Happy New Year to the HA threadsters. Even the trolls – ’cause you can’t have the wheat if you don’t have the chaff.
And boy, do we get a lot of chaff in here!
@ 1 RR
Thats why you go out as a parent and buy an older beater for their first car. The insurance is cheaper, and they’re gonna bump into a few things anyway. My first car was a VW Bug. it was somewhat thrashed, and I put a 2170 engine and Bus transaxle in it that my parents didn’t know about. Original cost was about $600, the engine and transaxle was another $1500 that I spent myself. Otherwise, it looked like a completely stock VW, right down to the stupid solid steel wheels and hubcaps. But it would beat most Mustangs and Camaros off the line.
I didn’t get my license until I was 18 anyway, as I had a few traffic related offenses on my record by the time I was 15, and wasn’t allowed to. I was rather incautious with my friends mopeds and motorcycles, and rather unobservant to the proximity of the local Gendamerie a few times.
what I love about your blog is that you swear so much. It’s like you’re just being so edgy and creative and it NEVER gets old. OOoohh, cuss words. That’ll show ’em. You’re the SHIT Goldy! FUCK the man!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Republicans are much politer than liberals are. We take out our aggression by swearing, they take out theirs by starting wars and killing hundreds of thousands of people.
Politically Incorrectspews:
A way to save auto insurance on your teenager is to put your daughter into the biggest, gas-guzzling POS you can find. Carry only the liability portion of the insurance, of course. If she wrecks the damn thing, so what? All you’ve got to worry about are any potential victims in an at-fault accident and their lawyers.
Oh yeah, make sure she’s got medical insurance of her own.
harry poonspews:
Re 6: — Right-on fuck twat asswipe doody head!
And cutting them off of unemployment and food stamps, all the while talking about how much they give to charity, never mind that most of that charity is given to their kids private school and the like, not to help the poor and starving.
Well fuck, we can’t even get though the first of the year without a cop getting shot and killed. When this all plays out how much you wanna bet it starts out with a mentally unstable guy with no doc, no meds, no therapy, and a gun.
re 8: Yes. In college I drove a Polar White 1961 Chevy Nomad station wagon with a red cloth interior that had been protected for decades with heavy plastic over all, ‘posi-traction, with a 350 cu ” engine with four barrel carburation and a strong-ass AM radio.
Alice Cooper
never sounded so good.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh headless lurch hairy poon lucy,
Only you use doody head along with your alter egos like Duncan Renaldo. Puddy called you on that one years ago!
22. headless lucy spews:
re 9: You can call someone who is a good American a brownshirt, but you have scruples about actually writing the term ’shithead’.
I take it back. You are a lint-brained doody-head. Feel free to use it any time you wish.
08/26/2009 at 4:42 pm
As a father of four, despite my political differences, I wish you all the luck and grace I can for your third resolution – it isn’t easy as you already know.
Oh and I’m with on the first one too. As for #2, I’m not sure there are any significant votes this year, are there?
@ 14
Its true. As much as I loathe Ron Paul he does make many good points. We could do worse than have him as Chairman of the Fed. He’s a pure Randroid, and a white supremacist, but he isn’t an asshole all the time like much of the rest of Congress.
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
Deathfrogg where do you get the idea he is a white supremacist?
@ 17
Uhh, David Duke has been his campaign manager, he regularly hires “consultants” from organizations like the CCC and even Stormfront and has posted on their forums under a nomme’ de guerre. He has a lot of support amongst that crowd.
They know who he wants to be.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
WHat deadtoad won’t say Bluecollar Libertarian is their data is from Daily Kooks. He’s a big anti-war nut like most HA liberals.
Only a psychotic would claim to be the opposite of that.
harry poonspews:
re 13: Wrong again, poopy pants!! I was Leo Carrillo.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Can you place a reputable link of David Duke being Ron Paul’s campaign manager?
We’ll wait…
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Leo Carrillo headless lucy,
No results on horsesass.org.
No deal!
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
re 18, Deathfrogg I don’t think David Duke was ever Ron Paul’s campaign manager. Can you provide us with info showing Duke to have been Paul’s campaign manager?
How about fundraiser held by Don Black The owner of Stormfront.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
David Duke has been his campaign manager
Still waiting…
Reminds Puddy of Bristol Palin was Trigg’s mother on Daily Kooks, then later removed when it was discredited by the lamestream media!
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
re 23 Deathfrogg I listened to that Yahoo piece and I did not hear Duke say that he was Paul’s campaign manager. can you tell about where that statement is in the piece?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “big anti-war nut like most HA liberals”
So? What’s wrong with that? Is there something good about war? That people should be for it? Do you like being given a license to kill people you don’t know? How about raping foreign women? Do you get off on that? You’re a sick bastard, putz.
I see finding a job was strangely omitted from your resolutions Goldy. I know I’m oh-so shocked.
Happy New Years!
I solemnly resolve to help all you sad, hapless, mostly unemployed flaming liberals celebrate in 20 days!
BrainBotoxed-Incoherent-MyMouthDoesn’t Move-Jumpin’-YouHaveToReadItToKnowWhat’sInIt-RidinOnHerHusbandsBillions-SanFranGranNan – worst congress in recorded history… yep a woman that makes me less proud to be one.
Yep, we told you we’d be back to clean up the mess.
How’s that hope n change n permanent majority workin’ out for you?
Get your Gitmo?
Get your terrorist trials?
Get your tax increase?
How’s that most ethical congress in history ‘going to clean house’ thingie going?
Now it’s on to “Governing is hard” Vacation Bambi, the single most incompetent two faced flipper in history – hell’s bells he almost makes the original flip-flopper looks like a full pair of sandals.
35 – Heh. Rove said more or less he’d get a second term. His approval remains fair to middlin and higher than many Republicans at this point in the term.
The antics of the next House will almost certainly drive their approval to the single digits.
Yep, it’s still there if I catch your meaning. And to right wing approval right?
Get your terrorist trials?
Yep, in dribs and drabs. If he tanks you can execute them without trial. After all why the expense? Kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out. Will you thank Obama for that?
Get your tax increase?
Nope, to right wing approval right?
How’s that most ethical congress in history ‘going to clean house’ thingie going?
You mean Charlie Rangel wasn’t enough for you? Well I suppose the Orange Man will railroad some more Dems for your entertainment on Faux News..
C’ya road rage!
proud leftistspews:
Ass @ 35: “Sit back & shut up; the grownups have work to do.”
Oh, please keep it coming, girl, I should have to pay for humor of that quality.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Several million Republican coupon clippers omitted it from their resolution list, too, so why can’t Goldy? Why should Republicans have a monopoly on omitted resolutions? Republicans want a monopoly on everyfuckingthing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Can anybody figure out what this guy said?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 You’d think they’d be happy that Obama turned out to be a Bush third term. The only reason I can figure out is they don’t like his skin color.
proud leftistspews:
Rs are petulant children. They want their way, and they want it all the time. The entertaining prospect for the next two years will be to watch them throw shit fits, then bombs at each other, as they start to recognize that they want different things amongst themselves. I really don’t think the Rs are a longterm viable party, despite the November election.
Your poseur never wanted to actually BE president (“Governing is hard”), he just wanted to WIN the election. Hence we’re left with an incompetent flip flopping liar of a “Governing is hard” Vacation Barbie … er, Bambi.
*Government’s broader unemployment measure still at 17% here, here, and/or here
Way to go “Governing is hard” Vacation Barbie … er, Bambi.
“By November 2010, all the above vanished in a blink. Furor followed from the Left that Obama was not a Great Stone Face savior, that the tea party was all too real, that the conservatives were back, and that liberalism had suffered its worst electoral defeat since 1938. How can all this be? Whom to blame?”
When she turns 16 and gets her driver’s license, you’ll never see your car again, only the payments and insurance bills.
Must be Football Day. All’s quiet in Blogistan and across the Blogisphere.
Happy New Year!
@2 Puddy doesn’t watch football. He’s keeping himself busy by shitting in the preceding thread.
Happy New Year to the HA threadsters. Even the trolls – ’cause you can’t have the wheat if you don’t have the chaff.
And boy, do we get a lot of chaff in here!
@ 1 RR
Thats why you go out as a parent and buy an older beater for their first car. The insurance is cheaper, and they’re gonna bump into a few things anyway. My first car was a VW Bug. it was somewhat thrashed, and I put a 2170 engine and Bus transaxle in it that my parents didn’t know about. Original cost was about $600, the engine and transaxle was another $1500 that I spent myself. Otherwise, it looked like a completely stock VW, right down to the stupid solid steel wheels and hubcaps. But it would beat most Mustangs and Camaros off the line.
I didn’t get my license until I was 18 anyway, as I had a few traffic related offenses on my record by the time I was 15, and wasn’t allowed to. I was rather incautious with my friends mopeds and motorcycles, and rather unobservant to the proximity of the local Gendamerie a few times.
what I love about your blog is that you swear so much. It’s like you’re just being so edgy and creative and it NEVER gets old. OOoohh, cuss words. That’ll show ’em. You’re the SHIT Goldy! FUCK the man!
@6 Republicans are much politer than liberals are. We take out our aggression by swearing, they take out theirs by starting wars and killing hundreds of thousands of people.
A way to save auto insurance on your teenager is to put your daughter into the biggest, gas-guzzling POS you can find. Carry only the liability portion of the insurance, of course. If she wrecks the damn thing, so what? All you’ve got to worry about are any potential victims in an at-fault accident and their lawyers.
Oh yeah, make sure she’s got medical insurance of her own.
Re 6: — Right-on fuck twat asswipe doody head!
And cutting them off of unemployment and food stamps, all the while talking about how much they give to charity, never mind that most of that charity is given to their kids private school and the like, not to help the poor and starving.
Well fuck, we can’t even get though the first of the year without a cop getting shot and killed. When this all plays out how much you wanna bet it starts out with a mentally unstable guy with no doc, no meds, no therapy, and a gun.
re 8: Yes. In college I drove a Polar White 1961 Chevy Nomad station wagon with a red cloth interior that had been protected for decades with heavy plastic over all, ‘posi-traction, with a 350 cu ” engine with four barrel carburation and a strong-ass AM radio.
Oh headless lurch hairy poon lucy,
Only you use doody head along with your alter egos like Duncan Renaldo. Puddy called you on that one years ago!
22. headless lucy spews:
re 9: You can call someone who is a good American a brownshirt, but you have scruples about actually writing the term ’shithead’.
I take it back. You are a lint-brained doody-head. Feel free to use it any time you wish.
08/26/2009 at 4:42 pm
true or false?
As a father of four, despite my political differences, I wish you all the luck and grace I can for your third resolution – it isn’t easy as you already know.
Oh and I’m with on the first one too. As for #2, I’m not sure there are any significant votes this year, are there?
@ 14
Its true. As much as I loathe Ron Paul he does make many good points. We could do worse than have him as Chairman of the Fed. He’s a pure Randroid, and a white supremacist, but he isn’t an asshole all the time like much of the rest of Congress.
Deathfrogg where do you get the idea he is a white supremacist?
@ 17
Uhh, David Duke has been his campaign manager, he regularly hires “consultants” from organizations like the CCC and even Stormfront and has posted on their forums under a nomme’ de guerre. He has a lot of support amongst that crowd.
They know who he wants to be.
WHat deadtoad won’t say Bluecollar Libertarian is their data is from Daily Kooks. He’s a big anti-war nut like most HA liberals.
Now this is how to get a bag tax done: http://www.whatisworking.com/2......html#more
@ Puddy
Only a psychotic would claim to be the opposite of that.
re 13: Wrong again, poopy pants!! I was Leo Carrillo.
Can you place a reputable link of David Duke being Ron Paul’s campaign manager?
We’ll wait…
Leo Carrillo headless lucy,
No results on horsesass.org.
No deal!
re 18, Deathfrogg I don’t think David Duke was ever Ron Paul’s campaign manager. Can you provide us with info showing Duke to have been Paul’s campaign manager?
@ 23
His own words of support.
How about fundraiser held by Don Black The owner of Stormfront.
Still waiting…
Reminds Puddy of Bristol Palin was Trigg’s mother on Daily Kooks, then later removed when it was discredited by the lamestream media!
re 23 Deathfrogg I listened to that Yahoo piece and I did not hear Duke say that he was Paul’s campaign manager. can you tell about where that statement is in the piece?
@19 “big anti-war nut like most HA liberals”
So? What’s wrong with that? Is there something good about war? That people should be for it? Do you like being given a license to kill people you don’t know? How about raping foreign women? Do you get off on that? You’re a sick bastard, putz.
I see finding a job was strangely omitted from your resolutions Goldy. I know I’m oh-so shocked.
Happy New Years!
I solemnly resolve to help all you sad, hapless, mostly unemployed flaming liberals celebrate in 20 days!
Oh Wait!
I forgot!
I solemnly resolve to help all you sad, hapless, mostly unemployed flaming liberals celebrate in 13 hours 41 min and 45 seconds (or so depending on when you liberal wake up)!
Double Cheers!
Oh my! Poor ProudAss. A San Fran liberal-leaning WOMAN had the Speaker’s gavel since 2007. That must have been so hair-pulling for you.
Now a orange tinted golf addict gets it. That must be such a comfort to a right wing rage addict.
Who you for in 2012 PA? Newtie?? (*rolls eyes*)
Comment deleted.
BrainBotoxed-Incoherent-MyMouthDoesn’t Move-Jumpin’-YouHaveToReadItToKnowWhat’sInIt-RidinOnHerHusbandsBillions-SanFranGranNan – worst congress in recorded history… yep a woman that makes me less proud to be one.
Yep, we told you we’d be back to clean up the mess.
How’s that hope n change n permanent majority workin’ out for you?
Get your Gitmo?
Get your terrorist trials?
Get your tax increase?
How’s that most ethical congress in history ‘going to clean house’ thingie going?
Now it’s on to “Governing is hard” Vacation Bambi, the single most incompetent two faced flipper in history – hell’s bells he almost makes the original flip-flopper looks like a full pair of sandals.
Poor Vacation Bambi … wants to be a Bush.
Sit back & shut up; the grownups have work to do.
35 – Heh. Rove said more or less he’d get a second term. His approval remains fair to middlin and higher than many Republicans at this point in the term.
The antics of the next House will almost certainly drive their approval to the single digits.
Pop goes another vein!
Yep, it’s still there if I catch your meaning. And to right wing approval right?
Yep, in dribs and drabs. If he tanks you can execute them without trial. After all why the expense? Kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out. Will you thank Obama for that?
Nope, to right wing approval right?
You mean Charlie Rangel wasn’t enough for you? Well I suppose the Orange Man will railroad some more Dems for your entertainment on Faux News..
C’ya road rage!
Ass @ 35: “Sit back & shut up; the grownups have work to do.”
Oh, please keep it coming, girl, I should have to pay for humor of that quality.
@30 Several million Republican coupon clippers omitted it from their resolution list, too, so why can’t Goldy? Why should Republicans have a monopoly on omitted resolutions? Republicans want a monopoly on everyfuckingthing.
@35 Can anybody figure out what this guy said?
@37 You’d think they’d be happy that Obama turned out to be a Bush third term. The only reason I can figure out is they don’t like his skin color.
Rs are petulant children. They want their way, and they want it all the time. The entertaining prospect for the next two years will be to watch them throw shit fits, then bombs at each other, as they start to recognize that they want different things amongst themselves. I really don’t think the Rs are a longterm viable party, despite the November election.
Better petulant than incompetent.
“Governing is hard” says Vacation Barbie… er, Bambi
Unemployment Rates:
-January 8 2010: 10 percent.
-December 3, 2010: 9.8 percent*
National Debt in 2010: Up $1.56-trillion
-January 1, 2010: $12.311-trillion
-December 28, 2010: $13.871-trillion
Vacation trips:
-6 (all or part of 32 days)
-Since taking office: 10 spanning 58 days
-29 rounds in 2010
-Since taking office: 57 rounds.
-20 basketball outings.
-Since taking office: 28
Your poseur never wanted to actually BE president (“Governing is hard”), he just wanted to WIN the election. Hence we’re left with an incompetent flip flopping liar of a “Governing is hard” Vacation Barbie … er, Bambi.
*Government’s broader unemployment measure still at 17%
here, here, and/or here
Way to go “Governing is hard” Vacation Barbie … er, Bambi.
43 – And a drunk golf addict to boot!
National debt increased 60% under Speaker Pelosi
“Good riddance Speaker Pelosi”
“By January 2009, I was reading brilliant new books promising an end to conservatism, a new 50-year-old liberal ascendancy, the final triumph of John Maynard Keynes, and of course the apotheosis of the omnipresent “god” Barack Obama. By May 2009 we were lectured that the nascent tea party was an Astroturf fake movement, then a racist dangerous movement with Nazi undertones, and then a splinter nihilist know-nothing movement without political consequences.”
“By November 2010, all the above vanished in a blink. Furor followed from the Left that Obama was not a Great Stone Face savior, that the tea party was all too real, that the conservatives were back, and that liberalism had suffered its worst electoral defeat since 1938. How can all this be? Whom to blame?”
Presidentin’ iz tuff. Governing is hard says Vacation Bambi
And just to harrass you asses:
Ratings Are In For 2010: Fox Completely Dominates Cable News
…another bone-stupid comment from a sock-puppet…hmmmm…which one? Sniff, sniff…I don’t know, they all stink the same.
Refute even one point the articles made. I dare you, dumbASS.
Or is all you have knee jerk invective?