to maintain a conversation with anyone so manifestly malignant.
I wonder about the paid shill possibility, or at least a volunteer shill – somebody aiming to disrupt for the sake of disruption.
Perhaps discussion of him in the third person – amongst the sane on the thread – would be somehow constructive.
For example, he raises the issue of Avastin. He typifies a number of problems with American health care here.
For example, he fumes that he would want the best medicine for his wife, should she need it (he could just as likely be a candidate for Avastin, as it is most commonly used for colon cancer, which I don’t believe has a gender predilection). That’s a lovely sentiment, but he errs in assuming that Avastin (or any other really really expensive biologic) is “the best medicine”. The whole point of the FDA decision is one of dispassionately evaluating data looking at large numbers of women with metastatic breast cancer, and seeing that their life spans were not prolonged with this agent.
He also makes the false argument that he’s “siding with the Susan G. Komen Foundation” as if they had any expertise in evaluating novel and complicated cancer therapies. They don’t, and neither does he. They are a fund raising and advocacy organization, and even the quote Puddy uses makes clear that their issue is the “message being sent” by not approving this medication, not that the medication actually works. They, and he, are essentially demanding access to therapies that have not be proven to work, for some reason (they’re the newest and coolest? They’re shilling for the pharmaceutical companies? They’re responding to TV ads? Who knows – but they’re driving up health care costs needlessly by doing so)
His whole rant launched from his claim (a false one, of course, proven so by Media Matters) that the FDA rejected Avastin for metastatic breast cancer because of cost. He was again parroting right wing lies. He backed that up with a link to Investors’ Business Daily – an editorial therein that was naked pharmaceutical industry propaganda.
He really is useless, and I for one am done trying to earnestly engage.
He’s the same sort of folks that fell in love with the DMSO and Laetrile fads. Such folks insisted that the chemicals worked, but never could show how, or in whom the stuff actually cured of the various cancers that it was pointed at. They could never show a single first-hand example of anyone who was actually cured by these chemicals.
It was all second hand info, all rumor, and in fact when DMSO was proven to induce incredibly toxic effects in people, the fans insisted that it was a conspiracy to keep the new “wonder” drug off the market because it really worked so well that the drug companies were protecting their profits.
What DMSO did, was kill the liver, and shut down its functions completely, while inducing chemical reactions in the fatty tissues that led to a toxic reaction in the skin, people who had been using DMSO were showing up in hospital emergency rooms with hydrogen sulfide, sulfur aldehydes and ketones being excreted through the skin. The patients were coming in literally as toxic waste emitters and they shut down entire floors of hospitals to deal with the stench and the chemicals. The so-called “toxic patients” thing that was happening back in the early 90’s.
People STILL insisted that it couldn’t be DMSO, as it was such an incredible chemical that it would cure almost everything, and the drug companies were trying to cover that up. When DMSO was finally banned, the “toxic patients” disappeared.
To this day there are still people that insist that it is the cure for most cancers and other ailments. I know one personally, and he insists that it was a conspiracy by the drug companies to keep it off the market. But, he also believes in UFOs, the Illuminati, and the secret societies that are really in control of everything. He’ll tell you flat out that the UFO aliens are in control of all of that, and its part of their plan to enslave the human race as a food resource.
Our subject is one such individual methinks.
It’s always the same.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh my Lib Unscientist,
Since Puddy was referring to zitz you must be guilty too. Puddy has answered intelligent questions and skipped over the stupid comedy. Your rendition screed was hilarious. You still haven’t answered Puddy on whisked. Then Puddy answered the CO2 spewing fools you love to jockstrap (since this term is difficult for you to understand – support Unscientist support) and you went apeshit. You run to Media Morons, the late Clay Duke’s favrit site. Now why does this fool use Media Morons?
Do you actually understand quality of life issues Lib Unscientist? Apparently you don’t because you can’t figger out what up to another 20 months of life to a young child who knows their mother is dying of cancer means anything. But to Lib Unscientist it’s all about the cost! Puddy can see you’ve never watched a love one die from cancer too young to die. Puddy and Mrs Puddy watched our buddy lose his wife to breast cancer and she was 29 years old fool! 29. The were only married 2.5 years moron. Puddy can see it’s all about the costs to a progressive. Puddy thought that was the argument used by progressives against conservatives. Yep, you are a prima facie fool Lib Unscientist. Europe approved the drug because it gives families extended closure enhancing the dying quality of life.
BTW moron, where did Puddy claim Avastin was the best medicine? It’s another of your moronic projections. Just like your rendition projection commentary. Then you went with some lame Susan G. Komen comment crapola. You continue to make rants of stuff never said by Puddy. More lameness from the lame liberal leftist Lib Unscientist. You should go into comedy because you are not much of a debater. Maybe a master(de)bater!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
DMSO deadtoad?
Now you are projecting like the lame Lib Unscientist. The only UFO is the one flying inside that empty neanderthal cranial orifice. Puddy bets you still believe in leech therapy!
@ Spuddy.
Uh, leech therapy does have current applications, and is still used.
Maggots too.
Put that in your medkit and make sure you take the blue one on a full stomach.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Do you actually understand quality of life issues Lib Unscientist?
Puddy can see you’ve never watched a love one die from cancer too young to die.
Puddy can see it’s all about the costs to a progressive.
Don’t you dare lecture me about caring for the dying you despicable toad.
I’ve seen far too many people die too young, and too many old people not allowed to die peacefully. And lives stunted by chronic illness and robbed of joy by pain and debilitation. I spend every working day with the chronically and critically ill – far too many days and late nights away from my family because another family needed my help.
I don’t have to justify myself to you, you outrageously ignorant fuck.
You don’t begin to understand that which you use as a cudgel against people you call ‘enemy’ – painstaking studies of people dying and drugs tested to help them, hard work of dedicated people, doctors and scientists, people who have promised to first do no harm.
I have no intention of ever engaging you again. I’d reached that point already today with your word salad, with your bad faith posting, with your willful ignorance and willful refusal to engage in open and honest debate. But you went WAY over the line with your most recent taunting post above. You demonstrate unmitigated, sneering gall when you accuse me of not understanding that which I know intimately.
I earned my chops in the Harborview emergency room with the dying and the dead, on the trauma and burn units, in the dialysis unit and on the medicine floors at an institution literally dedicated to taking care of the poorest and most forgotten – the homeless, the incarcerated, the mentally ill, the uninsured and the uninsurable, the mangled bodes from car crashes and the mangled lives of the addicted. I earned my chops at the VA taking care of American veterans, the people you Republicans make a game of turning your backs on, people stalked by voices and violence and war, stunted by addiction and disease and fear. I earned my chops as an intern in the UW ICU, the place where other hospitals in 5 states send the patients they just can’t handle. And I’ve told mothers and husbands and grandkids and fathers that the one they love is gone – way too many times. I’ve spent too many nights and days to count working to exhaustion trying to keep those loved ones alive.
So fuck you, Puddy. You are all about hurting people, taunting and lying and destroying, invading the spaces good people try to create, shattering difficult discussions and debates with puerile and bombastic nastiness. You have absolutely no idea of what you talk about, and you do it with a glib contempt and emotional violence that I hope earns you a place in your hell.
I haven’t got the time to waste engaging a tiny little shriveled mind like yours – so fuck off, Puddy.
I wish all these wierdos would just do it, and go away. Like the Raelians did. I mean, I thought you folks were all about keeping up with the Joneses. Thats really what your whole belief system is all about.
Blue Johnspews:
@112. Paddy can see it’s all about the [medical] costs to a progressive.
Once again, you have it backwards. We leave that to the conservative Arizona death panels.
Puddy, you must be very proud of your fellow tea baggers for being able impose medical death penalties on the poor. Jesus will love you even more now because your party helped save money.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh you pooor poor schmuck Lib Unscientist
Don’t you dare lecture me about caring for the dying you despicable toad.
Oh my then you don’t lecture Puddy about how you agree with the cost decision of Avastin.
I’ve seen far too many people die too young, and too many old people not allowed to die peacefully. And lives stunted by chronic illness and robbed of joy by pain and debilitation. I spend every working day with the chronically and critically ill – far too many days and late nights away from my family because another family needed my help.
First off dude, Puddy witnessed his first MURDER at 3 years old. Puddy still sees it in Puddy’s minds eye today. Puddy remembers the screams of his mother screaming “They killed my baby. They killed my baby”. So don’t get all high and mighty on Puddy. Puddy made a vow to never be in that position and that’s why Puddy doesn’t do drugs.
You don’t begin to understand that which you use as a cudgel against people you call ‘enemy’ – painstaking studies of people dying and drugs tested to help them, hard work of dedicated people, doctors and scientists, people who have promised to first do no harm.
Oh my… You call Puddy enemy every day here. So what’s your point?
I have no intention of ever engaging you again. I’d reached that point already today with your word salad, with your bad faith posting, with your willful ignorance and willful refusal to engage in open and honest debate. But you went WAY over the line with your most recent taunting post above. You demonstrate unmitigated, sneering gall when you accuse me of not understanding that which I know intimately.
Oh spare Puddy the pity party. So where have you ever stated you are in health care? People have met Puddy at HA Drunken Liberals 5 times! People know what Puddy does. Puddy spends his own money helping the poor and needy every year. People know Puddy makes charity trips to spend time at natural disasters. People know Puddy sends large funds to ADRA to help worldwide victims. You Lib Unscientist hide behind some moniker. So you are in health care. That’s nice. Puddy has seen death and suffering too just not at your level. And Puddy and wife have responded to emergencies, a recent one was our neighbors as we were the first on the scene with all the neighborhood doctors still asleep. So you can lecture all you want but you have no idea where Puddy has been or the miles walked in Puddy’s shoes.
I earned my chops as an intern in the UW ICU, the place where other hospitals in 5 states send the patients they just can’t handle.
That’s really nice. You claim are a good person. Anyone eve met you at a Drunken Liberals to verify your activities? And it still doesn’t excuse you from your attacks on Puddy on Avastin.
You are all about hurting people, taunting and lying and destroying, invading the spaces good people try to create, shattering difficult discussions and debates with puerile and bombastic nastiness.
What? If Puddy was into hurting people, why would Puddy show Puddy’s face in a liberal meeting? Puddy spends his money to create. Puddy gave up a big down payment for a winter London and Paris vacation to instead go to Katrina for a week. Any time you want to see the Katrina pictures let Puddy know. Your ilk called progressives are into hurting, destroying and engaging in puerile and bombastic nastiness. You are sadly mistaken so go ahead. Puddy a big guy and it rolls off Puddy’s back.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Hey deadtoad… Where has Puddy ever supported Rapture? Go ahead and ask ylb. The Rapture isn’t Biblical!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gee, all these putz posts here, and I can’t think of a fucking thing to say because there’s nothing to reply to. Puddy has achieved a scientific breakthrough: A perfect vacuum right here on Earth, inside his cranial cavity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why The Right’s Bullshit Health Reform Lawsuits Should Be Tossed
This isn’t a simple explanation, because it’s not a simple topic, so read the whole article.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
This snappy apothegm is the logical equivalent of saying that the Defense Appropriations Act “requires that every United States citizen, other than those who leave the country, engage in accepting a minimum level of protection by the United States military.”
Hey Roger Dumb Rabbit… The vacuum exists between your two floppy ears. There is no comparison between national defense and health care.
If Puddy was into hurting people, why would Puddy show Puddy’s face in a liberal meeting?
You watch murder and torture fantasies like 24 and all that war loving crap on Faux News. You support torture policies. Of course you believe in hurting people. Not to mention all those right wing bullshit websites.
And of course you show up at DL to throw your weight around. Those are the people you most believe should be HURT!
At a DL you sport a cheshire cat grin and have the fantasy of the chatty scatty lady on the National Review cruise:
I lie on the beach with Hillary-Ann, a chatty, scatty 35-year-old Californian designer. As she explains the perils of Republican dating, my mind drifts, watching the gentle tide. When I hear her say, ” Of course, we need to execute some of these people,” I wake up. Who do we need to execute? She runs her fingers through the sand lazily. “A few of these prominent liberals who are trying to demoralise the country,” she says. “Just take a couple of these anti-war people off to the gas chamber for treason to show, if you try to bring down America at a time of war, that’s what you’ll get.” She squints at the sun and smiles. ” Then things’ll change.”
If you put the Federal Government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there’d be a shortage of sand! Milton Friedman
Why the Republicans should chuck the entier Democrats Health care plan?
Because it is a 10,000 page POS
That’s why!
harry poonspews:
re 119: “Your ilk called progressives are into hurting, destroying and engaging in puerile and bombastic nastiness. You are sadly mistaken so go ahead. Puddy a big guy and it rolls off Puddy’s back.”
You poor thing. A victim once again.
Greater love hath no man than that he should give up his Paris vacation for a week in Louisiana.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
That’s right headless@130. Conservatives are victims of progressive crapola. And working for helpless people is an act of love. Something you’ve never expressed.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Does the dumb brick ylb ever read anything except the kook-aid sites?
I wrote a shit-ton of comments kicking wingnut ass, the election didn’t go so well, and I made a 20.51% return on my investments. Oh well, two out of three isn’t so bad.
I wrote a shit-ton of comments, made 50% on Gold and Silver, dems got their ass kicked, and Obama blew 4 trillion in 2 years. All our grandchildren will be born with massive debts. Thanks Omama
PS come back from your lavish vacations when you get a chance and start cutting…
You forgot to add that your slide into dementia continued unabated.
2 –
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c datetime:bw~2010,handle:eq~ld -C
| count |
| 144 |
1 row in set
Through the end of Nov., i.e. one month shy of a “shit-ton”. A happy Dino Lossi year no doubt.
In contrast:
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c datetime:bw~2010,handle:eq~’Roger Rabbit’ -C
| count |
| 4580 |
1 row in set
In ld(iot)’s reckoning that’s many “shit-tons” and it doesn’t even include December. Congrats on your portfolio performance Roger Rabbit. You may be a rabbit but you invest like a hedgehog. Long term results beating the volatile short term gains of the mindless herd.
The election didn’t go so well – we got gridlock. A lump of coal in anyone’s stocking.
But Dino Lossi’d, the state legislature stayed in halfway sane hands, the ugly Mitch McConnell is still MINORITY leader in the U.S. Senate and Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina pissed away tons of cash proving you can’t buy everything.
In the New Year I’m expecting things to brighten up some in areas other than politics especially the economy – that’s got to change.
Not a bad year on the investment front. Made 12.43% on the investments. Things are looking up!
Yes and Gregoire can cut her budget thanks to Tim Eyman and the sane voters of this state. Did I mention the Congress
Don’t be too wistful about children growing up. One day they turn 21, and then you have a new drinking buddy. Happy New Year.
Costco, it now appears, doesn’t own the state of Washington. I got mad at the Obama man. Then I went to RedState and saw that they were even madder at McConnell, Boehner, Cantor & Co. That confused me. And it spooked me how much they sounded just like the pie fight on Daily Kos. The lame duck was a typical reporter 10 minutes before deadline. The Tea Partay was co-opted more times than One-Eyed Nancy in Lynnwood. Now in Olympia they’re handing out hatchets in lieu of meds. That’ll teach us.
Time for a drink. Cheap stuff. No ice.
Nice. Indeed.
Heh. Indeed..
In NYC they’re ready to lynch Bloomberg. He cut like crazy.
Bradley Manning is being tortured.
This must be stopped like YESTERDAY.
Does even ONE of these clowns know how State Government REALLY works?
This could be my favorite story of 2010; it says everything, so perfectly.
@2 I don’t recall seeing you bitch about borrow-and-spend Republicans racking up deficits and public debt. Hypocrite.
@13 No.
Yup, read about that. Teahaddists PUNK’d again by their own gullible stupidity.
And what’s most pathetic is that someone on the anti-Islamic center Facebook page brags that he “eats people like that for breakfast” (meaning Justin Bieber) Real tough guy of the right. Pathetic.
@2: Wow. You turned $100 into $150 buying stuff from the Franklin Mint. Sheer financial genius.
@18 follow up: Watch that buy-sell spread. It’s a killer! Maybe that will get you even for the losses you racked up on those Tommy Kincaid paintings in your rec room.
What trains do in snow.
What cars do in snow
See if you can spot the difference!
Be sure to checkout the car video between the 5 and 7 minute mark.
And the dumb cinder block rujax does? Now where was that comment on how the state government operates again rujax?
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa
re 12: “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth is revolutionary.”
George Orwell
re 21: Your remarks are becoming mysterious in their obtusity.
Puddy’s favrit story was Clay “V for Vendetta” Duke, motivated to raging hatred by Media Matters (Media Morons) funded by George Soros, walking into the Panama City School Board Meeting and firing his pistol like a good liberal would, missing the target at point blank range. Puddy glad he missed but his death is on Media Morons and George Soros head! Not many stories on right wing peeps going off like that but many leftist thoughts on Tea Party members who haven’t pulled a stunt like the Media Moron fueled hatred of Clay Duke.
Did hairy poon actually say anything useful today? No your Honor!
The Prosecution Rests!
Hey Proud he’s an ASS,
George Soros bought millions in gold in September, much to ylb’s chagrin since Soros is ylb’s hero. Soros probably listened to Glenn Beck telling him to buy gold through GoldLine.
@9 +1
I’d write my own send off for 2010 but you nailed it. You even included Red State and Daily Kos to help us remember the larger than life hysterical fringe that surrounded everything political this year.
Spew on Paddy Mac!
Oh my, that was such a “biting” criticism on Christie.
The Waxxman is drunk.
Hey Puddybud,
I knew a story about a fat loud-mouthed bully like Christie would appeal to you.
Happy New Year fool!
26 – zzzzZZZZzzz.. An investor puts his money on whatever play he thinks will bring the highest return. If you listen to Beck you’ll be bamboozled in to believing whatever some hustler at Goldline tells you.
You can be sure Soros ain’t buying that bullshit!
Happy New Year chump!
Henry Waxman drinks? When did this happen?
Ahh going Chris Matthews eh dumb brick ylb? Yes, Chris Christie holding peeps accountable.
Oh my Puddy sees you jump like a dog smelling his own crap when Soros’ name appears! How much has gold increased in value ylb? Remember the Weiner Attack? That was an EPIC FAIL!
Happy New Year to all including the databaze keepa!
33 – LMAO! No that’s 100 percent YLB fool!
Happy New Year turkey!
34 – zzzzzZZZZzzzz. As sure as the sun will rise in the east, in the new year you’ll be swallowing more bullshit from that flim-flam man Beck.
Happy New Year Silly!
Heh. I love how that fat loud mouth Christie screamed his head off for Meg Whitman. Lot of good he did for that lost cause!
Here’s to that stupid carrying over into the New Year!
Hey all you Republican troll shitheads, Happy New Year!!! The House of Representatives, with its budget-writing authority, is now yours … so from here on, you OWN the deficit and public debt. Have fun.
I rather like Mark Fiorie’s take on 2010.
11 Your State job will be cut next
YLB is probably buying California State Muni bonds to hold for his retirement, a bankrupt lib state.
13 Yes I know how state guv works, it sucks you dry, keeps looking for more $$ to P away, and produces nothing at all.
38 Rog, Can you exist without your Pers 1 pension increases every year, get used to it, it will soon all be gone….have to go back to will writing for old folks soon.
PS I know a bit about those kind of guv lawyers, I produced case law in this state regarding Elder individuals being screwed by a city of Renton attorney who was writing wills for his councilman’s elder friends, without their knowledge. In the end justice was served, and that councilman and his F’n crooked City attorney got their hat handed to them in a basket. But their kids learned from the parents how to steal estates from elder people, so they still work the magic…
Once again all can see the progressive hatred carried over from 2010 to 2011 by the HA resident dumb brick ylb. Since he has nothing on Chris Christie he goes the Chris Matthews way and calls the man a “fat loud-mouthed bully”. Of course there is no evidence of this from ylb. No link. No policy. Just hatred like always. The funny thing is Christie is one of the few accountable politicians in either party and that must really mess with the dumb brick ylb’s head. Well any fact not found in a kook-aid site will scramble the dumb brick ylb’s head.
How do you know the HA dumb brick ylb has lost another argument with his insipid commentary? The dumb brick ylb repeats the same commentary already discredited months ago. Kind of like what Roger Dumb Rabbit does with his continual repetition of the $900 Billion in “lost” revenue argument by keeping all tax rates the same when CNN Money destroyed that argument last month.
Remember your first GoldLine attack dumb brick ylb? Butt you didn’t stop. You kept it up all through the summer using the Anthony Small Weiner GoldLine attack. Yet GoldLine still has their A+ BBB rating. You went more ape in this thread. Now you’ve gone off the deep end above. While you were still acting ape, Soros already bought $millions in gold and you never saw it coming. Why? You sit at home all day while others are working hard screen scraping all the latest crap from kook-aid sites so you never learn anything useful for argument purposes. Yet you use some stupid sun “moving through the sky” analogy. Yes, the sun rises and sets each day and your hero Soros uses that time trying to destroy the American economy. The man the dumb brick ylb hero worships recently said
Way to go libtardo. Soros is dissing the Odumba Administration, the man he personally helped erect, the man many prominent leftists called “the messiah” in 2008. The man who famously said
Those are whom you worship dumb brick ylb. Remember the 2007 link Puddy placed with Soros cheer leading for Odumba? Look it up fool. Now we see Soros is knee-capping Odumba and gang. And the dumb brick ylb keeps worshiping Soros.
Get help dumb brick ylb.
Once again Roger Dumb Rabbit is wrong. Wasn’t it you who once said
Such progressive hatred. Calling Bush a monkey. You and the dumb brick ylb. So now Republicans are tasked to clean up the Odumba Sadministration crapola, like their claim unemployment would never top 8% with the Porkulus Spending Bill and then the later Porkulus II, and the real mess left by congressional DUMBOCRATS.
Hey Goldy, here’s another year in review comment… Now why wasn’t that in Goldy’s year in review? And it’s standard MSM too so the dumb brick ylb has no useful retort.
Or maybe you can look at “the most ethical administration in history” and how many whack-job leftists Odumba made as appointments bypassing the DUMBOCRATIC Senate. Odumba made 28 recess appointments in 2010 including these whackjobs: James Cole, Donald Berwick, and Craig Becker. Bush made 23 total for the first two years of his administration. Now why wasn’t this in Goldy’s year in review?
Clay Duke, a progressive leftist who was driven to his pathological hatred to personally attack the Panama City School Board in Florida with a gun by the progressive whack-jobs at Media Matters. Now why wasn’t that in Goldy’s year in review?
Paul Krugman talked positively about death panels on a national TV Sunday morning pundit show. Yet, this congressional DUMBOCRAT doesn’t want to discuss death panels. Wait a minute… HA progressives attacked Sarah Palin when she correctly mentioned this “provision” in the original bill and now it seems it’s back. Now why wasn’t that in Goldy’s year in review?
Oh God, the idiot is back…
So Pud, I haven’t seen you post since I schooled you here. And here and here.
As you recall, you were (incoherently) raving about wanting the people interested in halting global warming to have to live in the jungle, or something – it’s always hard with you and your “logic”. But you’d been throwing bricks, as usual, and I very civilly asked you your thoughts like this:
You, of course, disappeared after that. You never took the opportunity to respond with your well-considered thoughts. So, I ask again, what’s your answer?
Europe approved the drug Avastin to fight advanced breast cancer in wimens. Odumba’s FDA rejected the use of the same drug Avastin to fight advanced breast cancer in wimins. The FDA rationale? They claimed Avastin is expensive. They claimed “a sufficient benefit in slowing disease progression to outweigh the significant risk to patients.” Europe disagreed. Where is Brenda Helversen or Sarah or Sarge or Tlazoteotl or many of the other leftist wimens wondering about this “death panel” decision? If Mrs Puddy had breast cancer Puddy would want the best drugs available.
Puddy happily gives time and money to Susan G Komen for the Cure. Now why wasn’t this in Goldy’s year in review?
Umm little mental twerp Lib UnScientist,
Puddy doesn’t answer to every whim of yours. You schooled Puddy? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Look how stupid your argument is just from your first link…
You seem to forget the actual words and deeds of the elite leftists who rail on the common folk for their CO2 emissions. This is why you are so stupid to many people here. It’s the same leftists who want higher taxes are the same ones who wastefully use their largess to travel around in large CO2 producing boats, CO2 producing SUVs and fly private CO2 producing airplanes. Puddy gave you Robert Kennedy Jr, who as a green advocate takes his private jets and uses large CO2 producing SUVs. Puddy gave you John Effin Kerry who uses 7 large CO2 producing SUVs and tried to escape Massachusetts taxes by mooring his super expensive CO2 producing boat in Rhode Island. Puddy gave you Al Gore who at the latest conference left his CO2 producing limo running for an hour so it would be air conditioned cool when he left. Oh remember Al Gore’s electric utility bill for his expensive Tennessee house? Or how about Barbara Streisand who got pissed off when Google placed her CA estate on Google maps? Then we learn she has a man made waterfall on her property and she has a big utility bill each month. Or how about John Green Edwards and his 28K square foot house and otehr covered buildings and all his CO2 producing SUVs? And this fool Unscientist claims to school Puddy. All those examples have links previously left on this blog. Puddy won’t even venture or look at the other two since you got SMACKED so badly on that one Unscientist.
See ya!
What kind of monster are you? This man’s story is utter tragedy of a poor and mentally ill man snapping.
Kindly provide the link to the Soros connection with this incident – or was that another Beckian fever dream?
Typical vituperation.
Of course you don’t. You don’t engage in argument. You’re the weird weird guy from across the street or the apartment down the hall that crashes the party, takes a dump on the coffee table, and runs out laughing HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
From the thread where this was originally discussed:
You were advocating that people attending environmental conferences be kidnapped and subject to torture and deprivation. This was not some critique of wealthy ‘leftists’ and hypocrisy (which might have even had some merit). No, you were railing against a whole class of people – those with a different agenda than you – and wishing violence on them. Typical sick right-wing fantasies of grotesque torture.
I say again, what kind of monster are you?
Once again you demonstrate your misapprehension of complex topics. And your link is to a palpably hostile screed against “ObamaCare” from Investors Business Daily – politically motivated to attack Democrats and promote pharmaceutical companies.
Avastin is fabulously expensive, as are most biologics.
It has potentially serious side effects.
It has not been shown to prolong survival in patients with metastatic breast cancer.
From this:
Here’s some popular press (NYT) about Avastin, which includes:
I don’t think you’re qualified to make that determination.
And you comment includes:
which immediately impeaches your credibility, which I think was, um, thin, to begin with.
When dealing with Puddy, and others of his ilk, this could be an invaluable resource.
(I’m not sure, did Goldy link to this already? I saw it earlier in the week, and Darksyde over at DailyKos linked to it again today.)
Man if Lib Unscientist ever paid attention to the details he’d be almost useful in a knife fight. Clay Duke was a lover of Media Matters and other progressive sites. he readily admitted to loving Media Morons. They were on his blog page before it was taken down. Puddy placed links on HA last month to this fact. Media Matters is a George Soros funded web site. And you are as stupid as ever.
Where moron? Nope you Dope, another of your useless fantasies.
So you’re qualified to tell Puddy what Mrs Puddy should get?
You’re CRAZY!
@51: Dammit! Saw that at PZ’s playhouse and was gonna share it when we “study the bible” on Sunday.
It says it’s for xtrians, but it adapts well to assessing the value of just about any wingnut interaction.
Pretty much screens out any of the pointless and pathetic trolls here.
I marvel at your patience with Pudpuller.
Ahhh yes like minds of the feather flock together over at the Daily Kooks website first thing New Years Day.
Typical So Typical.
Lib Unscientist,
Using the NY Times as a source for agreement with Odumba’s Sadministration? The slobbering lovers of Odumba actions?
Give Puddy a break!
42 – What a stupid fool always dribbling at mouth on cue from the silliness of a flim-flam man like Beck.
Beck says “puppet-master” and the fool repeats it here.
Beck says “Goldline” and right wing fools get sold junk coins.
Pavlov means what it has always meant with the Beck worshipper in chief of these comment threads – projection..
This moron is always the first to whimper
not a single word about the gaggle of rich right wing assholes who fund his favorite propaganda that he mainlines like a wretched junk fiend. I’ve repeated their names many times.
Happy New Year CHUMP!
Really Lib Unscientist, Investors Business Daily? Where do you get your information from? Daily Kooks?
Oh dumb brick ylb,
Still haven’t given any concrete evidence to any of your latest screams! Pavlov? Stealing another Puddyism? You never have an original thought! You prove it from the stuff you leave here from kook-aid sites!
Gotta go. Be back in the afternoon!
So? So does Stormfront.org. What a dip!
I did not say that I was qualified to determine what drugs should be used with breast cancer should (please never) Mrs. Puddy have breast cancer. I said you were not qualified to determine that.
The larger point was that you railed on (driven by ideologic right-wing screed IBD) about how “Obamacare” “death panels” were depriving American women of necessary drugs for breast cancer That is not happening. I tried to point out some of the complexities associated with using biologicals (about which I do have expertise), including safety, cost, and in this case apparent lack of meaningful clinical effect, in the hope that you might grasp some of these subtleties. Alas.
Investors right wing bullshit Daily.
About as credible as Birther News Daily who the Beck worshiper in Chief has mainlined many times.
You linked IBD – to a screed that was manifest political propaganda against Obama and in defense of pharmaceutical companies.
What is your point?!
Yes, as I said, “popular press” – it aims for a general audience. I thought that scholarly references would be inappropriate in this venue. And I used it to document, among others, the cost of the drug, which I believe they got right.
What is your point?
Here, Pud, your words:
At the next environmentalist whack-job conference the whack-job attendees are whisked away to a secret location (ed: rendition). These environmentist whack-jobs are put in the hot jungle under tents with no lights, no running water, no toilet facilities just porta-potties, a wood fire pit with some pots and pans, no air conditioning, and have them fend for themselves.
Sounds like kidnapping/rendition followed by deprivation and torture to me.
Where do you people dream up these violent fantasies? And why?
Come on Pud, what are you afraid of?
You were the one starting the rant about climate conference attendees on the other thread – and I simply asked a follow up question, with the hopes of sparking a discussion:
Why won’t you answer, Pud? Are you pissed about being dogged about the Emperor Penguins, still?
Did you follow Pud’s linky?
The article was jaw-dropping – it really was unvarnished propaganda.
I mean, if Pud wants to discuss pharmaceutical regulation and the studies that need to demonstrate efficacy and safety, great. Or the thorny question of integrating cost issues into that regulatory framework, also great – these are important topics.
However, I think he’s only out to derail others’ conversations and drops loads in the middle of the living room.
Yeah, it’s a great chart. I love how it totally undermines the nasty and dishonest behavior of folks like our trolls Pyd and Cyn and the rest.
(Did I read correctly that Mr. Cynical wrote a GBCW comment the other day? Think he’ll stick to it?)
You mean your Pavlov response to Beck bullshit?
Yes I have the proof. Just ask one more time and I’ll gladly provide it.
I predict you will not ask for it because well it makes you look like the led-by-the-nose fool you are.
I looked at that examiner bullshit that Puddybud linked to.
Shorter right wing bullshit:
When medicare/medicaid decide not to pay for something when resources are limited that’s a “death panel”.
When the “free market” does the same thing to line an executive’s pocket – well that’s ok.
The depravity of the bullshit this fool mainlines is mind-boggling.
There’s the depravity of propaganda outlets like IBD, which is expected, they’re in it for the $$$.
But the motivation for foot soldiers like Pudster and the Teahaddists elude me. It seems that unless you’re both part of the upper 0.5% who are materially advanced by the Republican agenda and are without commitment to your nation/community/humanity, then it makes no rational sense to support the insanity that Pud regularly spews here.
I hate to resort to asserting insanity as the core motivation of an adversary (seems intellectually lazy), but what are we left with?
This is someone willing to believe that the earth is 6000 years old. Manifest fantasy. I don’t want to beat that horse too much, but for me it does get to his ability to self-delude, to replace observation and rational thought with a tribal or ideology-driven set of received beliefs.
I think his obsession with George Soros is emblematic of that received wisdom – he’s clearly listening and internalizing Glenn Beck – which is a terrifying thought. That some people can be so easily deluded gives me great pause, and I despair for us as a people.
Oh looky looky – here at the ever-excellent Soros-funded Media Matters:
Right-wing myths about Avandia.
And it’s dated August! Got to get with the program Pud – this is old news your dumping around here.
Though is seem that the Fox mothership was trotting out “Death Panels” again just two days ago.
Oh, and look here – just the day prior it breaks that Republicans focusing on “Death Panels” for 2011. How interesting that Fox runs with it the next day.
And Pud is shitting comments about “Death Panels” and Avandia here just days later. He sure is a good Teahaddists – does just what he’s told to do. Just like these guys.
From my last link in the post above:
Sound like anyone we know?
WOW, it’s uncanny:
Read the whole thing.
The problem is, the tealiban fascisti cannot internalize the fact that just because a company says something, it does not make it a fact.
They act like the company that is advertising something, to do a certain thing what ever that may be, cannot possibly be using false information or lying about the product. Companies lie all the time. If Macd’s started advertising that their greasiest fattiest burger was the ultimate health food, they would believe it. If a company that manufactures drugs says that that drug would be effective for certain diseases or afflictions, they believe it, unquestioningly.
Get this fascists. think about this for just a few moments of your time:
You are not allowed to manufacture false medicines. You are not allowed to fabricate test results in research. You are not allowed to make false claims about any product you manufacture, PERIOD.
Such things are illegal for a goddamn good reason. Jesus H Christ, they tried to legalize Thalidomide just a few years ago. I believe they would love to return to the days of patent medicines, snake oil and laudanum and such.
They really are the idiot set. The morons who would rather just “let the market decide.” Even if it means fraud, mass deaths or serious harm to people.
It’s fucking insane.
@40 “Can you exist without your Pers 1 pension increases every year, get used to it, it will soon all be gone”
This is typical of the igorant falsehoods you spew here. I have NEVER gotten a “Pers 1 pension increase” — my monthly pension check is exactly the same amount it was the day I retired 8 1/2 years ago. The only thing that has changed is the prices of everything I have to buy — in particular, my monthly premiums for my non-subsidized, non-state-supported retiree health insurance are now double what I originally paid when I retired.
@41 “Once again all can see the progressive hatred carried over from 2010 to 2011”
You mean as in comment #40?
@43 “Calling Bush a monkey.”
I was trying to be kind. Calling him a “monkey” instead of a “war criminal” lets him off the hook by imputing his actions to stupidity instead of criminal intent.
Sheesh. When you try to be nice to Republicans they hate you for it. There’s no pleasing those guys.
@46 “Europe approved the drug Avastin to fight advanced breast cancer in wimens.”
Now we know how little Putz respects half the human race.
DF @ 76
I totally agree with your position. However, thalidomide is actually useful for some things – like certain blood system cancers.
It was a great triumph of US federal pharmaceutical regulators when they kept it out of the US when it was proposed for use as a sedative and anti-emetic during pregnancy – we were all protected when our government employees did their jobs so well, as they often do.
It has become clear, though, that the agent in question, does have efficacy in myeloma – a bone marrow cancer that affects mainly people over 60, a disease for which there really aren’t great treatments. A vocal group of thalidomide victims has been urging its withdrawal because of what it did to them – which I think is understandable but ultimately nonsensical. People with myeloma are not having babies – half are men and almost all the women are post-menopausal.
@75 Personally, I think they hate being here, and resent the fact their mothers didn’t abort them.
@ 82
The Thalidomide victims in that case are standing on the premise that it is too easy, and in fact very common in the United States for physicians to prescribe chemical drugs off-label. It is done all the time, and it would only be a matter of time before some doctor does it with Thalidomide. The Company that manufactured it was German, and suffered no sanction whatsoever for the incredible harm their product did to people. The company fought for decades to keep its product on the market, and in fact the stuff is still legal in some countries, and is still manufactured by that same company.
I’m not sure that’s true.
Given what’s known about this agent – it’s pretty notorious. Also, it’s WICKED expensive. I think that it’s not something that’s going to be picked up willy-nilly and given to pregnant women.
And again, I totally agree that what happened in the 50s and 60s was a travesty and criminal, and that the pharmaceutical company that shamelessly marketed it should have it’s directors and executives in jail. That does not negate the fact that for older people with incurable bone marrow cancer, it can be a very helpful and effective medicine.
BTW, Pud seems to have taken off, no response to questions or comments about his posts – he left his dump and then ran out the door raving HAHAHAHAHAH…
86 – That’s his style. He said he’d be back for more raving this afternoon.
He will follow through.
Lib Unscientist@66,
First off Puddy doesn’t disappear. Puddy has a good life and we as a FAMILY do things together. Puddy doesn’t live on this blog like you leftist pinheads. Next where did Puddy suggest rendition? You make the ASSUMPTION and you make an ASS out of yourself.
ylb farts like always about someone’s style. Well at least we have a style. You on the other hand sit on your ASS and peruse kook-aid sites all day every day!
Ummm Lib Unscientist… Puddy and family were away in another state far away from TV and other actions. Puddy hasn’t been on the Nets until last night bashing your silly head into your monitor! Puddy read about Avastin last night.
Um, right about here:
Your words.
Puddy is sure the Susan G Komen people love being put in your stupid little box about Avastin!
Still more violent fantasies, eh? What is with you people? You just cannot stop dreaming about physically harming people.
And your point is…what?
What does “put in your stupid little box” even mean?
What did I ever say about Susan Komen Foundation?
Golly Lib Unscientist panties all twisted up. It was you who claimed Puddy was reading the Fox News line on Avastin. Yet the link wasn’t from Fox News. Another stupid comment from Lib Unscientist. Unfortunately for you being wrong is a continual activity. That’s the point front and center! Puddy read the Avastin info and noticed Puddy and the Susan G Komen group fully agreed on Avastin. Yep, if it disagrees with the stupidity of Lib Unscientist then it must be Fox News derived.
Wrong as always. Now how does that monitor feel again Lib Unscientist?
What does that mean Lib Unscientist? The people playing Survivor are whisked away to a secret location. In 2008 the Olympic Torch was whisked away to a secret location to protect it. Or you can join Puddy and Mrs Puddy as we are thinking about doing this again…
Another of your stupid fantasies Lib UnScientist. You’re too stupid to continue to discuss facts!
And now we know Roger Dumb Rabbit never ventured into the ghetto areas of Seattle. It’s Europe who respects half of the human race like Puddy. It’s your ilk who agree Avastin is not for American wimens.
Clay Duke psted his last scream on FaceBook about his favorite sites Media Matters & theprogressivemind.info, V for Vendetta
Clay Duke psted his last scream on FaceBook about his favorite sites Media Matters & the progressive mind. info, and about his favorite movie V for Vendetta
Wrong again, Pudster.
Your Avastin link was to the execrable IBD, and led to nothing more than a right-wing propaganda piece in defense of pharmaceutical company profits.
You also mentioned “death panels” in conjunction with your uninformed ravings about Avastin. Just this week the Republicans in Congress, and the next day Fox News, began braying about death panels again. You dutifully followed along like a good little Teahaddist follower.
This was also clearly pointed out and criticized.
Now you mention:
A poor excuse of the logical failure, appeal to authority. (I suppose it is typical that you would go scurrying behind someone you perceive as unassailable) Neither you nor the good people at the Susan G Komen foundation, which advocates and raises money, are qualified to determine whether a novel biological agent is safe and effective and should be approved for use. That is the FDA’a job – a shining example of government dollars well spent protecting the American people.
Well well well, another chronological failure by Lib Unscientist… at 7:40AM Puddy made the original comment about Susan G. Komen for the cure.
The rest of your scrambled mess above is worthless and useless. Since you failed on your chronology, the rest of your rant makes no sense. there was no appeal to anything. You are an idiot. That’s the point front and center. You continue to prove Puddy’s point each time you post. Thanks for the help. Keep it up. You are Puddy’s best foil! Once again you pull your Roger Dumb Rabbit imitation repeating that IBD lie. Even Wikipedia disagrees with your IBD definition and you still use it. Keep repeating it, it may be true someday in your sad little mind.
The only IBD you have is Inflammatory Bowel Disease with all the crap you post here!
This week the DUMBOCRATS realized there are death panels in the health care bill. One congressional liberal is worried about it. Paul Krugman rightly called them death panels on ABC News in November. Puddy produced this fact and Lib Unscientist just can’t process facts unless it’s from an agreed to leftist kook-aid site. Yet as always Lib Unscientist misses these facts from other locations.
You live on kook-aid, drinking kook-aid, spewing the same kook-aid on HA!
Puddybud are you going to ask me about the “concrete evidence” I have that you’ve repeated Beck bullshit about Soros that you’ve repeated here like a dutiful Beck worshipper-in-chief?
You have not so far as I predicted.
@ 102
Uh, dude, don’t waste your time. Arguing with the mentally ill is just an exercise in frustration. he’s either a paid shill, or a completely deranged individual.
Either way he has yet to demonstrate any capacity for cognizant thought process.
The information Beck provided about Soros has NOT BEEN repudiated by Soros dumb brick ylb. Now why is that? Even your pea brain can figger that out. So where is this “concrete evidence” against Beck?
He’s insane — and not in a good way.
I’m not sure what he gets out of it, but his frantic obsessive-compulsive attention seeking behavior, depersonalization, etc. — really fucked up.
It’s kind of sad, actually.
Once again when zits can’t refute the evidence or various facts, the ad hominem attacks appear.
Nothing useful here your honor. The Prosecution Rests!
I was not talking about Beck. I was talking about YOU and your habit of repeating the bullshit of right wing charalatans like Beck.
As I predicted you will refuse to ask me about the “concrete evidence” I have about this behavior of yours.
Thanks for playing.
Oh my ylb… Puddy is Pavlov and you are the dog. The dog never leads the master, except in your fantasies.
So what is this “bullshit” from Beck you keep screaming about dumb brick ylb? You are the kook-aid drinker. Been proven time and again where you get your useless crap from!
Stupido cabron!
Bullshit, Puddy.
I’ve formulated a number of responses to the numerous mutually inconsistent things Pud has written above – and I’ve come to the conclusion that it is indeed pointless.
Puddy is dishonest and likely also insane.
He occasionally demonstrates some signs of intelligence, but cannot or will not maintain a coherent line of logic, or a consistent focus on a topic so as to have a rational discussion or debate.
He really just drops by, drops his pants and leaves multiple steaming piles of shit.
I’ve personally had enough – this is in no way a concession to Pud – it’s simply impossible to maintain a conversation with anyone so manifestly malignant.
I wonder about the paid shill possibility, or at least a volunteer shill – somebody aiming to disrupt for the sake of disruption.
Perhaps discussion of him in the third person – amongst the sane on the thread – would be somehow constructive.
For example, he raises the issue of Avastin. He typifies a number of problems with American health care here.
For example, he fumes that he would want the best medicine for his wife, should she need it (he could just as likely be a candidate for Avastin, as it is most commonly used for colon cancer, which I don’t believe has a gender predilection). That’s a lovely sentiment, but he errs in assuming that Avastin (or any other really really expensive biologic) is “the best medicine”. The whole point of the FDA decision is one of dispassionately evaluating data looking at large numbers of women with metastatic breast cancer, and seeing that their life spans were not prolonged with this agent.
He also makes the false argument that he’s “siding with the Susan G. Komen Foundation” as if they had any expertise in evaluating novel and complicated cancer therapies. They don’t, and neither does he. They are a fund raising and advocacy organization, and even the quote Puddy uses makes clear that their issue is the “message being sent” by not approving this medication, not that the medication actually works. They, and he, are essentially demanding access to therapies that have not be proven to work, for some reason (they’re the newest and coolest? They’re shilling for the pharmaceutical companies? They’re responding to TV ads? Who knows – but they’re driving up health care costs needlessly by doing so)
His whole rant launched from his claim (a false one, of course, proven so by Media Matters) that the FDA rejected Avastin for metastatic breast cancer because of cost. He was again parroting right wing lies. He backed that up with a link to Investors’ Business Daily – an editorial therein that was naked pharmaceutical industry propaganda.
He really is useless, and I for one am done trying to earnestly engage.
The bullshit is that George Soros is some kind of “puppet-master”. That bullshit is just Beck fear-mongering.
The series aired this past Nov, the week of the eighth,
And YOU swallowed it right on cue on Nov 18!
and here:
Heh. So was Glen Beck “right” as you so stupidly bleated?
Not according to the ADL and other Holocaust survivors:
You’re so effing stupid Puddybud!
@ 109
He’s the same sort of folks that fell in love with the DMSO and Laetrile fads. Such folks insisted that the chemicals worked, but never could show how, or in whom the stuff actually cured of the various cancers that it was pointed at. They could never show a single first-hand example of anyone who was actually cured by these chemicals.
It was all second hand info, all rumor, and in fact when DMSO was proven to induce incredibly toxic effects in people, the fans insisted that it was a conspiracy to keep the new “wonder” drug off the market because it really worked so well that the drug companies were protecting their profits.
What DMSO did, was kill the liver, and shut down its functions completely, while inducing chemical reactions in the fatty tissues that led to a toxic reaction in the skin, people who had been using DMSO were showing up in hospital emergency rooms with hydrogen sulfide, sulfur aldehydes and ketones being excreted through the skin. The patients were coming in literally as toxic waste emitters and they shut down entire floors of hospitals to deal with the stench and the chemicals. The so-called “toxic patients” thing that was happening back in the early 90’s.
People STILL insisted that it couldn’t be DMSO, as it was such an incredible chemical that it would cure almost everything, and the drug companies were trying to cover that up. When DMSO was finally banned, the “toxic patients” disappeared.
To this day there are still people that insist that it is the cure for most cancers and other ailments. I know one personally, and he insists that it was a conspiracy by the drug companies to keep it off the market. But, he also believes in UFOs, the Illuminati, and the secret societies that are really in control of everything. He’ll tell you flat out that the UFO aliens are in control of all of that, and its part of their plan to enslave the human race as a food resource.
Our subject is one such individual methinks.
It’s always the same.
Oh my Lib Unscientist,
Since Puddy was referring to zitz you must be guilty too. Puddy has answered intelligent questions and skipped over the stupid comedy. Your rendition screed was hilarious. You still haven’t answered Puddy on whisked. Then Puddy answered the CO2 spewing fools you love to jockstrap (since this term is difficult for you to understand – support Unscientist support) and you went apeshit. You run to Media Morons, the late Clay Duke’s favrit site. Now why does this fool use Media Morons?
Do you actually understand quality of life issues Lib Unscientist? Apparently you don’t because you can’t figger out what up to another 20 months of life to a young child who knows their mother is dying of cancer means anything. But to Lib Unscientist it’s all about the cost! Puddy can see you’ve never watched a love one die from cancer too young to die. Puddy and Mrs Puddy watched our buddy lose his wife to breast cancer and she was 29 years old fool! 29. The were only married 2.5 years moron. Puddy can see it’s all about the costs to a progressive. Puddy thought that was the argument used by progressives against conservatives. Yep, you are a prima facie fool Lib Unscientist. Europe approved the drug because it gives families extended closure enhancing the dying quality of life.
BTW moron, where did Puddy claim Avastin was the best medicine? It’s another of your moronic projections. Just like your rendition projection commentary. Then you went with some lame Susan G. Komen comment crapola. You continue to make rants of stuff never said by Puddy. More lameness from the lame liberal leftist Lib Unscientist. You should go into comedy because you are not much of a debater. Maybe a master(de)bater!
DMSO deadtoad?
Now you are projecting like the lame Lib Unscientist. The only UFO is the one flying inside that empty neanderthal cranial orifice. Puddy bets you still believe in leech therapy!
@ Spuddy.
Uh, leech therapy does have current applications, and is still used.
Maggots too.
Put that in your medkit and make sure you take the blue one on a full stomach.
Don’t you dare lecture me about caring for the dying you despicable toad.
I’ve seen far too many people die too young, and too many old people not allowed to die peacefully. And lives stunted by chronic illness and robbed of joy by pain and debilitation. I spend every working day with the chronically and critically ill – far too many days and late nights away from my family because another family needed my help.
I don’t have to justify myself to you, you outrageously ignorant fuck.
You don’t begin to understand that which you use as a cudgel against people you call ‘enemy’ – painstaking studies of people dying and drugs tested to help them, hard work of dedicated people, doctors and scientists, people who have promised to first do no harm.
I have no intention of ever engaging you again. I’d reached that point already today with your word salad, with your bad faith posting, with your willful ignorance and willful refusal to engage in open and honest debate. But you went WAY over the line with your most recent taunting post above. You demonstrate unmitigated, sneering gall when you accuse me of not understanding that which I know intimately.
I earned my chops in the Harborview emergency room with the dying and the dead, on the trauma and burn units, in the dialysis unit and on the medicine floors at an institution literally dedicated to taking care of the poorest and most forgotten – the homeless, the incarcerated, the mentally ill, the uninsured and the uninsurable, the mangled bodes from car crashes and the mangled lives of the addicted. I earned my chops at the VA taking care of American veterans, the people you Republicans make a game of turning your backs on, people stalked by voices and violence and war, stunted by addiction and disease and fear. I earned my chops as an intern in the UW ICU, the place where other hospitals in 5 states send the patients they just can’t handle. And I’ve told mothers and husbands and grandkids and fathers that the one they love is gone – way too many times. I’ve spent too many nights and days to count working to exhaustion trying to keep those loved ones alive.
So fuck you, Puddy. You are all about hurting people, taunting and lying and destroying, invading the spaces good people try to create, shattering difficult discussions and debates with puerile and bombastic nastiness. You have absolutely no idea of what you talk about, and you do it with a glib contempt and emotional violence that I hope earns you a place in your hell.
I haven’t got the time to waste engaging a tiny little shriveled mind like yours – so fuck off, Puddy.
Hey Pudds,
Better start packing your shit.
I wish all these wierdos would just do it, and go away. Like the Raelians did. I mean, I thought you folks were all about keeping up with the Joneses. Thats really what your whole belief system is all about.
@112. Paddy can see it’s all about the [medical] costs to a progressive.
Once again, you have it backwards. We leave that to the conservative Arizona death panels.
Puddy, you must be very proud of your fellow tea baggers for being able impose medical death penalties on the poor. Jesus will love you even more now because your party helped save money.
Oh you pooor poor schmuck Lib Unscientist
Oh my then you don’t lecture Puddy about how you agree with the cost decision of Avastin.
First off dude, Puddy witnessed his first MURDER at 3 years old. Puddy still sees it in Puddy’s minds eye today. Puddy remembers the screams of his mother screaming “They killed my baby. They killed my baby”. So don’t get all high and mighty on Puddy. Puddy made a vow to never be in that position and that’s why Puddy doesn’t do drugs.
Oh my… You call Puddy enemy every day here. So what’s your point?
Oh spare Puddy the pity party. So where have you ever stated you are in health care? People have met Puddy at HA Drunken Liberals 5 times! People know what Puddy does. Puddy spends his own money helping the poor and needy every year. People know Puddy makes charity trips to spend time at natural disasters. People know Puddy sends large funds to ADRA to help worldwide victims. You Lib Unscientist hide behind some moniker. So you are in health care. That’s nice. Puddy has seen death and suffering too just not at your level. And Puddy and wife have responded to emergencies, a recent one was our neighbors as we were the first on the scene with all the neighborhood doctors still asleep. So you can lecture all you want but you have no idea where Puddy has been or the miles walked in Puddy’s shoes.
That’s really nice. You claim are a good person. Anyone eve met you at a Drunken Liberals to verify your activities? And it still doesn’t excuse you from your attacks on Puddy on Avastin.
What? If Puddy was into hurting people, why would Puddy show Puddy’s face in a liberal meeting? Puddy spends his money to create. Puddy gave up a big down payment for a winter London and Paris vacation to instead go to Katrina for a week. Any time you want to see the Katrina pictures let Puddy know. Your ilk called progressives are into hurting, destroying and engaging in puerile and bombastic nastiness. You are sadly mistaken so go ahead. Puddy a big guy and it rolls off Puddy’s back.
Hey deadtoad… Where has Puddy ever supported Rapture? Go ahead and ask ylb. The Rapture isn’t Biblical!
Gee, all these putz posts here, and I can’t think of a fucking thing to say because there’s nothing to reply to. Puddy has achieved a scientific breakthrough: A perfect vacuum right here on Earth, inside his cranial cavity.
Why The Right’s Bullshit Health Reform Lawsuits Should Be Tossed
This isn’t a simple explanation, because it’s not a simple topic, so read the whole article.
Hey Roger Dumb Rabbit… The vacuum exists between your two floppy ears. There is no comparison between national defense and health care.
@122: Thanks, RR. Good article.
LS, it’s true Puddybud does not believe in the Rapture, does not agree with the various dispensationalist interpretations of 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17.
However even I, an atheist, have prayed for the Rapture so that God or Jesus or the Angels or whoever can beam this miserable SOB up!
Geez, I take a couple days off and the wingnut insanity is completely unleashed.
You watch murder and torture fantasies like 24 and all that war loving crap on Faux News. You support torture policies. Of course you believe in hurting people. Not to mention all those right wing bullshit websites.
And of course you show up at DL to throw your weight around. Those are the people you most believe should be HURT!
At a DL you sport a cheshire cat grin and have the fantasy of the chatty scatty lady on the National Review cruise:
She STINKS right like you fool!
If you put the Federal Government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there’d be a shortage of sand! Milton Friedman
Why the Republicans should chuck the entier Democrats Health care plan?
Because it is a 10,000 page POS
That’s why!
re 119: “Your ilk called progressives are into hurting, destroying and engaging in puerile and bombastic nastiness. You are sadly mistaken so go ahead. Puddy a big guy and it rolls off Puddy’s back.”
You poor thing. A victim once again.
Greater love hath no man than that he should give up his Paris vacation for a week in Louisiana.
That’s right headless@130. Conservatives are victims of progressive crapola. And working for helpless people is an act of love. Something you’ve never expressed.
Does the dumb brick ylb ever read anything except the kook-aid sites?
No your honor!
The Prosecution Rests!
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c handle:phrase~puddybud,body:phrase~’the prosecution rests’ -C
| count |
| 126 |
1 row in set
Rest indeed. In a freaking COMA since 2005.
awww.. Poor widdle right wingers..